Interesting facts about the Snow Maiden for children. Unknown Snow Maiden - interesting facts about the granddaughter of Father Frost. What is she like - Snow Maiden

Inherently New Year, besides Santa Claus, is his main assistant and children's favorite - Snow Maiden. All children of the Soviet and post-Soviet space know who she is, but not many know where she came from and who invented her.

Image Snow Maidens unique to our culture. In the New Year and Christmas mythology of other peoples of the world there are no female characters. Her image is not recorded in folk rituals, but in folklore she appears as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life.

In 1867, tales of Snow Maiden have been researched Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev in the second volume of his work "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature."

In 1873 Ostrovsky, influenced by fairy tales Afanasyeva, wrote a play "Snow Maiden", in which main character appeared as a daughter Santa Claus And Vesny-Krasny, who dies during summer ritual worship of the sun god Yarily.

Mine modern look she received in 1935 in Soviet Union, after the official permission of the celebration New Year.

The Snow Maiden was first seen by children “live” in 1937, when Father Frost And Snow Maiden appeared together at the Christmas tree celebration in the Moscow House of Unions.

Some interesting facts about Snow Maiden: first for everyone New Year's cards granddaughter Santa Claus was depicted as a little girl, but later began to be represented as a girl.

For film "Snow Maiden"(1968) by the river Measure an entire “Village of Berendeys” was built. The choice of location was not accidental - in these parts, in Shchelykovo, Ostrovsky wrote his play. After filming was completed, the wooden sets were moved under Kostroma where the park originated "Berendeyevka". Besides this, there is now "The Snow Maiden's Tower", in which that all year round receives guests.

In 2009, the birthday was officially celebrated for the first time Snow Maidens, which they decided to consider the night from April 4th to 5th. This does not correspond to the plot of the fairy tale in which she is born in winter. However, according to the organizers' explanations: “The Snow Maiden’s father is Father Frost, and her mother is Spring, and therefore her birthday is in the spring.”.

In 2010, he came to his granddaughter’s birthday Father Frost from his residence to Veliky Ustyug, officially confirming the status of Kostroma as the main residence of his companion and assistant.

There are many shortcomings and contradictions in this story, but this does not make the winter heroine any less desirable as a New Year's character. All children are waiting for a visit Santa Claus And Snow Maiden to read the New Year's verse and rejoice at the gift received.


From the history of New Year celebrations

The history of New Year celebrations in our country has not been easy. For the first time the Russians met New Year in European style, in 1700 in the depths of winter, and this holiday quickly became a tradition. Every New Year, Tsar Peter came up with new fun, for example, in 1722 he organized the first masquerade. New Year's carnivals also quickly caught on.

Under Peter I it was impossible to avoid the fun. Anyone who did not show up to the masquerade on the pretext of illness was examined by doctors. And if a simulation was discovered, a “fine” was imposed on the guilty party - he had to drink a huge glass of vodka in front of everyone.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna continued the traditions of entertainment, but in a more civilized form. She organized luxurious New Year's parties, to which she invited up to 15 thousand guests. They celebrated on no less a grand scale under Catherine II, but here the “belly holidays” came to the fore: they were postponed for the New Year best products and set the best table.

Until 1852, the tree decorated with toys stood only in the palace and houses of the St. Petersburg Germans, until Nicholas I ordered it to be displayed on the square in front of the station. The Germans also taught the Russians how to decorate a Christmas tree: in the 40s of the 19th century, St. Petersburg confectioners organized the mass sale of small Christmas trees with candles and sweets pre-attached to them - to end of the 19th century centuries, Christmas trees have been standing all over Russia, even in village huts! At the same time, the custom of celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne spread.

In 1914 the tsar announced christmas tree"an enemy, German undertaking." And only Lenin rehabilitated her: on December 31, 1917, “proletarian” Christmas trees were lit in all areas of Petrograd for the children of workers. True, the Christmas star on the top of the head was replaced by a red, five-pointed one.

However, famine was already beginning in the country. Soon Lenin banned the Christmas tree again, and only in 1935 was it rehabilitated by Stalin. Since 1947, January 1 has become not a children's holiday, but an official “red day of the calendar.”

And now we are finishing the final preparations for the holiday. New Year trees are already sparkling with cheerful lights in the apartments, elegant toilets and masquerade costumes have been prepared, they are waiting for their time to be roasted, compiled New Year's menu and funny things were invented for New Year's Eve. There is very little left to do - get ready for fun and forget your worries at least for a while. Let the holiday really be a holiday!


History of the New Year tree

It’s hard to imagine New Year and Christmas without a Christmas tree, artificial or real. You may not have an artificial Christmas tree, but spruce branches must be mandatory. The peculiar spruce smell fills your home with New Year's freshness and adds strength. How did the custom of decorating houses with fir branches originate?

In the distant past, people simply decorated trees. It was believed that all trees were endowed with good powers, that they lived good spirits. And, hanging New Year's decorations on the trees: treats, gifts, they tried to appease these spirits. Trees were often decorated with apples (a symbol of fertility), nuts (the incomprehensibility of divine providence), eggs (a symbol of developing life, harmony and complete well-being).

The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree goes back over 2000 years. The evergreen spruce occupied a special place among all trees. She was the sacred center, the “world tree,” symbolizing life itself and a new rebirth from darkness and gloom. Many people believe that the evergreen spruce is the heavenly tree of immortality; burning candles or lights - human souls, and decorations are symbolic sacrifices.

There are dozens of legends and traditions dedicated to the New Year tree.

Here is one of the most famous and beautiful legends about the Christmas tree.

“The holy solemn night descended to earth, bringing with it great joy to people. In Bethlehem, in a wretched cave, the Savior of the world was born. Listening to the songs of the angels, the shepherds praise and thank God; following guiding star Magi rush from the distant east to worship the Divine Child. And not only people, but also the trees overshadowing the cave, and the meadow flowers dappling around - everyone in their own way takes part in the great celebration. They sway joyfully, as if worshiping the Divine Infant, and in the jubilant rustle of leaves, in the whisper of grass, an expression of reverence for the miracle that has happened can be heard. Everyone wants to see the born Savior: trees and bushes stretch out their branches, flowers raise their heads, trying to look inside the cave, which has now turned into a sacred temple.

Happier than the others are the three trees standing at the very entrance to the cave: they can clearly see the manger and the Baby resting in it, surrounded by a host of angels. This is a slender palm tree, a beautiful fragrant olive and a modest green fir tree. The rustling of their branches becomes more and more joyful, more and more animated, and suddenly the words are clearly heard in it:

“Let’s go and worship the Divine Infant and offer Him our gifts,” said the palm tree, turning to the olive tree.

- Take me with you too! – the modest Christmas tree said timidly.

- Where are you going with us? “The palm tree answered proudly, looking at the tree with a contemptuous look.

“And what gifts can you offer to the Divine Child,” added the olive tree, “what do you have?” Just prickly needles and nasty sticky resin!

The poor tree remained silent and humbly stepped back, not daring to enter the cave that shone with heavenly light.

But the angel heard the conversation of the trees, saw the pride of the palm and olive and the modesty of the fir tree; he felt sorry for her, and out of his angelic kindness he wanted to help her.

The magnificent palm tree bent over the Baby and laid down the best leaf of its luxurious crown in front of him.

“Let it bring coolness to You on a hot day,” she said, and the olive tree bent its branches. Fragrant oil dripped from them, and the whole cave was filled with fragrance.

The New Year tree looked at this with sadness, but without envy.

“They are right,” she thought, “how can I compare with them! I'm so poor. Insignificant one, am I worthy to approach the Divine Child?

But the angel said to her:

“In your modesty you humiliate yourself, dear Christmas tree, but I will exalt you and decorate you better than your sisters!”

And the angel looked up to heaven.

And the dark sky was dotted with sparkling stars. The angel made a sign, and one star after another began to roll down to the ground, right onto the green branches of the tree, and soon it all shone with brilliant lights. And when Divine Child When he woke up, it was not the fragrance in the cave, not the luxurious fan of palm trees that attracted his attention, but the shining Christmas tree. He looked at her and smiled at her and extended his arms to her.

The tree rejoiced, but did not become proud, and with its radiance tried to illuminate the ashamed ones standing in the shadow of the olive and palm trees. She paid for evil with good.

And the angel saw this and said:

“You are a good tree, dear Christmas tree, and for this you will be rewarded.” Every year at this time you, as now, will show off in the radiance of many lights, and children and adults will, looking at you, rejoice and have fun. And you, modest green tree, will become a sign of a merry Christmas holiday.”

The custom of decorating the New Year tree came from Germany.

There is even a legend about one boy. His name was Martin Luther, who, on Christmas Eve in 1513, was amazed by the beauty of the snowflakes sparkling on the Christmas tree, looking like celestial stars, brought home a Christmas tree and decorated it with candles. The Germans liked this custom so much that they extended it to other countries they entered.

In the beginning, in Russia, not entire trees were decorated, but only spruce branches. This custom appeared thanks to Peter I. In Peter’s decree it was written: “...On large and well-traveled streets, noble people and at houses of special spiritual and secular rank in front of the gates should make some New Year’s decorations from trees and branches of pine and juniper... and for poor people, at least a tree for each or put a branch on the gate or over your temple...” In the 30s of the 19th century, Christmas trees were put up for the holiday only in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans. And Christmas trees were put up publicly in the capital only in 1852. By the end of the 19th century, Christmas trees became the main New Year's decoration both city and village houses in the 20th century were inseparable from the winter holidays until 1918, when, due to the affiliation of the decorated Christmas tree with Christmas (that is, the religion of the church), it was banned for as long as 17 years (until 1935). It was only in 1949 that January 1 became a non-working day. So putting Christmas trees in houses is not such an ancient invention as it might seem. In Rus', he is 60-65 years old (no more).

Nowadays, not a single Christmas holiday can be imagined without a New Year tree, richly and brightly decorated.

Today, artificial trees have become widespread, they brighten up the house no less than natural ones and help preserve nature.

“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been, tell me, dear, how are you?” - every child in Russia knows this song from the cradle. But how the Snow Maiden appeared, what she is needed for, and whether there are analogues of our snowy beauty, few people know..

Pagan origins

It is impossible to say exactly where and when the Snow Maiden was invented. Her image was first recorded in folklore in the 19th century, but in folk rituals she did not appear then. It is believed that the origins of the image of the snowy beauty come from the pre-Christian mythology of the Slavs - indeed, the revived ice figure refers us to pagan beliefs, which tended to deify nature. In addition, in ancient northern legends there were often stories about a young girl molded from snow.

In ancient legends there are stories about a girl made of snow

With the beginning of spring, she goes alone into the forest with her friends, jumps over the fire and melts. The version is quite plausible: in those days, the belief that “seasonal” spirits die with the change of seasons was very popular. It is interesting that in those days the Snow Maiden was more likely considered the daughter of the deity Frost. At what point their family ties changed is unknown.

Tales of the Snow Maiden

IN folk tale The Snow Maiden has nothing to do with Santa Claus. In 1869, folklorist Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev published a two-volume work, “Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature,” in which the Snow Maiden (in another version, Snow Maiden) appears. A childless old man and old woman sculpt themselves a daughter - the Snow Maiden. She comes to life and becomes a real little girl. Similar tale Dahl also has it, and in the middle of the 20th century the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden was written down in Bashkiria.

In the folk tale, the Snow Maiden has nothing to do with Santa Claus

True, the end of the fairy tale is a little frightening: the neighboring girls call the Snow Maiden to the forest to pick berries, where out of envy they kill her, bury her and fasten her with a twig. In the village they say that the Snow Maiden is lost. But one young man cuts a twig from the grave of a snow girl and makes a pipe out of it. When someone plays it, the pipe itself begins to sing about how the evil girls lured and killed the Snow Maiden. One of the girls receives this pipe, but refuses to play: she throws it on the ground, the pipe breaks, and a living Snow Maiden appears from it.

Snow Maiden from a fairy tale

Image of Kostroma

According to one version, the prototype of the Snow Maiden was the ancient Slavic deity Kostroma. She was considered the patroness of harvest and fertility. At the end of spring, “green Christmastide” was celebrated - farewell to spring and greeting to summer.

In one version of the fairy tale, the Snow Maiden dies jumping over a fire.

Kostroma was always played by a young girl in a white outfit (the traditional color of the Snow Maiden), sometimes the rituals took the form of a funeral. It is interesting that in one version of the fairy tale, the Snow Maiden dies jumping over a fire - Kostroma is sometimes represented as a straw doll, burned at the end of spring on a fire.

Kostroma and her brother Kupala

Snow Maiden at Ostrovsky's

The Snow Maiden gained real fame thanks to Ostrovsky, who wrote based on Slavic fairy tales play. In it, Snegurochka, the daughter of Frost and Spring, becomes more humane. It is not the fire that destroys her, but the love that Yarilo the Sun kindled in her heart. First theatrical production was not successful, but the opera written by Rimsky-Korsakov became truly famous. In 1968, the fairy tale was filmed.

Snow Maiden at the opera

Foreign Snow Maidens

The Snow Maiden is not at all a unique phenomenon, as many people think. The Snow Girl (namely girls, only in XXcentury, the granddaughter of Santa Claus “has matured”) there are analogues in other countries. Many variations of the Snow Maiden can be found in the countries of the former Soviet republics. For example, the Azerbaijani Santa Claus named Shakhta Baba is accompanied by a girl Garagyz. In Armenia, Dzyunanushik helps an old man with gifts (Dzmer Papi). In Uzbekistan, local Father Frost Korbobo wears a robe and rides a donkey, accompanied by Korgyz.

The Snow Maiden on old postcards was a little girl

There are Snow Maidens a little further away. In Mongolia, Father Frost Ulin Uvgun has an assistant, Zazan Okhin. The boy Shin Zhil always walks next to them, symbolizing the New Year. In Bulgaria, the snow girl’s name is simply Snezhanka. And in Sweden, the Snow Maiden has a “sister” Lucia, in whose honor the residents of the country even have a special holiday.

In Sweden, the Snow Maiden has a “sister” Lucia

Lucia's interesting story. It is believed that her name is associated with Saint Lucia, a martyr who died for her faith in Christ. According to a common version, Lucia lived in the Middle Ages and was married to a fisherman. One day her husband sailed out to sea, but a storm arose and the devils extinguished the lighthouse. Then Lucia went out onto the rock with a lantern to light the way for the fisherman. But the evil devils attacked her and cut off her head. According to legend, the ghost of a girl continued to stand on the rock all night with a lantern in her hand.

Lucia in Sweden often wears a wreath decorated with candles

There is no Snow Maiden in Italy, but the oldest “relative” of our snowy beauty lives here. Her name is the fairy Befana, and she brings gifts to Italian children. This old lady flies into the chimney on her broom and puts toys in children's socks. Bad children get coals, which actually turn out to be just round candies that color the tongue. It is believed that the fairy flies around the world in search of the infant Christ, to whom she wants to give his gift. In addition, Befana is very economical: if she likes it in the house, she can even clean it. And the old fairy prefers oranges among delicacies us and wine.

Ekaterina Astafieva

There is very little time left until the New Year, which means more gifts, champagne, tangerines, Olivier salad and, of course, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. We know a lot about Father Frost, even that his residence is located in the city of Veliky Ustyug, where new year holidays you can go on a visit or write a letter. But there is much less information about his granddaughter Snegurochka.

It turns out that the Snow Maiden’s homeland is the village of Shchelykovo, located in the Kostroma region. It was here that the estate of the famous Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky was located, in which he, based on folk legends, wrote the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. You can visit the Snow Maiden's tower throughout the year. Guests are greeted by the hostess herself and personally given a tour of her property.

True, in Ostrovsky’s work the Snow Maiden is not a granddaughter, but the daughter of Father Frost. For a long time, the Snow Maiden was represented as a little girl of 5-7 years old. But everything changed in Soviet era. Since 1935, New Year celebrations were resumed in the country, and in 1937, a granddaughter, and already quite an adult girl, appeared with Father Frost at the holiday in the House of Unions. Since the fifties, scripts for Kremlin Christmas trees have been written by Lev Kassil and Sergei Mikhalkov.

In them, the Snow Maiden was already an indispensable character. It should be noted that the Abramtsevo estate, not far from city ​​near Moscow Sergiev Posad. Once upon a time, the owner of this estate was the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Morozov. It was here that the artist Vasnetsov painted his painting “The Snow Maiden”, and one of Morozov’s daughters posed for him. In 1968, on the centenary of the birth of playwright A. N. Ostrovsky, filming of the full-length film began feature film"Snow Maiden".

The decorators did a great job: an entire village was built in the vicinity of the village of Shchelykovo. Since 2009, Snegurochka even began to celebrate her birthday. It is difficult to say from what sources, but it was established that the heroine of the New Year holidays was born on the night of April 4-5. For many years The role of Father Frost at the Kremlin Christmas trees was played by actor Roman Filippov, and the Snow Maiden was played by Nadezhda Karpukhina.

In the era of the USSR, actors who had the opportunity to work at the main children's matinee of the country were carefully checked not only by directors, but also by the relevant authorities: after all, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the top officials of the state came to this holiday. The Snow Maiden can be considered our national treasure. In many countries around the world, a kind character comes to congratulate children on the holiday: Santa Claus, Joulupukki, Uncle Koleda, and so on. But only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter (or daughter).

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There is very little time left until the New Year, which means more gifts, champagne, tangerines, Olivier salad and, of course, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. We know a lot about Father Frost, even that his residence is located in the city of Veliky Ustyug, where you can visit or write a letter during the New Year holidays. But there is much less information about his granddaughter Snegurochka.

It turns out that the Snow Maiden’s homeland is the village of Shchelykovo, located in the Kostroma region. It was here that the estate of the famous Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky was located, in which, based on folk legends, he wrote the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. You can visit the Snow Maiden's tower throughout the year. Guests are greeted by the hostess herself and personally given a tour of her property.

True, in Ostrovsky’s work the Snow Maiden is not a granddaughter, but the daughter of Father Frost. For a long time, the Snow Maiden was represented as a little girl of 5-7 years old. But everything changed during the Soviet era. Since 1935, New Year celebrations were resumed in the country, and in 1937, a granddaughter, and already quite an adult girl, appeared with Father Frost at the holiday in the House of Unions. Since the fifties, scripts for Kremlin Christmas trees have been written by Lev Kassil and Sergei Mikhalkov.

In them, the Snow Maiden was already an indispensable character. It should be noted that the Abramtsevo estate, not far from the town of Sergiev Posad near Moscow, is sometimes called the birthplace of the Snow Maiden. Once upon a time, the owner of this estate was the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Morozov. It was here that the artist Vasnetsov painted his painting “The Snow Maiden”, and one of Morozov’s daughters posed for him. In 1968, on the centenary of the birth of playwright A. N. Ostrovsky, filming of the full-length feature film “The Snow Maiden” began.

The decorators did a great job: an entire village was built in the vicinity of the village of Shchelykovo. Since 2009, Snegurochka even began to celebrate her birthday. It is difficult to say from what sources, but it was established that the heroine of the New Year holidays was born on the night of April 4-5. For many years, the role of Father Frost at the Kremlin Christmas trees was played by actor Roman Filippov, and the Snow Maiden by Nadezhda Karpukhina.

In the era of the USSR, actors who had the opportunity to work at the main children's matinee of the country were carefully checked not only by directors, but also by the relevant authorities: after all, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the top officials of the state came to this holiday. The Snow Maiden can be considered our national treasure. In many countries around the world, a kind character comes to congratulate children on the holiday: Santa Claus, Joulupukki, Uncle Koleda, and so on. But only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter (or daughter).

New Year is always associated with beautiful Christmas tree, the arrival of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and gifts.

Much is known about Father Frost, for example, that he comes from Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region. Lives in a fabulous large mansion. Father Frost's birthday is November 18th. There is no exact information about its age, but it is known for certain that it is more than 2000 years old. From November 18, frosts hit Veliky Ustyug, and winter is already fully coming into its own.

On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus arrives on three horses and makes children's dreams come true. But the Snow Maiden, who travels with him, is the most famous and at the same time the most mysterious girl Russia.

Legend has it that the birthplace Snow Maidens - Berendeevo kingdom in the Kostroma region. In the Yaroslavl province, which borders the Kostroma region, there is the village of Berendeyevka. According to legend, this is where the Snow Maiden lives. About her age says that she is always sixteen, although her passport does not show it.

Every year, regularly, before the New Year holidays, the Snow Maiden appears in the company of Father Frost.

Relatives of the Snow Maiden?

According to some reports, he is related to the Snow Maiden. Some consider them husband and wife, others consider them grandfather and granddaughter. But everyone is wrong. In fact The Snow Maiden is the daughter of Father Frost. Today it is customary to call a person who has grandchildren a grandfather. And before in Rus', someone who was revered and respected was called grandfather. Since then, the good wizard has been called Grandfather Frost.

So, we’ve sorted out the Snow Maiden’s dad, and who's mom? According to some unverified information, this is Spring.

If you delve into relatives, you can find grandmawinter, and even my paternal uncle - Morozko - the spirit of winter. He is the younger brother of Grandfather Frost.

They say that Morozko walks the streets with a magic club and beats on the windows of houses. Hence the expression – glass cracks due to frost. And this, it turns out, is all Morozko’s tricks. He also loves to draw beautiful patterns on glass.

The Snow Maiden also has distant relatives. Bannik is the spirit of the Russian bathhouse, the brownie and even Baba Yaga. This is so interesting family tree at our Snow Maiden's.

And the Snow Maiden’s birthday has recently been celebrated on the night of April 4-5. This confirms the version that the Snow Maiden’s mother is Spring.

It is known that Snegurochka owns real estate in Kostroma - a two-story mansion with a park, a magic stone, on which there are inscriptions familiar to everyone from childhood: if you go to the left, you will be full; you go to the right - magical you will find sleep; If you go straight, you will find yourself in a fairy tale. There is an ice room inside the tower. This is the owner's favorite place. She is very interested in collecting Christmas trees, which can be made from anything. Particularly interesting specimens are made from pencils and pasta. There are even Christmas trees made from irons and CDs. These are real works of art.

About the Snow Maiden’s occupation, we can say that while she lived in the forests, she worked temporarily, only on New Year’s holidays. I traveled with Santa Claus to cities and villages, wished children a Happy New Year, and gave them gifts.

And since the Snow Maiden acquired a mansion, guests have been drawn to her, who come even in the summer. Knowing about her love for collecting Christmas trees, many of the guests bring her souvenirs, homemade Christmas trees made from various available materials. So her fabulous mansion became a real museum. And she is happy to see everyone, greets all guests warmly, and treats them to delicious pies. So the Snow Maiden works in the fairy-tale field all year round. Neither the poor thing can rest nor melt.

Soon, on the eve of the New Year, the Snow Maiden and Father Frost will once again bring people happiness and joy and give them gifts.

Happy New Year!

Evgeniya for Women's magazine "Prelest"