How to summon a good spirit: description of the ritual and precautions. How to summon good spirits

Among the inhabitants magical world There are enough harmless and kind creatures - thanks to us, you will definitely find someone you can call at home during the day with a friend or on the street! Usually these are various fairies, gnomes and other spirits and entities open to children.

In the article:

Who can you call at home during the day with a friend?

Is it easy to make a magical creature appear in front of you? Of course not when it comes to complex rituals. It is necessary to develop the talent of the young sorceress. But if you feel that you are ready to touch the magical world, you can try to summon various good entities using simple and accessible rituals. It could be:

  • flower Fairy;

The tooth fairy is no exception. How to call it at home? Very simple!

There are two rituals that will allow you, which can bring you gifts in exchange for lost teeth. Therefore, in the first case, in order to summon such a fairy, you will need to wait until you roll baby tooth, tell your parents about it and put the lost tooth under your pillow at night. Some people believe that in order for the ritual to work, you can put the tooth not under the pillow, but put it in a container filled with water. It must be placed at the head of the bed. After this you need to say three times:

Tooth fairy come!

As soon as you fall asleep, the entity will fly in and exchange your tooth for sweets or a small gift. But if you want to see a fairy, then just close your eyes tightly and pretend to be asleep. When you feel the presence of a magical creature (your heart begins to beat faster, it becomes a little scary), open one eye and see a real tooth fairy.

Method No. 2

There is another simple way to meet this creature. To do this you need to find his house. Most often this is a hollow in a large tree, which is located quite low. It is in it that a child can leave his tooth with the words:

Tooth fairy, come to me today.

At night, a magical creature will come to you, and you can ask her to grant 1 wish. To do this, you will have to pretend to be asleep so as not to miss his appearance. If you fall asleep, the fairy will not wake you up, but she will leave a gift for you in the hollow. You can come get it in the morning.

Who can you call on the street during the day - good spirits

There are ones that are quite harmless and which can be summoned even if you do not have sufficient magical abilities:

  • spirits of elements of the lowest rank
  • spirits of the area - caves, forests, etc.
  • bereginii

Calling one of these good spirits is not difficult; it is much more important to immediately decide what you want to receive from this entity. During the day on the street you can call good spirit. You can do this yourself. If the ritual is successful and the spirit answers you, then you will acquire a faithful assistant. Such assistants can be entities that belong to various elements. But if calling a mermaid (for example) can be classified as difficult rituals, then calling a water spirit of the lowest rank is within the power of everyone.

Remember that similar good essences can feel, worry, be afraid, joke about people. Therefore, do not offend them or make them angry. In order to perform a ritual on the street during the day, you do not need to look for a secluded place. You can even perform a simple ritual together with a friend. It will be enough to simply agree on who exactly you want to call, hold hands and say:

Spirit, dear, bright, kind, come to us. Become our assistant and friend.

The words need to be said 3 times, after which you should close your eyes and imagine in front of you the image of a good friend whom you and your friend are going to call on the street during the day. After a few seconds, you will feel the warmth spreading throughout your entire body. This will indicate that the spirit has come and is ready to contact you. The main thing is not to be afraid of him. After he is next to you, it is necessary for one of you to say what you want from the summoned good spirit. Explain your wishes to him. Then thank him for coming and let him go. If an invisible friend agrees to help you, then every time you need it, he will appear next to you and protect you or suggest the right decisions.

How to call someone harmless at home?

There are many simple and reliable ways that allow novice wizards to get in touch with the world of magic.

For example, you can summon a sunny bunny - the spirit of the sun's rays that fulfills wishes. He will become a harmless and faithful assistant to every young wizard. In order to call a harmless sunbeam at home during the day, you need a piece of paper and a yellow pencil or felt-tip pen.

You can perform the ritual yourself or with friends. It is important to draw a bunny on the prepared piece of paper without lifting your hand from the paper. After this, place the drawing on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall on it. Now say:

Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my wishes!

This text is repeated 5 times, after which you need to close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Count to 10 to yourself and open your eyes. A sunbeam will sit in your palms. Still covering the drawing with your palms, ask the sunbeam to make your wish come true. When you voice your request, take your hands off the drawing and release the good bunny into the wild. Very soon a new magical friend will fulfill your wish. Perhaps the bunny will be afraid to come to you or he simply won’t be visible. But usually he likes to come to people and makes contact easily.

If you can’t decide who you can call at home during the day with a friend, then opt for the good spirit, the tooth fairy and sunny bunny. These kind spirits will help you touch the world of magic and fulfill your wishes.

It is possible to talk with a loved one even after his death. To do this, it is not necessary to seek help from magicians or psychics. Such a ritual is successfully performed at home, and the caller does not need to have supernatural powers. To carry it out, several auxiliary tools will be needed, but as a result, a person will be able to contact the deceased relative and get an answer to his questions from him.

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    How to summon the spirit of a deceased relative

    To evoke the spirit of a deceased relative, you should follow the following instructions, which even experienced psychics adhere to.

    1. 1. The calling of the spirit of the deceased is carried out at night, from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. The dead are not called during the day.
    2. 2. Turn off the electric light, light wax candles (not church candles) of any color, but preferably red, white and black.
    3. 3. Use incense to help you tune in to the session - citrus, lavender, sandalwood or juniper. Incense must be added to them to protect against negative impact evil spirits.
    4. 4. Remove all objects that ring the body. These are chains, bracelets, belts, earrings and rings. Amulets and crosses are left behind.
    5. 5. Open the window and door to the room so that the soul can visit its loved ones.
    6. 6. All questions are written down in advance so as not to get confused or make mistakes at the right time.
    7. 7. The soul is always thanked after the answers received.

    Ouija board

    A Ouija board is ideal for communicating with souls who have left the world of the living. It is advisable to buy a special board or make it yourself from oak, ash or other wood, but so that it is not an energy vampire. If a person does not have the opportunity to acquire a special device, a paper analogue will do. But it is worth remembering that it is easier to work with a wooden surface.

    Devil's Board

    The Ouija or Devil's Board has been used to communicate with ghosts since the early 20th century. It is not advisable to conduct the session alone, because the ritual takes a lot of mental and physical strength from one person. At least two people must participate in the process, and they both must be relatives of the deceased.

    To carry out you will need:

    • wooden plank;
    • wooden tablet index.

    The board can be ordered, made or purchased at specialty store.

    The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Place three candles on a flat surface and place Ouija between them.
    2. 2. People sit around the area with the board. Spirit Summoner should be directly in front of it.
    3. 3. The person conducting the session places both hands on the tablet pointer, the rest touches the Devil’s Board with at least one finger.
    4. 4. Summoning the spirit of a relative begins with an invocation dead person, everyone says together: “Spirit (Name), we call you to come here! Come to us and show yourself!”
    5. 5. After some time (1 minute is enough), you need to make sure that the call worked. To do this, a clarifying question is asked: “Spirit, answer, are you here?” Everyone should look carefully at the board.

    There are three possible scenarios for the situation:

    • If the tablet starts moving towards the word “Yes”, the call has worked, and you can start communicating with the relative. You should treat him respectfully, asking clear questions that mean “Yes” or “No.” The Devil's Board allows you to communicate with sentences; the spirit can also show the desired date. But it is advisable to ask such questions as a last resort. In order for the participants not to become weak, the session must be ended as soon as possible.
    • If the answer was “No,” the ghost is not in the mood for communication today. You need to say: “Spirit (Name), forgive me for the anxiety. Return to yourself” and stop the ritual (blow out the candles and turn on the electric light, close the window and door). A few days later the call is made again.
    • If after a minute there is no answer, you can repeat the question. If there is silence, you should immediately end the call, because the ghost is angry with one of the participants, or the wrong day was chosen. It is better not to disturb this soul and try to make contact with another deceased relative.

    The person conducting the ritual must be a serious person who believes in otherworldly powers. A careless and cynical person will ruin the ritual and only anger the deceased.

    Paper analogue

    Before summoning the spirit of a deceased relative, it is necessary to make a board of paper. A piece of whatman paper or cardboard will do. A diagram of letters, numbers and the answers “Yes” and “No” is drawn on it. The ritual must be carried out in the same way as in the previous method. As a pointer, you can choose a white porcelain saucer without drawings (an arrow is drawn on it) or a pendulum (a crystal or black thread with a needle will do).

    The question must be asked by the medium holding the pointer. Others can communicate with him, but only in whispers.

    Session with photography

    The photograph contains a piece of a person’s aura and energy, so it is suitable for communicating with a deceased relative at home. To summon a spirit you will need:

    • photograph (preferably the last image of the person being called);
    • three candles.

    Before the ritual, you need to relax, discard all negative thoughts and calm down emotionally.

    1. 1. Light candles are placed on the table, and a photograph of the deceased is placed in the middle.
    2. 2. They read the spell three times: “Spirit (Name), I call on you. I want to know my answers to your questions. Appear before me like a shadow and tell me what the next day will give me.”
    3. 3. After this, the symbols are announced, with the help of which the summoned spirit, having returned to the world of the living, will communicate with its loved one. For example, when answering “Yes,” he must raise his right hand to the questioner.
    4. 4. Having received the desired answers, the ghost is thanked and released with the words: “Where you came from is where you will go. Amen".

    After the session, it is better to go to bed immediately, having previously written down the information so as not to forget it in the morning.

    Summoning in a dream

    Sleep is a special state during which a person’s soul enters other worlds. She can easily contact dead people. Summoning the spirit of a relative is done alone. The ritual is simple, but effective if the person asking for advice was especially close to the deceased.

    When you go to bed, you need to imagine loved one, try to remember it as accurately as possible. IN this method there is no specific scheme, it is enough to sincerely ask a loved one to help decide difficult situation. If the ghost responds to the request, he will send prophetic dream. After waking up, it is advisable to immediately write it down on paper or speak it into a voice recorder. The spirit of a relative will show the living possible variant developments or answer his questions.

    Magic of stones

    The mineral andalusite is actively used when communicating with the dead. For the session you will need:

    • Andalusite in any form (decoration or piece of mineral).
    • Black wax candles - 5 pieces.
    • Large red scarf, never worn before. A scarf is necessary to protect a living person. It will scare away evil entities that the soul of a deceased relative sometimes brings with them.

    The ritual is carried out in stages:

    • The candles are placed in a circle and lit with the left hand and counterclockwise.
    • A mineral is placed in the center between the candles.
    • They pronounce the spell: “I call on you, spirit (Name)! Come, show yourself to me and help me make my choice.”
    • While watching the fire, the caller will notice that the flames will begin to intensify and swing in different directions. The ghost responded to the call and is now in the circle. You can only ask him one question.
    • After answering the question, the spirit is released with the words: “Don’t stay here any longer, go back to where you came from.”

    The world of the dead is a dangerous structure, so you shouldn’t come into contact with it often. You should turn to the help of the dead only in cases where other options have already been exhausted. Respect and love are the main aspects necessary for a successful session. A deceased relative will be able to help his loved one, tell him a way out and open up the future. You need to use the acquired knowledge wisely. With them, a person is able to correct possible mistakes.

The other world is a topic that has always interested people. Since ancient times, attempts have been made to establish contact with entities in order to obtain the necessary information from them. Summoning spirits can occur through various rituals that are easy to master on your own.

Calling spirits - myth or reality

Life after death interests many people, so there is great amount versions of what happens after the heart stops. If you ask psychics whether it is possible to summon spirits, the answer will be positive, but at the same time they claim that this is not entertainment and rituals should be carried out responsibly. In beliefs different nations perfumes are important. On the Internet you can find a huge number of messages and even photographs confirming contact with otherworldly entities, but scientists deny the existence of spirits.

Who can be summoned from the spirits?

It is believed that any person can master the rituals of summoning a spirit if desired. You should start with something simple and only after successful practices should you make contact with the souls of dead people. To summon a spirit, it is necessary to perform a ritual in accordance with all the rules. In most cases on initial stages lower entities come into contact, the purpose of which is deception. When figuring out which spirits can be summoned day and night, it is worth pointing out that the souls of famous personalities have difficulty getting in touch, so it is better to communicate with deceased relatives.

Who can be called from the good spirits?

The list of entities with which you can contact is extensive. Among the simplest and most accessible “interlocutors” are various fairies, gnomes, mermaids, and so on. Summoning a good spirit can occur in order to fulfill one’s desire or obtain answers to various questions. You can communicate through rituals with your relatives and the souls of other people, for example, famous personalities.

Who can be summoned from among the evil spirits?

People who know and are interested in black magic call upon dark entities, for example, various demons, dark angels, larvae and many others. Dangerous spirits are summoned for different purposes, for example, they can be tied to a person so that they ruin his life, ask for additional magical power, and they are often used in dark rituals to induce the evil eye and damage.

How to summon a spirit?

There are many rituals, but they are all united by a number of rules. If you are interested in how to summon different spirits, we recommend taking into account the following features:

  1. Start the ritual after sunset, but best time from 12 to 4 am.
  2. You can conduct seances alone or in company, the main thing is that all participants believe in magic.
  3. You cannot turn on the electricity, so it is best to use the light of candles, which should be made of wax.
  4. It is recommended that you write down all the questions in advance so that they are clear and do not have any ambiguity.
  5. To make it easier for the spirit to enter the house, open a window or vent.
  6. When calling the spirit, take off your jewelry, especially the Christian cross.
  7. To scare away lower entities, it is recommended to fumigate the room with incense before the session.

How to call a spirit using a Ouija board?

The most popular ritual involves the use, but not everyone can find it, so you can do it yourself. People who summon spirits claim that with the help of spiritualistic seances they were able to make contact with by different residents other world. To create an improvised board, take a saucer and whatman paper, on which draw a circle and its diameter should be 2-3 times larger than the vessel. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet in any order and the numbers from 0 to 9. Write the words “Goodbye” and “No” at the bottom, and “Hello” and “Yes” at the top.

There are a number of rules for how you can summon a spirit using a Ouija board:

  1. While in the dark, light candles and sit in front of the board. If several people participate in the ritual, then everyone should sit in a circle. You can put the made board on the floor to make it convenient, but it must be level.
  2. Heat the saucer over the candle flame and place it in the center of the drawn circle. It is important to first make a mark on it by placing a line anywhere.
  3. The calling of spirits should begin with the fact that all participants in the ritual should touch the saucer with the fingertips of both hands. After this, begin summoning the spirit. The movement of the saucer will indicate that he has arrived.
  4. Be sure to say hello to the invisible interlocutor, and he must do so in response by moving the saucer to the correct word. Only after this can you start asking your questions. The saucer will begin to move, pointing to the letters that will form the answers to the questions. At the end of the ritual, say goodbye to the spirit.

How to summon a spirit on cards?

One of the most simple ways calling spirits involves the use regular cards, but they should not have previously been used for the game. Calling spirits at home is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Settle in dark room and light a candle nearby. Draw a circle around it for protection.
  2. Shuffle the cards, thinking about the spirit you want to connect with. First, ask if he wants to talk, and take out one card and determine the answer by the color of its suit: red - yes, and black - no.
  3. Continuing to summon the spirits, place several cards face down in front of you and begin asking questions. After each request, turn over the card and determine the answer by suit: hearts - yes, spades - no, diamonds - maybe clubs - I don’t know.

How to summon a spirit with a mirror?

The ritual presented can be used to communicate with the spirit of a deceased relative, but if desired, it can be adapted for other entities. Describing how to summon a spirit, we will suggest a ritual for which you prepare a coin, a large mirror into which the deceased had previously looked, a sharp needle and a wax candle.

  1. While alone, prick your finger to draw blood, and use it to write all the letters of the alphabet, as well as the words “yes” or “no,” on the mirror. You can replace the blood with a marker, but then the effectiveness of the ritual is reduced.
  2. Light a candle nearby and place a coin edge-on on the mirror. Press it with your finger so it doesn't fall.
  3. Say a spell and wait for the spirit to get in touch and set the coin in motion. Ask if the spirit is ready to communicate and after receiving consent, begin asking questions. From the letters that the coin will point to, it will be possible to add up the answers.
  4. At the end, say goodbye in spirit, ask him to leave and blow out the candle. Turn the mirror over with the reflective surface facing down and leave it for 10 hours.

How to summon a spirit with a candle?

The next ritual is considered classic and uses candles and a reflective surface. If you want to get in touch with a good spirit, then use a white candle, and if with an evil entity, use a black one. Also for the ritual, prepare a bowl of water. Instructions on how to simply summon a spirit imply going through the following steps:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror, place a container of water in front of you, and light a candle next to it. It is important that the liquid is reflected in the mirror.
  2. Watch the flame in the reflection for a while to relax. As you do this, keep in mind the spirit you plan to connect with. After this, peering into the mirror surface, say the spell three times.
  3. Look in the mirror without looking away or blinking. It is important not to move and after a while you will be able to see an image that can be anything. You can only look at the spirit from the side, since looking directly will disrupt the connection.
  4. Ask any questions and the answers will come in the form of pictures, which you also cannot look at directly. At the end of the ritual, say goodbye to the spirit and blow out the candle.

Why can't I summon a spirit?

Often, especially for beginners, a similar question arises and experts assure that this state of affairs is quite normal. There can be many reasons for the fiasco, for example, more often the ritual to summon a spirit is carried out with errors and all the rules are not followed. Many people perform rituals for the sake of interest or entertainment, and therefore do not receive desired result because in magic great importance has the belief that spirits are real.

Why can't you summon spirits?

Psychics and other people with magical abilities claim that rituals to summon entities are dangerous, and they can cause unpleasant consequences. Summoning a dangerous spirit can lead to health problems, troubles in various areas of life, and even death. To avoid this, you must follow safety precautions:

  1. It is necessary to begin spiritualistic seances with a clear mind and without extraneous thoughts in your head. It is important to first stop using alcohol and drugs.
  2. You need to contact the spirit in person, but before that you should ask for protection from.
  3. After calling the spirits at home is successful, you need to ask him for permission to communicate. There is no need to make any demands or communicate with him disrespectfully, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  4. As protection, you can draw a circle on the floor using salt.
  5. When explaining whether it is dangerous to summon spirits, it is worth pointing out that for your own safety, at the end of the session you must express gratitude and say goodbye.

As children, each of us managed to listen to fascinating stories about how to summon spirits. Stories about kind and wish-fulfilling spirits have always seemed especially exciting. And, having matured, we have a desire to realize our childhood idea and “try” our luck in this matter. And in today’s article we will describe in detail the process itself, how to summon a spirit at home, and what is needed for this.

In reality, meetings with the souls of buried people do not always end in pleasant moments, and in order to prevent unfavorable situations, it is important to know how to properly organize a spiritualistic session.

It is worth considering that all spirits are different and each of them, like living people, has its own character and disposition. Therefore, no one can guarantee that you will be able to summon an absolutely good spirit (after all, few people would want to “tell fortunes” for an evil one). It is important to understand and realize what specific goal you are pursuing, and which of the dead you would like to “awaken” in a spiritualistic session. Moreover, there are certain precautions.

So, for example, it is undesirable to evoke the spirit of Pushkin, Gogol and others famous personalities. This is explained by the fact that such otherworldly substances often communicate, introducing themselves by a different name in order to receive your energy. As a rule, sessions of this kind end in complete exhaustion. To avoid this, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the basics of spiritualism. This way you will learn how to call a kind guest from another world who will answer your question.

Conducting a session to call the spirit wizard

Most common queries “How to summon a wish-granting spirit?”. And this is completely understandable, because since childhood, many have been worried about the easy implementation of their plans. Read on to learn how to do this at home.

There is a rather “old” way to call a gnome who would help you get something without spending effort and money. First, you need to take candy. The number of sweets should be equal to the number of wishes. To lure the gnome, you need to tie candies between two chairs. Then take all white objects and things out of the room, and when you return, turn off the lights. With your back to the sweets, you need to call the gnome who grants wishes. If he comes, you can hear the rustle of unwrapping wrappers. The light can be turned on after the noise subsides. If the gnome eats candy, his wishes will come true.

If the sweets remain untouched, dreams will not come true.

There is another way to summon a spirit that grants wishes. To do this, you will need to create absolute silence in the room, gain courage, and prepare in advance:

  • candle;
  • a needle;
  • a thread;
  • ring.

Before summoning the spirit of fulfilling a wish, you need to close the curtains and light a candle. Then you need to sit down at the table and make a pendulum by threading a needle and hanging a ring on it. Taking the pendulum in your hand, you need to direct all your thoughts and the flow of internal energy with wishes to it. After this, you need to establish a connection with the spiritual image of the deceased. Ask him to swing the pendulum as a sign of agreement to communicate.

If the ring begins to swing back and forth, the spirit is ready to talk. Then you can ask your interlocutor questions that interest you.

The main thing is to formulate them in such a way that the answer sounds like “no” or “yes”.

This is how you can easily summon a spirit at home to fulfill your plans. It is important to understand that the inhabitants of the other world may not contribute to communication. And if you really need to call a guest from another world, first read the initial course on spiritualism.

How to summon the spirit of love affairs?

Summoning spirits at home is quite a responsible task. However, under the influence of emotions, we are not always aware of what we are doing. For example, many want to know how to summon the spirit of love in order to receive answers to questions of the heart.

Before calling a guest from the other world for such purposes, you need to know where it is best to conduct a session. So, for example, in the old days girls went to the bathhouse. This room was previously considered the most suitable for summoning spirits due to the lack of daylight, icons and any static “interference”. Currently, sessions are held in the kitchen and living room. It is advisable to even choose a pantry if it is spacious.

This is explained by the fact that such spirits, like the spirit of Pushkin, Gogol, and others strong people, can “suck” your energy, remaining in the room even after the session is over.

Having chosen a suitable room, you should draw the curtains tightly and turn off all household items that make unnecessary noise. However, remember that the procedure must be carried out in all alone and in good location spirit. You also first need to purchase a “Talking Board”, with the help of which you will communicate with a guest from the other world. If this is not possible, you can make one like this yourself at home. To do this, take whatman paper and draw a circle on it with a dot in the center. Next, the alphabet and numbers are applied along the contour. Also leave space for the words “Yes”, “No”.

Before summoning the spirit of love, take a needle and thread, a candle and a photo of the loved one you plan to find out about. Also place a bowl of water on the table near the laid out Whatman paper.

When starting a spiritualistic session, you need to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts, take a thread and, placing a needle in the center of the circle, call on the spirit of love. At the same time, it is important to believe that the guest will respond and come. A light blow of wind in the room can indicate the arrival of an otherworldly interlocutor. However, this may not happen, so it is better to ask if the spirit has arrived and is ready to speak. As a sign of confirmation, the needle should tilt towards the word “Yes”. After this, you can continue the session, asking heartfelt questions that interest you, looking at the photo of your loved one.

At the end of the ritual, when you have received all the answers, put out the candle and be sure to ask the spirit to leave. After this, open the curtains and ventilate the room.


It is important to remember, when calling guests from the other world at home, you need to believe in your plans and ask only about what really worries you. Also, before summoning the spirit of love or a wish fulfilling, you need to clarify what the name of the good otherworldly inhabitant is, so that meeting him does not lead to unpleasant consequences. Also remember that it is dangerous to evoke the spirit of long-dead great personalities (Pushkin, Gogol and others).

How to summon a good spirit yourself? In order to summon a soul from the other world that will not be aggressive, it is enough to tune in correctly yourself. You need to be ready to meet someone who wants good, not evil.

In the article:

In order to evoke a good spirit, you need to properly concentrate your own energy. Summoning a random ghost is not very difficult. But such negligence can be punished. If it doesn’t matter who you call, then any entity from the other world can appear.

If you have kind heart, and you are confident in your abilities, and your faith in the bright and good is unshakable, then the evil spirit will not be able to come. So, having tuned in to positive emotion, you will automatically protect yourself from evil souls.

There is one fairly simple ritual that will help summon a good spirit. When performing this ritual, it is advisable to know the name of the one you are calling. It is best if you know the appearance of this person. It is not necessary to know him personally, it is enough to have an image with you. Also, to carry out the ceremony you will need some attributes:

  • 5 large wax church candles;
  • incense and wormwood;
  • several hazel branches.

wormwood incense candle
hazel twigs

The ritual is carried out at any time of the day or night, but if you decide to carry out the ritual during daylight hours, then it is advisable to curtain the windows and doors and open the window. So sunlight will not be able to interfere with the ceremony, and through the open window the spirit will be able to calmly enter the room.

Carrying out the ritual

It is necessary to decompose different angles the room where the ceremony will take place, twigs of wormwood. She will guarantee the absence of evil spirits and will drive away evil spirits further from the place of the ritual. This must be done, since a passage is to be opened between two worlds, and, as you know, evil spirits and small evil spirits will not miss the moment to penetrate the human world.

If you do not protect the site of the ritual, then a real monster may come instead of a good spirit. When the wormwood is laid out in the corners, you should lay out the collected hazel branches in the middle of the room. You can put a table in this place so that you don’t have to bend over every time and all the attributes are at hand.

Hazel known for his magical properties. With its help you can protect yourself from demons. This way you will protect yourself from strong negative influences. You need to place 5 prepared candles around the hazel tree. You need to light them counterclockwise right hand. Light incense from them.

If your energy is strong enough and you are confident that you can carry out the ceremony yourself, then try to do everything alone. But such a ritual is still recommended to be carried out by three people. Therefore you will need 2 partners. When the candles are lit, you need to stand in front of the table, hold hands and say:

Light Spirit, come to us! Hear us, we trust in you (name), come to us, open the veil of secrecy to us, show yourself.

After this, a golden clot of energy should appear. If any of you three has (a psychic or), then it will be much easier to establish contact with the newcomer.

If you do not know how to communicate with otherworldly forces, then you can ask the person who comes one question at a time and receive answers in a dream, or the spirit the next day will begin to give hints and show how to act in the current situation.

After the ceremony, it is necessary to send the good spirit back to where it came from. To do this, you should bow low to him, thank him for everything and say:

Go in peace.

After the energy clot disappears, you can remove all magical attributes that were used during the ritual.

A simple summoning ritual

In order to perform a simple ritual of summoning a good spirit, you should go into nature. It is very important to be in a deserted area so that no one can interfere. When performing this ritual, it is very important to remain unnoticed. Otherwise, your witchcraft may be used against you.

You should take a small bell with you into nature. It is desirable that it be made of silver. Choose a place where you feel comfortable. This could be a river bank or a clearing in the forest, any place where you feel comfortable. When you find yourself in the designated place, you need to sit down and tune in to the right wave.

You should think about what attracts you most, what relaxes you, what brings you pleasure. If you decide to turn to a good spirit with a request or question, then initially write down everything that you will tell him on a piece of paper.

Although you are addressing a good spirit and he is unlikely to want to cause you energy damage, you still shouldn’t anger him. This is an otherworldly force that has great power and is capable of punishing tactlessness. When you concentrate, prepare a piece of paper with a desire or question and you can begin calling the spirit.

Take the prepared bell in your hand and ring it. This action must be accompanied by the words:

Spirit, hear the ringing, hear the call, I call to you (name of the spirit). Don’t be angry, be merciful, come to me, I ask you.

You should repeat this text 3 times, after which the spirit should appear in front of you. He can come in the form of a clot of energy or simply make himself known by ringing your bell. In any case, you will immediately feel that a good spirit has already arrived.

Now you can make a wish or ask him questions that interest you, but if you do not have psychic abilities, then you should not ask more than one question at a time. One question will be enough for the spirit to give a full, detailed answer.

Since you will not be able to hear his voice, you will receive information in another way. Again, this could be a vision, a dream or signs of fate. Before leaving the ceremony site, be sure to thank the spirit for coming and not ignoring your call.

How to summon a good spirit on the street?

There is one the old way, which will allow you to summon a good spirit on the street. You might even be able to communicate with him. To carry out the ceremony, you need to equip yourself with many attributes. These should be:

  • salt;
  • 7 white wax church candles;
  • knife with white handle;
  • white cape;
  • incense.

incense chalk salt

knife cape

Decide in advance on the place where you will conduct the ceremony. You should approach the choice of location very carefully. It is best if this is a place of power. But this should not be a cemetery, since this place accumulates a large number of negative energy, and it can interfere with the call of a good spirit.

The ceremony is held only on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you perform the ritual on another day of the week, you may expose yourself to danger and attack from outside dark forces. IN best case scenario the ritual simply won't work. You need to make a big circle.

If you choose a place where you can draw it with chalk, then use this attribute. If this place is in a park, then the circle can be made with salt. But make sure that the line is thick and not interrupted. It is necessary to protect yourself and the spirit you are calling upon.

After this, you need to place the prepared 7 candles around the protective circle. Stand inside the magical figures, plunge the knife into the ground so that only the handle remains on the surface. Put a white cloak on top of yourself and wait for the incense. It will protect from evil spirits.

After this, you should place your hands on your chest and close your eyes. Imagine that everything around you is energy. You should literally weave an image from energy threads in front of you. This must still be done with your eyes closed.

When you feel the presence of a magical figure next to you, you can open your eyes. If you did everything correctly, then the figure of the summoned good spirit will slowly begin to appear in front of you. After which you should say.