History of the Nike Greyhounds group. Nike Vladimirovich Borzov: biography What is the name of Nike Borzov's group

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Biography, life story of Nike Borzov

It all started with the blessing of my parents. Nike's father was a musician and very timely instilled in his son a love of cult characters: The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Led Zeppelin, etc. Mom also had no special objections to playing music. The first and last major incident occurred between the parents and Nike, when the latter, being 17 years old, one fine day left home.

However, he was soon discovered by alarmed parents who rushed to search in the apartment of one girl in a state of wild hangover. And then my mother uttered the historical phrase: “Do what you want, but live at home.” And Nike did not fail to take advantage of this offer. To begin with, he organized the punk group "Infection", which existed until 1992 and recorded 2 albums with them: "Onanism" and "Hole for the Navel". In parallel with this, he took an active part in various projects, both his own and those of others ("Mesopotamia", "Platonic Prostitution", "Buffet", "Died", "Special Nurses", "Norman Bates Fan Club", etc. ), and is also known to this day as a full-fledged member of the notorious team “Khuy Zabey”.

Despite such vigorous activity, Nike managed to record three solo albums by 1999. The super hit "Horse" was banned on many FM radio stations. At one time, a heated argument even broke out over this song between Mikhail Kozyrev (program director of Nashe Radio) and Dmitry Dibrov (currently the host of the TV show Anthropology). The first argued that “The Horse” should not be allowed on the air, the second ardently defended its right to exist. And the culprit was the phrase “a horse carrying cocaine” used in the lyrics of the song. Nike was immediately credited with promoting drugs, although the musician’s own comments fully explain the meaning: “...A person drives himself into a certain framework, comes up with a certain order of things for himself, which he is subsequently unable to change. He has responsibilities: a family that needs to be supported, a job that you need to go to in order to support your family, a dacha where you need to dig something up every week, a car that you need to tinker with in order to go to this very dacha, etc. It turns out that a person is a workhorse, a horse-man, pulling a cart with her happiness, “a horse carrying cocaine.”


Nike signed a contract with the Snegiri Music company and was released on January 25, 2000 new album"Superman", the fourth in a row. Work on the album began in early 1999 at the Mosfilm tone studio. Dmitry Slansky and Alexander Solich (the rhythm section of the “Moral Code”), musicians from Mikhail Pletnev’s orchestra and the lead singer of the group “Army” Ruslana (backing vocals) took part in the recording as guest musicians. The album was produced by Oleg Nesterov, Mikhail Gabolaev, sound producer Brigitte Angerhausen, who mixed some of the compositions, and partly by Nike himself. The work turned out to be experimental and took place in various recording studios (from the Mosfilm studio to the basement of a children's music school Vidnoye). When recording some songs, Nike himself performed all the guitar, drums and keyboard parts, and musicians from Mikhail Pletnev’s orchestra worked with him on the title song “Superman”. The song “Three Words” deserves a separate discussion.

Nike himself was resolutely against including this song in the new album; he saved it for his next parallel project, “Comanche.” Finally agreeing, Nike set a condition for the producers: the song should sound as “crooked and unkempt” as possible. To do this, everything had to be done topsy-turvy - the electric guitar was recorded without electricity and the first string, the bass was passed through a guitar, not a bass, “combo,” and the drum track was obtained by “reproducing” the most “crooked” fragment, which Nike himself tapped. To record “Three Words,” a single copy of the cult Italian electric organola “Farfisa” was used, which had been collecting dust in the cinema orchestra for 30 years and is known to a wide audience from the films “Operation Y” and “ Caucasian captive". The final "touch" was invented when Nike was driving somewhere in the car. The cassette with the final version of "Three Words" was put into the radio, and suddenly it sounded a little faster than it should have. The ideal tempo was found. The song was sent to Moscow and regional radio stations, the reaction of which varied significantly: cautious Moscow was silent, while the regions were delighted, the song was put into hot rotation, “Three Words” entered the “tens” of the radio charts of the Riga radio station Super FM, which is known as the pioneer of many. current stars, was the first to introduce the fashion for the song “Three Words” in the Baltic States. Thus, “Three Words” was supported simultaneously by both “East” and “West”, and after them, “Center” very soon became popular. truly folk - on the street, in cafes, in the subway and, of course, at concerts, people sing it in chorus from beginning to end.

A few words from Nike himself about his own songs from this album. “A mess in my head” - “...A man’s story about his dream, about what is happening to him... Together with mine in this song is the voice of the legendary Che Guevara.” “Riding on a Star” - “This song has two meanings. The first: a person has the right to personal freedom, freedom of action. And the second

will be clear if you translate the phrase from the song "...mi torno diabolo esta..." from Spanish into Russian..." "Superman" - "I wanted to present this character not just as a hero, but a hero with a soul who I'm tired of daily exploits and would like to stay with my loved one." "Three words" - "A mirror song for those who still wear sweatpants to a disco with the goal of getting drunk and punching someone in the face. The hero Vova is the grown-up hero of jokes Vovochka." "In the future of the moon" - "...One of the oldest songs, written in the early 90s. The song is somewhat surreal, but in fact it talks about freedom of choice." "Artist" - "...dedicated to all people who love to draw. In essence, it is as ironic as “Three Words.” "Riddle" - "The most autobiographical song of all. A certain own experience relationship in life with another person..." Last song" - "The last one is not because it was the last one on the album, in the last century, and so on. The song of a man who loves, but is forced to move to another astral “state”. One of my most lyrical songs."

Nike's latest (now not the last) album is special. Connoisseurs will finally receive a product that, without exaggeration, can be classified as “International” music. The album is also supplemented with several bonus tracks: a remix of the song “Three Words”, authored by dj Groove, a remix of the team “Khui Zabey” for the song “Superman” and two versions of Vladislav Afanasov’s remix for the song “Riding on a Star”.

Rock Cult: After recording the Splinter album, you did not release solo work for 8 years. Did you experience any new sensations while creating the album From Within?

Nike Borzov: Not really. But I decided to try a new studio for myself, and I liked it. I recorded three records there: From the inside 2010 Everywhere and Nowhere 2014 and Molecule 2016. And the break was really big, because I needed to understand what I wanted to do next and how I wanted to do it. Plus I had a lot of other things to do: my daughter was born, I played in the theater, I narrated audio books.

In a word, it was an underground period. I created projects that did not fit into the space of the mainstream of the 2000s with endless Star Factories and other trash. But as soon as I realized that nothing good was happening and no one was making good music, I decided to record an album From the inside, which, by and large, also became a cult.

Rock Cult: You were one of the few Russian rock musicians who were shown on MTV. But then MTV became narrow-profile and began to show, as you put it earlier, trash, then it completely ceased to be music television and became the Friday TV channel. No nostalgia for the old days?

Nike: Now, using the example of the MTV channel, we have traced the history of our country: how over these 16 years we came to eternal Friday. No one cares about anything, just to get excited and not think about anything. In our country, the people are so pumped up that seventy percent are ready to run into battle. Well, after they finish their beer, of course. There is no nostalgia for MTV, however, you can feel the absence of music channels that would play normal music. But I don’t watch TV and I didn’t watch it then. I remember once in the 80-90s I watched foreign MTV. Something wonderful was staged there. They played underground music all night – Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, and the next time they played black metal all evening. There was a place for different music on the air. And now we get either fake tits or luscious boys with some kind of meatball baubles. That's all. Turn on any music channel - there are only homosexuals there.

Rock Cult: Maybe it’s because now everything has turned into low-grade pop?

Nike: Well, that’s what I’m saying – homosexuals.

Rock Cult: Some people like to remember that rock is protest music. Do you think that all rock musicians are destined to lead an adventurous lifestyle and stuff themselves with anything - from pills to moonshine?

Nike: This is conditionally the same as that a child must unwind the karmic knots of his parents. That is, parents hang on their children everything that they could not realize in their lives, and the child does not live his own life. I think this is wrong. And rock today is absolutely toothless. Constantly listening to this, I came up with the idea to record a social rock album, which I released this year with the group Infection. The record is about what is happening in society now and what we have come to due to our frivolity. Sharp, beautiful and musical - this is not toothless rock.

Rock Cult: If we perceive Infection as your first group, judging by your solo work, can we say that you have become much calmer?

Nike: Infection is not my first group. This Wikipedia celebrates 30 years of my creative activity. You can trust her, I don't care. Before the Infection, I had one romantic-necrophilic story that lasted God knows how many years. In '84 I recorded an acoustic album Dialogue with the wall. I even have recordings of my concerts before the Infection, but I haven’t posted them anywhere yet. Nevertheless, the recordings are very funny. It is possible that there are even hits among them.

Rock Cult: In some review it was also said that the same notorious Horse was composed in the Infection format, then rewritten and re-recorded for a solo project.

Nike: I just inserted it into the Infections album, and before that it had been in drafts for three years, and I didn’t even pay attention to it. This song was written somewhere in 1993, it was first released on the anniversary album in honor of the 10th anniversary of the group Infection. I recorded it alone, played all the instruments myself. The album is called Take Your Bitch in Your Arms. And when horse They started playing it on the radio in St. Petersburg, I realized that the song was cool. Many friends said that it should be included in the solo album, but I was just recording the album Puzzle and decided to make a more acoustic version, which began to be played on all radio stations. And in 2000, I re-recorded it in the form in which the country knows it.

Rock Cult: What provoked such creativity, which is presented in Infection? Is this an attempt to be like your badass idols, or did you want to say something?

Nike: I didn’t want to say anything at all. It was always a joke. My mother loves literature very much, Pushkin is her favorite poet. And all his shameful lyrics were very well known to me since childhood. In my family, no one limited themselves to such vocabulary, and at one point my friends and I became very interested in these shameful lyrics. Sanya Laertsky with his Hairy Glass swore, Letov and Civil defense Same. I thought it was cool. So we wrote the Infection albums on a tape recorder on crooked guitars. Just like that, for no reason. We recorded an album, listened to it a couple of times, gave it to a couple of friends to listen to, and recorded the next one directly on the same reel.

Rock Cult: IN lately The Russian underground scene is gaining momentum. Do you associate yourself with them?

Nike: Yes, I don’t associate myself with anyone at all. I don't like subcultures and don't take part in them. But I like watching it. It's cool that the neo-psychedelic wave is emerging and that these guys are into music modern trends, which I like too. Of course, so far everything is ripped off from other artists and there is nothing of our own, but I am sure that even from those groups that we called hipsters, something interesting and original will appear. For example, Blur's first album was recorded in the typical Manchester wave style. But their next works changed history. Album 13 I consider it the culmination of Blur's creativity, for example. In the West this is a common occurrence, but here it is rare. But I am sure that sooner or later something original and unique will emerge from our underground, standing on its own planet.

Rock Cult: Philosophical question: our solar system is moving in an infinite universe, but what will happen if it reaches the edge of reality at full speed? solar system Will it ricochet or will it be destroyed?

Nike: Yes, in a collision everything will end, so there’s no point in thinking about it at all. It, of course, can bounce like a ball according to some laws of physics, but the laws of physics that we know only work within the confines of our planet. As soon as we fly into the atmosphere, time immediately slows down. It loses all meaning and ceases to be linear. We perceive only a tiny part of reality, and it is more multidimensional than what our ten percent of the brain allows us to perceive.

Rock Cult: If you follow this logic, then in order to understand the whole of reality, you shouldn’t judge by your own standards and consider it the center of the universe?

Nike: And everyone is satisfied with this model of behavior.

Rock Cult: How do you feel in a society where this pattern of behavior is considered the norm and everyone judges themselves according to their own worldview?

Nike: Critical attacks towards me are very funny. But lately I haven’t been accused of anything, because I chewed everything up and put it in everyone’s mouth a long time ago. I, one might say, went against myself and began to explain my texts, something I have never done and will not do in the future. It is stupid to explain the meaning of the lyrics of the song - everyone still perceives it to the extent of their depravity. Everyone perceives this world as it is. But in principle there is no peace, only chaos. And the main task of man is to bring order to the chaos in his own galaxy. If you look at it, each person is his own universe, God and devil, and no one is to blame for anything. Order cannot be achieved in chaos, you can only dissolve in it. By becoming part of chaos, you subjugate it to yourself, and that’s it. Although, it’s difficult to even realize.

Rock Cult: Do you remember the moment when you first started composing songs?

Nike: I’ve been creating since the time when I couldn’t speak. I just sang because I love music very much, and it has always been there. As a child, I really loved The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, Velvet Underground - by the way, one of my favorite groups to this day. When I started speaking, I uttered some phrases in verse. And when I learned to write, I started writing texts. So I don't remember exactly when I started playing music. But Infection is already youthful madness and maximalism, considering that all our songs were about sex, boobs, violence, and drunken women. I took any fantasy, brought it to the point of absurdity, and it became a song by the Infection group. This is still happening, by the way. In solo work everything is different, there is a different concept, the texts are constructed differently and experienced differently.

Rock Cult: Infection is not particularly deep and spiritually meaningful material?

Nike: It’s as if I came to visit, and everyone there is crazy, and I fit into the team. But I know that this will end, I will go home, where my solo work is already. Infection is a hellish party where people get drunk to death. This is such an outlet. As soon as the material accumulates, we record an album. This may happen once every ten years, or maybe once every two years.

Rock Cult: Is this some kind of psychotherapy?

Nike: There are songs that cannot be reflected in my solo work. But in order not to kill them, but to give them life, I do various kinds of projects.

Rock Cult: What inspired your solo work?

Nike: Definitely not by society or social upheavals. Rather, it’s about my experiences and things less real than what Infection sings about. I don't like everyday life writing.

Rock Cult: Looking back, do you feel any changes in yourself?

Nike: Yes and no. In some ways I remained the same and nothing has changed at all, but in some ways I really changed my views. But I don’t want to go into details anymore. It is important to preserve what was with you from the very beginning and not to lose it, but to transform the accumulated experience into practical knowledge for your modern self. When you forget your roots, you have no future.

This name was awarded to him by his original parents, who also had a direct connection to music. Creative career N. Borzova began in 1986 with the organization of the punk group INFECTION, which existed until 1992 and recorded two albums: “Onanism” and “Hole for the Navel.”

In 1989, Nike became a member of the notorious team X... FORGET, with whom he periodically plays and records new material to this day. In addition, over the entire period of his creativity, Nike Borzov took part in a lot of different kinds of projects, both his own and others: “Mesopotamia”, “Platonic Prostitution”, “Buufeet”, “Died”, “Special Nurses”, “Norman Bates Fan” Club" etc. Solo career Nike began in 1992 with the recording of the album "Immersion", followed by the album "Closed" in 1994. The year 1996 was marked by the anniversary album “Take your bitch in your arms”, released in honor of the tenth anniversary of the group INFECTION: the parts of all instruments and vocals were recorded in it by Borzov due to the absence of musicians from the said group in the country.

In 1997, the album "Immersion" was re-released under the title "Immersion. Version 2". In addition to already known songs, it includes three completely new and previously unreleased tracks: “For the Sake of Love,” “I Asked the Ash Tree” (Tariverdiev / Kirshon) and “How are you?” (together with the English techno group JESUS ​​TRANSFORMER). In the same year, the album "Closed" was re-released. From February 1996 to March 1997 the third is recorded solo album"Puzzle". The hit from this album, “Horse,” was banned on many radio stations due to the use of the word “cocaine” in its lyrics.

In 1999, Nike signed a contract with Snegiri Music to release 5 albums. Work on the fourth album - "Superman" - began in January 1999 at the Mosfilm tone studio and ended almost a year later. Dmitry Slansky and Alexander Solich (rhythm section of the MORAL CODE), musicians from Mikhail Pletnev's orchestra and lead singer of the ARMY group Ruslana (backing vocals) took part in the recording as guest musicians. The album was produced by Oleg Nesterov, Mikhail Gabolaev and, partly, Nike himself. Five songs were mixed by German tone engineer Brigitte Angerhausen, a permanent partner of the Snegiri company, and the rest by sound engineer Vladimir Ovchinnikov. The work took place in several recording studios (from the Mosfilm studio and the private Megapolis studio to the basement of the children's music school in Vidnoye). In some songs, Nike himself performed all the guitar, drums and keyboard parts. The recording used a single copy of the cult Italian electric organola "Farfisa", which had been gathering dust for 30 years in the Cinematography Orchestra and known to a wide audience from the films "Operation Y" and "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

The songs “Three Words” and “Riding a Star”, which took top positions in the Russian charts, became especially famous. The hour of the song “Horse” struck in the summer of 2000, when “Bullfinches” released a maxi-single, which included the best remixes of the composition created by KINDS OF FISH, RADIUS, V. Afanasov, NetSlov, Finist; the version of femenino de repende was recorded by T. Antsiferova, I. Epifanova, R. Eremeeva-Borzova and N. Gatikashvili. Especially for radio stations, the single included a version of the song without the word “cocaine”.

"Horse" immediately hit the charts; in the fall of 2000, two successful videos were shot for it. In December 2000, Borzov, at the conclusion of the story of “Superman,” released a collector’s edition “SupermEND”, which included the previously unreleased composition “Quarrel” and new remakes and remixes. At the same time, Nike began work on the material for the new album, recording the song “Day as Day.” In 2001, Borzov continued his studies at the pop-jazz department of the Moscow Pedagogical State University.

In 2001, his scandalous song “Three Words” was discussed for two hours at a plenary session by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In response, Nike personally invited the State Duma speaker to his concert. Shortly after the concert, the Snegiri company released the VHS “Naik Borzov. SupermEND. Concert in "Gorbushka".

In the fall of 2002, his song “She is the One” was included in the rank of “the main hits of the year”, and the video shot for it by director Gosha Taidze was in rotation on MTV-Russia.

Best of the day

In 2003 he performed main role in the play “Nirvana” by Yuri Grymov, where he played Kurt Cobain. In the same year, the single “For the Sake of Love” was launched on Maximum radio and after some time took first place in the “Hit Parade of Two Capitals”.

In 2004, Nike produced an album by his then-wife Ruslana Borzova, and also worked on a project called “Mutant Beavers,” defining the group’s genre as “neo-punk with trance elements.”

On November 18, 2005, at the Moscow club “Young Guard” there was a performance by the group “One rythmical ritual” - a joint project of artist Vadim Stashkevich, musician and composer Nike Borzov and the Mokhsira theater studio. The theatrical and ritual performance “The Mysteries of Sagaalgan” was shown. Wrote the soundtrack for the romantic film story “Kostyanika. Summer time" (2006). The soundtrack to the film included the song “Dreams” by Nike Borzov. At the end of 2006, Borzov unfrozen the “Infection” project, and in February he shot a video for the song “Black Hole” starring Barbie Punk Rock.

In April 2007, at a concert in Orange, Nike Borzov presented animated film“Player”, which is based on the song “Et”. And on December 1, 2007, at the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping center there was a presentation of Ruslana Borzova’s debut album “Magic,” on which Nike worked as a music producer.

In January 2008, the musician presented to the public the song “Wind,” a fast melodic composition with dark romantic lyrics, for which Mikhail Abanin immediately shot a video clip.

In November 2008, the original soundtrack was released for Hunter Thompson's audiobook “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” which Nike himself voiced together with Arkhip Akhmeleev. He took part in the creation of Nau Boom - a tribute to the group “Nautilus Pompilius”, where he performed the song “Who Else” from the album “Wings”.

Next, the Infection group presented their new album, “Be Terrified and Bow.” The album contained both new songs and several re-recorded tracks. early period. After this, the group announces its breakup.

In June 2011, a video was released for the song “Chelnaper” - an atmospheric animated work by director Pavel Egorov. In October of the same year, a video was released for the song “Fresh Blood”, created in the “trash-glam” style, which combines the primary symbols of rock-n-roll music. In April 2014, Bozov released the album “Everywhere and Nowhere”, after which he began recording the collection best songs, released December 12, 2014.

In 2015 and 2016, the albums “Molecule” and the album of the group “Infection” “Zombitrans” were released. According to the singer himself, he has a unique voice: “I practically don’t even have duets. Such a timbre and voice that not everyone fits into a duet with me. Either a weak voice or a less dynamic one - they will lose in comparison with mine, according to - to anyone. Which is what happens when I try to do a duet with some quietly singing performer. Cognitive dissonance immediately arises. Why do I need a performer when I can do it myself. in women's voices sing and bass. I have a wide range. I sing all the backing vocals for myself - both for women and men."

Borzov of the 2019 format is very different from the musician who fought for “Horse” with the censors of radio stations. Nike changed his image, hairstyle, and his compositions became more romantic and positive. The musician has his own account on Instagram, through which users can communicate with their idol and follow his life. Borzov actively publishes photos, sharing his plans and ideas about new projects.

The outrageousness was replaced by elegance, and the unbridledness was replaced by thoughtfulness. The singer still does not hesitate to express his own opinion in his characteristic manner. He adheres to the direction in music to which his soul lies, and delights fans with new compositions. Borzov has a daily schedule of tours and performances. Today he remains a sought-after rock musician and collaborates with various groups, including the Murakami group.

The musician's height is 180 cm, weight 78 kg.

Personal life

He was married to Ruslana Eremeeva, a singer who runs her own vocal school. The couple had a daughter, Victoria. After the divorce, he takes part in raising his daughter.

The musician easily won the sympathy of the fair sex, and his character and love of freedom ran counter to his wife’s perception of ideals family life. The Borzovs separated, but maintain friendly relations for the sake of their daughter.

Nike spends time with the heiress and takes care of her. After the divorce, he managed to maintain a trusting and friendly relationship with his ex-wife. Now Ruslana is immersed in managing her own vocal school in Moscow.

Nike Borzov began his path to the top of professional show business with the organization of the punk group “Infection” in 1986, which existed until 1992 and managed to release two full-length albums: “Onanism” (1990) and “Hole for the Navel” (1992).

Nike Borzov began his path to the top of professional show business with the organization of the punk group “Infection” in 1986, which existed until 1992 and managed to release two full-length albums: “Onanism” (1990) and “Hole for the Navel” (1992). Having accepted in different times participation in such projects as “Mesopotamia”, “Platonic Prostitution”, “Buufeet”, “Died”, “Special Nurses”, “Norman Bates Fan Club”, as well as in the notorious Moscow region group “Khui Zabey”, Nike at the beginning In the 90s, he recorded his first solo disc, Immersion.

Then the albums “Closed” (1994) and “Puzzle” (1997) were released with the song “Horse”, which provoked controversy among program directors of all radio stations due to the mention of cocaine in it. Oleg Nesterov played a huge role in Nike’s fate, publishing his fourth album “Superman” (2000) on his label “Bullfinches-Music”. The hits from this record “Riding on a Star” and “The Last Song” were such a stunning success that the maxi-single “Horse” was released in its wake. The unfortunate word was removed from the song, and it became truly popular. Members of the disbanded group “Masha and the Bears” helped the musician with the recording.

In the same year, 2000, Nike Borzov performed at the Fuzz Prize concert, where the ten thousandth Anniversary sang along with him. His superstar status was confirmed by his performances at the “Invasion-2000” festival and the “Brother-2” music show.

In March 2001, Nike gave a solo concert at the Gorbunov House of Culture, and in the summer he played again at the "Invasion". Nike's third performance in a row in Ramenskoye took place in August 2002, after which the musician began work on his next disc. And already in the fall, his fourth album “Splinter” was released, which attracted the attention of the serious music press and received high critical praise. A large-scale tour in support of the album ended in the spring of 2003 at the Gorbunov House of Culture.

Nike Borzov is a vocalist, composer and popular Russian rock musician, famous for hits“Horse”, “Riding on a Star”, “About a Fool”. Borzov collects full clubs, organizes concerts at popular venues in the capital and small towns.

Childhood and youth

It seems that unusual name Nike is a pseudonym. Some media outlets claimed that the musician’s name is Nikolai Barashko. In an interview, the musician repeatedly commented on rumors, assuring that his data in his passport remains unchanged from the moment he received the document. The musician said that his parents did not give him a name until he was three years old. All this time the child was called “baby.” By the age of three, the father decided to name his son Nike. Music critics it is assumed that the name was invented by analogy with or Nick Rock and Roll.

Nike Borzov was born on May 23, 1972 in the village of Vidnoye, Moscow Region, into the family of a well-known rock musician in narrow circles. The boy received creative inclinations at birth, and from childhood he set his social circle in a certain way. My father instilled a taste for music.

The boy often came into confrontation with his family, showing love of freedom and perseverance. He never did anything he didn't like or found boring. Thus, studying was an activity that was not considered attractive. But creativity filled Borzov’s life. All free time young Nike spent time with friends listening to or playing music.

He was a difficult teenager and after yet another showdown with his parent, he simply left home. The son was found with a friend a few days later. The young man was overcome by a hangover. To avoid a repetition of the situation, Nike was given freedom, and the guy built for himself new system priorities, forgetting about school.

At the age of 14 he created his first rock band. “Infection” was provocative and shocking, the defiant slogan of a rebel. The team existed for 4 years, after which Nike took over solo career. Despite the short-term collaboration, the band's musicians released 2 albums, which gave them their first success. Borzov managed to serve in the army, work with various rock bands and change direction in music. After leaving punk, he switched to the psychedelic rock genre.


Nike Borzov had a small number of fans who had known him since the existence of “Infection,” so the musician could count on support while doing solo work. The first album released was a record called “Immersion”, released in 1992.

It was followed in 1994 by the album “Closed”. Nike's compositions were romantic and soulful, written in a melancholic style. In 1996, Borzov released an album in honor of the tenth anniversary of “Infection”, doing it without the band’s musicians. Among other songs there was a composition called “Horse”.

The song was included in radio rotation in 1997. The non-trivial plot, the use of the name of narcotic drugs and the hidden background caused discussion among critics and listeners. By little horse, Nike meant a person locked in a “home-work” mutual guarantee, where he is governed by obligations and a rare opportunity to find happiness.

Nike Borzov's song “Horse”

After the broadcast of the song was banned due to the use of the word “cocaine,” the author made an adjustment. The composition was allowed on radio stations. In 2000, Nike Borzov became performer of the year according to Maximum radio and Izvestia publication.

In 2001, the musician provided his composition “Quarrel” as the soundtrack to the film Down House. Critics increasingly showed affection for the composer. Borzov began performing with solo concerts in the capital, he gathered large venues, and tickets for his performances quickly sold out.

Nike Borzov's song “Riding on a Star”

In 2002, the album “Splinter” was released, and, having stopped touring, the musician suspended his vigorous activity for some time. He played a role in the play "Nirvana" and released the single "For Love."

In 2004, Nike Borzov focused on producing the album of his wife Ruslana and collaborated with musical group"Mutant Beavers" 2005 was marked by the launch of the “One rythmical ritual” project, on which Borzov worked together with the artist Vadim Stashkevich and the Mokhsira theater-studio. In 2006, Nike released a collection of the best songs of the rock group “Infection”.

Nike Borzov's song “Player”

Borzov’s music inspired animators Svetlana Adrianova and Svetlana Elchaninova to create the animated project “The Player,” which Nike Borzov presented in 2007. He shot videos, recorded new songs, and created a soundtrack for the audiobook “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” which he voiced himself.

The performer decided to start reviving the group “Infection,” but the team quickly disbanded because it did not correspond to the platforms of the proposed format. For small clubs, Infection made too high-quality music, but for concert halls and stadiums are unsuitable.

Nike Borzov's song “About a Fool”

In 2010, Borzov’s new solo album “From the Inside” was released. Nike released the film “The Observer,” in which he talked about what several people did recent years. Currently, the musician continues creative activity, performing at group rock concerts and organizing solo events. Being a fan, for the 55th anniversary of his idol, Borzov recorded a song dedicated to him, “This is not love.”

Personal life

Nike Borzov is a public figure. His biography is known to journalists, but the musician manages to hide his personal life. It is known about his marriage to Ruslana. In union with the vocalist, Borzov had a daughter, Victoria. The couple has no more children together.

The musician easily won the sympathy of the fair sex, and his character and love of freedom ran counter to his wife’s perception of the ideals of family life. The Borzovs separated, but maintain friendly relations for the sake of their daughter.

Nike spends time with the heiress and takes care of her. After the divorce, he managed to maintain a trusting and friendly relationship with his ex-wife. Now Ruslana is immersed in managing her own vocal school in Moscow.

Nike Borzov now

Borzov of the 2018 format is very different from the musician who fought for “Horse” with the censors of radio stations. Nike changed his image, hairstyle, and his compositions became more romantic and positive. The musician has his own online account "Instagram", through which users can communicate with the idol and follow his life. Borzov actively publishes photos, sharing his plans and ideas about new projects.

The outrageousness was replaced by elegance, and the unbridledness was replaced by thoughtfulness. The singer still does not hesitate to express his own opinion in his characteristic manner. He adheres to the direction in music to which his soul lies, and delights fans with new compositions. Borzov has a daily schedule of tours and performances. Today he remains a sought-after rock musician and collaborates with various groups, including the Murakami group.

The musician's height is 180 cm, weight 78 kg.


  • 1992 - “Immersion”
  • 1994 - “Closed”
  • 1997 - “Puzzle”
  • 2000 - “Superman”
  • 2002 - “Splinter”
  • 2010 - “From Inside”
  • 2014 - “Everywhere and Nowhere”
  • 2014 - “Nike Borzov. Favorites"
  • 2015 - “Molecule”
  • 2016 - “Molecule, Vol.2”
  • 2018 - “Acid God”