What event served as the beginning of the Timur movement. Timur movement: past and present of the first volunteers of the USSR. The era of the great war

Even before the publication of the work, Gaidar was interested in the problems of military education of schoolchildren. In any case, traces of such interests were reflected in his diary and all his works about Timur. We just talked about the first book. But a little later the writer wrote a second work. It was called “Commandant of the Snow Fortress.” The characters were already doing some war game. Well, at the very beginning of the war, Gaidar managed to write the film script “Timur’s Oath.” From the pages he spoke about the need for a children's organization in military conditions. Members of this community will be on duty during the blackout and bombing. They will protect the territory from saboteurs and spies, and will help the families of Red Army soldiers and peasants in their agricultural work. Actually, that's what happened. Another question is whether the author actually wanted to create some kind of alternative to the pioneer organization with his works about Timur... Unfortunately, we will never know for sure.

Gaidar's idea

They say that Gaidar, in his books about Timur, described the experience of scout organizations in the 10s of the twentieth century. In addition, at one time he led a yard team. And secretly, like his character Timur, he did good deeds without asking for any reward for them. By and large, teenagers who help those in need are now called volunteers.

By the way, such eminent personalities as Anton Makarenko and Konstantin Paustovsky wrote about such a children’s organization in their time. But only Gaidar alone, willingly or unwillingly, managed to bring this plan to life.


What event served as the beginning of the Timur movement? The answer to this question seems quite obvious. It was after the appearance of the book about Timur that the informal Timur movement began. Corresponding detachments also appeared.

The Timurites themselves became, in fact, part of the ideological system of the Soviet Union. At the same time, they managed to maintain a certain spirit of volunteerism.

Timurovites were exemplary teenagers. They selflessly committed good deeds, provided assistance to elderly people, helped collective farms, kindergartens and much, much more. In a word, a real mass movement of schoolchildren has emerged.

Who was the founder of the Timur movement? The very first detachment appeared in 1940 in Klin, in the Moscow region. By the way, it was here that Gaidar wrote his “imperishable story” about Timur and his team. There were only six teenagers in this detachment. They studied at one of the Klin schools. Following them, such detachments arose throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union. Moreover, sometimes in one of the small villages there were 2-3 such teams. Because of this, funny things happened. Let's say teenagers repeatedly chopped wood for an elderly person and swept the yard three times...

The era of the great war

During the war, the Timur movement in the USSR grew in arithmetic progression. In 1945, there were already about 3 million Timurites in the Soviet Union. These teenagers actually turned out to be irreplaceable.

Such detachments functioned in orphanages, schools, palaces of pioneers and out-of-school institutions. The teenagers patronized the families of officers and soldiers and continued to help harvest the crops.

The teams also carried out tremendous work in hospitals. Thus, the Timurites of the Gorky region managed to organize almost 10 thousand amateur performances for the wounded. They were constantly on duty in hospitals, wrote letters on behalf of the soldiers, and performed a number of various chores.

Another example of the Timur movement occurred in the summer of 1943. The steamer "Pushkin" set off on the route "Kazan - Stalingrad". On the ship as cargo are gifts that were collected by the Timurites of the republic.

And in Leningrad, besieged by the Nazis, the Timur movement acquired special meaning. Twelve thousand teenagers operated in 753 Timurov’s detachments in the northern capital. They provided assistance to the families of front-line soldiers, the disabled and pensioners. They had to prepare fuel for them, clean their apartments and receive food ration cards.

By the way, at the beginning of 1942, the first rallies of Timurites were held throughout the USSR. At these events they talked about the results of their successful activities.

Also by this time, the first songs about the Timur movement appeared, among them “Four friendly guys”, “How high is our sky above us” and, of course, “Song of the Timurites” by Blanter. Later, such popular musical compositions as “Gaidar Walks Ahead”, “Song of the Red Pathfinders”, “Eaglets Learn to Fly”, “Timurovites”, etc. were written.

Ural detachment

Returning to the war period, one of Timur’s famous teams was a detachment from the mining town of Plast, in the Chelyabinsk region. Two hundred teenagers took part in it. And it was headed by 73-year-old Alexandra Rychkova.

The detachment was created in August 1941. At the very first training camp, Rychkova said that she would have to work literally to the point of exhaustion. There will be no age discounts. She announced that if anyone changed their mind, they could leave immediately. But no one left. The teenagers were divided into groups and appointed leaders.

Every day Rychkova handed out a work plan. They helped those in need, told townspeople about situations at the front, and held concerts for the wounded in the hospital. In addition, they collected medicinal plants, scrap metal, prepared firewood, worked in the fields, and patronized the families of front-line soldiers. They were also trusted with a serious matter: Timur’s men crawled into mine dumps and took away rocks.

Note that despite working, teenagers still continued to go to school.

As a result, in six months the team from Plast was able to gain a truly impeccable reputation. Even the officials gave the guys a room for their headquarters. Timurites from this mining town have been repeatedly written about in periodicals. By the way, this detachment is mentioned in the encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War.

The process of merging pioneers and Timurites

In 1942, teachers were in some confusion. The fact is that Timur’s detachments, in fact, began to displace the pioneer squads. Let us remember that the book about Timur was about a “self-disciplined” team. In it, teenagers took on all the responsibilities and solved all problems themselves, without adult supervision.

As a result, the leaders of the Komsomol made a decision related to the unification of the pioneers and Timurites. After some time, the Komsomol managed to take control of them.

By and large, this situation had its obvious advantages and big disadvantages. The activities of the Timurites began to be considered an additional form of pioneer work.

Post-war period

Immediately after the victory over the fascist invaders, Timur’s men continued to help front-line soldiers, the disabled, and the elderly. They also tried to care for the graves of Red Army soldiers.

But at the same time the movement began to fade away. Perhaps the reason was that the Timurites did not feel much desire to “join” the ranks of the pioneer organization. They lost their freedom of choice.

The revival of the movement began only during Khrushchev’s “thaw”...


The history of the Timur movement in Russia continued. During this period, teenagers continued to engage in social activities useful activity. The best were awarded. For example, eleven-year-old schoolgirl M. Nakhangova from Tajikistan managed to exceed the norm for an adult by seven times in picking cotton. She was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Timurovites began to engage in search work. So, they began to study the life of A. Gaidar and, as a result, helped open museums of the writer in a number of cities. They also organized a library-museum named after the writer in Kanev.

And in the 70s, under the editorship of the famous Soviet magazine “Pioneer”, the so-called All-Union Timur Headquarters was formed. Training sessions for Timurites also took place with enviable regularity. Poems about the Timur movement were actively composed and read. In 1973, the first All-Union rally took place in the Artek camp. Three and a half thousand delegates attended the event. They then even managed to adopt the program of the Timur movement, aimed at its active development.

Note that such teams were created in Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the GDR.

Collapse and revival of the movement

At the very beginning of the 90s, the role of the Komsomol and the Pioneers was declared exhausted. These organizations officially ceased to exist. Accordingly, the same fate awaited Timur’s movement.

But almost simultaneously the “Federation of Children’s Organizations” was created, independent of any political party. A few years later Russian President announced the creation of a movement of Russian schoolchildren. Note that this idea was also supported by teachers.

A little earlier, a new Timurov (volunteer) movement was officially formed, which is designed to help socially vulnerable groups of the population.

New time

Thus, in our time, the traditions of the Timur movement have been preserved. Such units exist in several regions. For example, in Shuya, in the Ivanovo province, there is a youth movement of Timurites. As before, they not only help those in need, but also try to be useful to society.

I'm glad that this movement is spreading everywhere again...

The Timur movement arose at the very beginning of the 40s of the twentieth century, immediately after the publication of Arkady Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team.” At first, these were spontaneously formed “teams” (detachments, squads) that helped adults in the same way as was described in the story. This movement reached its greatest flourishing during the war years, when children gained greater independence after their fathers went to the front and began to help the country at war. In the post-war famine of the 40s and 50s, they helped disabled people and families of the dead with housework, raised poultry and rabbits.

In the 60-70s, Timurov’s squads were in every school in the country. In principle, their functions did not change, but their external side became stronger, very reminiscent of the one that Arkady Gaidar opposed in “Timur’s Oath”: in each city there was a “chief Timur”, a city headquarters, and regular meetings were held. ceremonial lines with winning reports. In fact, Timur’s headquarters turned into additional schools of leaders, and in many cases more effective than pioneer squads and school Komsomol organizations, since leadership in Timur’s squads was still aimed at practical matters.

By the end of the 80s, the Timur movement, like the Pioneer and Komsomol movements, had finally become formalized and actually degenerated. Years of crisis of the 90s and beginning of the XXI centuries have passed almost without Timur's movement.

Today the task is to revive and develop the Timur movement in Russia. Is this possible and is it necessary?

For many reasons of a socio-economic and political nature, we were deprived for a long time of an organization designed to raise children and organize their reasonable leisure. This could not but cause a surge in many negative phenomena that began to seriously worry society: increased crime among teenagers and, in particular, the movement of so-called skinheads, fans of sports clubs, alcoholism and drug addiction, idle pastime with a bottle of beer in hand, extreme individualism and aggressiveness alone and escapism from reality computer games others. To avoid the deepening and expansion of these negative processes, the revival and development of the Timur movement is necessary. It will help organize reasonable and creative leisure time for children and will contribute to raising children in the spirit of national moral values: patriotism, a sense of mercy, compassion and mutual assistance, the desire to work for the good of their neighbors. And this education needs to start as early as possible. It is possible that from older preschool age.

On the other hand, society needs Timur’s movement. As strange as it may seem, we will no longer be able to cope without the help of children. Is the Timur movement, that is, voluntary and free help from children to adults, possible in our mercantile age? Of course, in the form in which it is described in the story “Timur and His Team,” the revival of the Timur movement is practically impossible. The fact is that in those years when Arkady Gaidar’s story was studied at school, for some reason they ignored the fact that the children organized their team during the holidays, in a holiday village, being there not with their parents, but under supervision, and not very tough, grandmother (Nyurka), grandfather (Kolya Kolokolchikov), uncle (Timur), older sister (Zhenya). Leisure, not limited by everyday academic duties, and the absence of petty supervision allowed the children to independently create their own self-governing small organization (team). Modern schoolchildren do not have such unlimited leisure time.

The second thing that makes it difficult to revive the Timur movement in the form it was in the story “Timur and His Team” is precisely what the writer himself considered most effective - the atmosphere of play and mystery. In a modern criminogenic environment, such a game would be perceived with even greater caution, especially since nowadays it is much more likely to fall under the influence of a negative leader, or even a criminal “authority,” than under the influence of a positive one. In order to play such games and avoid the influence of crime, you must first find and train thousands of active teenagers capable of leading Timurov’s teams. Business games and specialized shifts in “I am a Leader” camps, which have experience in many cities, including Arzamas, can help with this preparation. The new Timurs can also be helped in their work by so-called street psychologists, who have been working with teenagers in the West for quite a long time, and now they are trying to introduce this position in our large cities.

The school should also not stand aside from the organization of the Timur movement. But at the same time, there is a danger that class teachers, who had experience in this direction in the 80s, will not be able to avoid the temptation to use “old, proven” methods of work, which at one time led the Timur movement to degenerate into ordinary compulsory education. “working out”, which causes nothing in children except boredom and a feeling of wasted time. The school is faced with the task of finding new forms of organizing Timurov’s work that may be of interest to modern children.

Replacing command-administrative forms with partnerships between adults and children is one of the central tasks in organizing the Timur movement at the present stage.

And another problem that needs to be solved is working with parents. Parents of today's 10-12 year old children, who have survived all the economic and political upheavals and have experienced massive financial pressure mass media who promoted Western values ​​of individualism and personal success at any cost are unlikely to take a favorable view of their children wasting time on “someone else’s uncle.” Class teachers it is necessary to provide appropriate work with parents.

In the West in last decades There is a volunteer movement of young people (high school students, students) to help those who need it. This movement is also beginning to develop here in Russia. It is also in hometown Arkady Gaidar Arzamas. For example, the youth organization “Cossack Spas” patronizes children at risk, completely voluntarily, at the behest of the heart, free of charge. At the same time, there are still many problems in organizing the volunteer movement that arise from a lack of understanding of the essence of this movement, from “obligations,” and from attempts to get some benefits.

Natalya BELYANKOVA, director of the scientific and methodological center of the Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Gaidar, candidate of pedagogical sciences

Were you a Timurite? Thirty years ago, this question, asked of a recent student, would have caused bewilderment. Almost all the guys were Timurites Soviet Union. Helping someone who needs your help and doing it selflessly was a normal human reaction to an event. This can be called morality, it can be education, but the essence was the same - this attitude towards the world around us allowed Soviet children to grow into decent people and worthy citizens.

It is also interesting that the Timurites were often confused with the pioneers. However, this is not the same thing. As a researcher of this issue, historian Alexey Nikolaevich Balakirev writes, during the Great Patriotic War out of twenty million schoolchildren, only a third of the children were pioneers. The reason is that in difficult times, when most men went to the front, teachers had no time for political education and children educated themselves. Or rather, they were raised by books and the personal example of their older comrades.

This is how the Timur movement was born. It quickly became popular and grew exponentially. During the five years of the war, there were already three million teenagers in the USSR who proudly called themselves Timurites. These guys were irreplaceable both in the rear and in the partisan movement, and today we also owe our Great Victory to them.

Let's contact the organization

The movement was born in 1940 after the story “Timur and His Team” by Arkady Gaidar was published. The story was completed on August 27, and a week later the excerpt was published in print. Then radio broadcasts began - the success was stunning. A year later, the story was published in large numbers, it was immediately sold out, and more and more were printed. And until the end of the 1970s, the story “Timur and His Team” became one of the most significant and most importantly beloved works of children's literature.

Immediately after the release of the first edition, detachments of Timurites began to appear in all cities and villages of the USSR, like mushrooms after rain. It even happened that in one small village there were two or even three detachments. And they even fought for good deeds: they cut the same firewood twice for the widow of a war hero, swept the yard three times or rinsed the laundry. Such funny things happened.

He did not invent the organization that Gaidar describes, but created it himself in his childhood: he was the commander of a yard team, secretly did good deeds and did not ask for rewards for them. In modern language, the guys who help their neighbors could be called volunteers. And then they were something new and unusual, because teenagers organized themselves, without the participation of adults and without their leadership
Konstantin Paustovsky wrote about a similar yard team; he recalls a case when the boys helped find a very rare medicine and thanks to this, a seriously ill child recovered.

During the war years, the Timur movement acquired a mass character. There were many problems in each yard and the guys, as before, did not work according to orders from above, but decided for themselves what to do and whom to help. But still, if before it was more of a game, now it is necessary help. “Conspiracy” and “secret plans” remained in peacetime, but now there were lists of urgent matters and duty schedules. Around the same time, having appreciated the attractiveness of Timur’s teams, mature people also joined the movement.

Baba Sasha's squad

In 1941, Timurov’s team of 250 children operated in Kyiv, and a team of 200 teenagers gathered in the city of Plast, Chelyabinsk region. She was led by 74-year-old Alexandra Petrovna Rychkova.

One of her former wards recalled that when in August 1941 in the mining town of Plast they learned that a team of Timurites was gathering in the center, all the local guys came running to help the front.
And although at the very first training camp Alexandra Petrovna announced that they would work hard, without discounts for age (and those who changed their minds could immediately leave), the ranks did not move. There were 108 children and teenagers in the ranks. Those who wished were divided into groups, and a leader was appointed for each group.

We acted according to the plan that Baba Shura handed out every day. The plan included helping those in need, political information and ideological work, and holding concerts for the hospital. There were also general tasks that concerned everyone: collecting medicinal plants, preparing firewood, collecting scrap metal for the front, and other current affairs. And there were many of them: work in the fields, patronage of the families of front-line soldiers, many worked as nannies for other people’s children while their parents worked.

Over the course of six months of active work, the detachment gained an impeccable reputation. And then the authorities allocated them an empty room in which the headquarters was located. Trimurites come here, and local residents, carried gifts for soldiers at the front and for hospitals: knitted socks, sleeveless vests, scarves, hats, mittens.

It is also interesting that gold was mined in the mines near the city of Plast, for which we, the USSR, bought from America and Britain military equipment and products. The main mining work was done by the miners, but if the lights suddenly went out (and this happened often), the employees called Timurovites for help. The boys descended underground and, together with the adults, lifted a heavy load to the surface.
Another task that they were entrusted with was that they crawled into the dumps and selected from the already mined rocks what the miners had missed.
Despite being so busy, the children still went to school. Their military work did not go unnoticed - the detachment from the town of Plast was written about more than once in Soviet newspapers. And today a mention of this Timurov team can be found in the encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War.

Under the wing of power

In 1942, the pedagogical community became worried: Timur’s teams began to replace and displace pioneer organizations. The fact came to light that the pioneer organization had been disbanded in the capital. The Komsomol members got scared and began active work to merge the Pioneers and Timurites. In the final, Timur's team took control. There were both pros and cons here. We can talk about this for a long time. But the point is that now the Timurites have lost their freedom of choice; they have been transferred to the category of an additional form of work of the pioneer organization. And some researchers believe that the movement died in the 60s and 70s.

I'm not a historian. Born in 1979. And my childhood was in the second half of the eighties. I remember long lines, coupons, lump sugar instead of sweets. But I also remember how I was part of the Timurov school team in the town of Saratov, Odessa region.
We brought water to grandmothers, cleaned apartments for disabled people, helped in gardens and played with other people's children. I don’t remember doing all this under pressure. On the contrary, she was proud that she was able to bring benefit to her country and do something good for someone. My school friends thought so too. That's how we were raised.

Therefore, talk about what recent years In the USSR, the Timur movement has outlived its usefulness, I consider them dishonest.
Today Timurites can be called volunteers, or volunteers. There are detachments at schools and at sports clubs. But still this is a little different. Because new times give birth to new idols. And this is inevitable.

As psychologists explain, teenagers need to form groups and have common hobbies. That’s how they, or rather, you and I, people, are structured. But what kind of groups these are, and what kind of hobbies they are, is determined by time. Or rather, those adults who are at this time are making this story today. For example, during the war there were Timurites in the USSR, and a little later, boys ran to conquer the North, build the Baikal-Amur Mainline, and develop virgin lands. In the 70s there were hippies, in the 90s the skinhead movement flourished.

Now being reborn search parties, patriotic movements, sports clubs, they say that in some places there are new Timurites. It is unlikely that they will be able to be a real alternative to “those” Timurovites, but it’s good that they exist. Now the theme of love for the Motherland, for Russia is coming to the fore and this gives us hope that in the near future we will see a new generation. And it will be better than us...

“So among us there are modest people with a pure heart, unnoticed, but with a huge soul. They are the ones who decorate life, containing everything that exists in humanity - kindness, simplicity, trust,” wrote G. Troepolsky.

Mercy and kindness... in lately we began to refer to these words more often. As if having seen the light, we began to realize that the most acute shortage we have today is human warmth and care for our neighbors. After all, a person is born and lives on Earth in order to do good to people. Perhaps that is why, even in the old alphabet, the letters of the alphabet were designated by the words closest to a person: Z - “earth”, L - “people”, M - “thought”, D - “good”. The ABC seemed to call: People of the Earth, Think, Think and do Good!

Each of us has the sun. This sun is kindness. Kindness, the ability to feel the joy and pain of another person as one’s own, a sense of mercy ultimately make a person a Human.

Yes, a person should be taught to do good as early as possible, from childhood. We do not know what graduates of our school will become in the future - lawyers, engineers, teachers, but we are sure of one thing: they will always do good, because they grow up as caring people. The essence of our movement is to help everyone who needs help. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, pedagogical work and older people should feel that there are people around who, at the call of their souls and hearts, are able to share their problems and concerns and give them hope. We should not forget that the world consists not only of joy: it, alas, contains torment and the suffering of old age and loneliness.

Timurites must help those who need it. Not all modern young people know who the Timurites are. Gaidar wrote a book about them a long time ago, and it is no longer fashionable. But still, it is rightly said that “the new is the well forgotten old.”

Timurov’s work is very necessary, because elderly people sometimes need not only help, but also just attention. In addition, by communicating with elderly fellow villagers, children can learn a lot of new things about their village, traditions and customs, as well as listen to their memories of events of bygone days.

Timurov's work has been going on at our school for many years. It is carried out systematically, and most importantly - with desire. Students from grades 5 to 9 are involved in it.

Timurites participated in various operations “Snow”, “A Veteran Lives Nearby”, “Salute to Veterans” and “Obelisk”. The guys went to their wards and provided them with all possible help: they sawed and chopped wood, stored it in the barn, cleared the paths of snow, threw snow off the roof, cleaned the room, washed the floor, and carried water.

The children's sensitive attitude towards people was expressed not only in helping pensioners with household chores. Along with this, the Timurites provided them with moral support: they congratulated them on the occasion of the holiday, organized meetings with war veterans. And won’t the former warrior’s heart beat excitedly when, on Victory Day, the guys congratulate him and present him with a gift made with their own hands?

We also conducted raids on younger schoolchildren: “Study, work, have fun, like us”

Kirillova Anastasia, commander of the “Care” detachment, says: “We like to help such elderly, helpless people. This is pleasant for both yourself and others. As they say, life is a mirror, if you do something good for someone else, it will come back to you in the future or soon.”

The work carried out made it possible to verify that extracurricular groups represented by Timur’s groups significantly influence the degree of growth in demands on each other.

In the process of carrying out Timurov’s work, children come into contact with people who have extensive life experience, are worthy and respected in society. They have a huge educational influence on the behavior of young Timurites.

The work Timurovites do is the acquisition of citizenship, involvement in the affairs of adults. Timurites adhere to the commandments:

  • Do no harm, do not destroy, but help and improve the life around you;
  • Live for the smile of your comrade;
  • Better difficult than boring;
  • Beauty, but without embellishment
    And goodness is not for show -
    This is what is dear to us.
  • Help and protect those in need of help;
  • Think collectively
    Work quickly
    Argue with evidence -
    A must for everyone.

Absolutely special role the song is playing. It evokes feelings that are difficult to express in words. The main thing in the song is that it brings people together and makes them closer. Our traditional collective song:

The road of goodness

Words by Yu. Entin, music by M. Minkov

1. Ask strict life,
Which way to go?
Where in the white world
Head out early in the morning?
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown.
Go, my friend, always
Walk the path of goodness.

2. Forget your worries,
downs and ups.
Don't whine when fate
She doesn't behave like a sister.
But if with friend is bad,
Don't rely on a miracle.
Hurry to him, always
Walk the path of goodness.

3. Oh, how many different ones there will be
doubts and temptations.
Don't forget that life is
Not a child's game.
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law.
Go, my friend, always
Walk the path of goodness.

Program “Mercy”


  1. Fostering kindness, sensitivity, compassion and empathy, tolerance and goodwill.
  2. Revival of the best domestic traditions and charity.
  3. Development of a children's initiative to provide assistance to elderly and lonely people in need of their care and attention, veterans and disabled war veterans and disabled children.
  4. Creating conditions conducive to the formation of a personality capable of independently building their life on the principles of goodness, truth, and beauty.

Area of ​​activity

Implementation period

Expected results

Identification, in cooperation with the local administration, of those in need of help for the elderly, lonely, war veterans and disabled people. Provide all possible assistance in everyday life.

Provide moral and feasible financial assistance

Cooperation with kindergarten “Shankarav” Carry out concert and theater work, provide all possible and material assistance to children in need Education of citizenship and morality in students. Formed sense of compassion and mercy.
Chef work with primary grades schools Helping little ones organize leisure and educational activities Education of citizenship and morality in students. Formed sense of compassion and mercy.

Main activities

Home without loneliness

Constant communication with veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, with those who are practically only within the walls of their home

1. Surrounding with care and attention, providing specific assistance to lonely elderly people.

2. Organization and conduct:

  • “lights”, meetings, concert programs
  • Day of the Elderly “Let’s warm our palms, smooth out wrinkles”
  • operations “A veteran lives nearby”, “A gift to a veteran”, “Please accept our congratulations”.

“Step forward”

1. Surrounding orphans in care with care and attention.

2. Organization and conduct:

  • charity events “kindness” will save the world”, “We do good with our own hands”;
  • charity relay race “Peace is in me and I am in the world”;
  • holidays, game programs, concerts;
  • operations “Letter to a Friend”, “Friendship Flashlight” ( greeting cards, mini-newspapers).

“You know I’m close!”

1. Creation of interest groups, clubs and other children's associations, which include sick children and their healthy peers, the degree of social well-being of which is different: here are children from complete and cared for children, low-income and dysfunctional families and others.

2. Organizing joint activities to help children with disabilities and socially vulnerable teenagers enter society.

H. Carrying out joint excursions, trips, hikes, etc.

“We are your older friends”

Caring for the younger ones, the desire to make their life exciting and interesting, “Treasured Box”, “4 + Z”, “Magic Carousel”, “Our School Planet”, “Sun Rays”, “Children’s Republic”, “Seven-Flower Flower”, “Teremok of Miracles”, “Fairytale Houses”, “Ding-Dong”, etc.

Caring for the younger ones, the desire to make their lives exciting and interesting through the implementation of the “Do Good” and “Treasured Box” programs. Games, holidays for kindergarten students.

Among friends

Organizing and conducting for your peers:

  • lessons of goodness “Who else if not you”, “Life is given for good deeds”, “Care and attention”, “Kindness brings joy to people”, “The magical power of goodness”.
  • Collectively creative deeds “Man needs man”, “We need each other”, “Good is the way”, “It is better to be kind in the world, there is enough evil in the world”, “Bells of goodness”

Were you a Timurite? Thirty years ago, this question, asked of a recent student, would have caused bewilderment. Almost all the guys in the Soviet Union were Timurites. Helping someone who needs your help and doing it selflessly was a normal human reaction to an event. This can be called morality, it can be education, but the essence was the same - this attitude towards the world around us allowed Soviet children to grow into decent people and worthy citizens.

It is also interesting that the Timurites were often confused with the pioneers. However, this is not the same thing. As a researcher of this issue, historian Alexei Nikolaevich Balakirev, writes, during the Great Patriotic War, out of twenty million schoolchildren, only a third of the children were pioneers. The reason is that in difficult times, when most men went to the front, teachers had no time for political education and children educated themselves. Or rather, they were raised by books and the personal example of their older comrades.

This is how the Timur movement was born. It quickly became popular and grew exponentially. During the five years of the war, there were already three million teenagers in the USSR who proudly called themselves Timurites. These guys were irreplaceable both in the rear and in the partisan movement, and today we also owe our Great Victory to them.

* * *

The movement was born in 1940 after the story “Timur and His Team” by Arkady Gaidar was published. The story was completed on August 27, and a week later the excerpt was published in print. Then radio broadcasts began - the success was stunning. A year later, the story was published in large numbers, it was immediately sold out, and more and more were printed. And until the end of the 1970s, the story “Timur and His Team” became one of the most significant and most importantly beloved works of children's literature.

Immediately after the release of the first edition, detachments of Timurites began to appear in all cities and villages of the USSR, like mushrooms after rain. It even happened that in one small village there were two or even three detachments. And they even fought for good deeds: they cut the same firewood twice for the widow of a war hero, swept the yard three times or rinsed the laundry. Such funny things happened.

He did not invent the organization that Gaidar describes, but created it himself in his childhood: he was the commander of a yard team, secretly did good deeds and did not ask for rewards for them. In modern language, guys who help their neighbors could be called volunteers. And then they were something new and unusual, because teenagers organized themselves, without the participation of adults and without their leadership
Konstantin Paustovsky wrote about a similar yard team; he recalls a case when the boys helped find a very rare medicine and thanks to this, a seriously ill child recovered.

During the war years, the Timur movement acquired a mass character. There were many problems in each yard and the guys, as before, did not work according to orders from above, but decided for themselves what to do and whom to help. But still, if before it was more of a game, now it is necessary help. “Conspiracy” and “secret plans” remained in peacetime, but now there were lists of urgent matters and duty schedules. Around the same time, having appreciated the attractiveness of Timur’s teams, mature people also joined the movement.

In 1941, Timurov’s team of 250 children operated in Kyiv, and a team of 200 teenagers gathered in the city of Plast, Chelyabinsk region. She was led by 74-year-old Alexandra Petrovna Rychkova.

One of her former wards recalled that when in August 1941 in the mining town of Plast they learned that a team of Timurites was gathering in the center, all the local guys came running to help the front.

And although at the very first training camp Alexandra Petrovna announced that they would work hard, without discounts for age (and those who changed their minds could immediately leave), the ranks did not move. There were 108 children and teenagers in the ranks. Those who wished were divided into groups, and a leader was appointed for each group.

We acted according to the plan that Baba Shura handed out every day. The plan included helping those in need, political information and ideological work, and holding concerts for the hospital. There were also general tasks that concerned everyone: collecting medicinal plants, preparing firewood, collecting scrap metal for the front, and other current affairs. And there were many of them: work in the fields, patronage of the families of front-line soldiers, many worked as nannies for other people’s children while their parents worked.

Over the course of six months of active work, the detachment gained an impeccable reputation. And then the authorities allocated them an empty room in which the headquarters was located. Here, Trimurites, and local residents as well, brought gifts for soldiers at the front and for hospitals: knitted socks, sleeveless vests, scarves, hats, mittens.

It is also interesting that gold was mined in the mines near the city of Plast, for which we, the USSR, bought military equipment and products from America and Britain. The main mining work was done by the miners, but if the power suddenly went out (and this happened often), the employees called Timurovites for help. The boys descended underground and, together with the adults, lifted a heavy load to the surface.

Another task that they were entrusted with was that they crawled into the dumps and selected from the already mined rocks what the miners had missed.

Despite being so busy, the children still went to school. Their military work did not go unnoticed - the detachment from the town of Plast was written about more than once in Soviet newspapers. And today a mention of this Timurov team can be found in the encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War.

In 1942, the pedagogical community became worried: Timur’s teams began to replace and displace pioneer organizations. The fact came to light that the pioneer organization had been disbanded in the capital. The Komsomol members got scared and began active work to merge the Pioneers and Timurites. In the final, Timur's team took control. There were both pros and cons here. We can talk about this for a long time. But the point is that now the Timurites have lost their freedom of choice; they have been transferred to the category of an additional form of work of the pioneer organization. And some researchers believe that the movement died in the 60s and 70s.

I'm not a historian. Born in 1979. And my childhood was in the second half of the eighties. I remember long lines, coupons, lump sugar instead of sweets. But I also remember how I was part of the Timurov school team in the town of Saratov, Odessa region.
We brought water to grandmothers, cleaned apartments for disabled people, helped in gardens and played with other people's children. I don’t remember doing all this under pressure. On the contrary, she was proud that she was able to bring benefit to her country and do something good for someone. My school friends thought so too. That's how we were raised.

Therefore, I consider the talk that in the last years of the USSR the Timur movement has outlived its usefulness to be dishonest.
Today Timurites can be called volunteers, or volunteers. There are squads at schools and sports clubs. But still this is a little different. Because new times give birth to new idols. And this is inevitable.

As psychologists explain, teenagers need to form groups and have common hobbies. That’s how they, or rather, you and I, people, are structured. But what kind of groups these are, and what kind of hobbies they are, is determined by time. Or rather, those adults who are at this time are making this story today. For example, during the war there were Timurites in the USSR, and a little later, boys ran to conquer the North, build the Baikal-Amur Mainline, and develop virgin lands. In the 70s there were hippies, in the 90s the skinhead movement flourished.

Now search teams, patriotic movements, sports clubs are being revived, they say that in some places there are new Timurites. It is unlikely that they can be a real alternative to “those” Timurovites, but it’s good that they exist. Now the theme of love for the Motherland, for Russia is coming to the fore and this gives us hope that in the near future we will see a new generation. And it will be better than us...

Svetlana Khlystun