An essay on the topic beauty will save the world reasoning. Beauty will save the world Essay reasoning Beauty will save the world

Beauty will save the world

Beauty will save the world
From the novel “The Idiot” (1868) by F. M. Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881).
As a rule, it is taken literally: contrary to the author’s interpretation of the concept of “beauty.”
In the novel (Part 3, Chapter V), these words are spoken by the 18-year-old youth Ippolit Terentyev, referring to the words of Prince Myshkin conveyed to him by Nikolai Ivolgin and ironizing the latter: “It’s true, Prince, that you once said that the world will be saved by “beauty "? “Gentlemen,” he shouted loudly to everyone, “the prince claims that the world will be saved by beauty!” And I claim that the reason he has such playful thoughts is that he is now in love.
Gentlemen, the prince is in love; Just now, as soon as he came in, I was convinced of this. Don’t blush, prince, I’ll feel sorry for you. What beauty will save the world? Kolya told this to me... Are you a zealous Christian? Kolya says that you call yourself a Christian.
The prince looked at him carefully and did not answer him.”
F. M. Dostoevsky was far from strictly aesthetic judgments - he wrote about spiritual beauty, about the beauty of the soul. This corresponds to the main idea of ​​the novel - to create an image of “positive wonderful person" Therefore, in his drafts, the author calls Myshkin “Prince Christ,” thereby reminding himself that Prince Myshkin should be as similar as possible to Christ - kindness, philanthropy, meekness, a complete lack of selfishness, the ability to sympathize with human troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, the “beauty” that the prince (and F. M. Dostoevsky himself) speaks of is the sum moral qualities"a positively wonderful person."
This purely personal interpretation of beauty is typical for the writer. He believed that “people can be beautiful and happy” not only in the afterlife. They can be like this “without losing the ability to live on earth.” To do this, they must agree with the idea that Evil “cannot be the normal state of people,” that everyone has the power to get rid of it. And then, when people are guided by the best that is in their soul, memory and intentions (Good), then they will be truly beautiful. And the world will be saved, and it will be precisely this “beauty” (that is, the best that is in people) that will save it.
Of course, this will not happen overnight - spiritual work, trials and even suffering are needed, after which a person renounces Evil and turns to Good, begins to appreciate it. The writer talks about this in many of his works, including the novel “The Idiot.” For example (part 1, chapter VII):
“For some time, the general’s wife, silently and with a certain shade of disdain, examined the portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, which she held in front of her in her outstretched hand, extremely and effectively moving away from her eyes.
Yes, she’s good,” she said finally, “very much so.” I saw her twice, only from a distance. So do you appreciate such and such beauty? - she suddenly turned to the prince.
Yes... like that... - the prince answered with some effort.
So that's exactly what it is?
Exactly like this.
For what?
In this face... there is a lot of suffering... - the prince said, as if involuntarily, as if speaking to himself, and not answering the question.
“You may be delusional, however,” the general’s wife decided and with an arrogant gesture she threw the portrait back onto the table.”
The writer, in his interpretation of beauty, is a like-minded person of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), who spoke about the “moral law within us”, that “beauty is sym-
ox of moral goodness." F. M. Dostoevsky develops the same idea in his other works. So, if in the novel “The Idiot” he writes that beauty will save the world, then in the novel “Demons” (1872) he logically concludes that “ugliness (anger, indifference, selfishness. - Comp.) will kill...”

Encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

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“...what is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness, or a fire flickering in the vessel? This is what the poet N. Zabolotsky wrote in his poem “Beauty will save the world.” A catchphrase, included in the title, is known to almost every person. She probably touched the ears of beautiful women and girls more than once, falling from the lips of men enchanted by their beauty.

This wonderful expression belongs to the famous Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky. In his novel “The Idiot,” the writer gives thoughts and thoughts about beauty and its essence to his hero, Prince Myshkin. The work does not indicate how Myshkin himself says that beauty will save the world. These words belong to him, but they sound indirectly: “Is it true, prince,” Ippolit asks Myshkin, “that the world will be saved by “beauty”? “Gentlemen,” he shouted loudly to everyone, “the prince says that the world will be saved by beauty!” Elsewhere in the novel, during the prince’s meeting with Aglaya, she tells him, as if warning: “Listen, once for all, if you talk about anything like the death penalty, or economic condition Russia, or that “the world will be saved by beauty”, then... I, of course, will rejoice and laugh very much, but... I warn you in advance: don’t show yourself to me later! Listen: I'm serious! This time I’m really serious!”

How to understand the famous saying about beauty?

"Beauty will save the world." How's the statement? This question can be asked by a student of any age, regardless of the class in which he studies. And each parent will answer this question in a completely different way, absolutely individually. Because beauty is perceived and seen differently for everyone.

Everyone probably knows the saying that you can look at objects together, but see them completely differently. After reading Dostoevsky's novel, a feeling of some uncertainty about what beauty is is formed inside. “Beauty will save the world,” Dostoevsky pronounced these words on behalf of the hero as his own understanding of the way to save the fussy and mortal world. However, the author gives each reader the opportunity to answer this question independently. “Beauty” in the novel is presented as an unsolved mystery created by nature, and as a force that can drive you crazy. Prince Myshkin also sees the simplicity of beauty and its refined splendor; he says that in the world there are many things at every step so beautiful that even the most lost person can see their splendor. He asks to look at the child, at the dawn, at the grass, into the loving eyes looking at you.... Indeed, it is difficult to imagine our modern world without mysterious and sudden natural phenomena, without the magnet-attracting gaze of a loved one, without the love of parents for children and children for parents.

What then is worth living and where to draw your strength?

How to imagine a world without this enchanting beauty of every moment of life? This is simply impossible. The existence of humanity is unthinkable without this. Almost every person, engaged in daily work or any other burdensome task, has thought more than once that in the usual bustle of life, as if carelessly, almost without noticing, he missed something very important, did not have time to notice the beauty of the moments. Yet beauty has a certain divine origin; it expresses the true essence of the Creator, giving everyone the opportunity to join Him and be like Him.

Believers comprehend beauty through communication through prayer with the Lord, through contemplation of the world He created and through the improvement of their human essence. Of course, a Christian’s understanding and vision of beauty will differ from the usual ideas of people professing another religion. But somewhere between these ideological contradictions there is still that thin thread that connects everyone into one whole. In such divine unity there also lies the silent beauty of harmony.

Tolstoy about beauty

Beauty will save the world... Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy expressed his opinion on this matter in his work “War and Peace”. The writer mentally divides all phenomena and objects present in the world around us into two main categories: content or form. The division occurs depending on the greater predominance of these elements in the nature of objects and phenomena.

The writer does not give preference to phenomena and people with the presence of the main thing in them in the form of form. That is why in his novel he so clearly demonstrates his dislike for high society with his forever established life norms and rules and lack of sympathy for Helen Bezukhova, whom, according to the text of the work, everyone considered unusually beautiful.

Society and public opinion do not have any influence on his personal attitude towards people and life. The writer looks at the content. This is important to his perception, and this is what awakens interest in his heart. He does not recognize the lack of movement and life in a shell of luxury, but he endlessly admires the imperfection of Natasha Rostova and the ugliness of Maria Bolkonskaya. Based on the opinion of the great writer, is it possible to say that beauty will save the world?

Lord Byron on the splendor of beauty

For another famous, however, Lord Byron, beauty is seen as a pernicious gift. He views her as capable of seducing, intoxicating and committing atrocities with a person. But this is not entirely true; beauty has a dual nature. And it is better for us, people, to notice not its destructiveness and deceit, but the life-giving force that can heal our heart, mind and body. Indeed, in many ways, our health and correct perception of the picture of the world develops as a result of our direct mental attitude to things.

And yet, will beauty save the world?

Our modern world, in which there are so many social contradictions and heterogeneity... A world in which there are rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and unhappy, free and dependent... And that, despite all adversity, beauty will save the world? Perhaps so. But beauty must be understood not literally, not as an external expression of bright natural individuality or grooming, but as an opportunity to make beautiful noble deeds, helping these other people, and how to look not at a person, but at his beautiful and rich in content inner world. Very often in our lives we pronounce the familiar words “beauty”, “beautiful”, or simply “beautiful”.

Beauty as an evaluative material for the surrounding world. How to understand: “Beauty will save the world” - what is the meaning of the statement?

All interpretations of the word “beauty,” which is the original source for other words derived from it, endow the speaker with an unusual ability to evaluate the phenomena of the world around us in an almost simple way, the ability to admire works of literature, art, and music; desire to compliment another person. So many pleasant moments hidden in just one seven-letter word!

Everyone has their own concept of beauty

Of course, beauty is understood by each individual in its own way, and each generation has its own criteria for beauty. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone has long known that thanks to contradictions and disputes between people, generations and nations, only truth can be born. People by their nature are completely different in terms of their worldview and worldview. For one person it is good and beautiful when he is simply neatly and fashionably dressed, for another it is bad to focus only on appearance, he prefers to develop his own and increase his intellectual level. Everything that somehow relates to the understanding of beauty comes from the lips of everyone, based on his personal perception surrounding reality. Romantic and sensual natures most often admire phenomena and objects created by nature. The freshness of the air after rain, an autumn leaf falling from the branches, the fire of a fire and a clear mountain stream - all this is a beauty that should be constantly enjoyed. For more practical natures, based on objects and phenomena of the material world, beauty can be the result, for example, of an important deal concluded or the completion of a certain series of construction works. A child will be incredibly pleased with beautiful and bright toys, a woman will be delighted with the beautiful jewelry, and the man will see the beauty in the new alloy wheels on his car. It seems like one word, but how many concepts, how many different perceptions!

The depth of the simple word “beauty”

Beauty can also be viewed from a deeper point of view. “Beauty will save the world” - an essay on this topic can be written by everyone in completely different ways. And there will be a lot of opinions about the beauty of life.

Some people really believe that the world rests on beauty, while others will say: “Beauty will save the world? Who told you such nonsense? You will answer: “Like who? Russian great writer Dostoevsky in his famous literary work "The Idiot"! And the answer to you: “So what, maybe then beauty saved the world, but now the main thing is different!” And perhaps they will even name what is most important to them. And that’s all - there is no point in proving your idea of ​​beauty. Because you can, you see it, and your interlocutor, due to his education, social status, age, gender or other racial background, has never noticed or thought about the presence of beauty in this or that object or phenomenon.

In conclusion

Beauty will save the world, and we, in turn, must be able to save it. The main thing is not to destroy, but to preserve the beauty of the world, its objects and phenomena given by the Creator. Enjoy every moment and the opportunity to see and feel beauty as if it were your last moment in life. And then you won’t even have a question: “Why will beauty save the world?” The answer will be clear as a matter of course.

How can beauty save the world if all it does is require sacrifice?

The hymn in honor of Cecilia and the spider moving its legs on a gray dress made an indelible impression on Varis. Throughout breakfast, the young, pretty elf, who was unrecognizable as our dean, narrowed his eyes at me, giggling mentally from time to time.

After the meal, Ti brought Rannkarr to my room. He looked around with interest: spacious, clean, calm. A pastel color scheme, enlivened only by a couple of bright strokes - two bright vases with fresh flowers standing on the chest of drawers and nightstand. Varis squinted at the bouquet of purple star-shaped balls of onions interspersed with scarlet, silk-like poppies, shaded by delicate sprigs of white mountain chickweed. It was clear that he was remembering where he had seen such a combination before? Yes, yes, lord, right there...

Sean opened a portal.

Now we had to be transported to the last of the created teleports, to an area already in the possession of the father of Goldilocks Verisielle.

While Arden was talking with the patrol leader, Rannkarr looked around with interest - he had never been to this part of the country. I must say, I lost a little. Frozen gray sharp-toothed rocks, black winter forest, snow-covered wastelands... A sharp wind picked up ice grains and threw them in the face of anyone who dared to look north.

Lord Roon took care of protecting his borders - the patrols were well equipped and fully staffed. But so many monsters, hungry during the winter cold, climbed out of the mountains that the elves simply could not cope. There were also wolfhounds, and the already familiar gargoyles, and some creatures called “stone dogs.” And a couple of days ago, patrolmen noticed two trolls in the distance.

Well, did you fly? The whole day is ahead... Let's see who can catch the most? - Tianu winked. - Cousin, are you ready?

And he turned into the handsome Storm, whom Ar immediately flew up onto the scruff of his neck. Nara, never tired of flirting with gentlemen, was already dancing with impatience: “Can I?”

I turned to Varis - I wanted to look at his face at the moment when he saw Nargiel for the first time - and became a dragon.

Lord Rannkarr blinked his eyes in shock, almost losing his balance... but stayed on his feet.

I won! - Darkness thundered in my head, with whom we argued whether the dean would stay on his feet or not.

What a beauty! - Varis breathed reverently, looking around Nara. - When?

“In autumn,” I smiled.

But Aroel... why aren't you together yet? - There was amazement in the voice.

Because we are raising a dragon. But, as you understand, Varis, this is a very big secret.

The brunette, who approached my neck and carefully, as if asking permission, touched the scarlet scales, began to think. And then he laughed...

What a changeling! Everyone thinks that you are raising a dragon, and that’s why you wait and don’t get married. But in fact... Elegant, you can’t say anything! But how can this be? He's not...

Nara snorted.

We just really wanted to be together. That's it!

How else can you explain this?

Let's fly, Varis... It's time for us to go!

What could be better than free hunting? Four giant dragons, carried by the wind, circled over the mountains, diving down from time to time, unerringly finding their target.

A couple of cousins ​​were leading the score. I barely managed to snatch the second troll from under their noses! The offended Nara bawled that she was better and that their result should be divided by two! That’s right, I didn’t bother with chess, otherwise there would have been no peace at all.

Thunderclap easily joined our mental conversation - he was interested in the mountains, the creatures that lived here, and our company. We talked about the caves and the teleport, adding that we were going to return here in the summer and explore the passages leading into the depths of the ridge. Varis promised to give him the ancient tome “Legends of the Northern Mountains” to read. Ar became interested - this was not the case in the Lord’s library.

Ar asked us to drag the trophies into the clearing to the patrol parking lot - apparently, this was another move in sorting out the relationship with the proud father of the restive Verisielle. The elves blinked their eyes in shock as the carcasses of killed gargoyles and trolls, wolfhounds with broken ridges, and even one stone giant fell from the sky. I barely made it to the last one, but I was terribly proud of myself.

But the stone dogs - gray armored squat creatures with crocodile faces, shorter than a stool - turned out to be a terrible headache. To lure them out of the crevices, Gloom pretended to be a wounded wyvern. Which could not take off, but hissed and retreated... until the dogs, who had pecked at the fleshy bait, crawled out of their hiding places... Each individual animal seemed not scary, but there were so many of them that the scree, where Sean began to briskly back away, was covered with a sea of ​​gray backs. And really attack! And what to do with them? Shouldn't we strangle one at a time? But magic has almost no effect on them!

They covered it with a dome so that they wouldn’t run away, and for almost two hours they exterminated the gray evil spirits. It was not a hunt, but some kind of massacre. But it was necessary to do this. Nara snorted in agreement and grabbed another creature across its back...

By evening, in the control network for ten leagues around there was no one left except aurochs and gophers, but we flapped our wings so much that we fell asleep from fatigue on the fly. The patrol had to sand our trophies for a week. Even dogs will not go to waste - the hard shells of creatures immune to magic made excellent armor and shields.

Already in the dark, having said goodbye to the patrolmen, we flew several leagues further to the west - it was more comfortable to spend the night in our close circle.

The meat of the deer, which the thrifty Sean had caught earlier in the day, was sizzling on the fire. We all sat together on a wide couch. It's good to be a dragon - your own transport. There is no need to saddle or unsaddle anyone, or rub them, or feed them, or treat them, or bandage them, or guard them. Varis asked how it happened that we trusted him, but I continue to hide my beauty from Shaorran.

I told without concealment the whole story of the difficult relationship with Ter-Charrant. And about Sharn with his love potion and his attempt to kidnap me, forcing me into marriage. And about Sharid's conspiracy. And about the ambiguous behavior of the Wise. And about the fact that Shao met me earlier than Arden or Sean, but did not bother himself with the problems of a fifteen-year-old little girl - he helped, waved his wing and was like that. And finally, about the fact that it seems to me that the Lord of Heaven has plans for me and his son.

What do you think about the alliance with Shaorran?

Well, it would be just an alliance, nothing more. Shao great guy- smart, noble, handsome. But he doesn’t love me - he’s interested in me solely as a challenge to his charm, because I’m in no hurry to fall into his arms. And I don't love him. But this does not change the fact that they may try to marry us. And the first thing to do for this is to remove my fiancé or deprive him of the opportunity to raise a dragon,” I explained the situation as I understood it myself.

Tiana, whose shoulder I leaned against, pulled me closer and kissed me tenderly on the cheek.

“Your relationship is very informal,” the dean raised an eyebrow.

Which we don’t show to everyone,” I smiled.

And yet I don’t understand who Aroel is... There is only one non-dragon in your company, and it is known for sure that he is a born one hundred percent elf... Born... - the dean repeated thoughtfully.

Clever girl!

Varis, everything will become clear very soon, and I promise you, you will be the first to know. And you will be invited to our wedding.

So you've changed your mind? - Sean flashed his brown eye.

No! - I snapped. - Until I find out, I won’t go anywhere!

Don't you recognize what? - Varis asked curiously. - Maybe I can help? I still have such teaching experience!

The expression on Arden's face became indescribable.

Sean bit the sleeve of his robe and turned away. The magician's shoulders shook with laughter.

We had a wonderful two weeks. At the end of the first ten days of February, Varis, sincerely regretting that he had to return, said goodbye to us. On the way, we stopped by Lana's - it was time to take Mirika and Galaren.

The thin brunette was unrecognizable - her cheeks were pink, her eyes sparkled. Seeing me, that is, Narinel, Mirika was delighted and almost threw herself on my neck. She was embarrassed, stopping at the last moment, and then I took the last step and hugged her myself.

The girl not only blossomed - she gained confidence that was not there before. Straight posture, elegantly laconic hand gestures, the proud carriage of her small black-haired head with a firm chin, turned shoulders - now she looked like a well-mannered young lady from a good family. And this is in just over a month!

Nord and Lana also praised her. Nord for the fact that Mirika found an approach both to young Ariel, who, unlike his calm father and mother, had a violent disposition, and to the most skittish horses. At the same time, the girl kept the guards, who crowded in this house day and night, in strictness.

Can you imagine? She looks him straight in the eyes and declares: “Do you know that I have no dowry at all?” And so - no, no! Our Mirika is harsh! Moreover, I can bet on a month's salary, this Lars is suitable and suitable, and will even come to woo. She hooked him.

I sympathize with Lars,” I smiled, “but my protégé is not for him. Mirika has five years of study ahead of her, and then I have my own plans for her.

Bring her to us again, we will be glad!

Lana made sure to update Mirika's wardrobe. True, there were some quirks. The girl flatly refused to buy new outfits with money from the wallet that I left for her maintenance. But she agreed to accept her old dresses from Lana, altering and sewing them. As a result, just as I once had to spend a lot of effort to patch up the blue rags in which Mirika arrived at the Academy, now Lana had to fiddle with a needle for two weeks so as not to hurt Mirika’s pride. No, only problems with these inferiority complexes!

Things also improved with magic - Mirika meditated six to eight times a day, its source became noticeably brighter, and its reserve grew. Shields, both mental and on the body, also became noticeably stronger. She persistently, for several hours a day, practiced the spells she knew and learned new ones. The only disappointment was that she was never able to see the princess.

There were only three days left before the start of the new semester, and I, rubbing my hands, sat down to draw up a new curriculum for the Red and White Towers. I decided that I wanted to continue the course on physics from Argharrn, transmutation from Reist, and chemistry from Cadorr. Of course, necromancy, all magic, both defensive and offensive, in both towers... and also postponed in September until better times, “Culture and Language of the Vikings” and “Legislation of the Mountain People.” And - she grimaced - Takata has an orc.

Before meddling with my plans to Aru, I added up the number of teaching hours, divided it by the number of days in the semester, scratched my head - it seems like a lot again! - I figured out which couple of subjects I could take as an external student, and only then I went to the guys.

Arden was busy holding a meeting on the communication amulet. He raised his eyes, conveyed greetings to me from Duke Sargail, whom his daughter-in-law had blessed with a healthy grandson and heir back in December, and again switched to a businesslike tone. I knew what he was doing - selecting worthy lords with political weight for the Council. My future advice. And all candidates should become known no later than summer.

Sean buried his nose in another scroll from the necromancer's library. I suspect that he was not interested in the identity of the black magician, but purely in the contents of the manuscript. But I was not going to interfere - the strangest ideas and twists of Ter Dale brought rich practical results.

Tianu has not yet returned from the elven embassy - although the intelligence network was well established, and grateful guilds flourished under our wing, secretly giggling after Lord Regent, who wondered where almost half of the previous receipts to the treasury had gone, there are still cases and papers there it was through the roof.

Shao was not in Larran - it seems that the bronze dragon was sulking because I disappeared for a month in an unknown place, repeatedly refusing to take him with me. Well, maybe it's for the better. It would be worse if he thought I was reciprocating his advances... and then I suddenly found myself married to two elves at once!

I kept in touch with Arshissa. The dragons and elven magicians combing Ter-Sharrant have almost completed their flight. To date, three altars have been found. The Lord of Heaven quietly placed a portal and observers near each. As soon as everyone is searched - and this will happen no later than in a week - then we will shut them down!

Varys, sitting at the table, was twirling a large ruby ​​in his fingers.

Here, I wrote it down for memory!

Against the light wall opposite there appeared a picture of mountains rushing by below, the flickering of some gray winged boogers below - gargoyles? Then a toothy red muzzle obscured the panorama. Nara? The muzzle blinked with a bulging eye with a vertical pupil and turned into a neck... a long neck... then a scarlet side... a flicker of wings... and then the tail began. Which dragged on and on. I had a desire to count the thorns and tell fortunes on them - “loves - does not love.” When I finally finished, it turned out that the gargoyles were almost there. Then there were some jerks, severed gray limbs flying in different directions, a whirling of the sky and earth at such a pace that in a minute I would not be able to say, on pain of marrying Uncle Firdan, in which direction the horizon is and in general, whether we are looking up or down? The scarlet tail flashed again. I looked back at Varis - he was indecently pleased with himself.

The red muzzle appeared again, chattering its jaws and trying to spit out a severed gray wing stuck between its teeth... and at that moment the door swung open and Shaorran entered the office.

“Varys, stop!” - I screamed mentally.

Either Rannkarr himself figured out what to do, or my squeal helped... But the trouble disappeared. As if it never happened. All that was left was Shao, blinking his eyes in shock, staring at the empty white wall.

Oh, what's going to happen now!

What was that? - The dragon looked at us with a demanding look.

Hello to you too, Shao! Where are you from? - I cheerfully tried to turn the fire on myself.

Hello Narinel! I just saw an illusion where there was a scarlet dragon. What is this?

My memories of hunting in the Northern Mountains,” Varis answered without lying. - This lady is my friend.

Lady like that. With a gargoyle in its teeth. Fine. But the truth is a lady, and a friend, and hunting, and mountains. And what these are are memories. If you had told Varis about the crystal, Shao would have insisted on looking at it again... And so in a couple short phrases the dean translated the incident into simply a private conversation between the magicians about the old days.

Shao sighed, his shoulders relaxing. But why do I feel guilty again?

Having signed the curriculum from Varis, we quickly retreated from the office. I wasn't worried - the dean wouldn't give us away. He will tell you something about the fact that the lady is not from these places and is forced to hide her abilities from her relatives, which is why she made him promise not to tell anyone about her... and this will also be the pure truth.

In the White Tower, where we went to get a second visa, news awaited us - Alviy ter Grasin, nicknamed the Black, suddenly fell ill. Now one of his deputies has taken over all matters and has temporarily moved to the dean’s office. Namely, Lord Ter Aldo. We were supposed to sign from him curriculum.

There was no rush like last time in the reception area - it seemed that soap for the baths and sheets for the dormitories were purchased immediately for the year in advance. We greeted the same dark-haired girl who heroically held the defense here in September. She raised her sad face and, recognizing Ara, smiled.

Good afternoon - my fiancé greeted politely. - Is your head hurting again? Help?

The assistant dean looked at us with wet eyes and sniffed:

There's no help here.

Why? What happened? - Arden asked sympathetically.

Lord Grasin... It was so sudden... - the girl sobbed.

Rilda! Who's there? Let them come in! - a voice came from the office.

Nodding to the upset Rilda, we went inside and bowed. I quietly looked around. I also switched to magical vision and, I don’t know why, activated the sapphire for recording, inserted into the center of my headband. Then the stone can be removed and replaced with a new, clean one. The hillside with white clay in Tianu's garden allowed us to create crystals for recording in unlimited quantities. The only thing is that it was a slow and painstaking task, like embroidery. But we are already accustomed to sculpting rubies and sapphires in our spare time. On the desk in the office there was a large wooden bowl where we put what we created in passing. But another problem began to emerge - the books were on the shelves, and the titles were written on the bindings. How to mark gems? How to distinguish recorded ones from clean ones? And finally, if they get mixed up, you'll be crazy until you sort them out again!

So what's there? Spacious, calm room. On the walls, lined with dark oak panels, hang several landscapes, darkened by time, and some framed diplomas. The ceiling is high, pure white. On the floor there is a dark green carpet, like old spruce needles, that muffles footsteps. A massive - six cubits in length - oak desk. In front of him are a pair of chairs for visitors with soft seats to match the carpet. Behind him is a high-backed chair and Lord Aldo sitting in it.

The magician has hardly changed since our meeting last spring. An open, benevolent face, high forehead, straight nose, light blue eyes. Only her dark brown hair became several fingers longer, now falling below her shoulders. If it weren't for the weird incident with the magic mark, I would have liked it.

We bowed. Arden took a few steps forward:

We would like to sign our study plans.

Let me have a look,” the lord extended his well-groomed hand with neat nails.

I automatically noted the White Tower graduate ring on my finger. However, eight out of ten people wore memorial rings, so this did not mean anything.

Arden reached across the table, handing over the papers. The fingers touched for a second. Aldo took our sheets, quickly looked through them, applied for the visa and returned the plans to Aru.

As far as I remember, there were no elves here.

“My fiancée has a share of human blood,” Arden explained amiably. - And I myself take the opportunity to study different types of magic, at least in theory. Well, I accompany Silvernarinel. It is not fitting for a lady from a royal house to walk alone. Thank you, we won't waste any more of your time.

Goodbye. Yes, in the fall semester I teach a special course “Magical and Magic-Immune Creatures.” I'll be glad to see you both.

Lord Aldo caught my eye and smiled politely.

We’ll definitely sign up,” we nodded.

No sooner had we left the door than Ter Aldo called Rilda to his place with some papers. Looks like there was a lot to do before the start of the semester.

We walked around the corner, I looked around and pulled Ara into the first empty classroom.

Belle! What are you doing?

I want to examine you with magical vision. Just in case. Stand still! Well Ar, stop it! Then you will kiss... Now? Well, a little... That's it, stop! I’ll look you over and kiss you wherever you want! Where to?! No!

We stopped, breathing heavily and looking eye to eye. I was sure that Dawn's departure was a matter of weeks. And I was waiting for this and at the same time afraid. My suitors - I saw this for sure - were also on edge.

She shook her head and began examining. From the hand that Aldo touched. That's something I didn't like. There was something deliberate in that gesture... Eh-h... I don’t see anything. What if you compare two hands? It seems that the right one is a little colder and the aura is paler. Why? Maybe just because he came into contact with another magician? Or is there something more here?

Ar, I'm not sure, but let's call Sean. Your hands are a little different, but it shouldn’t be that way!

If you’re worried, let’s do it,” the blonde looked at me seriously. - And then the three of us will go to ter Barraksh. We couldn't talk to the secretary, but I don't like this sudden illness

Sean rushed through the teleporter in the park. Ara twirled his hand and sniffed it. I'm already wondering - will he lick it or not? - when the magician said:

Congratulations, our defense helped again. They wanted to put something on you. Maybe a spy. Or maybe a pest. Or maybe they just wanted to test what kind of strange elf you are... Now you can’t tell!

I have a recording of the conversation in magical vision! - I intervened.

Great! Let's see at home! - Sean perked up.

I contacted Varys. Let's return to it. “Rector Borden will be waiting for us there,” Ar said.

This time we locked the office door behind us. Let the free academic spirit take a walk somewhere else for now, but we have a meeting here.

Ar immediately took the bull by the horns.

What happened to the dean of the White Tower?

Looks like a heart attack,” Borden said. - It happened the day before yesterday. Completely suddenly. It seemed to me that Alviy was healthier than Varys and I combined.

Will you take us to his house? The pretext for the visit will be that elves are the best healers,” Ara’s voice did not suggest the possibility of refusal.

Healers from the Elven Faculty had already watched it. They didn’t find a reason, they just added strength and prescribed bed rest for at least a week.

Healers are of the wrong class,” Ar was cruel.

Are you better?

Without a doubt.

Borden glared at the confident Lord Nellao. He turned his gaze to Sean - he enjoyed authority at the Academy, albeit a somewhat peculiar one. Ter Dale nodded. Standing next to me, I nodded too. Ar is undoubtedly the best. And Ti, whom we had already called from Larran, was about to appear.

Varis, lock your office and come with us. “We have a feeling that we will need you,” Ar ordered.

Now it was not the student who spoke to the dean, but the Lord. Even Shaorran never behaved like this. The difference was that Shao was the crown prince, while Arden had actually ruled for several decades. Making decisions, giving orders, taking responsibility. And the steel in his voice was not bravado.

The house of Alvius ter Grasin, called the Black, stood on the edge of the academic park and did not in any way justify the gloomy nickname of its owner. A tiled old gray stone two-storey mansion with an attic, bay windows and a small overgrown garden that appears to have once contained a rose garden. There is an openwork cast iron grate around the perimeter. Cute.

Now let’s see with magical vision... Yep, there is a protective canopy. But I would have already broken this one without sneezing. Still, dragon magic and human magic are two big differences. Only those who do not possess a magical gift at all are able to lump them together.

We flew up to the house invisible. Arden and I insisted on this in unison. The last ten years of my life made me completely paranoid, and Ar also lived by the principle - never give unnecessary information about yourself if it can be avoided. Because it is impossible to control who uses it and how.

While we were flying, Varis again explained to us that he was ready to vouch for Lord Grasin - he is not the one we are looking for. However, we were already almost sure of this.

Borden landed on the porch, threw off the invisibility curtain and placed his signet hand on the large copper plate on the side of the doorframe. The doors, creaking slightly, opened inwards. The rector pushed them, opening them to their full width, entering himself and letting the invisible us into the hallway.

Alviy! It's me. I've come to see you! - The rector’s voice echoed throughout the house.

From somewhere above came a barely audible voice:

Get up here!

Varis,” I asked quietly, “did you know Lord Gracin’s wife?” What did she look like?

No, I haven't found her yet. But I know what she looked like. Look for yourself - the portrait is hanging in the living room! - Varis nodded his head towards the slightly open door, past which we floated without touching the floor.

I tugged at Ara's sleeve and stuck my head into the gap. She looked around the room... and stopped at the portrait hanging above the fireplace, which depicted a fragile red-haired girl with a face like a heart and huge blue eyes. Phew! Nothing to do with me! And I don’t play the lute that the girl in the portrait was holding in her hands either.

Ar nodded, agreeing with my conclusions.

We stepped back from the door, and Tiana and Sean immediately stuck their noses in there. I would like to see everything with my own eyes - it’s interesting!

Lord Alvius lay on the bed, pale as death. Dark, almost black hair with a couple of strands of gray at the temples was scattered across the pillow. The nose seemed unnaturally sharp. Two days of stubble darkened on his chin. White hands with thin fingers lay on top of the blanket. The holes of the nails shone blue - there was clearly something wrong with the lord’s heart.

Sit down, friend! - bloodless lips smiled at Borden, his hand patted the edge of the bed.

Hello! I see you’re feeling better now,” the rector tried to speak with optimism, which he clearly didn’t feel. - I brought an interesting company with me. They promise to get you back on your feet!

And where are they? - the brown eye of the ailing dean flashed with restrained interest.

Don't you see? - Borden asked.

It seemed that the rector was slightly offended by the fact that our illusions and the invisibility spell were too much for him.

“I don’t see,” Lord Gracin agreed accommodatingly.

Yes, here they are... - the rector sighed.

At his nod, we dropped our invisibility. At the sight of the three elves, Sean in a black robe down to his toes, and Rannkarr, almost hidden by our backs, Alvius’s eyebrows went up. Of course! You consider yourself a cool magician, you’re lying at home on your bed... and suddenly you discover that there’s a whole herd walking around, and you can’t see them point-blank! Not very pleasant.

Noticing Varis, Grasin was delighted.

Well, if Varys brought this company, then everything is in order,” and immediately became upset: “Oh! There’s a lovely young lady here... And I’m unshaven!

Well, it's easy! - Varis sat down next to his friend on the bed, ran his palm over his cheeks and chin, and the stubble disappeared. However, the bluish color of the sunken cheeks was also not pleasing to the eye.

Alviy! Be patient, let them look at you! Believe me, you won't find them better! - Borden stood up and walked to the window, allowing us to approach the patient.

Arden did the diagnostics first. Nothing specific... just the heart is working at maximum load... and at the same time cannot even cope with providing enough oxygen to the body lying on the bed. Tianu joined the inspection...

“Look, some kind of nonsense with both the lungs and the heart. With such a pulse, he should be running on the ceiling! But he can’t raise his arms! Let's take a look at the molecular level - Sean, Belle, come to us! - Tiana called on a closed wave.

I stared at the dean with magical vision. More precisely, on his chest. There was something wrong there... I don’t understand! Now, if he had fallen under the gaze of the basilisk, the aura in this place could have been like this. Well, what kind of nonsense is going through your head? - There is no such thing as partial petrification, and even one that comes from within. Doesn't happen? What if there is transmutation? Assuming that our necromancer owns it? This is the same human magic! And Arden is still too inexperienced to see...

Friends closely followed my train of thought.

But how can you look inside to see what's going on with your heart and lungs? Why not cut down the already barely alive Lord Grasin?

“Oh, I can do this! It's easy, I'll teach you later! It’s like focusing magical vision on objects at different distances,” Sean casually waved his hand.

He bent over Alvius, and we stood around like statues: now we looked through Sean’s eyes, learning what and how he did.

“Wow, how interesting! - the magician’s voice contained the delight of a naturalist who discovered a green two-headed mutant rat in his chamber pot. - Belle, you hit the bull's eye! About a tenth of the carbon atoms in the lungs and heart have been replaced with silicon! As a result, the muscles cannot contract well, and the lungs are not able to properly supply the body with oxygen. Oh, how all this must whine! And as soon as he gets out of bed, he’ll faint!”

Borden and Varys, tired of staring at us silently, sat down in the chairs standing by the window. Smart! They understand that if we are silent, it means we are busy.

"So? - I asked, - can we slowly return everything back? There’s trouble here, of course... By the way, that anti-petrification spell won’t help?”

“Why won’t it help? And the four of us have enough energy even without your diamond!”

We straightened up. We looked at Ara, let him speak.

So, so,” the Lord began. - We found the cause of the disease.

Heart failure? - Lord Grasin said sadly from the bed.

And he told us what exactly we discovered. The faces of the academic authorities stretched out, like the muzzles of Sivka and Burka: they could not have imagined this!

By the way,” Ar looked at Borden, “didn’t you feel bad in lately? I'm talking about sudden dizziness, a brief attack of weakness...

It was two days ago. I decided that I had eaten something wrong... An attack of nausea, then it passed.

But if it weren’t for our protection, it could have turned into a heart attack... - Ar narrowed his eyes at him. - Okay, we'll discuss it later. Now we need to help Lord Grasin.

Can you?

Well, we are magicians,” Tianu smiled.

I didn’t rush to the forefront - the work had to be jewelry, I didn’t have such a skill yet. Sean rolled his sleeve up to his shoulder. We stood behind him, placing our palms on bare skin. Varys and Borden nodded, understanding what we were about to do.

Sean started with one easy one. He outlined it and carefully, without going beyond the boundaries, began to weave a spell. The problem was that the lung was deflating and inflating in time with the patient’s strained breathing. Sean took a closer look, caught the pace and snapped his fingers, triggering the magic at the moment when the volume of the lung coincided with the outlined contour. I felt Ter Dale drawing strength from me...

It was extremely interesting to look through his eyes at how the scattering of alien red dots gradually gave way to calm blue, merging with the background. Finally, Sean sighed:

There is one! Ti, I understand, how and what? I'm tired. So you do the second thing, and we insure!

Now Tianu rolled up his sleeve.

Can we have a look? - Borden and Varis could not stand it.

The sick patient, who had turned a little pink, also perked up:

What about me? Interesting!

The last argument was clear to Sean. There was no talk of letting outsiders into the consciousness of Tiana or any of us, but Ar undertook to project the illusion of what was happening at the foot of the bed so that it would be convenient for the lying Alvius to see what was happening.

It was easier to do everything the second time. Lord Gracin even helped Tian by holding his breath at the right moment.

Finally, the last orange light in the second lung went out. A little pale, Ti moved away from the bed and, shaking his hands, sank into a chair.

Well, has it become easier? - the rector asked the patient.

Wrong word! And my chest hurts a lot less!

Alvius stirred, seemingly about to demonstrate how much better he was.

Varys looked at Ara. On me. And he smiled. I realized that the conclusion had been made, and it was correct. But the dean will not voice it. He will wait until we explain it ourselves, with all the details.

“Yeah! - I threw him a funny thought. - Shao and I are in the same group now? A real flower garden!”

Varis chuckled, earning a surprised look from the rector.

An hour later the job was done. Sean put the heart of the Black Dean of the White Tower in order, and Ar dug a little into Alvius’s thoughts during the process, and now we knew for sure that he knew nothing about the necromancer. He also did not remember what happened before he became ill. He sat and sorted out the financial reports of the three dormitory buildings... it seemed that not everything was all right in one of them, because the linen and furniture there were eaten like mice and termites... and then his head began to spin, and he woke up here, in his bed, surrounded by elf healers .

A magical attack followed by erasing memory,” Tianu shrugged.

And an attempt at a magical attack on Lord Barraksha, the remnants of the breakdown are still visible in the aura! - Sean pointed his finger.

And during the exam on attack magic, one of the magicians of the White Tower tried to kill my fiancé,” I remembered, snuggling up to Aru.

And today Lord Aldo, who occupied the dean’s office, tried to attach some kind of spell to me when we came to sign the curriculum,” Ar concluded. - Interesting picture, yes?

Aldo? This is impossible! I've known him for a hundred years! - Ter Grasin was surprised. - You probably misunderstood something! Can't be!

“We don’t blame him specifically, there’s not enough information for that,” Arden answered calmly. - But the fact that not everything is in order in the White Tower is a fact.

Hmmm... - Sean cleared his throat. - Actually, it looks like the conversation will be long. And I’m always hungry after magic! Is there food in this house?

Sean, as always, got to the bottom of things. I also felt sick to my stomach - when did I have breakfast! Ty, after witchcraft, probably also wants to eat, and Ar relies on the sense of duty and pride of the crown prince... And the ex-patient, after two days on the verge of a heart attack, resembled teaching aids our beloved necromancer Lord Pirod. Hmmm... There is bread with meat in the bag. With a reserve for Shaorran. But that’s all we can get away with!

I’m afraid there are no supplies in the house,” Lord Grasin sighed guiltily. - There is nothing at all in the kitchen except for brewing tayra... When I was healthy, I usually ate in the dining room. And now they visit me twice a day and feed me.

Clear. So, let's split the sandwiches. Anything is better than nothing.

Ti and Varis went to the kitchen to brew tayra, and Ar and I sat down together in one of the chairs next to the bed. I took our provisions out of my bag. It’s good that we are used to taking food with us for three dragon appetites. The sight of thick slices of bread, between which could be seen even thicker pieces of fried wild boar, arranged with sprigs of dill and spicy elven myrilla, caused everyone, including the rector, to salivate.

Somehow I imagined elven meals differently... - Borden shook his head.

Limyra nectar from golden thimbles, right? - Ar laughed, raising his eyebrow. - Well, we are also dragons...

After a snack we moved on to a long story, introducing Lord Grasin to the course of events. About the first found altar, the necromancer, the guild of assassins, the traces that led us to the Academy, the December demolition of altars throughout the Empire... Alvius, who had already been treated, almost had a heart attack again - he has such cockroaches in his faculty!

What we got was the following.

Having deprived the black magician of most sources of magical energy, we destroyed his plans to take over the Empire by force. Whatever he was planning - widespread cataclysms or the transfer of an army of orcs to the center of the country next spring - now it was all covered with a copper basin. But then the options appeared...

It is clear that the altars were destroyed by magicians. Where is the only gathering of magicians in the country? That's right, at the Academy. Even if at first our enemy took the bait - the “league of necromancers of the North” - then a couple of months should have been enough to find out that no one had heard of any league. It turned out that the necromancer had a grudge against the Academy. Dragon size! And bringing the academic authorities forward with your feet, creating nonsense, quarrel and chaos among the magicians, is not a bad revenge.

The second option is if the necromancer personally gains something from the death or protracted illness on the verge of death of the rector and dean. Most likely, this is a jump up the career ladder. And there were about a dozen such people in the White Tower, including three assistants of Alvius the Black. Moreover, they were all on Borden’s list of suspects.

The third option is that this story has nothing to do with the necromancer at all, but is the personal revenge of one of the magicians who considered himself slighted by the academic authorities. For example, they cut the quota for graduate students or shut down an article in the Academic Bulletin - the brains of pure science theorists are not structured quite like those of other mortals, and the most insignificant incident could become the motive. For example, someone did something, and now he is afraid that they will ask him to leave the Academy, and is trying to sweep the garbage under the carpet.

And the question also arose - how is the unhealthy interest of the elusive guy who ate me with his eyes connected with the black magician? Today I closely watched Ter Aldo, but did not notice any special attention to my person. Normal polite friendliness, nothing more. He hardly looked at me.

Having tossed the options this way and that, we decided to settle on the second, as the most likely and at the same time the most promising in terms of investigation. Borden figured that within a couple of days he could compile for us a list of those who would benefit from a change in leadership. With notes about what exactly they will get from this.

Having finished the discussion, we made Alviy Cherny swear that he would not tell anyone about what he had heard. The dean of the White Tower was not yet able to maintain mental shields, and I knew that Ti took advantage of this and touched Grasin’s mind, reinforcing the oath with attitudes that would help him maintain it. Not particularly correct... but it was about the fate of the Empire, my life and the lives of my loved ones. But Ti didn’t meddle in his personal memories.

Finally, an amulet produced by the company “Sean Plus Belle - Madness in the Service of Society” was hung on the dean of the White Tower, our shield was placed, we treated him again and, with a sigh, we began to say goodbye. We agreed that the dean would remain ill for a couple more days, just so that no one would connect his recovery with the rector’s visit. And then we recommended that he walk slowly and grab his heart every five steps - let the attacker rub his hands. This will give us the time we need to investigate.

Borden thanked us warmly, kissed my hand again and went about his business. Varis stayed with Alvius - the dragon was going to help his fellow dean and organize the delivery of food, firewood, fresh linen and the rest necessary for normal life in the house.

Leaving the mansion, we put on our invisibility again and took it off only in the park.

And, not having walked even a dozen steps, they ran into a hungry Shaorran who had dived from the sky.

He greeted the guys, and then the gaze of his golden hawk eyes stared at me:

Narinel, do you have any sandwiches?

Alas, Shao! You're late. The rector took them away and ate them!

The well-known top model introduced the “IV diet” into fashion 20 years ago. This is what half of the beauties on the covers of glossy magazines use. The essence of the diet is 400 calories per day, which is the norm for five year old child. Such a diet can lead to severe exhaustion of the body. And this is exactly what happened with the model. Her catchphrase“I won’t even get out of bed for less than ten thousand dollars” now took on a completely different meaning.

The “Lemonade Diet” is perhaps one of the most delicious procedures for losing weight and simply cleansing the body. This is how American models prefer to stay in shape.

But the Hollywood star gives credit to the soup diet.

“Everything is simple: when I go on this diet, I give up other types of food vegetable soup, thanks to which the body is saturated with essential vitamins and fiber. If there is no time for soup, then a vegetable salad helps me, and before the salad you need to eat an apple 20 minutes: it contains pectin substances that create a feeling of fullness,” advises Jolie.

The beautiful Hollywood actress with Russian roots confesses her love for seafood.
“I really love seafood, so I enjoy boiled fish and seaweed.”

Everyone knows that seafood is rich in vitamins and is beneficial for the healthy functioning of the body. And of course, eating seafood will not gain weight, but will gradually decrease.

Irresistible and always young, she chose a rather peculiar and even a little strange diet based on the glycemic index. As prescribed by the rules of the star diet, Sharon’s diet is mainly dominated by green foods; sometimes you can snack on foods yellow, but red foods are very rare guests on the table of a Hollywood star. Because red is the color of danger and is not at all desirable.

Some people believe that sport has an incomparably better effect on weight and well-being than dieting. A great way to lose weight and not exhaust your body with diets is sports. That's how I lost weight. The actress is very famous for her constant changes in weight for her roles. Either she plays a sweet and clumsy fatty, or a fatal beauty. The actress did yoga and constantly attended gym. For her role in the film Chicago, Renee regularly went to the gym.

Whatever diet we choose, the main thing is to remember that it is important to be not only beautiful, but also healthy!

Based on press release materials

Sidorin Ivan

The essay is dedicated to the theme of beauty in the world. The author of the essay talks about past eras of human development, beautiful paintings by artists, musical masterpieces famous composers and great literary works and what contemporaries should leave in the memory of posterity, what worthy creations that glorify the beauty of the world.



To answer this question, you must first understand what beauty is. These are the words of F.M. Dostoevsky from the novel "The Idiot", which, as a rule, are understood literally, contrary to the author's interpretation of the concept of "beauty".

In the novel, these words are spoken by the eighteen-year-old youth Ippolit Terentyev, referring to the words of Prince Myshkin conveyed to him by Nikolai Ivolgin and ironizing the latter: “Is it true, prince, what did you say that the world will be saved by beauty? Gentlemen,” he shouted, loudly to everyone, “the prince claims that beauty will save the world! And I affirm that he is now in love. Gentlemen, the prince is in love, just now he came in, I was convinced of this. Don’t blush, prince, I will feel sorry for you. What beauty will save the world for me. Kolya retold... Are you a zealous Christian? Kolya says that you call yourself a Christian. The prince examined him carefully and did not answer him.”

F.M. Dostoevsky was far from strictly ethical judgments - he wrote about spiritual beauty, about the beauty of the soul. This corresponds to the main idea of ​​the novel - to create an image of a “positively beautiful person.” That is why in his drafts the author calls Myshkin “Prince Christ,” thereby telling us that the prince should be like Christ in his love of humanity, kindness, complete lack of selfishness, and ability to compassion. Therefore, the beauty that the prince and Dostoevsky himself speak about is the sum of the moral qualities of a “positively beautiful person.” This interpretation is typical for the writer. He believed that people can be beautiful and happy, that evil cannot be a normal state of mind, that everyone has the power to get rid of it. And then people will be guided by the best that is in their souls. And the world will be saved, and it is precisely such beauty that will save it. Unfortunately, this will not happen overnight - spiritual work, trials and even suffering are needed, after which a person renounces evil and turns to goodness, begins to appreciate it.

Emmanuel Kant, a German philosopher, said that “beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.” Dostoevsky develops the same idea. If in the novel “The Idiot” he writes that beauty will save the world, then in the novel “Demons” he concludes that “ugliness will kill...”, that is, anger, indifference, selfishness corrupts the soul. This is one of my points.

In addition to spiritual beauty, there is also material beauty. This beauty is the masterpieces of art, human activity: music, literary works, fine arts. From generation to generation, the quality of performance improves, styles change, and a kind of modernization of culture occurs.

Unfortunately, in our time, at least in our country, the number of connoisseurs and art lovers is quite small, relative to the “Western world”. This could be for several reasons.

One of them, in my opinion, is insufficient education from childhood. In Russia, this is a fairly common case, since after perestroika and other difficult times, parents do not always think about how to raise a culturally educated person from their child. This is due to the fact that parents primarily care about the ability to feed their family and earn money. more money. This, of course, is correct, but we should not forget what can come of it. After all, without parental education, a child will be raised on the street, and this does not lead to the best result.

Let's take music for example. I believe that in our country it will not be long before new, high-quality or simply good music begins to develop, since the Russian mentality and upbringing already include the denial of everything new, and it takes a lot of time for something to take root. Other nations openly and with interest perceive the appearance of new musicians, styles, and new initiatives in music on the stage. In the majority Western countries appears annually huge amount new artists, performers, and they have a demand for all this. And in Russia, where you don’t put it, - " Tender May", you can’t go wrong anywhere. There was, is and will be a demand for “White Roses”. And such music disfigures our culture.

The second reason is a weak organizational process. Especially in our beloved city of Penza. Today in our country, no events related to the demonstration of new trends in music and painting are welcomed, sponsored, or organized, since no one needs it except performers of one type or another creative activity. This is what hinders cultural development.

It is also very important that now even people who have spent for many years, to obtain a creative specialty, are not valued at all in modern world, earn pennies. And, of course, many lose the meaning of this, because they understand that they will not be able to financially support even themselves, not to mention big family. Many professions related to culture are already becoming obsolete. Such as librarians, who are the conductor of high literature to the masses, especially in some areas remote from large civilization. This is primarily due to the fact that our youth have become completely non-readers. Well, with the advent of the World Wide Web, the need to go to libraries disappeared.

Or, for example, musicians. On at the moment they have plenty too difficult situation, many talented and very interesting performers and groups cannot break into large venues and, as a result, remain unknown.

All this greatly affects people. This discourages them from developing culturally, since the vast majority are obsessed with money, and having received creative profession, providing yourself with a decent life is very difficult.

A picture is emerging in which the material and economic structure of the world suppresses the spread of spiritual beauty and does not provide full opportunity to achieve its highest ideals.

Today, the crop is a small tree that can be rolled into asphalt and nothing left in its place, or you can help it grow into a large oak.

In the same way, civilization can unite in order to give all the sprouts of spirituality a chance to merge into a single powerful force and bring civilization to a highly cultural level of development.

When we imagine past eras of human development, beautiful paintings by artists appear before our eyes, musical masterpieces famous composers and great literary works. In the same way, we must leave in the memory of our descendants worthy creations that glorify the beauty of the world.