Prepositions are non-derivative and derivative. Derivative prepositions

Prepositions and conjunctions are functional parts of speech, which many people have difficulty writing. They are used to establish connections between words in a sentence and to construct certain grammatical structures: near the fence, past the bus stop, opposite the building. And if the spelling of non-derivative auxiliary parts of speech ( at a neighbor's, on the table, in the refrigerator) most often do not cause difficulties, then when writing derivatives you have to remember various rules.

In addition, it can be difficult to immediately determine whether the selected part of speech is a noun or a preposition. Examples of such structures are the following: for years, meet each other halfway yes(where the highlighted words are derived prepositions), in the flow of the river, be late for a meeting with a friend(here the highlighted words are nouns with non-derivative parts of speech).

Classification by origin and structure

As mentioned earlier, prepositions are usually divided into derivatives and non-derivatives. Non-derivatives include simple prepositions that have long existed in the Russian language: under the ceiling, above the water, to the ingredients.

What prepositions are called derivatives? These include those that were originally other parts of speech. There are 3 types:

In Russian language exercises for grade 7, you often come across tasks in which you need to distinguish the auxiliary part of speech from independent. It should be remembered that a derived preposition can often be replaced with a non-derivative one:

  • due to strong wind- due to strong wind;
  • inquire about the application - inquire about the application;
  • after five minutes - after five minutes.

In addition, you can ask a question about independent parts of speech, as opposed to service ones. In the case of auxiliary parts of speech, the question is asked about nouns or pronouns related to them:

  • looked around (Where?) around - walked around (Where?) around the house;
  • costs (Where?) ahead - ran (Where?) ahead of me.

Many derived prepositions lose their former lexical meaning:

  • within five minutes (time value);
  • due to illness and adversity (meaning because of);
  • came up with a congratulation like last year (meaning like).

Constructions derived from gerunds can be distinguished as follows: to do this, you need to remember that the verb form can be replaced with a verb by slightly rearranging the sentence. In the case of a pretext, this is impossible to do. For example:

  • We left the room, thanking the hosts for their hospitality. You can replace the gerund with a verb: We left the room and thanked the hosts for their hospitality. Here thanks to is a participle.
  • Thanks to the teachers, we were able to go to college. In this case, replacing the highlighted word with a verb will change the meaning of the phrase and will be incorrect. Therefore, here thanks to- pretext.

In addition, it is customary to divide prepositions and conjunctions into simple (consisting of one word: inside, about, before), complex (includes 2 simple ones: due, from under) and compound (consisting of 2 or more words: despite on, to the extent, for purposes).

Rules for writing compound prepositions

All prepositions and conjunctions, regardless of their origin and structure, are written separately from the independent parts of speech. However, the spelling of such constructions as despite difficult circumstances - played despite the strings, most often causes difficulties.

So, compound derivatives of auxiliary parts of speech are most often written together, especially when it comes to adverbial or verbal. Here are examples of phrases with them: sit opposite the boss, walk around the site, walk with friends. However, among the denominates, a number of derived prepositions should be highlighted (the list of which is given below), always having a separate spelling:

Other designs can also be added to this list: in the form of, in fulfillment, in measure, in continuation and similar ones.

Continuous writing observed in combinations:

  • took a loaf instead of bread;
  • inquired about the new position;
  • the event was canceled due to bad weather conditions;
  • continued to work beyond the fulfilled plan;
  • I bought a car similar to the previous one.

Complex prepositions from under, due to and others are always written with a hyphen.

Denominate prepositions: E or I at the end

Often doubts arise when writing combinations during, in conclusion, in accordance. You should remember special cases of spelling derivative prepositions. The table shows the most frequently used combinations.

Special cases of use

Prepositions are auxiliary parts of speech that are not used separately, but only with nouns or pronouns replacing them that are in a certain indirect position. (any except nominative) case. In most cases, it is not difficult to determine the case required for agreement:

  • on (on what? on whom?) outskirts - prepositional case;
  • For (who? what?) friends - genitive case;
  • despite (who? what?) strange circumstances - accusative case.

However, you should remember the exceptions when the noun should not be in the genitive, but in the dative case:

  • thanks to (to whom? what?) unexpected return;
  • according to (to whom? what?) prepared schedule.

Another common mistake is the presence or absence of a soft sign at the end of the words near and through. Their correct spelling should also be remembered.

Examples of usage in Russian

To begin with, let us give examples of texts from fiction:

I took her with me on a trip, despite the fragile age of my child, I took her to my friend who lived in Siberia. (L. Charskaya, “Sibirochka”)

...Open your closed eyes to bliss

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north! (A. Pushkin, “Winter Morning”)

...The moon is like a pale spot,

Through the gloomy clouds it turned yellow... (A. Pushkin, “Winter Morning”)

Now let's look at several sentences that use prepositions, and some of them use nouns, adverbs or gerunds that are homonymous with them.

He went to (...)to meet the new day, not at all (...) looking at those around him .

It is necessary to determine whether words or phrases will be written together or separately from each other. Let's try to figure it out, for this we will define, with what part of speech we are dealing. It should be remembered that another word can always be inserted before a noun, and a derived preposition can be replaced with another, similar in meaning. In the case of (...)meeting, you can make a replacement: he was walking towards a new day . Therefore, this word is a preposition. Since it was not on the list of exceptions that are written separately, the correct spelling is combined.

Let's deal with the second spelling. Let's try to replace not (...)despite a preposition with a similar meaning contrary to: completely contrary to others . The result was a phrase with a completely different meaning. We conclude that we have a gerund with the particle NOT, which, of course, is written separately from the word.

The man quickly walked down (...)along the long alley, not (...)despite the fact that a piercing wind was blowing .

Let's look at the first word. If this is an adverb, then the question can be asked to it from the verb; but when along is a derivative or non-derivative preposition, it will refer to a noun, and the question will not be asked about it. In our case, along refers to a noun alleys, therefore, it is a preposition (derived from the adverb along). The writing of adverbial and verbal prepositions is always continuous.

We do the same with the second word as in the first sentence: let's try to replace it with another word. In this example, we get a completely similar meaning, although a piercing wind was blowing, from which we conclude that we are dealing with a verbal preposition, which was formed from a gerund and is written together.

During (...) the next day the store was closed.

To determine which letter should be written at the end of a word, it is necessary to determine what the combination is for (...). If it is a noun (you can insert an adjective related to the word current: in strong current), then its ending is determined in accordance with the rules of its declension. If we are talking about a preposition (having a temporary meaning), you need to write the letter E at the end.

In the selected sentence, the combination is used to mean time: the store was not open (When?) during the next day, therefore, the letter E was missed.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: introduce students to derived and non-derivative prepositions; learn to distinguish between derivative and non-derivative prepositions and use them correctly in oral and written speech.
  • Developmental: memory development, positive emotions, logical thinking, the ability to compare and choose the right one, evaluate the results achieved.
  • Educational: to cultivate interest in the Russian language.

Lesson equipment: cards with tasks for students, presentation

Lesson progress

1. Mobilizing stage. Greeting, writing the number in a notebook

2. Repetition

Teacher. We begin our lesson by reviewing what we have learned about prepositions. Appendix 1

Read the groups of phrases and determine the relationships expressed by prepositions.

Drive past the house, run along the river (spatial, place); miss your mother, think about a friend (objective); return in the evening, meet after school (temporary); due to bad weather, did not come due to illness (causal); bought for treatment, come with a check (target).

Teacher: Now let’s remember the correct use of prepositional and non-prepositional combinations.

How to say correctly: Comrades! Pay your fare. or Pay the fare. (pay (what?) for travel; pay (for what?) for travel)

What prepositions B or NA can these words be combined with:

  • BE PARTICIPATING START (participate in the start, be at the start);
  • PRESENT, PARTICIPATE IN A RALLY (participate in a rally, attend a rally);
  • DISCUSS, PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING (participate in the meeting, discuss at the meeting);
  • BE INTERESTED, SHOW INTEREST MATHEMATICS (be interested in mathematics, show interest in mathematics);
  • TELL, TOUCH THE PROJECT (tell about the project, touch on the project);
  • LOVE DEVOTION TO THE MOTHERLAND (love for the Motherland, devotion to the Motherland);
  • REVIEW REVIEW BOOK (review of a book, review of a book).

Teacher: answer the questions:

  1. What is a preposition?
  2. How are prepositions written with other words?
  3. What are the meanings of prepositions? What does this depend on?
  4. With what case are the prepositions used: AT END, UPON ARRIVAL?
  5. With what case are the prepositions used: THANKING, ACCORDING TO, CONTRARY, etc.?

3. The teacher writes the topic of the lesson on the board. (slide) Students formulate the purpose of the lesson

Teacher. Considering the topic of the lesson, set a goal for the lesson.


  • meet...
  • learn to distinguish...,
  • use correctly...

Objective of the lesson: get acquainted with derivative and non-derivative prepositions; learn to distinguish between derivative and non-derivative prepositions, use them correctly in oral and written speech

4. Studying new material. Practical work on the text. Appendix 2

What are the origins of prepositions?

Make a reference diagram (table) for the material.

Tell us about the features of derived prepositions.

Practical work with the text: read the text, talk about the features of non-derivative and derived prepositions.

By origin, prepositions are non-derivative and derivative.

Non-derivatives prepositions were not formed from any other words(parts) of speech and since ancient times used only as prepositions. Most non-derivative prepositions are homonyms with respect to prefixes. For example: at the house - to come.

Derivative prepositions are formed from different significant parts of speech. On this basis, adverbial, denominal and verbal prepositions are distinguished among them.

Adverbial prepositions are formed from adverbs, are most widespread and form word combinations with adverbial and object relations. For example: stopped near the house (place), rested after work (time).

Denominate prepositions are formed from nouns. With their help, word combinations are formed that express various adverbial and objective relationships. For example: did not come due to collapse (reason), was formed through decay (mode of action), worked throughout life (time), responded to the statement (object).

Verbal prepositions are derived from gerunds and are used in phrases expressing causal, concessional and temporary relationships. For example: achieved, despite difficulties (concession), thanks to worries (reason), remembered a week later (time). ( From the book “Russian Language” by A.V. Dudnikov, A.I. Arbuzov)

4. Consolidation of the lesson learned on the topic

1) Selective dictation: Write down phrases with non-derivative prepositions (1 var) and derived prepositions (2 vars).

Crosses the street, delayed due to repairs, signs on an envelope, deviates from the topic, divide by five, house near the river, run ahead of everyone, arrive a week later, talk about vacation, think about the meaning, add to two, walks in a column, read in during the day, runs away from the mountain, pays according to the agreement, gets tired from unaccustomment, weakness due to illness.


Transitions through street, delay in view of repairs
signs on envelope, house close rivers
retreats from topics, run ahead everyone
divide on five, come later a week
think about it V meaning, talk about vacations
will add To two, read for day
walks V column, pay off according to agreement
runs away With mountains, weakness due to illness
gets tired With unaccustomed habits.

2) Creative task: Match these non-derivative prepositions with synonymous derivatives.

Because of bad weather (as a result), after graduation (at graduation), about the timing (about), for self-defense (for purposes), for an absent person (instead), through negotiations (by), across (across) the road, at (near ) fire.

5. Problematic question: How to distinguish derived prepositions from homonymous parts of speech?

The guys walked (where?) ahead The guys walked ahead (ahead of what?) of the squad. (in front of the squad)

The rule is a helper!

The preposition will be included in the case question. A derived preposition can be replaced by a non-derivative or another derived preposition.

3) Explanatory dictation: indicate derived prepositions and parts of speech homonymous to them.

I know this forest inside and out. “The path ran along the cliff, meandering in the shade of the trees.

A small log lay across the river.

A forest was visible nearby. “There was a river flowing near the village.

Go ahead. - The ship runs merrily past Buyan Island.

Petya hoped to meet with his comrades. - The comrades walked towards each other.

4) Run the test

1. The word OVER is:

A) pretext;

B) prefix;

C) can be a preposition and a prefix.

2. Find a phrase with a preposition that has a causal meaning:

A) visible from behind the mountain;

B) be late due to rain;

C) is clear from the story;

D) about his actions.

3. Find a preposition formed from a gerund:

A) thanks;

B) according to;

B) contrary to;

D) like.

4. Find phrases with derived prepositions:

A) live at the station;

B) thanks to heavy rains;

B) grows along the fence;

D) go ahead of the squad.

5. Indicate sentences in which the highlighted words are prepositions:

A) The herd reached out by Houses.

B) Don't pass by .

IN) Across the roads were laid with logs.

G) Ahead the most persistent ones went.

6. Indicate the group of non-derivative prepositions:

A) thanks, before, for, before, around;

B) according to, through, towards, to, at, by;

B) through, with, without, for, over;

D) s, y, about, along, at.

5) Design workshop: Insert prepositions that make sense.

1. The older sister studies at the university at the Faculty of Economics.

2. I miss my father, mother, sister.

3. Everything must be done ACCORDING to the instructions.

4. The hike took place THANKS to good weather.

5. The boy stayed in class DESPITE his friend’s request.

6. The shoots were friendly, DESPITE the drought.

For strong students, editing for exercise 343 page 141 of the textbook.

11. Lesson summary, reflection

12. Homework: Paragraph 54, page 139. (entries in the directory) Ex. No. 337.

Target: familiarity with the difference between derived prepositions and non-derivative ones; ways of forming derivative prepositions.


1. Give the concept of derivative and non-derivative prepositions, their similarities and differences.

2. Strengthen the spelling of complex prepositions.

3. Improve the speech competence of students.

Methodical techniques: linguistic analysis, teacher explanation, work to prevent speech errors, exercises.

Lesson progress

I. Linguistic warm-up

Task: Correct speech errors. Warn against danger, confidence in victory, worry about your younger brother, pay attention to the spelling characteristic of verbs.(Warn against danger, confidence in victory, worry about your younger brother, pay attention to spelling, characteristic of verbs).

II. Checking homework

1. A coherent monologue answer on the topic “Preposition as an auxiliary part of speech” (1 student talks, the rest give examples and review his answer).

2. Checking the tables compiled by students and summarizing the material on this topic using the table.

“Preposition as a functional part of speech”:

1. A preposition is a small word, a necessary part of our speech.

2. Does not change.

3. Not used separately from independent words in speech.

4. Expresses the dependence of a noun, numeral and pronoun on other words in a phrase and sentence.

5. Expresses various relationships between independent words.

6. Has a meaning that appears only in combination with independent words.

7. Forms two-way syntactic connections between the main and dependent words.

8. Included in the members of a sentence together with the case form of the name and clarifies the meaning of the case.

III. The concept of derivative and non-derivative prepositions

1. The teacher's word.

The very name of the prepositions that will be discussed suggests their characteristics. Non-derivative prepositions have no analogues in other parts of speech, they were formed as prepositions in, on, without, from, about, with, with, at, through and others. They are used with different cases and have many meanings. Derivative prepositions are formed by transitioning independent parts of speech into auxiliary ones, they are usually used with one case, and have one or more meanings: for example, preposition in continuation(hour, year) is formed from a noun with a preposition (to believe in continued cooperation); pretext despite formed from the gerund (the chess player plays without looking at the boards) and so on.

2. Independent study of the theoretical material of the textbook (§ 50, p. 136).

What new have you learned about prepositions? - What prepositions are called non-derivative? Derivatives? - How are derivative prepositions formed?3. Teacher summary using table:

IV. Doing exercises

1. Exercise 296: commented letter.

2. Work independently.

Guys, everyone has a card on their desk. Assignment: Write out phrases with derived prepositions from the sentences, then nouns with prepositions. Prove your point. For three days coal was loaded (Obruchev). There was nothing interesting in the continuation of the novel. The polar explorers were no longer interested in continuing the expedition. The restless behavior of the dogs during the night made us believe that some animals might meet (Obruchev). The river overflowed, and there were changes in its flow.

3 Analysis of phrases with derived prepositions.

Exercise. From the sentences written on the board, write down phrases with derived prepositions, putting the verbs in the initial form; make the necessary graphic notations, determine the meaning of derived prepositions and the case of nouns. Tell us from which independent parts of speech these prepositions were formed. (At the same time, difficult spellings are explained and attention is drawn to the spelling of derived prepositions).

1. Due to the large difference in temperature and atmospheric pressure, constant winds blow from the mainland over the interior regions of Antarctica.

2. Due to the upward movement of air, low pressure is formed at the surface of the Earth near the equator.

3. Knowledge about the Earth, its nature, and population has accumulated over many millennia.

4. As the Earth rotates on its axis, the moving air gradually deviates to the east and does not reach the poles.

Sample entry

Conclusion: Derivative prepositions, just like non-derivative ones, express the dependence of some independent words on others, establishing certain relationships between them. Unlike non-derivative prepositions, which are characterized by polysemy, derivatives are unambiguous and are used with any one case. This is due to the fact that derived prepositions retain traces of the meanings of those independent parts of speech from which they were formed: nouns, adverbs, participles. - Give examples in which the words “during”, “as a result” would be independent parts of speech.4. Exercise 297 (oral); phonetic, morphological and syntactic analysis - on the board (3 students perform analysis at the board, the remaining students are divided into 3 options, work independently, then a check is carried out). Conclusion: The derived prepositions given in the exercise are formed from adverbs.

V. Summing up

(Is carried out using signal cards: P – derived preposition, N – non-derivative preposition). Appear from the ground.Stand in front of the house.Win through willpower.Be late due to transport delays.Sail away from the shore.Quarrel over a trifle.

VI. Reflection

The tree of knowledge has leaves of three colors: red, yellow, green.

Reds – there is still a lot that is unclear to me on this topic.

Yellow – I didn’t understand some questions in this topic.

Greens – I understood this topic very well.

VII. Homework assignment

There are many spelling rules in the Russian language. Most of them cause writing difficulties not only for schoolchildren and foreigners who study Russian, but also for adults. One of these rules is the spelling of prepositions. Mainly the problem is finding them correctly. With simple non-derivative prepositions, everything is more or less clear, and most people do not have difficulty finding them. But in Russian there is another group of words that, depending on the context, can refer to different parts speech. These are derived prepositions that come from adverbs, nouns or gerunds. They are so difficult to write that many people have great difficulty encountering them in the text.

Characteristics of derived prepositions

All prepositions in the Russian language are auxiliary parts of speech that do not have their own eigenvalue and morphological characteristics. They serve as a link between words in a sentence and are used to build a grammatically correct and competent construction. Derivative prepositions in the Russian language appeared relatively recently. They came from significant parts speech due to the loss of their own morphological characteristics and meaning. Because of this, their spelling often differs from the original words, causing spelling difficulties. They are used quite often in speech, so every literate person should be able to find them and write them correctly.

Features of this part of speech

1. Derivative prepositions can be simple, consisting of one word, for example, “near”, “around”, “thanks to”, “towards” and others. But many of them consist of two words, retaining the form that they had as a significant part of speech. Usually this is a combination of a non-derivative preposition with a noun, so merged with it in meaning and grammatically that it is often perceived as one word. For example: “with the help”, “for lack of”, “not counting”, “at the expense”, “to the extent” and others.

2. The spelling of such prepositions needs to be memorized, because most often it is not regulated by any rules. IN difficult cases you need to check your spelling dictionary. The greatest difficulty is in writing the prepositions “during”, “in continuation”, “as a result”, “subsequently”.

3. To determine that a derivative preposition, and not an independent part of speech, is used in a sentence, you need to replace it with another preposition or conjunction. For example, “as a result” - “because of”, “about” - “about”, “towards” - “to”, “like” - “how”.

4. There is a small group of derived prepositions that are difficult to distinguish from the independent parts of speech from which they originated. This causes difficulties in writing them. In this case, you can only understand the meaning in the context. These words are: “about”, “as a result of”, “thanks to”, “despite” and others.

Types of derivative prepositions

All prepositions under consideration are divided into three groups depending on what part of speech they came from.

1. Adverbial prepositions, that is, derived prepositions formed from adverbs, have retained their meaning. Basically they indicate the time and location of an object in space. For example, “near the house”, “after school”, “inside the box” and others.

2. Denominal prepositions are so called because they are formed from a noun. They can denote spatial, temporal, causal or object relations. This is a fairly large group of prepositions, and they are the ones that most often cause spelling difficulties, for example: “in connection”, “to the extent”, “about”, “like”, “on arrival” and others.

3. Verbal prepositions originate from gerunds, which have lost their meaning of additional action. They are closely related to nouns and are usually used with only one case. For example: “thanks to (what?)”, “in spite of (what?)”, “despite (what?)”.

What meanings do they have?

Each derived preposition, when combined with nouns, gives it a specific meaning. Most often they are used with one case, but you can also ask adverbial questions about them. The most common meanings of derived prepositions:

They denote a certain period of time: “during”, “at the end”, “in completion”, “after” and others;

Causal relations are determined by prepositions: “thanks to”, “in spite of”, “due to”, “as a result of”;

They can indicate the location of an object: “near”, “about”, “opposite”, “in front” and others.

How to learn to write prepositions correctly

The spelling of independent words is regulated by spelling rules. Most people learned them during school and have no difficulty spelling. And derived prepositions do not follow any rules. You need to remember how to write them. But in difficult cases, you can check with a spelling dictionary. The difficulty is most often caused by people’s inability to distinguish sentences with prepositions from constructions with independent parts of speech. If you learn to find these words in the text, there will be fewer mistakes. After all, most people still know the basic rules of spelling.

Ways to search for prepositions in text

1. You need to try to replace the word with another preposition. Each derivative preposition has a similar one from the category of non-derivatives, for example, “in view of - because of”, “about - about”, “towards - to”, “after - for” and others. Significant parts of speech are replaced only by synonyms: “for an account - for a book”, “for a meeting - for a date”.

2. Ask a question about the word. If there is a preposition in a sentence, then most likely it will be part of the question, and the answer will be a noun: “I live opposite the school - (opposite what?)” or “(where?) - opposite the school.” And the word, as an independent part of speech, itself answers the question: “this house is opposite - (where?) - opposite.”

3. A derivative preposition cannot be removed from a sentence without losing the meaning and destroying the grammatical structure: “to walk in front of the column - to walk (?) the column.” If you remove the significant part of the speech, then although the meaning will be impoverished, the sentence will not lose its integrity: “he walked ahead - he walked.”

4. They can also be distinguished by meaning. For example, “during the day” is a preposition that denotes a period of time, and “during the river” is a noun that denotes the flow of water.

What derivative prepositions are written together

Among the words of this part of speech there are many that have long been used in the Russian language. Some prepositions have so merged with nouns in meaning that almost no one has any difficulty spelling them. For example, “near”, “like”, “in view of”, “instead of”, “like”, “inside” and others. But there are also words that are written together only when they are used as prepositions. And here you need to be able to distinguish them from significant parts of speech. For example, “due to the rain” is a preposition, you can replace it with the word “due to,” and “as a result of the case” is a noun: “(in what?) - as a result.” More examples of frequently used prepositions and their difference with homonymous parts of speech: “towards each other” - “to meet friends”, “about repairs” - “to a bank account”. You also need to remember that “not” in prepositions formed from gerunds is written together: “despite his advanced age (despite what?)” is a preposition, but compare: “he walked without (not looking) around” .

Compound derivative prepositions

Spelling of prepositions that consist of two words also causes difficulties. But they are not connected with separately written these words, and most often with a letter at the end of the preposition. It needs to be remembered, since basically it is completely different from the nouns from which these words come:

The letter “and” is written at the end of the prepositions “after”, “on arrival”, “at the end”, “in connection”, “in accordance”, “in comparison”, “during”;

You need to remember the spelling of prepositions with the letter “e” at the end: “during”, “in continuation”, “in conclusion”, “in contrast”, “in conclusion”, “in commemoration”, “on arrival”, “on arrival” ";

There is also a group of prepositions that cause almost no difficulties: “by virtue”, “to the extent”, “in connection” and some others.

In order for a person’s speech to be literate, it is necessary to use derivative prepositions as much as possible. They enrich the language, allow you to more accurately express your thoughts and use grammatically correct constructions.

Derivative and non-derivative prepositions are, first of all, a auxiliary part of speech. It connects words with each other and shows their dependence on each other. Prepositions cannot be used separately; they always stand near pronouns, nouns or numerals. So...


Literally, “preposition” means “before the word” and, indeed, they always come before the words with which they are combined.

There are only four exception prepositions, which are located both before and after the combined words. This:

For the sake of boredom, for the sake of boredom;

Go towards fate, go towards fate;

In defiance of laws, in defiance of dreams;

Contrary to plans, contrary to plans.

In terms of frequency of use, prepositions occupy a place immediately after nouns, verbs and pronouns.

Between significant words subordinating connection is determined precisely through prepositions.

When grammatical relations are made up of a combination of a noun and a preposition, the meaning of the latter is obtained.

In phrases, the connection between words is made through endings and prepositions. For example, follow your mother.

Prepositions and cases

In most cases, prepositions are used with one case:

  • with the genitive case you can use a derivative and non-derivative preposition y, and also for, to, from and others;
  • the preposition is combined with the dative case To, there are also some in the Russian language that are not used at all with cases other than the dative - thanks, in spite of, according to, in defiance of, towards;
  • with the accusative case about, through, through etc.;
  • with instrumental - before, above, between;
  • and with the prepositional - oh, at

Some prepositions are used with two cases at once, for example:

  • prepositions V And on it is equally correct to use with words in the accusative and prepositional cases;
  • under And for- in the accusative and instrumental.

Prepositions With And By can appear before words in the genitive, accusative and instrumental cases.

WITH nominative case They don't use prepositions at all.

Thus, by the preposition in front you can find out in what case the word is, what it has great value for correct spelling of endings.

The main morphological feature of a preposition is immutability.

Prepositions by structure

Prepositions are distinguished by structure, meaning, relationships, origin and structure.

Structurally, prepositions can consist of one word - simple ( o, at, in, on, with and others), from two words connected by a hyphen - complex (due to, over) etc.), as well as from several words - compound ( despite, due to etc.).

Prepositions by meaning

There are categories in the meaning of prepositions:

Single-valued prepositions are used with a single case, polysemous prepositions with several. Depending on the case construction, the meaning of the preposition may change. Some have more than thirty.

Non-derivative and derivative prepositions

A separate block is the classification of prepositions by structure and origin.

Non-derivative prepositions have always existed, they are considered primitive, and they have always been prepositions. How is this? It becomes clear from the definition of derived prepositions, which were originally other parts of speech (for example, adverbs), and with the development of language they began to be used as prepositions - around, behind, in part. Derivatives also include prepositions made up of several simple ones - because of, over.

Derived prepositions also have their own categories depending on the part of speech from which they were formed:

From adverbs - adverbial prepositions, they indicate space and time - instead of, against, through and others;

From nouns - denominate prepositions that express objective and sometimes adverbial relationships - like, during, in part;

From verbs - verbal, they are formed from gerunds (verb forms) and show adverbial relations: excluding, despite, etc.

Spelling prepositions

All derivative and non-derivative prepositions are written separately from words. The spelling is checked by asking a question that can be inserted between them. For example, on the table, on (what?) the table.

If prepositions are derived from adverbs, they are written together: run towards the sun. Here it is important to learn to distinguish between prepositions and adverbs. The first ones are not used without nouns or pronouns: approach towards (adverb), approach towards (preposition) traffic lights.

You need to remember that derivative prepositions in view of, like, about, instead of, like, as a result are written together.

Another way to distinguish non-derivative and derivative prepositions from other parts of speech is to replace it with a preposition of similar meaning. For example: due to a breakdown, the car could not drive - due to a breakdown, the car could not drive.

Ending - e written in prepositions such as: during, in continuation, as a result. The reason for this writing was their origin - these prepositions are formed from the form. To distinguish them from nouns, you should try to substitute a definition: V rapid current rivers, in a languid continuation of sleep. If this succeeds, then you have a noun with a preposition.

Paired derivative prepositions are written with a hyphen from under, over and others.

Non-derivative and derivative prepositions have their exceptions - words with special spellings. Through ends with a soft sign. The sun was breaking through the thick darkness. Here's an excuse near, Also as on the contrary, written without a soft sign at the end: near the stream. Prepositions according to And thanks to stand before a noun or pronoun in the dative case, but not the genitive - thanks to the efforts.

Integrated spelling of derivative and non-derivative prepositions

In the middle written together when expressing spatial relationships: in the middle of that sea.

Despite, despite- unlike gerunds with a preposition, they are written together and take on a concessive meaning. We walked despite the rain. Without looking at him, the girl walked past.

Like in meaning it seems, it seems written together. Like rowan berries. Look at the similarity of isosceles triangles.

In view oh oh pretext about has a continuous spelling. Compare: gave instructions about the subbotnik. He gave instructions to deposit money into the account.

Also spelled towards, but do not confuse with to the meeting. For example, towards sunny day; to meet my youth.

A rather complex derived preposition, which is not similar to a noun not only in its continuous spelling, but also in the final letter e - as a result. This is a synonym for the preposition because of. No one was injured as a result of the earthquake. As a consequence Some changes have been made to the case. There is also an adverb subsequently, it is also always written together and with the letter And at the end.

Following written together when it is a synonym for a preposition for. She quickly followed him. They followed each other.

It looks like or like are written together. It seems like a shadow, or maybe light. There were often merry people in his family.

Taking a causal or effectual meaning, a preposition due to (because of) has a continuous spelling. Due to the strong storm, the signal was weak. If it concerns space, then it is written separately. There was nothing special about these bushes. Exception: keep in mind.

Separate writing of prepositions

The list of derived and non-derivative prepositions, which are written separately, looks like this:

  • in action;
  • in connection with;
  • into change;
  • to avoid;
  • in conclusion;
  • according to measure;
  • in moderation;
  • in force;
  • throughout;
  • in the form of;
  • as opposed to;
  • in continuation;
  • for.

Prepositions and other parts of speech

Prepositions, non-derivative and especially derivative, often sound similar to other parts of speech. In order not to get confused and make mistakes when writing them, you should remember several rules and features.

You can make sure that the preposition in front of you is derivative by replacing it with another without losing its semantic meaning. Due to a lack of materials, the house was not completed. Due to a lack of materials, the house was not completed.

Preposition: derived and non-derivative prepositions




opposite the garden

I'm standing opposite

Derivatives and non-derivatives

prepositions: writing examples.

If there is no noun nearby

Otherwise it's an excuse.

ahead of the column

fly ahead

near the house

lie near

inside the box

paint inside

baths all around

looked sideways

along the hedge

stitch along

near the sandbox

no one around

according to the order

think according to

around the clearing

beauty all around

due to bad weather

he had in mind

have lunch with you

have lunch together

to be homesick away from home

see in the distance



about the proposal

funds have been credited to the account

due to thunderstorm

amendments were made as a result

during the lecture

along the river

Non-derivative and derivative prepositions that have the meaning of time are interchangeable: among them, during, in continuation. What will help to distinguish them from a noun with a non-derivative preposition is that in the case of last values there is no time. You can also insert a definition before the noun.

in continuation of what has been said

in continuation of the article

heard in conclusion

in the review report he heard

due to lack of time

no one believed in his power



thanks to the light

thanks to mom

despite the pain

without looking out the window

Preposition analysis: morphology

Derivative and non-derivative prepositions: the rule contains three points.

  1. Preposition: part of speech. It is necessary to define the preposition and its grammatical meaning (what phrase it is in, what words it is used to connect with, what case it is used with, and with which others it may be used).
  2. Permanent morphological characteristics preposition (structure, structure, bit depth).
  3. Preposition: syntactic role (which part of the sentence it is part of).

Attention! Prepositions

To learn how to correctly write derivative and non-derivative prepositions, exercises must be performed as often as possible. Especially derivatives that were formed from so easily confused with a noun, adverb or gerund, thereby making a mistake.

The table above will help you quickly remember or learn how to spell this or that preposition. Derivative and non-derivative prepositions are found in almost every sentence; their list is very extensive, so when writing you should treat them with special attention.