Stuffed char fish. Char baked in the oven - cook tasty and fast best recipes

And you are literally prescribed red fish? Love this variety, but don't dare fork out the cash? Yes, given the endless rise in prices, many people cannot afford this delicacy. Meanwhile, there is a fish that adequately represents this class. Char! He owes its origin to salmon . Meanwhile, the quality is not at all inferior to its more expensive counterparts. Except for the price. But it pleasantly surprises everyone who happens to pay attention to this modest exhibit in the window. In a plate with salad, fried char is unique and terribly tasty!

What kind of animal is this? Most likely, this is the question that may now arise for many who are now reading these lines. Meanwhile, we are talking about a relative of salmon, which is found in lakes, rivers and even streams. By the way, its color also depends on where the char lives. Although, no matter where our hero comes from, he is always without scales . Isn’t it true that this is a pleasant circumstance that promises us saving time and effort, because we won’t have to scrape the fish with a knife? Fried in the most aromatic croutons, it will be simply incomparable. What is one pleasantly crispy crust worth? What a delicious look!

As a rule, the store sells small specimens of red fish. So it turns out to be one thing for two. Char is a type of fish that is not so fatty like, say, salmon. But this is not dry fish either. Therefore, when preparing it (frying, stewing, baking, steaming), it is advisable to monitor the temperature.

What else is nice about this meal, which is sure to please anyone? You don't need to take a lot of ingredients to prepare the dish. In addition to fish, we will buy crackers, spices, and garlic. If you have a ready-made salad mix, everything will be ready in about twenty minutes!

Cooking method

Step 1

Let's start with processing the char. Since the fish has no scales, we just have to remove all the insides, trim the fins, tail and head.

By the way, the carcass cuts very well and easily, because its bones are very tender.

Step 2

Everything except the fish entrails can be used later to make a delicious fish soup. Char is also incomparable when boiled. Therefore, when cutting off the head and fins, we leave a little fish around the edges.

So, we will rinse the carcass under running water and cut it into portions. There will be 4-5 of them.

Step 3

Before frying pieces of fish, you need to decide on the breading. In flour? Trite. Therefore, we will come up with an original breading. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to spiciness. We will offer this option.

Crackers (and these can be white, gray, or black breads) will need to be mixed with spices. But for this we must grate the crackers. Let's take a large one. Why? Because if we take fine flour, we will get something like flour, and we need a crispy crust. That's why three are big.

Step 4

Now let's look around and choose the spices. It’s too easy to use something like ground black pepper. Therefore, let's rub it finely. Let's add your favorite spices to the crackers (Italian herbs will look great here!), some dried aromatic herbs like dill and parsley.

If it's not spicy enough, sprinkle everything with ground black pepper. Beauty! The scents are already incomparable...

And at this moment, salt the pieces of fish. Then, without sparing, roll them in breadcrumbs.

Step 6

The oil is already hot, but we don’t turn down the heat. After all, we want the fish to be crispy?

So we fry it for about 5 minutes, turning it over once. Make sure the pieces don't burn.

Step 7

The aromas throughout the apartment were serious! The family came running to see what it was you were cooking? Don't refuse them! After all, you probably care not only about your athlete? Therefore, all you have to do is add it to the plate.

Pets, and especially the one who looks after his muscle mass and protein content, they will thank you for something new, tasty and healthy dish!

  • The salt content should be minimal, so the fish and the mixture don’t need to be salted – the spices will fix everything.
  • The mix can be filled with vegetable (ideally olive) oil, yogurt (for those members of the athlete’s family who are watching their figure) and sour cream (of course, this is for those who value proteins so much!).
  • Do not overheat the oil in the pan.
  • Do not overdo it with spices, because everything needs moderation.
  • Do not overcook the loach in the oil - as soon as you fry the fish, immediately place it in a colander so that excess oil drips off and the fish does not absorb the oil.
  • Do not overcook the char, otherwise it will be dry.

Bake the char in the oven at about 160-180 degrees.

Recipe for char baked in the oven

Products for baking char in the oven
Char - 1 kilogram
Bow - 1 head
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt, pepper, spices - to taste

How to bake char in the oven in foil
Thaw the char if frozen. Gut the loach, cut off the fins and head. Salt and pepper the fish, add spices.
Place the foil on a baking sheet and grease with oil. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Place a layer of onion on the foil, then fish, then onion again.
Wrap the fish and onions in foil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the baking sheet with the fish in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.

How to bake char with rice

Products for baking char with rice
Char - 1 kilogram
Rice - 1 glass
Onions - 2 heads
Carrots - 2 pieces
Sour cream - 100 grams
Ketchup - 50 grams
Lemon juice - 50 grams
Butter - 50 grams

How to bake char with rice
Thaw the char, gut it, remove the head, fins and tail. Cut the loach into small pieces, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to soak. Rinse and boil the rice.
Grease the baking dish with oil. Place a layer of fish, then a layer of rice. Peel the onions and carrots, cut the onions into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place onions and carrots in a bowl, add sour cream and ketchup, mix well. Place the sauce-vegetable mixture on a layer of rice and place thin pieces of butter on top.
Bake the char in the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Char is not only a tasty, but also a very healthy red fish. It can also be salted, boiled or fried. How to properly cook such fish? What side dish would complement it best? In this article we will tell you how to deliciously cook char fish in the oven.


Char 1 piece(s) Lemon juice 10 milliliters Green 1 bunch

  • Number of servings: 5
  • Cooking time: 45 minutes

Recipe for cooking char fish in the oven

Baking is the ideal way to prepare this fish. The crust is crispy and crispy, and the meat is tender and juicy.

List of required ingredients:

  • 1 large loach;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • fresh parsley and dill;
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste;
  • a mixture of dried herbs basil, oregano and cilantro.

Cooking process:

  • rinse the fish thoroughly, remove the entrails, fins, head and tail;
  • make deep transverse cuts on the carcass;
  • sprinkle the loach with all the seasonings and spices, salt;
  • marinate the fish in a mixture of seasonings for 30 - 40 minutes;
  • preheat the oven to 180 ºC;
  • transfer the fish to a greased form and pour lemon juice over it;
  • bake until golden brown, 40 to 45 minutes.

When serving, decorate the dish with fresh herbs. Fresh or baked vegetables or rice are perfect as a side dish.

Char fish baked in foil

Fish cooked in foil also retains maximum nutrients. It turns out very tender and non-greasy. For this dish you need to take:

  • 2 large carcasses of char;
  • 2 medium sized onions;
  • 1 lemon;
  • allspice and salt;
  • dry herbs – rosemary, thyme and basil.

Step by step guide:

  • wash the fish well and gut it, separate the head and tail and cut off the fins;
  • make several deep cuts across;
  • spread the foil and place onions cut into half rings on it;
  • place fish carcasses on the onion;
  • the fish must be salted and grated with pepper and dried herbs;
  • In the cuts you need to alternately place pieces of onion and quarters of lemon slices;
  • sprinkle the loach with lemon juice;
  • you need to wrap the carcasses loosely in foil so that there is room for the juice that is released during the baking process;
  • Place the foil on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 ºC.

Preparation usually takes about 40 – 50 minutes. An excellent side dish for this dish would be potatoes baked with aromatic herbs or other vegetables. The potatoes can also be wrapped in foil along with the char. Then it must be cut into large cubes, rubbed with spices and salt. The potatoes will be soaked in juice and will turn out very tender and aromatic.

Char baked in the oven in foil is a dish of amazing taste. It will decorate festive table and is perfect for romantic dinner. Especially if served with white wine. As you know, char is one of the elite varieties of fish - after all, it is from the salmon family. In terms of its qualities, it is only slightly inferior to salmon, but many times superior to pink salmon.

Even without any seasoning, char meat has a pleasant taste. In addition, it is juicy and very tender. The carcasses are small in size, so they are easy to prepare. The recipe for baked char in the oven below will require minimum quantity products and will not take much time and effort.

Required ingredients:

  • - a kilogram of char;
  • - one lemon;
  • - a couple of large onions;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - salt to taste;
  • - spices for fish (you can do without them);
  • - greens.
  • How to cook char in the oven?

    The fish should be properly prepared for baking. Namely, scratch it thoroughly with a knife (although it is almost not covered with scales, it is necessary to do this), cut off the head, tail and fins, remove the entrails and gills. It is desirable that there are no blood vessels left on the abdomen. Next, the loach is rinsed with water, dried with a paper towel, lightly greased with oil on all sides, and rubbed with salt and spices.

    Onions and lemon should be cut into rings, stuffed into the fish and placed on top. Leave it to marinate for about an hour. After this, each carcass, along with lemon and onion, is wrapped in foil and sent to the oven. It should be preheated to two hundred degrees.

    How long to bake char in the oven is an important question. After all, the fish cannot be overdried. It should simmer in foil for about twenty minutes, and then the loach should be unwrapped and left in the open oven for another ten minutes. Longer baking will deprive the fish of its juiciness.

    Now you know how to deliciously cook char in the oven. Serve it with onion and lemon, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

    Bon appetit!

    Fish from the salmon category enjoys great success in cooking and, as a rule, occupies one of the main places on holiday and everyday menus. Practical advice, the intricacies and details of good cuisine will help you learn how best to cook char. Any housewife, having familiarized herself with culinary recipes for fish dishes, will receive pleasant praise: “Delicious!”

    What's the best way to cook fish?

    Many dishes are prepared from char; it can be fried, boiled, salted, or baked. It can be prepared either whole or as fillet. The cutting technology is very simple and does not depend on the size of the fish. The first thing to do is wash it well under running water, then remove the entrails, gills and fins. The tail and head are left as desired.

    The main advantage of the product, which will not spoil the mood of housewives, is that Kamchatka loach does not have large scales, so there is no need to clean its outer cover. By cutting the carcass into two halves and removing the vertebral bone, you get 2 fillets with skin from one flesh, which can be prepared in the most basic way.

    The fish will turn out tasty, tender and retain useful vitamins if you follow simple cooking rules, these are:

    • fry fish in large quantities oil for no more than 5 minutes, in a moderately heated frying pan;
    • bake only in foil or parchment paper, preserving its juice and aroma;
    • When salting, do not use spices;
    • boil in large pieces, dipping them into boiling salted water with the addition of dill or parsley;
    • Use only enamel and clay dishes, cast iron frying pan.

    At home, if you want to learn how to cook fish in different ways everyone can do it. Using different ingredients you can give it a unique taste and aroma. The main thing is to know three basic rules that are suitable for cooking any fish. Before you eat a product, it must be in water, oil and wine.

    Frying Char in a frying pan is tasty and satisfying

    For regular salting per 1 kg of carcass you will need:

    • sugar ─ 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt ─ 1 tbsp. l.;
    • a pinch of lemon zest;
    • Sunflower oil, odorless.

    Lightly salted char can be obtained by keeping it in salt for 8 hours. To make the fish softer and tastier, rub it before salting. sunflower oil. You can add pepper for a spicy taste. bay leaf, garlic.

    Options for stuffing char

    So that for any housewife fish dish was not ordinary and known to everyone, there are recipes that can become a source of pride. A hearty, healthy fish dish can be prepared quickly and at a lower cost if you use one of the most delicious cooking methods.