Career plot. A conspiracy to avoid being fired at work. The most powerful spell for good luck, money and success in work – To water from three rivers

- On the last day probationary period, before leaving vacation and every time before a hard day, need it at dawn bow to all directions of the world and read the plot: “Let the sun shine and the winds drive away. These forces themselves know what to illuminate and what to drive away. So be it!”

IN beheading day buy chapters of John the Baptist , in which to then attend the evening service in church, and when you come home, wash the sole in a basin and pour the water into a 0.5 liter jar. On the first even day after this, bring this water in a jar to work (so that no one sees) and pour it from the street on any corner of the building in which you work (the jar must be left there).

— At sunrise on the first working day you should bow to all four cardinal directions and say: “ Let the sun shine and the winds drive away!These forces themselves know what to illuminate and what to drive away. So be it."

— Before going to your boss to ask for a promotion, read the plot: “ Come out from under heaven, from God's holy places,Spirit of tenderness and blessing. God bless me too(Name)Same.Bless my request to the servant of God(boss's name),close his mouth to refusal through your God's command. Command God to love me, the servant of God(Name) Same.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

— Read: “ My angel, my Archangel, my patron. Lead me, help me. I'll go on the bright path. Doors would always open for me, people would always smile at me, all my deeds, all my thoughts would come true. There are three fish in the blue sea, and on those fish there are three crowns. Whoever counts the teeth on those three crowns will only break my luck. My word is first, my deed is second, and my enemies have nothing to do with it. Key, lock, tongue". Say Amen 3 times!

- In your birthday put on some new clothes and wear them for 3 days. While dressing, say: “ New thing I dress, I make a new career for myself, I will have service and friendship, success in work, understanding among people » . After 3 days, rinse this item in cold water, bring this water to work and sprinkle your workplace with it.

- Read the plot three times before going to work: « Lord Father andMother Church! Save and preserve me, God's servant(Name),from evil barbarians, from adversaries, from fire, from water, from judgment, from trouble. Accept my repentance, soften my heart, deliver me from black anger, from evil thoughts. Give me happiness, health and many years life". Say Amen 3 times!

— Lay a new tablecloth on the table, put a new mirror and light two candles on its sides. Place Jesus Christ on the right and the icon of the Mother of God on the left. Place a earthenware cup with holy water in the center, look at your image in the mirror and read: “ I, servant of God (Name), Not simple words I reprimand, and I charm my destiny, Happiness and human love! The dark night and the profitable month are my helpers in my business! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, holy water, protect me from evil! Drive away the evil sadness and evil times from my threshold. Don't let these evil sisters near my table(At these words, you need to sprinkle yourself and the table with holy water.) The Lord blesses me, the righteous forces protect me. As the thin month grows and expands, so does luck return to my destiny! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Say Amen 3 times!

Let the candles burn out until the end, the next day, before lunch, go to the intersection and throw three five-ruble coins with your left hand, saying: “Paid! «

— Early on Sunday morning (during the waxing moon), buy two handkerchiefs at the market (preferably without change). At home, wash the scarves, dry them and sprinkle them blessed water, then place it under the icon in the eastern corner of the home for 2-3 hours. Wrap seven coins of the same denomination and the same number of pinches of millet in one of the handkerchiefs. And on the same day, at sunset, take this scarf outside and bury it under any tree (except aspen) away from your home. In this case, you need to say 7 times: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Just as in forests and oak groves all living creatures work from dawn to dusk, just as in the fields and fields a peasant father works without straightening his back, so I work, spinning and turning, not knowing a break, not seeing rest. Send, Lord, Thy servant (Name)grace from heaven, a well-deserved reward for my efforts, useless aspirations, so that I can work even more for Your glory! My word is true. Amen".

On the same day, take the second scarf to the intersection and leave it there, saying: « Paid Turn over your left shoulder, return home by a different route, and try not to talk to anyone for an hour.

— The ritual must be performed as needed before each contract. Before concluding an agreement, you need to take a sheet of paper from your business partner (under any pretext), and burn this paper in a frying pan at home in the evening. While the paper is burning, you need to read the plot: “ My cause is right. I am building a stone house with a copper porch, with a fine watchman.On the porch I will meet and say goodbye to the third person. The first person is the king, the second is the prince, the third will bow to my feet. Not he, but I will be his power. My word is true, my deed is strong. Whatever I ask, everything will be decided in this matter. The key is in the fish's mouth, and the fish is in the water, the lock is in the swamp. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

The plot is read when you wash your face, comb your hair, or put on clothes (if you are going to see your boss that day): “ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glorious is God's peace. There is a royal feast under the eastern side. In that golden chamber is the throne. Whoever approaches him, the Holy Spirit will descend on him; whoever takes his trace and puts it in his bosom, he will rise high above the human world. Be my face like Easter Egg like a clean mirror during holidays and gatherings. Everyone would love me alone out of everyone, see me, look at me favorably, call me by name and patronymic, give me a high place above people. And just as people were called kings, so angels would open doors for me everywhere. Be my words strong and sculpted. Century by century, from now to eternity. Key, lock, tongue. Amen" .

— Before an interview for a promotion, read the plot: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glorious is God's peace, under the eastern side there is a royal . In that golden chamber is the throne. Whoever approaches him, the Holy Spirit will descend on him. Whoever picks up his trail will put it in his bosom. He will rise high above the human world. Be my face like an Easter egg. Like a clean mirror during holidays and gatherings. Everyone would love me alone out of everyone, see me, look at me favorably, call me by name and patronymic, give me a high place above people. And just as people were called kings, so angels would open doors for me everywhere. Be my words strong and sculpted. Amen."

— Before talking about a promotion with your boss, read: “ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glorious is God's peace,nOn the eastern side there is a royal feast. In that golden chamber is the throne. Whoever approaches him, the Holy Spirit will descend on him. Whoever picks up his trail will put it in his bosom. He will rise high above the human world. Be my face like an Easter egg. Like a clean mirrornon holidays, at gatherings. Everyone would like me alone out of everyone,atmatured, looked at me favorably,nabout the first and patronymic name,Vthey gave a high place above people. And just as people were called kings, so angels would open doors for me everywhere. Be my words strong and sculpted. Amen".

You are looking for a job, you are being forced out of work, you cannot find a job, you want to move up career ladder, you are going for an interview, you can’t wait for the long-awaited salary increase, then perhaps you will find here exactly what you need to successfully resolve your situation. Proven conspiracies that work 100 percent.

Conspiracy on icons Holy Mother of God and Christ the Savior, to find a good job

In the church, buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, two thick ones church candles and collect holy water from the church. Before going to bed, place an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior on the table, place candles in front of the icons, light them, and between the candles place a ceramic cup, maybe a clay cup with holy water from the church. Cross the water three times and say:

After this, drink three sips of holy water, and wash yourself with what remains. This job search ritual should be done for three days in a row.

Spell for a piece of incense and a candle

In church, take a small piece of incense and a candle. Closer to midnight, take a sheet of white paper, turn off the light, light a candle, put incense on the paper and read the spell:

After reading the plot, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days in a row. After nine days, burn the paper with incense so that the smoke from the paper goes out the window.

This ritual is performed on the first night of the waxing moon.

Take a ceramic or clay bowl, put a couple of bay leaves in it (you can add sulfur from matches). Take a green candle, on the top of the candle, use a knife to cut out the name of the job you would like to get a job for, and under this name, cut an arrow with the point down. Below the arrow, cut out a dollar or euro sign. Under the dollar or euro sign, cut out another arrow pointing down and write your name underneath it. Anoint this candle well with pine oil or bergamot oil. Concentrate your thoughts on exactly the job you would like to have. Take a small piece of white paper and write down the amount you would like to earn (within reason). Then place a piece of paper under your candle (you should place it under the candle). Light your candle, look continuously at the flame for a couple of minutes, concentrate on your job, which you would like to have, get it. Then say:

Let the candle burn out completely, burn a piece of paper in a clay plate where you burned bay leaves. Wrap the remainder of the candle, the wick from the candle, the ashes from the plate in a small bill and always carry it with you as a talisman. The best day to look for a job will be Wednesday.

Spells for a successful interview

Before you go for an interview, and you want this interview to end in your favor, use these conspiracies.

Plot before going for an interview

Take a pinch of salt and pour it into left palm, cross yourself three times with your right hand, and say three times:

Repeat the spell during baptism with your right hand. Then pour salt into your shoes and go to the interview. Read before going to the interview.

A conspiracy to accept a positive result when applying for a job

Before you get ready to go get a job, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

Tie three knots, and as you tie each knot, recite the spell. Place the thread on the threshold of your house, close the door, cross the threshold (just don’t step on it), and go get a job.

Before leaving home, when you go to get a job, you need to kiss a loaf of bread and say:

To avoid being rejected at work

While lying in bed, before going to bed, take off your pectoral cross and cross yourself with your cross 3 times and read the spell three times:

Charms and spells for a new job

These conspiracies will help you settle down in your new job.

After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Amulet for work

Pinch off a piece of birch bark from the birch trunk with your left hand so that there is more white, and at sunrise, speak into the birch bark seven times:

Wrap the birch bark in cloth and let it always be at your place of work.

Conspiracy at a new job

Before the first day of work, at sunrise, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north and say:

Amulet for work

Write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you always.

Conspiracies that will help with ill-wishers at work, so that you don’t get fired from work and if you survive from work

If you are trying to survive from work, you are treated with prejudice, if you are threatened with dismissal, these conspiracies will help you stay in your job and find common language with your colleagues.

Conspiracy if they survive from work

You need to come to work earlier than other employees, go to the toilet and say:

Conspiracy to avoid getting fired from your job

Go to the threshold of your boss's office, raise your right hand and say:

Conspiracy against ill-wishers at your work

On Wednesday, buy a glass of honey; you should not bargain with the seller. On the first day of the new moon, stir honey in a glass of warm water and say:

Wash your face with this water for 12 days.

Conspiracy against envy at work (envious people)

Before going to work, sit down at the table, put your hand on the table (up to the hand) and say:

A conspiracy to find a common language with your colleagues

Prepare the pie; when you cook, read the plot three times:

Treat all employees.

Conspiracy for honor and respect in your team

On Easter, in the morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

After reading, put this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg on the towel. The next day, you need to bring this towel to your work and wipe down your work area.

A conspiracy to prevent your boss from picking on you

Say to your boss’s back:

Conspiracy if you are afraid of your boss

Before entering the boss's office, say:

Conspiracy for promotion at work

These conspiracies will help you climb the career ladder.

Conspiracy to get promoted at work

Before talking about promotion, read:

Spells, amulets and rituals for work and career
You are looking for a job, you are being fired from work, you cannot find a job, you want to climb the career ladder, you are going for an interview, you just can’t wait for the long-awaited salary increase, then perhaps you will find here exactly what you need for successful resolution of your situation.

Spells for finding a job

Conspiracy on the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ the Savior, to find a good job

In the church, buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, two thick church candles and collect holy water in the church. Before going to bed, place an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior on the table, place candles in front of the icons, light them, and between the candles place a ceramic cup, maybe a clay cup with holy water from the church. Cross the water three times and say:

After this, drink three sips of holy water, and wash yourself with what remains. This job search ritual should be done for three days in a row.

Spell for a piece of incense and a candle

In church, take a small piece of incense and a candle. Closer to midnight, take a sheet of white paper, turn off the light, light a candle, put incense on the paper and read the spell:

After reading the plot, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days in a row. After nine days, burn the paper with incense so that the smoke from the paper goes out the window.

Ritual for finding the right job

This ritual is performed on the first night of the waxing moon.
Take a ceramic or clay bowl, put a couple of bay leaves in it (you can add sulfur from matches). Take a green candle, on the top of the candle, use a knife to cut out the name of the job you would like to get a job for, and under this name, cut an arrow with the point down. Below the arrow, cut out a dollar or euro sign. Under the dollar or euro sign, cut out another arrow pointing down and write your name underneath it. Anoint this candle well with pine oil or bergamot oil. Concentrate your thoughts on exactly the job you would like to have. Take a small piece of white paper and write down the amount you would like to earn (within reason). Then place a piece of paper under your candle (you should place it under the candle). Light your candle, look continuously at the flame for a couple of minutes, concentrate on your job, which you would like to have, get it. Then say:

Let the candle burn out completely, burn a piece of paper in a clay plate where you burned the bay leaves. Wrap the remainder of the candle, the wick from the candle, the ashes from the plate in a small bill and always carry it with you as a talisman. The best day to look for a job will be Wednesday.

Spells for a successful interview

Before you go for an interview, and you want this interview to end in your favor, use these conspiracies.
Plot before going for an interview
Take a pinch of salt, pour it into your left palm, cross yourself three times with your right hand, and say three times:

Repeat the spell during baptism with your right hand. Then pour salt into your shoes and go to the interview. Read before going to the interview.

A conspiracy to accept a positive result when applying for a job

Before you get ready to go get a job, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

Tie three knots, and as you tie each knot, recite the spell. Place the thread on the threshold of your house, close the door, cross the threshold (just don’t step on it), and go get a job.

Read this plot three times before going to work:

Conspiracy for hiring

Conspiracy for hiring

Before leaving home, when you go to get a job, you need to kiss a loaf of bread and say:

To avoid being rejected at work

While lying in bed, before going to bed, take off your pectoral cross and cross yourself with your cross 3 times and read the spell three times:

Charms and spells for a new job

These conspiracies will help you settle down in your new job.

After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Amulet for work

With your left hand, pinch off a piece of birch bark from the birch trunk so that there is more white color, and at sunrise, speak into the birch bark seven times:

Wrap the birch bark in cloth and let it always be at your place of work.

Conspiracy at a new job

Before the first day of work, at sunrise, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north and say:

Amulet for work

Write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you always.

Conspiracies that will help with ill-wishers at work, so that you don’t get fired from work and if you survive from work

If you are trying to survive from work, you are treated with prejudice, if you are in danger of being fired, these conspiracies will help you stay in your job and find a common language with your colleagues.

Conspiracy if they survive from work

You need to come to work earlier than other employees, go to the toilet and say:

Conspiracy to avoid getting fired from your job

Go to the threshold of your boss’s office, raise your right hand and say:

Conspiracy against ill-wishers at your work

On Wednesday, buy a glass of honey; you should not bargain with the seller. On the first day of the new moon, stir honey in a glass of warm water and say:

Wash your face with this water for 12 days.

Conspiracy against envy at work (envious people)

Before going to work, sit down at the table, put your hand on the table (up to the hand) and say:

A conspiracy to find a common language with your colleagues

Prepare the pie; when you cook, read the plot three times:

Treat all employees.

Conspiracy for honor and respect in your team

On Easter, in the morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

After reading, put this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg on the towel. The next day, you need to bring this towel to your work and wipe down your work area.

A conspiracy to prevent your boss from picking on you

Say to your boss’s back:

Conspiracy if you are afraid of your boss

Before entering the boss's office, say:

Conspiracy for promotion at work

These conspiracies will help you climb the career ladder.

Conspiracy to get promoted at work

Before talking about promotion, read:

In order to achieve prosperity, people need to quickly advance in their professional growth. Getting a promotion is becoming increasingly difficult these days. One higher education and many years of experience are no longer enough. You also need to be on special notice from your superiors, to maintain good relationship with the team and just have luck.

Career growth provides an excellent opportunity to significantly increase your monthly earnings, increase social status and fully realize yourself in your chosen profession. But this does not always become possible. Therefore, performing a magical ritual helps to push fate a little in the right direction. Many of the rituals are carried out independently.

Spell on sunlight

There is very strong conspiracy on career growth. Reaching a new destination is not easy at all, but it is quite achievable.

To do this, you should strive for it and do everything to ensure that the promotion occurs.

Therefore, the ritual especially helps those who continue the family dynasty and have dreamed of reaching heights in their chosen profession since childhood.

The ritual requires serious preparation. Here you cannot quickly and easily say certain words so that success will manifest itself.


  • try to earn a promotion;
  • pray fervently to the Lord;
  • establish good relationships with colleagues;
  • clearly imagine the specific results of fulfilling a desire;
  • believe in the fulfillment of the ritual;
  • completely throw out all negativity from your soul;
  • give change to the poor.

Then you need to take iron money and a clean scarf.

Find a secluded place. If it is located on the street, then you should find a vacant lot where there are no passers-by. If the ceremony is performed at home, then it must be performed when everyone is absent.

In the light of the sun, take a small coin and clearly say:

“I, the servant of God (name), really want to receive good place work so that you will never need money again. My family counts on me very much and hopes that I will bring wealth to the family. The stars and the moon are always together and never separate. May success accompany me and never leave me. I was told that if I want to do a job I love, then I can use a spell for career growth. I hope that he will help me achieve my desired goal and I can become a successful person. For a long time I was forced to undergo training in my profession, so I began good specialist in your area. I went to interviews for a long time, but they all ended in failure. So, after the words of this prayer, let employers shower me with offers, and I will already choose the option that best suits me. I wish to receive a promotion. Let it be the way I want and not otherwise. Amen".

Then the change is carefully wrapped in a handkerchief and kept near you. She will quickly attract the luck needed for promotion.

The very next morning you can safely take the desired steps. The new appointment will not take long to arrive.

If the points of the plot are carried out correctly, success comes to a person very quickly. But they cannot be violated, otherwise very undesirable consequences may occur. This action is due to the fact that the ritual is equated to a love spell.

Spell on a paper clip

To speed up receiving new position, the following ritual must be performed.

It especially helps those people who are already long time They expect a promotion, but they are passed over.

You need to be creative, because the effect of the conspiracy will only appear when it is carried out at your office desk.

  1. A hair that has fallen out (not torn out) from one's head.
  2. A paperclip.
  3. Green thread.

You should try to stay after the end of the working day or come much earlier.

A hair is wound around a paper clip and a spell is cast:

“Just as it is impossible to stop a tree from growing, so I have no obstacles on my chosen road. The sun will not have time to rise thirteen times in the sky, and I will take (job title). My work will be rightfully appreciated, I will achieve my goals, I will surpass my rivals.”

Then they tie a thread to a paper clip and hide it in a place inaccessible to others.

At the very least, after fifteen days, the person will notice that the boss has begun to celebrate him and is trying to promote him.

But the ritual will only work if the company has a reserve for the appointment.

If the desired position is not available, it is better to look for a new place. The effect of the ritual will also apply to this case.

In addition, if there are several vacancies, then you need to have a good idea of ​​what to aim for.

You need to clearly think through an action plan to get a job, as well as ways to improve your performance after achieving the goal. How stronger desire person, the more effective the effect of the conspiracy will be.

Ritual for getting a profitable job

There is a ritual that will help when a position is vacant, but the boss is not yet sure who he will appoint to it.

Unfortunately, only tall ones professional qualities is often not enough. The favor of management is also required.

And if he has favorites, the task becomes simply insurmountable.

Then special business qualities, the ability to negotiate with the boss and great luck.

In order to defeat competitors, you should take a piece of paper and write on it nine times the full passport details of the person or people who will presumably be appointed to bypass the applicant. Then they are boldly crossed out three times and pronounced:

“With a triple sign, a triple law, I restrain you and imprison you in the chains of deeds and thoughts. So be it."

Afterwards, the paper is rolled into a tube and put into a bottle, pouring vinegar on top. They take her to a vacant lot and turn to face the setting sun, pronouncing the following spell:

“May you always be behind me, in any matter, in any process. All the awards and honors for me, and gnawed bones for you. Completed."

Then they throw the container, without looking, over their left shoulder, turn around and leave.

If on the way back someone says hello or tries to talk to the performer of the ceremony, under no circumstances should you respond.

Pillow spell

There is a ritual that allows you to get not just a promotion, but also a significant increase in salary.

It requires considerable luck and the favor of his superiors.

The conspiracy is especially important for those who have not yet accumulated many years of work experience and, in general, are still too young to be promoted.

To help yourself move faster in your professional field, you need:

  • heavy cream;
  • container for them;
  • supply of boiling water;
  • pillow.

The conspiracy should be carried out when all the household are assembled. Close people are very interested in their relative receiving a promotion and increase, so their energy will flow into the general flow of wishes for good luck.

It doesn't matter when the ritual is performed. It is allowed to hold it on a weekend or holiday, as well as in the morning, before everyone has left for work. Sometimes it is performed in the evening if the family is not too tired.

Cream is poured into a mug and they say:

“I will wander out of my house, out the door, out the gate, through long country roads - not steppe ones. I will turn to my destiny, my first path is to find a coin, the second is a chervonets, and the last one will make me rich. I eat cream, I get rich. To live prosperously for many years and see no troubles.

Then they drink from it three times and save the liquid for later. Subsequently, it is added to morning coffee.

Before resting at night, fluff up your pillow and say:

“Mother Blood first gave me milk to drink, now help me find good employment.”

Then they read the usual evening prayer and go to bed.

The ritual begins to work very quickly. Its peculiarity is that it is often carried out by women for their husband, son or brother, and not just for their own needs.

It is especially effective in helping those who cannot achieve their goal.

The love of a mother or wife sometimes works wonders in carrying out a conspiracy.

Consequences of the ritual

It becomes clear that there is a whole arsenal of rituals for career advancement. Therefore, they should be treated very responsibly.

They are relatively easy to carry out and bring a lot of benefits. Conspiracies help very quickly, but only if all points are thoroughly fulfilled. Any wrong action will entail dire consequences, since the ritual is aimed at suppressing the will of other people.

Possible to happen:

But then, when extreme care is shown and the plot is done correctly, relations with the boss are quickly established, salary increases are expected, foreign business trips are offered, lucrative assignments are given, helping to prove one’s best self. in the best possible way, and vacation is provided in the summer.

You need to understand that casting a spell only activates the favor of fate. Miracles don't happen. A lazy or careless person will still not move up. In order to earn the attention of your superiors, and then accelerate your career growth, you need to work hard.

Carrying out the ritual only allows a person to cross the necessary line of fate’s mercy.

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Attention, TODAY only!

Every employee wants a promotion, no matter what position he works in. This not only satisfies ambitions, but also promises increased income. Get more prestigious and money place- a natural and completely normal desire of every person. People often come to me who are dissatisfied with the stagnation in their official and professional affairs and want to change the existing situation. I try to help everyone, but many of you are quite capable of helping yourself.

Features and nuances of rituals for a career

Rituals to improve their official position will help not only careerists and those who want to become bosses. Conspiracies and rituals for promotion will be needed by everyone who feels unspent opportunities and professional potential. When a person “sits” in one place for many years, without seeing prospects for job growth, he suffers psychologically. Such people often dream of running in circles or being in a locked room with no way to get out.

Gradually, a worker who is not moving anywhere gets used to hopelessness, and his life becomes boring and dull. A person may fall into prolonged depression. It's difficult to do the same things for years and see how more successful and energetic colleagues easily get high positions.

You need to break the vicious circle at the astral level - this is what the rituals that I have collected in this article will help you do. Remember - you deserve the best! Every person is talented from birth, and our task is to discover and awaken this talent. Features of white magic rituals to improve one’s official position:

  • Fulfill magical rituals follows in the waning moon phase.
  • On the eve of the ceremony, I recommend putting things in order at your workplace (it doesn’t matter who or where you work, energy flows more freely when every thing is in its place).
  • Believe in the power of ritual action: confidence in success is half of all magic.

The rituals given below will return your luck, save you from troubles in the service, and help you get the position you want.

Magic tricks to help you grow your career

Let's move on to practice.

Conspiracy No. 1

The ritual will endear you to your superiors and help you move up the career ladder. It is advisable to perform the ceremony on a lucky day of the week for you. On this day you should put on some new clothes and wear them for 3 days. In the mornings during these 3 days, you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy 3 times in a row:

“I’m putting on a new thing, I’m making my way through my career! There will be prosperity and understanding from the authorities! Amen".

On the 4th day, rinse the item in cool water and sprinkle it on your work area.

Conspiracy No. 2

To perform this magical technique, you will need an ordinary fountain pen that you use to write at work. Say the words of the conspiracy to her:

“The pen will serve well and bring good luck and success!”

Repeat three times and over the next few weeks use only the charmed pen. Surprisingly, this simple ritual begins to work within a few days. So these are the simplest and effective rituals to achieve professional success. If you need more specific magic that takes into account individual circumstances, you can contact me for guaranteed help.