What does the name Alena mean? Love and family relationships. Photo gallery: famous people in history with the name Alena

History says that female name Alena from Greek means “shining”, “torch”, “fire”. But the origin of the name Alena is more attributed to the Alanas, who had a tribe with a similar name. They were distinguished by their belligerence, and it is safe to say that the owners of this name still received something as an inheritance from these warriors. Find out everything about the meaning of the name Alena - this is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

Brief meaning of the name

IN Slavic mythology Alena was the name of the goddess of the dawn; it is not for nothing that this name is mentioned so often in poetry. In Hebrew the name means "oak". Not to be confused with the name. There is no connection between them. Neither Catholics nor Orthodox Christians singled out this name, so Alena does not have a calendar.

The name Alena in English will sound like “Alena”. Short name: Alya.

The meaning of the name Alena in childhood

The meaning of the name Alena gives the little girl her opinion on all issues and this helps her to better understand the world around her. She is cheerful, active and curious. Resentment forces her to withdraw into herself and try to teach the culprit a lesson. In order for Alena to forgive you, you need to come up with original way apologize.

She knows her worth, but she never turns up her nose. She is trusting, but does not accept manipulation against this background. From birth it is affectionate and kind child, but these qualities (due to Alena’s involvement in herself) are poorly manifested. Therefore, in poetry it is often described as beautiful, but cold.

At this age, she still does not show strength of character. She can calmly tolerate the fact that her parents throw out the kitten she has warmed up from the house. Against this background, a love for activities that can be done alone (mainly knitting and embroidery) develops. This gives her the opportunity to make beautiful things that she loves so much.

Alena's school success has a selective tendency. It all depends on the girl’s mood, the attractiveness of the teacher and his subject. Has a good memory. More like her father. Fate has an uncertain future in store for her.

Main character traits

What does the name Alena mean for a young girl: sincerity and genuineness of feelings. She doesn't like pretense. He places emotions on the pedestal of life and is guided only by them. To match her image, revered in poetry, she tries not to lose her femininity, although in times of despondency this still happens.

She hates monotony. She loves new places, and accordingly, she is ready to spend the last of her money on travel. Therefore, he will look for a life partner who is the same. People see her as modest and even reserved. It is difficult for her to make new acquaintances.

Alena is critical of herself. Does not tolerate irresponsibility. The secret of the name is that it shows strong-willed and strong qualities only for its intended purpose. At other times she is cautious, but cheerful. Likes to start a lot of things, which eventually fade from lack of attention. Alena has difficulty setting priorities.

Business skills and career

People find her meticulous. He has the gift of manipulating others and knows how to use it. She does this without malice, more out of interest. Not a theorist, but knows how to turn on his head if the situation requires it.

The characteristics of the name Alena speaks of a woman who can prove herself in any business, but loves psychology and philosophy. Can choose a career in economics or archaeology. Perhaps a passion for design. He doesn’t like exact sciences and technology, but prefers to think at work rather than wave a broom. Although, thanks to his unique tolerance, he can accept even such circumstances.


She has a keen eye for men. The secret of the name says that she knows how to activate playfulness and coquetry, if necessary. However, she will not marry because of money or beauty, but will prefer a sensitive and gentle partner. He should be able to console her and caress her. Alena, sung in poetry, always gives in a relationship and expects this from her soulmate.

Having fallen in love enough, one can become jealous. Her objects will be everything that will select her husband. She needs a down-to-earth partner (economist, mathematician). The meaning of the name Alena speaks of a girl who is not looking for wealth, but more adventure and variety, so a boring man with a tight wallet will not seduce her.


Most often, Alena is a strong, independent and simple woman who is devoid of envy and vindictiveness. That's why she good friend. However, she cannot keep secrets and is amazingly an honest man. You won't be able to gossip with her. The interpretation of the name suggests that Alena loves well-deserved praise, but is unlikely to ask for it.

Family bonds

The character flaw is that more often than not, she cannot maintain a balance between work and home. Everyday life bores her, because her soul wants adventure. If circumstances do not allow her to go somewhere, she is content with going to the movies or spending creative time.

Low self-esteem is a consequence of being boring home life, grueling work and an unsatisfactory marriage. Alena does not share the pains of everyday life and the joys of family life, so she often regrets her choice.


One of Alena’s main problems is weak lungs. Back pain and bladder disorders can also be bothersome. Fate is preparing a good future for her, provided that the girl loves home life and her loved ones give her free time for small trips. History has endowed the girl with a strong character that will help her in the future. Many famous women could boast of the name Alena.

Alena is too demanding of her partner and capricious in sex. She is very picky, she must get to know a man well, his psychology, in order to move on to a close relationship. She is often tormented by contradictions between desires and the possibility of satisfying them. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strictly observes external decency. Because of this, her passion often remains unsatisfied, which can cause numerous complexes. She strives for her ideal. Long before the start of a close relationship, she is able to determine her future partner. The feelings and strength of attraction that accumulate in her from time to time sweep away all barriers, and, throwing away her principles, she amazes her partner with her temperament and sophistication. She spends several years in her youth on her improvement, and during this period her life proceeds measuredly and rationally. Practicality and common sense make her a rather boring partner, but she is unusually reliable and profitable. She will willingly help her lover arrange his life using her official position. Her generosity, however, borders on prudence, allowing Alena to benefit even from seemingly selfless help. He will not share his property and will think everything over carefully before entering into marriage. She is a pronounced materialist, but there are never any difficulties with her. She first strives to become rich, and then, if possible, happy. In love, she lacks a little imagination. But she is the perfect housewife. IN mature years she might have one or two things happen love adventures- and not because she needs it, but more out of a desire to prove to herself and others that she is still young enough and attractive. Alena can get married more than once. She doesn’t like to flirt with men; she chooses a partner who is calm and moderate in sex, since she herself is very emotional. She should be the leader in the family. “December” Alena is more partial to sex, so she can often change partners until she finds a person to her liking. Loves men with developed sense humor, initiative, and not only in bed. If family life does not correspond to her ideas, she may own initiative separate from your spouse, regardless of the presence of children. Very attractive, like no other woman, she can captivate a man and take him away from his wife. Loves oral sex. Although Alena is independent by nature, sexual relations she prefers to be led, to feel her partner’s passion and submit to it.

It is best for “July” Alena Yulievna to marry a “February” man. She is amorous, and her first marriage may end in divorce. She doesn’t get married for the second time soon; she looks closely at a man for a long time: she doesn’t repeat mistakes.

Suitable for a successful marriage are Andrei Nikitich, Valentin Grigorievich, Vitaly Zakharovich, Vladimir Viktorovich, Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Naum Mikhailovich, Sergei Eduardovich, Yuri Vladimirovich.

Azary Davidovich, Alexander Dmitrievich, Adrian Stanislavovich, Bogdan Avgustovich, Valerian Emmanuilovich, Veniamin Antonovich, Georgy Yuryevich, Davyd Arnoldovich, Ilya Rostislavovich, Leonid Anatolyevich, Stanislav Rodionovich, Stepan Nikolaevich, Felix Bogdanovich are not suitable.

Alena is a pure and sincere girl. Calmness and love of life are the main traits of her character. The name consists of smooth melodious sounds, without sharp transitions. This girl is not subject to impulsiveness and will not commit rash acts.

WITH ancient Greek name Alena is translated as “sunny”, “fiery”.

Origin of the name Alena:

It is believed that Alena is an ancient Slavic pronunciation Greek name Elena. The Slavs often replaced the first vowel of their name with the letter “A”. The name Alena in Rus' was associated with fire.

But there is another version of the origin of the name. According to this version, the name Alena comes from the name ancient tribe Alanov. The Alans are the ancestors of today's inhabitants of Ossetia.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alena:

As a child, Alena is a cheerful, affectionate, cheerful girl, but only in the presence of people she knows; in front of strangers, she becomes constrained and withdrawn. Often, in kindergarten, it is difficult for her to join the team, she withdraws from it and plays with herself. She doesn’t have many friends, but she completely trusts them with all her thoughts and feelings, seeks their support and advice in difficult situations. life situations. In turn, he will try in every possible way to help a friend in trouble.

At school, Alena is characterized as a diligent, hardworking girl. She is diligent, diligent, and asks herself for any assignments. In high school, Alena usually does not study at full strength, more often relying on her previously acquired reputation as a “good girl.” She makes great progress in playing sports, but sports, most often, remains just her hobby.

As an adult, Alena is more relaxed and more sociable. It’s as if she’s playing a different role every time; the world for her is a theater. She considers herself an actress and director in this world of theater. The girl is unusually multi-talented. She can become both a writer and an economist, both a scientist and a businesswoman. Alena will be successful everywhere. The girl is very smart, she has an excellent memory and erudition. Alena’s leader is strict, she strictly sets the limits of what is permitted to her subordinates, does not accept negligence, however, at the same time, she remains a kind, sincere and fair person.

Alena is an impressionable person, she takes any problems of her family to heart, she is very trusting and open. Communicating with her is easy and pleasant. Alena does not know how to lie, and expects sincerity from her interlocutors. But even after catching them in a lie, he quickly forgives, and, in the future, will also trust and believe these people. She is curious and inquisitive, often interfering in things that are not her own business. In skirmishes he will zealously defend himself and his opinion. She won’t just be convinced that she’s wrong, she can’t stand criticism.

Alena likes the attention of the opposite sex, she loves expensive gifts. She expects sensuality, romance, and masculinity from her partner. Gets married early. Family for her is the most important thing in life. She good hostess and a caring, faithful wife. Alena’s children come first. WITH great joy she plays and walks with them, and even when they grow up, she continues to take care of them. She often takes the position of a mother-friend. It is vital for her to be needed by someone. He demands fidelity from the chosen one; he can forgive betrayal, but he will remember it all his life.

Alena has the most powerful intuition, she often dreams prophetic dreams. Therefore, a girl named Alena is very often interested in esotericism, numerology, and fortune telling. Because of her gullibility and hobbies, she is a tasty morsel for all kinds of religious sects.

The name Alena has ancient Slavic roots. In ancient times, the pagan tribes of Alena lived in the European part of Russia, who were distinguished by their warlike behavior. Their symbols were fire and sword. Translated from the ancient Slavic language, Alena means “fiery”, “scarlet”. IN Greek The name Alena translates as “torch”. In Yakutia, the name Alena means “rain,” “noisy on the river.”

    Element: fire.

    Planet: Sun.

    Amulet stone: diamond, chrysoprase.


The name Alena means that she has a responsible, strong and demanding character towards herself. But she shows caution and courtesy towards others. As a child, Alena lives her own world and loves fairy tales. She is a little withdrawn and keeps herself apart from other children. At the same time, in a well-known environment, she is cheerful, cheerful and open to communication. Alena retains the image of a young girl throughout her life.

One of the secrets of the name Alena is that she is gullible, but when faced with deception, she will make every effort to punish the offender. To do this, Alena can show amazing resourcefulness and ingenuity. Most often, girls named Alena are similar to their fathers and will inherit their character. They are courteous and kind by nature.

The main meaning of the name Alena is that she personifies a certain symbol of femininity. Changeable, mysterious and fearless in her actions, she can form an ideal for any man. To achieve this, Alena is able to demonstrate extraordinary flexibility of mind. Her weakness is her capriciousness, but this makes her even more attractive and charming.

Alena quickly gains fans, but when she falls in love, she sacrifices everything for the sake of her chosen one. As a rule, everything is perfect at home, she is a caring mother and a homebody. However, this often depends on your mood.

Due to the meaning of the name Alena, in childhood she immediately occupies a leading position in her family. However, this only manifests itself in familiar surroundings. On the street, the child is withdrawn and keeps to himself. Therefore, the girl should be encouraged to communicate with other children.

Study, career, hobbies

Thanks to her good memory, Alena does well at school. She does not need to “cram”, as she is well versed in any topic. Her academic success depends on how interesting the teacher teaches the subject. Alena likes psychology, philosophy and economics. And exact and technical sciences interest her little.

What does the name Alena mean for a career? First of all, it is a sense of duty and the ability to realize personal responsibility for the assigned task. But this only applies to the work you love. Alena's hobbies can be very diverse. She has plenty of talent, but not enough patience and perseverance. She tries to get involved in everything, but a little at a time.


The mystery of the name Alain indicates weak lungs and an overactive bladder. Poor health can lead to sadness and melancholy, which in turn takes away vital energy. Owners of this name are recommended to rest on fresh air and walks in the forest. Oatmeal and oatmeal infusion with milk help strengthen the lungs.


Alena Apina – singer, honored artist; Alena Khmelnitskaya – actress; Alena Babenko – actress; Alena Sviridova – singer and actress; Alena Akhmadulina – fashion designer; Alena Vodonaeva is a singer.

For a long time it was believed that Alena was just one of the variants of the Greek name Elena. However, in Lately More and more linguists agree that the meaning of the name Alena should be considered separately, since it has its own unique characteristics that are different from the name Elena.

Today there is no doubt about the origin of this name - it is Slavic, and its genesis is very ancient.

Named after Alena famous character Russian fairy tales. Very often the bearer of the name is similar in appearance to her folklore namesake - she is a pretty girl with plump lips and rosy cheeks.

The name Alena evokes positive associations, reminiscent of something majestic, simple, bright and joyful.

Alena has a rather changeable character, she is a person of mood. She has her own point of view on any issue and is always ready to defend it. She is interested in a little of everything, but she is closest to psychology and philosophy.

Would you name your child this name?

The origin of the name Alena can be traced back to the 17th century, because it was then that the first mentions of Alena of Arzamas appeared.

The name originates from the ancient Slavic tribes that lived in the European part of our country - Alenov. These were powerful and warlike people; they even chose fire and the sword as their symbols. That’s why in translation Alena means “fiery”, “scarlet”. In addition, it is known that this was the name of the pagan goddess of the dawn.

There is also another version of the origin of the name: from the Hebrew word “alona”, which means “oak”, but there is no convincing evidence that the name came from this word.

Several variations of the name are known: Alenka, Alyonushka, Alya, Olena.

Due to the fact that previously given name was considered folk version Orthodox name Elena, Alena’s patron saints are the same: Holy Queen Elena, who dedicated her life to religion, and Saint Helena, the mother of the ruler of Serbia.

Numerous disputes have taken place over the independence of this name, but it is all the more interesting now to figure out what the name Alena means.

Name forms

Simple: Alena Full: Alena Affectionate: Alyonushka

Alena is used to trusting people; she takes grievances to heart, withdrawing into herself for a long time. Having experienced unpleasant feelings, he quickly punishes his offender, and quite inventively.

You should not demand more from Alena than she is capable of giving. She always sincerely shows her feelings, it is difficult for her to play and pretend. She attracts people with her naturalness and charm; next to her it is always comfortable and cozy, and this is exactly what the name Alena means - light and warmth.

Most often, Alena inherits her father’s character; she is very categorical and persistent.

Curious by nature, she loves to chat with her friends. Her character is distinguished by her inability to keep other people's secrets. Sometimes he allows himself to be a little capricious, and age plays absolutely no role here.

Alena is very impressionable, reacts violently to injustice, and knows how to empathize with people.

In unfamiliar companies, Alena keeps to herself, but with those who are truly dear to her, she shows herself to be a responsive, cheerful and cheerful person. At the same time, she cannot be called frivolous at all, because even as a child, she shows a strong character with the beginnings of a leader. From an early age she is able to impose her will on adults. But, despite the external hardness, inside she remains soft and vulnerable.

The secret of the name Alena is that she can amazingly control her feelings; it will not be difficult for her not only to hold back uninvited tears, but even to force herself to love someone or suppress falling in love.

Alena is quite capable of going with the flow, but if necessary, she will take the situation into her own hands. Interested in many things, but little by little, without going into too much detail.

Having found a suitable job, she will treat it with maximum responsibility, because she has a highly developed sense of duty. She will try to take a leading position; status is of great importance to her.

Character traits