What does white crow mean? White Crow - Is it easy to be different from everyone else?

White Crow is a very rare bird, which is why people who fall very far from society and social norms of behavior are also called that. Since in last decades Albino crows have become an extremely rare phenomenon, we can talk more about phraseological units. Why do individuals choose this image: by their own will or from birth?

What does "white crow" mean?

The expression “white crow” is used in 2 meanings:

  1. In the natural world - an albino crow. Albinism is an anomaly, creatures with a similar disease are considered special.
  2. A black sheep in society is a person who stands out from the crowd with his views, tastes, manners and behavior.

White crows are very unadapted in nature; it is difficult for them to hide from predators due to their light plumage. They are not like others. This explains the origin of the phraseological unit “white crow”; this is how people with unusual behavior began to be called, who stand out from the crowd with their manners and views. This expression is inherent in two polarities:

  1. Artists, writers, scientists living in their own world of sounds, images and imagination.
  2. People are stupid and narrow-minded, who are lazy or find it difficult to rise to the generally accepted level.

"White Crow" - psychology

As a term, this phrase has found application in psychology. By the standards of psychology, a “black sheep” is a person whom society considers a stranger because he is different from others. This is not about appearance, but about moral values ​​and assessments of what is happening. Often teenagers or creative individuals choose this behavior in order to express themselves and achieve recognition. Characteristics such people:

  • do not hide their views that differ from the generally accepted ones and are proud of them;
  • do not want to accept society’s stereotypes in order to pass as one of their own;
  • demonstrate their opposition to the principles of society.

Is it easy to be a “black sheep”?

A “White Crow” is a person with his own, unlike a nonconformist, such a person does not set out to stand out, he simply considers his moral values ​​to be more correct. At all times, such people have had a hard time because:

  • they are misunderstood, offended and often despised;
  • trying to suppress individuality;
  • they are lonely or find friends among the same individuals;
  • their opinion is ignored by the majority.

What to do if you are a “black sheep”?

Many parents are interested in the question: how to live as a “black sheep”? Children themselves are not always burdened by loneliness; sometimes teenagers even strive to show their difference. And the mother and father are concerned about how the child will manage in adult life. Often adults are burdened by their inability to adapt to society. Psychologists give the following recommendations:

  • do not treat your environment aggressively, remain friendly, accept the views of other people;
  • celebrate what you can learn from others;
  • calmly express your position, without offense or categorical judgments;
  • if the problem is a physical disability such as a large or short stature, you can turn it into a virtue. Sign up for modeling courses, basketball, or become a salesperson in a clothing store for short people;
  • get used to your individuality, accept it as it is.

How to become a “black sheep”?

It is very easy to fall into the category of those who are called “black sheep”; it will be enough to express views radically opposite to generally accepted positions, change the style of clothing, hairstyle and manner of speaking. Give up your mobile phone, iPad, iPhone, pages on social networks, demonstrate your independence from norms. Although in lately Internet sentiment has begun to highlight the concept of “black sheep” as a positive when it comes to business on social networks. Advice on what you need to not be afraid of being a “black sheep”:

  • come up with something for your ad original idea;
  • surprise the audience with an interesting offer;
  • do not be afraid to invite guests and communicate;

Parable of the White Crow

The unique light plumage gave rise to the instructive parable of the white crow. Since childhood, she was not loved for her strange color, so she had to grow up quickly. Many hated this crow, but she could not understand why and why. They did dirty tricks, but the bird responded kindly to insults, and in order to communicate less, it began to soar high in the sky, away from its relatives. The life of the white crow was difficult, but she grew up strong and resilient, for which she was envied even more.

And one day a white crow decided to fly away in search of white birds like her, so that she could be accepted into a new flock. And only after the disappearance of the white bird did others appreciate its qualities and began to regret their mistakes. The moral of this parable is that you should not be afraid to be yourself, maintain pride and dignity, be able to look for like-minded people and never try on someone else’s fate.

0 Wherever we spend our time, at work, on vacation or at home, there is a huge amount ironic people and jokers. Their mentality is built in such a way as to highlight ordinary things and focus attention on them. Today we will talk about an old expression that was coined by a sarcastic person, this White Crow, you can find out the value a little lower. Our website is full of surprises and useful information, so read it, getting to know the very essence of things. I recommend visiting this resource, as we regularly post interesting news.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend a couple of other publications on the topic of phraseological units. For example, how to understand Making a mountain out of a mountain; meaning of the expression They carry water to the offended; what does Broken Hour mean? what does rest in peace mean, etc.
So let's continue What does White Crow mean??

White Crow is a metaphor intended to denote a person who has a value system or behavior that is different from other people in that society

White Crow- this is what they say about a person who is somehow sharply different from others in his actions and thoughts

If you live in rural areas, then it is not surprising for you to see a white mouse or a white rabbit. On TV we were repeatedly shown white cows, horses, deer, and even white blackbirds. There are places in the United States where you can encounter white squirrels. In Tsarist Russia, sturgeons were pulled out of the river more than once white. Maybe you think that there is no such thing among amphibians" perversions"? You are mistaken, toads white colors, and even with red eyes like hot coals, are quite common in nature.

Some particularly inquisitive citizens will be interested in the nature of such an anomaly. However, " the box just opened", not worth mentioning here evil spirits, it’s all about a special pigment, which is practically absent in white animals. Creatures with such a deviation are usually called albinos. It is worth noting that albino crows are an extraordinary rarity.

This expression was first used by a satirist and poet Juvenal, who in one of his works expressed the idea that " A slave can become a king, a captive can escape, but such lucky people are rarer than a black crow..."

His contemporaries really liked this comparison, and subsequently began to use it everywhere. Much time has passed since then, but this expression is so " it's ingrained"in our speech, that seeing unusual person, standing out from its surroundings with strange qualities, immediately " sculpt"there's a label on it -" white crow".

At that time, thought seemed to be going in the same direction among many peoples. Since in the east a similar saying was also born - “White elephant"Among the aborigines of the Indochina peninsula, elephants with white skin and red eyes are highly valued, mainly because of their rarity.

After reading this short article, you will now be aware of White Crow meaning phraseological unit. And only you can decide whether to be offended by this innocent nickname or not.

White rabbits and white mice, in principle, are not uncommon. White horses and cows are less common, as are blackbirds and deer. Completely white squirrels are occasionally found in North America. And in Russian newspapers Sometimes notes are published about a white sturgeon caught or a white fox caught by hunters. Imagine, there are even milky-colored red-eyed toads!

White is not the typical color of all these animals, fish and birds. They are representatives of albinos. Albinism, named after the Latin word “albus,” which means “white,” occurs when cells lack the necessary pigment responsible for hair and skin color.

Albinos are also found among crows, but they are extremely rare. Known today phraseological expression was given to the world by the Roman satirical poet Juvenal. In the 1st-2nd centuries AD. he very aptly noted: “A slave can become king, captives can wait for triumph. Only a lucky person is more rare than a black crow...”

The comparison of the wise Juvenal has become firmly established in the Russian language. Today, more than two thousand years later, we are talking about a non-trivial person, unlike everyone else, that he is a “black sheep.”

In the East you can also find a similar comparison. But it affects elephants, which are also extremely rare and white with red eyes. Residents of Indochina value them precisely for their rarity, just like people who are called “white elephants”.

Nature surprises with its mysteries, and one of them is albinism. This phenomenon occurs due to a failure in genetic code animals, while the skin and hair are deprived of the special pigment responsible for their color. Such an animal is born and remains white throughout its life. These individuals in the animal world are called albinos (from the Latin word “albus” - white).

In nature you can find white horses and cows, mice and rabbits, deer and squirrels. Less commonly, you can find a white elephant or tiger, toad and sturgeon. But the greatest rarity is white crow. Typically these birds are black or gray in color. That is why she is mentioned in the famous phraseological unit “white crow”.

Expression value

This phrase is used to describe a person who is radically different from others in his appearance, behavior, attitudes or interests. All this is manifested in the actions or statements of this person. Society may consider him strange or mentally ill, although this is completely untrue.

Controversy – main feature"white crows" On the one hand, it is unique, interesting person, bright personality. On the other hand, he is always considered an outcast, society does not accept him or is afraid of him.

When using this phrase in sentences, people mean those who go beyond the generally accepted boundaries and violate established rules with extraordinary behavior.

Many are unsettled by the fact that someone can not pay attention to established canons and act solely at their own discretion. IN recent years the meaning of the expression is used in a positive aspect, as bright personalities become role models.

The history of the appearance of phraseological units

The origin of the phraseological unit “white crow” is associated with the poet Junius, who lived in Rome at the end of the first and beginning of the second century. History claims: the phrase was first heard in his poem, where the poet said that only the will of chance can provide a kingdom to a slave, and a triumph to a captive, and such a case is even rarer than a black crow.

Knowing what the hierarchical structure of society was like in the Ancient Roman Empire, it is difficult to disagree with these words. The seventh satire of Junius quotes this phrase verbatim. IN eastern countries They use an analogue of this phraseological unit - “white elephant”, since albino elephants can be found there very rarely.

How people become black sheep

It is easy to be judged by society. For this, it is enough for a person go against stereotypes, have radically opposite views, strange appearance and unusual hobbies. Independence from established standards, rejection of branded clothing and household items, social networks distinguish a person in the same way as belonging to subcultures, strange preferences or refusal to start a family.

It is difficult for a “White Crow” to fight the opinions of others, but she should not be afraid to express her individuality. In order to stop feeling oppressed because you are different from others, you need to:

  • Present your views and opinions as an original idea;
  • Bring interests and hobbies to public view and surprise society with them;
  • Learn to communicate, trust people and share both your interests with them and accept their hobbies.

Is it easy to be unique?

Those who are called “black sheep” do not seek to impose their views on others, but consider their point of view more correct. This is exactly what society is trying to fight, which does not like dissident people. It is difficult for them to adapt in groups, among friends and acquaintances, because:

  • They are subjected to insults, contempt and insults;
  • They are trying to suppress their individuality;
  • Co strange people few people want to communicate, so they have few friends. Usually “white crows” look for comrades among supporters of their views.
  • Society often ignores people’s opinions.

How to behave as a white crow

Most often, teenagers are distinguished by their dissimilarity, but it is easier for them to endure loneliness and unacceptability from society. Sometimes they themselves want to stand out among their peers. Although children can be very cruel to those who do not blend in with the crowd. But adults are also subject to ridicule, and it is much more difficult for them to be around those who do not share their hobbies.

Experts in relationship psychology give the following advice to adult “black sheep” and unusual teenagers:

  • It is necessary to learn to understand and respect the views and opinions of other people, to treat them kindly.
  • Observe those around you and notice what you can learn.
  • Explain your views and position not categorically and calmly, do not offend opposing opinions.
  • When ridiculing physical defects, it is worth using them as the main advantage. Tall height, for example, will allow women to get a job in a modeling agency, and men to start playing basketball.
  • You need to get used to your difference and emphasize your individuality.

There is a parable about a white crow. The unusual bird lived among its black relatives and was constantly subjected to ridicule from them without explanation of the reason for this behavior. The white bird responded exclusively with goodness to the evil caused. Trying to communicate as little as possible with the other ravens, she took off and soared high in the sky. Because of oppression, the white crow matured early, became independent and independent, for which hatred and envy towards her only intensified.

White bird I decided to fly away in search of the same crows, so that I could finally become ordinary and not stand out among the flock. The white crow flew away, but its disappearance was noticed. The bird's relatives remembered its good qualities, admitted their mistakes and regretted that the white crow had left them.

Moral of the story: There is no need to pay attention to the ridicule of others. It is important to maintain your dignity and individuality, look for like-minded people and behave naturally.

The world's nature is very multifaceted and mysterious, presenting humanity with many amazing mysteries, one of which is albinism. This rare occurrence, which manifests itself in the animal world, is explained by a failure in the genetic code, when the pigment responsible for color is absent in the skin and hair.

This leads to the fact that the animal is born with a white color, unusual this species. In the animal environment, such an individual is called an albino, from the Latin word “albus”, that is, “white”. This phenomenon occurs most often in rabbits and mice, less often in horses and cows. Cases have been recorded in squirrels, deer, and blackbirds. It is very rare to see a white tiger or elephant.

How do you like white toad and sturgeon? But the greatest rarity is the white crow, although all its relatives are gray or black. So it is not surprising that it was she who received the honor of immortalizing herself in the famous phraseological unit “white crow”.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “white crow”

"White in “rona” is a person who is very different from others in his outlook on life, behavior or appearance. The values, interests and goals of such a person differ greatly from the society in which he is located.

This is manifested in his extraordinary statements and actions. Such a person is considered strange and even crazy. But that's not true. He’s just concerned about completely different topics, which the vast majority are not interested in at all.

And for him this is almost the most important thing in life. But he may be indifferent to established and recognized values ​​in society. It can also stand out due to its demeanor. He behaves quietly and modestly, does not bother anyone, may have a strange gait or constantly mutter something under his breath, is uncommunicative and taciturn.

His appearance can also set him apart from others. I don’t mean any physical defects, but self-expression in clothes, piercings, tattoos. Although in our time this hardly surprises anyone.

“You are the father of a man who fought against autocracy. You can rightfully be proud of Vasily Andreevich. - That’s right, but Vasily is among us black sheep was. And if he went against the king, then my merit is not there. “That’s how to say it,” Rogov laughed. “A bad seed does not produce a bad tribe.”

K.FSedykh (1908-1979), “Dauria”, 1948

“Are you also a collective farmer? - asked Sergei. - No, what are you talking about! — Lena raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I’m a guest here, unfortunately... That’s why my mother calls me black sheep».

S.P.Babaevsky (1909-20000), “Cavalier of the Golden Star”, 1947-1948.

"White Crow" is a contradictory personality. On the one hand, dissent, uniqueness and unusualness, and on the other, misunderstanding of others, the role of an outcast and loneliness. And yet there is something pure and vulnerable in this image.

Origin of the phraseological unit “white crow”

The first mention of the expression “white crow” occurs at the turn of the 1st and 2nd centuries by the Roman poet Decimus Junius Juvenal (circa 60 - no earlier than 128) or simply Juvenal in one of his satires:

“Fate gives kingdoms to slaves, brings triumphs to captives.

However, the lucky one is less likely to be the same white crow It happens".

Juvenal, "7th Satire".

Such a rare phenomenon as a “white crow” prompted the satirist to use such a metaphor. It can be seen that this vivid and accurate comparison sunk into the soul of the Romans, if after 20 centuries they use the expression “white crow”.

But still, the phraseological unit “white crow” carries negative character. People generally don’t really like people who are strange, different from everyone else, and stand out from the general mass of people. At the very least, they treat them with great caution and wariness.

Parable about the "white crow"

In fairness, one parable about the “white crow” should be mentioned.

From the very early childhood The “white crow” was disliked by her relatives. She did not understand why and why they hated her, they made fun of her, constantly played dirty tricks and teased her. But the bird did not respond to insults, but simply tried to be in the flock less often and communicate less. She flew high into the sky and indulged in loneliness.

Being without friends, the bird matured early. A hard life early taught the crow to overcome difficulties, which tempered her and made her resilient and strong. For this they began to envy her and hated her even more.

And then the crow’s patience ran out, and she decided to leave the flock and go in search of white crows similar to herself. The disappearance did not go unnoticed. The other birds suddenly remembered all of her good qualities, recalled with regret the insults inflicted on her.

The moral is that you should always remain yourself and be able to find friends and like-minded people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that along with the expression “white crow” there are other similar expressions based on the unusual color of the animal, which is radically different from the main color of animals of this species. These include little-known expressions in Russia and “black sheep”.