What did the ancient Greeks look like? Did they look like modern Caucasians or were they all blue-eyed and blond? Hundreds of centuries in a few seconds: what the restoration of ancient ruins looks like in GIFs

Parthenon, Athens

The main temple of the ancient city was built in 447-438 BC on Athens Acropolis and is dedicated to the goddess Athena.

Temple of Jupiter, Pompeii

The temple in honor of the god Jupiter, built in the 2nd century BC, was most likely the center of religious life in ancient Pompeii, a small Roman city in the Bay of Naples. In 79 AD, the Vesuvius volcano destroyed the city along with all its inhabitants. The temple was discovered in the 16th century, and thanks to many years of excavations, we can imagine how the Roman city of the first century AD lived.

Pyramid of Nohoch Mul, Koba

Koba - ancient city Maya, whose ceremonial buildings were erected around 250-900 AD. The Mayans abandoned the city around 1500 AD for unknown reasons, shortly after the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors. Nohoch Mul is considered the tallest Mayan pyramid in the Yucatan Peninsula and the second in the world. It was discovered in the 1800s, but the place was opened to tourists only in 1973 due to the impassability of the surrounding jungle.

39 Mile Castle, Hadrian's Wall, UK

The ancient wall was built in the first century AD and stretches 73 miles (117.5 kilometers) along rural areas England. Historians still argue about the reasons for the construction. The most popular theory is that the wall was built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian to protect the borders from raids. So-called mile castles were placed along the wall - forts, which were built along the entire length at intervals of one Roman mile.

Luxor Temple, Egypt

Ancient complex on east coast The Nile was built by order of Amenhotep III in the period 1100-1600 BC. 100 years later, Ramses II completed the huge pylons at the entrance and an open courtyard.

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, Mexico

Teotihuacan was built between the 1st and 7th centuries, but very little is known about its builders and inhabitants. They built the first complex in the region and mysteriously disappeared.

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest structure in Teotihuacan and one of the oldest pyramids in Central Mexico.

Temple B, Torre Argentina, Rome

On the square there are the ruins of four temples of the 4th-2nd centuries BC. They were discovered in the 1920s during excavations. Archaeologists have not yet figured out who the temples were dedicated to, so they are called letters A, B, C and D.

On Torre Argentina, where the ruins are located, Gaius Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC.

At the heart of worldview ancient Greeks beauty lay. They considered themselves beautiful people and did not hesitate to prove this to their neighbors, who most often believed the Hellenes and over time, sometimes not without struggle, adopted their ideas about beauty. Poets classical period, starting with Homer and Euripides, heroes are depicted as tall and fair-haired. But that was the ideal. Besides, what did a person of that time understand to be tall? Which curls were considered golden? Red, chestnut, blond? All these questions are not easy to find answers to.

When the geographer Dicaearchus from Messene to the State University c. BC e. admired the fair-haired Thebans and praised the courage of the fair-haired Spartans, he only emphasized the rarity of fair-haired and light-skinned people. From numerous images of warriors on ceramics or wall paintings from Pylos and Mycenae, bearded men with black curly hair look out at the viewer. Also, the priestesses and court ladies on the palace frescoes of Tiryns have dark hair. On Egyptian paintings, where peoples living “on the islands of the Great Green” are depicted, people appear short, slender, with skin lighter than that of the Egyptians, with large, wide open dark eyes, with thin noses, thin lips and black curly hair. hair.

This is an ancient Mediterranean type that is still found in the region. Golden masks from Mycenae show some faces of the Asia Minor type - wide, with close-set eyes, fleshy noses and eyebrows converging at the bridge of the nose. During excavations, the skeletons of Balkan-type warriors are also found - with an elongated torso, a round head and large eyes. All these types moved throughout the territory of Hellas and mixed with each other, until, finally, the image of the Hellene was formed, which was recorded by the Roman writer Polemon in the 2nd century. n. e: “Those who managed to preserve the Ionian race in all its purity are rather tall and broad-shouldered men, stately and fairly light-skinned. Their hair is not entirely blond, relatively soft and slightly wavy. The faces are wide, high cheekbones, thin lips, straight noses and shiny eyes full of fire.”

The study of skeletons suggests that average height of Hellenic men was 1.67-1.82 m, and for women 1.50-1.57 m. The teeth of almost all those buried were perfectly preserved, which should not be surprising, since in those days people ate “ecologically clean” food and died relatively young, rarely surpassing the 40th anniversary.

Psychologically, the Hellenes were Quite a curious guy. In addition to the traits inherent in all Mediterranean peoples: individualism, hot temper, love of debate, competition and spectacle, the Greeks were endowed with curiosity, a flexible mind, and a passion for adventure. They were distinguished by a taste for risk and a thirst for travel. They set out on the road for her own sake. Hospitality, sociability and pugnacity were also their qualities. However, this is only a bright emotional cover that hides the deep internal dissatisfaction and pessimism inherent in the Hellenes.

The split of the Greek soul It has long been noted by historians of art and religion. The craving for fun, the desire to taste life in all its fullness and transience were intended only to drown out the melancholy and emptiness that opened up in the Hellene’s chest at the thought of the immaterial world. The horror of realizing that earthly life- the best that awaits a person was unconsciously great. Further, man’s path lay in Tartarus, where thirst-dried shadows wander through the fields and only for a moment acquire a semblance of speech and reason, when relatives bring funeral hecatombs, pouring out sacrificial blood. But even in the sunny world, where man could still enjoy himself while he walked the earth, hard work, epidemics, wars, wanderings, longing for his native places and the loss of loved ones awaited him. The wisdom gained over the years of struggle told the Hellene that only the gods taste eternal bliss, they also decide in advance the fate of mortals, their verdict cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try. This is the conclusion from the most popular myth of Oedipus, endowed with philosophical significance.

Oedipus was predicted that he would kill own father and marries his mother. Separated from his family, the young man returned to his homeland many years later and unknowingly committed both crimes. Neither his piety before the gods nor his just rule as king of Thebes overturned predestination. The fateful hour has come, and everything destined by fate has come true. Oedipus gouged out his eyes as a sign of the blindness to which man is doomed by the immortal gods, and went off to wander.

Nothing can be done, and therefore rejoice while you can, and taste the fullness of life that flows between your fingers - such is the internal pathos of the Greek worldview. The Hellenes were fully aware of themselves as participants in a huge tragedy unfolding on the stage of the world. The civil liberties of the policies did not compensate for the soul's lack of freedom from predestination.

So, Hellene- laughing pessimist. He becomes sad at a cheerful feast, he can, in a fit of momentary darkness, kill a comrade or loved one, or, at the will of the immortals, go on a journey, not expecting anything for his accomplished deeds except the tricks of the celestials. If a person is lucky enough to live at home with a nice family, he will hide his happiness without showing it off, for the gods are envious.

The following stereotype is popular regarding the differences in appearance between ancient and modern Greeks:

Greeks supposedly were there before All are fair, with regular facial features. That's what it says in ancient Greek poems. And the fact that now they are completely different is the consequences of the Turkish conquest.

"Recent genetic research Greek populations provided evidence of statistically significant continuity between ancient and modern Greeks." (Wikipedia).

The myth about fair-haired people is explained very well on the Greek forum:

Thanks to user Olga R.:

“The Greeks were never a “homogeneous” ethnic group. Since ancient times, they were divided into two tribal groups: the Ionians (Achaeans) and the Dorians (within these groups there were also subgroups, but this is not relevant to the subject of our conversation). These tribes differed from each other each other not only in culture, but also in appearance. The Ionians were short, black-haired and dark-skinned, and the Dorians were tall, fair-haired and light-skinned. The Ionians and Dorians were at odds with each other, and both tribal groups mixed completely only in Byzantine times. this is not entirely appropriate: in geographically isolated areas - for example, on some islands - a relatively pure Ionic or Doric type can still be found.

The Greeks of the Black Sea region (Ponti-Romans, Azov Rumeans, Urums, etc.), like the rest of the Greeks, are also very heterogeneous: among them there are both pure Ionians and Dorians, as well as a mixed type (the Black Sea region was populated for many centuries by people from different regions of Greece). Therefore, some Greeks in Ukraine may well differ from some Greeks in Greece - but, of course, not all and not from everyone. For example, if you go to Crete, you will find there as many “white and curly” Greeks as you like (most Cretans have retained the Doric type of appearance)."

“Then where did such a “classical” Greek image come from and take hold?

Thanks to the "Western European artists of the 17th-19th centuries. They depicted the ancient Greeks as similar to themselves, their loved ones - that is, to the Germans, Dutch and other Western Europeans. Hence the "stereotype" (not at all based on historical data.

“White-haired blonds are also, of course, called “ξανθοι” (what else can you call them?) But if you hear or read this word in relation to a Greek, it means light brown hair.”

"Homer describes Odysseus as a typical Ionian: dark and black-haired."

"...The fact is that appearance ancient greek gods was, as it were, a symbol of their essence - that is, it depended not on how the admirers of these gods looked, but on the “properties” of the gods themselves. So, Apollo's golden hair is a symbol of the Sun. Athena's "gray" eyes are actually not gray, but "owl": A8hna glaukwphs (the interpretation of this word as "gray" appeared because the ancient Greek word glaux - "owl" - was confused by modern translators with the word glaukos - - “gray” or “blue”). The owl was a symbol and one of the incarnations of the goddess Athena; many scholars believe that Athena was originally the goddess of death and was worshiped in the form of an owl (a typical Neolithic image of death and burial). By the way, there are images of Athena with the head of an owl."

What is it? Where did the sculptures with “Greek profiles” (i.e., with the absence of the bridge of the nose) come from? Where did the descriptions of golden-haired people come from? Let's even say that it was blondes who were mentioned. Well, the gods can do anything! They must be different from mere mortals by definition. The absence of the bridge of the nose seemed to hint at such an origin. On the contrary, scoundrels and commoners were depicted with prominent eyebrows. It's a question of symbols. Greek art wasn't realistic at all.

Tnm, if you look at the busts of philosophers and imagine them in natural colors. And it’s even easier - check out the pictures Everyday life, where simple collective farmers are depicted - on a red-figure vase painting. Or even, as it were, gods, but in the clothes of mere mortals:

Classic Mediterranean type! Curly dark hair. And the profile, initially stylized to resemble the canon, later becomes more and more realistic.

The Italians, who never knew the Turkish occupation, look approximately the same. They have a different theme: the earliest Romans looked like the northern French of today. And then the blood of slaves from the Middle East was mixed in. Well, maybe. But this does not deprive them of classification among the “true Aryans”:

Moreover, southern Italians (i.e., residents of Naples and Sicily) are in many ways descendants of Greek colonists.

This is what the inhabitants of these regions looked like in ancient times:

And most importantly, look carefully at these faces. They can be dark-skinned and brown-eyed. But common origin, one way or another, it is felt. Here's Despina Vandi, for example:

And here is a Greek collective farmer from the film “The Day When All the Fish Floated Up.” Isn’t this an ancient Greek bust of a philosopher?):

Yes, no matter how many times I looked at all sorts of Greek mosaics, vases, frescoes - all curly.

Why were the Achaeans and Dorians at war? How was this expressed? Ancient Greece, this is essentially a bunch of policies, city-states, warring and collaborating, was the population in them homogeneous and consisted of one type or not?

Why is it that fair hair is a cool sign (as far as I know, most of the gods were fair-haired), but large brow ridges are not?


Sorry for not answering right away. Pre-holiday chores, sir)

In fact, here ordinary story, when a nation is formed, over time, gradually from different ethnic groups, closely related, and sometimes not so closely related. The fragmentation of a single civilization at different stages is also natural. The Achaeans created the Mycenaean civilization in the 2nd millennium BC. The fight against Crete, where the evil Minotaur is, and the war with Troy are from that era. The Dorians, although they spoke a similar language, lived to the west for a long time, and compared to the Achaeans, they almost climbed trees.

The Bronze Age Catastrophe has arrived. Due to difficult conditions, the Dorians invaded the borders of the mentioned power. Some of the Achaeans had to be evacuated, where they joined the “peoples of the sea” who pirated in the Mediterranean.

At first it looked almost like an invasion of barbarians in animal skins. But during the Greek “Dark Ages” the conquerors assimilated some of the achievements of the conquered, mixed with them, and, coupled with their progressive energy and the achievements of the advancing Iron Age, eventually gave life to what in our understanding is classical Ancient Greece.

In total, four branches played a role in the formation of the ancient Greek ethnos: the Achaeans, Dorians, Ionians, and Aeolians.

Some kind of memory was preserved locally. The people of Athens remembered that they used to have a great civilization, and that they were mainly descendants of the Achaeans. The Spartans were Dorians at their most pure form. The Ionians eventually ended up in the east - in Asia Minor and on the adjacent islands. There, apparently, there were very significant connections with the already existing local population. Due to mixing with which, the Ionians, presumably, acquired a characteristic southern appearance.

Of course, there were differences on the ground. Even in our time, for example, we distinguish between northern and southern Russians. There are different dialects. In Greece to this day, depending on the region, either the Dorian or the Ionian type prevails. According to the records of one well-known knowledgeable guy on the Internet, known simply as the Greek (he even starred in one of the “Dinner Party” programs), indigenous people The countries now, for the most part, are of the European type, but repatriates from the CIS countries are, as a rule, Ionians.


You don’t choose your homeland and ancestors. But to truly love them, you need to delve into their past. Our ancestors are Slavs. Therefore, we will talk about them.

Distant ancestors of the Slavs. Who were the ancestors of the Slavs?

At dawn new era was formed Slavic tribe, separated from the Indo-European community. We remind you that the Indo-Europeans are the ancient ancestors of the Slavs (their heyday occurred in the second millennium BC). And after their isolation, the Slavs began their journey in the literal sense of the word. They developed new territories in all four directions. Of course, they encountered many difficulties along the way. But they were able to endure it. And as a result, our ancestors - the ancient Slavs, became the source for many modern peoples, now living in Europe and the Russian Federation.

Who were the ancestors of the Slavs? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Yes, they descended from Indo-Europeans. It is interesting that today new versions and hypotheses on this matter are appearing. For example, that the ancestors of the Slavs are Finns.

The great ancestors of the Slavs gave rise to many large tribes: the Germans, the Balts and others. From these, even smaller peoples subsequently emerged.

What did our Slavic ancestors look like?

Of course, their appearance differed depending on the territory in which they lived. But still, the common gene pool gives us the opportunity to imagine the picture in general. The men had a very warlike appearance. This is above average height, powerful shoulders. Almost all Slavic men wore a beard. And the women were unusually feminine. This was also expressed in perfect posture, and with a soft gait. Women's hair was long and strong. But they were more often not visible to others, because a covered head is a sign of chastity. And women were just like that. They also wore long skirts, sundresses. Not showing off their beauty was very typical for them.

In general, the Slavs were characterized by many features. For example, light color skin and eyes, hair was also light (brown), straight nose, kind smile. There are exceptions. For example, Ukrainians often had black hair. Such “deviations” took place as a result of mixing with other peoples.

The internal “appearance” of the Slavs

We are also interested in what our Slavic ancestors were like in character and disposition? Let's start with the fact that initially the Slavs were scattered. First, into three large branches (eastern, southern, western). Each of the branches was further subdivided. All this left its mark and made the Slavs sometimes very different from each other.

Scientists spent a long time and painstakingly figuring out what kind of character the Slavs had? It turned out the following. First of all, they were incredibly welcoming and friendly. Secondly, hardworking, diligent. Thirdly, for many centuries the Slavs honored the traditions of their ancestors and their family. And they raised their children in the same way.

Even in war, the Slavs behaved humanly. Although they took prisoners, they treated them well. And they were very suitable military men: brave, persistent, firm, impregnable and unrelenting.


Those who recognize themselves in the descriptions can firmly and confidently say that he is a Slav. Of course, we all have Slavic blood in us. It’s just that some have more of it, and some have less. After all, the ancestors of Russian people are Slavs. And the Russians, as you know, are the most numerous nation, who came from a Slavic environment. Therefore, we should be proud of this, we should know and remember our roots.

Today there is a tendency towards revival Slavic culture. They create special communities where they try to reproduce the holidays and customs of their ancestors. Slavic trends are even coming into fashion. And girls having Slavic appearance, are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in the world. In addition, they are more economical and in the future will become good wives and mothers.

Homeland of the Slavs. Where did the Aryans come from?