Singer Lyudmila Ryumina died of cancer. Lyudmila Ryumina, cancer of what, latest news: cause of death of the singer

Famous Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina died today in Moscow at the age of 69. The cause of the death of the famous performer was cancer. Elena Orlova, a representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center Ryumina, spoke about this.

“Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital from cancer,” Orlova said. At the same time, she added that farewell to the People's Artist is planned for September 4. Those who wish to say goodbye to Ryumina will be able to do so at the Folklore Center.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Culture reported that the department will assist in organizing the funeral, as well as the farewell ceremony for Lyudmila Romina.

It is necessary to remind you that early this morning, August 31, it became known that Ryumina Lyudmila Georgievna died in the Botkin Hospital in Moscow. The People's Artist of Russia was 68 years old. People's Artist of the RSFSR performed Russian folk songs. She also worked as the head of the Moscow state ensemble"Russies".

Lyudmila Ryumina was born on August 28, 1949 in Voronezh. The artist became famous for performing Russian folk songs. In 1991, she was awarded the title of People's Artist. In 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the artist the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Ryumina has also headed the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center since 1999.

The cause of death of People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina has been named. As the singer’s colleague said, she died after a long battle with cancer.

The cause of the artist's death was revealed by a representative of the Moscow cultural center Elena Orlova. “Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital; she had cancer,” she told REN TV.


It is known that Ryumina died in the Botkin hospital. The artist’s colleagues also emphasized that the farewell ceremony is planned to be held at the Folklore Center on September 4. Ryumina will be buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery, but where exactly has not yet been decided. The Moscow Department of Culture will assist in organizing the farewell ceremony and funeral of the People’s Artist, the department’s press service reported, writes TASS.

He spoke out about the death of Ryumina National artist USSR Joseph Kobzon. According to him, she was one of the last domestic performers who cared for the purity of Russian song. “We are running out of Russian singers, there are practically no more of them. Ryumina fought for the purity of Russian songs, always appeared in Russian outfits. She grew up before my eyes. It’s a sincere pity,” noted the master of Russian pop music.

The singer also recalled joint trips with Lyudmila Georgievna. "We toured with her several times and Latin America, both in Africa and here, he performed with it several times,” Kobzon said.

Ryumina became famous for performing Russian folk songs, and was the founder and director of the Moscow State Ensemble "Rus". Since 1999 - artistic director of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center. The artist collaborated with Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others famous poets and composers.

The famous Russian singer Lyudmila Ryumina died on August 31 in Moscow at the age of 69. The cause of the death of the famous performer was cancer. Elena Orlova, a representative of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center Ryumina, spoke about this.

“Lyudmila Georgievna died tonight in the hospital from cancer,” said Orlova. At the same time, she added that farewell to the People's Artist is planned for September 4. Those who wish to say goodbye to Ryumina will be able to do so at the Folklore Center.

The press service of the Moscow Department of Culture reported that the department will assist in organizing the funeral, as well as the farewell ceremony for Lyudmila Romina.

Many singers and other cultural figures of our country regret the death of Lyudmila Ryumina and remember her, finding many warm and sincere words. So, according to People’s Artist and politician Joseph Kobzon, this was the last artist who promoted the genre with such dedication folk song, took care of its cleanliness, and concert outfits were always originally Russian. He recalled several joint tours when they visited Africa, Latin America, and Afghanistan, emphasizing that this time was very good.

Mikhail Shvydkoy, who is the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of international cultural cooperation, also spoke out about the great singer. In his opinion, Lyudmila Ryumina had a very lively and cheerful character, showed wit and knew how to create a party. She was a bright and very lively singer, and her death is a huge loss. When people like Lyudmila Ryumina leave for another world, each time an “unfillable void” appears.

In turn, according to the Azerbaijani actor and singer Polad Bul-Bul oglu, the Russian artist was very open, and what she did was real heroism. Folk song has lost a lot with the death of Lyudmila Ryumina - a cordial and always friendly person, a personality truly with a capital P.

Lyudmila Ryumina was born in 1949 in Voronezh and became famous for singing Russian folk songs. From the age of 18, Ryumina performed in the Voronezh Girls ensemble, where her development as a singer began. Ryumina graduated as an external student School of Music named after Ippolitov-Ivanov and the Gnessin Institute.

Lyudmila Ryumina is the founder and permanent director of the Moscow State Ensemble “Rusy”. Since 1999, Ryumina served as artistic director of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center.

Ryumina, People's Artist of Russia, was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and the Order of Friendship.

The biography, children, husband and photo of People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina are of interest to many fans of folk and academic music. Unfortunately, the great artist recently passed away - Ryumina died on August 31, 2018. The 68-year-old performer died in the Botkin hospital. Doctors and relatives of Galina today say that she struggled with a serious cancer disease for a long time.

Biography of Lyudmila Ryumina

The future People's Artist was born on August 29, 1949 in Voronezh. But little Lyudmila’s childhood and all her youth were spent in the quiet village of Vyazovo, located in the Lipetsk region. The Ryumin family lived poorly, but such conditions only strengthened the girl’s character. After graduation high school Lyudmila went to the art school. Studying was easy for the girl, she had excellent results and already in those years showed great promise.

In parallel with her studies, Lyuda worked at a local plant, holding the position of a graphic designer. Subsequently, this work greatly helped her in creating images and costumes for her own performances. It is impossible not to mention that all the details of the collections for going on stage were developed by her personally, from sketches to the smallest components of decorative design.

Many people remember Lyudmila Ryumina for her bright and original costumes, the analogues of which could not be seen on stage from her first performances to in recent years, when the artist did not appear on stage as often as her fans would like.

At the age of eighteen, Ryumina was invited to the Voronezh Girls ensemble. It was here that she began to take an active interest in performing folk songs. Much later, the photo, biography, children and husband of Lyudmila Ryumina began to interest the general public, but at that time the girl was still unknown to anyone, and had only just decided to enroll in a music school.

She was extremely lucky with her teacher, it was People's Artist Valentina Efimovna Klodnina, who helped to fully reveal the talent of the young performer. During the training process, it turned out that Ryumina has not only a folk, but also an academic voice, which allowed her to work in a high tessitura. She was a brilliant performer of folk and chamber works, romances and opera arias.

Lyudmila graduated from the school as an external student after 3 years, after which she went to work as a teacher in Fryazino music school. There she took charge of the children's folk choir. Soon the young, talented performer was already a soloist of the Mosconcert. Photo, biography, the children and husband of young Lyudmila Ryumina began to interest the public already at that moment, because she began to have a large number of fans and admirers.

Photo: Lyudmila Ryumina, during the performance

While working, Lyudmila Ryumina did not forget about her studies. So, in 1978 she entered the Institute. Gnesins, which she successfully graduated from 5 years later, receiving a diploma of higher education. However, the improvement of the young artist’s talents did not end there: after graduating from Gnesinka, she entered the “Directing Ecstada” department at GITIS. People's Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Shalevich becomes her teacher.

Lyudmila Ryumina decided to devote a few more years of her life to studying for the reason that she was sure: performing a folk song requires professional acting skills.

In 2007, Ryumina opened her own folklore center, where she served as artistic director for more than 10 years. Lyudmila constantly performed with solo programs, participated in various concerts, and three times her songs were final in the “Song of the Year”.

Throughout her life, Ryumina recorded 16 albums, which included songs of various genres, and received the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Photo: At the funeral of Lyudmila Ryumina - 2018

The passing of Lyudmila Ryumina from life was a real shock for fans, friends and close relatives of the artist. Joseph Kobzon commented on this sad event by saying that Russian pop lost not only a talented performer, but also a great cultural figure who fought for the development national stage and preservation of Russian traditions.

Today, when the People's Artist has passed away, interest in the photo, biography, children and husband of Lyudmila Ryumina still does not disappear, because her life and work were quite eventful, and after their completion a lot of questions remained.

Photo: Nadezhda Babkina and Joseph Kobzon at the funeral of Lyudmila Ryumina

Personal life of Lyudmila Ryumina

The artist has repeatedly stated that she is married to her career. And, indeed, according to the official version, she was never a member of official marriage. She also had no children.

Lyudmila Georgievna herself admitted that she was in relationships with many men, and was happy with each of them. The reason that she never got married was her busy schedule, constant moving and full dedication to her work. In addition, the artist was barren. Today, Lyudmila Ryumina’s biography is credited with her husband and children, photos of which allegedly are available from representatives of popular publications.

The reason for the artist’s infertility is the severe consequences of an accident, which Lyudmila got into in her youth. Doctors then said that it was a great success that the girl remained alive. At the same time she was informed that in the future the young woman would not be able to have children.

For the artist, this news came as a big shock, but she tried to compensate for the inability to have her own children by caring for the younger generation. Many of her contemporaries believe that the founding of the Rusy ensemble helped hundreds of children and young people make decisions in life.

It is worth noting that Lyudmila was an incredibly charming and bright person. she was distinguished by her direct and rather strict character, but at the same time she was extremely popular among men. Whether in her youth or later in life Lyuda was officially connected with at least one of her admirers is still being discussed.

It is a well-known fact that the artist never had children, although some media representatives are trying to refute this fact.

Is it true that Lyudmila Ryumina was married?

Photos of her husband or children never appeared in Lyudmila Ryumina’s biography, but not so long ago there was a rumor in the media that the People’s Artist was, after all, married, although she did not tell anyone, not even close friends, about it. The niece of Lyudmila Ryumina recently spoke about this. According to her, several years ago she secretly married a man whose name is still unknown in the press.

Even Ryumina’s close friends don’t know about this marriage, so many of them believe that this information is not true. Although some of the artist’s entourage admit that Lyudmila did not want to talk about her late happiness for a simple reason: she did not want the publicity and gossip that constantly followed her throughout the development of her stellar career. Let us recall that the biography, photos, children and husband of Lyudmila Ryumina were often the reason for the first gossip in the yellow press. Although according to the official version, the artist had neither a husband nor children.

The legacy of Lyudmila Ryumina

Many people close to the people's artist claim that during her lifetime she was not only a talented performer and artistic director. She was also a successful entrepreneur, so after her death she left quite a large amount money. Lyudmila’s inheritance also includes two apartments in Moscow.

It is impossible not to mention the collection of luxurious concert dresses, which are real works of art. All decorative elements are made of natural materials, for example - pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, gilding, and often even gold. Silk, velvet, brocade and other equally valuable fabrics were used as the main materials for luxurious dresses, sundresses and caftans.

Every appearance of the artist on stage made an indescribable impression on the audience. And it’s not surprising, because Lyudmila Ryumina worked on her costumes herself with a small team of professional artists and designers. The artist also left behind an impressive collection of jewelry.

It is not surprising that the photo, children, husband and biography of Lyudmila Ryumina are the cause of many discussions both among those close to and among strangers to the artist. The fact is that nothing is known about the will for inheritance today.

Many believed that the artist’s closest heir was her niece. But there was a rumor in the press that everything would go to the only legal heir - her official spouse, whose identity remains a secret today.

As for Ryumina’s niece, she, as you know, does not lay claim to even a small part of the inheritance of the People’s Artist of Russia, and she wants to leave all the luxurious costumes of the famous performer in the museum as a reminder of Lyudmila Ryumina and how she wanted to introduce Russian culture to modern scene.

Many firmly believe that Ryumina was not only a performer with a capital P, but also a great patriot, whom the country lost after her death.

After the artist’s death, Lyudmila’s relatives and friends shared their impressions of the last months spent with her. Unfortunately, at that moment, the people's favorite was struggling with a serious cancer disease; the photo, biography, husband and children of Lyudmila Ryumina were of interest to the press and the general public much more than the well-being of the famous folk singer.

In fact, the fight against the disease was very difficult for her. The People's Artist learned about the terrible illness in the summer of 2016. Since then, she has been closely monitored at the cancer center and received the necessary treatment. For a while the disease subsided. During this time, Lyudmila even managed to give several concerts. But complications were not long in coming: just a few months after the first course of treatment, the cancer affected the lungs.

The artist’s relatives claim that she led an active lifestyle, did not drink or smoke, tried to monitor her health and underwent routine examinations. Cancer was a real shock both for herself and for everyone who knew Lyudmila well.

Soon, oncology completely affected almost all organs in the body. She was transferred to intensive care, and it was here that women celebrated her birthday on August 28th. At that moment, all the people close and dear to her were next to her. And on August 31, the People's Artist of Russia died.

Everyone who knew Lyudmila during her lifetime remembers her as a beautiful and impressive woman with a strong, masculine character. She absolutely loved her work and devoted literally every day of her life to it. Today, the photo, biography, husband and children of Lyudmila Ryumina still haunt her friends, envoys and ill-wishers.

Today it is known that the artist could not have children, but they tried to assign her all sorts of connections and secret descendants, as well as many unknown husbands. But thousands of connoisseurs of folk and classical music recognize Lyudmila’s enormous contribution to the preservation and development Russian culture in modern stage and society.

The funeral of the People's Artist of Russia took place on September 4, and the body was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

According to Ryumina’s colleagues and friends, she always joked that she was “married to work.” And indeed, until recently, close people around her were sure that the woman was lonely.


However, the niece and goddaughter of the artist Larisa on the air of the program “You Won’t Believe It!” told that Ryumina had a husband, reports the website NTV.Ru. A relative of the singer believes that it is Lyudmila’s legal husband who will now get her apartments and jewelry.

At the same time, Larisa did not reveal the name of her famous aunt’s husband, believing that Ryumina apparently had reasons to hide it. The artist’s friends and colleagues are worried that a trusting woman could fall under the influence of a dishonest man. However, Ryumina’s niece believes that the singer simply did not want to share her childhood happiness with others.

Let us remind you that on August 31, People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina died in the Botkin Hospital in Moscow at the age of 68, having managed to celebrate her birthday with her loved ones. Lyudmila Ryumina struggled with a serious illness that eventually affected the entire body long time. It is known that the singer had cancer.

Farewell to Lyudmila Ryumina will take place on September 4 at the folklore center she founded. The singer will be buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.