Japanese party "Japan-party". Asian party scenario: Japanese-style celebration

The walls are draped with red fabric in Japanese style. In the center there is a huge fan and a sakura branch. Japanese tunes sound. The host welcomes the guests. Leading. Dear guests! The Land of the Rising Sun called us to itself in the morning. Look together through the window, Praise must be given to the Luminary! Today it extended its Rays to embrace the One whom we have gathered here to congratulate from the bottom of our hearts. So let the warmth and smiles surround him at this hour, Long live our birthday boy in Japan, here and now! Applause from the guests. Leading. In the country of the East, our... (name of the birthday boy) has changed, appearing before us in a warrior’s costume. It was not in vain that he put on a kimono, because the guy has matured by a year! (Addressing the birthday boy.) Now, Japanese samurai, accept gifts from us! birthday boy, presenting him with gifts. Leading. According to the customs of the East, In order not to stand for a long time, We invite all guests to take a seat at the table. The Japanese chef will present new cuisines to our guests. Music is playing. Guests take their places at the festive table. Leading. Dear guests! Having learned that a group of Russian tourists had arrived in Japan, local residents decided to greet them with dignity and show them their national traditions, way of life and culture. The best guides in the country were selected for this purpose. Meet them! Music is playing. Adults appear in the hall - presenters, dressed in Japanese clothes. Japanese. Comban wa! Irasshaimase! Presenter (translates). Good evening! Welcome! Japanese. Dojo eroshiku! Leading. Nice to meet you! Japanese. Hajimemashite! Leading. Indeed, Japan is a wonderful country! Amazing people live here, and sometimes we understand them perfectly. Japanese. I speak a little like you. So you too are misunderstood and misinterpreted. Presenter (translates). I know Russian well. Maybe you are familiar with some Japanese words? “Missing the word” Presenter. So, dear guests, here is a mysterious box in front of you. It contains cards with Japanese words that need to be deciphered. One by one, you go to the box, take out a card and read out the word. I will try to help you and give three possible answers. You need to choose the right one. Is the task clear? Sakura: plum, apple, cherry. Honshu: island, sea, mountain. Sumo: a comfortable bag, puppet theater, ancient struggle. Samurai: foreigner, warrior, priest. Ikebana: artistic craft, flower arranging, martial art. Karate: a type of self-defense without weapons, archery, fencing. Karaoke: special song ritual, microphone, voice. Origami: original costume, art of folding various paper figures, painting. Kimono: shoes, traditional clothes, hat. Tatami: cushion, rice straw mat, locker. Khasi: dish, drink, chopsticks. The best experts of Japanese words receive prizes. Leading. Dear friends! Now you remember, or maybe for the first time learned, what some Japanese words mean. I hope you find this information useful today. Japanese. Soon you will feel like a real Japanese. To become Japanese, you need to put on this dress. Put on your kimono! Places a suitcase with clothes in front of the guests. It wears kimonos or robes and belts. Leading. As I understand it, now we will turn into the Japanese. The suitcase contains traditional Japanese clothing. Who wants to try it on? Birthday scenarios Birthday in the style of "Robinson and Friday" History of the birthday party Crocodile Gena and Co.

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If you still haven’t found your congratulations, use the search

Japanese party scenario - sushi party

Whatever you choose for hosting a sushi party: your home, restaurant, cottage or club, remember: Japanese style loves space! This is a decorative style of minimalism, in which the less furniture and details, the better. Use a combination of light colors: white, cream, shades of beige. The ideal duet of color and shape would be white balls in a white room. You think it’s boring and uninteresting, because it should be a hit, a sensation! Don't rush to conclusions! How about a charming fan on the wall in an ensemble with a sakura branch - a real Japanese delight. And if the square footage of the room allows, add paintings with hieroglyphs, but not some kind of “scrawl”, but real semantic symbols of happiness, love, well-being. If you want to put a vase, no problem, but with only one flower - for the Japanese style this is more than enough. A masterpiece of decor can be made into an artificial waterfall, the source of which will be approximately in the middle of the wall, and will flow into a reservoir with floating candles and large flowers, such as peonies. The waterfall can be replaced with transparent containers of water, again with lit candles and peonies. This choice is already yours! Sounds amazing enough to get everyone talking about your party!

Dress code

Where you can give free rein to your imagination is when choosing an outfit for a sushi party. Luxurious brocade and velvet, shiny silk and moire, airy organza, shimmering with a magical radiance, will become your best friends when embodying the image. Become a geisha, samurai, sumo wrestler or a colorful anime hero. Wear a traditional Japanese kimono with an obi belt, or wear a variety of modified kimonos, such as silk blouses, which can even be worn with jeans or trousers. But you know that clothes are not everything! It is better to collect the hair in a bun at the back of the head and secure it with Japanese chopsticks, and for those who are closer romantic image- replace them with a flower. Japanese makeup is light skin, small lips and large eyes with arrows on the upper eyelid. But this does not mean at all that you should smear a tube of foundation three shades lighter than your skin on yourself and squeeze your lips together, simulating their reduction. It would be funny though! Girls can pick up a fan to complete their look. And, whatever you choose, remember, on this day you cannot go unnoticed!


Well, of course, what would a sushi party be without sushi, rolls, sashimi and a variety of Japanese delicacies, such as hiyashi with nut sauce and mussels baked with cheese. And most importantly, whoever comes to your party, whether he is a vegetarian or not, will be satisfied with the food, because there are rolls with cucumber and Japanese kebabs (yakitori) made from salmon, squid, chicken, veal and shrimp. And you should wash it all down with plum wine (umeshu) or Japanese vodka (sake). In addition, the menu can include cocktails such as mojitos, cosmopolitans, margaritas... After all, you are expecting a lot of guests, which means you will need a lot of booze!


At the beginning of the evening, the music of Keiko Matsui and the lounge with ethnic elements will help you relax and keep up the conversation. And when the guests arrive, you can listen to the energetic rhythms of large Japanese taiko drums. As for dance accompaniment, incendiary j-rock or j-pop is perfect.

Games and competitions

Do you want to surprise your guests with new games and competitions? FunnyDay offers to keep everyone busy with real Japanese entertainment.

"Origami". You can start with this competition, which involves folding paper figures. Whoever folds a swan, a flower or a dog the fastest wins a prize, for example, a funny T-shirt with the image of a cartoon anime character.

"Draw anime". Then invite everyone to create their own anime character who will be similar to one of your guests. Sometimes it is useful to find out how others see you.

"Otedama"- traditional Japanese juggling with five bags filled with legumes. At every party there are those who want to show off their dexterity, so you shouldn’t miss such a moment.

"Taco Games". At dawn, when the guests are already starting to wonder if it’s time to go home, you all go outside and fly colorful kites into the air. It would seem that there is nothing supernatural, but there will be a lot of impressions!

Holidays / birthday traditions / birthday

Birthday Traditions

Birthdays, like many other holidays, have their own traditions. Different countries have their own ways and rituals of celebrating birthdays. For comparison with Russian Birthdays, let's look at some of the Western, European and Asian traditions of celebrating this celebration.

# Russia

In Russia, birthdays first began to be celebrated around the 17th century. This is the latest mention of this holiday in history. The traditions of this holiday were completely different from the current ones. On the evening before the birthday, the family of the birthday boy baked pies and birthday rolls, and brewed beer. On the birthday itself, adults (parents, relatives) sang a song about a loaf of bread to the birthday boy. Most often, a birthday coincided with a person’s name day, so initially these two holidays were not distinguished.


African birthdays. In the Galla tribe there is no such concept as a birthday, because this holiday is celebrated there once every eight years. This is due to the fact that the tribe does not have a calendar, and the seasons practically do not change, so determining time is very difficult.

The same can be said about African tribe Kukuya, in which birthday is celebrated once every thirteen years. On this day, according to tradition, the birthday person is obliged to plant a fig tree.


There is a tradition in England - the Queen of England personally sends congratulations to everyone who has lived to be 80, 90, and 100 years old.


In China, birthday celebration traditions are even more interesting. There, in addition to the actual birthday, they also celebrate “sidins” and “hodins”. These are the stages when a person began to sit and walk accordingly.


IN North Africa Birthdays are celebrated even less often - twice in a lifetime. The first time is when a person is born, and the second is at 52 (since this is the prophet Mohammed himself).

# Ukraine

Early Ukrainian traditions of celebrating birthdays are very unusual - on this day it was customary to flog in a field near the boundary. This is done so that the child “knows where the boundary is drawn.” Today in Russia and Ukraine this tradition has changed a little - now the birthday person is pulled by the ears. In England, everything is more cruel than here, there it is customary to throw the birthday boy up and drop him on the floor, the same tradition in Spain is expressed in clicking the hero of the occasion on the forehead.


But, in spite of everything, the most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan, since it is not customary to celebrate birthdays there at all. There they congratulate the child’s parents for having accomplished a unique feat - giving birth to a child. Which of the children can still boast that a holiday is organized in their honor are the three-, five- and seven-year-olds, for whom “City-Go-San” is organized. True, this holiday is the same for all children and may well not coincide with personal birth child. In Japan, oddly enough, it is customary to give gifts only when a person turns 60, 70, 79, 88, 99 years old.

# Argentina

In this country, there must be a waltz on a girl's fifteenth birthday. The birthday girl invites her young fans and her father to this waltz.


In Brazil, there is also a tradition of ear pulling. Only Brazilians have their earlobe pulled - no matter how many years a person has lived, they pull their ear so many times. After such congratulations, the birthday person is obliged to offer the first piece of the pie to the family member himself. Usually it's mom or dad.


For the British, the Birthday holiday is essentially a symbolic holiday. On this day, the birthday person's fate is predicted, and a surprise can be found even in a piece of pie. For example, a coin found symbolizes that the person will be rich. Personal queens are given honorary "elders", those who are 80, 90 and 100 years old.


In this country, the main dish of a birthday is not considered to be a cake, but, so you might think, chicken with rice! At the same time, the birthday boy’s outfit should be unusual, original, or rather, strange.


Birthdays in Germany can rightfully be called the Day of Lights. On this day, one of the family members gets up at dawn and lights candles in the house and on the birthday cake, which burn all day. According to tradition, there are one more candles on the cake than the age of the birthday person. Because one candle is a symbol that should bring good luck to the birthday person. And only after the festive dinner is over, late in the evening the birthday person can make a wish and blow out the candles. Just like in Russia, if the birthday boy blows out all the candles on the first try, his wish will come true. After this peculiar holiday “ritual”, you can start opening gifts.


In this flower country, it is customary to decorate the birthday person’s chair with flowers, balls and ribbons. At school, the birthday boy is always given a colored paper hat, and the birthday boy, in turn, treats his classmates with something tasty.

Birthdays celebrated on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 21st are considered especially honorable. They are considered crown years. Therefore, birthday people born on these days are presented with more expensive and memorable gifts.


In this country, on the birthday, the family of the birthday person hangs a flag from the window - this is a symbol that today they are celebrating a birthday in this house. Usually, gifts for children are placed right next to the bed, and as soon as the child opens his eyes in the morning, he immediately starts unpacking.

According to Danish tradition, on a birthday, it is customary to seat the baby in a festive chair and lift it as many times as the child is old. Plus an extra time for good luck.


In India, on his birthday, parents dress a child smartly and send him to school. There, the birthday boy treats the whole class to chocolate in honor of his birthday.


In Ireland, the number of years of the birthday person is emphasized not with candles and pulling back the ear, but by tossing the baby. The hero of the occasion is lifted high and sharply lowered to the floor. And so as many times as the age of the birthday boy. Plus an extra roll for luck.


The Italian tradition is perhaps the most widespread in the world - the birthday boy’s ears are always “torn out” on this day.


On the little Canadian's birthday, he is ambushed. Afterwards, the birthday boy’s nose is lubricated with margarine or butter. This is done so that failures do not stick to the baby, because now they will slide off his little nose! After such tests, the child’s relatives lightly hit him in the chest exactly as old as the birthday boy turns. And one more stroke for good luck!


The main dish of this holiday in China is noodles. It is the main attribute of the festive table, as it is a symbol of long life. On this day, gifts must be given to the birthday person (regardless of age).

# Cuba

On this day, the birthday person is allowed everything. There should be plenty of everything. And food, and music, and guests, and decorations. Note that many invitees are indirectly related to the birthday boy, for example, parents’ work colleagues and neighbors.

# Ecuador

Birthday celebration traditions in this country are significantly different from other countries. At the age of 15, the birthday girl puts on high-heeled shoes for the first time and dresses in pink dress. All this is done so that the hero of the occasion dances a waltz with her father. Together with them, fourteen more couples will spin in the waltz.

Japanese party scenario.

Interesting and original script Japanese-style parties will really appeal to any company.

1. Theme and name of the party. Not just Japan, but cheerful and even funny Japan. Our party will be stylized as Japan, but not exactly national characteristics, but with an informal, even humorous approach. Let's call our party, for example, Japan Party (by analogy with the well-known euphemism “Japan Mother”).

2. Entourage.

Interior. We will introduce oriental features into the interior where our Japanese party will take place in order to immerse guests in the atmosphere of the country rising sun. You can decorate it in the style of one particular symbol of Japan: for example, use many images of dragons - both scary and funny.

Or decorate the room with fans (they can be made from pieces of wallpaper sheets, from whatman paper and even newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper - in general, from anything that comes to hand) - fans can be hung on the walls and fixed on curtains, doors, furniture. If only adults, relaxed people will be present at the party, you can use erotic ones from Japanese anime to create the ambiance.

When setting the table, use rectangular rather than round plates and Japanese placemats. And, of course, you can’t do without Japanese music - you can find it here.

Dress code for a Japanese-style party. You can be anyone at a party: a samurai, a Sumo wrestler, a geisha, a Japanese robot, a kamikaze, a dragon, a hero, etc. The main thing is to be in the Japanese style and funnier. By the way, you can organize a prize for the best and funniest Japanese costume.

3. Progress of the event.

We are having a Japanese-style party, and the hospitable Japanese love feasts as much as we do, so we will immediately invite guests to the table. We will place chopsticks near the plates, but when everyone is seated at the table, we will invite guests to “buy” forks, knives and spoons. You will have to pay for cutlery not with money, but with ingenuity. The appliance seller says a Japanese proverb, and the buyer must name its Russian (or well-known in the Russian-speaking environment) analogue. Of course, if someone wants to eat with chopsticks, they shouldn’t insist on using a fork.

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

If dust particles accumulate, they will become mountains. -Water wears away stones.

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. – The less you know, the better you sleep.

Then - even fields, even mountains. - After us there might be a flood.

One stone - two birds. – Kill two birds with one stone.

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

A falling drop breaks through a stone. - Water wears away stones.

If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - They knock out a wedge with a wedge.

Having been taught a lesson on hot soup, it blows on cold vegetables. - Having burned himself on the milk, he blows on the water.

In the whole block, only my husband doesn’t know. – The husband will be the last to know about everything.

4. Entertainment, games, for a Japanese party.

After dinner, we will offer our guests competitive program. Its goal is to identify the best of the best Japanese in our company. We are having a fun Japanese party, so the titles won’t be serious.

1. Competition "Japanese Chef"

Those who wish to participate will be given a large pancake or cake and a pack of mayonnaise (a doy-pack with a dispenser). In addition, you will need sample paper sheets with a hieroglyph (to be fair, everyone needs to be given the same hieroglyph). The task is to decorate the dish with a mayonnaise hieroglyph. You need to squeeze the mayonnaise from the packaging onto the pancake, drawing a hieroglyph according to the pattern. Here you can choose two winners: the one who completes the task faster, and the one whose hieroglyph is the most accurate and beautiful.

2. Competition "Japanese policeman"

The competition is held right at the table, so everyone can be involved. We give participants paper (can be A4 or larger, white or colored) and ask them to fold it into any weapon for a policeman, using the origami technique.

3. Competition “Japan Mom”

Both men and women can participate, but it’s more fun with men. We attach inflated balloons(preferably large ones). The task is to collect sakura petals from the floor. But where do we get such exotic stuff? Instead of sakura, take rose petals or cut them out of paper - you will need a lot of petals to literally cover the floor. Whoever's stomach bursts during the course is eliminated. At the end, count the number of collected petals. The one who collects the most petals will become “Japan’s mother”. The prize could be a Japanese fan.

4. Competition “Russian-Japanese Translator”

The presenter calls a word from the Russian dictionary, and the participants must remember the Japanese word denoting the same or a similar concept. And even if it is not a completely accurate analogue, it is suitable in meaning. Humor is welcome. We give the title of “Russian-Japanese translator” and a prize – a Russian-Japanese phrasebook – to the most active and resourceful “Japanese scholar.”

Examples of words and analogues:

Mistress - geisha.

Paper plastic - origami.

Suicide - kamikaze.

Stabbing is hara-kiri.

Robe - kimono.

Vodka - sake.

Hooray! - Banzai!

The letter is a hieroglyph.

Fat man is a sumo wrestler.

Pet – Tamagotchi.

Warrior - samurai.

Vanka-Vstanka – Daruma.

Rhyme - haiku.

Cartoon - anime.

Bouquet – ikebana.

Mat - tatami.

Crossword - Sudoku.

Mustard - wasabi.

4. Game “Japanese impromptu theater”

When finished you can continue Japanese party impromptu theatre, but not simple, but “Japanese”. The presenter reads the text expressively. The actors, when mentioning their hero, pronounce a line and reproduce this or that movement in accordance with the text. There are seven actors and one presenter.

Heroes and lines:

Sakura (pleadingly): “Tokas E is not ikebana!” (note: this means “just don’t make an ikebana out of me!”).

Sparrow (proudly): “Japanese bird!”

Horses (two people) (sadly): “We are lousy gallopers.”

Grass (provocatively): “Tickle something!”

Samurai (two people) (menacingly): “Banzai!”

Samurai Beautiful SAKURA grew in the endless Japanese steppe. SAKURA branches swayed. A small SPARROW was sitting in the branches of SAKURA. Two purebred Japanese HORSE horses were grazing nearby. And beneath them the lush Japanese GRASS grew and stretched. Oh, how it extended! The stallions energetically and very greedily plucked the GRASS. At the same time, the GRASS tenderly tickled the bellies of the stallions. THE RORDERS neighed contentedly.

Two appeared in the steppe Japanese SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba. SAMURAI Tamagotchi was a sumo wrestler, and Samurai Toshiba was a karateka. What a Tamagotchi sumo wrestler! What a karateka Toshiba is!

The two SAMURAI hated each other and were constantly bullying. And now they were making faces and teasing each other. SPARROW, looking at this, laughed and chirped. The SAMURAI threatened the SPARROW, and it flew away from SAKURA.

SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba saw ROOMS. The SAMURAI wanted to ride the HORSE and made an attempt to do so. And another try, and another. Not immediately, but the SAMURAI managed and saddled the obstinate HORSE. The stallions impatiently beat their hooves and neighed displeasedly. The SAMURAI fidgeted nervously on their horses, wanting to fight the enemy.

They went in different directions and, taking off from their place, rushed towards each other. Tamagotchi hit Toshiba and he fell from his MOUNT. While falling, Toshiba bit the Tamagotchi. Now SAMURAI Tamagotchi has fallen from his MOUNT. The defeated SAMURAI lay on the GRASS. The beautiful SAKURA towered above them, bowing its branches sadly. A SPARROW flew past, looked at the lying SAMURAI and fell to the ground. SAKURA was left alone. Suddenly thunder roared and lightning struck SAKURA. She fell noisily.

Epilogue. In the endless Japanese steppe, a broken, crooked SAKURA grew. A plucked SPARROW was sitting on it. Under the tree lay the GRASS, crumpled and limp. SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba were lying in the GRASS and hugging each other. THE HORSE HORSES nibbled the GRASS and neighed joyfully. Peace reigned in the endless Japanese steppe.

What to treat:

The central place at a Japanese-style party should be given to sushi, which has already become traditional for us. Making sushi rolls yourself is not at all difficult. Their recipes are easy to find on the Internet.

Asian party scenario: Japanese style celebration - birthday scenarios - birthday - home party

Idea for a holiday.

Great idea for a holiday - hold a party in Asian style. China or Japan are two particularly vibrant countries whose traditions are impressive. Clothes, fireworks, makeup style - all this is unusual and unusual for you with us. That is why it is interesting to implement such an idea at a festive evening. Today we will try to describe the scenario of an interesting Japanese-style party, and you will implement such a party! You'll love it!

Place. A spacious room will do. Please note that you will need to work a little on the decor of the room, so choose it so that it is suitable for the number of guests, but not too large - so as not to complicate the work of the holiday decorators.

Menu. Sushi, sauces. As well as small sandwiches with fish and herbs, light salads from vegetables and fish. Juices and fruits.

Dress code. Kimonos and fans, as well as makeup with an emphasis on the eyes and lips - this is for girls. Men also wore kimonos. For men, you can also suggest “putting on” a mustache - they were thin and slightly raised up.

Decor. Mats, fabric drapery, low furniture and pillows, as well as sliding doors-blocks or screens with decor. Remember traditional Japanese drawing techniques - trees, flowers and birds, as well as sakura, were mainly depicted. Looks very fresh and tender green and soft pink - use it in decoration.

Holiday scenario

Guests are greeted by hosts dressed in Japanese kimonos. Everyone is escorted to their tables.

Food is being served. After the main course, the entertainment program begins.

1. Contest to create a fan. Participants are given the task of creating a huge fan. To do this, all guests are divided into teams. Each team is given whatman paper, paints and 10 minutes of time. During this time, you need to have time to create an interesting fan, decorate it and tell what is shown in the picture. Of course, the theme of the image should be a Japanese theme. For example, cherry blossoms, rice fields, or just lanterns (themes here are a little mixed with Chinese ones, but you can announce in advance that we are having an Asian party, so the themes can be combined a little).

Let the presenters determine the best fan and the winning team will be awarded a prize.

2.Contest on paper sushi. Participants are given colored paper and scissors, as well as dishes. Now they need to be sure to fill the sushi platter. We will make sushi from paper. The authors of the most “appetizing” work receive a prize and also tell what they put inside. There is also an interesting point here - people can come up with the names of some ingredients themselves, which will also turn out very funny.

3. "Letter to the Emperor." Tell the participants that the emperor loves fairy tales very much and therefore constantly asks his subjects to send him some stories. That is why we urgently need to compose some fairy tales. But, since Asians read from left to right, the letter must be written from left to right. Participants are given paper and pens and must copy the texts brought to them from left to right. This competition is not a team competition, but an individual one - so the participants will not be able to dictate to each other. Give each participant their text (it should not be too large) and give the command to rewrite. After everything has been rewritten, call the participants to read what they have done. Then read the normal, original version. To make everything even more beautiful, you just need to write a short story and break it into paragraphs. Then distribute the paragraphs to the participants and, after correspondence, ask them to read the story. You can also put a translator nearby - let him “translate” each phrase into the original version. Everything will turn out funny and fun.

4. Alternatively, you can also arrange master class for making sushi. Sushi masters from restaurants will help you with this. However, it is worth considering that such a master class will last a certain time and is unlikely to be suitable for a two-hour party. Such a master class can be arranged if you are going to celebrate all day.

5. All participants can also be offered tea ceremony. At the same time, it is necessary to explain the properties of tea, the methods of brewing it, and also tell the history of tea. it will all work out and taste delicious.

Have a nice party!


Other section materials

  • Chocolate party: scenario for a sister’s or friend’s birthday
  • Birthday in a fun company
  • Corporate birthday
  • How to spend an unforgettable 50th anniversary?
  • Beer Birthday Party
  • Birthday party on a pleasure boat or boat

Typical ground-based scenario No. 2

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My daughter turned 8 years old. I have never prepared a holiday in such a hurry as this year. I sketched out some ideas in advance, but the main preparation took two hours in the morning before the guests arrived. Therefore, the holiday turned out to be simple, but, overall, I liked it. The birthday girl and the guests seem to be happy too.

This year we read Japanese fairy tales, and there was a request from my daughter for a holiday in this vein. Well, Japan is Japan. The only thing I wildly regretted during the preparation process was that I didn’t have more time for it. The topic turned out to be very rewarding, and at every moment I wanted to stay longer, delve into encyclopedias, pictures, films, music. Well, okay, what happened is what happened.

I’m never good at taking photos at a holiday, but this time I took a few snaps with my phone - just for memory. If any of the guests' parents are against posting children's photographs, let me know, I will remove them immediately.

While the guests were getting ready, we made cute bookmarks with them in the form of Japanese dolls. Once, one mother performed such needlework at a Game rally; she helped me quickly find a pattern. It turned out very (even unexpectedly) cute.

Then there was a game with words - like “gallows”, only without the gallows)) I quickly wrote the words in Photoshop and painted them over. The guys guessed the letters (is there a letter in this word...?), I erased the top layer, and the words were gradually restored. Of course, you could write them on a piece of paper and cover them with stickers on top. But it was more convenient and faster for me. Along the way, we found out what this word means and what it looks like (we looked at photographs). The words were: origami, Fuji, ikebana, kimono, hieroglyph, samurai. We created, so to speak, a context.

Then it was time for the show. We took a sign floating around the Internet “What does it sound like?” your name in Japanese" and tried to change all their names. They introduced themselves in a circle: I am Chikitoka. Etc. It was also possible to match the names by meaning, but not all the names of our guests were there, so we didn’t do it. We talked about how the Japanese are terribly polite and pay great attention to etiquette, so we practiced bowing.

The concept of the holiday was that I would read Japanese fairy tales to the children from a large beautiful book. But the right to read must be earned. Therefore, they will undergo all sorts of tests, for which they can receive multi-colored pebbles, and for every three pebbles they can “buy back” reading several pages. This is paradoxical, but looking ahead, I will say that the idea worked. And as soon as they had three stones, they shouted “Read! Read!" ran to where we read.

To pass the test, they first had to guess whether the fact that I was telling them was true or not. If they guessed right, the game began. If not, then the game also began, only they returned one stone to me (if, of course, they had one). For each fact, I tried to sneak in a little historical-cultural-country information, but just a little, because, alas, I myself don’t know that much about Japan.

There was no particular logical connection between the stages, so I simply pulled one out of my bag at random. I will write them down in the order in which they came to us.

1. Countries where people traditionally eat with chopsticks include China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Australia.
No. In Australia they don't eat with chopsticks, except in Japanese restaurants.

It was a very simple task. It took a minute to use chopsticks to fill a small bowl with popcorn. Everyone had wands, and this greatly complicated the matter, since everyone was wildly interfering with each other. But it’s okay, we managed, had fun, and ate the popcorn that didn’t fall on the floor.

2. Calligraphy is a Japanese word.
No, Greek. Means "beautiful handwriting."

Everything was simple here too. I printed it out Japanese characters, covered the floor with craft paper, gave each person a brush, and poured mascara into bowls. Everyone drew what they liked, and then we guessed who got what. They drew selflessly, many asked for a second sheet, and it was even a pity to finish it. But we still had a lot of work ahead of us.

Here, it seems, they had three stones, and we went to read the first part of the first fairy tale. We huddled in a small room and lit a candle. In general, we could have done nothing else, but just read to the children for an hour or two) But no, we were interrupted interesting place and went on to earn stones to continue the tale.

3. Japanese geta shoes usually have a high platform, because... It was very convenient to move around in rainy weather.
Yes. Not only for this reason (it is also convenient to work in flooded rice fields, etc.), but for this reason too.

I built the geta, may the yogis and neighbors below forgive me, from bricks and yoga belts. The task was simply to walk on such stilts around the room back and forth.

4. Haiku (haiku). Traditional haiku always has 17 syllables (5 -7 - 5).

I took five haikus and cut them line by line. The task was to restore the original verses. It was terribly funny because, as it turns out, they can be combined in almost any way. Here are the original ones:

“Transparent waterfall”…
Fell into a light wave
Pine needle.

Clear moon.
By the pond all night long
I wander around, admiring...

I walked up the hill
Full of sadness - so what:
There are wild roses in bloom!

I met a messenger on the way.
Spring wind playing
The open letter rustles.

There are butterflies scurrying about
Here and there - everyone is looking
The past spring...

When we had dealt with this, we called three mothers who came to us along with the guests and asked them to pantomime these haiku for us, and the children guessed.

5. Not only men, but also women could be samurai.

We played a favorite Chukchi game, it seems, about a seal, but they called it “Battle of the Samurai.” They hung up a thick piece of cardboard with a hole in the middle and gave the samurai each a sword. On the count of three, you had to stick the sword into the hole, which is not easy because your opponent is trying to do the same. They played in pairs, the winner remained, the loser was replaced by a new player, until everyone tried their hand.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to play "The Princess, the Samurai and the Dragon", but that just occurred to me. So we played “Princess…” later, without any station.

6. Months in Japanese They have no names and are called by numbers.

Here we were going to play a team game, when the leader calls the name of one player, he calls the number, and exactly that number of players must stand up at the same time. Actually, the exercise is not the simplest, but I also found the children to be tough. One of them immediately asked: “So, can you name 10?” (and there were just 10 of them.) This was enough for the one whose name I said to say “ten,” everyone stood up, and the game ended with their instant and unconditional victory. Usually it takes teenagers about 20 minutes, and I won’t even talk about adults)) I could have asked them to count with their eyes closed, but then they just earned the missing stone, everyone really wanted to go read, so I didn’t bother them and I just admired myself))

7. In classic origami, you can use sheets of paper of any shape.
No, just a square.

This was probably the most difficult test. At first I thought of folding with them simple boats, but then I realized that they were not made from a square. Therefore, I finally settled on cranes, and this is much more difficult. With great grief, the majority still succeeded, and we collected them into a beautiful garland, which was left to the birthday girl as a memory of the holiday.

8. Japan is located on 6852 islands.

There was a classic crossing over hummocks, only here they were called islands. It was necessary to move to the other end of the corridor, and as long as the island was not stepped on, it was safe. But if a person’s foot had already been on it, and then he remained without touching it, then the island disappeared. So we had to make sure that someone’s foot was on each island, help each other and support each other. We made it through without any problems, lost a couple of islands, but made it across.

Sumo wrestlers are prohibited from driving.
It was supposed to be a classic game for two, where you have to push your opponent out of the circle. It seemed to me that the samurai battle was enough for them; I didn’t want to add competition at the end.

Tokyo ranks first in the world in terms of population density.
No, Shanghai. Tokyo is fourth.

I planned to make a game where the whole team had to fit on a blanket. Then it folds in half, and again everyone needs to fit together, without spades. Then four times. But they also stopped playing, I was afraid that the tired children would get too excited.

Instead of these two tests, we played “The Princess, the Samurai and the Dragon.” At first I planned this game for the beginning of the holiday, but the introduction was already too long, so I moved it to the end, and it turned out to be an excellent final chord.

Participants are divided into two teams and play according to the “rock-paper-scissors” principle. At the leader’s signal, the ENTIRE team simultaneously portrays one character (princess, samurai or dragon), having made a collective decision in advance about whom to portray. The samurai defeats the dragon, the dragon defeats the princess, the princess defeats the samurai. The game is played until three wins.

Then there was a circle with the presentation of gifts, a response from the birthday girl, where she said some personal words to everyone and gave them a pebble from those that were in the game as a souvenir.

Then there was cake and, of course, japanese cartoon at the end of the day

We watched Miyazaki's classic Spirited Away. Surprisingly, it turned out that only a couple of people knew him.

Overall, it was a great holiday. Not least because my beautiful daughter had absolutely wonderful friends visiting))

First you need to decide whether it will take place quietly and measuredly to the sounds of nature with tea drinking or let's go all out :) The design of the room will depend on this.

Here are some directions:

1. O-zashiki - here in leading role Geishas perform, i.e. mistress of the house.

Tatami can be replaced with a thick one-color carpet or a layer of foam rubber on the floor, hidden under a beautiful fabric. Low table, paper lanterns, paintings on the walls, etc. everyone is calmly eating sushi and drinking tea while having a casual conversation.

2. Tanabata or "star festival" is an explosion of colors and fun!

Bright paper lanterns, multi-colored paper garlands, bamboo, balls, fresh and paper flowers. There are notes everywhere with wishes for friends and empty ribbons on which guests can write their wishes.

3. White day - the theme of this holiday is more suitable for lovers.

Men give their loved ones white sweets, mainly marshmallows, marshmallows and white chocolate. But you can break traditions and hold a party according to the “Day of Love and Mutual Gratitude” scenario. Let the decorations be white, but with bright accents here and there - flowers, constant lanterns, paper garlands. Of course, there are a lot of sweets and other white dishes (in powder, sauce, etc.).

4. Martial arts - dedicated to sports fans... ninjas, samurai, karate, judo, kempo, aikido and dozens of others. You can choose one direction. For example, dressing guests in huge pinkish “pajamas” with a pillow at the waist and a white bandage on the hips will create funny sumo wrestlers. Or do not limit the guests, allowing them to choose the image of any warrior. Shurikens, nunchucks, katanas and other weapons on the walls, training dummies in the corners... Antique posters depicting battle scenes.

5. Sakura blossom - here I think everything is clear. Sounds of nature, aromatic products, silk in pastel shades and a sea of ​​“sakura” - made from paper, fabric or live branches of apple, cherry and other fruit trees.

These are the main directions, but, of course, no one limits you and you can mix everything or, on the contrary, choose one topic.

Here are some more design ideas :

- chrysanthemums, bonsai, ikebana ;

- candles and petals that float around the aquarium... or in other containers :) fountains ;

- miniature rock garden or dry garden, moss garden ;

- maneki-neko, all kinds of fans and umbrellas, hieroglyphs, rice paper, figurines of anime characters, posters with them, dragons and little dragons, scented candles and other incense ;

***fans can be made from pieces of wallpaper, whatman paper, newspapers, magazines, etc. stick pictures on them with the same dragons or sakura, fold them like an accordion and secure the bottom edge***

- It’s better to dim the light, use more candles (just don’t burn down the apartment!) or small lamps ;

- pillows, pillows, little pillows - drag everything you find ;

- music... it all depends on your taste, you can philosophize to a lyrical melody or have a blast listening to J-rock, J-pop .

It seems that everything is for decoration.

Let's move on to the equally important part-


This also depends on the theme of your party. Whether you will be a geisha, a warrior or a neko girl. And also don’t forget about cosplay.

A kimono is traditional, but if you can’t get one, then take a large piece of fabric (or several different ones) and... start wrapping it so that you get wide sleeves, and then wrap the two ends of the fabric around yourself under the chest and fasten the ends with a brooch.

Don't forget about the scarf, which will act as a belt. Or maybe you have a blouse with wide sleeves and a high collar in an oriental style. Then add a long narrow plain skirt to it and the suit is ready.

A traditional silk kimono-style robe would also work. If you decide to wear it, again choose a wider belt.

If you are lucky and you get a kimono, then it is wrapped from left to right, with a bow at the back (bows at the front only for “moths”, which geishas never were).

Shoes - silk slippers or sandals (if, again, you couldn’t get traditional shoes).

The most interesting thing is

A whitened face, neatly drawn eyebrows and a bright doll mouth. If you follow traditions, jewelry can only be in the hair. Don't want Japanese extremes? A stylish light kimono (also known as a silk robe), neatly styled hair (in a small bun or high ponytail) with discreet decoration and calm makeup are quite suitable.

The face can be lightened with foundation or very light powder. Or maybe you have paints for applying makeup? They are now sold in all craft stores. We paint the eyebrows and eyes brightly, lining them only with black. Black arrows are a must-have element of Japanese-style makeup. They will give your eyes an exotic slanted oriental shape. In Japanese makeup, lips are specially made smaller by whitening their corners. If you are a geisha, then your lips can only be bright red.

The easiest way to create a Japanese-style hairstyle is to gather your hair into a high updo and pin it up with two chopsticks. Use special sticks or regular ones wooden sticks for food, coloring them yourself with markers or paints. You can also decorate your hair with combs and flowers.

The most delicious part is

Dishes - it can be bought in a theme store or a large supermarket - with ornaments (sakura, bamboo, fish), tea sets or a sushi set. The decoration of the table will be napkins folded like a fan, miniature “beds” of live grass (you can grow it in five days by buying grass for cats at the pet store - the main thing is not to eat it!), bamboo in tall thin vases and the food itself. Don't forget to buy sticks :)

Of course, the menu for a Japanese party begins with rolls and sushi - temaki, uramaki, hosomaki, oshizushi, chirashizushi and other “maki” and “zushi”. In principle, you can limit yourself to this if you prepare or order enough varieties of sushi for every taste. If you want something more substantial, traditional dishes are suitable: rice with chicken and vegetables, chahan with seafood, kimchi, fried shrimp, rice or noodles with shiitake, etc. Any seafood and fish will be fine.

Drinks: ceremonial tea, sake, plum or tangerine wine.

For dessert bright wagashi, beautifully stacked in a flat dish. There are a huge variety of wagashi recipes, as well as sushi recipes. Place chocolate-covered marshmallows on a plate, melt the white chocolate and use a bag (or a pastry syringe) to draw a lattice over the marshmallow canvas. On white marshmallows or marshmallows - with dark chocolate.

Or bake a cake decorated in the shape of the Japanese flag, as well as cookies with wishes and fortunes inside.

***if someone doesn’t know how to eat with chopsticks, then hold a competition or ask a riddle, and the prize will be a fork***

Entertainment part -

The main thing here is not to forget to buy gifts. Guests can be divided into teams.

Here are some examples of competitions:

1. The most common - guess the Russian equivalent for a Japanese proverb . Here are some examples:

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. - The less you know, the better you sleep

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den - To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest

A falling drop breaks a stone - Water wears away a stone

If you are poisoned by poison, be treated with the same poison - they knock out a wedge with a wedge

Having been taught a lesson on hot soup, he blows on cold vegetables - Having been burned on milk, he blows on water

2. Japanese-Russian translator - everything is simple here: the presenter names the words in Japanese, the one who translated the most wins;

3. Haiku (haiku) - prepare cards with three random words. Guests take out cards and compose haiku from the indicated words;

4. Tatami - this is for those who love puzzles. Tatami cannot be laid in a grid, and according to the terms of the competition (to make it more difficult), more than two tatami cannot be laid in a row (in parallel). The corners of only two mats can touch (three corners should not meet at one point). The Japanese believe that improperly laid tatami mats will bring terrible disaster. One of the competitions of a themed party can be tatami laying. Of course, not real ones - prepare sheets of cardboard to size (this will be the floor) and rectangles that need to fit on the “floor” - tatami. At speed so that guests don't get bored. And it should look like this:

5. Origami - You will need paper and printed instructions. Guests assemble origami at speed;

6. Shuriken throwing or, so as not to hurt anyone, just darts;

7. "Japan Mama" - participants have a ball tied to their stomach and asked to collect it from the floor greatest number sakura petals (pre-cut from paper). Whoever's stomach bursts is out. At the end, the number of collected petals is counted.

8. Conduct beauty contest or competition for the best hairstyle ;

9. Most best dance - of course, the dance should be Japanese with fans in both hands, and then improvisation. Participants can dance at the same time or take turns, for a minute or two. To identify the winner through closed voting or the loudest applause;

10. And what would a party be without karaoke ! Here you can also organize a competition to see who can sing better.

And, of course, use Japanese words and expressions more often. Greet guests with a formal “konichiwa.” Raise your sakazuki (glasses) and shout “kanpai!” Remember to say “arigato” (thank you) and “itadakimas” (bon appetit). All these words must be said while bowing slightly.

And don't be afraid to experiment and improvise!!! The main thing is desire. Create images, outfits, prepare interesting dishes, spice it all up with fun competitions and interesting conversations.

And, of course, you will remember all this for many years;)

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Do you want something new, exotic? Then a Japanese-style party is the option for you!

Unusual costumes, loved by everyone or almost everyone, sushi, cool entertainment, exotic music and at the same time - an original thematic photo shoot and vivid photographs as a keepsake.

How to party

1. Theme and name of the party. Not just Japan, but cheerful and even funny Japan. Our party will be stylized as Japan, but not with strict adherence to national characteristics, but with an informal, even humorous approach. Let's call our party, for example, Japan Party (by analogy with the well-known euphemism “Japan Mother”).

2. Entourage.

Interior. We will bring it into the interior where our Japanese party, features of the east to immerse guests in the atmosphere of the land of the rising sun. You can decorate the room in the style of one particular symbol of Japan: for example, use many images of dragons - both scary and funny.

Or decorate the room with fans (they can be made from pieces of wallpaper sheets, from whatman paper and even newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper - in general, from anything that comes to hand) - fans can be hung on the walls and fixed on curtains, doors, furniture. If only adults, relaxed people will be present at the party, you can use erotic pictures from Japanese anime to create the ambience.

When setting the table, use rectangular rather than round plates and Japanese placemats. And, of course, you can’t do without Japanese music - you can download it.

Dress code for a Japanese-style party. You can be anyone at the party: a samurai, a Sumo wrestler, a geisha, a Japanese robot, a kamikaze, a dragon, an anime hero, etc. The main thing is to be in the Japanese style and funnier. By the way, you can organize a prize for the best and funniest Japanese costume.

3. Progress of the event.

We have Japanese style party, and the hospitable Japanese love feasts as much as we do, so we’ll immediately invite guests to the table. We will place chopsticks near the plates, but when everyone is seated at the table, we will invite guests to “buy” forks, knives and spoons. You will have to pay for cutlery not with money, but with ingenuity. The appliance seller says a Japanese proverb, and the buyer must name its Russian (or well-known in the Russian-speaking environment) analogue. Of course, if someone wants to eat with chopsticks, they shouldn’t insist on using a fork.

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

If dust particles accumulate, they will become mountains. -Water wears away stones.

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. – The less you know, the better you sleep.

Then - even fields, even mountains. - After us there might be a flood.

One stone - two birds. – Kill two birds with one stone.

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

A falling drop breaks through a stone. - Water wears away stones.

If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - They knock out a wedge with a wedge.

Having been taught a lesson on hot soup, it blows on cold vegetables. - Having burned himself on the milk, he blows on the water.

In the whole block, only my husband doesn’t know. – The husband will be the last to know about everything.

4. Entertainment, games, competitions for a Japanese party.

After dinner, we will offer guests a competition program. Its goal is to identify the best of the best Japanese in our company. After all, we have fun japanese party , therefore the titles will not be serious.

1. Competition "Japanese Chef"

Those who wish to participate will be given a large pancake or cake and a pack of mayonnaise (a doy-pack with a dispenser). In addition, you will need sample paper sheets with a hieroglyph (to be fair, everyone needs to be given the same hieroglyph). The task is to decorate the dish with a mayonnaise hieroglyph. You need to squeeze the mayonnaise from the packaging onto the pancake, drawing a hieroglyph according to the pattern. Here you can choose two winners: the one who completes the task faster, and the one whose hieroglyph is the most accurate and beautiful.

2. Competition "Japanese policeman"

The competition is held right at the table, so everyone can be involved. We give participants paper (can be A4 or larger, white or colored) and ask them to fold it into any weapon for a policeman, using the origami technique.

The winner will be not the one who can do it faster or make it more beautiful, but the one whose weapon ends up being the longest (you may have to measure it with a ruler). But we will not inform you about this condition in advance and will reveal our cards only when all the weapons are ready. The winner is awarded the title “Japanese Policeman” and a prize - a package of office paper or a roll of toilet paper with drawings/inscriptions.

3. Competition “Japan Mom”

Both men and women can participate, but it’s more fun with men. We attach inflated balloons (preferably large ones) to the bellies of those wishing to fight for the title “Japan Mama” using tape. The task is to collect sakura petals from the floor. But where do we get such exotic stuff? Instead of sakura, take rose petals or cut them out of paper - you will need a lot of petals to literally cover the floor. Whoever's stomach bursts during the game is eliminated. At the end, count the number of collected petals. The one who collects the most petals will become “Japan’s mother”. The prize could be a Japanese fan.

4. Competition “Russian-Japanese Translator”

The presenter calls a word from the Russian dictionary, and the participants must remember the Japanese word denoting the same or a similar concept. And even if it is not a completely accurate analogue, it is suitable in meaning. Humor is welcome. We give the title of “Russian-Japanese translator” and a prize – a Russian-Japanese phrasebook – to the most active and resourceful “Japanese scholar.”

Examples of words and analogues:

Mistress- geisha.
Paper plastics– origami.
Suicide- kamikaze.
stabbing– hara-kiri.
Robe- kimono.
Vodka- sake.
Hooray!- Banzai!
Letter- hieroglyph.
Fat man- sumo wrestler.
Pet– Tamagotchi.
Warrior- samurai.
Vanka-Vstanka- Daruma.
Rhyme- haiku.
Cartoon– anime.
Bouquet– ikebana.
Mat– tatami.
Crossword– Sudoku.
Mustard– wasabi.

4. Game “Japanese impromptu theater”

After the end of the competition you can continue Japanese party, but not simple, but “Japanese”. The presenter reads the text expressively. The actors, when mentioning their hero, pronounce a line and reproduce this or that movement in accordance with the text. There are seven actors and one presenter.

Heroes and lines:

(pleadingly): « TokasE is not ikebana!» ( note: this means “just don’t make an ikebana out of me!”).
Sparrow (proudly): “Japanese bird! "
Horses(two people) ( sad): « We're crazy bad».
Grass (perky): “Tickle me! "
Samurai(two people) ( menacingly): “Banzai! "


Beautiful SAKURA grew in the endless Japanese steppe. SAKURA branches swayed. A small SPARROW was sitting in the branches of SAKURA. Two purebred Japanese HORSE horses were grazing nearby. And beneath them the lush Japanese GRASS grew and stretched. Oh, how it extended! The stallions energetically and very greedily plucked the GRASS. At the same time, the GRASS tenderly tickled the bellies of the stallions. THE RORDERS neighed contentedly.

Two Japanese SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba appeared in the steppe. SAMURAI Tamagotchi was a sumo wrestler, and Samurai Toshiba was a karateka. What a Tamagotchi sumo wrestler! What a karateka Toshiba is!

The two SAMURAI hated each other and were constantly bullying. And now they were making faces and teasing each other. SPARROW, looking at this, laughed and chirped. The SAMURAI threatened the SPARROW, and it flew away from SAKURA.

SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba saw ROOMS. The SAMURAI wanted to ride the HORSE and made an attempt to do so. And another try, and another. Not immediately, but the SAMURAI managed and saddled the obstinate HORSE. The stallions impatiently beat their hooves and neighed displeasedly. The SAMURAI fidgeted nervously on their horses, wanting to fight the enemy.

They went in different directions and, taking off from their place, rushed towards each other. Tamagotchi hit Toshiba and he fell from his MOUNT. While falling, Toshiba bit the Tamagotchi. Now SAMURAI Tamagotchi has fallen from his MOUNT. The defeated SAMURAI lay on the GRASS. The beautiful SAKURA towered above them, bowing its branches sadly. A SPARROW flew past, looked at the lying SAMURAI and fell to the ground. SAKURA was left alone. Suddenly thunder roared and lightning struck SAKURA. She fell noisily.

Epilogue. In the endless Japanese steppe, a broken, crooked SAKURA grew. A plucked SPARROW was sitting on it. Under the tree lay the GRASS, crumpled and limp. SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba were lying in the GRASS and hugging each other. THE HORSE HORSES nibbled the GRASS and neighed joyfully. Peace reigned in the endless Japanese steppe.

Idea for a holiday.
A great idea for a holiday is to have an Asian-themed party. China or Japan are two particularly vibrant countries whose traditions are impressive. Clothes, fireworks, makeup style - all this is unusual and unusual for you with us. That is why it is interesting to implement such an idea at a festive evening. Today we will try to describe the scenario of an interesting Japanese-style party, and you will implement such a party! You'll love it!

Place. A spacious room will do. Please note that you will need to work a little on the decor of the room, so choose it so that it is suitable for the number of guests, but not too large - so as not to complicate the work of the holiday decorators.
Menu. Sushi, sauces. As well as small sandwiches with fish and herbs, light salads from vegetables and fish. Juices and fruits.
Dress code. Kimonos and fans, as well as makeup with an emphasis on the eyes and lips - this is for girls. Men also wore kimonos. For men, you can also suggest “putting on” a mustache - they were thin and slightly raised up.
Decor. Mats, fabric drapery, low furniture and pillows, as well as sliding doors-blocks or screens with decor. Remember traditional Japanese drawing techniques - trees, flowers and birds, as well as sakura, were mainly depicted. Fresh green and soft pink look very gentle - use it in decoration.

Holiday scenario
Guests are greeted by hosts dressed in Japanese kimonos. Everyone is escorted to their tables.
Food is being served. After the main course, the entertainment program begins.

1. Contest to create a fan. Participants are given the task of creating a huge fan. To do this, all guests are divided into teams. Each team is given whatman paper, paints and 10 minutes of time. During this time, you need to have time to create an interesting fan, decorate it and tell what is shown in the picture. Of course, the theme of the image should be a Japanese theme. For example, cherry blossoms, rice fields, or just lanterns (themes here are a little mixed with Chinese ones, but you can announce in advance that we are having an Asian party, so the themes can be combined a little).
Let the presenters determine the best fan and the winning team will be awarded a prize.
2.Contest on paper sushi. Participants are given colored paper and scissors, as well as dishes. Now they need to be sure to fill the sushi platter. We will make sushi from paper. The authors of the most “appetizing” work receive a prize and also tell what they put inside. There is also an interesting point here - people can come up with the names of some ingredients themselves, which will also turn out very funny.
3. "Letter to the Emperor." Tell the participants that the emperor loves fairy tales very much and therefore constantly asks his subjects to send him some stories. That is why we urgently need to compose some fairy tales. But, since Asians read from left to right, the letter must be written from left to right. Participants are given paper and pens and must copy the texts brought to them from left to right. This competition is not a team competition, but an individual one - so the participants will not be able to dictate to each other. Give each participant their text (it should not be too large) and give the command to rewrite. After everything has been rewritten, call the participants to read what they have done. Then read the normal, original version. To make everything even more beautiful, you just need to write a short story and break it into paragraphs. Then distribute the paragraphs to the participants and, after correspondence, ask them to read the story. You can also put a translator nearby - let him “translate” each phrase into the original version. Everything will turn out funny and fun.
4. Alternatively, you can also arrange master class for making sushi. Sushi masters from restaurants will help you with this. However, it is worth considering that such a master class will last a certain time and is unlikely to be suitable for a two-hour party. Such a master class can be arranged if you are going to celebrate all day.
5. All participants can also be offered tea ceremony . At the same time, it is necessary to explain the properties of tea, the methods of brewing it, and also tell the history of tea. it will all turn out beautiful and tasty.