How to play lotto: basic rules and recommendations. Russian game with Italian roots

Not so long ago, when TV sets were not in every home, and people had not even heard of the Internet, every family had a bag of chips and cards with numbers written on them. Every family member, even a small child, knew the rules of playing lotto. Thanks to this fun, the whole family gathered at a common table, communicating while playing. Maybe that’s why family ties were much stronger in those days?

Game history

The game of lotto came to us from Italy, where it appeared back in the 16th century. Translated, lotto means "lottery". This game quickly became popular, but was soon banned in its homeland. But she continued her march all over the world, where she gained considerable popularity and variations.

In our country, lotto took root in the 18th century, but in those days this game enjoyed special respect only among aristocrats. At any time of the year in the salons one could find a company joyfully shouting out the numbers of the kegs and congratulating the winners.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the rules of playing lotto were well known to all segments of the population, and probably every family had a linen bag with kegs and cardboard cards. Such a set was an honor, standing on the same level as checkers, chess and dominoes. This game was one of the popular souvenirs.

The essence of the game

First you need to find out what the lotto set consists of. Everything is simple here - it includes 90 barrels with numbers from 1 to 90, cards, of which there are usually 24 pieces, a linen bag, which is necessarily opaque (so that the presenter cannot see the number of the barrel and “cheat”). In addition, the set includes a storage box and the rules of playing lotto. There may also be special “closers” that are used to cover identical numbers. Older sets did not contain such counters, and similar numbers were covered with buttons.

In order to win the lotto, you must be the first of all players to close a line or card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. At the same time, the rules of playing lotto at home could be slightly different from the generally accepted ones. After all, each family could have its own traditions or preferences, which added variety to this fun. The main thing is that the essence is not lost - the winner is the one who was lucky. This was, and still is, the main interest of the game.

Varieties of lotto

The rules of playing Russian lotto imply several varieties of this fun.

Simple Lotto: The game is played on three cards, but the participant who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of them wins. When one of the players closes one line, he loudly announces it by saying the word "flat". Thus, he alerts the other players about the step towards achieving victory.

Lotto short: a shortened version of simple lotto. Players receive one playing card each, but to win they only need to close one line. This game can be called fast, and it is also designed for a large number of players (maximum 24).

Lotto "three on three"": considered the most gambling version of the lotto game. You can play in it both for material values ​​and for a wide variety of items. So, by closing the first, top line, the remaining players double the stake. Having closed midline, the winner has the right to take a third of the horse for himself. The first person to close the bottom number line takes all the winnings. Con is determined by those things or money that were given for the redemption of the playing card.

A separate type of this game is children's lotto. Instead of numbers, it uses various thematic pictures - fruits and vegetables, clothes, furniture, transport or other, a wide variety of objects. The purpose of such a lotto is to develop a child’s attention, memory, intelligence, as well as to consolidate knowledge about the basic objects surrounding him.

Rules for playing Russian lotto

This game does not require any specific knowledge. And the rules are extremely simple and understandable to everyone. The presenter takes turns taking out barrels with numbers from the bag, calling them out loud. Whoever has this number on the card closes it. If the other player also has the same number, additional chips are used - “caps” (or buttons). The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in one line or on the entire card (depending on the rules).

At home, in the family circle, the rules of the game table lotto may be modified. For example, to win you need to close a card completely, instead of just one line, or all three playing cards completely. It doesn’t matter what the rules are in your family, the main thing is that this game brings fun, communication into the house and allows you to spend time together.

At the same time, each family comes up with its own, original names for the numbers. This gives the game variety, making it fun and interesting for all ages.

Symbols of some numbers

The incredible popularity of this hobby has given rise to various rules for playing lotto. At home, everyone undoubtedly has their own symbols for all or some of the numbers that are used in the game. Therefore, we present here only the most famous of them.

“all alone”, “count”, “lord”

"swan", "couple"

“let’s figure it out for three”

"chair", "on four sides"

"axe", "poker"



"Baker's dozen"

"swan in the lake"





"ladies legs"

The examples given in the table are the most popular names that are recorded in the official game. They are built on comparisons, on folk sayings, important dates. The rest are historically named this way, although, unfortunately, there are no sources why exactly these numbers are called this way.

Rules for playing children's lotto

Lotto for young children (mainly preschoolers) is not only their first board game, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them, consolidate knowledge and broaden their horizons.

Bright pictures will certainly attract the attention of kids, showing their interest and curiosity. The rules of playing lotto for children are simple and similar to adults. The presenter takes out a card with an image and says what is drawn or written there. Children look for this item on their card. Thus, the process of memorizing and becoming familiar with various categories and objects.

Thanks to children's lotto, you can learn the alphabet, the world of animals and nature, and even foreign language(for those who are older). This game is good for developing and enriching lexicon child and his communication skills.


With development information technologies The lotto game is no longer as popular as it was 20-30 years ago. But this does not mean that it is forgotten. In many countries, lotto is still popular, taking you into a fascinating world of fun and excitement. The rules of playing home or Russian lotto are unchanged, simple and allow you to be carried away into the world of carefree childhood.

The name of the game is derived from the Italian lotto - that is, “lottery”. The first lotto game was played in a united Italy in 1530. Russian lotto in the form as we know it, it was brought from Europe in the 18th century. The game is the same as in European countries, immediately aroused great interest, but was accessible only to a narrow circle of aristocrats. By the 20th century, Russian lotto had become a very popular game among all segments of the population, regardless of gender, age, status and education. No one remembered the historical past of the famous lotto; Russian lotto became a national pastime and was included in the list of family board games.


What is this ancient fun? Lotto rules are essentially similar to a regular lottery.

The lotto contains: 90 pieces of wooden or plastic barrels, the numbers on which are drawn on both sides of the end cuts; 24 game cards, on one side of which there is a checkered field, some cells contain numbers - from 1 to 90; plastic or cardboard chips, popularly called “caps” - there are usually at least 170 of them; an opaque bag for storing gaming kegs - so that the “screamer” cannot spy on which number the keg is taking, wanting to play along with someone.

To start the game, you need to choose a leader who will pull barrels from the bag and “shout”, that is, announce the numbers. The presenter can take part in the game himself.

According to the lotto rules, players receive their number cards and “cap” chips, and throw nuts, candies or coins onto the stake - if the game is “for fun”.

In the Russian Lotto game, the rules provide for several options: simple lotto, short lotto, three-by-three lotto.

In simple lotto, players receive three cards and place them on the table in front of them. The presenter, without looking, pulls a keg out of the bag and announces its number, and the participants in the game check their cards and, having found such a number, cover it with a chip. The presenter, if he has a dropped number on the card, covers it with a barrel. If there are more than one numbers on the cards, they are covered with chips. The winner is the player who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of his cards. If a player closes one line of the card, he should warn other players by shouting the word “apartment”. After this, the leader must take out the barrels from the bag only one at a time (before this, it was allowed to take out 2-3 at a time).

In the short lotto, players are given only one card each, and to win they just need to cover all the numbers on one line.

The “three for three” option is considered the most gambling, since cards are redeemed for a certain fee, even if not with real values. Let's say we put 1-3 nuts on the line for each card. The game then proceeds in the same order as regular lotto. The three-on-three rules state that if one player covers all the numbers on the top line, then the remaining players double their bets. If the middle line of the card is filled in first, then the player takes a third of the total bet on the line. And the winner of the game is the player who is the first to close the bottom line of his card. To eliminate “cheating”, the winner must remove chips from the card and cover all the numbers with the dropped barrels. If there are not enough barrels, the cheater can be punished. For example, invite him to crawl under the table and, to the delight of everyone present, shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The point, of course, is not who wins more. An evening spent in the family circle with jokes and jokes, contagious laughter after a cheerful gambling, will be remembered for a long time for its warmth, comfort and charm. And this game will also help you acquire mental counting skills. What other game can bring so much benefit and pleasure!

It will be a lot of fun if the presenter learns the special names of some keg numbers:




"Baker's dozen"

"once in a lifetime"

"25 again"




or "dog ears"

"felt boots"

"back and forth"


“Russian Lotto” is the permanent presenter Mikhail Borisov, the legendary “Stop, game!” and drawings every weekend since 1994. What other arguments are needed?

Where can I buy?

    Website website

    Select tickets on the lottery page and pay with any in a convenient way.

    Please note: tickets selected on the site are saved for you for 5 minutes. During this time, you must move them to the “Cart” or pay for the order.

    Mobile application "Stoloto"

    Install and buy tickets whenever it is convenient for you.

    Mobile version of the site

    Go to the page and select any tickets for the upcoming circulation.

    Via SMS

    Send a message with text RL to number 9999.

    If you want to take part in the lottery via SMS, follow.

    Retail outlets and networks

    You can buy tickets in branches, bookmaker's office, lottery network, offices
    "" and stores "".

    Lottery kiosks

    Chances are there are tickets available at a store near you.
    . Check with sellers for their availability.

    Lottery machines

    Use self-service machines. Bank cards, banknotes and coins are accepted for payment. Terminal addresses
    on this page .

    Lottery center "Stoloto"

    You can buy tickets, learn everything about lotteries and see with your own eyes the lottery machines used to draw six lotteries! Read more about live broadcasts on a special page.

    How to choose?

    Any Russian Lotto ticket has two playing fields, each with 15 numbers ranging from 1 to 90.

    The combinations of numbers in the tickets have already been formed.

    Please note: in some cases you will be asked to provide a phone number when purchasing a ticket, in others you will not. What is the difference? Let's explain.

    Tickets for which you provide your mobile phone number

    Sample tickets:

    On the site you can choose a ticket with your favorite numbers or tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90

    At a retail outlet, select a coupon and give it to the seller. Then give your phone number and pay. When the ticket is registered, you will receive a notification with all the necessary information about the registered electronic lottery ticket. If you win, you will receive an SMS with a winning code.

    Important! You issue such tickets only for the next lottery draw.


    To receive your winnings, tell the seller the phone number to which the ticket was issued via SMS and (indicated on the notification).

    For sale:

    On the site, including;
    . in the application for iPhone and ;
    . ;
    . in communication shops;
    . in the networks "" and "";
    . offices "";
    . stores "";
    . branches;
    . others retail outlets sales

    Tickets for which you do not provide a mobile phone number when purchasing

    Sample ticket:


    When purchasing such tickets, you do not receive additional notifications (SMS, receipts) - the basis for paying out your winnings is the ticket itself.

    Important! You can buy tickets for different editions.

    For sale:

    . at Stoloto retail outlets.

    How to increase your chances?

    The rule is simple: the more tickets you purchase per circulation, the higher your chances will be.

    Stoloto Council. If you decide to buy multiple tickets for the same draw, if possible, avoid repeating numbers on the tickets you purchase. Diversity is among the main criteria for success.

    If you buy tickets online, you can select many tickets at once; tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90; tickets with your favorite numbers.

    . « 3 barrels left"- the phrase means that the game will be played one more move, that is, up to the 87th move inclusive. This increases the likelihood that the participant's ticket will match more numbers, and increases your chances of winning. In such draws there are always more winners than usual.

    . « 2 barrels left" - the phrase means; that the game will be played two more moves than usual, that is, up to and including the 88th move. This increases the likelihood that a participant's ticket will match more numbers and increases the chances of winning. There are even more winners in such draws than usual.

    . « Kubyshka" - the name of an additional draw when tickets are won in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field

    The pot with coins depicted on the ticket is the sign “Eggs”

    Additional drawing by ticket number - the winners are tickets whose last digits match (from left to right) with the winning combination formed from the last digits of the last barrel numbers drawn in the last three rounds.

    What is closing a sale?

    How are the draws done?


    Draws are held on weekends after the size of the prize fund has been calculated.


    The broadcast of the drawing begins on Sunday, at 14:00, in the program “They are winning!” on the NTV channel.

    You can find a video of each draw in “” on the website

    The start time of the broadcast in your region may differ from the specified one. Follow the TV program.


    The drawing takes place in a television studio, in the presence of spectators and a circulation commission. The circulation commission checks the availability of a complete set of barrels. After all rounds are completed, the drawing commission confirms that the drawing was carried out according to all the rules and signs the protocol.


    Barrels numbered from 1 to 90 are loaded into the bag. The presenter takes out the barrels one at a time and calls out their numbers. You cross out these numbers on your tickets. Each draw is held in several rounds.

    In the 1st round, the winners are tickets in which 5 numbers in any of the six horizontal lines matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.
    The phrase “before others” means that in this ticket winning combination formed earlier than in other tickets participating in the draw.

    In the 2nd round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in any of the fields matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others. If on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the kegs taken from the bag, you have won the Jackpot.

    In the 3rd and subsequent rounds, the winners are the tickets in which all 30 numbers matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.

    Tickets that win in the 1st and 2nd rounds are eligible to participate in the subsequent drawing. Tickets that win in the 3rd round do not participate in the further drawing.

    Sometimes, after the main drawing is completed, an additional drawing is held called the "Kubyshka". In this case, the winning tickets are those in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field.

    What can you win?

    The winnings of the first few rounds are the largest and can range from several tens and hundreds of thousands to several million rubles. In addition to cash prizes, the lottery often awards in-kind prizes: cars, country houses, travel and much more.

    You can choose in what form to receive such winnings - in kind or in cash.

    The prize fund is 50% of each ticket sold.

    Attention, Jackpot! It accumulates from circulation to circulation and reaches tens of millions of rubles. The winning tickets are those in which, on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag.

    Where can I find out the results?

    • The results of the draw are published on the websites and within 10 days after the draw. Check the data in

Not so long ago, when TV sets were not in every home, and people had not even heard of the Internet, every family had a bag of chips and cards with numbers written on them. Every family member, even a small child, knew the rules of playing lotto. Thanks to this fun, the whole family gathered at a common table, communicating while playing. Maybe that’s why family ties were much stronger in those days?

Game history

The game of lotto came to us from Italy, where it appeared back in the 16th century. Translated, lotto means "lottery". This game quickly became popular, but was soon banned in its homeland. But she continued her march all over the world, where she gained considerable popularity and variations.

In our country, lotto took root in the 18th century, but in those days this game enjoyed special respect only among aristocrats. At any time of the year in the salons one could find a company joyfully shouting out the numbers of the kegs and congratulating the winners.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the rules of playing lotto were well known to all segments of the population, and probably every family had a linen bag with kegs and cardboard cards. Such a set was an honor, standing on the same level as checkers, chess and dominoes. This game was one of the popular souvenirs.

The essence of the game

First you need to find out what the lotto set consists of. Everything is simple here - it includes 90 barrels with numbers from 1 to 90, cards, of which there are usually 24 pieces, a linen bag, which is necessarily opaque (so that the presenter cannot see the number of the barrel and “cheat”). In addition, the set includes a storage box and the rules of playing lotto. There may also be special “closers” that are used to cover identical numbers. Older sets did not contain such counters, and similar numbers were covered with buttons.

In order to win the lotto, you must be the first of all players to close a line or card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. At the same time, the rules of playing lotto at home could be slightly different from the generally accepted ones. After all, each family could have its own traditions or preferences, which added variety to this fun. The main thing is that the essence is not lost - the winner is the one who was lucky. This was, and still is, the main interest of the game.

Varieties of lotto

The rules of playing Russian lotto imply several varieties of this fun.

Simple Lotto: The game is played on three cards, but the participant who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of them wins. When one of the players closes one line, he loudly announces it by saying the word "flat". Thus, he alerts the other players about the step towards achieving victory.

Lotto short: a shortened version of simple lotto. Players receive one playing card each, but to win they only need to close one line. This game can be called fast, and it is also designed for a large number of players (maximum 24).

Lotto "three on three"": is considered the most gambling version of the lotto game. You can play in it both for material values ​​and for a wide variety of items. So, by closing the first, top line, the remaining players double the pot. Having closed the middle line, the winner has the right to take a third of the pot for themselves. The first person to close the bottom number line takes all the winnings. The winnings are determined by the things or money that were given for the redemption of the playing card.

A separate type of this game is children's lotto. Instead of numbers, it uses various thematic pictures - fruits and vegetables, clothes, furniture, transport or other, a wide variety of objects. The purpose of such a lotto is to develop a child’s attention, memory, intelligence, as well as to consolidate knowledge about the basic objects surrounding him.

Rules for playing Russian lotto

This game does not require any specific knowledge. And the rules are extremely simple and understandable to everyone. The presenter takes turns taking out barrels with numbers from the bag, calling them out loud. Whoever has this number on the card closes it. If the other player also has the same number, additional chips are used - “caps” (or buttons). The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in one line or on the entire card (depending on the rules).

At home, in the family circle, the rules of playing table lotto can be modified. For example, to win you need to close a card completely, instead of just one line, or all three playing cards completely. It doesn’t matter what the rules are in your family, the main thing is that this game brings fun, communication into the house and allows you to spend time together.

At the same time, each family comes up with its own, original names for the numbers. This gives the game variety, making it fun and interesting for all ages.

Symbols of some numbers

The incredible popularity of this hobby has given rise to various rules for playing lotto. At home, everyone undoubtedly has their own symbols for all or some of the numbers that are used in the game. Therefore, we present here only the most famous of them.

“all alone”, “count”, “lord”

"swan", "couple"

“let’s figure it out for three”

"chair", "on four sides"

"axe", "poker"



"Baker's dozen"

"swan in the lake"





"ladies legs"

The examples given in the table are the most popular names that are recorded in the official game. They are based on comparisons, folk sayings, and important dates. The rest are historically named this way, although, unfortunately, there are no sources why exactly these numbers are called this way.

Rules for playing children's lotto

Lotto for young children (mainly preschoolers) is not only their first board game, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them, consolidate their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

Bright pictures will certainly attract the attention of kids, showing their interest and curiosity. The rules of playing lotto for children are simple and similar to adults. The presenter takes out a card with an image and says what is drawn or written there. Children look for this item on their card. Thus, the process of memorizing and becoming familiar with various categories and objects occurs.

Thanks to children's lotto, you can learn the alphabet, the world of animals and nature, and even a foreign language (for those who are older). This game develops well, enriches the child’s vocabulary and communication skills.


With the development of information technology, the lotto game is no longer as popular as it was 20-30 years ago. But this does not mean that it is forgotten. In many countries, lotto is still popular, taking you into a fascinating world of fun and excitement. The rules of playing home or Russian lotto are unchanged, simple and allow you to be carried away into the world of carefree childhood.

Let's look at the rules and nuances of the Russian Lotto lottery. To participate in the lottery you will need to buy a lotto ticket. However, coupons with different themes and categories are sold here.

Where can I buy it?

It can be purchased in the following ways:

  1. On the official website in the “Russian Lotto” tab.

There is a selection of tickets on the lotto page To go to the required category, you will need to select the Russian Lotto icon in the right panel or scroll down the page to the large button “Tickets for 100 RUR” in the required draw.

The coupon is paid in a convenient way for the participant. It is worth knowing that when you select a lotto ticket on the site, the coupon will become available to other people after 5 minutes if it is not purchased. During the specified time, the participant should move it to the “Cart” or pay using available methods.

  1. Using an application on Android or iOS.

To do this, you will need to download the application to your mobile phone from the official website or from the Google Play or Play Store. Through the site you will need to scroll down the page until the categories run out. After the circulations there is navigation. In the category "For mobile phone", to go to the download page you will need to click on "Mobile application".

The operation of purchasing a lotto ticket is similar to that through the official website. Payment is made using any means from a bank card or electronic wallet.

  1. Through the mobile version of the site for Android or iOS devices.

To purchase a lotto ticket without installing the application, you will need to go to the official website page and scroll the wheel to the very bottom. After categories small print There will be a small block where there is a “Mobile version” button.

Then coupons are selected for any draw according to the Russian Lotto category.

  1. By sending a message from a mobile phone.

To purchase a lotto ticket in this way, you will need to send a message with the letters “RL” written in its body. Then the number 9999 is entered and sent. A response message with a code will be sent to your mobile phone. This is necessary to confirm payment. The code received in the response message from Russian Lotto is sent to the same number. In this case, payment is made using the balance of your mobile phone. In order for money to be debited from the wallet of the official website, “c” is entered before the code separated by a space. In addition, payment can be made using Qiwi wallet. To do this, enter the letter “k” separated by a space before the confirmation code. In this case, the wallet address linked to the message sending number is taken into account.

  1. In retail outlets and networks.

Lotto drawing coupons can be purchased at the following points:

  • in Megafone, Tele 2, Beeline and MTS stores;
  • at the post office;
  • at the bookmaker in Baltbet;
  • in the Balt-Loto lottery network;
  • in Rostelecom offices;
  • in Pyaterochka stores.
  1. At special lottery kiosks.
  2. In special self-service machines.

Special devices are located in Moscow and several regions. Credit cards, cash and coins are accepted here.

  1. At the main lottery center.

Regardless of the ticket you buy in Russian Lotto, there are upper and lower fields. Each of them contains 15 numbers. The maximum possible number is 90. Moreover, all numbers in any coupon are different. The participant is not allowed to replace individual numbers. When purchasing a lotto ticket, you are sometimes required to provide a mobile phone number.

Why do you need to provide a cell phone number?

When purchasing tickets from the official lotto website and through applications for mobile devices, you will need to provide a number. In addition, this category of purchases includes payment via a message to a cell phone and points of sale of lottery coupons.

An electronic ticket consists of several parts:

  • colored part;
  • black and white receipt.

The second part indicates the date of the drawing and the circulation number. In addition, the numbers in the colored form of the ticket are written here. A black and white lotto receipt will be required to receive your winnings. They especially look at the details. In addition, to receive a prize you will need to provide a mobile phone number. This is done comprehensively along with the drawing code. The number is sent to your phone as a message after the end of the lottery. Therefore, you must keep the second part (the black and white receipt) until you receive the prize.

Features of coupons without a mobile phone number

Coupon without use mobile number applied immediately to pay out the lotto prize. No additional receipt will be required. In this case, you can buy many lotto tickets for different categories of draws at once.

Ways to increase your chance of winning lotto

To increase the winnings, the participant is recommended to purchase several tickets for the Russian Lotto drawing. However, when purchasing coupons, you should avoid repeating number combinations. The main criterion for increasing the chance of winning is variety.

When a Russian Lotto ticket is purchased through the website, there is a choice:

  • a lot of tickets;
  • coupons with all numbers up to 90;
  • fields with your favorite number combinations.

In addition, the participant should follow the announcements of circulations. When the end of the draw comes, there are only 3 barrels left in the bag. Therefore, every third ticket purchased for the Russian Lotto receives prizes. Some editions provide the possibility of an additional round. Therefore, when large quantities purchased lotto tickets, the probability of winning increases.

How is the draw going?

When does ticket sales close?

Coupons for the next circulation stop being sold on Saturday at 18:30 Moscow time. Sometimes the closing is postponed, where the participant is additionally informed about the time of this drawing. If lotto tickets are purchased after 18:30 on Saturday, the coupon will apply to the next draw.

Stages of the lottery drawing

The Russian Lotto begins after the prize fund has been calculated. All broadcasts are recorded and saved. Therefore, you can watch the broadcast again through the official website in the “Archive of Circulations” tab. IN different parts countries, the beginning of the program may differ. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the TV broadcast.

The lottery is held under special control. The drawing takes place in a television studio, where viewers and the circulation commission are invited. Controlling people check the bag of kegs to ensure it is complete. When all stages of the Russian Lotto drawing are completed, the drawing commission makes a conclusion on the rules. Then the protocol is signed.

The lottery works as follows:

  1. To store the kegs, use a special bag and the numbers are loaded into it.
  2. During the broadcast, the presenter takes numbers out of the bag. The barrels are taken one by one, after each number is announced.
  3. The participant is required to cross out the numbers on the ticket.

Each drawing is carried out in several stages:

  1. First of all, coupons with 5 combinations of numbers win. This is taken into account if they match the numbers of the selected barrels from the bag in any of the 6 horizontal lines.

In this case, it happens that in the Russian Lotto drawing the winning combination lined up earlier than in other tickets of this draw.

In this case, both fields are filled in. In this case, the winners of the first and second stages are allowed to participate. However, tickets with all the numbers drawn are not allowed for the next round.

When an additional stage is held, tickets win wherever the numbers appear in the upper or lower field.

Prizes and what lotto participants win

If lotto tickets are won in the first rounds, then prize fund reaches huge amounts. In this case, the monetary gain reaches several million rubles. In the Russian Lotto you win not only money, but also cars, apartments, summer cottages or vouchers. In this case, the winner is given a choice in what form this prize will be provided to him.

The cash fund for the Russian Lotto is made up of 50% of the amount from tickets sold. The jackpot is awarded from the drawing to the next drawing. At the same time, the prize fund can reach tens of millions of rubles.

Winning the Russian Lotto lottery

Where are the results published?

To find out winning ticket Lotto can be played in several ways:

  1. Publication and announcement of results on the Russian Lotto website.

To do this, you will need to go to the website and go to the “Check tickets and draw results” tab.

Upcoming circulations will appear on a new page, or you can find the category yourself using the search bar. To do this, you need to click on it, and then options will appear. From all categories they choose “Russian Lotto”. In this case, a search is performed by the ticket number.

After the selected category, a transition to a new page occurs. Here you will need to indicate the number of the lotto draw (1) and ticket (2). If several coupons were involved, you can add them using the special button below the “Ticket number” field. When everything is entered, you need to click on “Check” (3).

If you search through the Russian Lotto Draw Archive, you will need to indicate the date of the draw. In addition, you can enter a range. In this case, all dates for the Russian Lotto will be issued for last period. From the results given, you need to choose which one the winner or participant needs.

  1. Publication in the circulation archive on mobile version lotto pages or in the application.

You can check lotto winners through the application or using the website for mobile devices. On home page You will need to click on the “Check ticket...” button.

Then it will appear new page, where you can find a winning lotto ticket by number or combination. Below there is a special field where data is entered.

  1. Directly where they sell coupons for drawings.
  2. In the newspaper "Arguments and Facts".
  3. By special phone.
  4. On our lottery verification portal " ".

To find out about your winnings, you need to call the single lotto center support service number: +7-499-270-27-27 . From a mobile phone you can dial *777 . The short number is free. However, mobile subscribers can call on it without withdrawing money from the account.

Ways to receive prizes

Depending on the amount of winnings, gifts are given to different points. Therefore, prizes up to 2 thousand rubles are given out, where you can buy lotto tickets. To clarify, you can call the support service using a single number. If the winnings in the Russian Lotto reach a five or six-figure amount, then it can be transferred to an electronic wallet in Personal Area lotto. Prizes are given out in any network that sells circulation coupons.

When a participant wins more than one hundred thousand rubles, they receive the prize by transfer to bank card. To do this, you will need to send a set of documents by mail. When the winning amount reaches a million or more rubles, the payment is made by non-cash method. To do this, you will need to prepare documents. To receive a prize, you must visit the central office of the Russian Lotto lottery company.

To receive your winnings, contact a Russian Lotto representative and provide lottery ticket. Cash prizes can be paid no later than the first day after summing up the results. The participant is able to apply for winnings within six months after the date of announcement of the results. When 6 months have passed, payment is made only through the main office.

Is winnings taxable?

For Russian participants Russian lotto tax is 13%. If the participant arrives from another country, the fee reaches 30% of the amount. In 2018, from January 1, it was decided that if the amount is equal to or exceeds 15 thousand rubles, then the tax will be withheld immediately. Otherwise, with a prize of 10 thousand rubles to an individual You will need to pay a fee at a special institution.