Presentation of ancient Greece, the cradle of civilization. Greece is the cradle of European civilization. Ancient Greece - the cradle of European civilization

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Slide captions:

Greece – “the cradle” European civilization» Religion of the Greeks Walk through Athens Acropolis Looking for a man

Religion of the Greeks How often with my yearning soul I madly long for your wonderful ancient world, Holy Greece! M. Mikhailov One of characteristic features The artistic culture of Ancient Greece reflected in it mythological ideas about natural phenomena and human life. The fantasy and vivid imagination of the Greeks populated the world with omnipotent gods and courageous heroes, whom they worshiped and whom they sacredly revered

The Greek gods have a human appearance, they, like people, suffer from grief, and rejoice in the delights of life, fall in love and hate fiercely. People build temples and colossal statues to them, compose hymns, and dedicate unique literary works.

Gods of Egypt Gods of Greece Zoomorphic depiction of gods Different depictions of the same god Gods do not interfere in people’s lives Anthropomorphic depiction of gods God is endowed with one name Gods actively participate in people’s lives

Walk along the Acropolis PROPYLEA

Walk along the Acropolis The highest achievements of ancient Greek architecture are associated with the ensemble of the Acropolis. I will forever cherish the day when I entered the Propylaea, Under your marble canopy, That the foam of the waves of the sea is whiter. Temple of Nike Apteros (Wingless)

Acropolis Athena Promachos (All-Warrior) Patroness of Athens and all the people Night looked into my face. The branches of the cypress are black. And at my feet, curled up in a ring, Sleeps the Theater of Dionysus.

Walk along the Acropolis TEMPLE ERECHTHEION

In search of man Greek art is imbued with love for man. The philosopher Diogenes walked around the city in broad daylight with a lantern in search of... A MAN. The ideal embodied: Spiritual beauty youth charm health The entire history of Greek art is the search for the ideal PERSON

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Purpose: Consider historical development, get acquainted with the culture of Greece. Objective: - to stimulate interest in the art of Ancient Greece. - develop creative abilities, satisfy cognitive interest students.

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In small towns and on the islands, centuries-old traditions of handicrafts are preserved. Gold and silver products are produced in Thessaloniki, Athens, on the island of Kerkyra (Corfu) and Ioannina; embroidery and lace - on the Ionian Islands and the Aegean Islands; Crete and Epirus are famous for their wool blankets and carpets self made. Greece also produces carved wood, ceramics and forged metal products. Folk art

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Geographical position Greece is in the southern part Balkan Peninsula and on the islands adjacent to its shores and the coast of Asia Minor. It has borders with Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey. Washed by: the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas, as well as the Libyan Sea (Crete). Greece includes about 2,000 islands, which account for almost 20% of the entire country's area. Area approximately 50,000 sq. km.

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The landscape of Greece is an endless series of rocky, often treeless mountains, densely populated valleys, numerous islands, straits and bays. Mountain ranges make up almost a quarter of the country's surface. These are mainly mountains of medium heights up to 1200-1800 m. Relief

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One of ancient cities world and at the same time one of the youngest capitals in Europe, the status of a capital city acquired only after the events of the Greek National Liberation War of the 19th century in 1834. Athens

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98% of the population are adherents of the Greek Orthodox Church: The Greek Constitution recognizes Orthodoxy as the leading religion in the country, while guaranteeing freedom of religion for all citizens. 2% - Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims. Religion

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Most likely, hardly anyone will dispute that Greece (Hellas) is the cradle of European civilization. And not only:... Thousands of English and Russian words come from Greek language The Greeks prefer to celebrate their name days rather than their birthdays. The Greek anthem consists of 158 quatrains. Although, of course, only the first four sing. Curious facts

Slide presentation

Slide text: Greece is the cradle of European civilization

Slide text: Purpose: Consider historical development, get acquainted with the culture of Greece. Objective: - to stimulate interest in the art of Ancient Greece. - develop creative abilities, satisfy the cognitive interest of students.

Slide text: In small towns and on islands, centuries-old traditions of handicrafts are preserved. Gold and silver products are produced in Thessaloniki, Athens, on the island of Kerkyra (Corfu) and Ioannina; embroidery and lace - on the Ionian Islands and the Aegean Islands; Crete and Epirus are famous for their handwoven wool blankets and carpets. Greece also produces carved wood, ceramics and forged metal products. Folk art

Slide text: Geographical location Greece is located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and on the islands adjacent to its shores and the coast of Asia Minor. It has borders with Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey. Washed by: the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas, as well as the Libyan Sea (Crete). Greece includes about 2,000 islands, which account for almost 20% of the entire country's area. Area approximately 50,000 sq. km.

Slide text: The landscape of Greece is an endless series of rocky, often treeless mountains, densely populated valleys, numerous islands, straits and bays. Mountain ranges make up almost a quarter of the country's surface. These are mainly mountains of medium heights up to 1200-1800 m. Relief

Slide text: One of the oldest cities in the world and at the same time one of the youngest capitals in Europe, the city acquired the status of capital only after the events of the Greek National Liberation War of the 19th century in 1834. Athens

Slide text: 98% of the population are adherents of the Greek Orthodox Church: The Greek Constitution recognizes Orthodoxy as the leading religion in the country, while simultaneously guaranteeing freedom of religion for all citizens. 2% - Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims. Religion

Slide text: Most likely, hardly anyone will dispute that Greece (Hellas) is the cradle of European civilization. And not only:... Thousands of English and Russian words come from the Greek language. The Greeks prefer to celebrate their name days rather than their birthdays. The Greek anthem consists of 158 quatrains. Although, of course, only the first four sing. Curious facts

Slide text: January 1 - New Year January 6 - Epiphany January 8 - Gynaikratiya January 28 - Apokries March 25 - Independence Day Transitional - Good Friday, Easter, Svetly Monday May 1 - Labor Day May 21 - Pirovassion May 26 - St. Day. John the Russian June 23 – Midsummer Night Holidays