A complex story plan after Tolstoy's ball. Retelling of the story “After the Ball” by L. N. Tolstoy

We need a plan for the story “after the ball” by L.N. Tolstoy

  1. I. Contrasting unity.
    II. Dance steps and blows of spitsruten.
    1. Colonel at the ball
    b) Modesty and nobility
    2. Colonel after the ball:
    a) Description of appearance and actions
    b) Cruelty and hatred
    III. Colonel: deception or reality?

    In his story After the Ball, Lev Nikolaevich to achieve artistic truth
    readers used images and deeper perception of their thoughts and feelings
    contrast construction all episodes, images and scenes. Using this construction method
    literary works, the writer very fully and multifacetedly portrayed not only the characters
    story, but also the entire contradictory and contrasting Nicholas era. Thanks to
    antithesis, literary antagonism, polarity, two completely separate parts of the story
    are combined into a single, spectacular, fantastically beautiful picture.
    “Look, dad is being asked to dance,” - this was the first mention of the colonel. This
    there was a very tall, representative, slender man with silver epaulettes. He has
    there was a ruddy face, a gentle, radiant smile, a white mustache and sideburns. With great difficulty
    guests and the hosts of the ball managed to obtain the consent of the military commander to dance with his
    daughter. I don’t think it’s necessary to describe his dance, but I will say that he danced with enormous
    desire, diligence, because he did not want to lose his authority (is it authority?) in front of
    sophisticated and impressive audience. He danced brilliantly (all the mistakes and insufficient
    the speed can be attributed to his age (after all, he is a fresh old man)). L. N. Tolstoy draws
    readers' attention to the colonel's modest boots: to take out and dress his beloved

  2. Know one thing:

    2. Dance with Varenka.
    3. Dance of Varenka's father.
    4. End of the ball.

    6. Description of the procession.
    7. Conclusions and the end of the story
  3. The work is divided into two groups: “Before the ball” and “After the ball”. The work contains retrospective and circular compositions.
    1. The beginning of Ivan Vasilyevich’s story.
    2. Dance with Varenka.
    3. Dance of Varenka's father.
    4. End of the ball.
    5. Meeting of the column punishing the Tatar along with Varenka’s father.
    6. Description of the procession.
    7. Conclusions and the end of the story
  4. 1. The beginning of Ivan Vasilyevich’s story.
    2. Dance with Varenka.
    3. Dance of Varenka's father.
    4. End of the ball.
    5. Meeting of the column punishing the deserter
    together with Varenka's father.
    6. Description of the procession.
    7. Conclusions and end of the story.


Lesson topic : ""After the ball." The main motives of the story. Techniques for creating images."

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Lesson format: combined.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Educational:

1) expand students’ understanding of the work of L.N. Tolstoy;

2) introduce his views on immediate history, with the historical background for the creation of the story “After the Ball”;

3) consider the plot and composition of the story, identify the basic techniques for creating images;

4) show how the technique of contrast helps to reveal the idea of ​​a story;

5) see the relationship between the form and content of the work;

6) reveal his humanistic pathos.

2. Developmental:

1) develop logical thinking(operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.);

2) develop students’ speech activity in the process of reading (comprehension educational material), listening (comprehension of oral text);

3) develop cognitive processes(memory, imagination, attention, etc.).

4) develop communicative competencies.

3. Educators:

1) cultivate a harmonious and spiritual personality;

2) cultivate interest in the subject.

Methods: heuristic, conversation method, frontal survey method, comparative, analytical, expressive reading method, method word drawing, illustrative method.

Leading task:read the story by L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball".

Materials and equipment:textbook on literature for 8th grade G.S. Merkin, multimedia presentation.

Lesson plan:

– 5 min.

II. The teacher's story about the historical and cultural background of L.N.'s story. Tolstoy “After the Ball” – 5 min.

III. Analytical work on the work – 10 min.

IV. Conversation about the main characters – 20 min.

V. Summing up the lesson – 5 min.

Lesson progress:

I. Opening remarks teachers. Today we turn to the work of the largest and outstanding Russian classic writer L.N. Tolstoy. The focus is on the story “After the Ball,” one of the most famous in the author’s legacy.The writer was worried all his life about the lack of rights of the Russian soldier(slide 1) . Back in 1855, he worked on a project for reforming the army, in which he spoke out against the barbaric punishment of “driving through the ranks.” But the story “After the Ball” goes far beyond a protest against the inhumane treatment of soldiers; it poses broad humanistic problems, such as duty, conscience, humanity, and mercy. As L.N. expresses Tolstoy these problems, with the help of which artistic techniques and the means to achieve the expression of these problems, what are the main motives of the story, we will talk today.

II. The teacher's story about the historical and cultural background of L.N.'s story. Tolstoy "After the Ball".Before us is a portrait of L.N. Tolstoy by artist N.N. Ge (1884)(slide 2). “Late evening. The room is in twilight. It seems that there is deep silence in the house, everyone around is sleeping, and only the great worker Tolstoy cannot tear himself away from work, which is the main work of his life... He wants the truth, understood by him, to become available to all people... Tolstoy here he looks like a wise and majestic prophet, a strict judge and teacher of life... An invisible candle brightly illuminates Tolstoy’s face, the light silvers his gray hair, and this creates a feeling of clarity of thought, inner peace and gentle humanity, so strangely combined with the severity of the preacher.”

Reading the diaries of L.N. Tolstoy for 1903, we will see several interesting entries from July 9, August 9, August 20. We are talking about the story “After the Ball”(slide 3). The story was first published only after the writer's death.

The writer’s memory retained a lot and captured it in this story. Together with the writer, we are transported to the 40s of the 19th century, the time of the reign of Nicholas II, whom the advanced Russian intelligentsia nicknamed “Nikolai Palkin.” The noble-serf state was still strong at that time. Cane discipline was rampant in the troops, and soldiers were whipped for any offense or driven “through the gauntlet” when under drum roll the person being punished was dragged between the rows of soldiers and each was obliged to hit his naked body with a stick or a rifle ramrod. People were often beaten to death(slide 4).

Participant Crimean War, the writer fiercely defended throughout his life the idea of ​​mercy and compassion, especially in relation to the ordinary Russian soldier. What was the source for creating the story?(slide 5). It is known that the story is based on a story that happened to the writer’s older brother, Sergei Nikolaevich.

III. Analytical work on the work.What impression did the story make on you? Why?

(Students' answers).

– Read the introduction. What is his role?

(“You say that a person cannot understand on his own what is good and what is bad, that it’s all about the environment, that the environment is jamming. But I think that it’s all about the case. I’ll tell you about myself.

This is how the respected Ivan Vasilyevich spoke after a conversation between us, about the fact that for personal improvement it is necessary to first change the conditions among which people live. No one, in fact, said that you cannot understand for yourself what is good and what is bad, but Ivan Vasilyevich had such a manner of responding to his own thoughts that arose as a result of conversation and, on the occasion of these thoughts, telling episodes from his life. Often he completely forgot the reason for which he was telling, getting carried away by the story, especially since he told it very sincerely and truthfully.

That’s what he did now.”

The introduction, as it were, sets the reader up to perceive subsequent events and introduces the narrator. The narrative begins immediately, even suddenly, without a detailed preface. And it also ends without any conclusions. Before us is, as it were, a fragment of life: here is an incident that happened a long time ago, but answers the questions of modern reality, the writer tells us).

– What is the peculiarity of the structure of the story, its composition? Highlight the main parts of the story.

(The following main parts are distinguished in the story: introduction, ball, after the ball, conclusion. The story is thus enclosed in a “frame”. This compositional technique is called “a story within a story” because the work is written in such a way that we learn about all the events from the narrator) (slide 6).

– What parts does Ivan Vasilyevich’s story itself consist of?

(Scenes of the ball and execution).

– Which of the two parts do you consider to be the main one, carrying the main content of the work?

(This is the second part, where the colonel and the soldiers submissive to him torture the Tatar).

– Why did the writer need the first part?

(Show the “other” side of life in the Nicholas era, and with its help highlight and emphasize the cruelty of the paintings of the second part).

– What is this technique called?

(Antithesis - opposition. The story contrasts the main plot points - the ball scene and the execution).

– What images and situations are contrasted by the writer?

(Ball at the provincial leader = execution, hall at the leader = description of the street, hosts of the ball = soldiers, Varenka = punished).

– What images unite the parts of the story?

(Images of the colonel and Ivan Vasilyevich).

IV. Conversation about the main characters.Who is the main character of the work? Why? Give reasons for your point of view.

(The narrator, it is on his behalf that the story is told and the incident that happened to him, which turned his whole life upside down, is described).

– How do you imagine him? Try to draw a verbal portrait of him.

(Students' answers).

– How does Ivan Vasilyevich feel at the ball?

(He really likes everything there, he is literally blinded by its splendor and beauty).

– What epithets were chosen to describe the ball?

(The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the musicians are famous, the buffet is magnificent, the owner is good-natured).

– Why does the hero see everything at the ball in such rainbow colors?

(He is happy, in love).

– What color scheme does L.N. use? Tolstoy to depict this scene? Which color is dominant? Why? What associations does it give you? white? What might it symbolize?

(Good, light, purity, dream, ideal).

– Now let’s immediately see what colors are involved in the second episode.

(Something big black).

– The hero doesn’t see the whole picture yet, but what does the reader feel when he hears these words?

(Alarm, warning).

– Black people – what kind of people are these? Why was this form chosen? men in black ? Will we see what the military is doing?

(They punish the person).

-What are they bringing him?

(Pain, suffering, torment).

– What other colors are present in the episode?

(Red, white).

– The color white appears again, but now it represents completely different feelings (baring white teeth). What is hidden behind these words?

(Torment, pain).

– Compared to black people, this white grin looks especially terrible. The contrast helped the writer create the emotional atmosphere of the episode and show fracture in the soul of a hero. Why did Colonel B. hit the soldier in the face?

(Because he weakly hit the Tatar).

– Have we already seen this piece of clothing? Under what circumstances?

(I put on a glove to dance with Varenka).

– Remember what the colonel said at the same time?

(“Everything must be done according to the law”).

– Tolstoy uses the techniquemirror reflection: Colonel B. was reflected as in a distorting mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove, now again “everything must be done according to the law.” What “law” does the colonel live by? By what “law” did he slap the soldier in the face?

(According to the law of military life).

– What side of military life did Ivan Vasilyevich see? What trait manifested itself in the colonel’s behavior?


- Why, after seeing this, did the hero change his mind about becoming a military man?

(He would have to accept these laws, this cruelty, but he could not participate in this horror, since just the sight made him feel shame ).

“But something else was revealed to the hero this morning. He apparently found his place in life. One of his interlocutors says: “No matter how many people would be worthless if you weren’t there.” Ivan Vasilyevich refused to live by “military laws” with their cruelty, he begins to understand the falsity of the laws high society, to which Colonel B. belongs. Tolstoy reveals the truth to both the hero and the reader: there is different law , according to which people have tried to live from time immemorial. What law is this?


– On what day do all the events take place?

(Forgiveness Sunday - Clean Monday).

– What kind of holiday is Forgiveness Sunday?

(We must forgive everyone, we must repent).

– Why is Monday called Clean?

(The man was cleansed and fasting began - abstinence, prayers, repentance).

– What phrase throughout Clean Monday will it sound in the hero's memory?

(“Brothers, have mercy”).

“But the brothers were not merciful.” And only two people heard these pleas. Who are they?

(Ivan Vasilyevich and a weak soldier, who was immediately punished for his compassion).

– What do you think the author is calling us and pushing the hero towards? What a simple but important truth is revealed to the hero in this holy day ? How should you learn to live?

(According to God's laws, compassion, forgiveness, loving people.)

- But could the colonel have acted differently?

(Most likely in this case he himself would have been punished).

– What is the root of these contradictions, according to Tolstoy?

(In that social and political order, who was in Russia during Nikolaev’s time).

What do you see as the critical power of storytelling? What are the main motives in it?(slide 7).

(Motives of rejection of social justice, motives of forgiveness, mercy, conscience. The critical strength of the story is in revealing the “weak” sides of social order, under which they live Tolstoy's heroes, rejection of cruelty in any of its manifestations. At the same time, the author seems to be drawing parallels with his contemporary time, in which, unfortunately, little has changed in Russia).

- Right. At the same time, the writer masterfully masters the visual and expressive means of language when creating images of characters: color, sound and their contrasting comparison. In the original editions, the story had the following titles: “Daughter and Father,” “And You Say.” Why did the writer prefer the title “After the Ball”?

(The scene with the punishment of the soldiers became a kind of “sobering up” of the hero from the pomp and splendor of the “facade” life of the era).

V. Summing up the lesson. The significance of the story “After the Ball” goes far beyond the protest against the inhumane treatment of soldiers and even against corporal punishment peasants: he raised, as we see, broad humanistic problems: “If we look directly at the past, our present will also be revealed to us. If we just stop blinding our eyes with fictitious government benefits and benefits and look at the fact that one thing is important: the good and evil of people’s lives, everything will become clear to us.If we give real names to bonfires, torture, scaffolds, brands, recruiting, then we will also find a real name for prisons, prisons, troops with general conscription, prosecutors, gendarmes.If we don’t say: why commemorate? and let us not obscure past human affairs with imaginary benefits for various fictions, we will understand what was done before, we will also understand what is being done now” (L.N. Tolstoy. “Nikolai Palkin”)(slide 8).

D/s: Write an essay on one of the topics:

1. “The Colonel at the ball and after the ball.”

2. “Thoughts and feelings of Ivan Vasilyevich at the ball and after the ball.”

2. Ball at the provincial leader's place.

A) Happy lover.

B) Varenka’s dance with her father.

3. Walk at dawn.

A) Punishment of a fugitive Tatar.

B) Meeting with the beloved’s father.

C) The hero’s horror and experiences.

4. Choice young man.

The story “After the Ball” refers to late works L. N. Tolstoy. It is based on real events that happened to the writer's brother. It is known that the author had several options for titles for the story. At the beginning of this work, L.N. Tolstoy raises the question of what does a person need to improve? Does it affect environment to this process? Through the story shared by the main character, Ivan Vasilyevich, the writer tries to answer these questions. Why is the story called “After the Ball”?

The story can be divided into two parts: the ball and what happened in the morning. Writer at construction storyline uses contrast. At the ball there are good-natured, handsome hosts, a beautiful hall, a magnificent buffet and a sea of ​​champagne. Main character, Ivan

Vasilyevich is filled with the most rosy dreams. He is worried about the greatest love in his life - the beautiful Varenka. The girl delights him, even a feather from his beloved’s fan is dear to Ivan Vasilyevich. Varya eclipsed all the women at the ball. The world seems beautiful, and the young man is overwhelmed with feelings. Sincere Ivan Vasilyevich felt an “enthusiastic and tender” feeling towards everyone around him.

Varya's dance with her father plays a big role in the plot and serves as the climax. Ivan Vasilyevich admires the slender, strong old man and his graceful daughter. Tolstoy emphasizes the details: Varya’s father has old-fashioned boots. He is probably saving money so that he can dress up his daughter and take her out into the world. The old man seemed charming to the young man. The young man returns home, he is happy. His “soul sang.” Love doesn't let you sleep, and Ivan Vasilyevich goes for a walk.

Contrasting the ball with the scene of the prisoner's punishment, the writer uses bright artistic details and epithets. So, the melody is “unpleasant, shrill,” and the music is “hard, bad.” Varya’s father, who commands the soldiers, is also unrecognizable. He has a “protruding lip” and an evil look. The old man hits the weak soldier in the face. The back of a prisoner who is led through the line and beaten turns into a bloody mess. The poor condemned Tatar writhes, shudders, suffers.

The young man, to whom the world seemed touching and beautiful just a couple of hours ago, is shocked. The writer pays great attention inner world hero. Now horror does not allow him to sleep.

The story is called “After the Ball” because it was the events of the morning that were decisive in the fate of the young man and changed his plans. Every time the young man looked at the girl, he imagined her father in the square. Ivan Vasilyevich did not become involved in military affairs and did not marry Vara. Thus, the writer places responsibility for his fate on the person himself and answers the question posed at the beginning of the work. After the ball, the young man became acquainted with a terrible reality and the collapse of his youthful hopes. Together with his hero L.N. Tolstoy does not understand what makes a person show cruelty towards other people.

In Leo Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” there are three main characters: the young man Ivan Vasilyevich, his beloved Varenka, the girl’s father Pyotr Vladislavovich. Minor characters appear in the story on short time. With their help, the author emphasizes the contrast between events. Thus, the hostess of the ball is “good-natured,” and the blacksmith, witness to the punishment, “speaks angrily.” The footman and brother in love Ivan Vasilyevich is ready to kiss.

The narration comes from the first person - a young man in love. This goodie evokes great sympathy. At a young age he is “cheerful, lively” and rich. Having grown old, he remains respected by everyone. The main character describes events that are long past, but have left a huge mark on his life. In his youth, the hero was full of life, knew no evil and was only capable of good deeds. His feelings for Varya are passionate, enthusiastic, sincere.

The girl is sweet and charming. She has a shining face with dimples, a cheerful smile. Ivan Vasilyevich especially liked her regal posture. Even at 50, she remained beautiful. Despite the fact that the feelings were mutual, the lovers broke up.

Ivan Vasilyevich encountered the cruelty of Varya’s father, whom he admired just a couple of hours ago. Much attention is given to the hero's experiences. He reconsidered both his attitude towards the girl and his plans to become a military man. At the ball, Varya’s father evoked tenderness and delight among those present. This charming old man loved his daughter. Petr Vladislavovich is “fresh, strong” with long slender legs. It was built beautifully. He has a ruddy face, sparkling eyes, and a pleasant smile. Pyotr Vladislavovich earned respect from his daughter’s young suitor. While dancing at the ball, the young man united his daughter and father into a single whole. Everything changed when the guy met Varya’s father after the ball. The old man oversaw the punishment of the fugitive Tatar and appeared before the young man in the most unsightly light. Pyotr Vladislavovich hits a short soldier in the face for a weak blow. After this, the guy could not continue to relate to Vara.

Throughout his life, the main character never understood how people can be noble in secular society, and at the same time show cruelty towards subordinates and other people. Through the main character, the writer expresses his rejection of evil and duplicity.

In the work “After the Ball” L. N. Tolstoy raises a number of acute social problems. One of them is corporal punishment in the army, which was often used in Russia during the writer’s time. It is not without reason that the work is based on real events that at one time shocked L. N. Tolstoy. The author calls this shameful phenomenon a “bad deed.” He, along with his hero, wonders why corporal punishment is recognized in society as “everything necessary”? For Ivan Vasilyevich, the sight of a bloodied fugitive soldier causes horror.

The second issue that the writer covers in the story is self-improvement. Does it depend on the environment in which a person lives? What impact does it have on personality? The main character is faced with how different the same character can be in a social setting at a ball and among the people subordinate to him. A young man, unfamiliar with evil, could not understand how a cruel, hot-tempered military leader could be a loving father and at the same time an honorable guest at the ball?

Ivan Vasilyevich made his life choice in accordance with his convictions and conscience. The interlocutors call the main character a respected person. He did not become a military man and did not marry the girl he loved very much. He was so shocked by what he saw after the ball. The writer emphasizes that the fate of each person depends on the decisions he makes.

(1 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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MBOU "Bolshebereznikovskaya comprehensive school"

Conducted by: Zevaikina N.M.


Lesson objectives: note artistic features story; emphasize special role the image of the narrator-storyteller Ivan Vasilyevich, whose “monologue of the soul” constitutes the most sensitive moral and psychological nerve, artistic sense story.


  • N. Ge “Portrait of L. Tolstoy”, musical fragment by F. Chopin “Mazurka XX”, text of the story “After the Ball”, computer presentation
  • Lesson progress:
  • 1.Creating a situation of success. Motivation (Slide No. 3)
  • - Good afternoon, guys and guests. I am glad to welcome you to the lesson.(Slide No. 4)

Today in class we will analyze the story of L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball" and special attention Let us pay attention to the skill of the writer, who rightfully became the first figure in Russian literature.

Before you is a portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, made in 1884 by artist Nikolai Ge

“Late evening. The room is immersed in twilight. It seems that everyone around is sleeping, and only the great worker Tolstoy cannot tear himself away from work, which is now the main work of his life... He wants the truth, understood by him, to become available to all people. .. Tolstoy here looks like a wise and majestic prophet, a strict judge and teacher of life. An invisible candle brightly illuminates Tolstoy’s face, the light silvers his gray hair, and this creates a feeling of clarity of thought, inner peace and gentle humanity, so strangely combined with the severity of the preacher."

At the turn of two eras, L.N. Tolstoy created a number of works, among which was the story “After the Ball,” which was written in 1903 and published after the writer’s death in 1911.

The plot basis of the story was a real event that happened to the writer’s brother Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Varvara Andreevna Koreysh... She was the daughter of the military commander in Kazan, Andrei Petrovich Koreysh. L.N. knew both her and her father. Sergei Nikolaevich's (Tolstoy's brother) feeling for this girl faded away after he, having joyfully danced a mazurka with her at a ball, saw the next morning how her father ordered the driving through the ranks of a soldier who had escaped from the barracks. This incident then became known to Lev Nikolaevich, who fifty years later extra years(in 1903) used it for his story “After the Ball.”

The story “After the Ball” was written towards the end of the writer’s life. It embodied all the skill of Tolstoy the artist. Let's take a look artistic originality this work.

Composition –

What unusual things did you notice in the structure of the story? From whose perspective is the story told?
(The narration is told from the point of view of the narrator. A story within a story. It consists of two parts: a description of the ball and what happened after the ball.)
- What do you think the ball was for nobleman XIX centuries?
It sounds like a waltz.
Against the background of the melody
music teacher:
- At that time dancing was important structural element noble life.

How many parts can the story be divided into? Which ones?

Which two scenes are contrasted?

In the story “After the Ball” L.N. Tolstoy uses the “story within a story” technique to achieve this

The ball began with a Polish (polonaise). You heard the sound of this dance today at the beginning of the lesson. What is the character of polonaise music?
Children's answers: solemn, calm, leisurely, stately dance-procession.
- Let's turn to the text of the story.
The description of the ball is read.
- Which dance is described in more detail by the author?
- Mazurka, Varenka dances the mazurka with her father, etc., the mazurka sounds in the narrator’s ears even after the ball.
music teacher:
- In those days, the Mazurka formed the center of the ball and marked its culmination. Mazurka – folk dance, but in the 19th century entered the ballrooms of many European countries. Prowess, brilliance and grace distinguish the mazurka.

The introduction, as it were, sets the reader up to perceive subsequent events and introduces the narrator. The narrative begins immediately, even suddenly, without a detailed preface. And it also ends without any conclusions. The beginning echoes the ending. Before us is, as it were, a fragment of life: here is an incident that happened a long time ago, but answers the questions of modern reality, the writer tells us.
Thus, the hero’s remark seems to define the theme: “But I think it’s all a matter of chance.” This “incident” is what makes up the plot.

Which of the two parts do you consider to be the main one, carrying the main content of the work?
- Why did the writer need the first part?
- What is this technique called?
(Antithesis - opposition. The story contrasts the main plot points - the ball scene and the execution). Execution is the order of carrying out bodily execution. punishment or death executions.

What images and situations are contrasted by the writer?
(Ball at the provincial leader = execution, hall at the leader = description of the street, hosts of the ball = soldiers, Varenka = punished).
The whole story is built on contrasts - a description of the events of the ball and after, psychological state heroes.

The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is magnificent, the musicians are famous, the cheerful tune of music sounds continuously. In the spring wet fog there is something black, motley, wet; soldiers in black uniforms, an unpleasant shrill melody can be heard.

Why is this technique used here?
- What did the contrast help convey?
III. Conversation about the main characters. Who is the main character of the work? Why? Give reasons for your point of view.
– How do you imagine him? Try to draw a verbal portrait of him.
(Students' answers).
– How does Ivan Vasilyevich feel at the ball?

– What epithets were chosen to describe the ball?
(The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the musicians are famous, the buffet is magnificent, the owner is good-natured).
– Why does the hero see everything at the ball so rosy?colors ?
(He is happy, in love).
– What color scheme does L.N. use? Tolstoy to depict this scene? Whichcolor dominates? Why? What associations does the color white evoke in you? What might it symbolize?
(Good, light, purity, dream, ideal).
– Now let’s immediately see what colors are involved in the second episode.
– The hero doesn’t see the whole picture yet, but what does the reader feel when he hears these words?
– Black people – what kind of people are they? Why was this uniform chosen, not the men in black? Will we see what the military is doing?
-What are they bringing him?
- What other colors present in the episode?
– The color white appears again, but now it represents completely different feelings (baring white teeth). What is hidden behind these words?
– Compared to black people, this white grin looks especially terrible. The contrast helped the writer create the emotional atmosphere of the episode and show the turning point in the hero’s soul.
- Why did Colonel B. hit the soldier in the face?
- This detail clothes have we already seen? Under what circumstances?
Tolstoy uses the technique of mirror reflection: Colonel B. was reflected as in a distorting mirror: the same ruddy face, the same white mustache, the same suede glove, now again “everything must be done according to the law.” What “law” does the colonel live by? By what “law” did he slap the soldier in the face?
What side of military life did Ivan Vasilyevich see? What trait manifested itself in the colonel’s behavior?
- Why, after seeing this, did the hero change his mind about becoming a military man?
(He would have to accept these laws, this cruelty, but he could not participate in this horror, since he felt shame from the mere sight).
“But something else was revealed to the hero this morning. He apparently found his place in life. One of his interlocutors says: “No matter how many people would be worthless if you weren’t there.” Ivan Vasilyevich refused to live by “military laws” with their cruelty; he begins to understand the falsity of the laws of the high society, to which Colonel B. belongs. Tolstoy reveals the truth to both the hero and the reader: there is another law by which people have tried to live from time immemorial. What law is this?
– On what day do all the events take place?
(Forgiveness Sunday - Clean Monday).
– What kind of holiday is Forgiveness Sunday?
(We must forgive everyone, we must repent).
– Why is Monday called Clean?
(The man was cleansed and fasting began - abstinence, prayers, repentance).
– What phrase will ring in the hero’s memory throughout Clean Monday?
(“Brothers, have mercy”).
“But the brothers were not merciful.” And only two people heard these pleas. Who are they?
– What do you think the author is calling us and pushing the hero towards? What simple but important truth is revealed to the hero on this holy day? How should you learn to live?
- But could the colonel have acted differently?
-What are the main motives in the story?
(Motives for rejection of social justice, motives for forgiveness, mercy, conscience)

The writer masterfully masters the visual and expressive means of language when creating images of heroes. The author emphasizes the contrast: in the composition of the story, in the system of images, in linguistic means, in descriptions.
IV. Summing up the lesson.
What is the idea behind the story “After the Ball”? (a person cannot and should not be indifferent to the lives of those close and distant; moreover, he must feel his personal responsibility for everything that happens in the world)
What interested you most in class today?
Is the topic relevant today?
What is the meaning of today's lesson for you?
The significance of the story “After the Ball” goes far beyond the protest against the inhuman treatment of soldiers and even against corporal punishment of peasants: Tolstoy, as we see, raised broad humanistic problems.

5.4. Generalization.

Why didn’t Ivan Vasilyevich intervene in what was happening? Confirm this with text.(He was so stunned by what he saw that he could not comprehend what had happened)

Is Ivan Vasilyevich right when he considers Varya to be involved in the evil committed by her father?

How did Ivan Vasilyevich’s life change after this incident?

(He abandoned his military career. The hero chooses the path of “non-participation in lies.” This is the path of internal opposition to social evil.)

5.5. Test.

6. Lesson summary.

- And now, finishing the lesson, let's summarize: what problem did we try to solve in the lesson?

(This morning of Clean Monday changed the hero’s whole life. He became disillusioned with military service, because he saw all its cruelty, saw the falseness social life and realized that we must live according to Christian laws. Tolstoy conveys this meaning using various artistic means.)

The significance of the story is enormous. Tolstoy, as we see, poses broad humanistic problems: why do some live a carefree life, while others drag out a miserable existence? What is justice, honor, dignity?

These problems have worried and continue to worry more than one generation of Russian society.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A woman, religion, a road.

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

Shield and armor, staff and patches.

The measure of the final reckoning

everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose - as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

All the writer’s skill is aimed at raising a humanist, a person who is not indifferent to others.

6. Homework assignment.

Explain the title of the story in writing.

Retelling plan

1. Ivan Vasilyevich begins a story about an incident that turned his life upside down.
2. Description of the ball. The hero's love.
3. After the ball. The hero accidentally witnesses the execution and cruelty of Varenka’s father.
4. This incident turns the hero’s life upside down and disrupts all his future plans.


The respected Ivan Vasilyevich, unexpectedly for all those present, expresses the idea that it is not the environment that influences the formation of a young man’s worldview, but chance. Your statement old man reinforces with a story about an incident from own life, after which “his whole life changed” for him.

As a young man, Ivan Vasilyevich was in love with a certain Varenka B., a lovely girl: tall, slender, graceful. At that time he was “a student at a provincial university,” a cheerful and lively fellow, and also rich. Like many young people in his circle, Ivan Vasilyevich spent his evenings at balls and caroused with friends.

Ivan Vasilyevich characterizes the ball at the provincial leader as “wonderful” not so much because everything was really wonderful there, but because his beloved was at the ball. Varenka looked especially beautiful in a pink and white dress. Ivan Vasilyevich danced with her all evening and felt that his love for her was mutual.

Varenka’s father, a colonel (“a very handsome, stately, tall and fresh old man”), has the same affectionate and joyful smile as his daughter. The owners persuade him to dance a mazurka with their daughter. The dancing couple attracts everyone's attention. The main character is touched by the fact that the colonel is wearing unfashionable calf boots, since, obviously, he is forced to deny himself a lot in order to dress and take his daughter out into the world. After the dance, the colonel brought Varenka to Ivan Vasilyevich, and for the rest of the evening the young people were not separated. They don’t talk about love, and there’s no need to: Ivan Vasilyevich is happy. He fears only one thing: that his happiness will not be spoiled by anything.

The hero returns home in the morning, but cannot sleep because he is “too happy.” He goes to wander around the city in the direction of Varenka’s house. Suddenly the young man hears the sounds of a flute and a drum, hard, bad sounds. It turned out that this music accompanied the punishment of a Tatar soldier for escaping. He was “run through the gauntlet.” Varenka’s father commanded the execution. The person being punished begged for “mercy,” but the colonel strictly monitored compliance with the punishment procedure. Therefore, he hit the “frightened, short, weak soldier” in the face because he “smeared”, i.e. lightly lowers his stick onto the already mutilated back of the person being punished. The sight of the soldier’s red, motley, blood-wet back terrifies Ivan Vasilyevich, as does the punishment procedure itself. But what shocked the young man most was the realization that he was unable to understand the colonel’s obvious confidence in the correctness of his actions, who, meanwhile, noticing Ivan Vasilyevich, turned away and pretended to be unfamiliar with him.

After everything he saw, Ivan Vasilyevich “could not enter the military service, as I wanted before,” and “from that day on, love began to wane.” So just one incident changed the hero’s entire life and views.