Pig play biography. Andrey Panov: biography, personal life, family, photo. Genre definition of creativity

Andrey Panov is a Soviet and Russian rock musician who became the leader of the punk band Automatic Satisfactories. He lived in the period 1960-1998. Most often they called Andrei Panov Pig. He went down in history as a pioneer of the punk rock genre in the USSR.


Panov Andrey Valerievich was born on March 23, 1960 in Leningrad. His parents were closely involved in ballet. As a child, Andrei Panov often attended rehearsals, where he sat backstage, watching, as he said, “almost naked women.”

In 1965, his father began dancing at the Kirov Theater, and then decided to leave the country. At that moment, Andrei Panov’s family broke up - his mother did not want to leave the country. Her sick mother remained in the USSR. When his father left, Andrei Panov began to experience great difficulties at school. However, he managed to complete 8 grades and then go to medical school.

At the age of 16, Andrei Panov heard the songs of the Sex Pistols, meeting Evgeniy Yufit. The latter became the author of the phrase that went down in history: “They now have idiots just like us...”.


When Panov left school, he became seriously interested in music. To be closer to his favorite songs, Andrei Panov got a job in a sound equipment store. There he found a circle of like-minded people.

“When we started being idiotic, there were no punks yet... Then we were all under the influence of Yufa. There are no punks to do with this at all - no Rottens, no PISTOLS. All these are Yufin’s carts…”, Andrei Panov said about his biography.

Later, young people saw an article about punks in a European communist newspaper. As Andrey himself said, his whole team got excited.

The idea of ​​creating a group came from Monozub, who knew Grebenshchikov. As he said, he rented instruments and brought them to Andrei Panov. The group was called “X...”, since no one knew how to play anything.

In 1979, Andrei entered the Theater Institute. His father sent him money, and he immediately bought musical instruments, and a place for rehearsals appeared right at his home. Panov’s apartment, his group was closely connected with Viktor Tsoi, the Pilgrim group, and Ward No. 6. As the guys themselves said, everyone wanted to play, and they did it selflessly. For the sake of the Pilgrim group, Rybin dropped out of college, and Tsoi was expelled from art school. Panov himself did not study for more than a semester at the school; he left the institute.


Andrey became legendary musician, the first whose performance while drunk was broadcast on the country's central TV. There are many rumors about his antics. Indeed, the group was a shocking and bright spot on the domestic scene.

The group became famous largely thanks to Andrei himself. He himself denied that the group belonged to the punk movement, repeating in an interview that he played anarchic music, and the guys were just slackers.

In the “Automatic Satisfiers” group itself, the composition was constantly changing, and former members quickly became real stars, unlike the group from which they came. So, the group had bassist Viktor Tsoi, Panov’s childhood friend. There are many provocative photos of Andrei Panov with Tsoi, which are called “compromising evidence” on the domestic musical luminary.

Alexey Rybin was also a guitarist in the team, who later left with Tsoi. Alisa's keyboardist, Dmitry Parfenov, was also a guitarist in Andrei's band.

Alexey Vishnya, who later worked with Tsoi, as well as with many musical groups, was also once a member of the “AU” team.

Evgeny Fedorov, who later became the leader of many groups, was also noted as a member of the “Automatic Satisfiers”.

Ilya Chert, who later led the Pilot group, also played drums in Panov’s group.

Sid from "Cockroaches" was a bass player in Panov's group.

About mother

Andrei Panov’s mother was not too fond of the punk events in which her son participated. But she was interested in how it all happened. She met him from concerts before, he ended up in police stations or sobering-up stations. She herself could put cognac in her son’s pocket, taking care of his hangover. And Andrei himself dedicated the song “Mama-Mother” to his mother. And she was unique, no one else on the national stage wrote something like this to their mother.

Why Pig?

Many questions remain around why Andrei Panov was called Pig. There were many tales around his person, which many refused to believe. However, evidence of the reality of some of them has been preserved.

So, there was a rumor that once Panov defecated in front of the public right during an event, and then, putting the waste product on a plate, began to eat. To questions from Alexey Vishny about whether this was true, Panov answered that it was yes. According to Alexei’s recollections, Andrei Panov immediately confirmed this with action.

Rumors remained that Andrei was fond of a samizdat book about urine therapy. And at home he had preparations for this type of therapy.

About creativity

It should be noted that, despite the fact that the Automatic Satisfaction group became the cradle for many prominent representatives of the domestic rock scene, it itself did not record any special hits. At least in people's memory they have not survived. Their most famous songs are “Hang Glider”, “Assa”, “Cucumber Lotion”. The group went down in history as the first Russian punks.

But there is one hit written by the Panov group. Now it is considered popular, and even on central television, in the “Voice” program, it was declared popular. And it was written by Solid and Bad, punks in the company of Andrei Panov. It is called “Commissar”, and now it is often called “Here the bullet whistled” or “Old Ataman”. So the punk song became recognized throughout the country as a White Guard folk song.

They wrote it for Pig, according to legend, in just an hour. Andrey Panov became the first to perform it. Then it was sung by “Chizh”, Kinchev and so on. Now she appears on television.

Personal life

Andrei Panov's wife is Olga Korol-Borodyuk. A little more than a month before Pig's death, their heiress was born. Andrei Panov's daughter was named Katarzyna.

About character

At school, Andrei was a home boy; he often got it from his classmates. He started to hate school life. And until the end of his life he remembered September 1 as a day of mourning and sorrow. He was happy when schoolchildren went to school, but he was not among them. At that moment, his unique worldview was formed.

It should be noted that Pig was well brought up, he had elegant manners with which he could show off if he wanted. But he reacted violently to the dullness, to the rules that he always sought to break, to destroy the average, and everything in his activity was a rebellion.

He did not like hypocrisy, snobbery, he wanted to get rid of it in his art. He stood apart, he expressed a real social protest.

About his fame, he emphasized that it happened by accident. He said that his nature was lackey, and he was supposed to be a servant, a salesman, but not a social hero.

However, none of those around him saw anything lackey in Andrei Panov. On the contrary, he was a nonconformist himself clean water, who was distinguished by fearlessness and a passionate thirst for life.

He became the first to leave LGITMiK at will. Subsequently, he did not make a single attempt to return back, even when he was interrupted by unskilled work. Above all, he valued his freedom for the real cause in which he believed. He spoke about his dreams like this: to create the worst musical team that can ever exist. It was daring, the goal was high, since the groups that existed at that time did not withstand much criticism at all.

But Andrei had a major advantage over all of them - they strived to become better, and he deliberately achieved the opposite goal. And he instantly got musicians who met his goals, and things started to roll from there. No one in his entire team could play their instrument.

The main principle of the group was “do what you love, regardless of whether you know how to do it or not.” He said that he was resting and not working on stage. He didn't care that his music was sometimes unlistenable.

A group was formed under the law of displacement into a group. He said that misunderstanding and hostility from the environment forces those who strive to create or find something new to change their lifestyle until they find like-minded people. That’s when the group “Automatic Satisfiers” formed; they called themselves “animals,” since the word “punk” wasn’t even in use at that time. Although in essence the phenomenon was the same.

They looked like real idiots. There was a tradition of wearing unpretentious clothes, which were domestically produced, dark glasses, and also had their own greeting scheme. When meeting, the animals bent their fingers into a hook, interlocking with them, then squatted and let out a scream. The surrounding people shuddered and walked around the company with caution.

Andrei Panov, although he was not exemplary in his studies, was a real intellectual inside. And outside he remained forever drunk. It was in this image that most people remembered him, and this created a double impression. His thinking was unique. He was a personality that was not understood by many, but still a personality.

Provocations were always rebellious and artistic, in this way he expressed his desire for freedom. Even many of his colleagues, musicians, hated Andrei Panov. There are still many legends about the confrontation that filled his relationships with a number of musicians. So, Panova hated Letov. According to rumors, the whole point was that once, for the sake of shocking, Pig killed a kitten right on stage, and Letov loved cats very much.

Of course, this behavior raised questions among many who played Russian rock. Svin's groups were not allowed into the Leningrad rock club, guided by ideological considerations.

And Alexander Lipnitsky recalled how a banquet was once arranged in honor of Andrei Makarevich. Andrey Panov elegantly decorated the table, and then placed an element of his own feces into each white plate. Makarevich was shocked.

“Automatic Satisfiers” became the first group on the domestic stage to go on television drunk. The band members behaved inappropriately, and this was a point of contact with the Sex Pistols, who were the first group to swear on national television.

Viktor Tsoi was in the first lineup of “Automatic Satisfiers”. As Panov recalled, Tsoi was always distinguished by modesty and silence, and then he and his friends began to “rock” him, saying that everyone was engaged in writing, and Tsoi was just playing the bass guitar. And then Victor began to compose music, words, and then assembled his own separate team.

Once Pig expressed the idea of ​​making a statue of Tsoi from broken bottles and placing it on the roof of the house where he lived.

Panov became famous for his negative attitude towards drugs. Although he was often accused of promoting alcoholism, he replied that this was his propaganda against drugs. He repeated that it was better to drink than to use drugs and walk around gloomy.

There are many different guesses about Andrei's death. Some believe that medical negligence is to blame for his death, some believe that Andrei drank constantly, and others believe that he was killed. In any case, with the death of Panov, the country lost its identity.

About bikes

Stories about Andrei went from mouth to mouth, making everyone shudder in horror and laughter. It is reliably known that he repeatedly drank his own urine when the country had not yet heard anything about Malakhov with his methods of urine therapy. In the presence of many witnesses, he committed acts of coprophagia. Once he was defecating in the yard when a policeman discovered him. The latter asked Panov to clean up the mess, and he took everything in handfuls and approached the policeman with the product of defecation in his hands, holding them out. The shocked peace officer ran away.

It is known that he left inscriptions with felt-tip pens on the girls with whom he woke up in the same bed. The expressions were worthy of a real punk.

Panov repeatedly undressed right on stage, and at one of the concerts, when the curtain opened, the audience saw members of the group “Automatic Satisfiers” sitting at a table, selflessly drinking alcoholic beverages, completely oblivious to the audience. Sometimes one of them got up, strummed something, made noise, the company at the table began to sing, and then everyone continued to drink. This went on for 1.5 hours, after which the curtain closed amid stormy gestures of discontent from the audience.

He was no stranger to self-criticism, which amazed everyone around him even more. Whatever Pig did, he turned it into a bright performance, which he himself was throughout his entire life.

It is impossible to remember all the stories that circulated around Pig, since he created them daily, hourly, and in each one he was a real punk.


He died on August 20, 1998 in St. Petersburg. The cause of death of Andrei Panov was peritonitis. He was buried in the crematorium cemetery, a concert was held in his memory, and all those gathered cash transferred to the widow. There is a lot of controversy to this day about the death of Andrei Panov the Pig. The reasons are considered unclear. For example, his mother believes that he was killed.

Andrey Valerievich Panov, stage names-nicknames Pig, Pig(March 23, 1960, Leningrad, USSR - August 20, 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia) - Soviet and Russian punk rock musician, founder, leader and vocalist of the first Soviet punk band "Automatic Satisfactories", pioneers of the genre in Leningrad.


The grave of Andrei Panov at the cemetery of the St. Petersburg Crematorium

Born in quite famous family ballet dancers Valery and Liya Panov and received good upbringing. He entered the Theater Institute, but soon dropped out. Having bought good musical equipment with the money sent to him by his father, in the summer of 1979 he organized his own group, “Automatic Satisfiers.”

Since the late 80s he has been an icon of the punk movement of the St. Petersburg rock club (president Nikolai Mikhailov). Intelligent-social type.

The group's first public performance took place on March 23, 1980 at the Brig cafe in St. Petersburg. Later, at the invitation of Artemy Troitsky, the group gives a concert in Moscow. After this - a festival in the Baltics. During the 80s, the group periodically breaks up and then reunites; only the creator of the group, Andrei himself, is a permanent member. The rest of the musicians change randomly. The group performs and records during this period wherever and whenever necessary. The only relatively professional recording of that time was the 1984 album Terry, Cherry and Pig.

In 1988, after the next collapse of “Automatic Satisfiers,” Pig, together with musicians from the groups “Nate!”, “Front,” “Fugitive,” and “DDT,” took part in the “600” project, in which he sang his songs. The group played in two rounds of the VI Leningrad Rock Festival and made several tours to different cities. In the fall, the group recorded the album “Songwriters and Songwriters” at the “MC” studio, played a concert at the “SyRok-88” festival not very successfully, after which the group “600” broke up.

In the mid-1990s, he organized the “Archestra AU” project, where he played his songs in a more original arrangement, using a brass section, and also performed two compositions in the disco style (“Automatic Satisfactory” and “Cucumber Lotion”), and in the ska style (“I’m drinking alone today”, etc.)

He died on August 20, 1998, according to the official version, from peritonitis (however, his mother, in a personal conversation with his father, claimed that “Pig” was killed (a hint at an allergic reaction test that doctors did not conduct)). He was buried in the cemetery of the St. Petersburg Crematorium. He left behind a family: a wife and a five-week-old daughter.

His last album, “Feast of Disobedience or the Last Day of Pompeii”, under the label “fAU” (Pig + musicians of the group “Rock'n'Roll City”), was released shortly before his death (appeared on the shelves in April-May 1998) .

Genre definition of creativity

Andrei Panov, despite his punk image, never considered his work to be punk rock, just like the work of “Automatic Satisfiers”.

Do you consider yourself part of the punk culture? - Towards culture?! No, I am included. And if we consider different movements, modernism is closest to me. I don’t like Rokeshnik. That's why I can't take myself seriously.

According to other sources, Pig called his work anarchic rock.

Shockingness and significance in musical culture

Among Soviet and Russian rock musicians, “Pig” Panov is considered the personification of Soviet punk. This is explained not only by the rebellious content of the songs, but also by shocking, often extraordinary, inadequate, even antisocial behavior:

AU concert in Leningrad, 1988. In the photo: D. Parfenov, I. Titov, A. Panov

A. Panov (left) and the group “DK” (Morozov, Polyansky, Yanshin, Zharikov) at the punk festival in Zelenograd in 1983

  • Panov’s main problem, according to contemporaries, was chronic alcoholism. At every performance, Pig demanded a drink - if alcohol was not brought, Pig refused to perform. The famous performance of the group “Automatic Satisfiers” in the television program “Program A” in 1992 was connected with this. For the first time on post-Soviet television, a group performed with a completely drunk musician who fell asleep with a microphone on the floor. Having woken up, Pig began to sing songs indistinctly, every now and then stuttering or forgetting the words.
  • Another shocking act of Pig was the absorption of his own excrement. Musician Alexey Vishnya mentioned this in his memoirs about Pig:

There were legends about the Pig. They said that once at some crowded party, Andrei calmly defecated in front of the entire public on a clean plate, then put it on the table, tied a napkin on his chest, and, armed with a knife and fork, began to absorb the shit, cutting it off into a flat sausage. use a knife to cut small pieces, carefully placing them on a fork and putting them into your mouth. I refused to believe it and one day I directly asked the Pig about it. He certainly confirmed this, and said that he not only knows how to eat shit, but also drinks urine. I provocatively expressed disbelief, to which Andrei asked me for a glass, calmly went to the toilet, strained three-quarters of the urine and drank it in front of me.

According to Oleg Kovriga, one of latest producers The pig and the publisher of his works, drinking urine and eating feces was just another “stage” outrage for the public. Cherry claimed the same thing.

  • According to Panov himself, shockingness is a certain act of “acting”:

When I studied at the theater school, we were told that all of us sitting here were shit. Real artists walk the streets. I took it literally personally and realized that I was playing in life, right now. And when I go on stage, I relax.

  • A certain “enmity” with Yegor Letov added to Panov’s special popularity. Yegor's brother, Sergei Letov, claimed that Yegor Letov did not like Andrei Panov for his antics on stage, for example, killing small kittens in public.


  • 1985 - Get Kicked! (Pig+Alexey Cherry)
  • 1987 - Reagan provocateur
  • 1988 - Songbooks and songwriters ( 600 )
  • 1990 - Six hundredth
  • 1995 - Tel. 1979-1994. Claims are not accepted
  • 1995 - Drink with us!
  • 1995 - With particular cynicism ( Arkestra AU)
  • 1998 - Feast of disobedience or the last day of Pompey ( FAU)


  • Burglar - in the episode(uncredited)
  • You just want to know ( documentary about Viktor Tsoi) - as himself
  • To Russia with love (Scorpions) - in an episode of a performance in a rock club in Leningrad “as an opening act” before the performance of the Scorpions group.


  • Mike Naumenko’s song “Boo-Boo” is dedicated to Panov. Subsequently, in a modified form, under the name “Kick Up”, it entered the “AU” repertoire.
  • Viktor Tsoi's song "Mama Anarchy".

“I've never been a punk. I've always considered myself a wild clown and an artist. I never had a comb on my head, I never wallowed in the mud! “So why are you considered a punk?”

Punks are born in cabbage

I was born in cabbage. Seriously, they launched rockets there. Astrakhan region, Kapustin Yar number 1, the place where ballistic missiles were launched into space. My dad was a lieutenant colonel in the missile forces. Mom is an engineer railway transport. But I stayed there for only 1 month, then the whole family moved to Leningrad. I have lived my entire life in a house on the corner of Gorokhovaya and former Herzen Street. I went to school with Nastya Kuryokhina, played school ensemble. I studied a little music - in the 5th-6th grade I learned to play the bass guitar at the House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren, in a vocal and instrumental ensemble. I remember we were learning the song “A smile will make the day brighter...”. It just seems like the song is simple, the bass is very complex...

When I was 2 years old, my mother spat on me. At our dacha near Sosnovo, my mother saw me, two years old, walking along the road with a cigarette in my mouth, leading a one-year-old child by the hand, explaining something to him. Mom saw this and spat on me. From the age of 3 I loved listening to foreign music. My older brother graduated from Makarovka, swam, and brought everything that was in short supply from abroad - including music. Then I began performing with Pig in the group “AU”. It was '79. I was stunned by him a month later, I came to Andryukha, the rehearsal lasted exactly an hour before the store opened, then we went to the store. Andryukha’s mother was a ballerina, her father ran a theater in Germany. In 1982 we recorded the first cassette with Sotnikov from Alice. He is 3 years younger than me, still small, I teach him about life. He followed in my footsteps - to medical school. I don't have any music education, graduated from medical school. I have worked as a paramedic in mental hospitals all my life. Now I'm resting. I write, I speak. Yesterday I performed at Borey at the opening of an exhibition of former St. Petersburg punk, now artist Bob Malov. Then I’ll get tired of it - and I’ll go back to work in a mental hospital, I even know which one - the regional hospital on the Obvodny Canal. I don't care about money. If you think about money, this is very serious. We'll have to go to the factory. I'm actually a group 2 disabled person. I receive a pension.

Why do I work in a mental hospital? Creativity and life experiences are closely intertwined. My penultimate album was called “Bedsores”, the last one was “Worms”. Before that there were “Prevention of the Electric Mustache”, “New Year’s Opera” in 2 parts, “Cremation of the Toy World”, “Jamba”. Now we are recording “Puke” and “Maggot”. “The People's Militia” has recorded 28 albums on tape at their home studio, now Tropilo is handling us. Our albums cannot be found on sale, although Tropilo releases them in editions of 1000s.

I like the craziest music. It's great to write songs in a mental hospital. Some nurses have worked in mental hospitals for many years, they know me well. When I go to work, they ask me: “Have you come to write songs again?” The first time I ended up in a mental hospital was when I decided to quit the army. In Skvortsova-Stepanova, the doctor asked me what was bothering me. “Yes, everything worries me - I haven’t slept for 10 years, I’ve had a headache for 5 years.” Then I ended up in a mental hospital as a paramedic. I am a professional, I do everything - IVs, injections. At the age of 18, I delivered my first child. They took the girl to the maternity home on Gorokhovaya, and she went into labor before her due date. She gave birth in an ambulance right on Palace Bridge, cut the umbilical cord with a razor. She named her son after me - Sasha.

Are there any normal people in the madhouse? I think everyone is normal. The most original patient is Seryozha Putov. His friend burned himself on Red Square in protest against the communist regime in 1968, and Seryozha himself was locked in a madhouse. Once they gave me chicken legs for lunch at the hospital, and they turned out to have salmonella. All the patients were taken to the Botkin hospital, but there were no bars there. I fell asleep while on duty, an oligophrenic woke me up and said that Seryozha had escaped through the toilet from the second floor. “Well, God bless him!” I thought. “He spent 15 years in the dark!” Soon two people in raincoats arrive - they caught Seryozha. He set fire to an ammunition depot on Okhta. No one came to him for 15 years, and he did not forget where the ammunition depot was.

“If the cards are in hand and the ax is in the head, then this business is destined for me.” - - My group " People's militia"has been around since '82. Everyone thinks that I live on People's Militia Avenue. To be honest, I didn’t even know anything about the existence of such an avenue. When Brezhnev died, we took up arms against those idiots who came after him. And they called the group “People's Militia.” We are often confused with Civil Defense, and I with Letov. " Civil defense“- these are people from the deep provinces, it annoys me when they confuse us.

Under Chernenko in 1984, I finish work and the bell rings. “Should I pick you up or will you come to Liteiny 4 yourself?” I arrive, they tell me: “Say goodbye to everyone!” I answer: “It seems early.” It turns out that the decree has come - to ban foreign music, starting with Broni-M and ABBA. “Mani-Mani” is not allowed, Boney-M, Pink-Floyd is not allowed, and among the Soviet groups, we are in 3rd place on the list after “DK” Zharikov and “AU” Pig. It’s good that this resolution was quickly canceled.

Necrorealist Yufit Zhenya filmed me in the film “RUN”. A unique alternative to the film “Running” with Dvorzhetsky in leading role. Yufit lived on Borovaya not far from Michael Naumenko, and filmed his film there. On a brick wall on a house on the bank of the Obvodny Canal he wrote “RUN ALONG BULGAKOV.” I am naked in a white robe and a white cap, wearing black glasses, running, running along the fishing line, along the bank of the canal. All. The film has been filmed. True, Yufa also climbed onto the pipe and jumped from there. And while running, two workers walked and carried some kind of cage with an open door. They went about their business, and I ran as an actor. I, naked and in a robe, jumped into this cage, they didn’t say a word to me, they continued walking. I jumped out. They moved on. We got some funny shots. One day Yufit invited me to star in a film about werewolves. We went to Komarovo with him in big company. He tells me: “Your task in the film will be that you will run out of the forest backwards, throw yourself in front of a train, the train will cut you off and leave. And then I’ll edit the film in the opposite direction - you fold up pieces from under the train and run away into the forest.” In Ozerki, I jumped out of the train in horror and refused the role.

There was also a film studio at the Kirov Palace of Culture, and I was offered to star in the film “The Man from Nowhere.” I didn't want to be that person.

But I never looked like a punk. I was never “dirt” or “rabble”; I didn’t wear combs or chains; on the contrary, I loved cleanliness. Yes, Pig and I made music from the Sex Pistols, adopted chords, rhythms from punks, and wrote punk lyrics. But I always tried to look like a factory worker, I hated jeans, I hated everything Western. In 1981, there was a concert of the group “Russians” at the Central Park of Culture and Culture; hippies and informals gathered there. And my friends and I were dressed like Ilyich. Ilyich is one such original acquaintance, one might say a completely crazy scumbag who had nothing in common with the leaders of the communists. We wore round badges and wrote on them “Thank God I’m not Ilyich.” We were taken to the 43rd police station and held for 3 hours, finding out what we had in mind. We were released, but our badges were eventually taken away. In the 80s, we were considered one of the domestic punks, and we liked to dress original, buying clothes from old women from the 20s and 30s. In Aprashka at that time, you could buy an antique three-piece suit at a second-hand store for 3 rubles. I once managed to buy a size 58 suit, exactly the same as what Khrushchev wore.

I still strive to dress original. The art director of our group brings me things from the “garbage dump” from Copenhagen - certainly no one here wears this.

My tattoos? He began to cover himself with drawings in 1986. Most of the drawings were done on me by Lenya Pussy-Skull, a famous tattoo specialist who received a special prize at the tattoo and body festival. My tattoos - speedster, sun - have nothing to do with punk culture.

At home, I also like to surround myself with everything unusual. I recently bought a mahogany sideboard for 100 rubles, and I keep a tape recorder there. I have tens of thousands of records - but I don’t want to listen to anything except King Crimson and Robert Fripp.

We had the largest audience at a concert in Yubileiny and in Moscow at Krylya Sovetov in 1989. We performed at the Interchance competition. During the performance of Muromov, who sang “Apples on the Snow” to the plywood, completely naked guys from the group “Children” ran onto the stage and began to dance around him. We sang in satin shorts, after us Krylov also decided to sing his song in shorts...

We traveled all over Sweden, all over Denmark, all over Germany. Danish manager Levkoski recently included us in the festival in Hussard, which takes place there every year. 40 teams performed, among them “Motorhead”, “Laibach”, “Catherine de Waves”. There I showed the fact to a hundred skinheads and remained alive. I was in a Brezhnev suit with orders, they realized that it was better not to mess with me. To prove it, I fell into a ditch.

What are your immediate plans? We are going to the city of Mirny near Yakutsk to perform for one day.

We performed on the Skif in Priboi in difficult conditions - the floor there was still unfinished. It was great, we played for over an hour. On June 26 at 13.00 we will perform at the Kirov Stadium at the beer festival.

If they dance at least a little to our music, that’s already good. Longtime fans shout out old songs, sometimes ancient ones that we haven't played in a long time. Our fans range from lawyers to full-time drug addicts, from guys from residential areas to elite music connoisseurs. Our diverse audience is united by a love for our specific sense of humor.

In general, I have few regular fans. My fans change because I myself and the composition of my group are constantly changing. I always want something new. The composition of my group is constantly changing; almost all the musicians from bright groups. I hire crazy people. Almost everyone is familiar with madhouses. The main thing is professionalism. There were no failures. We don't know how to do bad things. If you do everything good, then you won’t be able to do anything bad.

I am a vegetarian, I love fruits and vegetables, the only meat I eat is basturma and I know how to cook it well. Sometimes I visit my parents, old communists, at their dacha in Sosnovo, to try their harvest.

My son Nikita is 19 years old and is studying to become an agronomist at the Agricultural Academy.

History on Nevsky.

I had one strange period in my life when I became friends with homeless people on Nevsky and lived with them for some time in their homeless life. I was interested in learning about this extreme side of life. This was at a time when an empty bottle cost a ruble, and for eleven rubles you could buy the “Ledinka” glass cleaner. This “Ice” consisted of 90 percent alcohol, what was included in the remaining 10 percent - no one knows anymore. Almost everyone who took “Ledinka” for a long time died, and it itself is no longer produced. Firstly, I was shocked by how clearly this whole life is structured and organized. Secondly, this life had its charms. The most important respected homeless person was a former professor. He lived in a luxuriously equipped basement with a combination lock in the center of Nevsky. In the mornings, everyone who was allowed to be homeless on Nevsky gathered on the second floor of Gostiny Dvor, received instructions from the boss and dispersed. In the evening there is another meeting. It was strictly monitored to ensure that no one trespassed on someone else's territory. The courtyard near the Sever confectionery was considered one of the most luxurious places. There, expired cakes were thrown into garbage cans. There was always a queue there.

One day I was walking along Nevsky Prospect, I had 10 rubles, but 1 ruble was missing to buy the “Ledinka” liquid. Suddenly I saw an empty bottle on the ice in the Fontanka, that is, 1 ruble I was missing. I went down onto the ice, took a few steps, and fell through the ice to a depth above my head. I desperately flailed my arms, swam out, began to grab the ice floes, they were breaking, but then I remembered Soviet film about the Papanins. I lay down sideways on the ice and rolled to the shore. Holding a bottle in your hand. Then I walked along Nevsky, very similar to the characters in the film “Gentlemen of Fortune,” in the scene where they get out of the concrete mixer. All my clothes turned into a rattling shell, unbending from the ice. But I didn’t feel cold because I drank my bottle of Ice.

(1998-08-20 ) (38 years old)

Andrey Valerievich Panov, nicknames Pig, Pig(March 23, Leningrad, USSR - August 20, St. Petersburg, Russia) - Soviet and Russian punk rock musician, founder, leader and vocalist of the group "Automatic Satisfactories", pioneers of the genre in Leningrad and the USSR.


Born into the family of ballet dancers Valery and Liya Panov.

After evening school I entered, but soon dropped out. He studied on the same course with Nikolai Fomenko and Maxim Leonidov. Then, having bought musical equipment with the money sent to him by his father, in the summer of 1979 he began to organize his own group.

The first public performance of "Automatic Satisfaction" in Leningrad took place on March 23, 1981 in the Brig cafe at the birthday of Andrei Tropillo. Before this, the group had already toured Moscow at the invitation of Artem Troitsky.

According to Oleg Kovriga, the Moscow publisher of the Pig, drinking urine and eating feces was just another “stage” shocking act for the public. Cherry claimed the same thing.

  • According to Panov himself, shockingness is a certain act of “acting”:

Sound recording

The most amazing thing is that, despite all the carelessness, “AU” recorded several tapes that can be called albums.
This is how the article about the group ended on the website of the St. Petersburg rock club even before Pig’s death.

The first recording of “Fools and Tours” (aka “To Moscow!”, 1980), described in detail by Alexei Rybin in his book, disappeared without a trace. Troitsky, despite the Pig’s assurances, did not have it. The group from the times of stagnation (in the country) can be heard at two “live” (Lyubertsy and Zelenograd, spring and autumn of ’83, respectively) and the “studio” of Lesha Vishnya of ’84.

Along with perestroika, legal festival concerts begin. One of these in Shushary, recorded by Andrei Tropillo on a mobile studio-car, is listed as the first “AU” album. The following year, 1988, version “600” recorded its program in the studio. In 89-90 “AU” records one and a half in the “LF/HF” squat club, in general the best of everything recorded on film (the film itself crumbled almost immediately).

In the nineties (due to lack of money) recording did not become easier. A shock year in this sense was 1995, when low-budget studios made three cassettes at once: “No claims accepted” in two parts, “Drink with us!” and “With particular cynicism.” The latter generally reflected new program group, which has already become an “archestra”, unlike the first two, recorded by Chernov alone with most of the songs of previous years.

The only time Pig recorded in a professional studio was in 1998, shortly before his death, with the group “R’n’R City” (old songs swept aside by Chernov, in a metal sound with new arrangements).

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Excerpt characterizing Panov, Andrey Valerievich

“I’m not talking about you,” he said, “I don’t know you and, I admit, I don’t want to know.” I'm talking about staff in general.
“And I’ll tell you what,” Prince Andrei interrupted him with calm authority in his voice. “You want to insult me, and I am ready to agree with you that this is very easy to do if you do not have sufficient respect for yourself; but you must admit that both the time and the place were chosen very badly for this. One of these days we will all have to be in a big, more serious duel, and besides, Drubetskoy, who says that he is your old friend, is not at all to blame for the fact that you had the misfortune of not liking my face. However,” he said, getting up, “you know my last name and know where to find me; but do not forget,” he added, “that I do not consider myself or you at all offended, and my advice, as a man older than you, is to leave this matter without consequences. So on Friday, after the show, I’m waiting for you, Drubetskoy; “goodbye,” Prince Andrei concluded and left, bowing to both.
Rostov remembered what he needed to answer only when he had already left. And he was even more angry because he forgot to say this. Rostov immediately ordered his horse to be brought in and, having said a dry goodbye to Boris, went home. Should he go to the main apartment tomorrow and call this broken adjutant or, in fact, leave this matter like this? there was a question that tormented him all the way. Either he thought angrily about the pleasure with which he would see the fear of this small, weak and proud man under his pistol, then he felt with surprise that of all the people he knew, there was no one he would want to have as his friend. , like this adjutant he hated.

On the next day of Boris’s meeting with Rostov, there was a review of Austrian and Russian troops, both fresh ones who came from Russia and those who returned from a campaign with Kutuzov. Both emperors, the Russian with the heir, the Tsarevich, and the Austrian with the Archduke, made this review of the allied army of 80 thousand.
From early morning, the smartly cleaned and groomed troops began to move, lining up on the field in front of the fortress. Then thousands of legs and bayonets with waving banners moved and, at the command of the officers, they stopped, turned around and lined up at intervals, bypassing other similar masses of infantry in different uniforms; then the elegant cavalry in blue, red, green embroidered uniforms with embroidered musicians in front, on black, red, gray horses, sounded with measured stomping and clanking; then, stretching out with its copper sound of cleaned, shining guns trembling on carriages and with its smell of armor, the artillery crawled between the infantry and cavalry and was placed in designated places. Not only generals in full dress uniform, with extremely thick and thin waists and reddened, propped up collars, necks, scarves and all orders; not only pomaded, well-dressed officers, but every soldier - with a fresh, washed and shaved face and equipment cleaned to the last possible shine, every horse, groomed so that its fur shone like satin and its mane was soaked hair by hair, - everyone felt that something serious, significant and solemn was happening. Each general and soldier felt their insignificance, recognizing themselves as a grain of sand in this sea of ​​people, and together they felt their power, recognizing themselves as part of this huge whole.
Intense efforts and efforts began early in the morning, and at 10 o’clock everything was in the required order. There were rows on the huge field. The entire army was drawn up in three lines. Cavalry in front, artillery behind, infantry behind.
Between each row of troops there was, as it were, a street. Three parts of this army were sharply separated from one another: the combat Kutuzovskaya (in which the Pavlograd residents stood on the right flank in the front line), the army and guards regiments that came from Russia, and the Austrian army. But everyone stood under the same line, under the same leadership and in the same order.
An excited whisper swept through the leaves like the wind: “They’re coming!” they're coming! Frightened voices were heard, and a wave of bustle and final preparations ran through all the troops.
A moving group appeared ahead of Olmutz. And at the same time, although the day was windless, a light stream of wind ran through the army and slightly shook the weather vane's peaks and the unfurled banners, which fluttered against their poles. It seemed that the army itself, with this slight movement, expressed its joy at the approach of the sovereigns. One voice was heard: “Attention!” Then, like roosters at dawn, the voices repeated in different directions. And everything became quiet.
In the dead silence, only the clatter of horses could be heard. It was the retinue of emperors. The sovereigns approached the flank and the sounds of the trumpeters of the first cavalry regiment were heard playing the general march. It seemed that it was not the trumpeters who played this, but the army itself, rejoicing at the approach of the sovereign, naturally making these sounds. From behind these sounds, one young, gentle voice of Emperor Alexander was clearly heard. He said a greeting, and the first regiment barked: Hurrah! so deafeningly, continuously, joyfully that the people themselves were horrified by the number and strength of the bulk that they made up.
Rostov, standing in the front ranks of the Kutuzov army, to which the sovereign approached first, experienced the same feeling that every person in this army experienced - a feeling of self-forgetfulness, a proud consciousness of power and a passionate attraction to the one who was the reason for this triumph.
He felt that on one word of this man it depended that this entire community (and he, associated with it, an insignificant grain of sand) would go into fire and water, to crime, to death or to the greatest heroism, and therefore he could not help but tremble and freeze at the sight of this approaching word.
- Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! - it thundered from all sides, and one regiment after another received the sovereign with the sounds of a general march; then Hurrah!... general march and again Hurrah! and Hurray!! which, growing stronger and stronger, merged into a deafening roar.
Until the sovereign arrived, each regiment, in its silence and immobility, seemed like a lifeless body; As soon as the sovereign was compared to him, the regiment became animated and thundered, joining the roar of the entire line that the sovereign had already passed. At the terrible, deafening sound of these voices, in the midst of the masses of troops, motionless, as if petrified in their quadrangles, hundreds of horsemen of the retinue moved carelessly, but symmetrically and, most importantly, freely, and in front of them were two people - the emperors. The restrained passionate attention of this entire mass of people was then undividedly focused on them.

Cancer and Pig

On this day in 1998, which is now near, Andrei Svin Panov, the founder of our punk rock, died. I wasn’t close friends with him, although Mike and Pig had a fair amount of fraternization in their time and even, as some people believed at the time, both wrote songs in the punk style.
I got closer to Andrey in the winter of 1998, when he invited me to play on his new album, I agreed and Pig came to me. He didn’t come alone - his wife Olya and his friend were with him: crayfish in three-liter jar, which he carefully hid in his jacket.
First of all, we started to improve our friend - we released the crayfish into the bathtub, after pouring settled water for the flowers into it and adding a little warm boiled water from the kettle - it was extremely cold then. After thinking a little, I decided to offer the cancer a piece smoked meat on pork rib- Having asked Andrei’s permission, I slipped the delicacy of the crayfish right to the place where, as we suspected, his mouth was located. To our surprise, he started eating! Well, the sign was successful and we went to negotiations in the living room, where we continued the banquet without cancer, but with my wife Olya.
We drank, talked, drank again - I tried to find out from him any line of the program for the upcoming album, but as soon as Andrey managed to explain it to me, I became thoughtful and drank by the way. I only remember that then I found myself sitting in an embrace with Pig in the bedroom on an ottoman in front of the mirror and in a soft voice telling him that “all this is nonsense, we need to change the concept and take three trombonists, who will certainly make a huge contribution to the development of punk -rock in our country,” and to his question - why exactly trombonists, and exactly three? - I couldn’t answer.
However, agreement was reached; the well-fed and cheerful crayfish was sent to the jar, the jar under the jacket and happy family went home.
And here it is on you! They imprisoned me at the wrong time in Lebedevka on suspicion of cannibalism.
An acquaintance came up to me while out for a walk and said with just his lips: “Did you know him?” - then he thrust a piece of paper into my hand. Returning to the cell, I unfolded it - it turned out to be a fragment of the article “The Last Cowboy”, which reported on Andrei’s death from peritonitis. Sukarodina! The very end of the 20th century and where? In St. Petersburg! The man, the undisputed star, is dying of peritonitis!
Time passed, a lawyer came and gave me from Kovriga the already released cover of Pig’s cassette album on which was angrily written: “You should have played on this album!” It turned out that the lawyer had been carrying this message with him for a couple of months, forgetting to give it to me. I returned to the cell sad - what else can I say...
I still look at his album “Feast of Disobedience or the Last Day of Pompeii” with great apprehension and I don’t have the strength to turn it on. Yes, yes, I have never listened to him.