Dolphins in a dream: interpreted according to the best dream books. Why do you dream about dolphins in the water? Dream book

Dreams with dolphins foreshadow good changes in a woman’s destiny. But sometimes they are harbingers of events that are better prevented. Friendly dolphins don’t just appear in dreams, and our selection will help you decipher their desire to help a woman.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Riding on the back of a dolphin means that in reality you refuse to accept reality. To dream that a school of dolphins are caught in a net indicates that your close person prevents you from fulfilling your desires. Being in a water park and watching the tricks of dolphins promises a woman retribution for insincerity. If the animals refuse to obey the trainer, then your social circle needs to be urgently changed.


A dolphin jumping out of the water in a woman’s dream portends good news. If the sea is cold, then the pressing matter must be carefully considered; If it’s warm, then everything goes according to plan. A friendly animal means that in reality you lack toughness and perseverance. A woman dreams of a young dolphin when she expects to meet interesting man. Many dolphins in the ocean portend an invitation to a party where they will be present influential men. Watching a family of dolphins swim into the distance speaks of well-being in your own home.

Vanga's Dream Book

If a woman dreams of a dolphin, Vanga explains it as a promotion up the career ladder. A playful, healthy animal indicates a meeting with a person who will make you a lucrative offer. A few dolphins swimming past are nothing more than a desire to start life anew and change the usual way of life. Dolphins different color represent new friends. Keeping your hand on the back of a dolphin promises a woman intense, hard work for a long time. For a woman, splashing in the river with dolphins means that she has devoted, faithful friends. An aggressive mammal portends a quarrel or disagreement with household members.


The psychoanalyst believed that dreams in which dolphins appear indicate a lack of new sexual sensations. The partner is no longer happy, and the woman increasingly looks at other men and wants to try something unknown. Hugging a dolphin in a dream means having sexual intercourse in the water in reality. A wounded animal portends a venereal disease. The corpse of a dolphin indicates a decrease in sexual desire, which can lead to complete frigidity. If you dream that sea inhabitants are playing with each other in the sea, it means that in terms of sex, everything is fine with you.


According to Loff’s dream book, any dream with dolphins is dreamed by women who are tired of the monotonous pastime. A large animal portends nervous exhaustion and the onset of depression. If an animal is stuck in a net, it means you need to accept help from other people and not deal with troubles alone. In a dream, a dolphin covered him with his body, which means that the boss demands too much and fails extra work. Women dream of a multi-colored dolphin as a sign of a successful, happy marriage.

Interaction with dolphins

Swimming with a dolphin in a dream is a very good omen, promising a woman the love of others and prosperity. For unmarried girl such a vision speaks of mutual love. For a non-free lady, such a dream means an excellent holiday abroad. Swimming in clear water next to several animals is nothing short of acceptance the right decision. If swimming individuals behave aggressively, then to achieve success the woman needs to be assertive.

Stroking a dolphin for a woman means a favorite job that brings pleasure.

Riding a mammal is explained as meeting a prominent man who will be deeply in love with you. Riding on the back of a small dolphin speaks of a passive attitude towards life and fear of changing it.

For a pregnant woman, dreams of dolphins promise a trouble-free birth. Little dolphins foreshadow the birth of a smart, beautiful child.

Giving food to a dolphin means that you will soon be thanked for your selfless help.

Kissing an animal means a way out of a difficult situation.

If an animal saves the dreamer from death, it means that a stranger will come to her aid in reality.

Touching a mammal in a dream speaks of a good atmosphere in the family.

Hugging several dolphins denotes strong affection for your other half.

A woman swimming in a school of dolphins foretells friendship with several people.

Being on a ship and watching dolphins in the sea warns of the appearance of a woman who wants to take your man away.

Dreaming of saving an animal from death means earning the trust of a high-ranking official.

Pulling a dolphin's fin in the sea indicates a desire to move forward, despite obstacles.

Sailing in a boat with a dolphin and talking to it promises the dreamer an unexpected gift from a fan and joyful impressions.


For a woman to see dolphins in an indoor pond in a dream means strong pressure from her husband or boyfriend. If animals swim in clean water, which means you will soon realize your creative potential. Cloudy or dirty water in a dream foreshadows a serious illness.

An animal in the sea promises the dreamer a transfer to another position or a change of job. Clear water where you can see sea ​​bottom, speaks of happiness in personal life. Black water indicates the onset of the disease.

A dozen dolphins in the pool are explained by the fact that someone close to her is preventing a woman from becoming successful and making a name for herself.

A mammal thrown onto land in a dream is interpreted as an unwillingness to obey other people.

Pulling a dolphin ashore on your own indicates a desire to radically change your destiny.

Several animals washed ashore indicate the futility of the plans and the precarious position in society.

What was he like?

  • The white color of the animal speaks of imminent marriage or mutual feelings.
  • If you dream of a white and black dolphin nearby, it means that the woman will be lucky in all areas of life.
  • Pink mammals speak of unfulfilled dreams and regret about wasted time.
  • A red dolphin warns of an accident on the road.
  • If a dolphin attacked a sleeping woman, then you need to be more loyal to others and stop criticizing them.
  • A pregnant female dreams of monetary reward and material stability.
  • A playing dolphin foreshadows a meeting with distant relatives.
  • Dream about a wounded animal family quarrel or divorce.
  • Dream about an aggressive animal before important event or presentation.
  • A dolphin with two heads portends big win or sudden career growth.
  • A beautiful, stately animal indicates betrayal with a pleasant man who will later become your lover.
  • A dolphin with human limbs speaks of the betrayal of a loved one or the treachery of a close friend.
  • An animal with ulcers on its body warns of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
  • If you dream of a talking dolphin, it’s time to get serious about your career.
  • A dolphin sitting on a tree portends a sudden change in weather or a cataclysm.
  • A dolphin in an apartment promises a woman uninvited guests and a large company.

Swimming with dolphins in a dream is a very good omen, promising the dreamer the support of loved ones. However, despite the fact that we are accustomed to associate the dolphin with fun and romance, this “sea intellectual” can carry a completely different meaning when it appears in our night dreams. In order not to get confused in the explanations of dream books about why you dream of swimming with dolphins, you need to remember all the details of the vision.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, swimming with dolphins signifies your willingness to obey. If in a dream you see that you are swimming next to a bottlenose dolphin, then real life such a vision means that you may come under the influence, and maybe even pressure, of the new leader. Although, if in a dream the animal was peaceful and playful, then you should not worry - the person whose will you obey will not only not bring you problems, but can also provide support.

Brief meanings

Swimming with dolphins is not for the weak. Do you want to know why this risky act is dreamed of, but don’t want to think about the interpreters’ recommendations? No problem! Brief interpretations will help you.

  • Holding on to a dolphin's fin during a swim means a friend will help you out in difficult times.
  • Sitting astride it - you will be able to “crush” someone’s will under you.
  • Falling from a fast-swimming dolphin in a dream means expect problematic situations.
  • I dreamed of swimming with a pod of dolphins - to new interesting acquaintances and connections.

A free “fellow traveler” is a symbol of friendship

Why do you dream in which you swim with dolphins in the open sea? The answer will be Spring dream book. Did the dolphins frolic with you while swimming in the sea? A brilliant idea will strike you during a noisy party. And if you dreamed that at the moment when you dived into the sea, a thunderstorm began and the animals “went” into the depths - in your planned event, rely only on yourself.

Swimming with dolphins, plowing the endless expanses of the ocean - to true friends, Tsvetkov’s dream book pleases with its interpretation. This is especially true if you dreamed that dolphins picked you up while drowning in the ocean.

Trained waterfowl are a sign of success

The interpretation of a dream in which you see yourself swimming in a pool with a playful baby dolphin will touch you: one of your friends will sacrifice their own interests for the success of your enterprise. But bottlenose dolphins swimming in the pool, unwilling to obey commands, are a sign that you will encounter difficulties on the path to fulfillment of your desire.

Did you dream of killer whales swimming in the pool? Don’t neglect the opportunity to find out what this means in a dream! Here, for example, Eastern dream book explains this vision as inflated ambitions.

You dream about such amazing and cute animals as dolphins, foreshadowing that amazing events will soon burst into your life. Let’s look further at how and why dolphins can dream and what dream books say about this.

Why does a girl or pregnant woman dream of dolphins?

If a pregnant woman dreams of a dolphin, this is a harbinger that the delivery will be successful and the baby will be born healthy and smart. But for a man, such a dream will bring positive news in reality.

Why does a girl dream of a dolphin in the water? This means that very soon she will meet something interesting. young man, who can become her life partner. For married woman this adorable animal in a dream can predict pregnancy.

Dolphins in the water, pool, sea or river - what is this for?

If you dream of a white dolphin, promotion awaits you. career ladder. But when you see this animal without water in a dream, this is a signal that you are on the wrong path, from which you need to turn off before it’s too late. A dolphin in the sky suggests that you need to come down from heaven and become more serious.

A dream with a dolphin swimming in a pool or river suggests that you are too fixated on maintaining the boundaries of decency. Watching dolphins swim in the sea or ocean in a dream is a warning that you are just remaining a spectator, watching how happy those around you are. It's time to do something differently in life, be active - and then everything will change for the better.

Swimming with dolphins is wonderful both in reality and in a dream...

If you dream that you are riding dolphins, petting them, or they are saving you, this is a sign that in real life you always have close people who are ready to support and help in difficult times.

Aggression from an animal in a dream should make you wonder if you have offended loved one by your behavior. But when you dream dead dolphin, this predicts separation from a person who is close to you in spirit.

If you dream of dolphins jumping through a ring, this is a signal that you are overly subordinate to the will of your significant other and have no say in the family. If in a dream animals jump out of the water, you will get a promotion at work or unhindered overcoming difficulties.

Why dream of swimming with dolphins in the sea or pool? This means that you will feel confident in any life situation and will not panic.

The dream interpretation of why dolphins dream about water is usually interpreted in the same way as other plots with living creatures. Usually, any animals show the natural essence of people, their similarity with living beings. This parallel can be traced through fables, folk tales, in which animals depict heroes, their habits and character. In dreams, life instincts and even external resemblance with people with whom you will communicate in the near future. This is what dreams of the appearance of dolphins most often mean.

general characteristics

Water signifies the element of the unconscious in a person, feelings, health and love. By her condition you can judge how your affairs will be in the love sphere, as well as about your health. Clean and clear, cool water in a dream means good health and excellent relationships, muddy and dirty water means illness and suffering. Warm but pleasant water in a dream, not destructive to its inhabitants, means warmth, love, tenderness and a good relationship with others. But boiling water, muddy or poisoned water, and very hot water always portend illness, a sharp deterioration in health, or any disease accompanied by high fever. The negative meaning of a dream is enhanced if there are dead people in it Marine life, including dolphins. Ice water, very cold in a dream means coldness, indifference of loved ones. The dolphin in it often predicts a cold-blooded and indifferent person.

Dolphins themselves in a dream mean children, a child, a boy, a son, as well as a person who is indifferent to others. He can only outwardly have beautiful manners, remaining indifferent to other people's feelings, troubles and worries. Therefore, the appearance of a dolphin in a dream means that you will soon have to face a cold, harsh and indifferent person.

Why does a woman dream of a dolphin in the water?

Holding its fins, playing with it, swimming or feeding a dolphin means pregnancy and the birth of a son, but in some cases the dream book predicts communication with a child, a playful and spontaneous person. Such a dream warns a pregnant woman that she may give birth to a sick child, but a playful and cheerful dolphin predicts the birth of a son with a light and cheerful temperament.

Girls dream of swimming with dolphins to represent fans and the appearance of guys in love in their lives. But the feelings of such a person may turn out to be infantile, therefore, despite devotion and sincere affection, your admirer may not be ready for serious responsibility before family relationships.

Why do you dream about dolphins in clear water?

Lively, playful and cuddly, dolphins signify joy, entertainment and peace. For a girl, such a dream predicts fans and a lot of male attention. For children, the appearance of dolphins in a dream foretells unexpected joy or a new interesting activity. But this only applies to dolphins that are healthy, playful and swim in clean and cool water.

Dolphins in the water are lethargic and sick, so: your plans will not come true due to deteriorating health. Dead dolphins in clear water predict the loss of a child for a pregnant woman, and grief, illness and infection for everyone else. Most likely, your best intentions will not come true this time either.

You don't know why dolphins dream? Dream interpretations differ depending on different dream books. It is believed that people with a bright soul dream of kind sea animals. Remember all the details of night vision, this will help to accurately decipher it.

Why do dolphins dream - let’s turn to dream books for help

  1. Miller's Dream Book. If dolphins swim in a clear sea, the dream foretells family well-being. They jump in the water - all your life plans will be successfully fulfilled. Playing with dolphins in a dream - in reality you may fall under the influence of management or other people because of your gentle nature, this does not always give a positive result.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Felomena. If in a dream you enjoy a school of dolphins or swim on one of them, then everything will turn out well in life. If sea animals do not please you, then prepare for disappointment.
  3. Vanga's Dream Book. Dolphins in a dream, according to the predictions of the prophetess, are considered a symbol of spiritual insight. The dream indicates your resilience in different life situations.
  4. Family dream book. A dream with a flock of sea animals foretells meeting new friends. If you ride a sea creature in a dream, do not take on complex problems and affairs in reality, you will spend a lot of physical and spiritual energy on them.
  5. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. Night visions of dolphins indicate your cheerfulness and success. But sometimes a dream shows that you lack communication in life.

Why do you dream about dolphins – the sea or the pool?

Sleeping with dolphins swimming in a calm and clear sea will bring you joy and you will get rid of problems. Life priorities will change, and your life will sparkle with new colors. If dolphins perform different tricks in the water, think about your behavior. You are arrogant and arrogant towards other people. If sea animals look at you from the sea in a dream, in reality you should change your place of work.

Interpretation of a dream with dolphins in a pool:

  • There is a lot of water in the pool and dolphins swim there. Get ready to meet an old friend;
  • Sea animals lie on the bottom of a pool without water. Beware of scams;
  • You are swimming on a dolphin in a pool. Get ready for advantageous offer, don't give up on it. The dream may also indicate a lack of intimate relationships.

Why do you dream of wounded, kind and dead dolphins?

A dead dolphin washed ashore portends misfortune, illness, and loss of mental strength. A dream may indicate a betrayal of a spouse, a collapse of hopes. Dreams with wounded sea animals warn of illness and also indicate your coldness, mental insensitivity and inability to do acts of mercy. Kind mammals point to your right choice V difficult situations and a firm decision. Dreaming of aggressive sea inhabitants will bring an unusual situation into your life. If they attack, do not expect quick success in business.

Why do you dream about dolphins - their size, color and number

Remember what color you saw dolphins in your dream, and how many there were:

  • Big dolphins. The dream indicates the emergence of new values ​​in your life;
  • Little dolphins. Soon you will meet a person who will help solve your problems;
  • White or gray dolphins. The dream indicates a successful career. You will easily move up the career ladder;
  • Dark colored dolphins. Expect conflict and disagreement;
  • Large flock of mammals. You waste a lot of time in your life, think about it;
  • Lonely dolphin or pair of mammals. You have hidden intimate desires and a thirst for love adventures.

Dreams with sea inhabitants often have positive interpretations. Psychologists say that the dreamer should rejoice at such a night vision. After all, the dolphin is a symbol of purity, tranquility and spiritual enlightenment.