Where is Susan Boyle now? Susan Boyle: how a housewife became a world celebrity. Into the sanctum sanctorum

In 2009, Susan Boyle wowed audiences with her stunning performance of "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical Les Misérables on Britain's Got Talent. And today Susan Boyle gave the first and only tour of the new “luxury” house for $480 thousand.

Susan Boyle TV show “Britain's Got Talent”

Mine new home with a total area of ​​160 sq.m., which costs 480 thousand dollars, Susan Boyle does not want to advertise it to friends and acquaintances, and she herself rarely visits it. She prefers old house in Blackburn, West Lothian from the local community in which she was born, raised and won.

But after the new, and what Susan calls “luxurious” house is ready, she decided to give the media the first and only tour of her new home, which has 5 rooms.

XiuBo, as she is known, met reporters dressed all in black, adding bright red lips, peach blush and dark nail polish to the glamor.

She treated reporters to a cup of traditional English tea in the kitchen of the house she moved into in September 2011.

In the interior of the house, she featured a grand piano in the living room, whose doors open onto an internal garden overlooking the pristine Scottish countryside. The piano was decorated with photographs of Susan's parents and herself.

Susan Boyle, now worth an estimated $12 million after selling her $20 million album, says despite everything she still loves her parents' old semi-detached house, which is a kilometer from her new home.

This is what the facade of Susan Boyle's Luxury House looks like, in Blackburn, West Lothian. The new house has 5 rooms and a garage for two cars. Electricity into the house comes from solar panels installed on the roof.

0 November 29, 2014, 5:13 pm

As you know, the modern version of Cinderella: a simple Scottish housewife thanks to the reality show Britain's Got Talent in 2009, as they say. True, every Cinderella must have her own prince, and with this, the owner of a magnificent voice, alas, has always had problems : Boyle did not hide from the public that she had never even kissed.

Complicating the problem was the fact that the singer, who is characterized by serious difficulties in communication.

But over the course of several years as a star, Susan seemed to have gained self-confidence, and with it, the attention of the opposite sex. Now fans of the 53-year-old singer are happy for her because, by her own admission, she has finally met her love.

A romantic acquaintance occurred this year during Boyle’s tour of the United States. Susan has not yet shown her chosen one to the press, but she provides some details: her boyfriend is an American doctor, they met when they stayed at the same hotel. Now, Boyle reports, the American, who turned out to be a “real gentleman,” is going to visit her in Scotland.

Susan shared:

It's too early to talk about anything, we'll see. I hope he comes. I don't want to talk too much about him, it wouldn't be fair to him. All I can say is that we are about the same age and he is a very nice person.

GettyImages The world first heard it eight years ago. An elderly and ugly lonely woman suddenly decided to change her life - and she succeeded. Millions of people fell in love with Susan Boyle as she was and remains - awkward, unglamorous and never even kissed by anyone.

"Silly Susie"

She was unlucky from the very beginning: Susan was the tenth child of already middle-aged parents. Her mother was already 45 years old. The birth was difficult: for some time the newborn was left without oxygen. Doctors predicted that because of this, Susie would lag behind her peers in development - and so it happened. Clumsy, not very smart, and not at all the life of the party, as a child she received the nickname “Silly Susie.” But she wasn’t too offended—she had enough communication in her family. Mom, dad, brothers and sisters were all interested in music to one degree or another. At the age of 9, Susan realized that she could sing well. But I couldn’t figure out how to put this talent into practice.

GettyImages Gradually, all the children left their parents' home and started their own families. Father died. "Silly Susie" was left alone with her mother - no special plans for independent life she didn't have it.

She worked as a trainee cook for six months, and then completely focused on caring for her mother and regularly attending church. But the dream of singing on stage sometimes still reminded me of itself. Twice Susan tried to participate in music competitions, but to no avail. Only her mother believed in her talent - and Susan promised her that someday she would become a real singer.

"Not a bad joke"

She was 46 years old when her mother died in 2007. At least in memory of her, Susan should have tried her luck and tried to become a singer. For two years she gathered her courage, and in 2009 she came to the set of the popular show “Britain’s Got Talent” (“Britain’s Got Talent”, the Russian analogue is “Minute of Fame”. “That day we spent a painfully long time auditioning the contestants and were terribly tired. We thought that your performance, Susan, could be a good joke that would defuse the situation,” one of the competition judges, Piers Morgan, later said. One can understand him: a middle-aged, ugly, overweight woman with a terrible hairstyle came on stage and declared that she wanted to become the second Ellen Page - and this is a popular actress and singer in Britain. “I heard them laughing. Both they and the audience in the hall. Even though I was terribly worried, I forced myself to endure their ridicule. I firmly decided: either I can swallow it, or I won’t succeed. I stood and thought: “Well, it’s okay, now I’ll sing, and you will understand that you were in a hurry to laugh,” Susan Boyle recalled after the first audition. Everything turned out in a way she couldn’t imagine even in her wildest dreams: the song from the musical “Les Miserables” I Dreamed A Dream, performed by her, captivated not only the jury of the show, but the whole world - in a very short time.

In the first ten days, 70 million people watched the recording of her performance on YouTube. And now, 8 years later, the video continues to collect views - their number has already exceeded 200 million. Susan's life changed in one evening: her old house was besieged by journalists, and people who had previously called her “stupid” now considered it an honor to meet her. Susan reacted to everything in a childlike way. When asked about her personal life, she honestly admitted that she had “not been kissed by anyone,” refused to change her hairstyle and moved step by step towards the final of the competition.


She didn't win the show. In the final, Susan beat dance group Diversity - and the next day she went to the hospital with a nervous breakdown.

But as soon as she checked out, representatives of record companies lined up to see her: they wanted to release Susan Boyle’s debut album, and the sooner the better.

The disc was released in November 2009 under the title of the fateful song for Susan - I Dreamed A Dream. And it immediately became a hit - despite the fact that it did not contain original songs. Madonna's old hits, The Rolling Stones and other stars, sung by the 48-year-old housewife, topped all world charts and sold millions of copies. Susan lost weight, became prettier, and in addition became a millionaire. But at the same time she remained herself. When asked by the famous American TV presenter Larry King whether she was going to change her image, hairstyle and style, Susan confidently answered - no, because then she would lose her individuality.

In 2013, the reason for such spontaneity and the singer’s past problems became partly clear. She was diagnosed with Asperger's disease, a type of autoimmune spectrum disorder in which a person has severe difficulty communicating with others. Upon learning of this, Susan not only was not upset, but even felt relieved - at last there was an explanation for her long failures. However, this is now a thing of the past. Susan Boyle has already released seven albums and has no intention of stopping. Her annual income exceeds $35 million, but she has no time to spend it and continues to live in her parents' old house.

Susan has no plans to get married either. “Oh, I don’t have time for this,” she says.

To the 'great relief' of the talent show sensation, she was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome a year ago

Susan Boyle is a modest, unemployed Scot who became a sensation four years ago thanks to her amazing voice. IN early childhood she was diagnosed with brain damage as a result of birth complications leading to prolonged asphyxia. However, now, in my exclusive interview She told the Observer that she actually has Asperger's syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism.

Because Susan suffered from learning problems, she had difficulty graduating from school. Other children bullied her for being different and called her “weak-witted Susie.” Until the age of 48, she worked only for one short period- as a cook's assistant within state program. As a person with a “learning disability” (now in the UK this term has replaced the concept of “mental retardation”) she received a disability pension and social assistance, her legal capacity was incomplete, for example, she could only receive a certain amount of money in hand. She has never been married, according to her, she has never even been kissed. She still has emotional breakdowns and fits of rage that she is unable to cope with.

Susan became an international celebrity after competing on Britain's Got Talent in 2009. Due to the contrast between the rustic, middle-aged woman's unassuming appearance and her amazing talent, her performance in the competition became something of a sensation, reported by media around the world, including in Russia. Although she was unable to complete all stages of the competition due to a nervous breakdown and severe emotional exhaustion caused by increased public attention, she still fulfilled her dream of becoming a professional singer, releasing four albums in four years.

All of her albums became hits, and Boyle is one of the most popular singers in the world. She recently played a supporting role in the holiday film The Christmas Candle. And Fox Searchlight is preparing to make a film based on her biography with Meryl Streep in the title role.

Susan was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome only a year ago, but she kept it a secret. “I was misdiagnosed as a child,” she says. “They told me I had brain damage.” I always knew it was the wrong label. Now I have a better understanding of what is wrong with me, and I feel relief, now I feel calmer about myself.”

“I turned to a Scottish specialist for a diagnosis,” she says. - I decided so myself. I thought I had some serious illness that was preventing me from functioning normally.” Asperger's syndrome is associated with impairments social interaction and communications. Very often, people with this syndrome suffer from very severe anxiety because they are unable to cope with normal everyday situations that are easy for most people.

Boyle admits she was very nervous before the consultation. However, she completed several psychological tests, which showed that her problems were not actually related to general intelligence: “I was told that my IQ was above average.”

The singer has suffered from severe episodes of depression and mood swings, and she acknowledges her vulnerability and need for support. “On my own, I’m not strong enough,” she explains. “If those around me support me, then I’m fine.” I have a great team."

Despite the fact that her unexpectedly acquired fame allowed her to become rich woman and build yourself " luxury house“, as she says, she moved from there back to her late mother’s house in the town of Blackburn in order to “keep her feet on the ground.” She was very close to her mother Bridget, who died without seeing her daughter's fame. Boyle had to turn to social services because she could not cope with the grief of her mother's death on her own.

She attributes her success to her mother: “I promised my mother that I would achieve something worthwhile in life. Spiritually, my mother is always present with me. She definitely put in a good word for me up there, otherwise I would never have achieved anything.”

Susan believes that the challenges she faced as a child made her more determined, but at the same time they left scars: “You have to be angry enough to fight.”

She insists that the new diagnosis does not define or limit her: “It will not change anything in my life. It's just a condition that I have to live with and cope with." However, she hopes that her example will encourage others to treat her and others with the disorder with understanding and compassion.

“I think people will treat me better if they understand who I am and why I do what I do,” she believes.

Even people far from the world of music have heard the name of this housewife from Scotland. Overnight she became a world-class star. For this, Susan Boyle only needed one song at a talent competition. Why did she become so popular and what is this unique personality doing now?

Biography of Susan Boyle

Future star born June 15, 1961 in large family from Blackburn. The girl had a hard time as a child - she was the youngest of ten children. Due to the fact that her mother was already at a fairly mature age, and the birth did not go entirely smoothly, the girl was born with some brain damage. She was strange, so her peers did not want to be friends with her and gave her the nickname “silly Susie.” More than once she was ridiculed by classmates and even teachers. The only joy for the girl was singing in the local church choir. Her vocal abilities were highly praised and she attempted to participate in several music competitions. But her anxiety blocked her path to the stage in the 90s.

After her father's death, she began to care for her sick mother. Susan Boyle devoted several years to this activity, and when the time came to say goodbye to her second parent, she experienced a strong shock. She never married or gave birth to any heirs. She continued to live in her parents’ house with her old cat and helped the elderly as a volunteer. Two years after her mother passed away, she went on Britain's Got Talent to perform the song and pay tribute. She didn't expect a warm welcome - she just wanted to take part. At 48 years old, the woman had already lost all hope of becoming a singer and did not indulge herself with pipe dreams.

Susan Boyle's first performance

Before going on stage and performing the song, the woman gave an interview to the presenters. She said she was determined and would receive applause. Her dream is coming true, because she has been singing since she was 12 and has always wanted to perform in front of a huge audience. But no less interesting fact became her statement that she had never even been kissed. The legendary show has never seen such candidates for participation. Susan was visibly nervous and tried to mask her embarrassment with crude jokes. When it was time to go on stage, she pulled herself together and set out to conquer the audience.

Appearing before the judges and spectators in simple dress, without hair and makeup, she caused laughter and puzzled looks. Luckily, the woman had a great sense of humor and won over the judges even before her performance began. Susan said that she would like to repeat the success of Helen Page, and this is her chance. The audience looked at each other, and the judges were confused by her enthusiasm. Frankly unattractive appearance, age and strange behavior completely erased all chances of fulfilling the dream. No one knew that she would soon hit a real jackpot.

Complete surprise

When the melody from the musical “Les Miserables” began to play and Susan began to sing, the judges’ mouths dropped open in surprise, and the audience began to applaud furiously. After the first two lines she received a standing ovation, and the cries of delight did not cease until the last note. Shocked spectators and three experts could not believe the reality of what was happening. The woman not only had a magnificent voice - she sang like a professional singer. Nobody laughed anymore - all attention was focused on this eccentric woman with an incredible in a beautiful voice. It was real finest hour.

Having finished her performance, she blew a kiss and headed backstage. But she was stopped - the judges had something to say about her talent. Over the three years of the show’s existence, no one has ever been able to surprise and shock the trio of professionals so much. They admitted that her soulful and sensual performance was the biggest shock during the entire time they spent in this hall. Even who is famous for his tough character and impartiality, could not restrain himself and expressed his admiration for this amazing woman.

The hard way

Susan Boyle's speech was published on the Internet, and the video quickly collected more than 100 million views. The woman was shown on television in many countries. In an instant, she became the most talked about person of 2009, surpassing even the newly elected President Barack Obama. But no one knows how difficult this fame was for her. Already during the competition her mental state started to get worse. Finally, after so many years, she was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. She reached the finals and had every chance of winning, since the people's love for this housewife was simply incredible. But before the final performance, her nerves gave way. Too much responsibility fell on her shoulders, and the already recognized singer Susan Boyle took second place. Immediately after the competition, she underwent treatment and began her career. A nervous breakdown prevented her from becoming a winner, but did not put an end to her future.

Fame and success

In the same 2009, the first album was released, which was bought by more than 14 million people. Susan Boyle's songs were a huge success among listeners, and for this she was nominated for a Grammy in 2011 and 2012. She did not receive a prize, but she proved that even at 48 years old you can become popular singer. Already on the show, her appearance was radically changed, and now she looks no worse than most Hollywood stars of her age. I couldn’t pass by such a colorful figure and made wax figure Susan. Many believe that she became successful only because of her first performance and the effect she created. Perhaps this is actually true, but 9 years have passed since that moment, and interest in her person has still not faded.