Which skis to choose for your child. Cross-country skiing for children: how to choose the right one

Children can start skiing from the age of two. Of course, at this age the baby is still poorly physically developed. In addition, the activity may get boring for the baby. So that he really gets carried away by this interesting and useful look sports, do not force your child to ride. Take your skis with you for a walk and put them on whenever he wants. Alternate different activities and games.

And then by the end of winter the child will love skiing and even learn to glide a little. Important in in this case choose comfortable and reliable equipment. Today, products vary in type of material and size, riding style and design, cost and other parameters. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose the right skis for a child.

Types of skis

Skis for children are made of wood or plastic and are often marked “Junior”. Wooden products are characterized by accessibility and environmental friendliness, strength and reliability, and safety. They are stable and glide well, but require periodic lubrication. Without lubrication, wooden skis will absorb moisture and become extremely heavy, which will cause severe discomfort to the baby.

Plastic skis are comfortable, lightweight and durable. They glide well, but are not very suitable for learning. Therefore, plastic children's skis must have reliable and high-quality anti-slip notches. This is necessary so that the products do not slip and do not accelerate too quickly.

According to skiing style, skiing is divided into classic and skating. The traditional version has a long shape with a pointed nose. It is suitable for riding at school, in the forest or park, around the house and at the stadium. Classic skis do not require a special ski track. Models with notches are suitable for beginners. Products without notches are suitable for already confident users who want high speed. However, the latter need to be lubricated regularly.

Skate skis are used to move in skating style along a prepared track. Here the skis are not moved parallel, but ride as if on skates. Therefore, the products are shorter, have a round nose and come without notches. This option is suitable for professionals and athletes, as well as for amateurs who easily ski down snowy hills and slopes.

Classic and skating types are the so-called cross-country skiing. They also make alpine skis, which are designed for skiing and descending from mountain slopes. You can start skiing as early as four or five years old, provided that the child has mastered classic skiing. Now let's look at how to choose skis for a child.

  • We choose the very first skis from wood. Products should be taller than or slightly taller than the child, 10-15 centimeters. As a last resort, you can choose products made of plastic, but only with notches;
  • When the baby gets used to it a little, we choose reliable classic plastic skis. They should be 20 centimeters taller than the child;
  • Pay attention to the fastening. Under no circumstances should you buy models with only two straps, as they are extremely unreliable. The child will benefit from special fastenings in the form of galoshes, where the back is attached to the heel. With such skis you can ride in standard winter boots or boots;
  • For children, we choose soft or semi-rigid bindings, where they can ride in their usual street shoes. We choose special ski boots with rigid fastenings already for adolescence or if the child is professionally involved in this sport;
  • The skating option is suitable for confident riders who can easily go downhill. If you want to choose skate skis, they should be ten centimeters higher than the child. At the same time, models must necessarily include sides that hold the heel when turning and prevent falls;
  • When choosing alpine skis, keep in mind that the products should reach the chin or tip of the nose. When measuring, they should stand strictly vertically on the “heel”;
  • Do not take models for growth, otherwise the child will not be able to ride correctly and comfortably! Therefore, it is important to choose suitable skis for your child based on height and weight. To choose cross-country skis, we focus on height, and when buying mountain skis, we focus on weight, if it is less than 40-41 kg. For children weighing over 40 kg, we select alpine skis according to their height.

It is important to choose the right size and length of skis. Otherwise, they will not press through in the middle, and then the baby will not be able to push off properly. Before purchasing, be sure to “try on” skis and poles. The table below will tell you how to choose the right size.

Children's cross-country ski sizes

Ski sizes for children

Does a child need ski poles?

A small child does not yet need ski poles to learn. First of all, he must learn to stand on the skis themselves, maintain balance and glide correctly, and also gain confidence. Then, by the age of six or seven, you can purchase sticks, which need to be correctly selected according to height. Do not buy products for growth, otherwise they will overload the shoulder joint.

For a child, choose lightweight sticks with comfortable handles and non-sharp ends, with a strong and reliable loop, belt or rope on the handles. At the ends there may be supports in the form of an asterisk or a ring. Then the baby will not lose the product, will not get hurt and will feel comfortable. In this case, belt or rope holders should fit tightly around the hands.

Try on poles before purchasing. Let the child stand up straight, bend his arm at the elbow and press the latter to his body, and then take one stick by the handle. The arm should remain bent at a right angle. The table below will help you choose the appropriate length.

Child's height Approximate age Ski pole length
125 cm 6-7 years 100-105 cm
130 cm 8 years 105-110 cm
135 cm 9 years 110-115 cm
140 cm 10 years 115-120 cm
145 cm 11-12 years old 120-125 cm
150 cm 12-13 years old 125-130 cm
155 cm 12-14 years old 130-135 cm
160 cm 13-16 years old 135-137 cm
165 cm 14-16 years old 137-142 cm
170 cm 14-16 years old 140-145 cm

Shoes and ski boots

For a small child, we choose classic winter boots or boots, but not felt boots. Products should be soft, comfortable and warm, made of natural materials, which do not allow moisture to pass through and prevent your feet from sweating. Read how to choose the right winter shoes for your child.

When the child masters the basics of skiing, you can switch to special ski boots. Shoes fit according to size, not height. It must fit the ski rack. Today, three types of fasteners are made:

  • NN 75 is a traditional, strong and reliable, accessible and inexpensive mount that our grandparents used to ride with. Among the shortcomings, we note the difficult fixation of the boot, which not every child can cope with. In addition, snow often sticks to the fastenings;
  • SNS are modern mounts that work automatically. There is no need to bend down and fasten it yourself. Among other things, they provide a strong and reliable fixation;
  • NNN – fastenings modern generation, which securely fix the boot to the ski. Today you will find a variety of models and prices of such bindings, which simplifies the selection and search of boots.

Be sure to try on the boots before purchasing. Shoe sizes for children under 14 years old can be selected as follows. Add a centimeter to the length of the foot. It is important that in the area of ​​location thumb There was a small margin left so that the boots did not pinch and the foot felt comfortable inside. In this case, the shoes should fit tightly to the foot.

How to dress for a ski trip

Clothing is also important for skiing. It should be light, comfortable and durable. The material should not allow moisture, wind and dirt to pass through, and should keep the body from sweating. Membrane clothing works well. Today it is popular view material from which comfortable overalls, jackets and pants are made, including for children.

Membrane clothing includes two to five layers, between which there is a mesh with microscopic pores. This mesh is called a membrane. It has increased protective properties. The inside of the membrane is covered with a soft cloth, and on top - a wear-resistant shell. Clothes made from membrane fabric are soft and comfortable, warm and wear-resistant.

Dirt is not absorbed into the membrane fabric, so dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth or sponge in a few minutes. The costumes can be washed in the washing machine without any problems. Such easy and quick clothing care is especially important for mothers.

Membrane clothing is designed specifically for active walking and sports. But very small children who are still sitting in a stroller will freeze in such things. After all, the membrane only works during active movements. Therefore, it is not suitable for low-active children.

For sedentary children, we choose regular winter clothes with wool, down or fleece. We wear several layers of thin clothing under a winter overall or set. For active and athletic children, wear thermal underwear.

Don't wear ski boots with wool socks. IN wool socks Your feet will sweat a lot and get cold quickly! Use special socks for sports that wick away moisture. Then your feet will remain dry and warm. By the way, take a second hat for a walk so that you can put on a dry one after riding.

For a ski trip, choose temperatures from minus three to minus ten degrees. In such weather, you will not freeze, and the snow will not stick to your skis, which will allow you to ski comfortably. Lay a ski track if there is none. To do this, ski on the snow yourself several times. Make a ski trail next to the path so you can walk next to your baby as he learns to ride.

First, we let the baby trample his own short ski track in the shallow snow. This will teach the baby to keep the skis parallel. Then we let them trample the sun, fan and other figures to teach them to turn and turn around. Place your baby on a prepared ski track and let him try to move. At first, little children will walk rather than slide.

To get your baby interested, place a ball in front of his socks and ask him to push the toy. And so that the baby begins to slide, and not walk, carefully move the skis forward along the track on their toes.

Be prepared that at first it will collapse and fall. There's nothing wrong with that. Encourage and support the baby. Don't shout or scold your child if something doesn't work out! He may get scared or very upset, and then the desire to ski will disappear forever.

When your child can confidently stand, glide and ski in a straight line, move on to the slide. It should be flat and small. Teach your child to slide down the slide and climb back up the ladder independently, turn around and turn on skis.

Winter provides an opportunity to have a great rest and spend time with your child. Active and active games and sports will make the child stronger and more confident, increase physical fitness and endurance. Choose hobbies that suit the whole family's tastes.

Skiing is one of the most common winter sports and recreation. The quality and safety of skiing depend not only on the skill and experience of the skier, but also on properly selected equipment.

Before you go to the store to buy sports equipment, we suggest you figure out how to choose skis based on physical features future owner, such as height and weight.

All over the world, skis suitable for children and teenagers are made with the Junior mark. To begin with, it is better to purchase “soft” skis. Due to their low rigidity, they are easy to control; it is impossible to reach high speeds on them. It would be nice if the skis had notches that prevent you from sliding backwards.


  • Tree. Among the advantages of wooden skis, one can immediately note, firstly, the low price, and secondly, frost resistance. Their disadvantages are that they require special lubricant, without which the sports equipment becomes saturated with moisture and becomes heavier.
  • Plastic. They are lightweight, durable and glide well. But it is better to take plastic skis more for experienced skiers, because for a child who is skiing for the first time, such a strong glide can turn into difficulty.

Ski bindings and boots for children

The choice of bindings depends on the experience, age and physical fitness of the rider. For children younger age You should take skis with bindings that do not require special ski boots.

Semi-rigid metal fastenings with straps do not require special shoes. They differ from soft ones in that they stay on the leg more tightly.

Choosing skis

For older children, harnesses made from cotton straps, soft leather or elastic rubber are suitable.

But skis with rigid bindings require additional boots, so they should only be chosen by children who have been skiing well for a long time.

But it is important to remember that a child’s feet grow very quickly, and there is a high probability that by the next ski season, the boots, and with them the skis, may simply be the wrong size.

Therefore, it is better to purchase this option when the child’s leg has stopped growing, for example in adolescence. When choosing boots, you should make sure that they are warm, comfortable and accurately fit your feet.

How to choose skis and boots for an adult

Skis for adults are divided into two groups: alpine and cross-country.

Alpine skiing, depending on the skiing style, is divided into the following subtypes:

  1. Carving skis that have deep cutouts on the sides, making it easy to make turns.
  2. Fan carvings are designed to be ridden without poles.
  3. Skis for ski touring are equipped with camus - special devices that prevent the skis from sliding when the skier climbs the mountain.
  4. Skis for ski cross are made to be as maneuverable and durable as possible, for high-speed skiing on slopes equipped with jumps, turns and changes in altitude.
  5. Freestyle skis feature a curved tip and tail, which allows the skier to continue moving even if the skier lands with his back to the movement after performing a jump.
  6. Skis with a so-called wide waist are designed for freestyle backcountry - riding on a snow-covered field.

Selection of skis - diagram

How to choose alpine skis:

  • The length of alpine skis is selected individually.
  • The stiffness of skis depends on the professionalism and experience of the skier: soft models are better suited for a beginner, as they absorb well and work well. low speeds, models with medium hardness are recommended for more confident users, and hard ones for experienced, highly qualified athletes.
  • The width of the waist, tip and heel is also taken into account when buying skis: wide models are more stable and suitable for riding in deep snow, while narrow models are light and maneuverable, which makes them suitable for slippery and hard trails.


Designed to travel long distances at high speed. They are made of wood or plastic, but remember that wooden models require more careful care than plastic ones.

Divided into two types:

  • For skating– short skis with an edge for greater stability. Unlike classic ones, skate shoes do not completely touch the snow with the middle part when pushing with the foot (the required gap is 2-3 mm), since otherwise the effectiveness of the push is reduced. Skating skis can be identified by their blunt toe.
  • For a classic move. A plastic model with a smooth surface in the middle that prevents slipping back. Soft ones have a longer, sharper toe. Less rigidity, compared to skating skis, is needed in order to touch the snow with the middle part when pushing, then the ski will not slip back during the pushing.

Criteria for selecting cross-country skis:

  • Length. The correct choice of skis according to height guarantees the most comfortable and safe ride.
  • Rigidity. Just like with alpine skis, stiffness is determined by the skier's skill level.


A separate variety of popular skis for adults include hunting skis, such as boot skis and camus skis. The following additional requirements apply to this type of ski:

  1. ability to withstand heavy weight a skier with all his equipment and weapons;
  2. lightness of construction and strength.

Hunting skis

Selection of ski poles

Ski poles are the main ski equipment, just like skis and ski boots.

The main pace and speed of movement on the ski track is approximately half dependent on pushing with your hands, so you should choose hard and strong poles.

Shape of sticks:

  • Sports ski poles are made in the form of a cone with a clear narrowing from the handle to the supporting element, which is small in size and designed for a well-prepared ski track;
  • Hiking poles are made of the same thickness along the entire length. The function of this shape is to maximize their strength. Support element big size makes it possible to push off from loose snow or poorly prepared ski tracks.

Stick material:

  • Aluminum poles weigh very little, but at the same time they are quite rigid and reliable. For beginners and non-professional skiers, these poles have an irrefutable advantage, because if they fall on the pole, it will not break, but only bend. That is, you can straighten it and continue moving;
  • Fiberglass poles have the lowest cost and durability. Weighs the same as inexpensive aluminum poles, but breaks very easily;
  • Composite poles contain fiberglass and carbon composite in different proportions. They are just as easy to break as fiberglass ones, although such poles are considered a little more durable;
  • Carbon composite poles are stiff and lightweight. Due to the absence of fiberglass in the composition, the strength of such poles increases. They can only break from a side impact. Carbon composite is the main material of ski poles for professional sports.

Table for selecting skis by height

Skier's height Classic skis Universal For skating Classic walking poles Skating poles
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

At the end I would like to add some useful tips.

Don't forget that your shoes must fit exactly. Never buy poles to grow into. Riding with them is inconvenient and dangerous.

Do not forget that although plastic skis are much lighter, skiing on them, and even more so learning to ride, is much harder due to the difference in friction and recoil.

For children, it would be useful to have a protective helmet. Under no circumstances should you buy adult shortened skis (“skiboards”) for your child. They are characterized by great rigidity, they are absolutely not intended for children to ride and can lead to injury. Remember that the most important thing is comfort and safety.

Many children like the winter season more than the summer season. And there is a simple explanation for this - in winter you can sled and ski in the snow. And if any sled is suitable for sledding, then you need to approach the choice of skis with special responsibility. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right skis for a 7-year-old child. We will give you tips that will help you choose skis for school, and not listen to the salespeople in the store, but make the only right choice.

At the age of 7, a child can and should already ski fully and correctly. But for this he needs to choose them correctly. If at the age of 4, 5 and even 6 years the skis are adjusted to 20 centimeters less height child, then at 7 years old this rule will no longer have any effect.
So, let's look at the basic rules for choosing skis for a 7-year-old child.

We choose skis not by height, but by weight!
Yes, at such a young age, skis for a beginning ski enthusiast are chosen based on their weight. This is due to the fact that after getting on the skis, the child must bend their middle so that it lies firmly on the snow. If the skis do not lie tightly on the snow, then they will begin to dig into the snow, and it will be difficult for the child to ride on them.
Therefore, here you should adhere to this rule:
- the child’s weight is less than 20 kilograms - skis are about 70 centimeters in length;
- child weight 21-30 kilograms - skis 90 centimeters long;
- child weight up to 40 kilograms - skis about 100 centimeters in length;
- the child weighs more than 40 kilograms - we choose skis based on height, not weight!

But this doesn't always work. After all, skis from different manufacturers differ in characteristics. And some bend easily and some don't. So when you have chosen skis according to your weight, stand on them. And if they were able to bend in the middle to the floor, then this is your ski. If there is a gap between the skis and the floor, put them aside.
No, in principle you can take these skis. It’s just that, as we already said, they will burrow heavily in the snow. But if your child can push through the skis with his leg strength, then please take them.

How to choose skis for growth?
The answer is no way! Skis, like ski boots, are not used for growth. If you decide to buy skis for growth, then now you need skis bigger size. And your child simply will not be able to ride them. Because for him they will be cumbersome, uncontrollable, and he will constantly fall on them.
So forget about buying skis for your child to grow into. Nothing will come of this idea except hysterics and tears of the child.

How to choose skis by price?
The price of skis is divided into three categories: cheap, medium and expensive.
Which one to buy is up to your family and your budget to decide. We recommend taking a closer look at skis in the mid-price category. These skis are the best for those who are just starting to ski.
For example, cheap skis are very soft and easy to control. But you can’t develop good speed on them.
But skis from the expensive category, on the contrary, can accelerate you to high speeds. But you need to be able to manage them perfectly. Otherwise, a fall cannot be avoided.
As for mid-priced skis, these are the most balanced skis. They are good to ride, and with desire and skill you can develop decent speed.

World-renowned American pediatrician Benjamin Spock observed the intensive development of children who were put on skis as early as 2 years old. For children and schoolchildren, such walks become an exciting and joyful event. In order to instill a love of love from the first years of life winter sports To ensure hardening of the body and eliminate injuries, you need to correctly calculate the size of the equipment.

Experienced consultants from the Daughters-Sons online store will tell you how to choose the right skis for a child, taking into account his anthropometry.

How to choose the right skis and poles for children

Until the age of five, the length of vertical modules and push-off sticks cannot exceed the height of a small athlete. It will be convenient for the baby to use sticks that do not reach his armpits by 1-2 cm.

If a preschooler has not yet gained 41 kg, the size of sports equipment is selected not by height, but by weight. There is the following correspondence between body weight and ski dimensions:

  • for 10-20 kg, models with a length of 70 cm or less are suitable;
  • Products up to 90 cm are designed for a weight of 21-30 kg;
  • 31-40 kg is enough to ski 100 cm long.

Before choosing the size of skis, you need to decide on their type, learn about the features of the material and mounting module. The equipment should be conveniently attached to children's boots using soft rubber or polymer fasteners. A special softened fastening secures the leg well, does not squeeze it and can be easily unfastened by the young athlete.


Buying skis and boots for growth is a mistake. In addition to discomfort, this is a common cause of childhood injuries. It is also impossible to replace special models for children with a shortened modification for adults - ski boards. They have a rigid mount and are intended for craftsmen.

What kind of skis can you choose for your child?

An active child can choose a product made of high-strength plastic or wood for daily riding. For example, the Smeshariki brand offers lightweight, ergonomic products made from well-gliding plastic. Unlike wooden ones, they do not need to be lubricated. The surface of the products is coated with a moisture-resistant print of your loved ones. cartoon characters. This decor helps create a good mood.

When choosing alpine skis, the requirements are more stringent. To prevent children from getting injured, all equipment for downhill skiing must be selected with an instructor. In this case, more attention should be paid to boots that secure the leg and a helmet that will protect the head in case of a fall.

“Before purchasing running models, parents should know exactly the height and weight of their children. The products of the online store “Daughters and Sons” are represented by light, modern products with picturesque decor. Children are delighted with the brightly painted sports equipment. For example, kids ride colorful “Bistriki” bikes with double pleasure. The poles will never get lost because they are equipped with wrist straps.”

Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
Goloveshkina Ekaterina


Before choosing the length of skis for your child, you should study the performance indicators of the models. Preference is given to heavy-duty, easy-to-glide plastic products. Equipment for descents in the mountains is chosen only with a specialist.

If the baby weighs less than 41 kg, running models are selected based not on height, but on weight. For children whose height is above 120 cm, the size of the skis can be larger (usually the size of the palm is added to the height), and the poles are measured under the armpits.

The height of an athlete is one of the main factors, which must be taken into account when choosing skis. The ideal length of this sports equipment, as well as ski poles, depends on this parameter.

It is important to take into account that modern models, which are made from new materials, are shorter than those used in previous decades.

Therefore, in the case if you want to buy skis for yourself or your child, you should not rely on figures that were previously considered generally accepted.

How to choose the right skis and poles for your height?

Usually, classic skis must exceed the athlete’s height by 20-30 cm. Skate models much shorter, here the excess is no more than 15 cm.

The ideal ski length for two different skiers of the same height can vary significantly- it depends on the weight, stiffness of the material and riding style.

The higher the weight, the longer and stiffer the skis should be.

Ski types

In order for skiing to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right size skis and poles.

The first thing you need to decide is which skis to choose, what type of sports equipment you need, and for this you need to know where and how are you going to ride?.

For a classic move

Classic skis - the best choice for those who often go skiing. In the middle part of these models there are special notches that provide excellent grip on snow.

For skating

These skis are designed for skating style., when an athlete walks along a wide snowy road, and his movement technique is similar to the movements of a speed skater.

Skating this way is somewhat more difficult than the classic style.


Alpine skis are designed for downhill skiing from the slopes and for alpine skiing. They come in several types, each of which is designed for a specific riding style:

  • carving skis;
  • for freeride;
  • freestyle;
  • ski touring and ski mountaineering.


Cross-country skiing is perfect for country walks and easy hikes over short distances.

It should be borne in mind that they are intended primarily for moving on already trampled snow, while tourist models are better suited for virgin snow.

For a child

If you want to introduce children to skiing, the choice of children's skis and poles needs to be approached even more carefully.

After all, the child doesn’t have much strength, and if the model is chosen incorrectly, he probably won’t like skating.

Choosing ski boots and bindings

For newbies Systems with automatic boot fastening work well. Advanced skiers prefer to use manual fastening.

First you need to find comfortable shoes, and then choose bindings that fit them. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to purchase thermal socks for skating in advance and try on your shoes while wearing them.

It should be borne in mind that there are boots for classics, boots for skating and combined shoes that will suit both styles of skating.

The choice of skis is completely different simple task , as it might seem at first glance.

However, if you arm yourself with knowledge in advance and approach the matter with all seriousness, accept correct solution won't be a big deal.

With skis correctly selected by type and length your ride or the ride of your children will take place with maximum comfort and safety and will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions.

The video explains how to choose the right skis, boots and bindings: