Where is Ilya Yabbarov from house 2. Ilya Yabbarov and his new mistress went to “Love Island. Ilya Yabbarov. Biography

Member name:

Age (birthday): 18.08.1985

City: Saratov, Moscow

Family: not married

Height and weight: 171 cm

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Ilya Yabbarov was born on August 18, 1985 in the working-class village of Uvek in the city of Saratov. He was raised by his mother, and besides him, there is an older brother in the family.

IN hometown graduated from school and entered vocational school No. 20 to study as a car mechanic and gas-electric welder.

He did not finish vocational school; after a year of studying, he quit and went to work.

Ilya was fond of music, performed songs in the Russian chanson genre. He wrote his first song at the age of 18 and dedicated it to his beloved girlfriend. He served in the army in the airborne forces.

After service, he worked for some time at a sausage factory, even managed to make a career and rise to the position of branch manager in Volgograd.

He is interested in motorsports and loves to play backgammon and cards. Before the project, Ilya was married, and he has a daughter from his first marriage.

After the divorce, which took place on Ilya’s initiative, how he claims there was infidelity on the part of his wife, he has evaded paying alimony for a long time, and probably has problems with the law, but, for obvious reasons, he does not like to advertise this.

He came to the TV show House 2 in April 2015 and declared his sympathy for Kamila Korobeynikova, but created a couple with.

The guys moved into a separate room, but then the girl’s ex-husband, also Ilya, came to the project.

For a long time, Alexandra could not decide between two men and in the end she still preferred her ex-husband.

There was a short-term, rapid relationship with Anna Belyakova. Ilya was disqualified from the project after a clash with Kristina Deryabina; he was rude to the girl and even tried to hit her, for which he was expelled.

After some time, he apologized for his unworthy behavior, and the organizers returned him to the project.

He again tried to build a relationship with Kamila Korobeynikova, then with the beauty, but everything did not work out.

Outside the perimeter he met with Maria Burkhun and even wanted to leave the project to be with her, but the producers decided to invite the girl to the perimeter.

The team, however, did not believe in Maria’s sincerity, and in order to prove to all envious people that their couple had real feelings, the guys went to the Seychelles.

The happy life did not last long, and love gave way to a showdown, and the couple broke up. Maria chose a new one for herself young man Ilya Krotkov, and Yabbarov went to Polyana.

On the project he played the role of the head of the detention center, where troublemakers end up, TV show, hosted the Judgment Day program. Although Ilya Yabbarov himself is a conflicted person, he has been in fights more than once.

When she returned to the perimeter from Love Island, Ilya paid attention to her and began to court her, they had several romantic dates. Catherine is still married, but she reciprocates Ilya’s love.

Relationships between couples are developing so rapidly that Ilya has already proposed to his beloved, gave me a ring.

After official divorce Katya, the guys are planning to go submit an application to the registry office.

After this significant event, constant quarrels break out between the guys, and misunderstandings arise: whether they can overcome these difficulties together or separate, time will tell.

Ilya Yabbarov continues to sing, popular songs performed by Ilya: tea rose, night platform, etc.

In his new arrival at the project, Yabbarov began dating his sister ex-girlfriend. Alena quickly became pregnant with Ilya’s child, but the couple soon broke up due to the man’s infidelity. Alena wants to raise her child on her own. Ilya found it on the project new girl– . The controversial contestant left the show in mid-May 2019 along with his girlfriend Rita.

Photo by Ilya

The guy often posts photos together with other participants.

Participant in the television project “Dom-2” Ilya Yabbarov, whose biography is replete with scandals, returned to the show earlier this year. The young man always caused not very flattering comments with his behavior. And this time nothing has changed.

Brief biography of Ilya Yabbarov

Ilya and his brother were raised by one mother. Perhaps that is why the guy still does not know how to build honest relationships, without betrayals and scandals.

He was born on August 18, 1985 in Saratov. After graduating high school, entered a vocational school, but very quickly dropped out of school and joined the army, where he served in the air force.

After returning he worked for sausage factory and was even able to build a career, but fame called for the future chansonnier, and Ilya decided to try his luck on the silver screen.

However, the guy hid one very juicy detail, which subsequently resulted in major problems in his life and career as a showman. It turned out that Ilya had a wife and daughter, whom he does not see and does not help financially. And the total alimony debt for 7 years amounted to more than 100,000 rubles.

"House-2" - first arrival

Yabbarov made his first visit to the perimeter in 2015. Without thinking twice, he immediately declared his sympathy for Kamilla Korobeynikova, but switched to Gozias Sasha.

However, Gozias soon abandons Ilya, returning to ex-husband. But the guy did not grieve for a long time and tried to build a couple with Anna Belyakova and Olga Rapunzel, but he did not succeed. Soon he is kicked out of the project due to a quarrel with a girl whom he almost hit.

Second visit to the project

Returning a second time and apologizing, Ilya begins a new relationship with Maria Buhun, but this blonde also leaves him for another lover. Ilya falls in love again, but with another beauty - Ekaterina Kaufman.

The girl even left the gate with him when the show participants decided to get rid of Ilya for the second time. But outside the perimeter, the relationship between the lovers did not work out, and they broke up.

Third comeback

On the third visit, Ilya seduces Olga Rapunzel's younger sister Alena Savkina. A girl falls in love with a guy, loses her head, quarrels with her family, but does not give up love. The older sister scolds the girl and Ilya, demanding their separation, but the young people do not give up.

This relationship led to Alena becoming pregnant, and Ilya, having cheated again, broke up with his girlfriend and went to the islands to build new love with Margarita Larchenko.

And although the biography of Ilya Yabbarov is filled with various vicissitudes, the guy continues to hope that fate will be favorable to him, and he will be able to start a family and become famous singer in chanson style.

A member of House 2 went live last night and announced unexpected news to his subscribers. Although, why unexpected, rather quite expected - with Rita Larchenko.

According to Ilya, he and Rita went to a hotel, although it is still unclear with or without cameras, where Yabbarov spent 100,000 rubles; it is also unclear whether it was his own or government money. We ate lobster and spent the night at the hotel. Everything in their relationship is wonderful, complete harmony and mutual understanding. , because the girl returned his interest in life.

Is Yabbarov really interested in Larchenko?

Ilya said a lot of things, but it is unlikely to have anything to do with reality. After the lies about Bali, it’s hard to believe. But even if we assume that Yabbarov is trying to troll Alena Savkina, he will still have to answer for kissing Rita on camera. What do you think is really happening? Is Ilya really interested in Larchenko? Is this the kind of example that House 2 participants should show to viewers? How to quickly make a baby for the sake of show and run away to another girl who will also soon be pregnant?

Sergei and while the girl was on vacation in Moscow, they spent a lot of time together, while denying that a relationship had begun, assuring everyone that they were connected only by friendship. As time passed, Yulia was no longer so zealous in proving that they were just friends, hinting that it didn’t matter what the relationship was called, the main thing was that it existed. What does Yabbarov have to do with this? Sergei Kucherov assures that Ilya left House 2 at will last Sunday...

Do you think we can trust the information from Sergei Kucherov? After all, he is, whatever one may say, a person close to the host of House 2, which means he is fully aware of the latest information about life on the television set. Or, after all, he wrote the news about Yabbarov on the page of Tatyana Musulbes, who asked her subscribers which of the eliminated participants in the TV show they miss the most?

Is Kucherov joking?

Or is Kucherov trolling the people, knowing how long many of them have been waiting for the expulsion of the house “chansonnier”? Today at live there was no talk about this with Yulia Efremenkova. But Sergei and Yulia constantly repeated that they were not in a relationship, they just had a lot of fun together, they both had an extraordinary sense of humor, perhaps not understandable to everyone, but Yulia and Sergei liked it.

Thanks to Anastasia Balinskaya, some project news became known, after which all that remains is to feel sorry for Alena Savkina. Despite all the hopes of fans of Alena’s talent, she never managed to find reconciliation with Ilya Yabbarov. Moreover, instead of establishing contact, the young man decided to go to the casting.

However, upon returning from a business trip, Ilya seemed so inspired by his successes that it seemed to many that he had completely forgotten about his girlfriend and baby. At the same time, many users of the World Wide Web could not help but notice how cheerfully, cheerfully and naturally Ilya spends time with the new Rita Larina and, apparently, there is only one step left before their contact develops into something more than just friendly communication, writes site site.

So, if you believe the information that Anastasia Balinskaya published online, it becomes clear that Ilya Yabbarov gladly chose the opportunity to go to “Love Island”, where he will have the opportunity to take a break from all the nervous shocks that happened to him over the years. lately. At the same time, he was kept company by the same Margarita, who does not hide her sympathy for the young man.

“It’s a pity not so much for Savkina as for her and Yabbarov’s child, because if things continue like this, then unborn child will grow up without a father,” “Yabbarov is in his repertoire, nothing surprising” - noted by users of the World Wide Web.

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