Cool comments for friends' photos. Comments to the photo

Any under the photo beautiful girl There are always a lot of enthusiastic comments on social networks. Guys and adult men especially try to convey their admiration. Pleasant words sometimes confuse and surprise, but do not leave you indifferent. But what if natural modesty or imagination does not allow you to leave a great comment under the photo you like?

Our large selection offers a wide variety of comments under a girl’s photo for use. None of them will go unnoticed. And some will be able to hook you in such a way that they won’t let her forget about you for a long time. A good comment for a photo of a girl - big chance to continue communicating with her in the future. Then her sweet smile will delight you more often. After all, it’s impossible not to smile when flattering words are addressed to you!

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Every photo you have is a demonstration of model data and a charming smile! You can’t take your eyes off, you can’t take your feet away!

You know how to surprise! On each new photo you're getting better and better.

So cute... This look suits you, although all the others are amazing too!

Gorgeous! A combination of elegance and outrageousness.

Very good) I would give a lot for such a smile.

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Lovely! Does your mother need a son-in-law? Or are you a fan? I will rate every photo of yours an A.

Simply super-beautiful! A delight for the eyes, a joy for us, an irritant for envious people.

Being so beautiful is dangerous for men's health.

To cheer up, just look at your photo.

It’s a crime to have a smile like that and not show it off all the time! Correct yourself in every photo.

What eyes! What a figure! The goddesses nervously smoke on Olympus, jealous of your beauty.

I always get excited when I look at your photos. You are perfect!

Girlfriend, if I were a man, I would fall in love one hundred percent! You are gorgeous from every angle.

From your charms, even the photographs turn out extraordinary, as if they were taken by a brilliant photographer.

You get better with every shot. Do you want to become a fashion model?))

It's so nice to watch you grow up and get better every year. Or rather, even with every photo!

You don't have a single uninteresting photo. You are special in each one, but stunningly beautiful everywhere!

There are oceans in your extraordinary eyes. In this photo they are raging and beckoning brave swimmers to test their strength in rowing with obstacles!

Watching you even in photographs is my most enjoyable pastime. Make me happy more often))

Your beauty makes my heart beat loudly and sink into my heels, and the butterflies in my stomach just take ritual flights, going crazy from the signals of my brain))

Do you have at least one photo where you are not so beautiful? If you say yes, I still won’t believe it.

It seems to me that you are wonderful no matter what you are wearing or what environment you are in!

The place where you are is beautiful. You decorate reality with yourself. Continue this good work.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy your beauty))

God, with unheard of generosity, has given you all the best external characteristics. Be proud, value yourself))

I saw them shining gems– your shine is a hundred times brighter!

The magnetism of this photo is so strong that I am ready to rush and cuddle with you this minute!

Your beauty is hellish and heavenly at the same time. You are a sinful Eve and a passionate devil. In your eyes, fire and ice cannot divide leadership.

From such a delicious crumb, drool drips onto the keyboard, and the monitor sweats with lust))

Beautiful comment on a girl's photo

I want to be in the same frame with you. You decorate everything and everyone around you.

Let's take a photo together? So that I can then brag that I have a photo with a future star!

You are so extraordinary and beautiful in this photo that I want to address you as “goddess.”

This photo just begs to be framed and hung on the wall for daily admiration))

I’ll copy your photo, okay?! I want to see your smile all the time from the screen of my monitor...

Has someone already told you that your photography is art? I'm sure that's true.

The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to meet often, but thanks to social networks we can share beautiful and interesting moments life from a photo. Comments on photos are very popular and can convey the mood of those in the frame or lift it up for those looking at the photo.
A good comment is better than any compliment and the most wonderful assessment of the photographer and those caught in the lens. We will help you choose the right words for the most impressive shots!

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The photo doesn't convey how amazing you look in real life! But thanks to her I can see you more often))

Your photo lifts my spirits and gives me the opportunity to admire you whenever I want.

You don't change, but you change every photo of yourself for the better! Simply great!

A combination of charm and photogenicity! This shot is fantastically cool!

You know how to surprise! Each frame amazes with its love of life and charm. Your appearance is a magnet for any lens.

Stop for a moment, you are wonderful! Thank you for the pleasure of the eyes with such a shot!

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Such a great moment captured! Well done for trying to capture the best memories.

Nice to see you. You are changing for the better. Are you getting younger? Will you share a secret?

This photo can be used to decorate exhibitions. Very emotional and impressive.

Here you are all so interesting and real - a shot taken from life for a bright memory of the best moments!

It's nice to see that you live well) The photo managed to convey your great mood and raise it to me.

Oh, what a photo! Athletes will envy your figure, and the best fashion designers will envy your suit!

We don't know you personally, but in these beautiful eyes I was able to see a crystal clear soul and true charm!

Your smile is like a magnet. I want to look at her without stopping all day long!

This photo is a work of art... Beautiful background, beautiful surroundings, and you are a real miracle!

What a look! You will charm everyone, starting with me!

The more I look at this photo, the more I fall in love... with your beautiful watch!

Take photos more often, because it’s so nice to look at your profile and full face!

What a sweet face of an intelligent man! The sparkle in the eyes is visible even in the photo. The nobility of the devil is amazing! You're probably acting in a movie?

Your photo evokes in me a real storm of emotions, the main one of which is sincere admiration!

When I look at your photo, I remember everything beautiful that is in the world - the shining sun and the restless sea, the shine of the stars and stormy waterfalls. So you inspire me with your attractive image!

Beautiful comments for photos

Post photos and receive beautiful comments to strive to be photographed more often and remain unforgettable

Bravo, photographer! Captured and saved a wonderful shot. I love how everything turned out.

This photo just glows, you can see your energy is as good as your appearance.

A contented appearance is the product of a prosperous life. I rejoice and smile with you)

I look at you and enjoy what I see. You are awesome!

Take photos more often, you look great in photos. I would like to see you in real life as soon as possible))

You don't have a single boring photo. You are just a godsend for a good shot!

You are the most beautiful of all, without exaggeration or filters!

Your photo radiates warmth and looks like it was taken by the best photographer at the best moment.

When you look at this photo, you want to be there immediately. To experience life's wonderful moments together.

You radiate light and success. It's impossible to take your eyes off!

This is the frame! Simply a masterpiece of photography! You pose cooler than all the models and look on point.

Super. Such moments should not just be photographed, but framed and hung on the wall for everyone to see!

There is nothing more valuable than memories. Your shots are the main contribution to them!

I can look at your photo for hours without stopping. It’s so good that there is an opportunity to see your life at least through the prism of a lens.

A handsome man, radiating success and kindness.

It's nice to see you happy and satisfied. You are wonderful together and separately!

The camera definitely loves you)) You always look great in photos!

You look great in this look. Very impressive and unusual!

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You clearly have the makings of a fashion model)) You look natural and gorgeous in any setting!

Why do people post their photos on social networks? Does a girl want guys (especially those she likes) to leave their comments and compliments on her photos? For what young man show your photos in different poses on your social network profile? We know why!

Img by Some_legs

Our life is full of events vivid impressions And memorable places. We all love to take photographs, especially on vacation, to capture pleasant moments of a vacation, a fun celebration or a touching moment. What do you usually do with these photos? That’s right, after selecting the best ones, you post them on your social network profiles.

Img by Claudio 

We conducted a survey among our subscribers and this is what we found out: most girls and guys want to tell their friends and acquaintances about the events of their lives and receive comments and pleasant words from them, i.e. But the problem is that the comments are sometimes so sparse and monotonous (such as “You look good!”, “Great tan!”, “You’re super!”) that even reading is dull and uninteresting. Sound familiar?

Img by The Bode, spaceodissey,, mardy78, Roberto_Ventre, jakuza

Therefore, we decided to correct this gap and show what compliments can be for a photo for a girl and for a guy. Let's start in order, as always, let's give primacy to wonderful girls.

Compliments to a girl's photo

Photos of girls can be very diverse and incredible, which means what to say nice compliment taking a photo of a loved one, friend or acquaintance is not difficult if you know what to pay attention to .

Perhaps this may seem banal to some, but in every (!) girl you can find something special, that zest that no other girl in the whole world has. So, what interesting things can you notice in the girl’s photo?

1. Whiskers, paws and tail. Sorry! Sweet face, tanned figure, charming slender legs! Compliments on the figure are suitable if the girl is present in the photo entirely (or for the most part).

Img by Some_legs

“With such a tan, your figure seems to have been carved from bronze by the hand of a great master!”

“I didn’t even know that you had such slender legs!” Just a sight for sore eyes!

— The light played a very interesting role in this photo and perfectly outlined your thin oval face!

Img by ElenAndrea

2. Hair in the wind, a unique look, an interesting gesture - compliments to photographs in which the main place is occupied upper part girl figures.

Img by

— The wind beautifully develops your gorgeous hair!

“I never noticed that you have such a charming look!” I just don't recognize you!

“Only an angel can bow her sweet head like that!”

Img by

3. Perky eyes, passionate lips, flirtatious smile - these are compliments to photos in which close up girl's face.

- How did this photographer manage to capture your breathtaking smile so accurately in the photo?

— If I didn’t know you, I would think that this is the face of a top model from the cover glossy magazine!

— It’s amazing, but you manage to shoot eyes even in photographs!

Compliments to a guy's photo

Img by Reportergimmi, Anna Rosa Damiano, One From RM, nromagna

Photos of guys are usually more modest than those of the fair sex and there is a completely different aura here. But this in no way limits your imagination to compliment a guy’s photo and make him feel good. There is one peculiarity - guys rarely share images in full height, usually this is a photo where the main part is occupied by the face and torso.

1. Muscular arms, sculpted figure, unique gesture - compliments to the guys who showed themselves from the waist up. There are really beautiful angles and original photographs that simply cannot be left without a compliment and comment.

Img by One From RM

-You have such powerful shoulders! It’s even hard to imagine how much power you had back then. men's hands!

- You can see that the abs on your abs are not photoshopped! Well done!

- In this photo you have the gesture of a confident man who achieves everything!

Img by eisenbahner

2. Cheerful eyes, the smile of a kind strongman, an original haircut - such compliments are suitable for photographs in which the central place is occupied by the face and head of a young man.

Img by Chiara Musiu

- Even in the photograph you radiate warmth, calmness and confidence!

— I see the unforgettable smile of the soul of any company!

-You have very courageous facial features! Each bristle is imbued with a real masculine character!

Img by One From RM

Photos of guys and girls can be very different, and for each of them you can choose a non-trivial phrase and leave a pleasant comment. The word “pick up” means not just finding suitable compliments somewhere, but expressing your own feelings and emotions in beautiful shape. To do this, you don’t have to be a communication genius, just show your imagination. After all, even a phrase borrowed from somewhere needs to be pass it through your heart, add your positivity and the result will be an excellent, beautiful, original compliment .

Img by kohlmann.sascha, spaceodissey, Nicola since 1972

Today I present to your attention a new selection that will contain funny comments on photos in VKontakte. Oddly enough, some users also need such information social network VKontakte, and since my blog is designed to help VKontakte residents :) I selected the most normal, adequate and funniest comments. Which you can place under a photo you like or leave a sarcastic review under a friend’s photo. Everyone will find a comment for themselves. :)

Comments on photos

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and it looks like your soul is beautiful!

My dear, if only half of the globe were like you, all of it masculine would become homosexuals!

Ay ah ah! Have you decided to seduce the entire male half of your contact))?

Expressive eyes...sensual lips...curly general, extremely attractive!

Well...I'm dripping saliva on my keyboard again!

Your parents should erect a monument during your lifetime for your such beauty!

Nice photo, but... the topic of BOOBS is not covered!

I’ll tell you straight – oh my gosh!!! Sorry for being rude, but it's hard to control yourself!

Is it after yesterday that you have such an intellectual look?)

Beauty will save the world!!! And looking at you, I am sure that this is true!

Angelina Jolie nervously smokes on the sidelines!

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.