Step by step drawing of a dragon. How to learn to draw a dragon, learn to draw the head and neck of a dragon

It's a dragon mythical creature, and everyone represents it in their own way. But, to summarize, a dragon is a flying lizard, possessing strength, power, endowed with wisdom and surrounded by an aura of mystery. When drawing a dragon, try to convey the plasticity of a reptile and the grace of a bird.

How to draw a dragon lung

Draw 2 circles next to each other (one slightly smaller is the head). Below them draw an oval (torso), inside the oval draw a circle, and under it a “carrot” placed on its side (hind leg). Connect the torso and head with a curved line (neck). Mark the position of the tail and wing with curves.

Draw the outline of the eye in big circle head, outline the eyebrows. Draw a curve connecting the circles to indicate the dragon's upper jaw. Outline the top contour of the head and neck. Mark the boundaries of the wings. Focusing on the auxiliary lines, draw a thick tail for the dragon. Draw the second one hind paw and divide the edges of the paws into toes. Select a location for the front paws.

Draw the position of the lower jaw, and start working on the dragon's front legs. Draw a zigzag line from the tip to the base of the wing, outlining the hind legs.

Add details to the dragon by drawing a crest on the neck, a pupil in the eyes, teeth, and a nostril. Don't forget to highlight the claws on your paws.

Erase the auxiliary lines and you will get a very cute and kind dragon.

How to draw a dragon easily

Draw 2 circles, one larger (head), the other smaller (nose). Below, draw 2 more circles (the larger one is the chest, the smaller one is the back of the torso). Connect the circles with smooth lines, as shown in the figure.

Connect the head and torso by drawing the neck and the curve of the back. Draw 2 wings.

Add a tail to the dragon design, which is a curve that smoothly grows from the body. The dragon's feet "grow" from the circles you drew earlier.

Inside the wings, in their upper part, draw a line that follows their outline. From head to tail draw spikes.

Muzzle. Draw the nostrils and mouth line of the dragon. Draw an eyebrow and draw an eye underneath it. Add a spike under the chin.

Outline the dragon's cheekbones and lower jaw, draw the paws. Add realism to the wings. Erase the auxiliary lines.

Draw contour lines. Add detail by drawing spots and folds on the scales, indicating pectoral muscles.

How to draw a dragon video

If you still don’t quite succeed in how to draw dragons, or you still have questions, watch the video.

How to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step

Draw the corner (top of the mountain). Place an inverted comma (torso) on it. Outline a circle (head), and in it draw the peeking ends of the scissors (mouth). Starting with the front left, outline the approximate location of the paws and the articulation of the feet on them. Draw the dragon a serpentine tail, thick at the base and gradually tapering. Use auxiliary lines to mark the position of the wings. Please note that the right wing will be larger than the left.

Draw the contours of the dragon, making the lines smooth. First, draw along the bottom of the right and then the left wing wavy line. Based on the construction lines, draw the paws and work out the mouth.

On the neck, draw the outline of a ridge so that it resembles flames. Mark the location of the eyes above the mouth. Draw spikes on the tail; their size should decrease as they approach the end. Apply a pattern to the wings and draw the claws.

Use a soft pencil to outline the outline. Shade the dragon, taking into account the different sizes and shapes of the scales. Draw a rougher, bumpier surface on the chest, tail, and body. Draw the teeth and claws on the paws. Work the surface of the mountain. Apply shadows to the drawing.

How to draw a dragon with a pencil

Draw a long, winding line (the body) and mark the location of the paws on it.

Add 2 lines showing the location of the wings, draw toes on the paws.

On the sides of the auxiliary line, outline the contours of the dragon’s body. When drawing the tail, gradually reduce the distance between the lines. Draw the outlines of the dragon's paws, neck, and head.

Detail the wings by drawing a central bone from which several lines extend (the basis for the membranes). At the bottom, the wings are connected by a smooth, sinuous line.

Erase the auxiliary lines. Add believability to the dragon by drawing the head and drawing a crest, eyes, and teeth on it. Add claws to the wings. There should also be growths on the back, the size of which decreases as you approach the tail.

The dragon is almost ready. All that remains is to apply the scales and shadows.

How to draw a dragon step by step

Draw a small irregular circle (the head). From there, draw a short curved line (the muzzle) and outline the approximate location of the eyes. Under the head, draw an elongated oval (torso), At the right edge of the body, draw another oval, elongated down, with a curve branching at the end (the base of the hind leg). In the upper part of the body, draw a circle (shoulder) and from it the base for the front paw. Draw another paw nearby. Add lines for future wings and a curve for the tail.

Draw the head, giving it a shape and drawing growths on it. After this, you can draw the neck and add lines to the front paws.

Modify the dragon's face. Draw the nose, lower jaw, eyes, folds and spines. When you're done, sketch out the dragon's chest with clear lines.

Start drawing the neck and pectoral muscles, and the outlines of the paws. Detail the wings.

Work on the back of the body and paws. Add detail to the wings. Draw the surface of the muzzle, and apply the base of the spiky ridge to the neck. Draw the front paws with claws.

Draw the ridge to the end, draw the hind legs. Draw large scales on the belly. Apply membranes to the wings, you can make them slightly cracked, this will add age to your dragon. Draw the tail.

Add folds to the wings.

This is a very labor-intensive stage. Cover the dragon with scales. It is small on the head and tip of the tail, larger on the neck and back. Add a few touches to the chest and stomach.

Today's article will talk about how to draw a dragon. These non-existent, but incredibly graceful and powerful animals always excite the imagination. If you look at it like this, then drawing it is not so difficult. Paws, wings, fire-breathing head, tail. But not everyone can draw a really gorgeous dragon, which is similar to the mythical beast depicted in legends and fairy tales of many countries around the world.

So, to create an image of a graceful and powerful dragon, this article is written with step by step lesson. How to learn to draw a dragon? You just need to follow the steps in this article. Of course, it may not work out the first time, but the second, third, fifth time it will definitely work.

Step 1. The dragon, like a strong and robust animal, has clearly visible muscles. Many artists draw regular straight legs, both front and back. This is not entirely correct. Paws are a very important part of a dragon's design. To do this, you need to find and look at pictures of dragons and see how the muscles play when the paw is extended. This will make it possible to understand how the muscles of the mythical beast should be isolated.

Step 2. Next, you should look at the condition of the paw in a bent position. At the same time, the paw tenses and muscle relief appears. Strong paws are an important part of the body of any four-legged predator. Since they have to climb trees (orangutans), run fast (felines), hunt, catch and kill their victims (any predator). By ancient mythology, the dragon is a predator, capable of grabbing, killing and holding prey in its claws heavy weight. That is, in order for a dragon to exist at all, it must have really strong paws.

In order to draw a more or less realistic animal, you need to include not only imagination, but also logic. It will help you understand in which places on the dragon’s body the powerful muscles of the beast should be clearly highlighted.

Step 3. To demonstrate strength and definition, a strong person usually does not just bend his arm. He strains it, bending it to the limit. So it is here. In order to understand how strong a dragon is, it is worth looking for pictures of muscular predators with bent legs. Using the example strong man you can see visual lines of pumped up muscles. Of course, if, according to the artist’s plan, the dragon lives in an aquatic environment or in swamps, then perhaps its muscles as such will not be visible. It is also possible that the picture shows gills and membranes on the feet like frogs. Although the dragon is a mythical animal, it is still his appearance depends on the habitat and what it eats. You should look for similarities with real animals living in certain conditions.

Step 4. In fact, the torso is the largest and most voluminous part of any animal. The same goes for the dragon. Only in in this case wings still grow from the part of the torso on which the front legs are located. And since the ability to fly is one of the vital functions of a dragon, they are also powerful and have muscular bases.

Step 5. Here you can see the cycle of a dragon's life. From a newly hatched baby to an adult, fully developed individual. A clear example of the development of a particular animal will help you draw it in more detail.

Step 6. As everyone knows, dragons can spit fire. That is, he opens his mouth at will and clouds of smoke and tongues of orange-yellow flame fly out of it. How he does this, in the sense of the very principle of the emission of fire, how it is formed, we do not know. But in the myths and legends of the entire planet it is clearly stated that the dragon is a fire-breathing dragon. To make the lizard more realistic (and many people consider the dragon to be foot-and-mouth), you need to pay attention to the shape of its mouth. It is similar to the shape of the mouth of prehistoric dinosaurs. The upper one, the jaw of which protrudes slightly above the lower one. If the picture shows a dragon with an open mouth, you still need to make sure that the length of the upper jaw is greater than the lower one. Also, when the mouth is open, you need to take into account the tension of the muscles of the dragon's head.

Step 7. Based on the previous steps, you can already imagine the shape of the future lizard. First, an oval of the dragon's head is drawn, from which a line of the neck to the torso is drawn. The torso is depicted as two connected circles different sizes. Paws also go down schematically and large wings on top.

Step 8 The drawing should begin with the dragon's head. By stretching the plates covering the beginning of the neck up and back, draw out the front part of the mouth.

Step 9 Draw the lower jaw, remembering that the dragon is essentially a lizard and is covered with hard plates. Draw a small horn on the nose.

Step 10 Softly draw with a pencil the edges of the plates, possible spikes and eyes of the dragon.

Step 11 The next stage is the neck. Powerful, strong, it goes down and after bending it goes into the shoulder.

Step 12 From the shoulder, lower a strong short paw with fingers and large claws.

Step 13 The right front paw needs to be drawn in motion, that is, as if the animal has just taken a step.

Step 14 Gently draw out the graceful back and powerful hind leg. In this case, you need to remember the information from the first steps. Draw big claws.

Step 15 From the shoulder draw the muscular base of the wing. The wing itself is longer than a dragon. Drawing it in a half-bent position, draw torn edges.

Step 16 A tail grows from the back, which should be depicted below. It is as long as the wing, maybe a little shorter.

Step 17 On the neck and tail (after the wing) draw spikes and peculiar fins.

How to draw a dragon? This is a question many aspiring artists ask. This is not surprising, because just the sight of these powerful and fabulous creatures can evoke completely different emotions. This question is especially relevant for those who are engaged in the depiction of any fairy worlds, creating comics or fantasy cartoons.

Experienced craftsmen can create many varieties of dragons. At first glance, it seems that they create and invent unprecedented and original creatures. This is partly true. But in reality, many of the masters simply combine many individual components that they once saw into a single drawing. Their skill lies in the organic combination of all elements.

As has already become clear, in this article we will talk about how to draw a dragon step by step. We'll look at a few various examples. They will help you understand the basic techniques and principles that you will need in your future work. In principle, we did the same in other materials, for example, . Check it out if you want to learn how to draw anything else. In the future we will have many lessons that will reveal certain important aspects. If you don't want to miss them , subscribe for updates.

How to draw a dragon for children

To begin with, we will look at, in our opinion, the easiest way to draw a dragon step by step. It is simple in its own way, so even a child can master it. But before that, you need to understand a few features of dragons:

  1. Dragons are particularly large lizards.
  2. As with real animals, there are many varieties of these creatures.
  3. Despite all their fabulousness and fantastic nature, real animals are always taken as the basis for depicting a dragon. The choice of the latter depends on the desired appearance of the lizard.

This is basic, but not the only information that will help you in depicting these creatures on paper or in graphic editor. And now, directly, the technology itself.

Let's start with the most basic

The first thing you need to figure out before drawing a dragon is its appearance. In our case, we will take a standard European-type dragon as a basis. In legends and myths it is described as a lizard on four legs with a long neck, tail and wings. It has a massive body and a large mouth from which flames erupt. A typical representative can be considered Smaug (Smaug) from John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s book “The Hobbit”.

Draw a small oval at the top of the landscape sheet. This is the future head of our scaly beast. We use this particular figure, since the lizard's skull has a rectangular shape. But, for example, in order to use an ordinary circle for the base.

Inside the oval, draw a smaller oval. Pay attention to the picture below and the locations of the figures. Their borders touch, but do not cross each other. This is necessary for correct perspective, since the dragon stands at ¾ in relation to the viewer. At the same stage, make a few light touches. They represent the spikes protruding from the animal's muzzle.

Let's take the torso

To draw a dragon with a pencil for children, you definitely need a torso. Therefore, draw a circle slightly lower and to the right than the head. Next, connect them with two lines. You should not use a ruler for this, as the lines should be smooth and curved. Thus, we drew a blank of the head, neck and chest part of the body.

At this stage we need to complete the main body of the lizard without legs and wings. We'll get to them a little later. From the chest, draw one curved line. Its length directly depends on the size of the dragon you want to draw step by step. Next, outline this line with two more segments that connect at the end of the center line. Thus, we got a body and a full-fledged tail.

Limbs, where would we be without them?

Typically, to draw the legs of most animals, a frame in the form of several center lines is used. We'll try another method. For each limb, draw several ovals and circles. Remember the perspective and position of the dragon in the drawing. To make it easier to understand how to position the paws, look at the picture. Don't forget about the sharp claws of the beast.

However, the Western European dragon has not only paws, but also wings. To draw dragon wings for children, draw two broken lines in two places. In addition to the proportionality of the elements of the drawing. Don't make the frame too short or too long.

From the ends of the broken lines, draw another line. In this case, the wing closest to us will touch the body, while the farthest one will hide behind the head of the animal.

Although dragons have wings, in reality they would not be able to fly with their help, since their weight would be too large and their wingspan too small.

Let's work on the details

The last, final stage of how to draw a dragon for children is working on the details. Trace the drawing along the boundaries of the auxiliary (support) figures. Add a couple of lines to the axes of the wings to make the image more realistic.

Draw the creature's eye, teeth inside the mouth and, of course, scales. The latter is worth paying attention to special attention, since it is different for most dragons. Don't forget to separate the belly from the rest of the body. Add a few broken wings inside the wings to make them more "leathery". Don't forget about the comb from the back of the head almost to the tip of the tail. Since it is a European dragon, it should breathe fire. Draw the appropriate attribute next to the beast's mouth.

Remove all unnecessary details and auxiliary lines. Basically, if you wanted to draw a black and white dragon, then you succeeded. However, you can take more time and colorize your drawing. As a result, you may end up with something like this.

How to draw a dragon for beginners

In the previous version, we looked at how to draw a dragon for a child. This time we will look at the way of depicting this creature to a mature, but still novice, artist. As in the previous case, we will do this in stages, step by step. But this time the image will be based on an oriental, Asian dragon.

There are also several features you should know about this creature:

  • eastern dragons are not so much lizards as very large and long snakes;
  • these creatures, as a rule, have short legs and no wings at all;
  • often they are depicted with some semblance of a beard;
  • often they have a couple or larger number long mustache;
  • some eastern peoples dragons are associated with wisdom and nobility.

This type of dragon is so firmly entrenched in oriental culture that creatures often become heroes of various cartoons, comics, and films. Tattoos depicting these creatures are extremely popular not only in Asia, but throughout the world.

Geometry to help artists

In one of previous materials we have already said that everything in our world consists of geometric shapes. Knowing and understanding this helps artists in competently depicting any object on canvas or in a graphic editor.

In order to draw an eastern dragon step by step for beginners, draw a rectangular trapezoid that lies on one of the sides in perspective. In a future article we will talk in detail about perspective and its importance for drawing. If you don't want to miss this, subscribe to updates.

Next, draw the same figure, but slightly lower than the first one. In this case, the edges of the lower trapezoid are covered by the upper object. Next, from the last one, draw two triangles with sharp corners in different directions. So we drew a rough version of the dragon's head.

Wireframe lines

Next, another geometric object comes into play - a line. From the frame of the head, draw a segment winding in several places (ps. for better writing and clear explanation, the author puts an “=” sign between these geometric objects). It is the axis, the frame on which the entire body of the animal will be attached.

The next thing to do is draw the limbs. Draw four broken lines from two randomly selected points. At the ends of each, draw a few more pieces. Paw frame.

Although eastern dragons do not have wings, they can still fly. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly allows them to do this. But this is fairy creatures. Or is it not?

Even more lines

Next, we will be presented with the most important and difficult stage of how to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step - creating the outline of our beast. For easier learning, you can initially draw various ovals and circles on the frame so that the outline is not so complicated. If you are just starting to draw in general, then use this method.

The figure clearly shows how exactly the contours need to be drawn. Also draw the eyes and tongue of the creature. Let's pay special attention to each of the elements. On the head, as you may have noticed, there is quite a lot of vegetation. It can be left as is, or turned into flames. Although eastern dragons are rarely described as fire-breathing creatures.

The dragon's body, like the frame of the drawing, is sinuous and mobile. As you remember, Asian dragons are more like snakes, so phenomenal mobility and flexibility are one of their main differences from their relatives.

The dragon's paws, although small, are very sinewy. They are very muscular and pumped up. This can be explained, among other things, by the fact that they have to hold, albeit not so heavy, but a very long body. and their location far apart from each other, coupled with their size, exposes them to serious daily stress.

Don't forget about the details

When we draw a dragon step by step with a pencil for beginners, we must not forget about the details. In particular, about the ridge on the back of the animal. First, draw an axis that will outline the body and tail of the kite. This will simplify the process of depicting the element.

After that, draw an arbitrary number of winding lines. They can be both inside the contour and outside it. The more arbitrary they are, the more natural it will look. Don't try to make them the same.

With this, in principle, you can finish drawing the eastern dragon. However, you can complement the drawing if you decorate it, as in the previous case. You can use the color scheme suggested below, or create your own.

What happens in the end

At the end of our lesson, we would like to summarize the whole result. Please accept these recommendations for future use:

  1. Dragons are fantastic creatures. The real laws of physics, as well as anatomy, do not apply to them.
  2. You shouldn’t draw a completely “monstrous” dragon that won’t look like its relatives (unless the author’s style and ultimate goal require it).
  3. There are different types dragons
  4. Determining the appearance and character of the character before starting the work process means getting closer to desired result several times.

IN this material We tried to tell you about the basic principles of how to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step for beginners and for children. If the material turned out to be useful, we will be very happy. Share your opinion or thoughts in the comments.

Also, if you want a personal dialogue, write by email. You will recognize it if you go to the “” section. We welcome constructive criticism and suggestions on how we can make our site better and more attractive.

Also remember that skill is only a couple of percent dependent on talent or innate ability. Work every day to become better. Don't limit yourself to just the examples we've provided on our website. There are many decent artists online. Study their works and take for yourself what seems important to you.

Try, experiment, take it to public court, ask for advice and, of course, draw!

Hello, dear friends! In this lesson we will tell you, how to draw a dragon step by step using a pencil. This activity is specially prepared for children and novice artists, with its help you can easily draw a dragon with a pencil by completing step-by-step tasks, as shown in the pictures.


We tried to make the lesson as simple as possible, so let's get started drawing the dragon. Start drawing circles for the head and torso, and then connect them with lines, as shown in the picture. Notice how the lines for the neck and wings are curved.


Using our rough sketch you made in step one, start drawing out the dragon's face. Take this stage seriously, because this is one of the most important parts of the body.


After you have drawn the head of our dragon, start drawing the long neck, then you should put long pointed spikes on it, like in the picture. Now you need to draw the eyes, eyebrows, teeth and nose. Try to repeat exactly as shown in the image.


Draw the hands and claws on them. Then draw lines on the dragon's neck and chest. When you're done, move on to the next step.


Let's finish drawing the rest of the dragon's body. Draw the thigh and paw, and then the long tail that curls under the body.


Now you should complete the remaining lines on the stomach and tail, as well as the second thigh and paw.


All that remains is to draw the dragon's wings. Do it as shown in the picture. At the very end, delete the outline sketches that were made in the first step.


Now your drawing is ready and you know how to draw a dragon with a pencil step by step. All you have to do is decorate it.

The process of creating this illustration is quite simple and straightforward, and so is the final result. I used it by everyone known technique black outline and simple coloring. Concept of this image originates from one of the articles on the website I thought that drawing dragons would be much more fun than other animals, and besides, there is no limit to the imagination... so I looked at some photographs and began to make all sorts of sketches on paper. I probably ended up with three or four simple sketches in different styles, and I decided to develop the theme of a fat dragon with tiny wings and bulging eyes.

So I open up Photoshop, create a fairly large square canvas (doesn't matter what the result might be, because there's always a chance I'll want to print it someday, so I always work at 300 dpi), and start transferring on it with your prepared paper sketch, making some minor adjustments along the way, nothing major. For this step I used a simple round brush with Opacity 100% and size set to Pen Pressure. The fuzzy lines effect is just the result of my shaking hands, it is not a settings or program error at all! I can’t boast of much experience working with ink (although, in essence, the technique when working with natural and digital ink is the same), so I tried to make the lines thinner where, according to my idea, the light would fall, and thicker in those places that would be shadows, except for those places where, for aesthetic reasons, I would like to break this “rule”.

After finishing the inking of the design, I thought it would be better if I gave the background a paper texture. Taking a closer look at my folder with textures (in which I collected an enormous amount different textures and templates, both downloaded from the Internet and created by myself), I found a rather nice texture of tinted paper (and suspect that it was a scan of a brown paper envelope) and placed it on the background. If you have a scanner and/or digital camera, it's always very useful to take pictures of all sorts of little things, or create something with your own hands. Even if they are barely noticeable, they always give the image some flair and make them... how should I say, less digital! Now that the background is no longer white, I turn on the Lock Transparent Pixels function on the outline layer and change the color of the smoke coming from the dragon's mouth to white.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

So I have the outline and texture ready, but our baby still needs some paint. I didn't want to deprive the paper of texture when I started coloring the images, so I applied a new layer in Overlay mode and painted my character. When you work in this layer blending mode, the colors may change slightly, so you'll have to get the color you want through trial and error. The colors I originally used were a very dark red for the dragon itself and a dark blue-green for the grass. As you can see in the image below, where I put the colors in Normal mode and Overlay mode (on the right) side by side, the changes are very large. Almost the entire painting process was done with the same round brush with Opacity 100% that I used to create the outline, with the exception of the lower part of the picture, where I wanted the grass to lose its saturation and blend into the background - here I used Chalky brush with low Opacity (varying its level as necessary).

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Then I created another layer, this time in Multiply mode and added some primitive shadows to the drawing, again using the same round brush. The Multiply mode always makes the colors darker, so I choose very light, almost pastel shades of the colors that I used for general coloring. I again compared two versions of the images with shadows in Normal mode and Multiply mode. I tried to stick to my original choice of shadow placement, so I only applied it where I had thick contour lines.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Well, the illustration is almost ready, but there is still something missing, some zest, so I decided to add a little text and ornament to give the image the look old book with fairy tales. In addition to the folder with textures, I also have a separate folder for all sorts of graphic elements, where I have collected all sorts of curls, frames, splashes, abstract shapes and all that (again, some of them are collected on the Internet, and some I I drew it myself). So, I choose the shape I like from my folder, change its color, adjust it to the proportions and repeat it along the entire border of the image, creating a frame, as it were. I moved the dragon a little to the left to make the composition a little more interesting and make room for the inscription. Finally, I typed out the text, chose a beautiful gothic font (I used Flyerfonts Mulfunction) and adjusted it to size, color and position of the words. Layers with text and frame are also applied in Multiply mode.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

*D means Dragon

That's it! As you can see, the process of creating this illustration is quite simple and does not include any secrets. If I had to highlight a few highlights, I would say that firstly, texture can always enhance a drawing; well, and secondly, remember that disproportionality is best helper when creating funny characters!

*D means Dragon