Is the highest mountain in the world located in Europe or Asia? List of the highest mountains in Europe


The highest peaks are at the peak of the highest mountains of the seven continents. Among climbers they are known as " Seven Summits", which was first conquered by Richard Bass on April 30, 1985.

Here are a few interesting facts about the highest points in all parts of the world.

Highest mountain peaks

The other day the program Google Maps’ Street View invited everyone to enjoy the view of the highest peaks of the world, offering interactive galleries the highest mountains on Earth.

Maps include panoramic view of 4 of the 7 peaks: Everest in the Himalayas of Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe and Aconcagua in South America.

You can make a virtual ascent of these peaks without exposing yourself to the dangers of height and natural difficulties that climbers face.

1. The highest peak in the world and Asia - Mount Everest (Qomolangma)

Height of Mount Everest

8848 meters

Geographic coordinates of Mount Everest:

27.9880 degrees north latitude and 86.9252 degrees east longitude (27° 59" 17" N, 86° 55" 31" E)

Where is Mount Everest?

Mount Everest or Chomolungma is highest mountain on earth, which is located in the area Mahalangur Himal in the Himalayas. The international border between China and Nepal runs along its top. The Everest massif includes the neighboring peaks Lhotse (8516 m), Nuptse (7861 m) and Changtse (7543 m).

The most high mountain in the world attracts many experienced climbers and amateurs from all over the world. Although technically climbing along a standard route does not represent big problems, on Everest the biggest dangers are considered to be lack of oxygen, disease, weather and wind.

Other facts:

Mount Everest, also called Chomolungma translated from Tibetan as “Divine Mother of Snows” and from Nepali as “Mother of the Universe”. The mountain is considered sacred to local residents. The name Everest was given in honor of the British George Everest, who was the first to measure the height of the world's highest mountain peak.

Mount Everest annually rises by 3-6 mm and shifts to the northeast by 7 cm.

- First ascent of Everest committed by New Zealander Edmund Hilary(Edmund Hillary) and Nepalese Sherpa Tenzing Norgay(Tenzing Norgay) as part of the British expedition on May 29, 1953.

The largest expedition to climb Everest consisted of 410 people who were part of the 1975 Chinese team.

- Safest year On Everest it was 1993, when 129 people reached the summit and 8 died. The most tragic year was 1996, when 98 people reached the summit and 15 people died (8 of them died on May 11).

Nepalese Sherpa Appa is the man who has climbed Everest the most times. He set a record by climbing 21 times from 1990 to 2011.

2. The highest peak in South America is Mount Aconcagua

Height of Aconcagua

6,959 meters

Geographic coordinates of Aconcagua

32.6556 degrees south latitude and 70.0158 west longitude (32°39"12.35"S 70°00"39.9"W)

Where is Mount Aconcagua located?

Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Americas, located in the Andes mountain range in the province Mendoza in Argentina. Also this highest peak in both the western and southern hemispheres.

The mountain is part Aconcagua National Park. It consists of a number of glaciers, the most famous of which is the Polish Glacier in the northeast - a frequent climbing route.

Other facts:

- Name "Aconcagua" probably means from Araucanian "from the other side of the Aconcagua River" or from Quechua "Stone Guardian".

From a mountaineering point of view, Aconcagua is easy mountain to climb, if you head along the northern route, which does not require ropes, pitons and other equipment.

- The first to conquer Aconcagua British Edward Fitzgerald(Edward FitzGerald) in 1897.

The youngest climber to reach the top of Aconcagua was a 10-year-old Matthew Monitz(Matthew Moniz) December 16, 2008. The oldest is 87 years old Scott Lewis(Scott Lewis) in 2007.

3. The highest mountain in North America is Mount McKinley

McKinley Height

6194 meters

Geographic coordinates of McKinley

63.0694 degrees north latitude, 151.0027 degrees west longitude (63° 4" 10" N, 151° 0" 26" W)

Where is Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska in national park Denali is the highest peak in the United States and North America, as well as third most prominent peak in the world after Mount Everest and Aconcagua.

Other facts:

Mount McKinley used to be the highest peak in Russia until Alaska was sold to the United States.

Local residents call it “Denali” (translated from the Athabascan language as “Great”), and the Russians who inhabited Alaska simply call it “Big Mountain”. It was later renamed "McKinley" in honor of US President William McKinley.

- First to conquer McKinley American climbers led by Hudson Stack(Hudson Stuck) and Harry Carstens(Harry Karstens) June 7, 1913.

Best Climbing period: from May to July. Due to the far northern latitude, there is lower atmospheric pressure and less oxygen at the summit than other high mountains in the world.

4. The highest peak in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro

Height of Kilimanjaro

5895 meters

Geographic coordinates of Kilimanjaro

Latitude 3.066 degrees south and longitude 37.3591 degrees east (3° 4" 0" S, 37° 21" 33" E)

Where is Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and is located in Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania. This volcano consists of three volcanic cones: Kiba, Mawenzi and Shira. Kilimanjaro is a huge stratovolcano that began to form a million years ago when lava erupted in the Rift Valley region.

Two peaks, Mawenzi and Shira, are extinct volcanoes, while the highest, Kibo, is sleeping volcano, which may erupt again. Latest major eruption occurred 360,000 years ago, but activity was recorded only 200 years ago.

Other facts:

There are several versions explaining Origin of Kilimanjaro. One theory is that the name comes from the Swahili word "Kilima" ("mountain") and the Kichagga word "Njaro" ("whiteness"). According to another version, Kilimanjaro is a European origin of the phrase kichagga, which means "we did not climb it."

Since 1912, Kilimanjaro has lost more than 85 percent of its snow. According to scientists in 20 years all the snow on Kilimanjaro will melt.

- First ascent was committed by a German explorer Hans Meyer(Hans Meyer) and the Austrian climber Ludwig Purtscheller(Ludwig Purtscheller) on the third attempt on October 6, 1889

- About 40,000 people They try to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro every year.

The youngest climber to climb Kilimanjaro is a 7-year-old Keats Boyd(Keats Boyd), who climbed on January 21, 2008.

5. The highest peak in Europe (and Russia) is Mount Elbrus

Height of Mount Elbrus

5642 meters

Geographic coordinates of Mount Elbrus

43.3550 degrees north latitude, 42.4392 east longitude (43° 21" 11" N, 42° 26" 13" E)

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano located in the western Caucasus Mountains on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia in Russia. The summit of Elbrus is highest in Russia, Europe and western Asia. The western peak reaches 5642 m, and the eastern peak 5621 m.

Other facts:

- Name "Elbrus" comes from the Iranian word "Albors", which means "high mountain". It is also called Ming tau ("eternal mountain"), Yalbuz ("mane of snow") and Oshkhamakho ("mountain of happiness")

Elbrus is covered by a permanent ice sheet that supports 22 glaciers, which in turn feed the Baksan, Kuban and Malka rivers.

Elbrus located in a mobile tectonic region, and deep under an extinct volcano there is molten magma.

- First ascent the eastern peak of Elbrus was reached on July 10, 1829 Hilar Kachirov, who was part of the expedition of Russian General G.A. Emmanuel, and to the western (which is about 40 m higher) - in 1874 by an English expedition led by F. Crawford Grove(F. Crawford Grove).

From 1959 to 1976 it was built here cable car, which takes visitors to a height of 3750 meters.

Per year on Elbrus about 15-30 people die mainly due to poorly organized attempts to reach the summit

In 1997, an SUV Land Rover Defender climbed to the top of Elbrus, setting a Guinness world record.

6. The highest peak of Antarctica - Vinson Massif

Height of Vinson Massif

4892 meters

Geographic coordinates of the Vinson Massif

78.5254 degrees south latitude and 85.6171 degrees west longitude (78° 31" 31.74" S, 85° 37" 1.73" W)

Vinson Massif on the map

Vinson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica, which is located on the Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains. The massif, approximately 21 km long and 13 km wide, is located 1,200 km from the South Pole.

Other facts

The highest peak is Vinson Peak, named after Carla Vinson- Member of the US Congress. The Vinson Massif was first discovered in 1958, and first ascent was committed in 1966.

In 2001, the first expedition reached the summit via the Eastern Route and measurements of the summit's height were made using GPS.

More 1400 people tried to conquer Vinson Peak.

7. The highest peak of Australia and Oceania is Mount Puncak Jaya

Height of Puncak Jaya

4884 meters

Geographic coordinates of Puncak Jaya

4.0833 degrees south latitude 137.183 degrees east longitude (4° 5" 0" S, 137° 11" 0" E)

Where is Puncak Jaya

Puncak Jaya or Carstens Pyramid is the highest peak of Mount Carstens in western Papua Province in Indonesia.

This mountain is highest in Indonesia, on the island New Guinea, in Oceania (on the Australian plate), highest mountain on the island, and the highest point between the Himalayas and the Andes.

Mount Kosciuszko is considered the highest peak on the Australian continent., whose height is 2228 meters.

Other facts:

When Indonesia began administering the province in 1963, the peak was renamed Sukarno Peak in honor of the Indonesian president. Later it was renamed Puncak Jaya. The word "Puncak" means "mountain or peak" in Indonesian, and "Jaya" means "victory".

The top of Puncak Jaya conquered for the first time in 1962, Austrian climbers led Heinrich Garrer(Heinrich Harrer) and three other members of the expedition.

Access to the summit requires government permission. The mountain was closed to tourists and climbers from 1995 to 2005. Since 2006, access has been possible through various travel agencies.

Puncak Jaya is considered one of the most difficult climbs. It has the highest technical rating, but does not have the greatest physical requirements.

Our planet holds many secrets and mysteries. Most of them are hidden in the highest mountains on Earth. There is an opinion that the first people came down from the mountains when the great water began to recede.

Hundreds of thousands of archaeologists, historians, topographers, geographers, biologists and ordinary travelers every year make a pilgrimage to the great mountains that are most closely associated with the word eternity.

The 7 highest peaks of the world are not the highest mountains on the planet, they are the highest points of each continent.

There is even an informal society of climbers called the “7 Summits Club”, which includes people who have successfully conquered all 7 mountains.

This idea first appeared in 1981, since then very few have been able to climb all 7 peaks of the world.

There are also some disagreements, and specifically they relate to the highest point of Australia and Oceania. If we take into account only the continent of Australia, then the highest point will be Kosciuszko (or Kosciuszko) Peak, 2,228 meters above sea level. But many do not agree, since the peak is not of climbing interest.

If we take Australia and Oceania into account, the highest point is the Carstensz Pyramid, or Puncak Jaya, which is 4,884 meters above sea level, located in Indonesia. In order to avoid eternal disputes, these days there are two programs for climbing the 7 peaks. Everyone chooses the peak they consider correct, in any case it will be counted as conquering 7 peaks of the world.

Some manage to climb 8 peaks, thereby leaving no room for omissions.

The very first conqueror and creator of the idea was Dick Bass, who completed the program on April 30, 1985 by climbing Everest. In his version, Kosciuszko Peak was included in the program.

The first with a version of both mountains of Australia and Oceania was Reinhold Messner, who was not satisfied with the role of the second, and he decided to conquer all 8 peaks.

The race for records for climbing the 7 peaks of the world has been going on for a long time, and every year new records and new disagreements appear. There is a special website where detailed and clear statistics are kept about each ascent.

What kind of mountains attract peak conquerors so much that it attracts them to the top? To quote the first person to climb Everest, “I climb this peak because it exists.”

The second name of Mount Chomolungma. Height above sea level - 8,848 meters. This is the highest point in Asia and the whole world, according to all versions. It is located on the border of Nepal and China, these days, several hundred people try to conquer the roof of the world every year, but not everyone succeeds. Every year many die while pursuing their dreams.

Despite all these factors, more than 1,000 people have already been to the top of the mountain. The cost of the climb will be about $40,000.

Pyramid Carstensz. The second name is Puncak Jaya. The height above sea level is 4,884 meters. Located on the island of New Guinea. The summit itself is not difficult.

Discomfort and difficulties are caused by inaccessibility and unusual climate. The cost of the climb will be about $19,000.

The height above sea level is 2,228 meters. This mountain is of no interest to climbers, since it can be climbed without any special preparation. This is more of a checkmark on the list of 7 peaks of the world.

The cost of the climb will be about $5,000.

I would also like to note some records associated with conquering the 7 highest peaks of 7 continents.

The youngest conqueror of the 7 Summits program was Jordan Romero at the age of 15. The oldest climber in the program was Carlos Soria, at the age of 71.

This once again proves that the impossible is possible, you just have to want it. And if you are sitting on the couch right now and reading this article, then get up and go to conquer the highest point in the area, for example, climb a 20-story building on foot.

Dear reader, if you have not found the information you are interested in on our website or on the Internet, write to us at and we will definitely write useful information just for you.

The program of climbing the highest peaks of all continents has an abbreviated name, which can also be called a brand - “Seven Summits”. In English, which is understandable to the whole world - “Seven Summits”. This is one of the mountaineering collections, the implementation of which is an incentive to determine goals in life for hundreds of citizens different countries. The vast majority of those who climb Everest, one way or another, make it their goal to complete this program. Because other peaks are easier and cheaper than reaching the highest point on Earth. It is very prestigious to become the first “seven-peaker” in your country, in your state, to become the first woman in the country, the oldest, youngest, fastest.

Climbing all seven peaks is very expensive. Even the most economical option will total close to 100 thousand dollars, not including the cost of equipment and preparation for expeditions. In reality, the optimal cost of the entire program is around 150 thousand dollars.

It is clear that such expenses are available only to very few climbers. If we are talking about personal funds. However, a minority of those who hunt for the “Seven Peaks” spend their own money exclusively. Most are supported by sponsors, governments, or travel on charitable fundraising programs. The legislation of, relatively speaking, “Anglo-Saxon” countries allows donations for the needs of a number of organizations to be deducted from the tax base. These are medical institutions, funds for helping veterans of military conflicts, the disabled, etc... By collecting donations for them, the climber “unfastens” a little for his travels. At the same time, more money is printed in these countries than in others, this leads to the fact that half of the list of “seven peaks” are citizens of the USA, Great Britain and Canada and Australia, which joined them.

The Seven Summits program was born in the first half of the 80s, when the first signs appeared that this could be done. The entire history of its occurrence is described in our article.

Let us recall that, according to encyclopedias: “continent” (from seasoned - strong, large), this is the Russian analogue of the European word “continent” (from Latin continens - singular). Continents are large massifs earth's crust, most of the surface of which protrudes above the level of the World Ocean in the form of land. Islands do not belong to continents and continents.

From a scientific point of view, the objects of the Seven Summits program are highly controversial. Firstly, the prevailing opinion among scientists is that Eurasia is one continent and its division into Europe and Asia is cultural, but not geographical. We are actively against this. If Elbrus is deprived of its status as the highest peak of the continent, the number of foreign climbers will decrease significantly. Although the status of the highest point in Europe for the Caucasian peak is very controversial. From the point of view of Soviet geographers, the border of the parts of the world runs along the Kuma-Manych depression, while Elbrus goes to Asia. There is even greater diversity of views on whether the Carstensz Pyramid should be considered the highest point in Australia. None of them scientific theories The western part of the island of New Guinea does not belong to the “Green Continent”. These are all amusing debates and arguments that so far have practically nothing to do with practical life.

So, the 7 highest peaks of the continents are:

  1. Everest (Chomolungma or Chomolungma), 8848 m. Asia.
  2. Aconcagua, 6962 m. South America.
  3. Denali (old name - McKinley), 6194 m. North America.
  4. Kilimanjaro, 5895 m. Africa.
  5. Elbrus, 5642 m. Europe.
  6. Vinson Massif, 4897 m. Antarctica.
  7. Pyramid Carstensz (Puncak Jaya), 4884 m. Australia. Peak Kosciuszko (Kostyushko), 2228 m. Australia.

So, scientific debate on this topic is best left to those who are paid to do it. We love the magical (divine, as they say) number “Seven”, not “Six” (considered devilish). It doesn’t matter that there are eight vertices! And based on this we build our story. So, what mountains are included in the list of the highest peaks of the continents?

Everest (8848 m) - highest peak in Asia, continent of Eurasia and the highest peak of planet Earth (if you count from ocean level), also the highest in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. The mountain is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet (China). Numerous height measurements showed even with modern techniques different results. Therefore, the indicated height is conditional; it was adopted as a result of agreement, so as not to inflame passions.

Climbing Everest requires careful preparation, about two months of living in expeditionary conditions and overcoming the problems associated with being in the so-called “death zone”, at an altitude of above 8000 meters. However, in modern conditions It can be stated that with proper organization and a sufficient degree of luck, every physically healthy person can climb Everest. IN lately Ascents are made mainly in the spring, during the so-called weather windows. This usually happens on the 20th of May. In this case, the routes from the south and from the north are first completely hung with railing ropes.

Climbing Everest, which 30-40 years ago meant joining the mountaineering elite, has become a commercial endeavor. Sports expeditions have become a rarity; most of the routes (all but two) are not repeated. The 7 Summits Club prefers to conduct expeditions from the North side. Here the permit is much cheaper, access by car to the base camp is possible and there are much fewer objective dangers (ice collapses and avalanches). Western companies like it more southern route. First of all, fearing the unpredictability of the Chinese authorities, who may close the area for minor reasons, without any compensation to the organizers. They may not issue a visa to certain participants due to political reasons. But there is another point: in the South, with a higher price, the organizers’ profits are much higher than in the North.


Aconcagua (6962 m) is the highest peak in the world of America and the continent of South America, also the main one in the southern hemisphere of the planet. The mountain is located in Argentina, a large and colorful country. The ascent to Aconcagua is a real high-altitude ascent, which is carried out, so to speak, under the conditions of a lightweight expedition (the duration of the trip is only 20 days). Separate cargo transportation at the bottom of the route makes the ascent easier, as do certain amenities at base camp. There are no technical difficulties on the classic route, however, there are plenty of physical ones. First of all, this is height, the reaction to which is often unpredictable even among experienced athletes. The main obstacle is considered strong winds, which are connected by the openness of the territory to air masses from the oceans.

Every year, about 3,000 climbers attempt to climb Aconcagua. They climb two gorges from two base camps. However, the routes at the top are the same. About half of the participants achieve success. This is due to the lack of preparedness of the climbers. And partly with the attitude of local guides, who are not risk-averse and, at any opportunity, are ready to turn the whole group or individual participants around. So we strongly recommend joining a group led by visiting, Russian-speaking guides. Better - from our company...

Climbing programs on Aconcagua are getting more expensive every year due to politics local authorities. So don't delay.


Denali (6194 m) - the highest peak of mainland North America. Located in the USA, in the state of Alaska, near the Northern Arctic Circle. A typical climb takes approximately three weeks, of which two weeks are strenuous work in the glacier zone, in conditions close to extreme. Participants are required to use purely mountaineering skills in to a greater extent, than on other peaks of the “seven”. In this case, all cargo must be carried independently, including recycled waste. And when organizing a trip to Denali, you will have to solve the puzzle of obtaining an official permit and an American visa. All this is not at all difficult if you start in time.

IN recent years The number of climbers aiming to climb Denali has stabilized at around 1,500 per year. A season is considered successful when the percentage of “climbing” is above 50%. The bulk of ascents take place in June - the first half of July. In mid-summer, due to the condition of the glacier, airplane flights become dangerous and cease by the beginning of August.

The American authorities issue permission to organize commercial programs only to a few companies and only with American “registration”. For us, this means the need to use American guides under an agreement with one of the local companies. Let's face it, agreeing on all the details of interaction with them was not a smooth process. The difference in the mentality of our two mountaineering schools is quite significant, but now mutual understanding has already been achieved and the problems are a thing of the past.


Kilimanjaro (5895 m) is the highest peak of the continent and part of the world Africa. The mountain is located in Tanzania, close to the Kenyan border and the equator. It is considered the highest single peak in the world. The local National Park strictly regulates climbing and allocates a limited number of days for expeditions, on average a week. In this case, one of the goals is to ensure maximum employment for the local population working in group services. Therefore, for one climber there are two or even more employees of host companies.

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in the equatorial climate zone. The difference in temperature between seasons is minimal. Almost ascents can be made all year round

Due to the limited time, the ascent is carried out without sufficient acclimatization, which complicates the task of reaching the top for an unprepared person. And these turn out to be the absolute majority. Therefore, no more than one third of visitors manage to climb to the highest point. At the same time, almost all of our country’s representatives reach the top. What is at play here: the power of salt or greed (money has been paid)?

In any case, a trip to Kilimanjaro is an exciting adventure, getting to know amazing nature Africa and its people are simply amazing. This is the best way to love the “dark continent”, which many are wary of. And, of course, we consider it obligatory to include so-called “safari” excursions in national parks in the program.


Elbrus (5642 m) is the highest peak in Europe. The mountain is located in Russia, slightly north of the Main Caucasus Range and, accordingly, from the border with Georgia. Climbing in favorable conditions requires only basic mountaineering skills and is accessible to all physically healthy people. However, the load will still be serious, and the effect of the height will make itself felt. The recommended period for the Elbrus climbing program is 9 days.

There is a fairly developed infrastructure that provides relatively comfortable living conditions on all days except the day of ascent.

Elbrus is still a territory of freedom. In this regard, only Kosciuszko can compare with him. Attempts to introduce payments do not meet with understanding from the majority of climbers.

There are no general statistics kept on Elbrus. An approximate estimate of the number of climbers is 25-30 thousand per year. The vast majority rises in July and August.

Programs of the 7 Summits Club on Elbrus


Vinson Massif (4897 m) is the highest peak in the world and the continent of Antarctica. The mountain is located on an amazing icy continent, which so far belongs to all humanity. However, in the area of ​​the very top, the absolute owner is the ALE (Antarctic Logistic Expedition) company, which determines the “rules of the game” here. But they are not able to make even the simplest calculations of how long the ascent will last; the actual “flight” schedule is dictated by unpredictable weather.

Since the price of an expedition to the Vinson Massif is very significant, only serious people get to its foot. And, as a rule, they successfully ascend, overcoming the terrible cold and wind.

It is important to dress correctly. But this is also checked.


AND highest point part of the world and the continent of Australia, coupled with the colossal Oceania, is represented by two options: the Carstensz Pyramid and Mount Kosciuszko.

The Carstensz Pyramid, also known in Indonesian terms as Puncak Jaya (4884-5 m, on some maps even 5030 m) is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania. Located on the island of New Guinea. The most politically problematic mountain of the “Seven Summits”, which until then had been simply closed to visitors for 10 years. It is a rocky ridge of considerable length, located above the humid tropical jungle. Ascent and descent require skills in working with climbing equipment and rope. However, as part of a group and under the guidance of experienced instructors, overcoming difficult rocky areas is quite possible for anyone.

For quite a long time, there has also been a helicopter option, in which one flies to the base camp in a rotorcraft. However, there are pitfalls here too. Bad weather is a daily occurrence here, every flight is in danger of being disrupted.

Here's a simple, comprehensive overview mountains of Europe.

European mountains- a great place for active recreation. Millions of tourists come here for mountaineering, skiing, hiking, and sightseeing. The main mountains of Europe are:

Ural Mountains -form a natural border between Europe and Asia

countries: Russia, Kazakhstan
highest point: Narodnaya, 2,895 m.
length: 2,500 km.

The mountains are known for their dense coniferous forests and abundant reserves mineral resources And precious stones. Tourists rarely miss the city of Yekaterinburg, which is the starting point for trips to the Ural Mountains. Other large settlements: Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil. Interesting places to visit: Kungur, famous for its ice cave; Nevyansk with a leaning tower; Verkhoturye is an Orthodox center with many architectural monuments; ancient city Arkaim; the most beautiful Taganay mountain range.

Greater Caucasus -between the Black and Caspian seas

The Caucasus Mountains are known for a lot of snow. Largest cities regions: Tbilisi - the heart of the Caucasus, Baku, Makhachkala, Vladikavkaz, Sochi. Tourist places: Russian ski resort Dombay; Khor Virap Monastery with stunning views of the biblical Mount Ararat; Elbrus region; Vardzia is a cave monastery complex in Georgia.

Carpathians- the largest mountain system in Central Europe

The snowy mountains of the Carpathians are a paradise for skiers, hikers and cyclists. Large population centers: Bratislava and Kosice in Slovakia; Krakow and Rzeszow in Poland; Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Brasov in Romania, Miskolc in Hungary.

Alps- heartEurope

The highest mountains Western Europe. Tourists can expect breathtaking scenery and developed infrastructure. The most famous ski resorts are located here: Chamonix in France, Cortina d'Ampezzo in Italy, Davos in Switzerland, Kitzbühel and Seefeld in Austria and hundreds of others. The Alps are visited by more than 50 million tourists a year. Rock climbing, paragliding, mountain biking, and hiking are popular in summer; Snowboarding, skiing, luge and snowshoeing are popular in the Alps in the winter from December to April.

Apennines- pass through Italy

The Apennines are home to two of the most famous volcano: Vesuvius and Etna. It is at the foot of Vesuvius that the city of Pompeii, which was destroyed as a result of a volcanic eruption, is located - a well-preserved original Roman city-museum. Earthquakes occur very often in the southern Apennines.

Pyrenees- form a natural border between France and Spain

countries: Spain, France
highest point: Aneto peak, 3,404 m.
length: 450 km.

These places have a rich cultural heritage: prehistoric rock paintings, stone structures, dolmens, ancient ruins, medieval monasteries, Romanesque churches, majestic castles and magnificent palaces. Cultural tourism in the Pyrenees is perhaps the best in Europe.

Cantabrian mountains- located in northern Spain

countries: Spain
highest point: Torre de Cerredo, 2,648 m.
length: 489 km.

The Cantabrian Mountains create a sharp boundary between the "green Spain" of the Bay of Biscay and the arid central plateau. A great place for hiking and mountaineering.

Scandinavian mountains- mountain system of the Scandinavian Peninsula

The Scandinavian mountains are not very high, but very steep. The climatic features of the region led to the formation of many glaciers, which, in combination with rocky slopes, created spectacular landscapes. Formed in ice age rugged landscape includes forested hills and valleys, mountains, waterfalls, long coastline, cut by fjords, islands and mountains growing straight out of the water.

Dinaric Highlands- mountain range in the Balkans

Dinars provide high tourist attractiveness to countries such as Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia. There are many international resorts on the Adriatic coast: Split and Dubrovnik in Croatia; Herceg Novi and Budva in Montenegro. The region has many historical and natural attractions.

Balkan mountains– located in Bulgaria

The Balkan Mountains, which give the name to the entire peninsula, are a continuation of the Carpathians. The mountains stretch from west to east, from Serbia to the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. The Balkan Mountains have numerous mineral springs, on the basis of which resorts operate. A wide variety of natural attractions determines the development of hiking tourism.

Scottish Highlands- to the north of the island of Great Britain

countries: Norway, Sweden
highest point: Ben Nevis, 1,344 m.
length: 350 km.

The Scottish Highlands are a beautiful and inspiring region of ancient landscapes with interesting story. Travelers come here to explore famous lakes, breathtaking beaches and majestic mountain gorges, sites of great battles and ancient monuments. Perhaps the most famous attraction in the Scottish Highlands is Loch Ness.

I don’t know how to describe it more correctly - sclerosis or deja vu? I remember exactly what I wrote about this. But today I spent the whole morning rummaging through my computer archive (large and confusing, I must say) and found nothing. I tried to find it on the Internet - also useless. Maybe it was in the letters that I accidentally deleted during the next cleaning of my computer? Or maybe he didn’t write anything, but just wanted to write, talking about this topic to himself many times?

Early in the morning (!), while drawing up a plan for the next “cleaning” of accumulated photographs, I came across an entry about a flight trip to Terskol, and there the phrase “which mountain is the highest in Europe?” A traditional question on knowledge of geography for those coming to Terskol... I wrote about this, but not where? I couldn’t find it, I started looking for information on the Internet - I was completely confused.

In short, you need to clearly record what you remember and add what you found today.

What is the highest mountain in Europe?

Answer: unknown! Some sources say Elbrus in the Caucasus, others say Mont Blanc (Alps).

There is a fairly clear definiteness with the heights of the peaks.

Elbrus- 5642 m (Western peak) and 5621 (East). Although some sources also use other values ​​(for example, 5633 - similar to the arithmetic mean of two vertices). The mountain is located in Russia. On the edge of the short Side Range, a few km north of the Main Caucasian Range. It is undeniably the highest peak in the Caucasus and Russia.

Mont Blanc.There are differences here. In Russian Wikipedia it is written - 4808 m.
In the English WikiPedia - 4010, it is clarified that this is the data of the latest measurements made in 2002. Before that, it was believed that its height was 4807 m (I remember exactly this value from childhood). The peak is located in France, the border between France and Italy runs along the Mont Blanc mountain range slightly south of the peak.

Regarding “most”, here’s what they say:
Mt. Elbrus (west) stands at 5,642 meters (18,510 ft) and it is the highest mountain in Europe. Mont Blanc or Monte Bianco (French and Italian- "White Mountain") is the highest mountain in the Alps and in Western Europe.

Three additional boundary lines on the map demonstrate alternative, mostly non-geographical, definitions of boundaries:
Line A - runs along the peaks of the Ural Mountains and further along the Ural River
Line B - runs along Kuma-Manych depression and further along the Sea of ​​Azov
Line C - follows the watershed of the Caucasus Mountains

Pay attention! Wikipedia believes that almost the entire Caucasus belongs to Europe (border along the Araks).

So, what happens: there is no clear answer to the question “Is Elbrus located in Europe or in Asia?” Those. everyone can choose the one they like, referring to an appropriate authoritative source.

But here it should be noted: all sources admit that there is no scientific substantiation of this or that version of the border between Asia and Europe based on geological or geographical concepts (climate, tectonics, etc.). From this point of view, we need to talk about a single continent of Eurasia.

By the way, here we need to remind you of the difference between the concepts of “continent” and “part of the world”. The division into continents is made on the basis of separation by water from other continents, and parts of the world are rather a historical and cultural concept. So, With From this point of view, the North Caucasus (and perhaps the entire Caucasus) most likely still belongs to Europe.

OK. Geographical border is a controversial concept. But elevation marks are quite measurable quantities.

As we noted above, there is no particular discrepancy regarding the heights of the peaks. But for some other points of Elbrus there are.

At what altitude is Shelter 11? I always thought - at an altitude of 4200 m (Wikipedia also says). But in some Internet publications I found - 4100 (maybe these are typos).

But regarding the Pastukhov rocks there is complete confusion. I always thought (by different sources), that their height is 4810 m. This was fundamental: it was believed that reaching the rocks could be equated to climbing Mont Blanc (although conquering Mont Blanc is an order of magnitude more difficult).

Wikipedia (and a number of other sources) says differently - 4700 m (and in some places I found even lower - 4600 m.)

It also says that the Elbrus Saddle is located at an altitude of 5200, although I remember the figure 5300 m.

That's probably all.

This one shows 4 photos: Elbrus from the side of Cheget (this is my photo) and from Kislovodstvo (below), as well as Mont Blanc - view from France (above) and from Italy.