Arsen black biography. LIZER: biography, personal life, photo LIZER: biography, personal life, photo. Beginning of a musical career

Who is this?

A schoolboy from Izmailovo named Arsen tried LSD for the first time in the ninth grade - this is how the pseudonym Lizer came about. The father saw his son as an Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling and sent him to sports training in Dagestan, but he chose a career as a rapper. Today, there are more new names in this genre than ever before, who quickly become visible thanks to social networks - and often disappear just as quickly. Arsen stands apart among them, and his new album convinces: Lizer is here for a long time.

The “Punk Rock Boy” video has been filmed Little Big Production, director Alina Pyazok

Sunset 99.1

The first mentions of Lizer are associated with “Sunset 99.1” - an online party of young rap artists who quickly gained subscribers on VK, but disbanded after a couple of years.

The headliner of this association was the duet of Leezer and Flash, and the main hit was their joint video “False Mirror”. But this collaboration did not last long: Lizer considered that he was ready for a solo career.

The new album “Teenage Love” is the perfect teen pop of 2018

Repost record

The new metric of demand was first heard two years ago, when the debut album of “Mushrooms” was released. In one day, the post with the album was reposted 11 thousand times - someone calculated that this is more than Oksimiron’s “Gorgorod” for the whole year. VK confirmed that this is a record.

They started talking about reposts again last September, when Face released the album “No Love”. It was reposted 27 thousand times. The next record holder was Lizer - in January, a post with his album “My Soul” was reposted 28 thousand times.

However, it quickly became clear that some of these reposts were fake: fans created fake accounts and communities, while the artist himself encouraged them to be more and more active.

“Heart” is the main hit of the album “My Soul”. The image of an emo boy from the 2000s and hoarse chants in the spirit of Trippie Redd.


It was said about Leeser from the time of “My Soul” that he imitates the American freshman Trippie Redd. But that was nothing. After the release of his video “Punk Rock Boy”, the song found many borrowings from the song “Punk Rock Boy” by the American group Boyfriendz. Its member Lil Aaron wrote several mocking tweets in the spirit of “Lizer, just call the track a cover” and posted a screenshot of a month-old message from a Moscow rapper: he wrote that he was inspired by the work of Boyfriendz.

Lizer did not comment on the situation.

Lizer first collaborated with rapper Flash and wrote a hit with 11 million views, and then had a falling out.

Why is it worth listening to?

The image of a young swindler who cheats on reposts and passes off translations of other people's songs as his own hardly evokes sympathy. However, the album “Teenage Love”, released at the end of July, can completely change your perception of Leeser. On Apple Music it is tagged "alternative rap". This term doesn't explain much. Perhaps you need another one - like VK-pop.

Leeser's new album combines all teenage trends. Sad guitar songs coexist with crackling and bassy new rap with auto-tuned vocals - on the same basis as in Arsen’s predilections Juice Wrld and Trippie Redd coexist with Valentin Strykalo. Next to them is pop-punk, re-actualized thanks to the successes of “ Naughty Molly", and also synthpop. With this high, ringing voice, he can only voice eternal teenage maxims about unfulfilled dreams, the desire to die and suffering from loneliness, and also proclaim freedom and send money to hell.

Phrases like “Just because the world is mean and evil, it doesn’t mean you have to be too” are too naive to be uttered by a serious, big artist. But these are the simple and correct words you need to hear when you are 16 years old.

Lizer is a popular Russian rap artist. He was born on August 12 (Leo according to the horoscope) 1998 in Moscow (Russia). His height is about 170 centimeters and his weight reaches 61 kilograms. Real name: Arsen Magomadov.

From early childhood, little Arsen began to show a real interest in the art of rap. The first person who was able to open the doors of rap culture for Arsen was the idol of many people - Eminem. It was because of him that he began to carefully study and find new idols for himself. In fact, Arsen was mainly interested in Western rap, and every year more and more new names were added to the list of his favorite performers. As Arsen himself recalls, in early years creatively, he began to write songs on his own and most of the works had some kind of aggressive overtones, each song was filled with some kind of overly wild aggression, so over time, Arsen decides to begin a completely different stage in his work and let go of this stupid teenage negativity.

Beginning of a musical career

In 2015, Arsen decides to form his own musical group called "Sunset 99.1". IN this group as a result, such artists as Why Hussein and Dolla Kush are included. According to the rapper himself, the team was created in order to bring something completely new to music, reach some heights and show everyone that rap can be diverse and that it can grow. There is always a family atmosphere in their group, where each member tries to help the other and is ready to do anything to achieve the goal. For example, Arsen himself, before releasing another project, carefully analyzes the work of other figures, so as not to repeat their mistakes under any circumstances.

In 2016, Arsen released his album called “Frozen”, which included about 7 tracks by the artist. According to Arsen himself, the musical tape was written over about four months and during this period many changes and amendments were made. What follows a whole series his works, which were able to bring a lot of popularity to their owner.

In 2018, he released a video for the song “Heart”, which in its popularity was able to surpass another rap artist Face and the group “Mushrooms”.

As is known on at the moment, the young and talented performer has no relationship. True, some claim that there is still a lady’s heart and her name is Liza Girlina.

Russian rap culture is so multifaceted and diverse that it’s time to talk about existing and rapidly developing subcultures within it. For example, a trend such as web rap is today a subject of interest to thousands of teenagers. Teenagers create and listen to music directly on the Internet, their “concert venues” are the YouTube video hosting service, and their disk circulation indicator is distribution on VKontakte. A prominent representative of the so-called “ new school"Russian rap is the young artist Lizer.

Childhood and youth

The rapper's real name is Arsen Magomadov, a young man of Dagestan nationality. Born on August 12, 1998 in Moscow. He grew up in the capital's Izmailovo district, entered the gymnasium, where he was one of the so-called “average students”: he didn’t have enough stars from the sky, but he wasn’t an outright loser either. Classmates remember him as a calm, non-conflict guy.

In the 3rd grade, Arsen became interested in creativity. Since then, he has been a passionate fan of hip-hop and devotes everything to his favorite hobby. free time, finding new musical idols on the Internet.

By the way, it was difficult to find leisure time, because the boy attended sports sections. The father seriously dreamed of raising his son to be a freestyle wrestling champion. The teenager showed impressive results, participated in competitions, and earned the title of candidate master of sports. But his sports career was forgotten overnight when the young man began to make his first successes in music.


Arsen started composing songs early: he still has rough sketches of songs on his phone. This period came at the time of the fascination with the Yung Russia movement, therefore both the texts and the ideas of the compositions were not devoid of aggression, gloomy mood and teenage denial of everyone and everything. As Arsen got older, he realized that you couldn’t get far with such material, and he just didn’t want to write on the table.

Then the 17-year-old boy turns to the collective mind. In December 2015, Lizer and other musicians Dolla Kush and Why Hussein (the guys met on social networks based on common hobbies) united into the group “Sunset 99.1”. The participants invested their efforts both in general creativity, and developed solo.

“The idea to name our gang “Sunset” came spontaneously. After sunset everything is new, fresh. Moreover, you don’t always know what’s there beyond the sunset,” explained Arsen.

The result of this work was the album “Frozen”, released in February 2016. The 7 tracks were distinguished by a very harsh and aggressive sound; the lyricist did not skimp on the use of obscene language. But connoisseurs of this subgenre favorably received the album.

In the same year, the musicians released a new album, “So Web,” which was created by other artists - Thrill Pill, Flesh, Enique, Sethy. And soon a video for one of the songs on the “High Technologies” album appeared on YouTube. The video received over 2 million views. Flesh and Lizer became the headliners of “Sunset”, and soon the tandem presented to fans, and quite a few of them had already appeared, the joint album “SCI-FI”.

The theme of the new musical products was high technology, the Internet, communications and everything that connects people. Another confirmation of the trend was the guys’ video clip for the song “CYBER BASTARDS”, after which the performers began to be called the founders of a new direction - cyber-rap. The musical know-how appealed to the taste of young people so much that Flesh and Lizer successfully held their first tour, visiting 7 cities in Russia with concerts.

Soon after the trip, Arsen tries to create a new creative tandem with a rapper (Ivan Dremin). The artists are recording the scandalous single “Go to...” - a kind of response to the haters who wrote negatively about them on the Internet.

The beginning of 2017 was marked the next stage in his career as a rapper, the guy decided to move away from the cyber theme in his work, which had already set the teeth on edge, and create something conceptually new. This is how the album “Damn Garden” (“Devil’s Garden”) appeared, permeated with a gloomy gothic mood.

Lizer song "False Mirror"

Fans immediately bombarded the rapper with impartial comments about his regressing creativity and the loss of his “trick.” Lizer was about to sink into depression, but then his longtime friend Flash came to the rescue and offered Arsen to star in the new video “Power Bank”.

The reunion resulted in a new music collection, “False Mirror,” which was released in the summer of 2017. And soon the artists announced that “Sunset 99.1” was ceasing to exist. Music critics noted that the main merit of the association was the founding and popularization of cyber rap.

Lizer song “Pack of Cigarettes”

At the beginning of 2018, Lizer began solo career. The debut album, entitled “My Soul,” received the approval of not only long-time fans, but also other connoisseurs of the genre. The rapper really bared his soul in each composition, their names scream about feelings: “Heart”, “So Strong”, etc. The disc set an absolute record for reposts on VKontakte, gaining over 30 thousand publications, leaving behind Ukrainian group And rapper Face.

Lizer song “They will kill for us”

The artist’s next step is the new track “To the Sound of Our Kisses.” In June it became known that Lizer had joined the Little Big Family creative association. In July, Arsen’s new album “Teenage Love” was released, the trending tracks of which were the compositions “They Will Kill for Us” and “A Pack of Cigarettes.”

Personal life

Numerous fans of the artist are not averse to learning about the personal life of their idol, but there is practically no information about this on the Internet.

In several photographs, Arsen is captured with a spectacular blonde. This gave rise to rumors that the rapper was dating model Lisa Girlina. The artist himself does not confirm the information about his girlfriend. Joint photos in "Instagram" there is no performer either.

Lizer now

The artist’s creative biography is just beginning. Collaboration with a new label is ahead. At the end of summer, the track “I won’t give it to anyone” was released.

Lizer song “I won’t give it to anyone”

Judging by the official page of the rapper in

Early years: childhood and adolescence Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rap artist Dagestan origin under a pseudonym Lizer first saw the light on August 12, 1998. The guy's real name is Arsen, but his last name, according to information sent from our reader, is Magomadov.
At the age of nine, the boy became interested in creativity, and also followed other artists of the rap genre. Over time, the preferences changed a little: Cloud Rap, Trill - such branches of the hip-hop genre captivated our hero.
As Lizer recalls, he was always writing something, in most cases it was something angry and cocky, but what he wrote remained only in telephone notes.
Arsen listens mainly to Western music: Future, Lil Uzi Vert, Young Thug. And in his work, Lizer tries to focus precisely on foreign artists, because I am sure that there is something to learn from them. Inspired by the activities of the Russian movement YungRussia, Arsen decided to transform himself: he was moving away from previous attempts to make “dumb, aggressive rap,” in which the teenager tried to focus on punchlines and rhymes.

Start of career, creation of Sunset 99.1

On December 12, 2015, Lizer, Why Hussein and Dolla Kush created their association “Sunset 99.1”. The name implies the presence of something new, fresh - this was reflected in the choice of designation for the creative group. The participants, in particular Arsen himself, are serious about creating music, and within the group there is a certain family atmosphere, where each of the performers has certain similar views on creative process. Before releasing a song or video clip, Lizer tries to take into account the mistakes of other young people so as not to repeat them himself.
On February 24, 2016, Arsen announced himself with a 7-track release called "Frozen". The album itself, according to the guy, was written in four months of fruitful work. During the creation process there were many adjustments and changes, problems arose with mixing and the studio, so the release of the tape was delayed. “Frozen,” oddly enough, was written in winter, but Lizer himself notes that he hates this time of year. However, it is the cold that has the property of freezing everything - movements, thoughts, lips, this is what the musician tried to convey in the opening track.

Popularization of cyber rap

In the spring of 2016, a mixtape of 8 compositions “So Web” was released, in the creation of which both members of “Sunset 99.1” (,) and simply like-minded colleagues (, Sethy) took part.

Flesh, Lizer, Thrill Pill & Krestall / Courier - High Technologies (2016)

At the end of July, the premiere of the joint album with Flesh "Sci-Fi" took place. Arsen and Pavel met on social networks, and the theme of their common release of 6 tracks is saturated with the world of technology and the Internet. A video for the song "Cyber ​​Bastards" was released at the end of August. With his works, “Sunset” opened a new direction for the Russian audience, like “cyber rap”. And after a successful tape, the guys went on their first tour, in which they visited seven cities in Russia.

Flesh & Lizer - Cyber ​​Bastards (2016)

In October, fans had the opportunity to enjoy a music video for the song "Eco Futurism", filmed at a gas station.

Flesh & Lizer - Eco Futurism (2016)

In December, the track “Go Fuck You” was presented, created together with (Ivan Dremin), in which the performers address their ill-wishers who write about those nasty things on the Internet.

Damn Garden, False Mirror and the breakup of Sunset 99.1

January 2017 is marked by the release of the rapper's next album called "Damn Garden". IN new job Lizer, tired of “technological hip-hop,” decides to change direction and make tracks in a different style, which did not please the old listeners of our hero, who believed that Arsen had lost his characteristic sound. The release of "Devil's Garden" features as many as 16 audio recordings, filled with a gloomy atmosphere in sound and text. Before the album's release, a video clip was released for the track "In the Dark".

Lizer - In the Dark (2017)

In the spring, Arsen starred in the film adaptation of the track "Power Bank" from Pavel's collection "Audiopunk 2: Welcome to the Exhibition".

Flesh & Lizer - Power Bank (2017)

On August 17, the temporary duet represented by Leeser and Flash expanded their discography with the album "False Mirror". Here the guys again took up experiments, obtaining a very light and attractive sound with elements of vocals. The title track saw the release of a video, partly filmed on the streets of Paris.

Lizer & Flesh - False Mirror (2017)

On November 1, the Sunset 99.1 association, which consisted of 3 artists, many beatmakers and simply talented people, announced the cessation of its activities, leaving behind 9 releases, 7 videos and 3 tours, which made a significant contribution to the development of the genre. After the breakup, all participants, including Arsen, focused on solo work.

Personal life

As for the performer’s personal life, it is known that Lizer is not married and he also has no children. There is unconfirmed information that Arsen has a girlfriend who is signed on social networks as Lisa Girlina.

Lizer now

After a long lull, on January 13, 2018, Lizer presented a video for the track “Heart,” which became the first single from the release “My Soul,” which was presented on the 18th of the same month.

In the 9-track album, Arsen shares his youthful experiences. “My Soul” contains diverse songs about teenage recklessness and adventurism, as well as lyrical, touching events in the artist’s life: lost love and a broken heart. The album received 28 thousand reposts in social network"VKontakte", overtaking the record of rapper Feis, who had previously surpassed the Ukrainian group.

Lizer - Heart (2018)

Lizer represents a new school artist who has something to say to his audience. His uniqueness and versatility are noticeable in compositions that reflect the musician’s inner experiences. The rapper plans to release a lot of new material, which will probably delight both Arsen's fans and listeners who are not yet familiar with his work.

: (Official community on VKontakte)
: (Fan page on Instagram)
: ( Official page on VKontakte)
: (Official Instagram page)
: (Official Twitter page)
Stills from LIZER music videos from YouTube
Personal archive of Arsen Manukyan

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"