Illustration for the Russian folk tale “The Mitten” step by step with photos. How to draw winter mittens

Hello, fellow blog readers, site!

We bet that the word “mitten” immediately reminds you of a well-known fairy tale. This is the fate of the mitten. In the same way, for example, when I hear the word, a fairy tale is immediately clearly remembered. But a turnip is, first of all, a vegetable. Likewise, a mitten is actually a piece of clothing. So let's take a break from the fairy tale and get ready to do some good work: here is the coloring and shading of Mitten - Mitten.

Simple at first glance. But how much various tasks and you can come up with countless exercises on the theme of a mitten.

You can simply paint the mitten one color. Or rather, it’s not easy. Painting large figures evenly and accurately is not an easy art.

You can decorate it in more complex ways: for example, imitate a knitted pattern. Familiar to us

Can you knit? I don’t know how, but I have seen my grandmother knitting many times. This is a very clever art. It is very important that the loops of one row catch on the loops of the next row. This requires attention and concentration.

Let's practice:

- complete the pattern in the line - straight.

- draw such a pattern yourself.

When the loop patterns are mastered, let’s return to coloring the mitten:

- “knit” the mitten in one color or changing the color of the stripes

- use the cut out mitten as a stencil - outline and decorate the resulting mitten with a pattern suitable for the mitten

- draw a mitten, p

- draw a second one (on the other hand, but of the same size)

- color,cut (or tear along the contour)

Additional task: draw the hand on which this mitten is worn

Here's my hint:

We have already done the “Glove” coloring when we depicted work gloves, using the method then, but now we need ordinary winter gloves.

Here are the tasks you can complete based on our Glove coloring page:

-paint in one color or

-decorate with patterns

-draw a pattern knitted with threads

-draw the second glove (left)

-cut and compare overlay

-color the second glove and also cut it out

Additional task: draw a hand inside the glove

Victoria Yakubovich
Abstract of GCD Drawing theme “Mitten” (everyone’s favorite “Mitten” in a new way)

Directly educational activities « Drawing» using health-saving technologies.

in the second younger group on the topic « Mitten» . author-compiler teacher Yakubovich V.V.

Used literature Komarova T. S. « Visual activities V kindergarten 3-4 years"

Subject: "Let's decorate mitten»

Target: Teach children draw based on a fairy tale« Mitten» , create fairy tale image. Strengthen the ability to decorate an object, use it in the process drawing paints different colors; different techniques; Rinse the brush clean and dry it on a cloth before using another paint.


1. Teach paint patterns of straight lines and brush marks, create a rhythmic composition using different techniques drawing.

2. Develop a sense of rhythm (alternating 3 colors).

3. Consolidate knowledge of flower names.

4. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Type of activity: integrated (productive, playful).

Form organized activities: front

Educational areas: « Artistic creativity» , "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Health"

Goals and objectives:

"Artistic creativity"

1. Develop accurate work skills.

2. Practice drawing in different ways , cause joy from the resulting image.


1. Form friendly attitudes towards animals.


1. Learn to understand natural relationships and draw your own conclusions.

2. Promote the development of curiosity and thinking.


1. Learn to maintain a conversation on the proposed topic.

2. Express your point of view and answer questions clearly.

Methodical techniques: looking at pictures, theatrical performance, questions, children’s answers, finger gymnastics, physical education.

Preliminary work: conversation about winter.

Equipment: pictures with images mitten, mitten, set of animals (small fingered animals)

Material: brushes, gouache (yellow, red, blue and green, jars of water, blanks mitten, napkins for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Educator: Guys! What time of year is it now? That's right, Winter. What clothes do we wear in winter to go for a walk? Why do we need it in winter? mittens? (Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, now you will watch a fairy tale, which is called « Mitten» .

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale « Mitten» . (with the help of finger animals. The teacher shows and tells)

One day in winter, my grandfather was walking through the forest. He was walking and accidentally dropped his mitten. A mouse ran past. She saw that mitten She was lying on her own in the snow and thought that she would make a great house. The mouse got into mitten and says: - I will live here now. Then a frog hopped past, she saw mitten and says: - How warm mitten! Who lives here? - I live, violating mouse. Who are you? - And I'm a jumping frog. Let me live with you, it’s so cold outside! -Well, go! - answered the mouse. And there were two of them mitten live. Soon a hare was galloping through the forest. He saw mitten lies and also ran up to her and asks: - Who, who in the mitten lives? - I'm a rogue mouse. - And I'm a jumping frog. - And I’m a bouncing bunny. Can I live with you too? - Well, go! And there were three of them. A fox runs past here. She saw that she was so warm the mitten lies in the middle of the forest, runs up and asks: - Who, who in the mitten lives? - We live. A violating mouse, a scratching frog and a gray bouncing bunny. And who will you be? - And I am a fox-sister. Can I come to your place? There are four of them already living, and only one mitten. Lo and behold, a wolf runs past, he also runs up to mitten and asks: - Who, who in lives in a mitten so warm? - We: a little mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny and a little fox-sister. And who will you be? - And I’m a gray barrel top! Let me live with you too! - Well, okay, go! The wolf also got in mitten and there were already five of them. Out of nowhere, a wild boar walks past. - Oink-oink-oink, who's in the mitten lives? – he also asks. - We: a violating mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny, a sister fox and a gray barrel wolf, they answer him. -Who are you? - And I will be a wild boar. Let me live with you! - But we already have almost no space. How do you get in here? “Yes, I’ll fit in somehow,” answered the boar. - Well, climb up! - answered from mittens. The boar also pushed towards them. There were six of them. Bloated mitten, can barely stand it, it’s already crawling at the seams. But then, as if the branches were crackling, a bear came out of the forest and also went to mitten. - Who, who in the mitten lives? - The violating mouse, the scratching frog, the gray jumping bunny, the sister fox, the gray barrel wolf and the tusk boar. Who are you? - Oh, how many of you are here! And I am a bear-father, let me in! - But how do you get in here? It's already so crowded here! - I'll try sometime! - the bear answers. - Well, go, just from the edge. The bear squeezed in and there were seven of them. But it became just as crowded! Just look at it the mitten will tear. And by this time the grandfather missed his loss - one disappeared mitten! And he went back into the forest to look for her. And there was a dog with him and she ran forward. She was running, running through the forest and suddenly saw her lying mitten in the snow and moving! She's like barks: - Woof-woof-woof! The animals got scared and jumped out mittens and ran away! Grandfather came and took his mitten.

2. Problem situation

Guys, what should we do - the animals are left without a home? (Children's reasoning). Let's help them, draw houses for the animals - mittens so that they would not be cold in winter.

Look at the pictures, what do they show? (Mittens) .

(showing three mittens drawn differently)

How decorated mittens? (Children's answers).

We will draw the first one mitten, and if someone wants later draw a second or third, I'll help you. But before we begin paint, show me your fingers.

Finger gymnastics "These are animals"

Animals have four legs. (raise and lower 4 fingers on the handles)

Claws may scratch. (fingers move like claws)

They don't have a face, but a muzzle. (connect the fingers of two hands to form a ball, separate the fingers one by one, lowering them)

The tail, mustache, and wet nose. (wave-like movements of the hand, "draw" mustache, circular movements with a finger along the tip of the nose)

And, of course, ears (Rub our ears with our palms)

Only on the top of the head. (massage two points on the crown of the head)

Look, what color is the gouache on your tables? (red, yellow, green, blue)

Educator: Well done. Now watch and listen to how we will paint.

Take the brush with three fingers from the metal "collar". Let's wet the brush. Let's remove excess water about the edge of the jar.

The brush touches the paint only with the hair part, "collar" must remain clean.

Draw a straight line in yellow. I place the brush on the left at the very edge mittens and draw a line to the right to the other edge. If the brush becomes dry, you need to wet it again and take the paint.

What needs to be done to paint with a different color? (wash the brush)

Now draw the second line in green. I'm stepping back from a straight line. I place the brush on the left and draw the second line.

Now we draw the third line in yellow.

Now look at how else you can decorate our mittens? Select your favorite color. Dip the brush into the paint beloved colors and apply it with a brush, you get beautiful brush marks. Make as many prints as you like.

That's what it is I got the mitten.

(Children do the work. Help the children during the work, remind them. Praise the children during the work).

So we decorated mittens. How did they turn out? (they turned out bright, beautiful, elegant)


Well done guys. Yours turned out very beautiful mittens. Do you think the animals will like our mittens? I think they will like it.

Let's stand in a circle and let's rejoice:

Physical education minute:

Look, winter has come! (spread your arms)

A lot of snow fell. (run your hand along the belt)

Well, quickly run after me, (running in circles)

Play in the snow and... wait! (imitation of throwing snowballs)

We are not afraid of the cold (spread your hands again)

Mittens anywhere! (show palms)

Mittens or mittens are a necessary accessory in winter. They warm your hands perfectly and retain heat.

Unlike gloves, the fingers of mittens are made together. The only thing that remains separate is thumb.

If you have mittens, you can put them on the table and draw from life. We offer step by step instructions How to depict this piece of clothing without much difficulty. You will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser; compass;
Step 1

Drawing the Basics

Our first step will be to draw auxiliary shapes - circles. With the help of a compass you will be able to depict the figures evenly.

Adding contours

The contours are shown as curved lines, since the mittens are slightly rounded.

WITH inside the outline bends a little, there is still a thumb there.

Try to draw approximately the same lines, since the mittens are symmetrical.

Step 3


Once the outlines are ready, start drawing the thumbs. For this you will also need two circles, but let’s make them small.

Connect the shapes with the mittens using rounded lines.

Draw the top lines a little higher so that you can draw other details. Don't press the pencil too hard so that you can erase the line if it doesn't work out.

Step 4

Knitted part

The mittens end with small knitted elastic bands that prevent them from slipping off your hands. Erase the unnecessary shapes and draw two straight lines above the thumbs.

Connect the knitted parts at the sides.

Round off the side lines. If you look at the mitten, you can see that it has rounded outlines.

Step 5

connection thread

Classic mittens are sold with a special strong thread, thanks to which they do not get lost. Draw it from the centers of the mittens. In the middle it bends into a loop.

Step 6

Line patterns

You can most often see patterns on mittens. Closer to the base these may be straight lines.

Another line is at the end. The patterns bend slightly, repeating the shape of the object.

Step 7

Let's get to the snowflakes

The main pattern of our mittens will be snowflakes. It won't be difficult to depict them. To start, draw a short horizontal and vertical line.

Then add more lines. With each step the snowflake becomes more and more like a real one.

Carefully trace the circles in the center. You can also draw a snowflake in another way, using our instructions.

Step 8

Let's continue drawing snowflakes

Side lines extend from each main line. They need to be drawn.

These lines look like tree branches. They make snowflakes fluffy.

Step 9

Making patterns

We return to the base on which we will draw straight lines.

While drawing, carefully follow the instructions so as not to miss any details.

The more patterns you draw, the brighter you can color the mittens.

You can add additional lines in width and length.

Step 10

Triangle patterns

You can draw triangle patterns on the bottom. Their corners touch the lines.

Add a few small details to add variety to the design.

Step 11


Mittens can be painted in any color. It will be best if you and your child choose the colors that he likes.

Step 12

Drawing "Mitten house for animals." Master class with step-by-step photos

Step-by-step drawing “Mitten house for animals”

Author: Molodetskaya Kristina, 10 years old, studying at MBOU Dubininskaya secondary school No. 13, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sharypovsky district, Dubinino village.
Teacher: Lyubov Mikhailovna Verkhoturova, teacher additional education first qualification category, MBOU Dubininskaya secondary school No. 13 Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sharypovsky district, Dubinino village.

Description: This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers and teachers primary classes in working with children aged 5-10 years when studying the topic “Wild Animals” and “Russian Folk Tales”.
Purpose: drawing for an exhibition, competition.
Target: drawing a Russian folk tale using pointillism technique.
- learn to depict wild animals, taking them into account characteristic features(ears are sharp, round, long);
- learn to draw winter forest;
- cultivate accuracy in work, perseverance, and the ability to paint using pointillism technique;
- develop the ability to convey impressions of a read fairy tale in a drawing.
Materials and tools:
- sheet of paper A-4;
- felt-tip pens.
I really love reading and drawing Russian folk tales, they teach us to be kind, hardworking, to help each other out of trouble, to be merciful, that is, sincere, responsive. I would like to try to draw a fairy tale using the new technique of pointillism or dot painting; the drawing turns out unusual and transparent, although it requires a lot of patience and perseverance.
Progress of the master class:
Drawing with a black felt-tip pen big circle.

We draw a wavy line around the circle; this is the fur of the mitten.

Next, we draw two semi-ovals: a large one and a smaller one, this is the mitten itself and the finger.

Decorate the mitten with geometric patterns: rhombuses and triangles.

We are starting to populate the mitten with wild animals. The mouse came running first, draw a teardrop head and round ears on the top of its head.

Draw the mouse's eyes, mouth, and nose.

We put a collar and blouse on the mouse.

The bunny came running second, draw him a round head and long ears.

We finish drawing the bunny’s eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, and collar.

The third fox came running, we draw her a teardrop face, ears and collar.

We finish drawing the fox's eyes, nose, and mouth.

The wolf came running fourth. We draw him a face or two, sharp ears, a collar and teeth.

The bear came running fifth, we draw him a round head, two round ears, and a collar. Let's not forget to draw on the wolf's eyes and nose.

We draw the bear's eyes, nose, cheeks.

Let's start drawing the Christmas tree. We draw it in three tiers. The top one is small, the middle one is larger, the bottom one is the largest. Draw using angles and wavy lines.

We draw seven more similar Christmas trees around the mitten, because grandfather lost the mitten in the forest.

In the upper left corner we draw a sun with wavy rays.

We begin using dots to color the faces of the mouse and bunny with a blue felt-tip pen.

Brown color We color the bear and the fox orange.

The wolf has a head gray.

Green We color the Christmas trees, leaving a little white for the snow. Pink color color the collars.

Yellow color the sun.

We paint the diamonds on the ornament and the clothes of the animals pink.

We decorate the snow on the Christmas trees with blue.

Draw yellow circles on the mitten.

Use a red felt-tip pen to color the flower petals and triangles on the ornament.

Use blue to draw the fur on the lapels of the mittens.

We paint the entire mitten with lilac color. We finish drawing the paws of all the animals.

Using a blue felt-tip pen we draw clouds and snowdrifts under the trees. Our drawing is ready.

We insert it into a wooden frame.

The old grandfather-hunter lost his mitten.
The mouse saw it first, ran into the mitten,
The second is a bunny, the third is a fox, and the fourth is a wolf.
The fifth bear came running.
Animals in a mitten live happily,
They sing songs and chew gingerbread.
Thank you for your attention!