Unknown professions. Fortune cookie writer. Journalists Without Borders

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One of the rare professions in Russia is the profession of sign language interpreter. To work in this specialty, you need to know professional sign language, which is used to communicate with deaf people.

Poster is a rare profession. Stylisters make custom braids, mustaches, sideburns, eyelashes, beards and wigs. The machine operator in a match factory who applies sulfur to matches is called a sulfurizer. In the field of perfumery, a rare specialty is the smeller. For this profession, it is necessary to have an excellent memory for aromas, since the smeller is responsible for assessing new odors and creating perfume compositions.

The cavist profession is also rare. The specialist understands alcoholic beverages, thanks to an individual approach to each client, he offers a specific wine that is most suitable for a specific dish. A fairly rare profession is a titester. This is what a professional tea taster is called. He is able to determine the location, quality and variety of tea. These specialists are engaged in making tea blends. It's rare to meet a person whose specialty is greenkeeper. Such a specialist is responsible for maintaining green lawns for golf, rugby, baseball, football, and so on.

A rare profession is an oenologist who selects grape varieties for planting, selects fertilizers and improves the equipment with which wine is produced. A speechwriter is involved in composing texts for public speeches of major entrepreneurs and politicians.

The most unusual vacancies in Russia

Among hundreds of summer vacancies in the south of Russia you can find the most unusual ones. Experts have studied and compiled a selection of rarely encountered requests from employers.

According to Max Portal, the Sochi hotel chain requires a “linen caretaker” whose responsibilities include recording the delivery and acceptance of bed linen and towels, as well as monitoring the quality of washing and ironing, sorting linen and distributing it to racks. The employer does not inform about the salary of a candidate with secondary education and skills to fill the vacant position of “linen caretaker”.

But a “boiler washer” in Sochi can count on a salary “from 20 thousand rubles before deduction of personal income tax.” A boiler cleaning specialist is needed in the dining room of one of the Sochi boarding houses. The employer promises official employment and meals during working hours.

“Housekeeper to care for VIP wardrobe” required in Krasnodar. The salary level is more than decent - “from 55,000 to 60,000 rubles in hand.” A candidate for this position must have experience as a housekeeper and be familiar with the care of delicate fabrics.

As experts from unusual professions note, the region requires “a buyer with mandatory experience in purchasing clothing,” “a surveyor for inspecting grain cargo,” and “a dog sitter—a person who can take a four-legged friend into his home while his owner is away.”

The most unusual vacancies according to HeadHunter

Over the entire history of HeadHunter, more than 11 million vacancies have been published on its website! Summing up the 15th anniversary of the company, we decided to build a rating of unusual and interesting professions that have ever been published on the hh.ru website.

After analyzing more than 11 million vacancies, the HeadHunter research service selected 15 unusual, rare and interesting professions for which employers have ever published vacancies.

The ranking opens with a fairly traditional profession, but for a narrow segment of the entertainment market. clown. Over the entire period, 17 vacancies were published on the website hh.ru. The average salary offered in Russia was about 36,000 rubles.

For glass blowers 13 vacancies were published. A glassblower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques. The average salary offered in Russia was in the range of 30,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the region.

IT evangelist– a specialist professionally engaged in propaganda in the field information technologies. An IT evangelist promotes technologies and products by writing articles, blogging, conducting seminars and webinars, demonstrations and presentations, and conducting negotiations. There were four such vacancies in total. One of them in St. Petersburg indicated a salary of 90,000 rubles.

Quite an unusual profession Poster– a specialist who creates wigs, mustaches, beards and sideburns from natural and artificial hair. In Moscow, you can earn from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles in such a position.

Salary airplane cleaner in three available vacancies ranged from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Fumelier is a cigar specialist. A similar specialist was searched for on the website hh.ru only twice. In one case the salary was offered 30,000 rubles, in another - 45,000 rubles.

Cotton candy machine operator- seasonal profession. Mostly common in summer. Until recently, it seemed outdated. But with the development and improvement of various parks and places of cultural recreation in Lately reappeared on the market. In Moscow, such a position is now offered a salary of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Golf cart driver- also an unusual profession for Russia, where golf is not as popular as, for example, in the USA. The responsibilities of such a specialist include meeting guests and delivering them around the golf club.

Ergonomics expert– a specialist dedicated to simplifying the work performed and achieving higher employee productivity. This profession is still new and rare on the labor market. Total for this position two vacancies were published.

  • Mukosey- a worker engaged in sifting flour.
  • Golf Club Rubber.
  • Bicycle wheel spoker.
  • Director of Customer Experience– specialist involved in service quality management.

The most unusual vacancies in Moscow

Moscow is a city of unlimited opportunities that attracts specialists from various industries. Not only thousands of guest workers from neighboring countries flock here every year, but also specialists of the highest categories from other cities of Russia, countries near and far abroad. For many of them, working in Moscow is a chance to earn money and achieve a certain recognition and status. Unfortunately, accountants, lawyers, economists, managers and journalists have completely flooded the labor market, leaving only places vacant for unique specialists. Thus, representatives of rare and unusual professions have a chance of success. The British newspaper “The Sun” published a list of the most unusual and rare professions in 2011; it is not surprising that some of them exist in Russia. In the capital, as it turned out, there is considerable demand for them.

Catching trends

Trend hunter is unique profession for talented people who are not alien to fashion. Specialists in this field are obliged to be the first to catch fashion trends of a given target audience, for example, youth or business people. This information is extremely important for manufacturers of clothing, footwear and accessories, since the information obtained is used in product development. The job of a trend hunter is to attend events, carefully observe people on the streets, and analyze fashionable images on TV and in the media.

Help for shopaholics

Moscow is confidently taking the title of fashion capital from Milan, as fashion boutiques are growing there like mushrooms after rain. Every self-respecting brand opens its own stores and representative offices in the Russian capital. That’s why there are shoppers or stylists who select clothes, shoes and accessories for their wealthy clients to make them look fashionable and stylish. The shopper’s responsibilities include not just choosing clothes, but first reviewing and analyzing new collections of all brands of interest, selecting suitable models so that the client does not spend a lot of time looking for the right outfit. Such work is paid according to the “glamorous” status of a specialist, which means very high.

Unique Internet professions

Some labor market experts believe that often the exotic demand for specialists in rare vacancies amazes even experienced personnel officers. So, in the capital there is a demand for work as a ski track builder in the forest on Rublyovka. Surveys of numerous headhunters and recruiters confirm that in Moscow even professional bloggers, who are called upon to create a positive image of the company, are at a premium. Another fashionable and rather exotic profession of a web gardener is a web gardener, who must clean the site of outdated links, like a gardener from weeds from the territory of the site. He is also involved in updating old pages and changing appearance site. Another unusual Internet profession is the ethical hacker, who hacks his own company's website in order to test and identify weaknesses in the site's security system.

Journalists Without Borders

Many of us, having heard about the stringer profession, will not be able to guess that it has nothing to do with underwear. On the contrary, this is the name for the rather serious work of journalists and freelance correspondents, who most often work in extreme conditions: in places of mass unrest, natural disasters or military operations. This is a profession for those who are not afraid to risk their own lives, and therefore it pays quite highly.

Aristocratic golf

Moscow is a city of oligarchs, businessmen, politicians, movie stars, and therefore Western fashion hobbies are not alien to them. Golf is one of the most aristocratic and popular types a sport created for wealthy people. Therefore, greenkeeper vacancies are increasingly in demand in the capital. What is a greenkeeper? Literally translated – caretaker of golf courses. It is no longer respectable to trust the care of precious fields to the usual gardeners or janitors, pensioners or students, and therefore the still rare profession has become prestigious and highly paid. It is believed that in order to properly care for fields, it is necessary to have deep knowledge and the ability to work with special equipment.

Let's look at the casino

America has greatly influenced not only Moscow, but also the entire post-Soviet space. Thus, with the advent of casinos in the capital, professions that are unique to our country have become in demand. A pit boss, or otherwise a foreman in a casino, is not a manager or a director, but still the main overseer of the work of the croupier, the general order and the game in the gaming room. He must be distinguished by high tolerance, perseverance, thorough knowledge of all processes in the casino, and management skills.

How much is your life worth?

The work of an actuary is closely related to the insurance industry. Worth looking into insurance own life to get an “appointment” with an actuary – valuation specialist human life. No matter how terrible and pragmatic it may sound, his responsibilities include calculations of life expectancy, analysis of all negative factors, health status, as well as a summary of the client’s real cost of living.

No hair? No problem!

Working in Moscow is a kaleidoscope of exotic professions whose roots go back, if not to the Middle Ages, then certainly to past centuries. A pastizher or creator of false mustaches, sideburns and wigs is one of these professions. It would seem that you can attend receptions and special events without wigs, and plastic surgeons can help those who have a similar problem. However, the profession of a pastor is in demand in hairdressing salons, circuses, and theaters.

Got hair? We braid hair.

Brader is a specialist in braiding and a representative of one of the rarest professions in the capital. There are many who believe that they know how to weave braids, and very few true specialists. The capital boasts not only a demand for original professions, but also extravagant people fueling the supply. Afro braids do not lose their popularity, and braids do not lose their jobs along with them. However, their work is quite complex and painstaking, since hairstyles take from two to ten hours, and therefore are paid accordingly.

Some tea, sir!

England is famous for its tea traditions, China for its tea ceremonies, and Ceylon for its quality tea. Then Moscow is famous for the rare profession of tea tester - tea taster. A specialist has to drink up to 60 cups of aromatic drink per day. However, it is important not just to “absorb” the tea, but to taste it correctly: distinguish between varieties, aftertaste, quality and aroma of tea, and color of the drink. After tasting, the tea tester reports his verdict on this or that type of tea. It is not surprising that the complex and sometimes even dangerous work of a titester is incredibly highly paid, and rare specialists are worth their weight in gold and are held in high esteem.

You shouldn’t be surprised, but there are still vacancies in the capital that are waiting for specialists for a long time. Oddly enough, these are antique dealers, industrial climbers and speechwriters. Finding true professionals is not easy, because many want to appear as such, are studying or taking their first steps in the profession. If you have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities that are in exotic demand, you should boldly look for your employer. Fortunately, all unique and unusual professions in Moscow e are well paid, but foreign specialists are valued much higher than domestic ones.

Unusual professions of the world

How many things happen in life that seem to exist on their own, organized and implemented without human participation? Indeed, there are enough such things in life, but they are not organized independently - the precise implementation of any little thing can be monitored by a specially trained person, whom no one even suspects. The most unusual professions often become just that – inconspicuous, but very important.

Top unusual professions in the world

  • Bridesmaid. This person selects the dress, provides general assistance in preparation, and accompanies the bride from the first to the last minute of the celebration.
  • Animal food taster. Responsibilities include testing food for many types of pets - hamsters, birds, dogs and cats. Tasters are competent in knowing the taste preferences of animals and are ready to give practical advice to animal owners. Sometimes such food is difficult to digest, but the impressive salary compensates for the inconvenience.
  • Professional waiting in line. A special person will replace the customer in a long queue, if necessary. Of course, such work is worthy of the “rarest unusual professions” category.
  • Bag packer. A special person is able to fit great amount things into small bags and save a lot of time for people rushing on vacation.
  • Cookie fortune teller.
  • Elite nomad. Some people or even families enter into agreements with luxury home owners. They must take care of the house while the owners are away, living in it. When the owners return, the temporary workers are obliged to move out.
  • Observer of drying paint. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is quite complex work. An observer examines the drying process in great detail under a microscope. It should check whether the paint texture changes correctly, the color transforms, etc.
  • Critics restaurant dishes. Of course, many people dream of such a job.

  • Ball divers. Basically, we are talking about pulling balls out of bodies of water during rounds of golf.
  • Penguin lifter. Despite its unusual nature, the work is very important. Helicopters of geologists and other scientists studying Antarctica often fly in the penguin habitats. Interested birds raise their heads high, trying to look at the aircraft, and fall on their backs. The penguins are not able to rise to their feet on their own, and then a person constantly on duty nearby comes to their aid and lifts them up.
  • Furniture tester. Many people have heard about this job, however, it is quite rare and also falls into the category of “the most unusual professions in the world.”

There are many rare professions, which we not only haven’t heard of, but couldn’t even think about. For the most part, they can be divided into 2 groups.

1) These are professions of narrow specialists in some field. These include some doctors, for example. They all have one not very rare profession - a doctor, but their specialization can be quite rare:

– hepatologist – diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases,

- audiologist - treatment of hearing problems.

– nephrologist – treatment of kidney diseases.

- genetic therapist - a doctor who predicts diseases in children. With the help of such predictions, doctors can begin treatment at a very early stage.

2) There are specialties here that do not require special education (sometimes they are simply not taught anywhere, and the work is learned exclusively through practice). The second group includes a wide variety of professions, sometimes absurd and downright funny. Among them are the following specialists:

— A compactor is a person who works in megacities during rush hours. His task is to push everyone onto the bus (tram, metro). In our country, its functions are often performed by simple conductors.

— Ball picker – as the name suggests, a person is engaged in picking up balls on golf courses. You can also find golf club polishers at golf clubs.

— A toilet guide is a civil servant in China. For a small fee, he will guide you to the nearest latrine.

- Dergal - collects seaweed.

And this list can be continued endlessly. But there are professions that are difficult to classify into the above groups. They are unique in themselves, but their uniqueness lies not in the fact that they act in extraordinary situations (for example, like penguin flippers - such specialists are needed only in one specific place), but in the fact that their knowledge and skills are truly unique. They learn this business and gain experience through practice. Here are some of them:

Postiger. Engaged in the manufacture of wigs, braids, beards, mustaches and eyelashes. This is a very painstaking work and at the same time not without a creative touch. Such specialists are in demand mainly in cinema and theater to create images of actors.

Pyrotechnician. People who create a holiday! Every year the range of fireworks increases. Today, this fiery miracle is ordered for weddings and birthdays, not to mention the New Year holidays - throughout January you can see and hear flashes of fireworks here and there. Therefore, the rare profession of pyrotechnics is in great demand now. Pyrotechnicians must be well versed in chemistry, safety, and know many technical subtleties, but at the same time they must have an amazing imagination in order to create an extraordinary show.

Arborist. The name of this profession comes from the Latin word “arbor” - tree. We can say that this is a tree healer. The arborist monitors the condition of the trees, treats them when the trees become “sick” and removes them (along with the roots) if nothing else can be done. The profession of an arborist is associated with certain risks. Very often arborists have to climb very tall trees. Therefore, if you have a persistent fear of heights, this profession is not for you.

Sign language interpreter. According to statistics, in our country there are only 4 sign language interpreters per 1000 deaf residents. In this regard, of course, this profession is as rare as it is in demand. People with hearing problems are constantly in need of translators, because even a simple trip to the doctor turns out to be a whole problem for them. Those wishing to obtain this rare profession should carefully weigh the pros and cons, because they will need a lot of patience and attention to their charges.

Surveyor. These specialists are needed when constructing underground structures such as mines or tunnels. This is a very delicate technical specialty, surveyors must calculate everything down to the smallest detail, because working in underground conditions is very dangerous and requires maximum concentration and compliance with all safety rules.

And why don’t people get paid in this world? Sniff other people's armpits? No problem. Should I cry at your funeral? Easily! In this post I collected 25 of the strangest professions that are worth knowing and that are worth fearing. Or maybe, on the contrary, someone on this original list will find their calling! Everyone chooses for themselves - these wonderful lines are just perfect for these professions!

1. Gum remover

There are those among us who prefer not to see chewing gum stuck on or under tables, spat out on the street or, even worse, in a decent establishment like a theater, then you need it, a chewing gum remover. After all, this is his job - to make this world a little better, to make this world ruminantless!

2. Breath Evaluator

A person of this profession can be found in companies involved in the production of chewing gum or oral care products. What their job is - they evaluate the smell of the mouth, starting from the worst and making sure that chewing gum or, say, toothpaste They do their job and the smell goes away!

3. Manufacturers of underwear that reduces odor in case of flatulence

What are these lucky ones doing? They are trying to create underwear that would absorb and hide the smell in that unpleasant case when a person suddenly experiences an attack of flatulence.

4. Duck Master

Some hotels and other public establishments hire such masters to monitor and care for ducks in nearby ponds, and also to honorably take them for walks to the delight of satisfied guests and visitors.

5. Dog Breath Sniffer

Apparently, those who are not qualified to evaluate human breath odor have to work with dogs. Hmm...

6. An artist who creates portraits from the ashes of the dead

In the USA, in the state of Virginia, there is a company that creates portraits from the ashes of dead people. Can you imagine what the artists in this company do!?

7. Professional Apologizer (Japan)

In the land of the rising sun there is a special apology service. People working in underwater services are ready to apologize to anyone on your behalf. They get paid for this, and this is not a joke!

8. Bed warmer (UK)

Some hotels hire specially trained people to lie in their guests' beds and keep them warm before guests enter their rooms.

9. Living Scarecrow (UK)

Some students actually earn extra money by dressing up as a stuffed animal part-time!)

10. Professional hitchhiker (Indonesia)

In Indonesia, the government, due to an overabundance of cars on the roads, has introduced a restriction on travel in certain lanes on the road, which are now provided for the movement of cars with 3 or more people. Poor residents of the city outskirts offer to get into the cars of those who do not have enough passengers to drive in the “fast” lanes and, thereby, earn money.

11. Paint Drying Observer

Some companies actually hire people to do this kind of work. Why is this being done? Great question! The task of such observers is to make sure that the paint lays down firmly and holds when drying.

12. Professional iceberg mover

Nobody wants a repeat of the tragedy that happened with the Titanic. So these brave guys simply take and remove the icebergs away from the ships.

13. Professional sleepyhead (Finland)

Not long ago, one of the Finnish companies made a real splash in the labor market by starting a search for people for a similar position. Why did the company need a sleeper? Most likely, to assess the comfort of certain pieces of furniture.

14. Professional elephant valet (Sri Lanka)

It is not an easy task to dress up an elephant for the ceremony. So we have to hire specially trained people for this.

15. Professional ear cleaner (India)

Let me cotton swab, and I will become a millionaire!

16. Gender equality consultant

17. Ostrich Nanny (South Africa)

It's like a nanny for children, only in our case - for ostriches!

18. Sex determinant for chickens

And that’s all they do all day long: determine the male or female sex of a chicken.

19. Bicycle catcher (Amsterdam)

There are a lot of bicycles and a lot of water canals in this city, the burning need for such professionals is obvious!

20. Car Keeper (Brazil)

What do these guardians do? They look after the car while you're away and beat anyone who tries to steal it.

21. Professional mourner (Asia, Africa)

These people are actually paid to cry at funerals.

22. Professional hugger (Japan)

In Japan today there are cafes where a person can come if he wants someone to hug him, he wants to curl up into a ball and cuddle with someone. Yes, yes, there are such establishments. So, these same huggers are paid for the fact that you cuddle up to them and hug them.

23. Subway pusher (Japan)

Once again, Japan enslaves us in an unusual profession. During rush hour, the metro in this country is not so easy to fit in: there are too many people. And our pushers are right there - they will push, push and help the carriage doors close and take you where you need to go!

Today it is impossible to give an exact figure for how many professions exist throughout the world and in Russia in particular. Many areas of activity presuppose the presence of both common and in-demand specialties on the labor market, as well as rare or completely unusual ones. This article is devoted to such a topic as rare professions. But first, let's try to understand by what criteria researchers use to determine their rarity.

What professions can be called rare?

The popularity and prevalence of a particular profession is established through special research aimed at studying data on the number of vacancies announced by employers over a certain period of time. The list of the rarest professions today is quite wide. It includes specialties from completely different areas. These are mechanical engineering, exact and human sciences, metallurgy, art, IT, medicine, animal husbandry, and consulting services.

What professions are considered rare in the world?

The rarest professions in the world are numerous. This is due to the fact that a number of countries have their own culture. Sometimes it is impossible to learn it, but the applicant may simply be lucky during employment. So, in Thailand and other Asian countries where Buddhism flourishes, there are people who care for a certain part of the Buddha statue. In Japan there are people who work as “interlocutor”, and in England they work as “queuer”. But these are not the rarest professions! Let's look at the most unusual specialties.

There are no more than a dozen penguin flippers in the world. Their responsibilities include returning the birds to their normal position after they, having stared at the planes taking off in Antarctica, fall on their backs. Not long ago, rare professions in the world increased their number due to cat food tasters, ant collectors and brain extractors. As you can see, sometimes the names of rare professions can cause shock. However, there is nothing terrible about this. The fact is that the scope of activity of the owner of this profession includes the extraction of brains from animals for the subsequent preparation of exotic dishes from this organ.

So, as we saw from the list above, the rarest professions in the world are very diverse and very interesting. Sometimes their names can scare or make you laugh. Meanwhile, people doing seemingly ridiculous things get good money, and sometimes even become famous.

Rare professions in Russia

Russia is not the whole world, but the rarest professions also exist here. They are present in almost all areas: art and IT, science and technological industries. In addition, many completely new professions have recently appeared: consultants on various issues, specialists in the field of medicine.

People in Russia obtain rare professions in several ways: by undergoing training in special courses, having character traits suitable for them, or simply by coincidence. There have been no special studies on this issue in the country, but there are statistical data on which vacancies are currently appearing least often. Let's take a closer look at what rare professions exist in Russia. Perhaps this will help someone decide on the choice of work, because very often a person’s interests or hobbies become a good source of income.

Rare professions in art

The field of art includes theatrical activities, artistic creativity, writing and much more. It is worth immediately noting that the last few hundred years have not brought fundamentally new specialties to this area. But this does not mean that there are no rare professions in this area. First of all, it is worth mentioning such a specialty as a prompter, or a person who tells actors the words from their role. Perhaps the only requirement for such an employee is clear and understandable speech.

Another rather rare specialty from the theatrical sphere is a postiger, or manufacturer of false eyebrows, sideburns, beards, mustaches and wigs. Agree, without this person the actor will not be able to completely transform himself. Professional icon painters are very rare among artists. Most works of this genre were created several decades, or even hundreds of years ago.


Even truly masculine professions that require enormous effort are rare. Today in Russia there are practically no people left who can cast bells. It is this profession in the field of metalworking and foundry that is considered the rarest today. Universities and other educational institutions no longer train specialists in this field, but at the same time, no one has canceled the desire to independently master this profession.

Despite its rarity, this specialty has recently been in great demand, as there is widespread restoration or restoration of monuments Christian culture, namely churches and temples. Is it possible to imagine them without the bell tower, from which melodious ringing is heard every day? It is the ability to select the composition of the metal for making a bell and give the product the correct shape that is valued in these people.

Animal husbandry, which also belongs to the industrial sector, has its own rare specialties. Poultry factories, for example, employ people who can distinguish the sex of chickens hatched from eggs. This work is very difficult, since a person has to perform several hundred or even thousands of monotonous movements during a shift.

Rare specialties in research and science

We all know that progress is moving forward, but rarely does anyone think about who is behind the numerous discoveries. Rare professions in science are few and far between, as most of the work is carried out by laboratory assistants, scientists or even robots. But, nevertheless, this phenomenon has not bypassed this area. The right to be called the rarest profession has been earned by a specialty that can simply be called a “sniffer.” IN work book employee she will be recorded as a “smell specialist”. What is his responsibility: to determine all the notes and half-notes of the aroma before and after applying it to the body. Also, “scent experts” select the composition of aromas for perfumes and advise on creating a special atmosphere in certain premises, for example, in the offices of large companies, shops or bank branches. The emergence of this profession is associated with the latest discoveries of scientists who have proven the influence of aroma on a person’s mood and performance.

Rare IT professions

Despite the fact that computers have long been firmly established in our lives, there are several rather rare professions in this area. Of course, there are now a lot of ordinary ordinary programmers, but there are clearly not enough specialists in any areas of IT technology. So, what rare professions are directly related to the virtual world? First of all, this is Lisp programming and Haskell programming. In second place in terms of rarity are the specialties of gui design and information systems architecture. It is very rare in the IT field to meet people whose professions are called “agent of influence,” “IT evangelist,” or “erlang developer.”

Consultants are also rare

The practice of hiring consultants in different areas in last years is becoming very popular, but such professions are still considered rare. One of these specialties is environmental consultant. His responsibilities include reviewing the factors of enterprise activity at environment. Slightly more common are rare professions such as shopper (purchasing consultant) and tea consultant, who helps you choose the ideal combination of tea varieties in a blend.

Rare specialties in medicine

Due to the latest discoveries Many new and rather rare professions have appeared in the field of medicine. Their small number is due to the lack required quantity educational material for a specific specialty. Most often, people with existing medical knowledge become owners of rare professions in medicine. So, let's look at a few of these specialties. A gerontologist, or a specialist in age-related medicine, deals not only with treating older people, as is commonly believed, but also with studying the changes that occur in the body with age.

Another rather rare profession in medicine is a gerontologist-therapist, whose responsibilities include carrying out research on the state of the human body at any age, based on its genotype. This makes it possible to determine the risk of developing chronic or inherited diseases even in an unborn child. The value of this profession is very high, and its rarity is due to the fact that discoveries in the field of genetics were made not so long ago.

Whatever profession a person chooses, rare or not, the main thing in this matter is still passion. In many cases, to obtain a coveted place in employment, it is enough to have certain abilities, and not just knowledge in this field.