Respect is the key that can open the heart of another person. Respect in relationships: from function to personality

Few people nowadays, especially representatives of the new generation, understand and especially feel what Respect is. Respect is the most important component of decent and comfortable relationships between people. This is also the basis for doing business in any field. In the highest business circles, worthy circles, respect is like air, without it it is impossible to achieve any goal.

In addition, Respect is a wonderful feeling that lives in a person’s heart and gives him an important component of happiness and dignity. It is respect that gives the feeling and state of Dignity, respect for oneself and other people. About everyone higher feelings- read.

What is Respect? Definition and rules

Respect is a form of communication and a motivated feeling.

Respect, as a form of communication - ethics, decent external behavior towards all people, is realized through impeccability - “Do not hurt the honor and dignity of others with neither a word, nor a look, nor a gesture.”

Respect, as a motivated feeling, is recognition of the merits and merits of other people (to be able to appreciate the best in people, their merits, to study them, to deepen the relationship).

acad. Mianiye M.Yu.

Respect is the position of one person in relation to another, recognition of the merits of the individual. Respect dictates not to cause harm to another person, either physically or mentally. Respect is one of the most important requirements of ethics. In the moral consciousness of society, respect presupposes justice, equality of rights, attention to the interests of another person, his beliefs. Respect presupposes freedom and trust.

From Wikipedia

Conditions for Respect – personal qualities(ethics, self-management, ability to see the merits of others, recognize), acceptance of hierarchy(superior, inferior, equal), taking on roles(employee, student, friend, leader, etc.) and compliance with the rules of respect.

Basic rules of respect:

1. Communication, studying others - to understand, see advantages and disadvantages, etc.

2. Signs of attention - express your attitude (gratitude, compliments, etc.), congratulations, ethics, as if you were an elder (pass ahead, stand up, etc. - if appropriate). But without going overboard - without pathos, flattery (there should be sincerity at the core).

3. Attitude towards superiors - attentiveness and courtesy: when making comments - apologize, do not make excuses, thank, defend authority - do not allow slander, stop insults, etc., do not create problems for others (do not set up, do not let down those who rely on you and etc.).

“Never make friends with a man whom you cannot respect” Charles Darwin

Disrespect for others is a sign of pride and arrogance, an indicator of a person’s inadequate self-esteem and lack of goodwill. Inadequacy is not determined by the ability of such a person to fairly evaluate and recognize his merits, value him and treat him in accordance with how he deserves it (according to his achievements and merits).

“A worthy person is one who cannot be ignored” acad. Mianiye M.Yu.

Read about what Friendship is.

Respect for others - determines the effectiveness and comfort of relationships between people, doing business, obtaining information, creating Better conditions for development and self-realization.

The feeling of respect is a very pleasant feeling in itself and it is a protector of the feeling of Love. Love without respect cannot live long.

Respect for other people is the second component of a person. First- This , third component is the ability to protect your Honor (what is dear to you).

The essence correct attitude to other people is contained in a well-known truth - “Treat other people the way you would like to be treated”. Respect for people is a positive attitude and a certain program that awakens and includes the best in other people, as a positive response to your respectful attitude.

What is respect for people!


Respect for people is decent behavior, relationships based on impeccability ( “not with a word, nor with a gesture, nor with a look - do not offend the honor and dignity of others...”) and recognizing the value of others.

Inner respect for others - This is recognition of the value of another person, his interests and problems. This is the ability to recognize the merits of other people, their merits and rights.

Shows respect for people by expressing your disposition and positive attitude, without humiliating yourself or infringing on your interests.

External respect for other people This - 1. Mindfulness– the ability to look, listen and hear the interlocutor in order to understand him 2. Ethical– absence of rudeness, rudeness, vulgarity and promiscuity, worthy words and manners 3. Nonviolence- do not suppress the will of another person, do not force, do not intimidate or put pressure, but give freedom of choice and respect the decision of the other.

Of course, how you show respect should vary depending on how close the people around you are to you. TO strangers – at a minimum it is attentiveness, correctness and ethics. To friends and very close ones– appropriate signs of attention, expressing attitudes (compliments, etc.), paying attention and allocating time for communication, congratulations and gifts.

How to correctly perceive other people (another person)?

Like creation Higher Powers, as a worthy being with his own mission and destiny.

As an immortal Soul and Personality that grows, develops, makes attempts, mistakes, experiencing its ups and downs.

How to perceive relationships with people correctly?

As one of the highest values, as an opportunity for pleasure and development through communication and joint activities.

As an opportunity to understand another person, do a good deed and receive gratitude in return.

How to perceive respect for people correctly?

As the basis for comfortable and problem-free relationships, as the basis for mutual understanding, happiness, deepening relationships and growth of feelings.

As the ability not to generate complaints and negativity, to extinguish conflicts and find common reasonable solutions.

Why do we respect other people? Why is it so important to be respectful to elders? Or what lies behind the feeling of patriotism? There are countless questions like this, and it would seem that any adult can answer them. But in reality, most are lost in their answers. And all because they cannot understand the full depth of the word “respect”.

That's why it's so important to understand this. After all, respect is a feeling of reverence that is vital for the existence of society. Without it, it is impossible to build normal relationships, much less create a full-fledged family.


Let's start with what respect is. The essence of this feeling is quite difficult to convey in simple words, however, like any other manifestation of humanity. And yet it is possible to express the main idea.

So, respect is a respectful attitude towards a person, a natural phenomenon, a deity or a homeland. In order for this feeling to arise, the object of respect must have a certain set of qualities.

Respect is a fickle feeling; it can arise and then fade away again. Everything depends on the moral and ethical values ​​of a person, which, as we know, can change over time. Therefore, by instilling these values ​​in an individual, one can influence his sense of respect for others.

Why is it so important to respect others?

To answer this question, let's give a simple example. Let's say there are two brothers: one is kind, friendly and treats others with respect; the second, on the contrary, looks down on everyone and considers himself the center of the universe. Who do you think is more likely to make real friends? Which of them is capable of sincere love?

Respect is the surest way to find mutual language with other people, to show that they are not indifferent to the interlocutor. Moreover, if the opponent feels that he is being treated with sincere respect, he himself will most likely respond in kind.

To summarize, we can say that respect is a key element in building relationships, both loving and friendly.

Moral and ethical standards in society

IN modern society There are foundations that, although not spelled out in legislation, are still generally accepted rules. Compliance with them is extremely important, otherwise you can turn the opinions of others against yourself. Such rules include moral and ethical standards, for example, politeness, restraint, neatness, and so on.

According to these unspoken laws, there are categories of people who should be treated with respect, regardless of whether they are familiar or not. So, let's give an example of such categories of people:

  • Elderly. Considering their age and the number of tests they have undergone, respect for them is quite justified.
  • Women. All of them are expectant mothers, and therefore require respectful respect.
  • Parents. The very fact that they gave life cannot but inspire respect.
  • Teachers. Thanks to their work, many gain knowledge that can help them achieve their goals.
  • Colleagues. It’s a completely understandable choice, because you’ll have to work with these people for more than one year. Therefore, it is much easier when they are in the category of friends rather than putting a spoke in their wheels.

Respect for the Fatherland: its role in the formation of patriotism

Homeland is not just six letters in one word. This is what unites everyone, makes us one big family. Love for the Motherland is called patriotism. But here’s the question: “Can he exist on love alone?” No, in order for patriotism not to dry out over the years, it must be constantly fueled by other feelings: pride, respect, gratitude.

Only by realizing all the beauty of your country, its features and shortcomings, can you become a patriot. And as mentioned earlier, respect is recognition of the merits of someone or something; accordingly, without it it is impossible to cultivate true patriotism.

Respect must be taught from childhood

The easiest way to instill respect for others is in childhood. Therefore, in most cases, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, as well as teachers. They are the ones who must explain to the younger generation why this or that person should be respected.

Follows with early years teach children that elders need to be listened to and their demands fulfilled. After all, they life experience much more, therefore, their advice can be useful. They should also be reminded that each person is an individual, and therefore needs to be treated with respect.

In general, respect for human rights is an established norm for everyone. Therefore, you should teach this to your children or pupils. Otherwise, they may have problems communicating with other people in the future.

Finally, we need to talk about such a phenomenon as self-esteem. After all, how can people respect someone who does not consider himself equal to them? Therefore, you need to explain to the child that he is the same as everyone else. What's inside is much more important than what he wears or what house he lives in.

Hardly. We want people to take the initiative themselves and respect us more. All we have to do is wait for others to receive insight from above. But I know The best way, how to make yourself and other people treated with more respect.

How to get people to show more respect

The best way to make people respect you is to start respecting people more yourself. Try it - and the result will not keep you waiting. If you see that someone is not treating you or another person with enough respect, then you should show more respect. This is what will bring the most benefit to everyone. This is something you can directly influence.

Why is respect so important?

According to Wikipedia, respect is

A feeling of respect, an attitude based on recognition of merit, high quality anyone, anything. Recognition of importance, significance, value; high appreciation of something.

Respect means accepting a person's right to be called a Human. Disrespect is ignoring, denying this right.

Respect and personal development.

Consciously showing more respect helps you grow. Step away from the computer and try to be more respectful right now. Even if it looks like aristocracy, it’s good if you remain sincere. Act with awareness, remain sincere and show respect to everyone, using the best of your abilities.

Respect for inanimate nature.

You can respect not only people. Treating an object, such as your shoes, with respect means recognizing its right to exist. Recognize the right to be beautiful. Recognize the right to be who she is. Showing care and accuracy - all this allows you to be better. Notice that the more respect you have for your things, the more respect you have. And remember, whenever you lack respect, look for ways you can show more respect.

Closely related to showing respect is showing kindness. If you treat someone with genuine respect, then you are showing kindness. You can't show respect and treat someone badly. However, sometimes you may feel that people wish you well, but... do not show you respect. For example, it seemed so to me when, as a child, my grandmother called me for lunch at the moment when I was playing with my friends and was immersed in this process. I'm playing... and then they call me to eat. Once they call - I don’t hear them - twice they call - I say - “I’ll come right away!” - they call for the third time - and then you have to tear yourself away and go to the kitchen. And it seems to me that my grandmother does not respect me enough, humiliates me in front of my friends, although she wants the best for me. But, looking at this picture from the outside, I see that I myself showed insufficient respect for my grandmother and her work. When you don't respect someone enough, don't show them kindness enough, you feel like they treat you the same way. And it may not even seem like it, but it is. And the only sure way to change the situation is to become kinder yourself. Oh, sorry, I have to interrupt - my wife is calling me to eat :)...

In close relationships, showing respect is especially critical. The person with whom you spend most of your life simply deserves to be called a Person, and therefore deserves respect. No respect long relationship bring harm and disappointment to both, with respect the relationship becomes a strong and mutually inspiring union. Although both men and women value respect, women still need it to a greater extent than men (including myself) can imagine. What matters most to a man is to be valued, accepted and trusted. For a woman, understanding, care and respect are most important.

Respect for children

Children, like all people, have the right to make mistakes. They have the right to make, even small, independent decisions, and to take responsibility. By recognizing these rights, we show respect for children, the respect they need as much as we do. Remember your last two actions:

When you showed respect to a child.
When you showed insufficient respect for a child.

Examples from my life:

This morning at breakfast Lenka (my 3-year-old daughter) saw that I was eating the salad left with New Year's table, asked for a salad for myself. If she didn't do this, she would get her porridge. I invited her to try the salad to see if she liked it. She tried it and liked it. I put the salad on a separate plate for her - it was her breakfast. I ate every last bit of corn.

While I was writing this article, Lenka came up and asked to go to the toilet. I told her to go on her own (she usually goes by herself). He says it's busy. I tell her - go to the potty. She - I don’t want to go to the potty, I want to go to the toilet :). Then wait. Don't want. Broke it: then... in your panties! It’s good that everything ended well - the toilet was free. What I should have done was put aside work and explain to Lenka popularly about the inconvenience, and sometimes the impossibility, of two people walking on one toilet at the same time :).

Default action

When you are treated unfairly or you see others being treated unfairly, what is your first unconscious reaction, your default action? Perhaps turn away and stay away from the source of injustice and impoliteness. Or explain to him (of course, in words) how to behave. But this means that we ourselves have just shown disrespect and set a bad example, one might even say that we confirmed: “yes, this is exactly what you need to do.”

This is similar to learning the “no judgment” rule of behavior, which is useful to remember every day or at least devote one day of the week to it, for example, Sunday. Just think: if person A judges the action of person B, you cannot tell person A about it (even though you really want to and seem to need it), since at that moment you yourself begin to judge person A. Personal example is very important in this case.

Our task is to realize at such moments our default action, which is just asking to come out, and before acting, replace it with a conscious action.

Respect- the position of one person in relation to another, recognition (not the opposite of this meaning, the property of respect is encouragement) of the merits of the individual.

Respect dictates not to cause harm to another person, either physically or mentally. Respect is one of the most important requirements of ethics. In the moral consciousness of society, respect presupposes justice, equality of rights, attention to the interests of another person, his beliefs. Respect presupposes freedom and trust. However, the meaning of these qualities that make up respect is determined by the nature of society and the accepted paradigms. Understanding of human rights, freedom, equality in different centuries was completely different.

The concept of “respect” was analyzed by philosophers Immanuel Kant, Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ 10 ideas on how to make people respect you – How to develop self-esteem and build a reputation

    ✪ Self-respect

    ✪ Respect for mother (a cautionary tale)


    Today, a lot of things are solved through cooperation with people. The attitude of other people can give you a lot, or it can also deny you a lot if they see no reason to respect you. Therefore, it is better to start building your reputation as early as possible, so that it goes ahead of you and immediately tells people who you are and why you should be respected. And these ten ideas will help you make other people respect you. But first, I advise you to subscribe to the channel of the psychologist and modern Magician Iskander Jin. There you will find a lot of valuable knowledge for building harmonious relationships, finding your life purpose and techniques for developing intuition! Subscribe to the Psychomagic channel and develop yourself and your soul! Link in the right corner and in the description. People treat you the way you treat yourself. Think - Do you respect yourself and why? People simply read your inner self-esteem and treat you the way you treat yourself. Therefore, to gain the respect of other people, start respecting yourself. So sit down and write a list of what you respect yourself for and a list of what you will respect if you achieve it. And start achieving this so that your self-esteem grows and grows. How much is your word worth? How often do you throw words to the wind? How often do you promise and not deliver? If your words are worthless, then you will not receive respect like your own ears. So, if you can’t, keep quiet, if you can, do it. Strengthen your strengths Think about your strengths. What are you better than other people at? And find ways to pay attention to it. Don't hide your flaws Nobody likes two-faced people. Honesty always earns more respect. To be, not to appear, is the motto of the most respected people. So if someone points out your weak sides, thank them and tell them you are working on it. People respect people more not for words, but for actions, and even more for the results achieved. So just work on your portfolio of victories and achievements. The larger it is, the faster you will gain respect. Create your own rules of life and follow them. Essentially, your reputation is the behavior that a person expects from you. And for this they will respect you. That you will do everything on time, will not stop answering calls, and so on. Read the success stories of rich people and you will find many rules that will help improve your reputation. Trained Body Physical strength is the initial level of building respect. And the simplest. All other things being equal, you will be respected more with a toned body. Extraordinary Actions People respect those who can do what they cannot. For example, skydiving or quitting smoking. Perform 2-3 such feats and people will respect you more. Respect others People respect those who respect them. You can find reasons for respect in every person. So show interest in all people. And they will answer you the same. Develop the qualities necessary for your reputation. Observe the successful people around you. Who is respected and for what? Mind, appearance, honesty. Make a list and think about what qualities you can develop now. And get on with it. Start taking responsibility If you are 15 years old, go up to your parents and say that the order in the house is now your responsibility. If you are already working, ask your boss what project he can entrust to you. Responsibility equals respect. And respect is recognition, fame, money and everything else. That's all. Find other methods for increasing self-esteem and self-confidence in this playlist.

In psychotherapy

Respect is an attitude towards the patient. This is the therapist’s internal acceptance of the circumstances of his fate and his life status, that is, the entire personality of the patient and his strategy to combat the disease.

Respect for the integrity of the individual (the other person and one’s own) is the basis for the development of a therapeutic relationship. This especially applies to patients suffering from severe disorders.

In social work

Respect for people is an important personal principle of social work, which suggests that all people deserve respect. According to this principle, a person should not be deprived of respect because of his role in society or character traits. Some authors consider this principle main value social work.

In law

Respect for state sovereignty

Respect for state sovereignty is a generally recognized principle of international law, which includes recognition and respect for the political independence of a state, its territorial integrity, equality with other states, the right to freely choose and develop its political, social, economic and cultural systems.

This principle is enshrined in the UN Charter, the Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation between States in accordance with the UN Charter (1970), and the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1975).

Respect for the dignity of the individual

The principle of respect for personal dignity is specified in current legislation.

So, according to Art. 9 - “Respect for the honor and dignity of the individual” - the Code of Criminal Procedure of Russia, during criminal proceedings it is prohibited to carry out actions and make decisions that humiliate the honor of a participant in criminal proceedings, as well as treatment that humiliates his human dignity or creates a danger to his life and health (Part 1 ); None of the participants in criminal proceedings may be subjected to violence, torture, or other cruel or degrading treatment (Part 2).

The obligation to respect the honor and dignity of any person, his business reputation, and to contribute to the preservation of social and legal equality of all members of society is also assigned to employees