Dijon mustard: history, recipe, what is it? What is the difference between Dijon mustard and regular mustard, what dishes is it used for?

She's different appearance, taste and area of ​​use.

Dijon mustard finds its use as a salad dressing

The main differences between these two types of sauce:

  • taste. Traditional Russian mustard is very spicy. And Dijon is much softer and has a sweetish taste. It will be preferred by those who do not like dishes with a spicy taste;
  • appearance. Regular mustard is a smooth mixture of ground seeds, while Dijon is a sauce made with whole mustard seeds;
  • area of ​​use. Regular mustard is used as a seasoning for jellied meat, dumplings, okroshka and others. ready meals from meat or fish. And Dijon is added to salads, marinades, and sauces.

Despite the differences, both sauces have the same health benefits. They increase appetite and have an antibacterial effect on the body. But excessive consumption of spicy seasonings can lead to stomach diseases. Everything is useful in moderation.

Differences in preparation and use

Dijon mustard is less hot and more spicy thanks to the addition of thyme, tarragon, and lavender. Unripe grape juice, white wine or wine vinegar are also often added to it.

Regular mustard is prepared from a mixture of mustard powder, vinegar, salt and sugar. And various ingredients are added to Dijon depending on the chosen option for its preparation.

In Russia, they prefer mustard with a spicy taste. And in Europe - mustard with a softer, even sweet, taste.

Russian mustard does not contain healthy mustard oil, but Dijon retains it

Unlike regular mustard, Dijon mustard is added to the sauce for red fish. It is often used to make flavorful sandwiches. It is added as a marinade for meat before frying or baking. It is used to lubricate sausages, sausages and vegetable snacks.

Dijon mustard is a compromise for those who like sweetness and bitterness. It is not so hot, but very useful. With its help, you can diversify your menu by adding it as a dressing for salads and as a sauce for preparing hot dishes. But it will never replace regular mustard for lovers of spicy food. These are two different sauces, each used for its own purpose.

For several centuries in a row, Dijon mustard has been especially popular among culinary experts. Do you dream of recreating it at home? original recipes famous masters culinary arts? Then use our tips and prepare delicious French dishes!

Dijon mustard: how is it different from regular mustard?

Many people are interested in why this sauce is so popular, and how does it differ from ordinary seasoning? Peculiarities:

  • Creamy consistency.
  • To create it, they save mustard oil, but in the usual one they use sunflower oil.
  • Soft taste.
  • Pale yellow tint.
  • A variety of components are used. White wine and herbs are added to the dressing, and table vinegar, water and spices are added to the regular one.

There are about 20 varieties of French sauces.

How to make Dijon mustard?

The two most popular variations of dressing are classic and whole grain. We invite you to learn how to make a mind-blowing seasoning for each of the recipes.

To prepare the traditional sauce you will need:

  • Finely chopped onion – 200 grams.
  • Grind 2 garlic cloves.
  • Honey – 4 teaspoons.
  • Seasoning powder – 120 ml.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 dessert spoons.
  • Tabasco – 4 drops.
  • Dry white wine – 2 glasses.

We create delicious dish with honey:

  • You will need a small saucepan into which the wine is poured, garlic and onion are added.
  • Boil the mixture.
  • Reduce heat and simmer the sauce covered for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into a deep plate and cool.
  • Pour dry mustard powder and strained wine mixture into the pan. Stir thoroughly until smooth.
  • Add butter, honey and Tabasco sauce. Stir.
  • Place the container on low heat. During cooking, the dressing is constantly stirred until a thick consistency is obtained.
  • Cool the resulting mass. The dish can be stored in a plastic container for up to 8 weeks.

Whole grain sauce is created from the following components:

  • Brown and yellow mustard seeds - ¼ cup each.
  • Dry white wine – half a glass.
  • White wine vinegar – 50 grams.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Brown sugar (if you prefer spicy foods) – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  • Add all ingredients to a small bowl and stir. Cover the container with a plastic bag and leave to infuse at room temperature for 48 hours.
  • After this, the mixture is poured into the blender bowl and blended for 30 seconds.
  • Please note that this recipe does not require a uniform consistency.
  • Shelf life 90 days.

Please note that the sauce should be consumed 3 days after preparation, as all the flavors will have time to mix and the sauce will become tender and spicy.

Salads with Dijon mustard: recipes

Would you like to make a salad with this seasoning? We offer several popular recipes that will perfectly complement both the daily menu and the holiday table.

  • Salad with fresh tomatoes, cheese and quail eggs.
  • Salmon fillet salad.

To prepare the first dish you will need:

  • Boiled quail eggs – 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 30 grams.
  • Mozzarella cheese – 100 grams.
  • Green salad.
  • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Wine vinegar – 1 tablespoon.
  • Pepper and salt to taste.
  • French seasoning - 1 tablespoon.

Preparing the salad:

  • Eggs and tomatoes are cut into slices.
  • Mozzarella is chopped into cubes.
  • Tear the salad with your hands.
  • Place the ingredients in a plate, pour in oil, then vinegar and mustard.
  • Add salt and pepper.

The dish is ready!

A delicious salmon recipe will require:

  • A glass of rice.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Mustard powder – 6 grams.
  • Smoked salmon – 100 grams.
  • Bulb.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • Parsley and dill for garnishing the dish.

Making the salad:

  • Cook the rice until done.
  • Sauce: mustard mixed with butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  • Cut onions and cucumbers into cubes.
  • Mix rice, cucumbers, onions and finely chopped greens.
  • Drizzle the salad with dressing.
  • Wrap the salmon fillet in rolls and place the salad on top.

French Dijon mustard

Benefits of this seasoning for the body:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system.
  • We stimulate cerebral circulation.
  • Improves memory and attention.
  • Recommended for women in the treatment of infertility.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Has bactericidal properties.

Despite its beneficial properties, the sauce is not used in large quantities, since it irritates the gastric mucosa.

Mustard is the real queen of spices. Without her subtle aroma and rich taste it is impossible to imagine many dishes made from meat, vegetables and fish. The mustard known as “Russian mustard” was usually the most popular among us. However, in Lately You can increasingly see so-called French or Dijon mustard on tables. Dijon mustard differs from ordinary mustard not only in appearance, but also taste qualities, as well as the scope of application.

The content of the article:

Differences in preparing Dijon and regular mustard

Russian mustard: cooking features

Russian mustard is also known as Sarepta mustard. It received this name due to the fact that the most large production This product is located in the Sarepta area near Volgograd. It is also called Russian for the reason that it was especially liked by residents of Russia and other countries. of Eastern Europe, and was often used in preparing local dishes.

Like other types of mustard, Russian mustard is made from dry seeds. IN in this case use ground seeds light color, the so-called mustard powder.

The traditional recipe calls for minimal amount spices In this case, the leading role is given to mustard. In most cases, it is complemented only by a large number of water, sugar, salt and a little vinegar.

High-quality mustard has a uniform consistency without the presence of lumps. Color can vary from yellow to brown. A strong vinegar smell is considered a sign of a manufacturing technology violation.

The secrets of Dijon mustard

Dijon mustard came to us from France. It was here in the east of the country in the city of Dijon that it was first prepared. This happened back in the 19th century. Since then, Dijon mustard, or as it is also called, French mustard, is often used by chefs in the preparation of salads and main dishes.

The main difference between Dijon mustard is that it is made from special black mustard seeds. Before production, the grains are cleared of dark husks, so the finished product has a pleasant golden hue. To highlight the soft but rich taste of Dijon mustard, grape vinegar, spices and herbs are added to it.

It is mistakenly believed that Dijon mustard must contain whole grains. In fact, it comes in two types: whole grain and ground. It’s just that Dijon mustard beans have become more widespread in our country.

What is the difference between regular mustard and Dijon mustard?

Regular and Dijon mustard are two sauces that are both similar and at the same time completely different. Their main differences are in the following points:

  • Taste. Russian mustard is famous for having the sharpest and richest taste. Dijon mustard, on the contrary, is mild and sweetish, so even those who do not like spicy food will like it.
  • Appearance. Russian mustard comes only in the form of a homogeneous sauce, while Dijon mustard is most often found in grains.
  • Recipe. Dijon mustard provides for a large number of preparation methods using various ingredients, while Russian mustard is characterized by the use of one recipe.
  • Scope of application. Russian mustard is best suited as a sauce for meat or fish. It complements the taste of jellied meat very well. Dijon mustard is most often added to salads, marinades, complex sauces, and used for baking.

How to prepare Russian mustard?

Russian mustard can be easily prepared at home. The following components are required for this:

  • water - 125 ml;
  • mustard powder - 100 g;
  • vinegar - 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower is best) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Water is poured into a bowl, sugar and salt are added there. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Then pour the powder in there, stirring it all the time. Add the remaining components to the same mixture and mix thoroughly. The finished mustard should be homogeneous. It is best to store it in a glass container on the refrigerator shelf.

Dijon mustard recipe

To prepare this type of mustard you need to take:

  • mustard seeds - 70 g;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • white wine (dry) - 200 ml;
  • spices to taste: salt, cloves, garlic, allspice, basil, oregano.

Dijon mustard is not easy to prepare classic recipe, since black mustard seeds are quite difficult to get. However, they can be replaced with more familiar white mustard seeds. To prepare them you need to grind them into powder.

Spices are poured into a pan, poured with wine, put on fire and cooked for 10 minutes. Then filter. Mustard powder is gradually poured into the finished marinade. After carefully mixing the mixture, add honey and butter and mix again.

Despite the fact that Dijon mustard differs from regular mustard, they are equally beneficial for health: they stimulate digestion and have an antibacterial effect. However, an abundance of hot seasoning can be harmful, so any type of mustard should be consumed in moderation.

In France there is a wonderful city of Dijon, and mustard, popular all over the world, comes from there. First of all, Dijon mustard differs from Russian mustard in its recipe. Our sauce has its own special style, it is spicy, very hot. If you have a cold, it will instantly clear your nose, this is not a sweetish French seasoning - even ours cold winter warms.

History of appearance

In France, mustard has been used since 1292, during which time it was mentioned in the royal registers. The name “Dijon” mustard has been known since the 13th century. Simply put, the word “Dijon” comes from the name of the city of Dijon, where it began to be produced.

Gradually, partnerships were created to produce this seasoning, machines for its production and original recipes that used white wine appeared. This production marked the beginning of the active invasion of Dijon mustard into people's lives. different countries. And in 1937, the Dijon mustard brand was officially approved.

What is the difference between Dijon and regular Russian mustard?

Let's take a closer look at the differences:

  1. The French product is prepared from peeled black and Sarepta mustard seeds. The seeds can be whole or crushed and are grown near Dijon in Burgundy. Unripe grape juice or young white wine is added to it. Some recipes use wine vinegar. The taste of the French product is delicate, with a sweet and sour taste. The composition may contain spices, such as tarragon, lavender or thyme;
  2. Our mustard is most often made from powder, although nowadays you can buy a product from Sarepta mustard grains, which is grown near Volgograd. The seasoning powder is not obtained by grinding the grains, but is made from the cake that remains after the oil is squeezed out of the grains. Do you feel the difference? Our grain French sauce contains native mustard oil, and our seasoning powders are infused with vegetable oils. But only mustard oil can soften the harshness and pungency, and ordinary sunflower oil no, that’s why we cry from our sauce;
  3. So, the French product has a milder taste, it is moderately spicy, without harshness at all, and a little sweet. Our product is hotter, much angrier;
  4. French sauce has a wonderful soft consistency with a viscous texture, most often found in grains, but ours is usually prepared as a smooth sauce. The Dijon color can range from pale yellow to bright yellow;
  5. The French do not have a single way of cooking. Natural wine vinegar, white or red Burgundy wine, as well as herbs and spices can be added to the sauce. There was a time when, instead of wine vinegar, sour grape juice verjuice was added, which was also quite suitable. Our recipe is much simpler; in addition to the mustard itself, you will need water, salt, some spices and vinegar.

Use in cooking

Dijon mustard is tasty and healthy. It promotes good digestion and has an antioxidant effect. Therefore, it goes perfectly with any meat, and especially with kebabs or shish kebab cooked on the grill. It will perfectly complement boiled pork or pork chop if, before putting a piece in the pan, you grease it on all sides with this seasoning. The meat will be juicier and softer.

You can do it differently: cut the meat into pieces (4 cm thick), make cuts in each. Rub the pieces with spices and Dijon mustard. Thanks to the transverse cuts, the meat will be well soaked. Then fry it in a hot frying pan with oil.

The B vitamins contained in grains are important for proper carbohydrate metabolism, so the French product with grains also has very beneficial properties. Grain mustard also shows itself ideally in fatty meat dishes. Hot grains will help you better digest fatty foods, because giving up meat products and rich cabbage soup is not recommended, especially in winter.

It is absolutely irreplaceable in many sauces and salad dressings. After all, some people like sweetness, and others like bitterness. This sauce will bring peace to everyone. As for homemade mayonnaise, it is better to add grain-free French mustard to it, then it will suit literally everything from fish to salads.

You can get creative with additives: make mayonnaise with tarragon and grain mustard for the fish, add additional garlic and thyme to the meat. The sauce improves the taste of bitter and pungent vegetables such as daikon radish or celery.

It will add a spicy aroma to fish and seafood that are cooked with the addition of French sauce. For example, a popular Belgian dish is mussels in mustard sauce, to which, in addition to the main ingredients, a product from Dijon is added.

Homemade recipe

The recipe for making French sauce only seems complicated, but in fact it is based on mustard seeds, which today can be bought without problems.

You will need:

  • dark and light mustard seeds - a mixture weighing 100 g;
  • warm water – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white wine – 50 ml;
  • balsamic – 50 ml;
  • olive oil – 60 g;
  • natural honey – 40 g;
  • sea ​​salt – 8 g;
  • pepper mixture – 2 pinches.

Total cooking time: 2 hours 15 minutes.

How to do:

Substitute for French sauce

However, finding a replacement for a French product is not at all difficult. In salads, a dressing made from sour cream and regular mustard “works great” with all ingredients. True, the taste is unusual, with a slight spiciness, but if you season a fresh cabbage salad with this dressing, the vegetable will become much more tender.

If you really want something, you must definitely prepare it. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment, there is no Dijon mustard - add regular table mustard to the dish, but with horseradish flavor.

The second number is the Cossack version of mustard; instead of traditional vinegar, cucumber pickle was added to this sauce. Spicy, sour, sweet notes - it has everything to give the dish a special taste.

And finally, our brown Sarepta mustard, which is grown near Volgograd. It tastes little different from Dijon. It can be used as a seasoning for any products, especially meat, in pickles and sauces, and added to salad dressings.

There is a recipe with Dijon mustard. I offer you recipes for preparing it at home. I found several recipes, they are not very different, but some contain tomato paste, while others do not. For you various options, which are given here: ru.wikihow.com and tvcook.ru, and you try the cooking recipe that you like best. I will say a few words about Dijon mustard and its features.

Dijon mustard is a famous variety of French mustard in the world. It got its name from the city of Dijon, France, where it was first produced. The peculiarity of its preparation depends on the ingredients that are included in its composition. And this is a powder from peeled black mustard seeds, which is diluted not with water or vinegar, but with the sour juice of unripe grapes or white wine. It is used for cooking various sauces, salad dressings, and also served with fried meat. It has a sour taste and is quite strong. More than 20 varieties of Dijon mustard are produced in France, and one of the most popular is white wine mustard.

Dijon mustard (classic)

Ingredients: onion (chopped) - 85 g (1 cup), garlic (chopped) - 2 cloves, honey - 30 g (2 tbsp.), mustard (dry) - 120 g, vegetable oil- 15 g (1 tbsp), salt - 10 g (2 tsp), Tabasco sauce - 4 drops, dry white wine - 400 g (2 cups)


In a small saucepan, bring garlic, wine and onion to a boil. The onion should be cut into small pieces and the garlic should be crushed. Reduce temperature to low. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes, uncovered. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into a bowl. Let cool.

Place dry mustard in another small saucepan. Strain the wine mixture into the pan to remove any bits of onion and garlic. Mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then add Tabasco sauce, salt, oil and honey. To stir thoroughly.

Place the pan over low heat and stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Do not leave the mustard unattended at this stage, as while it thickens, constant stirring is very important for a good consistency. Remove the mustard from the heat as soon as it thickens. Store mustard in a non-metallic container for up to 8 weeks.

Dijon mustard (whole grain version)

Ingredients: brown mustard seeds - 45 g (1/4 cup), yellow mustard seeds - 45 g (1/4 cup), dry white wine - 50 g (1/2 cup), white wine vinegar - 50 g (1/2 cup) glass), salt - 1/2 tsp. (pinch), light brown sugar - 5 g (1 tsp) - optional.


Take a small bowl. Put all the ingredients into it and mix thoroughly. Cover with thick plastic wrap (or a tight-fitting lid) and leave at room temperature for 2 days.

- This is a required step before you can mix and serve the mustard. The ingredients must interact to draw out all the flavors of the Dijon.

Remove the plastic film. Transfer mustard mixture from bowl to blender. It only takes 30 seconds to achieve a coarse texture for the mixture.

- Keep in mind that it is impossible to achieve a uniform consistency in this recipe, so do not spend half a day processing the mustard.

Transfer the mustard to a small container with a tight-fitting lid. Cover and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Over time (in small amounts), the taste of mustard improves.

- Allyl isothiocyanate, an oil found in mustard seeds, adds pungency and heat but fades over time. The longer you store the mustard, the more tender it will be.

Dijon mustard (with tomato paste)

Ingredients: mustard powder - 50 - 60 g, dry white wine - 1 cup, honey - 1 tbsp. l., onion (large) - 1 pc., garlic - 1 clove, vegetable oil - 1 tsp., salt - 1 tsp., Tabasco sauce - 1 tsp., tomato paste - 1 tsp


Peel the onion and cut into small pieces. Cut the garlic, as well as the onion, into small pieces. Then pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan, put chopped onions and garlic, wine, honey and stir. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 - 7 minutes over low heat. Then cool the mixture and strain through a sieve.

Add mustard powder to the prepared marinade and beat with a mixer or whisk. After this, pour in oil, Tabasco sauce (a few drops) or tomato paste, salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the saucepan with the mustard mixture over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens like sour cream.

Cool the resulting mustard, pour into glass jars and close the lids tightly. Then put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. Ready mustard can be eaten immediately after preparation, but it is better to wait. It is after two days that the real taste of Dijon mustard appears.

Bon appetit!