When, where and how is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture celebrated? ​Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

Solunsky, Solunsky... To the Moscow Solntsevo microdistrict and its brothers, these two, respected by many Slavic countries, humans have no relation. If only because they were born very far from the Mother See. In the city of Thessaloniki. This was once the name of the current Greek port city of Thessaloniki. And they were born a very long time ago. The eldest of the brothers, Methodius, in 815. The youngest, Cyril, in 827.

It is believed that it was the latter, 36 years after his birth, in 863, who compiled the first Old Church Slavonic alphabet and translated the main holy books from Greek into Bulgarian, primarily. Of course, in this difficult task, his students and his elder brother Methodius provided him with the most active assistance, but the bulk of the work on compiling the alphabet, according to experts, was carried out by Cyril. True, before today We still don’t know whether he “invented” the Cyrillic or Glagolitic alphabet, but this is probably not so important. Much more important is that thanks to these two enlighteners, who almost immediately, in the same 9th century, were recognized by the church as saints equal to the apostles and canonized, the Slavs, primarily in Bulgaria and Moravia, where Cyril and Methodius preached the teachings of Christ, received their written language.

Therefore, it is on the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius (according to the current calendar, May 24) that the Day of Slavic writing and culture.

It is quite natural that Bulgaria was the first to celebrate this holiday. Actually, the day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius has been celebrated in this country since the 10th century, but, as evidenced by the Armenian chronicle of 1813, the holiday of Bulgarian writing was first celebrated on May 22, 1803 in the city of Shumen. With the beginning of the Bulgarian Renaissance (the heyday of Bulgarian culture and enlightenment, which was based on the people's desire for their national definition and independence), on the initiative of Naiden Gerov, the holiday began to be celebrated throughout Bulgaria in 1851. Plovdiv, Lomen, Istanbul and other cities joined Shumen. The date of celebration was set on May 11, because it was on this day Julian calendar The day of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius was celebrated.

After Bulgaria switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1900, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated on May 24. And today Bulgarians celebrate this holiday widely and on a grand scale. The way this day is celebrated in Bulgaria is probably not celebrated anywhere else in the world. On the eve of May 24, knowledge quizzes and letter festivals are held throughout Bulgaria. Schoolchildren decorate portraits of both brothers with chic wreaths of fresh flowers. Fresh flowers are also laid at the monuments to Cyril and Methodius. A variety of cultural events are timed to coincide with the holiday - poetry readings, cultural fairs.

Russia joined the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in 1863, when the Holy Synod, in honor of the millennium of the Moravian mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, established that the celebration of Saints Cyril and Methodius should be held annually. According to the then Julian calendar, May 11.

Since 1917, this tradition was interrupted and only in 1985, when the 1100th anniversary of the death of one of the brothers, Methodius, was celebrated, May 24 was officially declared a “holiday Slavic culture and writing." On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted a special resolution, which determined that the Days of Slavic Culture and Literature will be held in our country annually.

Until 2010, the “capital” of the holiday was determined to be one of the regional centers. In the year the resolution was adopted, it became Smolensk. In 1994, the center for celebrating the Days of Slavic Culture and Literature “moved” to Belgorod. It was followed by Kostroma, Orel, Yaroslavl, Pskov. But this is the fourth year since the main celebrations are still held in Moscow. The capital is the capital.

In addition to Bulgaria and Russia, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated in Macedonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Transnistria, and the Czech Republic. About the latter - a little more detail. The fact is that she seemed to stand out from general series. The Day of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius (the holiday of Slavic writing, by the way, the only state and church holiday in this country) is celebrated in the Czech Republic on July 5. Therefore, if someone wants to celebrate the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture twice, there are no obstacles to this. We celebrate May 24 at home, and at the beginning of July we take a tour to the Czech Republic and... And on July 5 we celebrate this day together with the entire Czech Republic!

But... First, let's celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture at home. And it is possible in the most literal sense of the word. After all, it’s enough to take your favorite volume off the bookshelf, open it... And remember the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. After all, if it weren’t for them... Who knows, there would be Pushkin, Lermontov, Leskov, Chekhov, Dostoevsky in our lives?..

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is a kind of recognition by the Soviet government of the merits of two outstanding Orthodox saints: Cyril and Methodius.

Cyril and Methodius were born in the 9th century in the city of Thessaloniki, and by origin they were Slavs from a noble family. Both became Orthodox monks (Cyril and Methodius are their names after tonsure). In 857, the Byzantine emperor sent the brothers to Khazar Khaganate, preach the Orthodox faith there. As the story goes, they successfully convinced the Khazar prince and his entourage to accept Christianity, and even took 200 Greek captives from captivity. In 862, preachers came to Moravia (at the request of the Moravian prince) - here they created the Slavic alphabet, translated the Gospel, Psalter and other liturgical books into Slavic.

Cyril and Methodius were recognized by the church as saints back in the 9th century, but in Russia the memory of the enlightenment brothers began to be celebrated in 1863 - this was the decision of the Russian Holy Synod, which set the date for this as May 11 according to the old style (May 24 according to the new style).

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution to annually celebrate the days Russian culture and writing. Each year a different city became the capital of this holiday.

We remember familiar sounds from childhood:
This is Az, and this is Buki.
Glory and honor to Cyril and Methodius
Because Slavic writing exists!
And the whole world appreciates our culture,
He reads our literature avidly.
Let the years pass, let the centuries pass,
Slavic culture will always exist!
Brothers Slavs, happy holiday to you.
Keep and appreciate the cultural reserve!

Cyril and Methodius once upon a time
They created an alphabet for us,
We saved these letters
And we use them now,
On the day of writing we wish everyone
Don't forget traditions
Protect your language and culture
Preserve for generations!

Today is a significant day - the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature. This holiday unites all Slavic peoples, because Slavic culture is native to all of us. Thanks to the emergence of writing, we can touch the origins of our cultural heritage. Let's cherish and honor what our ancestors passed on to us, support and revive forgotten traditions, be proud that we are Slavs!

Today we celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature.
The bright day of culture has come to us today.
With this happy holiday We congratulate you.
May everything in your life be good.

Let the Slavic spirit, bright, help you,
Sincerity always gives you hope.
May literacy and knowledge flourish forever,
Your life is illuminated like a star in the darkness.

Happiness, light, joy, eternal luck
On this wonderful day we wish you.
Don't lose hope, faith, inspiration.
So that a bright angel protects you.

Cyril and Methodius tried their best,
Now we have the alphabet,
Today we will glorify their feat,
Happy writing day to you.

Let culture flourish
Long live the Slavic people,
I wish you this holiday
I never know adversity.

On the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius,
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
After all, for us they sound like a native melody
Languages ​​dear to the heart.

Slavic languages ​​and writing,
Our speech, culture and words
And the soul is wide, and sincerity,
We will be united for centuries.

I sincerely congratulate you on Culture Day,
And Slavic writing you,
We congratulate everyone mentally
And, of course, in writing now.

Creation of the Slavic alphabet
We are celebrating today, friends.
And this moment is a reminder
That you can’t forget your language!

Happy Culture Day to you! Just remember
How amazingly big
Filled with goodness and warmth of hearts
Our amazing language!

Slavic writing
They brought it to us
Saints Cyril and Methodius,
We will dedicate the day to Slavic culture,
Let him be honored among the people.
Know and protect your native culture
On this day I wish everyone
Centuries-tested writings
They call for unity of the Slavs.

Cyril and Methodius - two holy brothers,
What an alphabet they created for the Slavs!
We need to celebrate a wonderful date,
After all, how would we all live without the alphabet?

Without the alphabet there would be no literature,
And no one would know about the letter!
Let's appreciate all the origins of culture,
So that everyone hears about the great brothers!

Let's say thank you to two saints -
Cyril and Methodius!
Our culture was laid
Glorifying our homeland!

For Slavic writing
We will give them honor.
Their feats are more beautiful
We won't trace it anywhere.

Let the Slavic languages
And writing lives on,
Since the last ones in heaven
The luminaries will not die!

Slavic speech sounds
Just like a melody.
Let us remember today the saints
Cyril and Methodius.

Native speech and culture
Let it be held in high esteem
Never her basics
We will never forget in life.

Congratulations: 52 in verse, 8 in prose.

In those years when a split occurred between the Western Church and its Eastern Orthodox sister, the process of Christianization of peoples began to increase with redoubled force in the Slavic lands. Looking back into the past, we see that the Lord called them to fill the ranks of his church, sending wise mentors to them from the educated and advanced - at that time - Byzantium. Thanks to them, the light of Orthodoxy shone fully for all Slavs.

Brothers from the city of Thessalonica

Celebrated annually on May 24, Culture Day has been a holiday since ancient times. And although it had a different name, it had the same meaning - honoring the memory of two great enlighteners, who through their labors acquired the crowns of holiness. These teachers Slavic peoples were born in the 9th century, in one of largest cities Byzantium - Thessalonica (otherwise - Thessaloniki), but they accomplished the main work of their lives in the Slavic lands, to which the Lord vouchsafed them to go.

Cyril (baptized Constantine) and Methodius were siblings and grew up in a wealthy and educated family. Their father, a professional military man, served the emperor and held high positions at court. WITH early childhood The brothers, in addition to their native Greek, also heard the Slavic language, which was spoken by many representatives of the tribes living around. Over time, the young men mastered it perfectly. The elder brother Methodius, having decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, became a military man and even made significant progress in this area, but over time he abandoned his military career and became a simple monk.

Future educators of the Slavs

His younger brother Konstantin, having received an excellent education, in his homeland became the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet - the Slavic alphabet - and began translating the Gospel into this language. It is known that while in Constantinople, he studied philosophy, dialectics, mathematics and a number of other sciences from the best teachers of his time. Soon, having become a priest, he received a position as a library superintendent at the famous one, and a year later - as a teacher at Magnavra University, which he had recently graduated from. He greatly expanded his education during his stay in Korsun, where he spent considerable time together with Byzantine diplomats.

Brothers' Mission in Bulgaria

But the main thing awaited the brothers ahead. In 862, a delegation from the local ruler arrived in Constantinople from Moravia, asking to send him mentors who could convey the teachings of Christ to the people in their native language. In response, the emperor and patriarch sent brothers to carry out this great mission. A year later, Constantine, together with Methodius and his disciples, became the creators of the alphabet, which was based on the Old Church Slavonic language, and translated a number of books from the Holy Scriptures into Bulgarian.

While in Moravia, the brothers conducted a wide educational activities among the local population. They not only taught literacy, but also helped organize religious services for their mission. Their mission lasted about three years, during which they created the necessary basis for the baptism of Bulgaria, which took place in 864. In 867, while already in Rome, Constantine fell ill from a serious illness, and shortly before his death he became a monk under the name Cyril.

Feast in honor of the holy brothers

In memory of the deeds of these great educators, May 24 and culture was established. Its roots go back to the 10th-11th centuries, when their annual commemoration, held on May 24, became a custom in Bulgaria. Days of remembrance for each of them were also established separately. All this speaks of recognition of the brothers’ invaluable services to national culture Slavic peoples. Starting from the 18th - 19th centuries - a period that went down in history as the Bulgarian revival - Slavic writing began to be celebrated.

In Rus', the celebration of this day became a custom quite late. Only in 1863 it was introduced into use by a special decree. And in the recent past, in 1985, in connection with the 1100th anniversary of the repose of St. Methodius, it was decided to consider this day not only a religious holiday, but also a national one. That is why the Day of Slavic Writing is celebrated on May 24.

Government and Church Initiatives

In 1991, the celebrations were given official status. At a government meeting held on January 30, a resolution was adopted, according to which the whole country began to celebrate new holiday― May 24, Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. It is interesting that every year a new settlement is chosen as its capital.

It is symbolic that on the night preceding the Holy Resurrection of Christ this year, the Patriarch lit the candle of the Slavic Movement, aimed at popularizing and preserving the cultural values ​​of the Slavic peoples. This good action is a kind of expedition along the main transport arteries, connecting the most important historical centers countries.

Celebration in Moscow

Initially, it was decided not to bind May 24 - and culture - within the framework of any specific scenario, but to give complete freedom of creativity to its organizers in each specific case.

This opened up wide scope for holding various conferences, folklore concerts, meetings with writers, festivals and other events aimed at further development national Slavic culture.

In Moscow, the holiday of May 24 (Day of Slavic Literature) began this year with a solemn address to all Russians by the head of the church, and then followed by a concert under open air, which, in terms of the scale of the event and the number of participants of the artists who performed in it, became an event of an all-Russian scale. This was covered by representatives of leading media mass media from all over the world. Such events are an excellent way to strengthen mutual understanding between representatives of different nations.

Celebrations in the city on the Neva

May 24, 2015, the Day of Slavic Literature, was celebrated brightly and interestingly in St. Petersburg. Here, on the steps of St. Isaac's Cathedral, which is one of the symbols of the city on the Neva, a choir of three thousand people performed, which, along with professional musicians, included participants amateur groups. It is interesting that two years ago, on these same steps, St. Petersburg residents and guests of the city heard the singing of a choir consisting of 4,335 people.

This year, a huge group performed seventeen well-known and beloved songs. However, the events for the Day of Slavic Literature (May 24) this year were not limited to this. Also, already traditional meetings were held with writers whose works had become loved by St. Petersburg residents, and folklore groups also performed in many parks of the city. This day will be remembered for a long time by everyone who took part in the celebrations.

The Orthodox holiday in honor of Saints Cyril and Methodius in our country is often called differently - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. In 2018, we will celebrate this holiday under such an eloquent name for the 33rd time.

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated in honor of two enlightenment brothers, Saints Cyril and Methodius. This means looking for the date of the soybean holiday first of all in the church calendar.

Unlike most church holidays, the day of remembrance of saints does not depend on the date of Easter. And every year the Day of Slavic Writing is celebrated on the same day.

Holiday in Russia

In Russia, at the official level, the day of remembrance of two brothers began to be celebrated in the 19th century, when the Holy Synod established exact date for the holiday and called it annual. The greatest Slavic - and Russian - educators were not forgotten in Soviet era. In 1985, the holiday was first named the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature. It existed under this name until 2010, when it received its final, today’s name - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

From 1986 until 2010, a new “capital” of the holiday was elected annually - each year the main celebrations and public events were held in a new city in Russia. The first to fulfill the honorable duty of being the chief cultural center holiday Murmansk, passing the baton to Vologda, then Veliky Novgorod and so on. But in 2009, it was decided to hold all events in one city, and since 2010, Moscow has become the permanent location for the celebrations.

Events on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture 2018 are traditionally distinguished by their diversity. The holiday begins with a solemn liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral, then the religious procession passes from the cathedral to Slavyanskaya Square, where flowers are traditionally laid at the monument to Cyril and Methodius.

After church events, the time comes for secular celebrations. AND main role they belong to cultural institutions. More than five hundred different programs are held throughout the capital, with the participation of museums and libraries, parks and recreation areas, art schools and cinemas - all organizations related to culture and education.

Thus, among the events held there are necessarily several concerts - from classical music to folk art. Children and folk groups perform on the stages of theaters and concert venues. Libraries organize literary events, often combining them with small musical numbers. Cinemas join the celebration with screenings of documentaries and educational films. Of course, we should not forget about the numerous exhibitions - from museums to private ones, where visitors are offered a new look at Slavic culture. And at almost every event there are guests from near and far abroad - after all, Cyril and Methodius carried out their educational activities not only on the territory of (today’s) our country. Delegations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Greece and other countries are present as guests of honor.

A little history

Cyril and Methodius are two brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (today the city of Thessaloniki), coming from a wealthy noble family, who converted to Christianity and preached the teachings of Christ throughout the Slavic lands. Their main merit, for which the brothers are glorified to this day, is the creation of the Slavic alphabet.

Trying to tell the pagan Slavs about the new God - Christ - Cyril and Methodius encountered great difficulty: the majority of East Slavic tribes practically did not have writing in a form that would be sufficient to translate and record the sacred texts of Scripture. After several years of wanderings and preaching, the brothers came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a new alphabet, which is called “from scratch,” and took upon themselves this truly titanic work. The Greek alphabet was taken as a basis, but many changes had to be made to it. For these merits, the brothers were canonized several years after their death, and in the Slavic lands they began to be especially revered.

Day of Slavic Culture and Literature- a holiday dedicated to the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Slovenian enlighteners, May 24. It is celebrated both in Russia and in some other Slavic countries. In Russia holiday events pass within a few days.

Memory of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius

Saints Cyril and Methodius

The holy brothers Cyril and Methodius are Christian preachers and missionaries, educators of the Slavic peoples. In 863, the Byzantine emperor sent the brothers to Moravia to preach to the Slavs. The brothers compiled the first Slavic alphabet and translated liturgical books into the Slavic language. Thus, the foundations of Slavic writing and culture were laid.

The memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, equal to the apostles, was celebrated among the Slavic peoples in ancient times. Then the celebration was forgotten and restored in the Russian Church only in 1863, when a decree was adopted to remember the Slovenian educators on May 11 (24 BC).

Modern celebration

In 1985, the Slavic world celebrated the 1100th anniversary of the death of St. equal to Methodius. For the first time in the USSR, May 24 was declared the day of Slavic culture and writing.

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a Resolution on the annual holding of Days of Slavic Literature and Culture. Since 1991, government and public organizations began to hold Days of Slavic Literature and Culture together with the Russian Orthodox Church.

During the celebration, various church events are held: services dedicated to Saints Cyril and Methodius in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin and other churches in Russia, religious processions, children's pilgrimage missions to Russian monasteries, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, concerts.

Since 1991, as part of the celebration of the days of Slavic culture and literature, the annual spiritual and cultural expedition “Slavic Movement” has been held in the cities of Russia.

This is interesting

In Bulgarian schools, on the eve of Saints Cyril and Methodius Day, “letter days” are held - quizzes and educational games.

In the Czech Republic, the day of remembrance of the brothers Cyril and Methodius and the holiday of Slavic writing is celebrated on July 5.

Centers for celebrating the days of Slavic culture and literature

Until 2010, every year the center of the celebration was moved to one of the Russian cities. In 1986 it was Murmansk, in 1987 - Vologda, in 1992 and 1993 - Moscow.

Monument to Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius. Slavyanskaya Square, Moscow

Since 2010, Moscow has become the capital of the days of Slavic writing.