Who is Andrei Cherkasov's girlfriend at the moment? Andrey Cherkasov - biography and life. Latest photos. Relationships with Kristina Lyaskovets and Anna Kruchinina

Member name:

Age (birthday): 6.02.1982

Moscow city

Height and weight: 169 cm

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Andrey was born in Moscow on February 6, 1982. The guy's father is an officer, and his mother worked as a secretary. Cherkasov is the only child in the family.

His father, Anatoly Ivanovich, wanted the guy to devote his life to military affairs.

That is why the young man immediately after graduating from school entered the Military University. In addition, he mastered the specialty of a manager.

Andrey has always been keen different types sports. He is sure that only sport will help a man become stronger. Music is also among his interests. The guy is passionate about singing, playing the guitar, and dancing. In addition, the young man writes stories and poems.

Interestingly, he got involved in the project at the invitation of Alexander Gabozov in 2007. The fact is that Andrei was his commander when he served in a military unit.

When Cherkasov appeared on the project, immediately came to the attention of Olga Agibalova. Then he broke up with her and turned his attention to the girl’s younger sister, Rita.

Due to her age, Margarita was able to come to the TV show only a few months after meeting Andrei. However, the guy was unable to build a strong relationship with her either.

After breaking up with Rita, the guy tried to find his match among many participants. Among them was a beauty and even TV presenter Olga Buzova.

Cherkasov not only tried to build his love, but also to realize himself in creativity. He performed at concerts with other guys with his famous song “Little One”. He dedicated this single to Rita.

Andrey Cherkasov writes songs with a guitar, famous: Lips on the body.

After some time, Margarita and Andrey again tried to build a relationship, but broke up again.

Then Andrei Cherkasov drew attention to Natalya Varvina. The girl didn't see young man as your soulmate.

But still, the guys declared themselves a couple and moved into a city apartment. But their relationship did not work out that way. Moreover, things even came to a fight and Cherkasov was asked to leave the project.

Behind the perimeter, the guy was doing creative work. He led various events . The guy continued to communicate with some of the show participants.

In June 2013, Andrey came to the project again. He immediately stated that he had already built a relationship and came on the show to teach guys how to communicate with girls.

In January 2016, Andrei left the project after taking only 4th place in the “Person of the Year” competition. But then he came back again. Subsequently, Cherkasov tried to build relationships with many girls, but nothing worked for him.

C the last girl, Victoria Romanets, Andrei was even going to get married, but the guys broke up. Vika left the project after the incident, and later Andrei Cherkasov also left the perimeter. Andrey returned to the project as a host and became a fairly successful participant in this status.

In November 2018, he proposed to his girlfriend, whom he took from the project a long time ago.

Photo by Andrey

Andrey is one of the most popular participants in the Dom 2 project; he has more than 700 thousand subscribers on Instagram.

Andrey Cherkasov and Kristina Oslina // Photo: Instagram

Former participant and now one of the hosts of the popular reality show “Dom-2” Andrei Cherkasov hinted at a change in his status. The young man posted a photo on Instagram with his chosen one dressed in White dress brides

“07/07/2017,” Andrey Cherkasov signed the photo, accompanying it with the hashtag “everything as you wanted.”

The couple was photographed in the Seychelles in a very romantic setting. Lovers stand holding hands on the shore of a lake surrounded by picturesque mountains. Everything happens either at sunset or in the pre-dawn twilight. The TV presenter's subscribers immediately recognized the mysterious beauty, who had her back turned to the camera, former member"House-2" to Kristina Oslin.

Fans of the couple decided that in this way they were informed about the wedding ceremony that took place in the Seychelles, and began to congratulate the newlyweds on the wonderful event.

“If you really got married, then I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,” “Beautiful. Congratulations! Happiness and love”, “Congratulations, you’re a good girl!”, “You are a great couple”, “Getting married? Congratulations with all my heart!”, “Andrey, are you married? Congratulations! Mutual understanding, patience and love to you!” - write Andrei Cherkasov’s followers.

However, the man chose to ignore fans’ questions about the wedding for now. The fact that Andrei Cherkasov organized the ceremony on July 7 did not escape the most attentive subscribers. On this day, Cherkasov’s former passion, Victoria Romanets, dreamed of getting married. Her wedding with Anton Gusev was scheduled for this date, but shortly before the wedding, the lovers broke up, making public the most intimate moments of their lives. Victoria Romanets: “I can call Anton a gigolo, I even bought him underpants”

Thus, Anton Gusev stated that the feelings of his chosen one were insincere, and the would-be bride was only interested in PR. Victoria Romanets could not remain silent and decided to respond to these accusations by publicly calling the man to whom she had recently confessed her love a gigolo.

Andrey Cherkasov was born on February 6, 1982, in Moscow. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. Andrey grew up as an inquisitive boy, he was actively and persistently involved in sports. When he graduated from school, he began studying at a military school, where he did an excellent job in his studies. At the military school, he meets Alexander Gobozov, with whom they developed strong friendships. Then Alexander wanted to audition for the famous television project “HOUSE 2”, where he invited Andrey.

Arrival at House 2

When Andrei came to the television project, he decided to build a relationship with the brilliant Olga Agibalova, but somehow he quickly switched to her younger sister, Margarita. But this relationship did not last long, and during this time he changed a lot of girls. But he soon managed to find the same one; Natalya Varvina, with whom they had long relationship. However, they often quarreled, argued and even fought. The last quarrel with Natalya brought Andrei to the point that he left the project.

Life after the project

After Andrei left the television project, he began performing at corporate events, weddings and even clubs. Outside the perimeter, he managed to find his beloved Evgenia, whom he met through mutual friends.
"Revolution" on House 2

2013 was a joyful year for viewers of the television project; old participants returned to the show. Among them was Andrei Cherkasov. He was the one who mentored the participants on Right way and gave them advice. According to Andrey, he did not want to build a relationship on the project, since he already had a girlfriend.

Personal life

In his entire life he was never married. And Evgenia was the only one he met outside the perimeter for three whole years. And she was not against him returning to the project. But their relationship worsened, and Evgenia came to the project to sort things out. Both came to the conclusion that it was time for them to part ways. On the project he met Victoria Romanets. Their relationship was romantic and interesting, television viewers closely followed the development of their relationship and waited for Andrei to propose to her, and it happened, and he decided to propose to her. Only after she told him “YES” in their relationship, something began to happen. They suddenly grew cold towards each other, and then broke up. Now Andrei Cherkasov’s heart is free.

  • www.instagram.com/cherkasov119
  • vk.com/cherkasov119

The leader of the global construction project is increasingly worrying the inquisitive minds of House 2 fans; the former resident of Polyana still remains a bachelor. And if Andrei’s fans are not too sad, cherishing hopes of getting their hands on him, then the rest of the audience asks in bewilderment whether the guy has been “staying too long with girls”? Appearance on the project changed the situation, they spread across the network rumors about Andrey's special relationship with the girl the fact that she did not stay long in the show only fueled the interest of the audience. With bated breath, the public waited for loud announcements about the wedding, or, in extreme cases, about living together.

The wait for a public relationship has dragged on: the couple does not post photos together, no one has seen them walking hand in hand, the statement that Cherkasov left Christina as soon as she left the project quite upset fans. Does this story really have a sad ending? The young people reassured the fans, saying that everything was fine with them, and they continued to family nest in the apartment Andrei bought. The couple explained the isolation of the relationship by fear of the evil eye, which brought even more suspicion, fear of interference mystical powers in his personal life for an Airborne Forces fighter seemed a little far-fetched. In addition, Christina went to her hometown and constantly publishes his pictures. Andrey is completely passionate about his work, and recently a photo of a completely different girl named Christina appeared on the Internet, who was seen with Cherkasov’s dog Monika. Something is clearly wrong in this story, fans of the couple suggest.
Particularly informed fans saved the situation, remembering in time that Andrei was at one time interested in extrasensory perception, and there is nothing surprising in his current behavior. The couple’s excuses failed to convince skeptics and pleased optimists; opinions were radically divided: will there be a wedding soon or will separation be a matter of time? We'll find out soon!

After Andrei left the TV set of the TNT channel and became the casting director of the project, no one knows anything about his personal life. But at the casting in Krasnodar, he opened up and talked about who she is - ideal woman for Cherkasov.

Andrey, as a casting director, tell us why young people strive to get into the Dom-2 project?

I believe that today’s modern youth go to Dom-2 because they are unable to direct their energy in the right direction. There are a lot of people who don’t succeed in life and things don’t work out in love. But before, they went to Dom-2 for something slightly different: with a clear goal, why they needed this TV project. Nowadays, at the casting stage, today’s youth lack a clear concept - what do they want from “House-2”?

Now Andrey is the host of a reality construction project

What qualities of casting participants do you pay attention to first? And what qualities should a person have to become a bright participant in “House-2”?

I believe that this is a question that, in principle, both the reader and the TV viewer can answer for themselves. Because there are people who are interesting to watch and not interesting. I am looking for guys in Krasnodar and in all other cities who are interesting to communicate with, who are interesting to listen to, who have some kind of life story, life positions. And I understand that the TV viewer will be interested in this. A set of qualities: charisma, loose tongue, beauty, sexuality, energy, etc. All together is necessary. A person must be interesting in himself. We are often scolded by TV viewers that this or that participant is not interesting. As a rule, thousands passed auditions, thousands came to the television project “Dom-2”, but only a few were remembered by our TV viewer, and only a few gave some kind of gift. beautiful story love. And in this story they were beautiful. I'm looking for guys who want to build their relationships, fulfill their dreams and be useful to us because we are television. The person must be a television person.

“Dom-2” is a project about how to build your love. Please advise: what should you do first to please the opposite sex?

I will answer for myself - everything is so banal and simple, but at the same time so difficult. A woman should be feminine, a man should be a man. Unfortunately, now some men look like boys or even like women, and some women look, on the contrary, like men. But it’s enough just to be natural according to your nature. A man by nature is a protector and provider, a woman by nature is a mother, and her purpose, unlike men, is to give birth to children. While a woman is giving birth, a man must earn money and build a house to make the woman comfortable. But now everything is determined: for guys it’s important that the girl has a good figure, and for girls it’s important that the guy has money.

How is your personal life going now? Is the most eligible bachelor of the project single?

IN Lately I prefer not to comment on my personal life after I became a host rather than a participant. Happiness loves silence. Therefore, no details. But I will answer this: I am not alone, but I am not married.

Andrey tried to build with Stella serious relationship still on the project

On the project, in addition to building relationships, there is also friendship between a man and a woman. How do you feel about such friendship? Do you believe that such friendship is possible?

Friendship between a man and a woman is possible if there is no sexual attraction between them. Either the woman must be unattractive, or the man must be. Because it is impossible to be friends with a girl who you like in your subconscious. I know for sure that later, when they find themselves alone, this friendship will smoothly flow into intercourse. Accordingly, then the friendship will end. I believe in friendship between a man and a woman only as an exception. A man and a woman can be like-minded people, business partners, but spending time together is not. This woman's man or this man's woman, who are friends, will not like such a friendship. To be honest, I have little faith in such friendship.

When going to the reality show “Dom-2”, a person must understand the responsibility that the project places on him, including recognition. How does your fame help you and what does it hinder you?

Fame bothers me (laughs). I cannot calmly walk in the park or go to a public place. But at the same time it helps me. People smile at me. In my personal life, this, of course, both helps and hinders. Girls pay attention to me, but more often because I am a person from television, and not just because I am a good guy. This is a double-edged sword. And those who go to the Dom-2 project must understand that it is both difficult and wonderful. It’s not easy for Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina to just walk in Gorky Park. And I can’t take a walk in peace because everyone wants to take a photo with me. It's nice, but sometimes you want to be an unknown person.

There are opinions that “Dom-2” is quite boring, but, nevertheless, it has quite high television viewing ratings...

Viewers may come and go, but the numbers are still good. Using the example of Olga Buzova, I will say this: show business does not seem to perceive her, and scolds her, and laughs, but they envy her. They can’t understand: how is it possible that six songs are all in first place on iTunes? They cannot understand why the whole hall begins to sing her song in chorus, why they love her. I will answer broadly: you can like or not like “Dom-2”, but it exists. He is part of our television. This is one of the most successful television projects. No matter how many times we tried to make a reality show, it didn’t work out for anyone. Everything was closing. But “Dom-2” exists and will exist! This is what the viewer should know. And if a TV project is criticized, that’s also good. This means that the viewer is not indifferent, because criticism is also an opinion. It's like the Russian national football team (laughs). Everyone knows that she will never win anything in this life, but everyone watches the games of this team and scolds her. It’s the same with “Dom-2” - they watch and scold.

In 2015, Cherkasov became the person of the year according to the site

“Dom-2” is recognized as the longest running Russian reality show for young people. What, from your point of view, is the secret of its popularity?

Not only Russian television, but also world television. The reality show “Dom-2” has been on TNT for 13 years! If a show is not popular and has low ratings, then it is closed. And here you need to think: what is the secret? Probably, the fact is that people have always been interested in spying on someone, eavesdropping, observing how other people live. It's no secret that the main audience of Dom-2 is women. And women at any age love to discuss their personal lives. Figuratively speaking, this is female psychology. And “Dom-2” gives this. I often ask TV viewers why they watch Dom-2? And one of the frequently repeated answers is “I’m interested in how you get into some problems and then get out of them.” Someone says: “I come home from work tired, turn on the TV, look at the participants of “House-2” and understand that everything is not so bad for me.” They sympathize with us and worry about us. Main secret"Doma-2" is that the TV viewer understands that he is not watching a movie, not an artistically written script, but ordinary guys with different corners of our planet, and what happens between them is what happens to everyone in real life. And at the same time he has the opportunity to rub their bones, laugh at them, reproach them, scold them, or love them. This is probably the secret of the popularity of the television project “Dom-2”.