Male names born in July. The happiest names for boys born in July

The baby is still just “in the project”, and parents, especially young ones, are already looking for a name that will suit only their unique child. They listen to numerous pieces of advice, leaf through calendars and surf the Internet. Everyone clearly knows that it should be happy, attract good luck to its wearer, and also beautiful and, perhaps, unusual. What should you name someone born in July so that good luck accompanies him all his life?

Traits of July boys

Psychologists believe that children born in the summer have a soft and flexible character and know how to make concessions. Despite their receptivity and emotionality, “July” people are very reserved and know how not to demonstrate their feelings to others. Therefore, in order to give this a certain balance, it is necessary to give the newborn a more “hard” name.

There is an opinion that a person’s name is a talisman for him, as well as an indicator of certain character traits and a certain “life program”. It’s not for nothing that many parents deliberately give their children the name of one of their ancestors who were successful or showed themselves to be outstanding personalities, or even simply talented people. Another thing is that talent and fate may be “out of phase,” as, say, with Vladimir Mayakovsky, who was born in July.

But for reference and objectivity, we provide examples of July “stars”: the most talented marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky, the first man to set foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong, popular Soviet poet Evgeny Yevtushenko, athlete boxer Vitaly Klitschko, bright actors Alexander Domogarov, Dmitry Pevtsov, two Toms - Cruise and Hanks, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Perhaps your baby will also get these names worldwide fame.

How can you name it by your zodiac sign?

Some families adhere Christian traditions and pay attention to the names - Catholic and Orthodox, which will fall on the expected date of birth of the new citizen.

Others consider themselves more advanced and “consult” some with psychologists - the name “sets the program for the future”, some with the stars: after all, it is known that a person’s fate can depend on their location at the time of birth, and therefore one should choose based on this.

Most of the month of July belongs to the constellation Cancer, and only from the 22nd the baton is taken over by Leo. These zodiac signs belong to completely opposite elements - water and fire, which leaves an imprint on the characters of those born under these signs.

If Cancers are calm and secretive, constant and sometimes even conservative in their decisions, then Leos are characterized by authority, passion, and determination. These are self-confident leaders who are able not only to lead, but also to look after the weaker and bestow their care on them. But for both, consistency is important, whether it concerns family, work or hobbies. They value stability in relationships and security.

When thinking about a name for your son, it is worth keeping in mind that children at the beginning of the month may be curious, frivolous, impressionable and touchy. In order to somehow neutralize the capriciousness of their character, a certain firmness in naming is needed - a clear and bright masculine name.

The same is suitable for sensitive and restless kids in mid-July - for the development of masculinity, and for brave “lion cubs” - it will further enhance the traits of brave defenders in them.

For the “zodiac” option of choosing names for the July fire “lion cubs”, those that have the sounds “a” and “r” are suitable: Alexander, Andrey, Arkady, Arnold, Artem, Arthur, Valery, Vladimir, German, Zakhar, Kirill, Mark , Roman, Rostislav, Ruslan, Eldar.

For babies born under the sign, names containing the sounds “o”, “ya”, as well as soft “l” and “t” are recommended.: Anatoly, Anton, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gleb, Ilya, Innocent, Konstantin, Lev, Leonty and Leonid, Oleg, Philip, Julius/Julian.

What name should I give according to the church calendar?

In the old days, people didn’t worry too much about a name for their child. They simply came to church to baptize the baby, and the priest offered them several names of saints whose day the baby’s birth coincided. It could happen that the parents did not like any of them, then one could look at the names of the saints honored on the day of baptism and those following it.

Those who want to name their son in this way today can turn to, where the names of the future patron saints of the baby are presented. Among these Orthodox names, many are quite popular even today. There are also very rare ones, but undeservedly forgotten names having special meaning and content.

It is known that one name may appear on different days months, this is because different saints could bear the same names.

Choosing a name is often associated with various questions that expectant mothers tend to listen to. One of them says that Under no circumstances should a boy be called the same as his dad. This, they say, will confuse the guardian angel who has the same name, and will not allow him to fully protect two namesakes in the same house, and this is fraught difficult relationships between them.

According to another sign, You should not name your child after a deceased relative- in his honor, since then the child will inherit the fate of the deceased.

To believe or not to believe such things is everyone’s business. There is such a recommendation: give the baby any name you like, and baptize it with the one that bestows the protection of heavenly powers.

Saints or church calendar, where the names of all revered Orthodox Church The saints began to gain popularity among the people. People began to name their children according to the Saints. It should be noted that there are many repeated names in the Saints, but this does not mean that the patrons in different dates are one and the same Saints. One name can appear in the Saints 15-20 times, but each individual date is the veneration of different Saints.

In addition, in the church calendar (Saints) there are not only native Russian names, but also names borrowed from other cultures. Some people mistakenly believe that the date of veneration of the Saints also changes depending on the year. Although in reality this is far from the case. Saints are a list of church holidays, which indicate the dates of commemoration of the Saints, and the dates will remain the same for the next year, and even several years later. The only difference between church calendars may be that each monastery makes its own calendar. In modern Saints there are a lot of different names, but the names of boys predominate. Although in each month of the church calendar there are also names of girls.

What are the names of girls according to the Saints in July?

If your daughter was born in July, and you want to give her the name of the Saint, then we advise you to open the church calendar and study the names of girls according to the Saints: July. It should be noted that in July there are a lot of girls' names according to the Saints.

How to choose girls' names according to the Saints in July?

Choosing names according to the Saints is not difficult; there are two options for choosing girls’ names according to the church calendar. The first is to give the name of the Saint who falls on the baby’s birthday. The second is to choose names from the Saints, look up their meaning and then give them to the child. The main thing is not to take names whose day has already passed. Very often there are situations when there is no female name in the Saints for a particular date. For example, in July there are no names for the 7th, 12th and 15th. What to do in this case? - choose the girl’s name using the second method. And if the date of birth does not coincide with the date in the Saints, then last date a person can celebrate as a name day.

Girls' names according to Saints: July

Most often, future parents, even before the birth of the baby, begin to think about what is the best name for a boy born in July, because this is not an easy task. A person’s name can have a strong influence on fate. It is best to choose a name for your child according to the month and day he was born.

Children born in the summer, as a rule, show flexibility in a variety of situations, but do not have fighting qualities at all. Therefore, psychologists believe that this problem You can decide with a more “hard” name - this will protect the child from life’s adversities and give him self-confidence. What to name the July baby?

Relationship with the zodiac sign

July is the month of Cancers, silent and judicious. They can long time think about the things around them, have a tendency towards introspection. But at the same time, July children are no strangers to deep experiences and emotions - they often worry even over trifles. Cancers are often moody people; they are very shy and modest.

In addition, Cancers are great romantics who are capable of doing anything so as not to destroy their illusions. They often hide their feelings, so sometimes it is quite difficult to say what is really going on in their souls.

Feelings of people born in July towards opposite sex always very deep and unchanging, they are monogamous, whose highest life value remains the family hearth. Easy, fleeting relationships of Cancers pass precisely because they do not consider them something important and necessary, because these people value stability above all else.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are smart, punctual and patient; they are able to do routine work for a long time without experiencing any inconvenience. However, hidden emotionality and excessive impressionability prevent them from moving forward. career ladder.

If you don’t know what to name a girl born in July, note to yourself that the baby’s name should strengthen weak sides her character. The best option In order for the baby to become more confident and decisive, a strong-willed name will become.

We select a name according to the calendar

If the child's parents are religious, the name for him is often chosen according to the calendar. In the old days, matching the date of birth with the names in the calendar was the main criterion for choosing a name for a newborn, because in those days it was customary to baptize every child without fail. In the church calendar, each date has a specific name. Full list can be viewed in printed edition Saints or on a specialized website. The day on which a person’s name falls is called name day.

Please note that you can name your baby after the calendar either by the day on which the child was born or by the day after it. You cannot name a child by the day that precedes his birthday, especially if you are going to baptize the baby.

Before you name a boy any name you like, take a look at the numerology reference book - Pythagoras was sure that a person initiated into the magic of numbers is able to control his destiny.

As for exotic and double names, psychologists have a negative attitude towards them, since due to names that are alien to our area, the child may be teased by children in the group.

Before you finally decide on your son’s name, take into account that he will become a father when he grows up, which means his children should have beautiful middle names. It's unlikely that they middle name will do Dobrynich or Dzhonovich. Modern tendencies fashion often tempts young parents to name their baby an exotic name that will make him stand out from the rest. But you should be careful with fancy names.

Also, psychologists do not recommend naming boys after their fathers - for example, Vasily Vasilyevich or Sergei Sergeevich. The thought immediately arises that parents simply lack imagination. And such names with patronymics are not very easy to pronounce: the most common example is San Sanych, a shortened version of Alexander Alexandrovich.

When choosing a name for your child, do not forget about the consonance with the surname. In addition, if the surname does not contain information about the gender of the owner, you should not call the baby with a male name. The girl Sasha Kovalenko or the boy Zhenya Korolenko may be embarrassed by their first and last names.

Female names

So, if you have not yet decided on the question of what name to give the girl, we offer you the most suitable names: Sarah, Marina, Irina, Inna, Efimiya, Margarita, Valentina, Zhanna, Marfa, Julianna, Olga, Euphrosyne, Rimma, Ulyana, Evdokia, Agrippina, Julia, Anna, Maria, Angelina, Elena, Alevtina.

Male names

The most suitable male names, which can be called July babies, are the following: Julius, Demyan, Andrey, Konstantin, Emelyan, Stepan, Vladimir, Terenty, Julian, Anatoly, Vasily, Fedot, Nikodim, Daniil, Svyatoslav, Peter, Maxim, Gleb, Matvey, Ipaty, Fedor, Anton, Roman, David, Evsey, Arseny, Philip, Galaktion, Artem, Mark, Leonid, Kirill, Tikhon, Stanislav, Leonty, Pavel, Valentin, Thomas, Sergey, Mikhail, Efim, Denis, Kuzma, Ivan, Sofron, Yakov, German, Innocent, Demid, Alexey, Samson, Gury, Alexander.

The Christian tradition added its own interpretation to this belief. After baptism, the baby is assigned a guardian angel - a Christian saint, after whom the baby is named. So that the baby’s life goes smoothly, and the guardian angel can freely help the ward, the saint on whose day the baby was born. We checked which saints take care of July babies and collected characteristics for the most popular male names.


July 1:Alexander, Vasily, Victor, Sergey
July 2: Ivan Yan
3 July: Andrey Afanasy Gleb Dmitry Nikolay Ivan Foma Yan
4th of July: Anton Vasilisa Maxim Nikita Terenty Fedor Yulian Julius
5'th of July: Vasily Gregory
July 6: Anton Artem Artemy German Osip Svyatoslav Fedor
July 7: Anton Ivan Nikita Yakov Yan
July 8: David Denis Konstantin Petr Prokop Semyon Fedor
July 9: David Denis Ivan Pavel Tikhon Yan
July 10: Georgy Egor Ivan Luka Martin Jan
July 11: German Ivan Joseph Kir Osip Pavel Sergey Yan
July, 12: Pavel Peter Semyon
July 13: Andrey Ivan Matvey Mikhail Petr Semyon Stepan Philip Yakov Yan
the 14 th of July: Vasily Demyan Ivan Kuzma Konstantin Lev Pavel Petr Yan

July 15: Arseny
July 16: Alexander Anatoly Vasily Georgy Egor Ivan Konstantin Mark Mikhail Rodion Yan
July 17th: Andrey Bogdan Mark Mikhail Fedor
July 18: Afanasy Vasily Sergey Stepan
July 19: Anatoly Anton Arkhip Valentin Vasily Victor Gleb
July 20: Alexander German Ostap Sergey
21 July: Dmitry Prokop
July 22 Alexander Andrey Ivan Kirill Mikhail Fedor Yan
July 23: Alexander Anton Daniil Leonty
July 24: Anton Arkady Lev
July 25: Arseny Gabriel Grigory Ivan Mikhail Semyon Fedor Yan
26 July: Anton Gabriel Stepan Yulian Yuliy
July 27: Ivan Petr Stepan Fedor Yan
July 28th: Vasily Vladimir Ustin
July 29: Paul
July 30: Leonid
July 31: Afanasy Emelyan Ivan Kuzma Leonty Stepan Yan


Alexander. Little Sasha often gets sick, but gets stronger with age, especially if he doesn’t neglect sports. He is persistent and gets things done. Once in a team - from a kindergarten group to an office - he becomes an unspoken leader. He has a keen sense of justice.

Andrey- a dreamer child, playing, immerses himself in the process, ignoring requests to calm down. Sincerely loves brothers, if they exist, but competes with sisters. At school he doesn’t stand out much from the crowd, but by the age of 18-20 it turns out that he has achieved greater success than the rest.

Anton. This charmer has already won over you from the cradle. His character traits are similar to his mother’s, but in his decisions he relies on the authority of his father. Respects both parents. At school he doesn’t show off his talents, but he’s not afraid of any work, and copes with any task skillfully.

Arseny— a good-natured person, and does not cause any special problems for his parents. He studies eagerly and is friends with his peers. But not everyone will be allowed close to him. Arseny is a vulnerable and sensitive child, so he is attracted to music and willingly tinkers with animals.

Artemy. A persistent boy, he prefers to be among adults than among his peers. He is often brought up in strictness. He grows mobile, dexterous and flexible. Sport is his element.

Bogdan often called the long-awaited son, and raise him accordingly. Because of this, the baby often catches colds, allows himself unlimited whims and is very attached to his mother. He doesn’t get along well with other children, and his natural laziness, tripled by his caring parents, prevents him from developing his existing abilities.

Basil- lover of all kinds of animals. Birds, kittens, bugs - this is his world. Grandparents dote on him. Growing up, Vasya prefers walks with friends to anything else. Because of this, there may be problems with his wife later.

Georgiy in childhood, he somewhat avoids noisy peers, but not so much that he is perceived as arrogant or made an outcast. Knows how to listen and keep other people's secrets.

Gleb- a serious and thoughtful guy from infancy. Due to some gloominess, he even looks older than his years, although by nature he is an absolute good-natured person.

Gregory. Grisha tries very hard to be good, but he is restless and a little awkward, so his parents are often unhappy with him. He doesn't like teasing, which is why he sometimes gets into fights.

Daniel- a calm and kind boy with his mother’s character traits. He is not sickly and loves to run. He is always surrounded by friends. If Danya gets angry, he quickly moves away.

Denis- a sociable child who gets along equally well with friends and animals. His weakness is dogs, and if a pet lives in the family, the guy is happy. In addition, this will help instill discipline and responsibility in him.

Dmitriy in childhood he manages to get sick from everything he can, and this will affect his character. Whims and increased demands on others will become his problem. He will intuitively seek support from his mother, who babysat him so much in childhood.

Kirill. An inquisitive kid who learns easily. He begins to read easily and early, his memory is enviable and teachers often use him as an example. This can play a cruel joke on him: arrogance and the desire to show off will harm him in life.

Konstantin. Kostya can be a coward in childhood. A feeling of anxiety accompanies him constantly; he does not adapt well to new people and circumstances. Parents have to be nervous while he gets used to kindergarten or school. This will pass with age, but he will always be reluctant to get along with people.

Michael. Misha is a problem-free child who always does everything on time and correctly. He manages to train in the football section and sing in the choir, if only his friends are there. His mind is logical.

Mark- egocentric and a little “star”. This is hidden behind a charming smile and demonstrative politeness. But he will try to do everything to ensure that the attention of others is focused on him.

Saints is a church calendar; it reflects all the names of revered Orthodox Saints and martyrs. It should be noted that there are many more male names in the month's book than female ones, because mostly in Rus' the preachers were men. Let us note that there are a lot of repeated names in the Saints, but this does not mean that these are the names of the same patrons. For example, in the Saints the name Sergei appears 17 times, but for each individual date the church indicated different Saints. Moreover, the names in the Saints are not only originally Russian (that is, Slavic origin) but there are also names borrowed from other cultures.

There is an opinion that the dates of veneration of the Saints change annually, but this is not so, the Saints are a list of church holidays, where the dates of memory of the Saints are indicated, and these dates will remain the same in 2014 and in 2020. But the Saints different churches may differ from each other, since there is no official edition of Orthodox names yet. All monasteries and churches use the names of canonized Saints.

How to choose boys' names according to the Saints for July?

To do this, open the calendar (Saints) and find your son’s birthday. Next, see which Saints are revered on this day. If the names of the Saints do not suit you for one reason or another, then you can take another name from the Saints for your child. For example, many churches suggest taking the date on the eighth day of the baby's birth. And some churches generally allow you to take any name from the Saints, the main thing is that the day of remembrance has not passed.

When choosing boys' names for the Saints of July, remember that the chosen name must be combined with the baby's surname and patronymic. Not worth taking rare names, since this can only cause ridicule from others. Imagine such a case, you gave the child the name Innokenty, and the child’s last name is Ivanov, patronymic Albertovich. Ivanov Innokenty Albertovich - sounds very difficult. It will be difficult for a child to live with such a name and sound. He will always feel discomfort. We hope the following list of names will help you in choosing a name for your July baby boy.

Boys' names according to Saints: July

1. Leonty, Ipaty, Fedul, Vasily, Alexander, Sergey

2. Judas, Varlaam, Zosima, Ivan

3. Methodius, Gleb, Gury, Afanasy

4. Julian, Ivan, Georgy, Alexey, Pavel, Nikolay, Jonah, Terenty, Maxim

5. Eusebius, Gennady, Zinon, Galaktion

6. Alexander, Alexey, Peter, Mitrofan, Artemy, German

7. Anton, Yakov, Ivan

8. Nikon, Nikolay, Vasily, Peter

9. David, Georgy, Tikhon, Ivan, Denis

10. Samson, Ambrose, Alexander, Vladimir, Peter, George

11. Sergey, German, Cyrus, Ivan, Vasily, Gregory, Pavel

12. Peter, Pavel

13. Peter, Andrew, Jacob, Ivan, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Judas, Thaddeus, Simon, Timothy, Theogenes, Peter, Sophron

14. Kozma, Damian, Arkady, Peter, Nicodemus

16. Philip, Anatoly, Vasily, Konstantin, Ivan, Nicodemus, Mokiy, Mark, Alexander, Tikhon, Nikon, Arseny, Neophot, Ion, Parfen

17. Andrey, Nikolay, Alexey, Dmitry, Efim, Fedot, Fedor

18. Afanasy, Sergey, Kirill

19. Fedor, Avvakum, Valentin, Innocent, Vasily, Rufin, Anton

20. Thomas, Akaki, Pavel, Herman

21. Procopius, Alexander, Fedot

22. Pankrat, Konstantin, Kirill, Alexander, Fedor

23. Leonty, Mauritius, Daniil, Anton, Alexander, Peter, Stepan, Georgy, Nestor

25. Proclus, Mikhail, Fedor, Ivan, Arseny, Semyon, Gabriel, Gregory

26. Gabriel, Stepan, Julian

27. Konstantin, Stepan, Onisim, Ivan

28. Vladimir, Vasily, Peter

29. Afinogen, Yakov, Peter, Ivan, Fedor, Pavel