The power of parental love in literature. Essay on the topic of parental love. Examples from life

Essay-discussion on the topic of mother's love

Mother's love- a special feeling available only to mothers. We examine the features of its manifestation in examples of essays. 🙂

The first version of the essay (based on the text by A.G. Aleksin “Tolya didn’t like autumn. He didn’t like it because the leaves were falling...”)

Definition of the concept

Motherly love is a feeling that knows no barriers, restrictions or any conventions. It is endless, resisting it is a pointless and stupid exercise. Mom is the only person in the world who loves us unconditionally, in any situation, no matter how we show ourselves.

A.G. Aleksin tells the story of a boy’s first trip to school, to first grade. Tolya wanted to seem like an adult and did not allow his mother to accompany him, but she still followed him, watching him from around the corner. Seeing her for the first time in a crowd of endlessly walking people, the boy got a little angry. Perhaps he simply did not understand what it meant to her mother's heart to let him go alone into adulthood. But he felt all the warmth of her heart and his love for her when he opened the classroom window and saw her, her eyes wandering around the windows of the school building. I so wanted to wave her hand and reassure her, to tell her that everything was fine with him. But you can’t behave like that in class.

An argument from personal experience

We do not always understand our own mothers, sometimes we do not know their feelings. They seem stupid to us, sometimes crossing the boundaries of our own ideas about care and love. We will probably have to fully understand maternal feelings only when we have our own children.


Mother's love protects us throughout our lives. You cannot scold your mother or be offended by her for being overprotective. Only a mother can love us without demanding anything in return. The bond between mother and child cannot be broken. Sometimes we realize this too late.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by Mikhail Ageev “One day in early October, early in the morning, while leaving for the gymnasium, I forgot the envelope my mother had prepared in the evening...”)

Definition of the concept

Maternal love is a feeling, or perhaps a state of mind, that cannot be destroyed by anything. No matter how the child behaves, no matter what problems he causes, mother’s love only grows stronger. Moreover, mothers love those people more for whom they have to worry more. That's how a mother's heart works.

Argument from the text read

A mother can also cope with her own child’s arrogant attitude towards her. Mikhail Ageev tells about the story that happened to high school student Vadichka. Because he forgot the money to pay for his studies, his mother brought it to the gymnasium herself. But the boy was so embarrassed by his poorly dressed mother that he did not want to approach her, and to the questions of the schoolchildren he answered that this was their governess. Looking at her from the side, Vadichka felt sorry for her mother, but not for long. Probably, at that moment he simply did not think about the fact that his mother was suffering from poverty and had grown old before her time for the sake of his education, for the sake of his future.

An argument from personal experience

Often we don’t think about the cost at which our parents, our mothers raise us, get us clothes, food, toys. Sometimes, in an effort to provide a better future for their child, mothers forget themselves, and children, not realizing the seriousness of their sacrifice, begin to feel embarrassed and isolate themselves from them.


Mother's love is the most powerful feeling in the world. It is capable of overcoming all difficulties and troubles: hunger, poverty, humiliation, ingratitude. It should be the goal of every child to ensure the happiness and peace of their mothers.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by Yu. Ya. Yakovlev “No one, like a mother, knows how to hide her suffering and torment so deeply ...”)

Definition of the concept

Mother's love is the deepest feeling that can overcome all life's difficulties and problems. Often a mother sacrifices herself to protect her child from want or hunger, and when it is impossible to avoid this, she is ready to accept the child’s dissatisfaction, but not weigh adult problems on him.

Argument from the text read

This situation is described in the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev, who is trying to convey to the reader that sometimes we misunderstand our mothers and judge them undeservedly harshly. And all because we don’t know even a small part of the suffering that she has to experience, looking at the only piece of sausage lying on her son’s plate. Only many years later, the hero of the story understood why my mother looked out the window for so long, why her shoulders trembled, how hard it was for her to hear the reproachful sound of the door slamming.

An argument from personal experience

We don't know much about the lives of our own parents. About what difficulties they have to face, at what cost they get our well-being. Understanding comes with age, when a person has his own children, and he, now from the parent’s side, enjoys childhood unconscious cruelty.


Mother's love, mother's heart is the most precious thing for every person. This is what protects us throughout our lives, gives us strength and supports us in any situation in which we find ourselves.

Maternal love is love for your children, manifestations of maternal feelings and care for them. This is the willingness to protect your child at any time, even at the cost of life.

Let us turn to the work of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Emel's grandfather was hunting a doe with a fawn. Mother of all possible ways tried to avert the threat from the calf. The grandfather, participating in this fight, remembered how his daughter defended her son from the wolves that attacked them. She died, but her son survived. These memories saved the lives of defenseless animals.

Let's remember our daily life. She is also surrounded by the love and care of our mothers.

Every mother, when her child is sick, does not leave his side, cares and worries, showing her love.

Based on life situations we can conclude that maternal love manifests itself not only among people, but also among animals.

Updated: 2017-05-18

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The theme of maternal love in Russian literature.

“She sincerely, maternally loves her son, loves him only because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, and not at all because she sees glimpses of human dignity in him.” (V.G. Belinsky.)

Speaking about the theme of maternal love in Russian literature, I would like to immediately note that in the works of Russian classics the image of the mother is usually not given the main place; the mother, as a rule, occupies a secondary position, and most often is completely absent. But, despite the fact that writers paid little attention to this topic, the image of the mother in different writers different times, in different works endowed with the same general features. We will consider them.

The first work studied at school in which the image of a mother appears is Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” written in 1782. The play is aimed at ridiculing the morals and lifestyle of the Prostakov family, but despite the whole set of negative qualities, a bright feeling still lives in Mrs. Prostakova. She dotes on her son. The play begins with the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, and this care and love lives in her until the last appearance of the play. Prostakova’s last remark ends with a cry of despair: “I don’t have a son!” It was painful and difficult for her to endure the betrayal of her son, to whom she herself admitted that “she sees consolation only in him.” Her son is everything to her. How furious she gets when she finds out that her uncle almost beat Mitrofanushka! And already here we see the main features of the image of a mother in Russian literature - this is unaccountable love for her child and not for personal qualities(we remember what Mitrofan was like), but because this is her son.

In “Woe from Wit” (1824), Griboyedov’s mother appears in only one episode. The fussy Princess Tugoukhovskaya with the no less fussy six princesses came to Famusov. This fuss is connected with the search for the groom. Griboyedov paints the scene of their search brightly and funny, and in Russian literature such an image of the mother will subsequently become popular, especially in Ostrovsky's plays. This is Agrafena Kondratievna in “Our People – We Will Be Numbered”, and Ogudalova in “Dowry”. In this case, it is difficult to talk about the love of a mother for her daughter, since it is pushed into the background by worries about marriage, so we will again return to the topic of mother’s love for her son.

In The Captain's Daughter and Taras Bulba, both Pushkin and Gogol show a mother at the moment of separation from her children. Pushkin, in one sentence, showed the state of the mother at the moment when she learns about the impending departure of her son: “The thought of an imminent separation from me struck her so much that she dropped the spoon into the saucepan, and tears streamed down her face,” and when Petrusha leaves, she “ in tears he punishes him to take care of his health. Gogol has exactly the same image of his mother. In “Taras Bulba” the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the “old woman”. Only having met her sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. She spends the whole night at their bedside and feels with her maternal heart that this night is the last time she sees them. Gogol, describing her condition, gives the correct description of any mother: “... for every drop of their blood she would give herself all.” Blessing them, she cries uncontrollably, just like Petrusha’s mother. Thus, using the example of two works, we see what parting with her children means for a mother and how difficult it is for her to endure it.

In Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” we are faced with two characters who are opposite in character and lifestyle. Oblomov is a lazy person, not doing anything, not adapted to activity, but, as he himself says about him best friend, “this is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people...”, Stolz himself is an unusually active and energetic person, he knows everything, can do everything, learns something all the time, but is spiritually undeveloped. And Goncharov in the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” gives us the answer to the question of how this happened. It turns out that they were brought up in different families, and if the mother took the main part in Oblomov’s upbringing, for whom it is first of all important that the child feel good and nothing threatens him, then the father took up the upbringing of Stolz. German by origin, he kept his son under strict discipline, Stolz’s mother was no different from Oblomov’s mother, she also worried about her son and tried to take part in his upbringing, but the father took on this role, and we got a prim but lively Andrei Stolts and the lazy but sincere Oblomov.

The image of a mother and her love in Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” are incredibly touchingly depicted. The mother of Rodion and Dunya Raskolnikov, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, throughout the entire novel tries to arrange the happiness of her son, tries to help him, sacrificing even Dunya for him. She loves her daughter, but she loves Rodion more, and she fulfills her son’s request not to trust anyone, so that they don’t talk about him. She felt in her heart that her son had done something terrible, but she did not miss the opportunity to once again tell even a passerby that Rodion was a wonderful person, and began to tell how he saved children from a fire. She did not lose faith in her son until the last, and how hard this separation was for her, how she suffered without receiving news about her son, read his article, did not understand anything and was proud of her son, because this is his article, his thoughts, and they were published, and this is another reason to justify my son.

Speaking about maternal love, I would like to talk about its absence. Konstantin from Chekhov’s “The Seagull” writes plays, “looks for new forms,” is in love with a girl, and she reciprocates his feelings, but he suffers from a lack of maternal love and wonders about his mother: “loves, does not love.” He regrets that his mother famous actress, not an ordinary woman. And he remembers his childhood with sadness. At the same time, it cannot be said that Konstantin is indifferent to his mother. Arkadina is horrified and worried about her son when she finds out that he tried to shoot himself, personally puts a bandage on him and asks him not to do that again. This woman chose a career over raising her son, and without a mother’s love it’s hard for a person, why shining example Kostya, who eventually shot himself.

Using the example of the above works, images and heroes, we can conclude that mother and maternal love in Russian literature are, first of all, affection, care and unaccountable love for the child, no matter what. This is the person who is attached to his child with his heart and is able to feel him at a distance, and if this person is absent, then the hero will no longer become a harmonious person.

Literature used.

1. V.G. Belinsky “Hamlet, Shakespeare’s drama” // Complete. collection cit.: In 13 volumes. M., 1954. T. 7.

2. D.I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”.// M., Pravda, 1981.

3. A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”.//M., OGIZ, 1948.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky. Dramaturgy.//M., OLIMP, 2001.

5. A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”.//Full. Collection cit.: In 10 volumes. M., Pravda, 1981. T.5.

6. N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”.//U-Faktoriya, Ekt., 2002.

7. I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”.//Collected. cit.: M., Pravda, 1952.

8. F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”.//Hud. Lit., M., 1971.

9. A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull". Collection cit.: In 6 vols. M., 1955. T. 1.

N.V. Gogol - story "Taras Bulba". In this story N.V. Gogol writes about the all-consuming power of feelings over a person. His hero Andriy betrays his homeland, the bonds of camaraderie, his father, his people, having fallen in love with a beautiful Polish woman. Thus, according to the writer, the hero destroyed himself. In the finale, he is killed by his own father, who has not forgiven him for his betrayal.

N.S. Leskov - the story “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”.

The writer explores the nature of love-passion, which has completely taken possession of the human soul. N. Leskov’s woman, the merchant’s wife Katerina Izmailova, becomes the bearer of this passion. And this passion leads her to crimes and death. For the sake of her lover, she secretly destroys her husband and child. In the finale, she ends up in hard labor, where her lover betrays her. Love-passion is, according to the writer, a destructive element not controlled by reason.

What is the role of childhood in a person's life? What does the image of a home in our soul contain?

L.N. Tolstoy's story "Childhood". In this work, the writer explores the process of character development. The consciousness of the hero Nikolenka Irtenyev reflected the entire rich spectrum of life experiences: childhood, family, class. Gradually, the hero begins to discover the world around him, people and explore his own soul. Thus, Nikolenka feels her moral separation from her friends and acquaintances. The father's authority collapses: the hero begins to understand that his mother is deprived of his attention. “The tragedy of the ruined life of the master’s faithful slave Natalya Savishna is revealed. The first competition of minds and characters takes place: Nikolenka and his older brother Volodya, Nikolenka and Seryozha Ivnin. Unconscious cruelty is manifested... - pushing around Ilenka Ladder. The main result of childhood is that all things and relationships are in motion, you are not alone in the world.”

I.A. Goncharov - novel “Oblomov”. In this novel, the author deeply explores the nature of his hero, the origins of his character, in the pictures of Oblomov’s childhood. The author gives us these pictures in “Oblomov’s Dream.” We see here a description of nature. Her serenity, calmness is akin to fairy tale. In this place there are no “dense forests”, a sad sea, mountains and abysses. But the sky there is “like a parent’s reliable roof”, the sun “shines brightly and hotly around noon and then moves away... as if reluctantly...”. And all the nature there represents “a series of... cheerful, smiling landscapes...”. This Central Russian nature with the leisurely flow of rivers and the serene spirit of the fields influenced Ilya’s gentle character. Next we find a description of the landowner and peasant life. And again here is a kind of idyll: “ Happy people lived, thinking that it shouldn’t and couldn’t be otherwise, confident that everyone else lives exactly the same way and that living differently is a sin...” Oblomovites are hardworking, religious, superstitious, they love listening to fairy tales and solving dreams. The hero's endless memories will forever remain in his memory. winter evenings, a nanny's tales about a wonderful country where rivers of honey and milk flow, where beauties walk and good fellows. It was here, in Oblomovka, in his distant childhood years, that an important trait of his character was formed - poetic daydreaming. Legends and fairy tales, epics and parables determined his consciousness and attitude to life.

Another defining character trait of Oblomov is independence from the world of external life, a sense of inner freedom. That is why service only as a career, secular friends, empty women who are unable to give happiness, turn out to be alien to the hero. “These are all dead people. Sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the world and society! - says Oblomov. He is looking for perfection in this world, “the norm, the ideal of life, which nature indicated as the goal for man.” In his actions and thoughts, Ilya Ilyich is noble, his soul is “pure and clear as glass.”

However, life on the family estate also shaped the negative aspects of Oblomov’s character. So, little Ilyusha grew up active and inquisitive, but his best impulses were suppressed. The constant care of parents and nannies did not give the child the opportunity to fully develop. All his attempts to do something on his own were refuted by arguments: “Why? Where? And what about Vaska, and Vanka, and Zakharka?” His studies at the Stolz boarding school proceeded intermittently, and he became indifferent to science. Gradually, laziness, inertia, apathy, and indifference to life developed in the child.

Ilya Ilyich dreams of love and family, but he is not given the opportunity to experience the ideal feeling. He breaks up with Olga Ilyinskaya because she cannot give him real happiness. Agafya Pshenitsyna, with her character and way of life, comes somewhat closer to that female type, which existed in his childhood. And that is why he remains on the Vyborg side, in the house of Agafya Matveevna, she becomes the same Militrisa Kirbitievna about whom the nanny read to him. This is how the fairy tale is embodied in Oblomov’s life. Thus, childhood years, according to the writer, completely determine our character and life scenario.

F. Iskander - book “Reflections of a Writer” (collection of essays and journalism). The author identifies two types of creativity in Russian literature - “home” and “homelessness”. Poets, defenders and organizers of the “home” - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova. The authors of “homelessness” are Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tsvetaeva. Thus, Lermontov’s Pechorin destroys Bela’s house, Grushnitsky’s house, being homeless, he himself dies in Persia. Pushkinsky Evgeniy in the poem “ Bronze Horseman", on the contrary, defends his right to the house, rebelling against Peter. We find poetry at home in Eugene Onegin and The Captain's Daughter.

Essay plan 15.3 on the topic"Mother's Love"*

  1. A holy and strong feeling is maternal love (definition);
  2. Mom's kindness and tact;
  3. Manifestation of maternal love;
  4. Mother's love is different for everyone.

Essay example 15.3

Mother's love is the most selfless, strong, bright feeling in the world. After all, there is so much connected with the mother’s name. She is always near us, she will always find the right words for support. Mom takes care of us. Throughout our lives we feel her tenderness, strength, and support. Mom, like an angel descended from heaven, protects us and helps us overcome difficulties.

There is nothing more important in life than mom. Her affection seems to be enough not only for her own children, but for all the children in the world. She, like a huge bird, is ready to protect her cubs from the danger that threatens them.

In sentences 13-16 of the proposed text, we observe how carefully the mother escorts her son to school, how tactful she is in showing her care. The boy, who considers himself old enough, does not want to be seen off. And mom obediently puts the things she took back in their place. But concern for her son drives her after him, and she, hiding so that the boy would not be offended, goes, accompanying him to school... And a little later, in sentences 34-41, when the hero of the work sees his mother standing in the rain at the school windows , his soul becomes warmer because his mother is nearby. These short lines reveal an all-consuming, bright and strong feeling - maternal love.

I remember my mother as an eternal busybody. She worked so hard, but her love and patience were always enough for me. She solved problems with me and taught me poetry. And if something didn’t go well at school, she always gave advice. Mom witnessed my first love and helped me get over my unrequited feeling. She was there when I was unwell. And she never said that she was in pain or that she was tired. Mom wisely guides me through life, and always tries to find an excuse for my not always correct actions. For her, I am still that baby who needs to be taken care of and looked after, the best and beloved child in the world.

Speaking about maternal love, I cannot help but recall Kedrin’s poem, which is called “Heart”. The hero of the work cut open his mother's chest to give the girl her heart. When he fell, the mother's heart sank. The son, who killed his mother for the sake of love for a girl, asked with a fallen heart: “Are you hurt, son?” These words once again confirm the correctness of our statement that a mother’s love is able to withstand any test for the sake of her child.

To sum it up, we can say that mother's love cannot be defined by any one term. This feeling defies definition. For each of us, maternal love is different and everyone understands it in their own way.

Teacher's comment:

Where to start preparing for an argumentative essay?

  • When starting work, remember that you must show your ability to reason and think on a given topic; it is important to be able to convince that you are right.
  • An argumentative essay usually consists of 3-4 parts: definition of the topic, its formulation; justification of the topic (its disclosure) and the final conclusion.
  • You definitely need to make a plan for your essay, it will be easier to write.
  • Parts of the essay should be divided into logical passages, there should be no confusion (that is, if you are talking about one thing, do not insert unnecessary things into your reasoning, do not jump from one thought to another).
  • Use a dictionary of synonyms.
  • Try to use quotations to support your conclusions or number sentences.

*Source text for analysis:

(1) Tolya didn’t like autumn. (2) He didn’t like it because the leaves were falling and “the sun shone less often,” and most of all because it often rained in the fall and his mother didn’t let him go outside.
(3) But then the morning came when all the windows were in winding water paths, and the rain was hammering and hammering something into the roof... (4) But mother did not keep Tolya at home, and even hurried her. (5) And Tolya felt that now he was very big: dad also went to work in any weather!
(6) Mom took out an umbrella and a white raincoat from the closet, which Tolya secretly put on instead of a robe when he and the guys played doctors.
- (7) Where are you going? – Tolya was surprised.
- (8) I’ll accompany you.
- (9) Should I... see you off? (10) What are you?
(11) Mom sighed and put the prepared things back in the closet.
(12) Tolya really liked running to school in the rain. (13) Once he turned around and suddenly saw his mother on the other side of the street. (14) There were a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but he recognized his mother immediately. (15) And she, noticing that Tolya turned around, hid around the corner of an old two-story house.
(16) “Hiding!” – Tolya thought angrily. (17) And he ran even faster, so that his mother would not try to catch up with him.
(18) Near the school itself, he turned around again, but his mother was no longer there.
(19) “I’m back,” he thought with relief.
(20)On ceremonial lineup The students lined up in classes. (21) The young teacher quickly brushed wet strands of hair from her face and shouted:
– (22) First “B”! (23) First “B”!
(24) Tolya knew that the first “B” was him. (25) The teacher took the children to the fourth floor.
(26) While still at home, Tolya decided that he would never sit at a desk with a girl. (27) But the teacher, as if jokingly, asked him:
- (28) You probably want to sit down with Chernova, right?
(29) And it seemed to Tolya that he really had always dreamed of sitting next to Chernova.
(30) The teacher opened the magazine and began roll call. (31) After roll call she said:
- (32) Orlov, please close the window.
(33) Tolya immediately jumped up and went to the window, but it was not easy for him to reach the handle. (34) He stood up and suddenly froze on tiptoe: outside the window he suddenly saw his mother. (35) She stood holding a folded umbrella in her hands, not paying attention to the rain that was dripping from her raincoat, and slowly ran her eyes along the school windows: mom probably wanted to guess in which class her Tolya was sitting.
(36) And then he could not get angry. (37) On the contrary, he wanted to lean out into the street, wave to his mother and shout loudly, so as not to be drowned out by the rain:
– (38) Don’t worry! (39) Don’t worry, mommy... (40) Everything is fine! (41) But he couldn’t shout, because shouting is not supposed to happen in class.
(According to A. Aleksin)*

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) – writer, playwright. His works such as “My Brother Plays the Clarinet”, “ Characters and performers”, “Third in the fifth row”, etc., tell mainly about the world of youth.(from Open bank FIPI)

The material was prepared by Larisa Gennadievna Dovgomelya