Types of sports and entertainment games for the disabled. Games for older people. Choosing the best

Outdoor play has such a wide range of effects on the body and personality that it creates unlimited opportunities to influence all spheres of life of children and adolescents with mental retardation. The deepest meaning of children's games is that they, functionally loading the entire body, all its tissues, organs and systems, structurally create, shape and improve them (V. M. Lebedev).
Purposeful emotional play load has a stimulating effect on the body of a mentally retarded child and, more than other means, corresponds to the satisfaction of the natural need for movement. Outdoor play not only counteracts hypokinesia, but also helps restore lost health, strengthen all body functions, and develop physical abilities.
Outdoor games use familiar and accessible types of natural movements: walking, running, climbing, climbing, jumping, exercises with a ball, they have simple techniques and tactics, and the rules can always be changed according to the physical and intellectual capabilities of the child. The desire to play is the main stimulus that encourages a child to play. It has been noticed that during play, children willingly and with interest do things that seem uninteresting and difficult outside the game, so mental and emotional problems are easier to overcome in play.
The special value of outdoor games for children with mental retardation lies in the possibility of simultaneous impact on the motor and mental spheres. The rapid change of game situations places increased demands on the mobility of nervous processes, speed of reaction and non-standard actions. Games force you to think more economically, react to the actions of your partners, and adapt to the situation. A playing child has to choose and perform from many operations one that, in his opinion, can bring success. The more diverse information enters the brain, the more intensely mental processes are activated. That is why, with the help of games, a child with mental retardation develops perception, thinking, attention, imagination, memory, motor skills, speech, increasing mental activity, and, consequently, cognitive activity in general.
This effect is achieved due to the multifunctionality of outdoor games, when the correction of motor disorders (spatial orientation, accuracy, rhythm, coordination of movements, balance, etc.) initiates active activity of the brain, intact analyzers, mental functions, and autonomic systems that provide movement. This relationship is especially clearly manifested in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, when purposeful motor actions, organized in the form of game compositions, relay races, role-playing and simulation games performed to poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, with solutions to the simplest mathematical problems, facilitate the assimilation of counting, concepts of quantity, shape, size, direction, amplitude; activate speech activity, correct sound pronunciation; enrich lexicon, develop memory, attention, motor skills of small muscles of the hands.
It is known that mentally retarded children lag behind in the development of spiritual interests and needs. Therefore, the play activity itself, which arouses interest in children and contains the necessary components of personality development, is a means spiritual development. In the game, relationships between children are formed, habits and rules of behavior are developed. Children get to know each other more, interact with each other, experience simple game situations, show independence, imitate, rejoice, fantasize, i.e., the game goes active formation personality of great social significance. According to G.V. Kuleshova (1992), moral habits formed in the game lay the foundation of character, which in adulthood allows not only to understand the world around us, but also to find one’s place in it.
When selecting outdoor games, it is important to take into account the emotional state, character, and behavior of children. The condition of a mentally retarded child is unstable. Emotional stress and fatigue can cause internal discomfort, which is often expressed in behavioral disturbances, whims, quarrels, and fights. Sometimes they can cause the opposite reaction: passivity, reluctance to make contact. You can overcome emotional stress with the help of outdoor games.
Thus, when preparing for outdoor games, the teacher must take into account the following points:
- content of games (plot, rules, motor actions, exercise stress) must be accessible and appropriate to the age, level of intellectual and motor abilities, emotional state and personal interests of children;
- outdoor games involve options for complication, but the process of saturation with motor actions should be carried out gradually as simple forms of movements are mastered;
- the content of the games should provide for the complex nature of the impact - correction of motor disorders, physical qualities, coordination abilities, strengthening and healing of the entire organism as a whole;
- during the game it is necessary to stimulate cognitive activity, activate mental processes, creativity and imagination of the child.
In an experimental study by O.A. Shpitalnoy (2000), conducted on schoolchildren aged 8-11 years with mild and moderate mental retardation, brought up in orphanage, about 150 outdoor games recommended in the literature for healthy students of the same age were tested. It was found that only a third of these games are suitable for children with mental retardation, 2/3 of the games turned out to be too difficult to remember and play, some games were incomprehensible and did not arouse interest. As a result, 52 outdoor games were selected (10 of them for winter conditions), which were carried out during extracurricular time as recreational play activities for 1 hour 3 times a week. Installed specific features gaming activity of primary schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities.
1. Among those participating in the experiment, there was not a single child who refused to play. The opinion of defectologists that children of this nosological group have undeveloped play activity skills was not confirmed. The ability to play develops.
2. The process of mastering gaming activities is quite long. It took 2 years to master 52 outdoor games, but this indicates the potential capabilities of children.
3. The greatest interest is generated by games that are simple in plot and content and that correspond to the games of healthy children. preschool age. It is noted that children play their favorite games independently in their free time.
4. The game clearly reveals the shortcomings of the child’s mental development (distractibility, instability of emotions, reluctance to learn new things, rapid fatigue), which can be partially leveled methodological techniques: changing outdoor games in direction, duration, complexity, emotional intensity, etc., allowing children to focus their attention on the game and maintain interest.
5. Adequate to age, mental characteristics, and state of physical fitness are 40-60-minute recreational activities, the content of which includes from 10 to 20 outdoor games lasting from 1 to 3-5 minutes.
The methodology of recreational physical education and health activities, based on the use of correctional and developmental outdoor games, selected taking into account the personal interests of children, made it possible to emotionally diversify the life of children brought up in conditions of maternal deprivation, increase the volume of motor activity, expand the range of knowledge, motor skills and physical abilities Positive changes occurred in the level of development of short-term memory, thinking, sound-letter synthesis, and elementary mathematical concepts. Indicators of physical fitness have significantly improved: in hanging bent arms, throwing a medicine ball at a distance, standing long jump, bending forward in a sitting position, the number of squats in 30 s, running 20 m, speed of local movements. In the most lagging link - coordination abilities - significant positive changes were noted in static and dynamic equilibrium, ability to evaluate spatial and power characteristics of movement, mastery of a given rhythm of movements, coordination facial muscles, motor memory.
Below are some outdoor games for younger schoolchildren with mental retardation (Shapkova JI.B., 2001).

What to do if it’s raining outside and you were planning to go to camp funny Games and outdoor activities? Don’t despair, you can have equally interesting leisure activities without leaving the building. The most important - good mood and a little bit of imagination.

Fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. They choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: “Fish, beast, bird...” Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he pronounces loudly one of these words, for example, “bird.” The player must immediately name a bird, for example “hawk”. You cannot hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who hesitates or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “buys him back” (reads poetry, sings, etc.)


In this interesting game The dexterity and intelligence of the participants is tested. Three people play - the rest watch and wait their turn.
Two hunters stand at the edges of the table. The trap is a two-meter rope or cord tied in a large loop - only a half-knot is made.
Loop diameter 25-30 cm.
Hunters hold the ends of the cord so that the loop ring touches the table.
At a distance of 15-20 cm from the loop, bait (cube, toy) is placed on the table.
A player approaches the table, makes deceptive movements, checking the reaction of the hunters. Seizing the moment, with a quick movement he threads his hand through the loop and, grabbing the bait, pulls it back.
At this moment, the hunters try to tighten the noose so that their hand gets caught in it. The participants in the game take turns changing roles.
This attraction can also be carried out between teams.
To do this, each team is assigned two hunters who will catch all the remaining members of the enemy team.
Everyone is given one try. If he wins, he brings his team one point.
The winning team is determined by the largest number points scored. Other competition conditions are possible.

Don't touch me!

The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly.
In the middle of the circle, pins are placed in a random order, approximately 50 cm from one another.
At the judge’s signal, each player, without unclenching his hands, tries to push his neighbors onto the pin.
As soon as the first pin is knocked down, the game pauses. The pin is set again, and the player who knocked down the pin is eliminated from the game.
The rest, holding hands, resume the game at a signal.
It should be remembered that pushing is allowed only with your hands, without letting go of your neighbors’ hands. And one more thing: if a player, without dropping the pin, breaks the chain three times (by releasing his hand), he is eliminated from the game.
Towards the end of the game, when the number of participants becomes small, you can reduce the number of pins and the distance between them.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards for the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant.
Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves write the name of the prize (card, sticker, pen, notepad, etc.), and on the other half write the tasks.
Tasks can be as follows:

  1. Sing a song
  2. Tell a poem
  3. Ask an interesting question
  4. Tell a funny story
  5. Make a riddle Say a wish
  6. Sing a duet with a friend
  7. Say a phrase, an aphorism for thought

If you have many game participants, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with others. Place the halves of the postcards with the task in a box, and place the halves of the postcards with the names of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being played. Invite everyone present to take halves of a postcard with a task from the box and take turns doing what is written on the postcard. After completing the task, the player looks in the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When a half is found and the halves of the card match, the presenter must give that player the prize indicated on the card. All players should follow the same principle.

Let's draw together

Invite two players to come forward and draw a joint drawing on one piece of paper. In this case, one condition must be fulfilled: blindfold the players. Suggest a theme for the drawing (nature, pets, etc.). Let the players agree in advance who will draw what. Then blindfold them and ask them to draw a picture.

After the drawing is completed, untie the players' eyes and invite them to look at what is drawn. Most likely, the drawing will be uncoordinated and mistakes will be made.

Summarize. Often in our lives sin closes our eyes like this blindfold. And the episodes of our lives are sometimes uncoordinated, we make mistakes. But God removes the blindfold called “Sin” from our eyes and we see all the imperfections of our nature. And this is even very funny!

Drawing on the back

How close are you to each other, how much cohesion and community does your group have? The following game will help you answer this question. Invite the group to sit or stand one after another in one line. If the group is large, divide it into two teams.

The leader must speak into the ear of the last person in the line. Words should not be complex, so that they can be depicted. For example: house, sun, flower, person, table, etc.

The last one, on the back of the previous person, must “draw” with an unsharpened pencil what the presenter said. The one on whose back they were drawing must understand what is being said and draw the same thing on the back of his neighbor in front, etc. from player to player.

When a picture is “drawn” on the back of the first one standing in the line, he must tell the leader what was drawn on his back. The presenter compares the word that he said to the last person and heard from the first. If the words match, i.e. “sun-sun,” then the team is close to each other, they can feel the other’s train of thought. If not, then it is necessary to advise them to show more trust in each other, to be closer in communication.

Ball with wishes

In a simple, free environment, you can play a game - a wish. Inflate a small ball and invite everyone present to throw it from one person to another so that the ball does not fall on the floor or other objects. In this case, the presenter must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

Through a short time the host stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stops must say a wish out loud to everyone present or to one person.

Examples of wishes:

I wish you clear skies
Live without fear, sadness and evil.
So that the soul strives for beauty
And I found shelter with Christ.
(S. Svistun).

Without faith, life is dark, painful, unbearable,
Without faith there is no joy in it.
Ask God for fruitful faith
And a quiet light will spill into your life.

Don't be blinded by deceit
Mutilated by vanity,
Since you were born a man,
Always be human.
(N. Khosrow).

Life is a moment, just a moment,
But only it lasts for years
How important it is to treat everything as trash
And find salvation in God.
(S. Svistun).

What passes, we do not own,
Only the present belongs to us,
While we regret the past,
Life will turn the coming day into the past.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't choose your friends based on appearance
On the difficult road of life.
After all, beautiful shoes
Our feet often get chafed.
(S. Svistun).

When you feel like grumbling,
Think about others who have a harder time
And learn to notice everywhere
Grains of happiness in the turmoil of days.

Loving Christ is the desire of my soul,
Love Him with all your heart and soul.
And always live according to God's command,
Just as my Redeemer commands me.

If you go the road of greed,
You will die soon.
Wealth is just a bait, you will perish
In a trap of grief.
(M. Salman).

We will all die, there are no immortal people,
And this is all known and not new.
But we live to leave a mark:
A house or a path, a tree or a word.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't be sad, smile more often
Even if there is no joy
And then it will pour into your heart
God's endless light.
(S. Svistun).

This evening will pass and fade away,
Like everything else on earth it will fly by.
Only Christ can give you happiness,
Justify, reassure, forgive.
(A. Isaev).

Faith preserves the blameless,
Unrighteousness drags us into sin.
Faithful to the covenant of the Father
We will be successful.

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -
It’s better to give happiness to someone close.
It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,
How to free humanity from its shackles.
(O. Khayyam).

Often give a person
It only costs us half an hour,
To create in his heart
True miracles!
(K. de Haan).

When your soul is in doubt
They are persecuted night and day.
Bow your knees before God -
You will find solace in Him.
(V. Kuzmenkov).

Life is a carpet. But I weaved clumsily,
And now I'm ashamed of myself.
A lot of extra lines and spaces
I find it in my pattern.
(R. Gamzatov).

In life there is no need for many reasons
To boast of your rank, and to boast of your rank.
Both old and young should remember
And the most ascended of this number:
To be a man in the sublunary world -
The highest position on this sinful earth.
(B. Karabaev).

Sometimes words are enough
To encourage a person.
So that from the heart of a sinner, sick
I was able to break through a spring of living water.
(S. Svistun).


Each player claims three things that apply to him. Two of them are correct, and one is not (the order is arbitrary). The rest of the players try to guess what is correct. The one who guessed correctly gets a point. You can play for the winner.

What's in the backpack?

Team players take turns running up to the leader, who is holding a backpack full of different things. On command, each of them puts his hand into the backpack (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out - to check. Teams are given a certain time, and those who learn the most things win.

Quack quack! (Or oink, piggy, oink!)

Do you know the voices in your group well? Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. A blindfolded person sits in the middle, holding a pillow in his hands. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and remains silent. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts the pillow on these knees and says: “Quack-quack!” The player who has a pillow on his lap must answer him in the same way (it is allowed to change his voice). The driver must identify the player by his voice and say his name. He is given 3 attempts. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

Test your powers of observation

Option A
3 players leave the room. The presenter invites those remaining to accurately describe the players who left (appearance, character traits, information about their place of study, etc.). To draw an analogy: someone will definitely be left out. Option B
The players stand opposite each other in pairs; at the leader’s command, they peer at each other for 15 seconds, then turn their backs and begin to answer the leader’s questions about each other. The one who gives the most complete and correct answers wins.

Option B
One player leaves, everyone switches places. One player is covered with a blanket. The player comes in and tries to guess who is sitting under the blanket.

Story from the header

10 people write one word of their choice on separate pieces of paper. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. The other 10 people take one piece of paper from the hat and read it to themselves. The point of the game: tell a coherent story using words from a hat. The first player starts with the word: “One day...” and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second continues and so on. At the same time, those who pulled out the sheets of paper from the hat write their words on other sheets of paper and put them in the hat. They are taken out by those who first wrote the words. Then the story is invented by two teams in turn.

Pronunciation of words

Option A
Gather groups of 6 people, let each come up with a six-letter word (do not say it out loud!). Letters are distributed to each group member. Children pronounce all the letters at the same time, and the other teams must guess the word.

Option B
Proverbs according to the number of teams are written in advance on pieces of paper, taking into account that there should be as many players in a team as there are words in the proverb, for example: - If you drive more quietly, you will go further; -You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty; -Measure seven times and cut once. Each player chooses one word and everyone says their words together. The other teams must guess what was said. Instead of proverbs, you can use the names of songs or their first lines, Bible verses, but everything should be generally known.

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams. Each team receives a piece of paper with its name musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given a minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves and the rest guess the instruments.


Give everyone 10 nuts, a topic for conversation and tell them that they need to communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions about the topic. When one of the pair says the word “I”, his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and large leaf paper. Give each team (no more than five people) a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a sheet of paper to the tables or on the wall so that your opponents cannot see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the drawing). Everyone chooses a place on a piece of paper, and everyone begins to draw at the same time. For example:

1. Man in blue pants….
2. ...cries a lot...
3. ...a striped toy in his hand...
4. ...cries a lot...
5. ...on the street under the maple tree...

1. Baby in a stroller...
2. ...holds a bottle of juice...
3. ...drinks Coca-Cola...
4. ...reads a book...
5. ...in a stormy sea...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives everyone the name of the city. Then he says: “I heard that in the city... dogs crow and roosters bark.” The player whose city was named replies: “No, sir, in the city... dogs don’t crow and roosters don’t bark. The city where dogs crow and roosters bark is called...” The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or is confused, he gives a deposit. When there are a lot of pledges, they are redeemed by completing some task of the presenter.


Two teams stand in lines facing each other. Each team joins hands, forming a chain behind their backs, so that the other team cannot see their clasped hands. At the end of the chain there is a chair with a small thing on it, and at the beginning of the chain there is a leader who tosses a coin. Team captains, i.e. those who are first in the chain carefully look for the coin (the rest look only towards the chair, i.e. they do not see their captain). In the event of an eagle, the captains transmit the current, i.e. They quickly squeeze the hand of the person standing next to them, who then shakes the hand of the other, and so on until the end of the “electrical circuit.” The last one in the chain, having received a “discharge,” quickly grabs the little thing lying on the chair.
In the team that did not have time to grab the thing from the chair, a rearrangement occurs. The one who was supposed to grab becomes the captain, and former captain becomes second in the chain. The captain may make the mistake of prematurely squeezing the hand of the person standing next to him. This happens when the captain is in a hurry to give the current. In this case, the team also loses.

Elephant bathing

Four people are participating. The three are led out the door. The remaining one acts out a pantomime that he will now wash the elephant. One person starts, he must watch carefully all the movements of the “washer” and then repeat them to the second, and that to the third player. At the end, all four take turns telling their versions of what they did.

Broken TV

Everyone knows about the damaged phone. What if the TV is damaged? 3-4 groups take turns showing each other skits. What will come of the initial idea?

Competition "Her Majesty Potato"

  1. One at a time from the squad - who can peel the potatoes faster and better.
  2. One at a time from the squad - whoever eats the potatoes faster.
  3. One at a time from the squad - who will be more accurate in getting the potatoes into the bucket.
  4. Units - write the names of potato dishes.
  5. Team - make a craft from potatoes. Who is more original?
  6. Squad - best advertising potatoes
  7. Representative from the squad - plant potatoes in a bucket of potatoes. Lay it out in one line. Smooth. Tuber to tuber. Who can “Plant Potatoes” faster and better?
  8. According to the representative, who will “harvest the harvest” faster? With their eyes closed, the squad can give hints.
  9. Relay race - within a certain time (10 minutes), the squad must peel as many potatoes as possible and of the highest quality (depending on how many knives you have, either in turn, or all together).
  10. Relay race - take turns moving the potatoes on a spoon in your mouth. Who is faster.
  11. Make cheese from potatoes. Do it in 3 minutes. As many holes as possible, but so that the potatoes do not fall apart.

Ball - ah - show

  1. Fun ball
    Everyone sits in a circle. Everyone says the verse in unison.
  2. You roll, funny ball,
    Hands over quickly.
    Who has a funny ball
    He will sing a song for us.
  3. Aerial strongmen
    Those interested are invited. The presenter invites them to inflate at a signal air balloons. The one whose balloon bursts the fastest wins.
  4. Architect
    Build a tower of balls
  5. Jet ball
    Participants line up on the same line. Their task is to inflate the balloons and release them on command. The one whose ball flies farthest wins.
  6. Air bridge
    The team stands one after another. You need to pass the ball over your head from the first to the to the last participant and back - between the legs (you can pass 4-5 balls at the same time)
  7. The most friendly
    The team is divided into pairs. At the leader’s signal, the first couples must run to a predetermined landmark and back, holding the ball between their heads. Pass the balls to the next pair.

Treatment and rehabilitation of a child with cerebral palsy will be more effective if exercises are part of the game process. In this way, a child can study all day and not even feel tired. And significant efforts can be made, because games are not only physical and psychological development, they are also excitement, which helps to easily endure the stress of the game. Games can be active, educational, didactic, or role-playing. Of course, you need to use special educational and regular toys that will help kids cope with their illness.


Cerebral palsy occurs due to problems with the functioning of the brain. But this is an organ that can be developed, it is very flexible, and it can learn new functions long time after the birth of the child. Therefore, you need to start as early as possible, when the central nervous system is ready to perceive and master information in the most effective way. And the most effective treatment for children is play.

For the future well-being of the baby, he needs to be taught to walk, as well as self-care skills, for which he needs to have developed fine motor skills. Of course, it is possible that the degree of brain damage may be such that the child will not be able to use normal movements due to his characteristics. But he will be able to do everything in the way that is convenient for him, as he succeeds, but he will definitely be able to do it, you need to believe in it, you need to work on it, and the child needs to be constantly reassured. Games are a way to make a child move more, but the child will not even suspect that someone is forcing him; to do this, make the activities interesting and, preferably, fun.

  • the first games should be carried out by medical specialists or under their supervision; they will be able not only to monitor safety, but also to suggest details that may be invisible to inexperienced parents;
  • even in games, you need to teach the correct movements, because children cannot move completely normally due to a possible lack of symmetrical muscle tone, there may also be hypertonicity and hypotonicity;
  • You can simply practice at home, no special equipment is needed;
  • younger children should study individually; for older children it is better to choose a group;
  • Despite the fact that a definitive diagnosis is usually made after one year, it is better to exercise immediately after birth so that the muscles are toned.

Before class, you need to massage the children’s limbs, especially those that the child will be doing, in in this case These hands, games and exercises for children need to start with a warm-up.

Warm up your hands:

  • twirl your hands independently, with increased amplitude - with the help of another hand or an adult;
  • massage your fingers, bend and straighten each finger;
  • run your fingers from the base of the other hand to the end of the fingers.

Exercises for finger mobility:

  • clench your fingers into a fist, with the middle and index fingers remaining straight, twist your hand at arm's length and tilt it in different directions;
  • the fist remains clenched so that the index and middle fingers remain extended and we pull the straightened fingers up, in the upper position they need to be bent and straightened in turn;
  • lightly press with your thumb one by one on all other fingers of your hand;
  • children draw a circle in the air with their index fingers - one at a time or two at a time.

Development of hand motor skills

Outdoor games for children with cerebral palsy can develop hand motor skills. Such training helps to make precise movements, this helps children to establish themselves in life, since the ability to control their hands allows them to study at school, use a computer and learn various skills that can make children’s lives more complete.

Game “The gray bunny washes its paws”, from 3 to 7 years.

Children sit around, in the center there is a child playing with a bunny. The children say in chorus:

The bunny loves to visit

Ears and mouth will be washed

Your fluffy paws

Wipe with a clean white cloth

He will immediately jump to visit

Well done to our cute bunny.

The child who plays the role of a bunny must do everything that the children talk about when reading the verse. Children around repeat the movements. The bunny, during the words “he will immediately jump to visit,” chooses any child from the circle, thus passing on the role of the bunny. It is advisable for all the children to be in the center of the circle, but if there are many of them, then at least five.

Game “Roll the ball down a high hill” for ages 2 to 5 years

The game requires an inclined surface on which the ball rolls - one child lowers the ball from the top point, trying to roll it so that the child below cannot catch it. This game does not require mobility, but develops attention, concentration, coordination, and mobility of hand joints. After a certain number of throws you need to switch places. You can play counting with your children to see who misses the fewest goals.

Vestibular apparatus

Game “Pass the Gate” - for ages 5 to 14 years

We place four chairs with backs two in a row with the backs facing the middle. Create a passage half a meter wide. Children must go through this kind of tunnel without hitting the backs of the seats - if this works well, you can try with your eyes closed (or blindfolded). The one who hits the fewest chairs wins. The game teaches you to be careful, concentrate, and remember obstacles when playing by touch.

Game “Stand on command” - for ages 7 to 14 years

The next reaction exercise. The game is very active, it develops balance, the vestibular system and trains the muscles of the legs and body.

Children line up in front of the adult, turning their faces, maybe in a semicircle if there are many children. The distance between the guys should be about one meter. The leader commands to turn, spin, take a step forward, backward, to the side, children must quickly change direction, switch from one movement to another. At first you can command slowly, gradually accelerating. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated or receives a penalty point. The winner is the one who executes the commands with fewer errors.

Mini disco game

If you play to entertaining music, you can organize a mini-disco. The presenter shows the movements, and the children simply repeat them. Movements must be selected in accordance with the capabilities of the children. But you can create a program even for children in wheelchairs - movements can include exercises with your arms, head, and torso turns.

Muscle strengthening

Muscles need to be strengthened, this helps normalize tone. Quick movements are easy to do in the excitement of a game; they are useful for myalgia, when pain accompanies hypertonicity.

Game “Ban on one movement”, age from 6 to 14 years

Children stand or sit on a chair or floor, placing their hands on their knees. The presenter shows various movements, the children repeat after him. The exercises should be simple so that they can be done quickly, and at the same time influence different muscles so that they warm up. One movement is agreed upon in advance that cannot be performed; instead, you need to clap your hands. A penalty point is awarded for a mistake; the one with the fewest mistakes wins. In addition to a good physical warm-up, reaction and attention develop.

Game "Mindful Exercise"

The game allows you to give children a good workout on any exercise. The leader should be an adult who does the exercise, commenting on it, and the children repeat. One condition is that when the leader says “I say,” the children make a movement; when he simply says what needs to be done and makes a movement without “I say,” then this movement does not need to be repeated. For example, “I say hands up” - you need to repeat the movement with your hands up, then the command “hands down” - you don’t need to do it. Whoever gets it wrong is out of the game. It is necessary that the presenter be attentive, and also choose an attentive judge, also from adults, who will take the losing children aside. Those who lose should not be upset, as the game goes quickly and can soon be started again.

“Pass it to someone else” relay race for children from 7 to 14 years old

Two teams are formed with about 5 children in each. The guys line up in ranks opposite each other. The selected captains, with balls in their hands, move three meters to the side, their location is marked with chalk, and a line also marks the place of the first player in the line, who is closer to the captain. The captain throws the ball to the one in front of the line, they immediately throw the ball back, and the player from the line who received the ball quickly takes a place on the bench.

The captain does not have the right to move - if he does not catch the ball (or a player from the team), the player must go after the ball and take his place, thus the team loses time. The team that gets to the bench the fastest wins, with the captain sitting down last. The game is part of the relay race, it allows the children not only to train, but also to feel like healthy children, since it forces them to move quickly, and while moving the ball is not so easy to handle.

Team games allow children to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere; competition trains the qualities that are needed in real life. Games that require a lot of movement are best played outside, but preferably on the lawn, as falls are possible (not only for children with cerebral palsy, but also for healthy ones). Fresh air and the sun will help children become healthier, it also improves mood and encourages the desire to live life to the fullest without focusing on your problems.

Kinesiological exercises

Kinesiology studies muscle movements; kinesiological exercises force you to move under some tension, beneficially affecting the joints. Classes for children with cerebral palsy of this type have a beneficial effect on the treatment of joint diseases, in particular they help patients with polyarthritis recover.

Racing game for children from 4 to 9 years old

Any toys on wheels can take part in the races - for example, cars, horses. A rope is attached to the toy, which the child must wrap around a stick. When wound, the toy will move closer to children. The one whose car gets there the fastest wins. Children should be placed in equal conditions - toys should be at equal distances and approximately the same in weight and ease of movement. The larger the toy, for example horses on wheels, the more effort you need to put into the game and the greater the effect of such play exercises will be.

Game “Touch your fist” for children from 6 to 14 years old

This finger game develops hand joints. You can play standing, sitting or lying down. One hand clenches into a fist and turns around inside to the second, which rests on this fist with its fingers with an open palm. Then the hands change places - the fist unclenches, and the palm clenches into a fist. The exercise should be done quickly for one minute. If a competition is held between several guys, the one who makes the most fist clenches in one minute wins.

Outdoor activities

Outdoor games for children with cerebral palsy are needed not only to strengthen muscles, but also when joints are damaged. In general, joints require improved blood circulation, and joints also need a strong muscular system so that the muscles take on part of the load, accordingly, unloading the bones and their connections among themselves. If an active child does not recover, he certainly immediately becomes healthier, because the ability to move means healthy not only organs and parts of the body that are responsible for movement, but also the respiratory and circulatory system.

Game "Whose Chair"

The game develops attention, reaction, and motor precision. There must be one more players than chairs. We arrange the chairs in a circle with their backs facing inward. Players move around the chairs to the music; as soon as the music stops, the player tries to take a place on the chair. The loser will stand before he can sit down and is eliminated. After this, you need to remove one chair, and there are again one more players than chairs. Thus, the last two players circle around one chair, and there will be one winner - whoever manages to sit down at a certain signal.

Game "Pass the Ball"

The players are divided into two teams of equal number of children and choose a captain. They stand in a circle, the ball is in the hands of the captain. Children quickly try to pass the ball to each other in a circle; the team that gets the ball back to the captain the fastest wins. Instead of a ball, there can be a soft toy or other safe object.

Skittles game

The game develops the eye, the calculation of muscle effort, and the accuracy of targeted movements. You need to make the same figure from pins, cubes, and household items (for example, empty cans). The figure must be completely broken with a bowling ball or a regular ball in fewer attempts. A point is awarded for each attempt, and the one with the fewest points wins. To simplify the game, you need to reduce the distance, which should be from two to four meters.

Of course, the holding of games greatly depends on the condition of the children. But any training needs to include an element of competition. You can also take children to a regular playroom, where the child will strive to behave like ordinary children who overcome obstacles, play with balls and sports equipment. It is not always possible to fully meet any standards, but your position can always be improved, and improvements can be carried out as much as you can.

Anastasia Klyagina
Card index of games for working with children with disabilities health

“Games for developing the thinking of children 3 - 4 years old”

Friendly nevermind rivers

Goal: develop creative thinking, arbitrary memory.

How to play: Draw a circle, star, square, diamond, etc. on a piece of paper. Among them are two identical ones. The child must find them and shade them, but let him figure out how. The most important thing is not to go beyond the contours.

We fix: instead of geometric shapes, you can draw fruits, furniture, toys or numbers and letters. There are many options.

Let's invite you to your birthday nia

Goal: to learn to correlate groups of objects by their quantity, to develop visual-figurative thinking

Necessary equipment: paper, pencil.

How to play: show your child the same (or different) number of dots in two circles - these are guests and candy. How do you know if there is enough food for everyone? Draw a line from one point of the first circle to another point of the second circle. This is how we establish mutual correspondences.

We fix: you can compare any objects and any number of them in circles - more or less by 1-3 objects. You can put an equal sign between two circles if the number of points is the same.

Divide - collect we eat

Goal: to teach how to isolate parts from a whole and combine them (analysis - synthesis)

How to play: one of the players lists: wheels, engine, steering wheel, cabin. Another calls an object that consists of these parts a machine. Likewise: stem, leaves, petals? Four legs, a lid? Windows, doors, ceiling, walls? Etc.

We play in reverse: chair - back, legs, seat. Telephone - buttons with numbers, case. Etc. What about the orange? Slices, peel. What about the soup? Water, potatoes, cabbage, onions. And the peach? Pulp, bone. What about the pillowcase and bouquet?

We fix: draw parts of the object, for example: long ears, a small tail, - ask the child to guess whose parts these are (a bunny, and finish drawing the object. Show part of the object - the child must determine what it is.

Needed in more

Purpose: to introduce the multifunctionality of some things

How we play: with or without showing, ask the child: “What is the brush for?” - “For cleaning shoes, teeth, carpet, clothes, dishes.” “And the paper?” - “Draw, wrap, for books and newspapers,” etc. What about glass, sand, umbrella?

We fix: “What is the wand for?” - “Draw, for the guard, for the flag.”

Enchanted ska languages

Goal: to develop visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination

Required equipment: circles different sizes and colors.

How we play: we play with enchanted heroes fairy tales "Teremok". Place small and large gray circles on the table and ask the child to “disenchant” them - to determine who is the hare and who is the mouse; then - orange and brown: who is a fox, who is a bear, etc. And who bewitched them - figure it out yourself. In the same way, play with the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster” and other favorite fairy tales of the child.

We fix it: there are colored circles in the box - look for fairy tale characters in them. Let's fantasize. For example, the green circle is both a frog from “Teremok” and a crocodile from “Moidodyr”

Game “The cow gives.

Goal: to develop attention and memory.

Necessary equipment: cards with images of animals, products obtained from animals (milk, eggs, wool, etc.).

How to play: arrange the cards in random order. Invite the child, next to the image of each animal, to put an image of what this animal gives us. For example: chicken - egg, feathers (you can draw a pillow); cow - milk (cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir); goat - downy yarn (draw socks, mittens), etc.

Game "Comparison of Greatnesses" in"

Goal: develop skill comparative analysis, speech, logical thinking.

Necessary equipment: wide and narrow strips of paper, cubes.

How we play: invite the child to build houses for the mouse and for the bunny: “Do you think we will build them houses of the same size?” Encourage the child to conclude that the mouse’s house should be smaller than the bunny’s house.

Game “How can you tell them apart? h?"

Goal: to develop the skill of comparative analysis of objects by superimposing them on each other.

Required equipment: identical geometric figures with slight differences in size (cut from paper).

How to play: tell the child that the figures are cakes for dolls. Our scattered dolls mixed up all the cakes and cannot determine which is which. After all, the cake for Masha is larger than the cake for Olya, and the cake for Sveta is the smallest. We need to help the dolls. Let the child think about how this can be done. Show him how, by placing the figures on top of each other, he can figure out which cake is bigger and which is smaller. Give the dolls their dessert.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises “Angry hedgehog” ik"

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Breathing exercises “Inflate the balloon” ik"

IP: the child is sitting or standing. “Blowing up the ball”, he spreads his arms wide to the sides and inhales deeply, then slowly brings his hands together, joining his palms in front of his chest and blows out the air - pfft. “The ball has burst” - clap your hands, “the air comes out of the ball” - the child says: “shhh”, stretching out his lips with his proboscis, lowering his hands and settling, like a balloon from which the air has been let out.

Breathing exercises “Geese years” yat"

Slow walking. When you inhale, raise your arms to the sides, when you exhale, lower them down, pronouncing a long sound “g-u-u-u”.

Breathing exercises “Push” OK"

Goal: formation of a breathing apparatus.

Tie a light feather to a string. Invite your child to blow on it. It is necessary to ensure that you inhale only through your nose, and exhale through pursed lips.

Breathing exercises “F” uk"

Goal: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: the baby stands or sits with his arms crossed over his chest. He spreads his arms to the sides, raises his head - inhale, crosses his arms over his chest, lowers his head - exhale: “huh-uh-uh,” said the winged beetle, I’ll sit and buzz.”

Breathing exercises “Cock” OK"

Goal: to strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: standing straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides (inhale, and then slap them on your thighs (exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku”).

Breathing exercises "Voro" on the"

Goal: development of smooth, long exhalation.

IP: the child stands straight, legs slightly apart and arms down. Inhale - spreads your arms wide to the sides, like wings, slowly lowers your arms and says as you exhale: “carrr”, stretching the sound [r] as much as possible.

Games to relieve anxiety

"Dra ka"

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the lower face and hands

How we play: “Children, imagine that you had a quarrel with a friend. A fight is about to start. Take a deep breath and clench your jaw tightly. Clench your fingers into fists and press your fingers into your palms until it hurts. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Think about it: maybe it’s not worth fighting? Exhale and relax. Hooray! The troubles are over!

"Pump and Ball"

Goal: relax maximum amount muscles

How to play: Guys, break into pairs. One of you is a big inflatable ball, the other pump inflates this big ball. The ball stands with the whole body limp, on bent legs, arms and neck relaxed, body tilted forward, head lowered. The friend begins to inflate the ball, accompanying the movements of his hands with the sound “C”. With each air supply, the ball becomes larger. Hearing the sound “C”, he inhales a portion of air, simultaneously straightening his legs, after 2 - the torso straightens, 3 - the head rises, 4 - the cheeks puff out, and the arms move away from the sides. The ball is inflated. The pump stopped pumping. A friend pulls the pump out of the ball. Air comes out of the ball "Shhh". The body went limp again and returned to its original position. Then the players change places.

"Blind Thane" ec"

Goal: developing trust in each other, relieving excess muscle tension

How to play: “Split into pairs, one of you will be “Blind.” The other will remain “Sighted” and will be able to drive the blind. Now join hands and dance with each other to light music. Now switch roles. Help your partner blindfold."

"Sculpture ra"

Goal: reducing muscle tension

How to play: Children are divided into pairs. One is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture. On instructions from an adult, the sculptor sculpts a sculpture from “clay”:

A child who is not afraid of anything

A child who is happy with everything

A child who completed a difficult task, etc.

After the game, discuss how you felt in the role of a sculptor or sculpture. Which figure was pleasant to portray and which was not.

"Tender chalk OK"

Goal: removing muscle tension, developing tactile sensations

How to play: Modification for anxious children:

“You and I will draw on each other’s backs. What do you want me to draw? Sun? Fine". A soft touch of the fingers represents the sun. "It seems? How would you draw on my back or arm? Do you want me to draw the sun for you with “Tender chalk?” Do you want a squirrel or a fox to draw with its “affectionate” tail?”

After finishing, the adult erases everything he has drawn with gentle hand movements.


Goal: teach to trust

How to play: “Guys, now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around the room together. Line up in a chain, place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. A ball is squeezed between the children's stomach and back. Touching with hands is prohibited. The first in the chain holds his ball at outstretched arms. Children must follow a certain route.”

Exercised ability in switching from one pose to anotherb]

[/b]“Ring co"[ /b]

Instructions: Alternately and as quickly as possible, move your fingers, connecting the index finger, middle finger, etc. in a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the forward direction (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse direction (from the little finger to the little finger) index finger) okay. At the beginning, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then together.

“Fist - rib - okay no »[[ i] /b]

Goal: development fine motor skills hands

Instructions: Three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. Palm on the plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm straightened on the plane of the table. Executed first right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times. When mastering the program or if you have difficulties in performing it, help yourself with commands (fist - edge - palm, saying them out loud or to yourself.

b]"Mirror drawn }