The image of margarita is a symbol. Quoted description of Margarita from M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

Margarita Nikolaevna- the Master's secret lover. A young woman of thirty years old, married to a “major specialist”, her husband loves her and treats her well, he is wealthy, Margarita lives in a large mansion and does not need money:

“She was beautiful and smart. One more thing must be added to this - we can say with confidence that many women would give anything to exchange their lives for the life of Margarita Nikolaevna.”

Despite a prosperous and successful life from the outside, Margarita does not feel happy:

“Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy whatever she liked. Among her husband's acquaintances there were interesting people. Margarita Nikolaevna never touched a primus stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a shared apartment. In a word... Was she happy? Not one minute! Since she got married at nineteen and ended up in a mansion, she has not known happiness.”

This is how the Master describes their first meeting with Margarita:

“Thousands of people were walking along Tverskaya, but I guarantee you that she saw me alone and looked not only anxiously, but even as if painfully. And I was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unprecedented loneliness in her eyes!”

It was love with a capital L and at first sight, love to the depths of the soul, love that enlivens the soul and brings meaning to the lives of both of them:

“She, however, later claimed that this was not so, that we, of course, loved each other a long time ago, without knowing each other, never seeing each other” - Master. - “So she said that with yellow flowers in my arms she came out that day so that I would finally find her, and that if this had not happened, she would have been poisoned, because her life was empty.”

It was love for the Master, for a brilliant, talented person, that turned out to be Margarita’s real need, for “she had a passion for all people who do something first-class”:

“What did this woman need, in whose eyes some incomprehensible light always burned, what did this witch, slightly squinting in one eye, who decorated herself with mimosas in the spring?... Obviously, she was telling the truth, she needed him, the master , and not a Gothic mansion, and not a separate garden, and not money. She loved him, she told the truth."

While the Master was working on a novel about Pontius Pilate, Margarita lived by him, his work, supported him in everything. In addition, their time together was filled with trust, openness, care and understanding:

“She came, and the first thing she did was put on an apron, and in the narrow hallway, where there was that very sink, which for some reason the poor patient was proud of, she lit a kerosene stove on a wooden table, and prepared breakfast, and served it in the first room on an oval table...
...and she, running her thin fingers with sharply sharpened nails through her hair, reread what she had written, and after rereading, she sewed this very hat. Sometimes she squatted near the lower shelves or stood on a chair near the upper ones and wiped hundreds of dusty roots with a rag. She promised glory, she urged him on, and that’s when she began to call him a master. She was waiting for these promised last words about the fifth procurator of Judea, intoned and loudly repeated certain phrases that she liked, and said that her life was in this novel.”

After the first unsuccessful attempt publish the novel, Margarita continued to believe in the Master and in the value of his work. She persuaded him not to give up and publish an excerpt from the novel from another editor:

“He cried out in a whisper that he didn’t blame her, who pushed him to fight, at all, oh no, he didn’t!”

Although she herself was very crippled by all this injustice towards the Master from the outside literary world Moscow:

“My beloved has changed a lot (I didn’t tell her about the octopus, of course. But she saw that something was wrong with me), she lost weight and turned pale, stopped laughing and kept asking me to forgive her for what she advised me, so that I can print the excerpt."

Margarita boldly, devotedly and passionately believes in her beloved, tries to do everything to ease his suffering, is ready for anything:

“She took them, put them in her purse, began to kiss me and say that it would be easier for her to die than to leave me in such a state alone, but that they were waiting for her, that she was submitting to necessity, that she would come tomorrow. She begged me not to be afraid of anything."

She does not give up even after the Master burns the manuscript of the ill-fated novel; Margarita does not for a second allow the thought of leaving him. She is devoted with her soul to both him and his talent:

“I will cure you, I will cure you,” she muttered, digging into my shoulders, “you will restore it. Why, why didn’t I keep one copy!”

“Her eyes exuded fire, her hands trembled and were cold. First she rushed to kiss me, then, in a hoarse voice and banging her hand on the table, she said that she would poison Latunsky.”

“She bared her teeth with rage and said something else indistinctly. Then, pursing her lips, she began to collect and straighten the burnt sheets. It was some chapter from the middle of the novel, I don’t remember which one. She carefully folded the burnt leaves, wrapped them in paper, and tied them with ribbon. All her actions showed that she was full of determination and that she had mastered herself. She demanded wine and, having drunk it, spoke more calmly.”

After this incident, Margarita decides to confess everything to her husband and be with the Master openly, despite his failure and prophesied poverty. At the same time, Margarita does not want to dishonor her husband:

“This is how you pay for lying,” she said, “and I don’t want to lie anymore. I would stay with you now, but I don’t want to do it this way. I don’t want him to forever remember that I ran away from him at night. He never did me any harm.”

For Margarita, her life is the Master, and nothing else can be more important than this:

“I am dying with you. I'll be with you in the morning"

After the Master disappeared, and Margarita does not know that he ended up in a mental hospital, she suffers endlessly and blames herself:

“Yes, yes, yes, the same mistake! - Margarita said in winter, sitting by the stove and looking into the fire, - why did I leave him at night then? For what? This is madness!”

The image of Margarita is an image of true female nature, passionate, intuitive:

“When Margarita woke up, she did not cry, as she often did, because she woke up with a premonition that today something would finally happen. Feeling this premonition, she began to warm it up and grow it in her soul, fearing that it would not leave her...

...I believe! - Margarita whispered solemnly, - I believe! Something will happen! It can’t help but happen, because why, really, have I been sent lifelong torment? I confess that I lied and deceived and lived a secret life hidden from people, but still I cannot be punished so cruelly for this.”

She is a noble woman who does not attach unnecessary importance to the world of material values. With the servants she is kind, polite and generous:

“Margarita Nikolaevna went into the bedroom and came out holding a pair of stockings and a bottle of cologne in her hands. Having told Natasha that she also wanted to show a trick, Margarita Nikolaevna gave her stockings and a bottle and said that she was asking her only for one thing - not to run around Tverskaya in her stockings and not listen to Daria. After kissing, the housewife and housekeeper parted.”

The Master does not leave her, she speaks to him in her thoughts:

“Have you stopped loving me? No, for some reason I don't believe it. This means that you were exiled and died... Then, I ask you, let me go, finally give me the freedom to live, to breathe the air.”

Margarita is ready to do anything to find her beloved:

“Oh, really, I would pawn my soul to the devil just to find out whether he’s alive or not!”

Margarita is smart, proud, brave, sincere, passionate. But for the sake of the Master, she is ready to put aside her pride, showing all her strong qualities to the maximum:

“Sorry, sorry,” muttered the now submissive Margarita, “of course I was angry with you. But, you must admit, when a woman is invited to visit somewhere on the street... I have no prejudices, I assure you,” Margarita smiled sadly, “but I never see any foreigners, I have no desire to communicate with them.. .and besides, my husband... My drama is that I live with someone I don’t love, but I consider it unworthy to ruin his life. I saw nothing but goodness from him...”

“I’m an unhappy person, and you take advantage of it. I'm climbing into some strange story, but, I swear, only because you lured me with words about him!

Her experiences due to the disappearance of the Master also affected her state of mind. And on the outside:

“You have aged quite a bit from grief over the past six months,” Azazello.

Out of despair, Margarita is ready to do anything - to meet a foreigner, to make an alliance with evil spirits, to be the hostess at Satan's ball - just to be with her beloved again:

“No, wait... I know what I'm getting into. But I’ll do anything for him, because I won’t do anything in the world. more hope I have no. But I want to tell you that if you destroy me, you will be ashamed! Yes, it's a shame! I'm dying because of love!

"Oh no! - Margarita exclaimed, astonishing those passing by, - I agree to everything, I agree to do this comedy with rubbing with ointment, I agree to go to hell. I won’t give it back!”

When Margarita smeared herself with the magic Azazello cream, her soul and passion break free:

“Margarita felt free, free from everything. In addition, she understood with all clarity that exactly what the premonition spoke about in the morning had happened, and that she was leaving the mansion and her old life forever.”

Incredible flight on a brush:

“Invisible and free! Invisible and free!

On the way to the ball, Margarita trashes the apartment of the critic Latunsky, because of whose articles the Master fell ill:

“The destruction she caused gave her a burning pleasure, but at the same time it always seemed to her that the results were somehow meager.”

However, at the same time she remains a real noble woman. Seeing that she scared the child, she stops the pogrom, her anger subsides. She tries to calm the child down and tells him a story about herself:

“I’ll tell you a fairy tale,” Margarita spoke and put her heated hand on her shorn head, “there was one aunt in the world. And she had no children, and there was no happiness at all. And so at first she cried a lot, and then she became angry... - Margarita fell silent, took off her hand - the boy was sleeping.”

When meeting Woland, Margarita behaves in the best possible way, demonstrating the strength of her nature, for “the hope that there she would be able to achieve the return of her happiness made her fearless.” Margarita passes through the trials of the Ball with honor:

“And besides, you yourself are of royal blood,” Azazello tells her.

“We tested you,” Woland continued, “never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves! Sit down, proud woman!

After she is offered a reward for a role that she has fulfilled with honor, Margarita first asks for something that is not what she really wants, impressed by what is happening, out of fatigue and out of a sense of responsibility, as befits a Queen:

“No,” Margarita answered forcefully, “I know that you can only talk to you frankly, and I’ll tell you frankly: I’m a frivolous person. I asked you for Frida only because I had the imprudence to give her firm hope. She is waiting, sir, she believes in my power. And if she remains deceived, I will be in a terrible position. I won't have peace all my life. There's nothing you can do about it! It just happened that way.”

But Woland does not intend to punish her for this, and finally Marnarita declares her true desire:

“I want my lover, the master, to be returned to me right now, this very second,” said Margarita, and her face was distorted with a spasm.”

“Margarita immediately recognized him, moaned, clasped her hands and ran up to him. She kissed him on the forehead, on the lips, pressed herself against his prickly cheek, and long-held tears now ran in streams down her face. She uttered only one word, repeating it meaninglessly:
“You... you, you...”

Margarita is devoid of prejudices, she didn’t harm anyone, she just got what she couldn’t live without:

“How happy I am, how happy I am, how happy I am that I entered into a deal with him! Oh, devil, devil! You, my dear, will have to live with a witch.”

Her love for the Master is endless:

“My only one, my dear, don’t think about anything. You had to think too much, and now I will think for you! And I guarantee you, I guarantee that everything will be dazzlingly good.

Because of you, I was shaking naked all night yesterday, I lost my nature and replaced it with a new one, for several months I sat in a dark closet and thought about only one thing - about the thunderstorm over Yershalaim, I cried my eyes out, and now, when happiness struck, are you chasing me? Well, I will leave, I will leave, but know that you are a cruel person!

After Azazello poisoned and revived her, we read this description of Margarita:

“Even in the approaching stormy twilight one could see how her temporary witch’s squint and the cruelty and violence of her features disappeared. The deceased’s face brightened and finally softened, and her grin became not predatory, but simply a feminine, suffering grin.”

Margarita found her well-deserved and tortured happiness and peace next to her beloved Master, saved him with her love and faith, went through incredible trials without a shadow of doubt or reproach.

Margarita (Margarita Nikolaevna) - the main character of the novel. There is no doubt about the prototypical connection with E. S. Bulgakova, the writer’s third wife. Associations with Goethe’s Gretchen are rather superficial: only the moment of M.’s childlessness and the mercy she showed towards the child killer Frieda are significant. The heroine is 30 years old. Married at 19, she is the wife of a “very big specialist”; however, not loving her husband, M. is sad and thinks about suicide. Going out into the street with a bouquet of mimosas as an “identification sign,” she meets the Master and becomes his “secret wife.” It is she who inspires him to work on the novel, calling him a “master,” and when the novel is finished, she pushes him to fight to get the book published. M. decides to leave her husband, but the Master’s arrest disrupts her plans. After M. sees the Master in a dream a few months later, she, anticipating some changes, goes to the Alexander Garden, where she meets Azazello, sent “on an errand.” M. accepts an invitation to visit “a very noble foreigner” (Woland), at the appointed hour he rubs himself with Azazello cream, after which he becomes younger, gains the ability to fly and be invisible - he becomes a “witch.” Flying over Moscow, M. finds himself in front of the house where the critics who persecuted the Master live, and organizes a pogrom in their apartments; She is stopped only by the fear of scaring the awakened child. Having flown away from Moscow, M. takes part in a sabbath on the river bank, after which he returns to Moscow in a flying car. Once, accompanied by Azazello, in apartment No. 50, M. meets with Koroviev, who, in particular, reports that she is the great-granddaughter of one of the French queens of the 16th century; The name of the heroine is thus associated with Marguerite of Valois, the wife of Henry IV (cf. A. Dumas’s novel “Queen Margot”). Having met Woland, M. rubs ointment on his sore knee, and also examines Woland’s globe and sees a dead child on it. At the ball, M. plays the role of the queen, welcoming the guests; She is especially impressed by the child killer Frida, whom she promises to help. After killing Meigel, M. “takes communion” from a cup of his blood/wine offered by Woland. After the ball, M., instead of asking for himself, first asks for Frida and receives the right to forgive her. After this, at M.’s request, the Master was returned to her, whom she does not want to renounce under any circumstances. At the same time, the heroine, who the day before was ready to kill the critic Latunsky who killed the Master, now asks not to kill him. As a parting gift, Woland gives M. golden horseshoe with diamonds, and together with the Master she returns to the Arbat basement, where at night she reads the “resurrected” manuscript of the novel. In a conversation with the Master, M. flatly refuses to leave him and return to her husband. After the appearance of Azazello, M., poisoned by wine, together with the Master passes into another existence and joins Woland with his retinue; On the way, they visit Ivan Bezdomny in the hospital, and M. kisses him goodbye. It is M. who notes the changes occurring with her companions during the last flight. Seeing Pilate sitting in the mountains, M. asks to “let him go.” Woland gives the Master and M. an “eternal home.” Subsequently, M. and the Master appear to Ivan every year in a dream; she kisses his forehead<...>and goes with his companion to the moon.”

Maer Irina Alexandrovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MKOU Kirgintsevskaya secondary school

Kupinsky district, Novosibirsk region.


Literature lesson in 11th grade based on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". The main goal is to give an idea of ​​the scale of the heroine’s image, to show the role of Margarita for understanding the entire novel. During the lesson, students develop analytical and artistic perception image, they learn to compare the general and the particular, to see the entire work in an episode.

The lesson is accompanied by a presentation and video clips from the television series “The Master and Margarita” directed by Bortko.

Proud woman.

The image of Margarita in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".


    give an idea of ​​the scale of the heroine’s image, show the role of Margarita for understanding the entire novel;

    develop analytical and artistic perception of an image, learn to compare the general and the particular, to see the entire work in an episode;

    form aesthetic perception literary text; show the spiritual foundations that guide the writer and, in his opinion, any moral person.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson format: student reports, episode analysis.

Method: research.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

(Slide No. 1 on screen)

I would like to start our lesson today with an epigraph (slide No. 2)

Follow me, my reader! Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love?

Let them cut out the liar's vile tongue!

Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love!

This is a quote from the novel “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov.

The topic of our lesson will be on the topic of love and creativity. But we will now find out who the main character will be.

- A naked rider riding a brush, squealing with delight, flew out the window. Joy bubbled up in every part of my body. The yellow shadows at the temples have disappeared: the skin of the cheeks has plumped up pink, the forehead became white and clean.

Who is this?


(Slide No. 3)

(Address to the student)

Margarita, what words from Azazello made you trust him when you were about to leave Alexander Square?

(“The darkness that came from Mediterranean Sea, covered the city with an invisible procurator.” This is a quote from the Master's novel).

Why did you stop your wild destruction in Latunsky’s house?

(In the last window of the 4th floor I saw a boy of about 4 years old, who was listening in fear. I calmed the boy down).

What three conditions had to give you the opportunity to become prom queen?

(Name Margarita, local native, happy fate).

What advice or instruction did Koroviev give you before the ball?

(There is no advantage to any of the guests. You need to love everyone).

After the ball, having not received the award, you were about to leave when Woland stopped you with words. What did he tell you?

(Never ask for anything: especially from those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!)

Thank you!

Today we will talk about Margarita. At the end of the lesson, we should find out what role the heroine plays in the novel, and what is her influence on the creation of the image of the novel.

II. Introduction to the topic.

(Slide No. 4)

Gods, my gods! What did this woman need?! What did this woman need, in whose eyes some kind of incomprehensible light always burned, what did this witch, slightly squinting in one eye, need, who then decorated herself with mimosas in the spring? Don't know. I don't know. Obviously, she was telling the truth, she needed him, the master, and not a Gothic mansion, and not a separate garden, and not money.

So who is Margarita?

(Slide No. 5)

(Student message)

From the text of the novel, only her name and patronymic are known - Margarita Nikolaevna. Beautiful . A very strong and courageous woman. By occupation, she is a housewife, lives in the center of Moscow, is married to a certain famous and rich military engineer, whom she does not love at all, they have no children. She is wealthy, lives in a rich apartment with servants. At the time of the main events of the novel, she is 30 years old. During the plot of the novel, she falls in love with a writer, whom she calls, plays the role of queen and hostess of Satan's ball, and at the end leaves the world in the form of a witch and goes with the master to his final resting place.

Margarita- She plays a very important role in the novel. This is a beautiful Muscovite, the Master’s beloved. With the help of Margarita, Bulgakov showed us perfect image wife of a genius. When I met the Master, I was married, but I didn’t love my husband and was completely unhappy. Then I realized that I had found my destiny. She is capable of deep love and leaves her husband when she understands that the Master needs him, that he is lost without her.
It was Margarita who called the hero a master after reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the Master published an excerpt from his novel. Critics made their lives miserable. When he leaves the Master alone, he burns the novel and runs away to a psychiatric hospital. For a long time, Margarita reproaches herself for leaving her beloved alone at the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffers greatly until she meets Azazello. He tells her that he knows where the Master is. For this information, she agrees to be a coral at Satan’s great ball. Margarita becomes a witch. The naked woman receives Woland's guests at the ball. After the ball, Geronia first of all asks for the suffering Frida for the suffering Frida, forgetting about her own desire to return the Master. Having sold her soul, she receives the Master. At the end of the novel, she and the Master deserve peace. Margarita is a strong woman who follows her own path. This is the female ideal for Bulgakov.
She is ready to sell her soul to the devil and does so. Margarita remains the ideal of eternal, enduring love, she has the power of feeling. At the end, she leaves the world in the form of a witch and goes with the Master to his place of rest.
Many believe that the prototype of the image of Margarita was the writer’s wife Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova.

III. Episode analysis.

In which chapter do we first meet Margarita?

(Chapter 13).

Let's remember this episode.

(Video “Meeting of the Master and Margarita”).

(Slide No. 6)

What does this mean?


Why do you think?

IV. Margarita and otherworldly power.

Otherworld in the 2nd part of the novel it is shown through the eyes of Margarita. What role does she play at the ball?

(Margarita is the queen of the ball, she is the bride of the devil).

(Slide No. 7)

Let's talk about the Devil.

Two eyes fixed on Margarita's face. The right one with a golden spark at the bottom; the left one is empty and black. The face was slanted to the side, the right corner of the mouth was pulled down. The skin on my face seemed to be forever burned with tan. Whose description is this?


(Slide No. 8)

Who, according to Woland, controls human life? How did he explain his point of view to Homeless?

(How can a person manage if he is not only deprived of the opportunity to draw up any plan: for 1000 years, if he cannot even vouch for his own tomorrow).

Why did Woland come to Moscow and what conclusions did he draw?

(See how people have changed over the past millennium, what the inhabitants of the “third Rome” are like. People are like people. They love money. Well, they are frivolous, and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts. Ordinary people: they resemble the old ones. Housing issue I just ruined them).

How did Woland explain to Margarita why he needed the globe?

(I need to know the events exactly. After all, a fact is the most stubborn thing).

Thank you!

Why was Margarita chosen to play the role of ball hostess?

What can you say about the prototypes of this image?

(Student message)

Margarita has many prototypes. These are the French queens who bore the name of Margaret: Margaret of Navarre and Margaret of Valois. And Margarita from Goethe's drama "Faust". Faust and Margarita are reunited in heaven. But the main prototype of Margarita is Bulgakov’s third wife, Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya. She was also married three times. By her first husband she is Neelova, by her second she is Shilovskaya. Elena Sergeevna’s second husband was an assistant to the chief of the General Staff Academy, a career officer. From him Elena Sergeevna had two sons: Evgeniy and Sergei. Bulgakov met Elena Sergeevna in 1929 from some friends. Meeting Bulgakov filled Elena Sergeevna’s life with an atmosphere of play, fun, and joy. They started dating secretly. But soon Shilovsky found out about their romance. He and Bulgakov had a serious conversation, and Bulgakov and Elena Sergeevna parted for a while. Then they met by chance on the street, and love flared up again. Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote about this in his novel: “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground, and struck us both at once!”

(Slide No. 9)

How Margarita behaved surrounded evil spirits?

(Video “Margarita and Woland after the ball”)

So what did Woland give to Margarita?


(Slide number 10)

V. The main themes of the novel.

In one of the lessons, the subject of our attention was the story of the Master and Margarita, but the theme of love in a broader philosophical sense sounds from the beginning of the 23rd chapter.

(Slide No. 11)

“Allow me, queen, to give you one last piece of advice. Among the guests there will be different, oh, very different, but no one, Queen Margot, will have any advantage! If you don’t like someone... I understand that you, of course, won’t express it on your face... No, no, you can’t think about it! He will notice, he will notice at the same moment! You need to love him, love him, queen! The hostess of the ball will be rewarded handsomely for this. And one more thing: don’t miss anyone! At least a smile, if there is no time to say a word, at least a tiny turn of the head. Anything, but not inattention. They will wither away from this...”

In addition to the theme of Love, another main theme of the novel is connected with the image of Margarita. Formulate it after the proposed initial data.

(Slide No. 12)

Woland ← Margarita


Woland is throwing a great ball, and he needs a hostess. There is Margarita, who, in order to save the Master, is ready to sell her soul to the Devil. She becomes his bride, but loves the Master.

What feeling does she have in front of the Master?


What does she do in moral sense?


This is a crime for which what is inevitable?


What main theme can be formulated?

(The theme of guilt and retribution, crime and punishment).

What does the Master need?

From the balcony, a shaved, dark-haired man with a sharp nose and anxious eyes peered cautiously into the room. The man was about 38. He was wearing underwear, shoes on his bare feet, and a brown robe thrown over his shoulders. Who is this?


(Slide No. 13)

The master told Ivan: “The novel has been completed. And finally, the hour came when I had to leave the secret shelter and go out into life.” What happened to his life when he went out into life holding a novel in his hands?

(“And then my life ended”).

How much time passed after Margarita left? Where was the Master all this time?

(From half of October to half of January, the Master was under arrest).

Thank you!

How did the Master live all this time? What thoughts were bothering him?

(his novel about Pontius Pilate)

(Slide No. 14)

How did Margarita live?

(The Master and his novel)

Let's summarize. What main themes does Bulgakov reveal through the image of the proud woman Margarita?

(Students' answers)

VI. Conclusions.

So who are you, Margarita? How are you different from other characters?

(The student reads an excerpt from the novel)

“Invisible and free! Invisible and free! Oh, how wonderful this is! It is my body that burns the wind, and it is my heart that, having sank sweetly, falls down like a heavy stone. The city quickly went downhill, the dirty, crooked streets, red rickety lanterns, and patched houses disappeared. Below there are only lights, all around is the sky, huge, black, spacious. Fresh air it bursts the lungs to the point of pain - oh, how good! I'm free! Petty quarrels in cramped kitchens, the stuffy impotence of vain conversations, sleepless nights - alone with a pillow wet from tears... All this remained downstairs! I'm different! The city lights below merged into two flickering stripes, spun and disappeared; the wind whistles in my ears, and the yellow, soft moonlight floods my body - that’s all I am. Merged with this sky, with this wind, living in flight. I escaped, I escaped, damn it! Why can’t we remember the unclean in the evening? How stupid. With me, who have lived through indifference and melancholy, what can be done? I had a dream about him today, and it was a prophetic dream, I can vouch for that. I believed that something would definitely happen, because it cannot be that something drags on forever. And it happened, here it is! I am all in today, naked and free, and if I love, then to the point of self-forgetfulness, if I take revenge, then without restraint. Everything is allowed to me - who would dare to prohibit? I am the queen. Today I broke the witchcraft circle of my life, today I pay all my debts. I am different - I don’t know whether I’m a saint or a sinner, but not partially, but all at once, entirely and completely. Oh, dear, dear Azazello, I'm flying! This foreigner - I now know for sure - is not at all dangerous. I agree to everything - just like that, right away - with my head in the pool, a witch in hell... For his sake, the Master. Goodbye everything - the garden, the money, the Gothic mansion - how funny! I know that I will come to him today, wherever he is! Everything - today, or nothing - never."

VII. Reflection.

Let's make a syncwine on our topic.

(Slide No. 15)

VIII. Teacher's word.

(Slide No. 16)

Margarita was and remains the embodiment of femininity, self-sacrifice, responsibility, heroism, fidelity, love, sensuality, devotion. Poems and paintings are dedicated to her. Songs are sung about her. She stays eternally not only in Russian culture, but also in world culture. A sincerely loving and suffering woman is also associated with Margarita.

(Slide No. 17)

IX. Grading.

X. Homework.

Essay “Who is she, Margarita Master?”

List of used literature:

    Bulgakov M.A. Master and Margarita, M., 2006

    Russian literature of the 20th century, ed. V.V. Agenosov, part 1, M. Bustard, 1996

    Russian literature of the 20th century. Essays. Portraits. Essay, ed. F.F. Kuznetsov, part 2, M. “Enlightenment”, 1994

    Egorova N.V. Lesson-based developments on Russian literature. XX century 11th grade, II half-year, M., 2006

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Beautiful Margarita is an integral part of the grandiose work “The Master and Margarita”. Her image is associated with freedom, with true love, with true creativity. Therefore, M. Bulgakov paid special attention to her person.

The reader does not immediately become acquainted with her. At the beginning of the work we observe melancholy and boredom, he is looking for and waiting for the appearance of true love. And this happens precisely with the appearance of the enchanting Margarita. The author told us a story about the heroine’s former life. At first glance, the girl is absolutely happy. Her husband loves her, he provides Margarina with all the benefits. Those around me envied such a life. In fact, the girl was looking for love and warmth, she was sorely lacking in understanding and the meaning of life. Margarita was constantly waiting for a turn of events, changes that should make her happier. And so it happened.

A chance meeting with the Master filled the girl’s life with new breath. She became a muse for him. At their first meeting, they fell in love with each other. The man, feeling inspired by such an acquaintance, began to write his great novel. It was Margarita who first called him Master after reading the first lines.

The main character of the novel was very similar to Bulgakov’s real muse – his wife. It was she who inspired the writer to create such interesting creative works, it was she who was with him until the last.

Margarita is identified with a symbol of fidelity and devotion. Despite the fact that she cheated on her lawful husband, the girl never betrayed true love and faith in the creative abilities of her lover. It was Margarita who helped the Master find the editors, who published several chapters of the novel with caution.

After this, ridicule of the creator, persecution and ridicule of his work began. This reaction from society drives the Master crazy, and he renounces his work. He is sent to a mental hospital. He does not even recognize Margarita, so as not to drag his beloved into even greater trouble. The girl is in despair, she is unhappy, she keeps the remains of the novel as a memory of her beloved.

In the chapter of the novel "Flight", Margarita becomes a witch. After meeting the mystical Woland, she decides to gain freedom and leave the confines of reality. The girl makes a deal with Satan, she becomes his queen, and all just to find out at least a little news about her beloved Master, in order to free him from the clinic.

After such an act, the reader really understands how much she loved the Master, how devoted and true she was to her feelings. This act surprised Satan himself. He rewards Margarita for her courage and brings life back to the Master’s burnt novel. Woland gave the author of the novel eternal peace, but Margarita deserved only the Light. It was her image that became a symbol of devotion and fidelity to her feelings. And he passed through the centuries, he was transported to modern times.

Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" mystical story love, arousing genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characterization of Margarita in the novel “The Master and Margarita” plays a significant role in the work. The name of Margarita is associated with the theme of true love, freedom, and fidelity.

Full name main character novel - Margarita Nikolaevna. Last name unknown.


Bulgakov did not describe Margarita’s appearance in detail. He tried to attract attention not to external beauty women, but to the inner state of the soul. By focusing on the timbre of her voice, movements, manners, laughter, we can assume that she beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart..."

Her low, chesty voice had velvety notes, softening the timbre of the sound.
One of Margarita’s eyes was slightly squinted, which gave her image a devilish twist.

“The witch who crosses one eye…”

Light curl on short hair. Snow-white smile. The perfect manicure with sharp-edged nails. Eyebrows, like strings, were plucked professionally and suited her face very well.

Margarita dressed stylishly, not provocatively. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention, undoubtedly, but not with her appearance, but with the sadness and hopeless melancholy in her eyes.


As a young girl, at the age of 19, Margarita married wealthy man. Ten years of marriage. Childless.

"Childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

The woman was lucky with her husband. He is ready to carry his beloved in his arms, fulfill all the whims, and predict desires. Young, handsome, kind and honest. Everyone dreams of such a husband. Even leading household he placed it on the shoulders of the housekeeper he hired. Stability, prosperity, but despite this Margarita is unhappy and lonely. "

Was she happy? Not one minute!..”

Character. Personality of Margarita

Margarita is smart and educated. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated her intelligence.
She is determined. Her actions have repeatedly demonstrated this. With her inner instinct, intuition, Margarita unmistakably determined what kind of person was in front of her. Ungreedy, merciful. She always helped those who needed help. Doesn't waste words. Proud and independent. From bad habits Smoking can be highlighted. She smoked often, and could not overcome this addiction.

Meeting with the Master

Their meeting was accidental. She walked down the street with a bouquet yellow flowers pensive and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, followed. She was the first to speak. As the Master said, it was love at first sight.

“Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumps out of the ground... and struck us both at once...”

Margarita was truly happy for the first time. She loved, and it was so new to her. For his sake, the woman was ready to do anything. To endure hardships, to share joys and sorrows, to endure the hardships that befall them.

She sold her soul for her lover. I was able to forgive when he disappeared. She remained faithful until the last. He was everything to her. Margarita couldn’t imagine life without him.

Meeting with Woland

For six months she knew nothing about the Master. It was as if he had sunk into the water. Only Woland could help bring back his beloved. To do this, she had to make a deal with him.

She must act as Satan's prom queen. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased with the new queen and in return promised to fulfill any wish. She dreamed of seeing the Master so that everything would return to its place. Basement, novel, He and She.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having earned eternal peace for love and loyalty to each other.