Agreed common proposals. Definition as a member of a sentence. Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

Definition - a minor member of a sentence. The definition answers the question: what? whose? and denotes the attribute of an object. The definitions are explained by the members of the sentence.

There are 2 types of definitions

1) Agreed

2) Uncoordinated

Agreed Definitions

Agreed definitions are combined with the word being defined in form (number, case, gender). And they can be expressed:

1) Adjective: I bought an orange T-shirt.

2) Pronoun: Our road.

3) Numeral: Give me the second volume.

4) Communion: Greening forest

Agreed definitions most often appear before the word being defined.

The meanings of the agreed definitions are varied. Depends on the meaning of the words (lexical) that they are.

Definitions that denote the quality of an object are expressed by qualitative adjectives. Definitions that denote a characteristic of an object by time and location are expressed by relative adjectives. Definitions that are expressed by possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns denote belonging.

Definitions that indicate the uncertainty of an object in relation to property, quality, belonging, are expressed by indefinite pronouns. Definitions that are expressed by ordinal numbers indicate order in counting. Definitions that can denote a characteristic associated with an action are expressed by participles.

Inconsistent definitions

Inconsistent definitions are combined with the main adjunct (they are an unchangeable part of speech or form) or control (placed with the main word and in a certain case). And they can be expressed:

1) Noun with and without a preposition in the indirect case: Climate in St. Petersburg. Pilot's flight.

2) Infinitive: The desire to see. I have a desire to learn.

3) Adverb: I was served soft-boiled eggs. I love walking.

4) Comparative adjective: Smaller house.

5) Possessive pronoun his, her, theirs: His sister. Their apartment.

6) In a complete phrase: Mom saw a girl of about fourteen.

Inconsistent definitions can indicate belonging if they are expressed by a noun without a preposition in genitive case.

Inconsistent definitions may mean different things

  • - sign according to the material;
  • - a sign that indicates that an object has any external features or details;
  • - a sign characterizing an object in relation to space;
  • - a sign indicating the contents of an object;
  • - a sign indicating the purpose of an object, if they are expressed by a noun with prepositions in indirect cases.

Inconsistent definitions can mean a sign in relation to direction, quality, time, method of action, if they are expressed by an adverb. Inconsistent definitions, which are expressed by the infinitive, serve to reveal the content of the subject


Separating agreed definitions

Materials for the online lesson

The editors promised to acquaint our readers with the life of the Internet, in particular, with Russian language lessons. Today we are publishing the first such lesson, prepared by I.V. Khazanova, an employee of NIIRO (Research Institute for Educational Development) and a teacher at Lyceum No. 525.
For now, we are providing a version of the online lesson. It is clear that it will be presented in a different form on the Internet, since this is an interactive lesson in which the next step is based on the answers to previous questions.

Definitions. Separate members of the proposal These are the secondary members that stand out in meaning and intonation. They contain an element of additional message, therefore they are logically emphasized and acquire some syntactic independence as part of a sentence. In writing, isolated members are separated by commas or dashes.

Agreed Definitions expressed by adjectives, participles and other agreeable words.


The common consensus definition stands out in any position in relation to the word being defined, if it refers to personal pronoun .

She, supported by colleagues, spoke at the meeting.
Supported by colleaguesshe spoke at the meeting.

A common agreed upon definition referring to to noun, is isolated in position after defined word.

Painting, drawn by a famous artist, was in the museum.
Drawn famous artist painting was in the museum.

Consistent common and single definitions related to common and proper nouns are isolated if they are torn off from the word being defined, i.e. remotely located.

Right in front of the windows bright and persistent, threw rays to every passerby flashlight.
Narrow and transparent, appears in the sky month.

Test yourself

A. For the highlighted words, select common agreed definitions from the list; add commas where necessary.

1. Comments to the event... do not correspond to the truth. 2. He... I didn’t want to do anything myself. 3. ... boy asked for forgiveness from my parents. 4. Wall...looked strange. 5. Island... was now hiding in the fog. 6. Serves well for hunting gun... 7. ...he was always responsible for all the cool pranks. 8. ...she I hurried to tell my relatives everything.

Distributed in the press, delighted with the news, spoiled by the servants, red with shame, first on the list, painted oil paint, located near the shore, tested over the years(gender, case, number can be changed).

B. Place punctuation marks. In what case is the definition not highlighted?

1. Tired of the windy light (1) he falls in love with a spontaneous, innocent girl with the love of his brother (P. Weil, A. Genis).
2. Finally, the procurator heard both the long-awaited steps and splashing on the stairs (2) leading to the upper platform of the garden (3) in front of the balcony (M. Bulgakov).
3. Between two marble lions, first a hooded head appeared, and then a completely wet man (4) in a cloak clinging to his body (5) (M. Bulgakov).
4. Shocked by all this (6), the accountant reached the secretarial room (7), which was the entrance to the office of the chairman of the commission, and here he was completely amazed (M. Bulgakov).

Answer: (4), (5), (6) .


Single agreed definitions (one, two or more) are isolated in any position if they refer to a personal pronoun.
Two (or more) agreed upon definitions are separated if they come after a defined noun, which, as a rule, already has a definition.

1. After tedious roads, rocky, broken, dusty, everyone happily went to wash.
2. Excited, He scared us with his stories.
3. He, excited, scared us with his stories.
4. Bright, picturesquesunset it was already burning out.

Two (or more) agreed definitions are not separated if they appear before the noun being defined.

Test yourself

For the highlighted words, select definitions from the list; Place commas where necessary (gender, number, case can be changed).

1. His look eye... amazed everyone present. 2. ... it stood out among the green young trees. 3. Babushkin cup... caught our attention. 4. River...was captured in his landscape.

Deep, calm, majestic; tall, narrow, patterned; old, rotten, rotten; cheerful, mischievous, laughing.

Agreed definitions placed before the word being defined are separated if they have additional adverbial meanings.

What additional meaning do these agreed upon definitions have?

1. Forcibly attached to a new home, Ivan almost threw up his hands at the woman’s swagger and silently pointed his finger at his pajamas made of a crimson flannel jacket (M. Bulgakov).
2. Cheerful and cheerful by nature, the boy never communicated with his peers, but only with his older comrades.
3. Tired of pessimistic observations and heat, the commissioner returned to the ship dejected.

1 – conditions, 2 – concessions, 3 – reasons.

Test yourself

Choose among the examples those that correspond to this rule and add commas.

1. She looks: forgotten in the hall / The billiard cue was resting (A. Pushkin).
2. The Swedish dynasty, founded by a glorious warrior, is one of the most glorious in the world.
3. I came two weeks later and was received by some girl with her eyes slanted towards her nose from constant lies. (M. Bulgakov).
4. Grinev, alien to the art of war, did not suspect that the fate of the campaign was being decided at that moment.
5. The guests, alarmed by these rumors, decided to leave immediately.
6. Exhausted by long idleness behind the mirrored doors of the entrance, the doorman put his whole soul into whistling... (M. Bulgakov).

Answer options:

1, 3, 4, 6;
1, 2, 5;
2, 4, 5, 6 .

This lesson covers cases of separating agreed upon definitions. They are more common in students' written work, and it makes sense to study this material first. Independent work on the analysis of sentences and the formulation of isolation conditions helps to better understand and assimilate the material. To consolidate the material, it is advisable to invite students to make sentences based on the given examples.
The theory of isolated members of a sentence was developed by A.M. Peshkovsky. He also introduced the term itself into scientific use.

Scientist and teacher Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky (1878–1933) throughout his entire career scientific activity thought about the interaction between science and school. Main book of A.M. Peshkovsky "Russian syntax in scientific coverage"was first published in 1914 with the subtitle "Popular Essay. A manual for self-education and school.” This essay by A.M. Peshkovsky wrote after eight years of work as a teacher in Moscow gymnasiums, trying to introduce his students to the real scientific grammar of their native language. The book went through eight editions, the last one being published quite recently.

It is in this book that the scientist devotes an entire chapter to the theory of isolated members of a sentence.

Peshkovsky knew how to present serious scientific problems in a simple, lively and interesting way. The scientist never tried to falsify linguistic facts for the sake of a beautifully invented theory and did not simplify linguistic reality.

For the school A.M. Peshkovsky wrote a book in three parts, “Our Language,” where he tries to teach children to observe language. For example, it provides text without spaces between words.

The cold winter has passed and the sun has grown longer, the sun is shining brightly and the sparrows are chirping cheerfully.

Questions and tasks are given for the text, for example: why is the story more difficult to read than others; whether it will be a clear reading; how many breaks need to be made in the story; what happens to the voice before the break, etc.
The author tries to lead the student to a conclusion about the role of intonation in speech.
In this way, Peshkovsky involved students in an active process of research and discovery.

Mastery Resources

1. His face had an expression quite pleasant, but roguish.
2. A young officer came in with a face dark and perfectly ugly.
3. I was sitting immersed in deep thought.
4. The moon hangs in the clear evening sky full, visible through the branches of the maple (M. Bulgakov).

At first glance, these examples contradict the rules. In such positions, definitions should be isolated, but if we put commas, the semantic relationships between words will be destroyed. What means the face had an expression or officer with a face? Word face in such a context, it necessarily requires a definition - without it the result is absurd, therefore, in such cases it is impossible to separate the definition from the word being defined.
In the 3rd and 4th examples, the definitions are closely related in meaning to both the subject and the predicate, so we do not highlight them. So any rule must be used meaningfully, and not mechanically.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam

What numbers should be replaced by commas?

Illuminated by the light (1) incorrectly (2) and quiveringly burning (3), they seemed like a wild host of gnomes (4) surrounded by heavy (5) underground steam (6) in the darkness of the night (N. Gogol).

Answer options:

1, 2, 5, 6;
1, 3, 4, 5, 6;
1, 3, 4, 6;
3, 4.

Indicate a sentence with a punctuation error

(1) At the beginning of the 20th century, electric trams appeared in Russian cities.
(2) It is interesting that in the trams of those years the sound alarm was not electric, but manual. (3) During departure, the conductor of the trailer car pulled the rope that stretched to the bell mounted on the ceiling of the rear platform of the motor car. (4) The conductor of the motor car, hearing this signal, pulled his shorter rope, and the bell rang on the front platform. (5) Having heard him, the tram driver, in turn, pressed the bell with his foot, placed to the right of his seat, and only after all these chimes did the tram move off. (6) On the way, the carriage driver almost continuously rang his leg bell, warning oncoming horse-drawn transport and passers-by.
(7) Passengers standing in the carriage held on to soft leather loops attached to special sticks on both sides of the carriage (Ya.Rivosh).

Answer: 5.

Lesson summary

So, agreed common and non-common definitions are always separated if the word being defined is a personal pronoun.
If the word being defined is a noun, then the common definition that comes after it is always isolated.
Before a noun, the definition is isolated under the condition of an additional adverbial meaning.
Two (or more) agreed upon definitions are separated if they come after a defined noun, which, as a rule, already has a definition.

Lesson vocabulary

Punctuation marks
Dividing punctuation mark
Distinctive punctuation marks
Agreed Definition
Separate members of the sentence

Punctuation is a collection of rules for using punctuation marks.

Punctuation marks– a space, a period, a question mark, an exclamation mark, an ellipsis, a comma, a semicolon, a colon, a dash, and parentheses.

Dividing punctuation mark– single, separates sentence members and parts of a complex sentence.

Distinctive punctuation marks– paired, they highlight sentence members that are given special syntactic significance. Distinctive punctuation marks can be single if the sentence begins or ends with separate members.

Agreed Definition- this is a definition in the same case, gender and number as the word being defined. The agreed definition can be expressed by a full adjective, participle, ordinal number, or pronoun-adjective.

Separate members of the sentence– those that stand out in meaning and intonation. They contain an element of additional message and are thus logically emphasized and acquire some syntactic independence as part of a sentence. In writing, isolated members are separated by commas or dashes.

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Homogeneous adjectives and participial phrases, standing after the defined noun or other parts of speech that acquire an objective meaning in a sentence (subject to substantivization: substantivum - Latin noun), are always isolated in writing, that is separated by a comma. If they are in the middle of sentences, they are separated by commas on both sides.

In contact with


What is a separate agreed upon definition? This is how the part of speech that performs a defining function is called in syntax. Most often, this role is played by adjectives, as well as participles with one or more dependent words. Definitions are minor members in a sentence, belong to the group of the subject, are emphasized wavy line: Bright sun blinded. White clouds floated across the sky. Golden autumn has arrived.

In writing, separate definitions are separated by commas, V oral speech- intonation. They can be common and solitary. The location of attributive constructions inside sentences (after or before the main word) determines whether they will be highlighted in writing with commas or not.


He, |full|, quickly fell asleep. - Single.

He, lulled by hopes, slept soundly. – Common definition.

The moon, |mysterious and pale|, peeked out from behind the clouds. – It comes after the main word.

|Pale and mysterious| the moon peeked out from behind the clouds. - Comes before the main word.

With separate definitions, they allow you to describe the subject of the story, making the content more complete. They clarify and supplement information about an action or a specific subject. They can be found before or after the main word, as well as in the middle of a syntactic structure. If they are “omitted”, the conveyed meaning will be the same. Night, |cloudy and foggy|, enveloped the earth. - Night has enveloped the earth. -The essence does not change.

Distinguish several varieties separate definitions: homogeneous and heterogeneous, consistent with the main word and inconsistent.

Homogeneous denotes the uniform qualities of an object or phenomenon. In syntactic constructions, they are linked by conjunctions or separated by commas.


This is the name for definitions that coincide in gender, number and case with the word, to which they belong. Let's give a few examples and see how each of them expresses the agreed definition:

  1. Possessive adjective: I remembered (what?) my father’s house.
  2. Index: I want to buy (which one?) this bag.
  3. Ordinal number: The first settlement in the region was the city of Tara. Please note that “first” and “populated” are not homogeneous because they express different qualities, so there is no comma between them.
  4. In a single or participial phrase: (which?) The awakened child cried loudly. The road (what?) |leading to the sea| passed through the garden.
  5. with dependent words: Air (what?), |invigorating after the thunderstorm|, hung above the ground.

Communion or participial are not separated by commas if they appear before the word being defined. If a sentence has two participial phrases connected by the conjunction “and,” they are not separated by a comma.

Attention! Distinguish isolated agreed definitions from adjectives and participles that are part of a nominal predicate. It is impossible to remove them from a sentence without losing the meaning.

For example, take the following constructions:

She – “Happy” and “dreamy” – are parts of the nominal predicate.

The boy, tired from the trip, was fast asleep.

A participle phrase is used here, which clarifies why the boy is fast asleep, and if it is removed, the conveyed essence will not change.

Exist different conditions separating definitions with a comma. A punctuation mark is placed if:

  • stands after the main word expressed by a noun: Herbs, |very useful|, grow in protected places (agreed common);
  • removed from the defining noun: Bathed in the sun|, wheat fields spread across the river;
  • refers to a personal pronoun and comes before or after it: I returned to Zurin (which one?), |sad and silent|. |Exhausted, dirty, wet|, we finally reached the shore;
  • has the nature of a reason: (what?) |Stunned by the blow|, he fell backward. - Why did you fall? - Because of the impact. (Which one?) He ran as fast as he could, |overtaken by horror|. – Why did he run? – Because of fear;
  • the sentence contains two or more definitions (homogeneous or heterogeneous) after the main word: People (what kind?) appeared at the station, fussy and noisy. (Which ones?), |White, blue, red|, were colorful in the clearing. – In the first case, homogeneous definitions with the conjunction “and” are used, and in the second – with a non-union connection.

Important! If the attributive construction stands before the noun, then it is not separated by a comma: |Satisfied with the vacation| we're back home.


Such designs do not change along with the defined word . Basic ways of connecting with the main word:

Can be expressed:

  1. nouns in indirect: we met Petya (which one?), |up to his ears in oil|, but happy with the repair of his motorcycle. Grandfather (which one?) was standing on the platform |with a bag at the ready|;
  2. infinitive of the verb: Egor’s life had a goal (what?) – |to become a director|;
  3. adjective in the comparative degree with dependent words: The girls noticed Katya in an outfit (what?), |more strict| than she usually wears.

According to their structure there are:

  • single: The teacher explained to us the law of (whose?) Archimedes;
  • common: He settled in a room (which one?) |with a view of the sea|;
  • uncirculated

There are cases when a comma is not used. If the sentence contains a definition:

  • is connected simultaneously with the subject and the predicate: After the physical education lesson, the equipment (what?) lay (where?) scattered around the hall. – “Scattered around the hall” refers simultaneously to the subject “inventory” and the predicate “lay.” Depending on the question posed, “scattered around the hall” can also be a circumstance;
  • stands after a negative pronoun: |hidden from prying eyes| could not hide from the detective.

How to find an isolated definition in a sentence. Punctuation marks help you search. First, find the main members of the sentence, and using the questions asked from them, identify the words that belong to the subject or predicate group. Most often, constructions expressed by the participial phrase are isolated.

If the main members of the sentence are the basis, then the secondary ones are accuracy, beauty and imagery. Particular attention should be paid to definitions.

Definition as a member of a sentence

The definition refers to a word with an objective meaning and characterizes a sign, quality, property of an object that the word being defined answers the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?” and their case forms. There are agreed and inconsistent definitions in Russian.

For example, "I loved watching the big beautiful bird white".

The defined word is “bird”. From him the question is posed: “which one?”

A bird (what?) large, beautiful, white.

Definitions characterize an object in this sentence according to the following characteristics: by size, by appearance, by color.

Definitions "big, beautiful"- agreed upon, and " white"- inconsistent. How do agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones?

Definitions " big, beautiful" - agreed, they change when the defined word changes, that is, they agree with it in gender, number, case:

  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what kind?) big, beautiful.

Definition "white"- inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) white;
  • birds (what?) are white;
  • a bird (what?) is white;
  • bird (what?) white;
  • about a bird (what?) white.

Therefore, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we have found out how agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones. The former change when the main word changes, while the latter do not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the material from which the item is made

Inconsistent words are never expressed by adjectives, participles, or harmonized pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with and without prepositions and have different meanings sign of an object. One such meaning is “the material from which the object is made.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the purpose of the item

Very often it is necessary to indicate why an object exists, then inconsistent definitions are used that mean “the purpose of the object.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the accompanying subject attribute

If it is said that something is present or something is absent from the subject of speech, then inconsistent definitions with the meaning “accompanying subject attribute” are usually used.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of item ownership

Inconsistent definitions are widely used in the language, expressing the belonging of an object or, more precisely, the relationship of an object to another object.

Distinguishing inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns, the problem of distinguishing between definitions and additions arises. Complements are also expressed by nouns in and do not differ formally from inconsistent definitions. It is only possible to distinguish between these minor members from a syntax point of view. It is therefore necessary to consider ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Complements refer to verbs, gerunds, participles, and definitions refer to nouns, pronouns indicating the subject.
  2. For additions we put cases, and for definitions we put the questions “which?”, “whose?”

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

In such cases, the following questions are posed: “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?” and their case forms. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by possessive pronouns.

IN her a light came on in the window (in whose window?).

His my friend didn’t come (whose friend?).

IN their the gardens were the most delicious apples(in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in the simple comparative degree

If a sentence contains a simple adjective, then it is an inconsistent definition. It denotes a feature of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in some other object. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by an adjective in the simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built himself a house better ours.

Society is divided into people cleverer me and those who are not interesting to me.

Everyone wants a piece more than others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverbs

Often adverbs act as inconsistent definitions; in such cases they have the meaning of a characteristic in quality, direction, place, method of action. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Let's listen to the opinion of your neighbor (which one?) left.

The closet was small with a door (what kind?) outward.

The room was bright with a window (what kind?) against.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

The infinitive can be an inconsistent definition for nouns that have abstract concepts: desire, joy, need and the like. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture these magical pictures.

The need (what kind?) lives ineradicably in the heart. be in love anyone.

The division will perform a task (what?) take height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should experience joy (what kind?) feel yourself as a human being.

She had a habit (what?) talk with someone invisible.

Isolation of inconsistent definitions in the Russian language

Separating inconsistent definitions in writing with commas depends on the position taken and their prevalence. Inconsistent definitions that stand directly behind the word being defined - a common noun - are not prone to isolation.

At the back of the garden there was a long barn (what kind?) from boards.

The old woman served sour cream in a bowl (what kind?) with broken edge.

Girl (what?) V blue dress stood at the entrance to the park, waiting for someone.

In the park (which one?) with cleanly swept alleys it was empty and boring.

Desire (what?) survive at all costs owned him all the time.

Inconsistent definitions that appear after the main word - a common noun - are isolated only if it is necessary to give it a special semantic significance. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

In the same jacket , from gray wool, she left the room as if the whole year of separation had never happened.

This vase , with a broken neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions appear before the word being defined, they are most often separated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial connotation of meaning.

In a long elegant dress, the sister seemed taller and more mature.

IN long skirt and with bare arms, a girl stands on stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Inconsistent definitions are always isolated if they refer to and to a proper name. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

She, with braids to the waist, went out into the middle of the room and looked for me with her eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starched blouse, loudly called the servants and told the girl who came to remove the scattered things.

It (the sun) with red-orange rim, hung very low from the horizon.

Practical task in OGE format

Among the exam tasks there is one that requires knowledge of inconsistent definitions. To complete such a task, you need to find a sentence that has an inconsistent definition. Next is a text with numbered sentences, among which you need to find the one you need.

Example 1: Find a sentence with an inconsistent common definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time neither the boy nor the man broke the silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Do you want me to buy you a dog? 5) Shepherd dog with a black stripe on its back.

Example 2: Find a sentence with an inconsistent isolated definition.

1) Mother stood very close to Nadezhda.

2) She came in from the street.

3) In a raincoat and a white robe, she seemed different to Nadya than she was two months ago.

4) And Nadezhda, not yet coming to her senses, looked at her mother for three seconds, not recognizing her.

5) She saw several new wrinkles spreading from the wings of her nose to the corners of her lips.

6) Only the mother’s gaze remained the same, the same as Nadezhda wore in her heart.

Example 3: Find a sentence with an inconsistent non-isolated definition.

1) She was beaming with joy.

2) Today they called her mother.

3) Didn’t all the neighbors hear this girl with dark hair screaming:

5) The girl understood why her aunt was happy.

6) Only she herself still didn’t understand whether she was calling her.

Answers: 1(5), 2(3), 3(3).

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjective participles, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers: Your joy and sorrow are joy and sorrow for me Goncharov. The meaning of an agreed definition as a minor member of a sentence is determined by the lexical meaning of the word by which it is expressed. In modern Russian, the most commonly used definitions are those expressed by qualitative and relative adjectives.

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Definition of agreed and inconsistent

Agreed Definitionsare expressed by parts of speech related to the word being defined, and are capable of being similar to it in number and case, and in the singular and in gender. Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives, participles, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers: Yours joy and sorrow joy and sorrow for me (Goncharov). An adjective that is part of a phraseological unit (White Sea, New Year) should not be considered a definition.

The meaning of an agreed definition as a minor member of a sentence is determined by the lexical meaning of the word by which it is expressed. In modern Russian, the most common definitions are those expressed by qualitative and relative adjectives.

Definitions expressed by qualitative adjectives denote various characteristics of an object, person or phenomenon. They may indicate signs of spatial relationships between objects: From the wide window almost everything that was happening ahead was visible (Simonov); signs of temporary relationships; properties of things perceived by the senses; physical properties people, animals, insects.

Definitions expressed by relative adjectives denote various characteristics of an object, person or phenomenon not directly, but through the relationship to other objects, as well as to place, time (in accordance with the lexical meaning of the adjective). Relative adjectives can denote a characteristic of an object by material, location, time, a characteristic in its relation to a person, a characteristic in its relation to a concept.

Definitions expressed by possessive adjectives indicate that the characterized object belongs to a specific person. The meaning of belonging is also expressed by possessive pronouns: My labor is related to any labor (Mayakovsky).

Definitions expressed demonstrative pronouns, indicate the specificity of the subject being defined: B this he came to the town from Moscow (Yu. Kazakov).

Indefinite pronouns in the role of definition indicate the uncertainty of the attribute of an object (some kind of house).

Definitions expressed by definitive and negative pronouns denote properties and qualities in accordance with their inherent meanings: Almost no noise was heard all around (Turgenev).

Inconsistent definitionconnects with the defined word using control (birch branch) or adjacency (Turkish coffee). An inconsistent definition can be expressed different ways. There is a large group of inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in all indirect cases with prepositions: There was a threshold in three steps (Bunin).

Inconsistent definitions include those expressed by the 3rd person personal pronoun in the form of the genitive case in the possessive meaning, as well as the comparative degree of the adjective.

In the function of definition, an adverb (for future use) can be used, as well as an infinitive, which serves to explain the member of the sentence of an abstract noun: He had a weakness think that standing he retains more greatness (Novikov). Phraseological units also become inconsistent definitions (she didn’t like potatoes in uniform).

Inconsistent definitions denote different characteristics of an object, person or phenomenon. Thus, an inconsistent definition expressed by a noun in the genitive case can characterize belonging. Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in indirect cases with prepositions also denote different characteristics by material, by the presence of external differences in the object, by the purpose of the object.

Inconsistent definitions, expressed by adjectives in the comparative degree, denote a qualitative attribute of an object that is characteristic of it to a greater or lesser extent than other objects: Baba, in a red skirt, in a white shirt, stands in a thicket of hemp fields higher her height (Bunin).

Inconsistent definitions, expressed by adverbs, denote a characteristic with the meaning of quality, image and method of action, time.

Inconsistent definitions expressed by the infinitive help to reveal the content of the subject, which is indicated by an abstract noun: Having completely abandoned the thought learn his intelligent reading and writing, I began to teach him to sign mechanically (Kuprin).

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Mineralized deposits: a pellicle a supragingival tartar b dental plaque b subgingival tartar c soft plaque d food debris detritus The pellicle of a tooth is an acquired thin organic film that replaces...
13195. Definition of life 21.94 KB
Oparin worked a lot on the problem of the origin of life on Earth. Of course, metabolism is an essential attribute of life. However, the question of whether the essence of life can be reduced primarily to metabolism is controversial.
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Grammars are the most common class of language descriptions. When describing a grammar, you must start by defining the language alphabet, which is defined as a set of valid terminal symbols
11222. Health: concept and definition 6.37 KB
Provides it historical period development of a person’s individual consciousness, the increasing importance of all aspects of his well-being and health. Medical research into health has made it possible to identify a range of intermediate states between the health and illness of an individual, which have come to be combined as a third state. Let us even refer to the authority of Abu Ali ibn Sina, who in the Canon of Medical Science noted the presence of three different states in a person: in addition to health and illness, he identified a third intermediate state, not health and...
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But applications are more independent in a sentence than definitions and have greater predicative power: a noun fulfilling the role compound predicate easily becomes an application while retaining, to a certain extent, the predicative function. The common application expressed by a common noun with dependent words and relating to the same common noun is isolated; Such applications are usually postpositive in the prepositive position; they are rare. An uncommon application related to the common noun...
8393. Structure. Defining Structures 18.78 KB
At the very beginning of learning the C language, we became acquainted with the concept of data types. Today we will try to expand this concept. The fact is that in addition to standard types, a programmer can create his own composite data types called structures. They will be the topic of our lesson.
9260. Determining market capacity 27.12 KB
Market capacity shows how much of a product the market can consume in a specific period of time under specific conditions, i.e., at a certain price for a product, the economic situation in the country, market conditions and the marketing efforts of sellers. As specific conditions change, the market capacity also changes.
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Definition and essence of religion. Theoretical religious studies include philosophical sociological and psychological problems study of religion. It reveals in religion the general essential necessary and refuses the individual accidental historically specific. Historical religious studies is the history of religion.
7143. Definition of emotions. Emotions and motivation 34.05 KB
Emotion (from Latin emoveo - shocking, exciting) - emotional process average duration, reflecting a subjective evaluative attitude towards existing or possible situations. Emotions are distinguished from other types of emotional processes: affects, feelings and moods. Emotions are understood as time-extended processes of internal regulation of human or animal activity.
13810. Determination of aircraft flight parameters 2.92 MB
Recalculate the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft wing profile for a wing of finite span. Determine the minimum thrust. Create a system of differential equations that describe the movement of the aircraft. Replacing a system of differential equations describing the movement of an aircraft with a system algebraic equations,using ,numerical methods.