Female images of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova and Katerina Sergeevna Lokteva in the novel “Fathers and Sons. Female images in the novel "Fathers and Sons": semantic and artistic significance

Maria Loseva,philologist, writer, psychologist MAAP
(Siblings is a term meaning descendants of the same parents. Full brothers and sisters.)
There are two of them. Eternal enemies and allies, ready to push away and immediately support. Two closely related entities, two people with common parents, a common childhood, a common space, common memories. Love and hate: similarity due to kinship, and rejection due to it.
All parental ambitions fall on the eldest and he is more at risk of becoming a carrier of the “family symptom.” Often he joins his parents in taking care of the youngest, and sometimes he expands his rescue capabilities to the point that he is involved in saving everyone, taking on the problems of the family on his shoulders. This allows you to safely harness your aggressive energy directed at the younger occupier. Younger children have a more favorable environment for growing up, but fewer opportunities for development. Perhaps this is why in Russian literature older sisters predominate as heroines, the younger ones appear as their shadows, companions.

Loktev sisters: Anna (Odintsova) and Katya (I. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”)

Odintsova is Anna’s married name, real name sisters - Elbows. One phrase describes the life of their father - “a handsome man, a swindler and a gambler, who, having held out and made a splash for fifteen years in St. Petersburg and Moscow, ended up losing to dust and was forced to settle in a village, where, however, he soon died, leaving a tiny fortune for his two daughters.” In addition to his fortune, his father left his sisters a bad reputation - Anna had to deal with poverty and rejection from her neighbors. Marriage seemed to her to be the only way out of these life's hardships. Left an orphan with a sister in her arms, she married a much older man, who after his death left her a considerable fortune, which compensated for her aversion to her husband.

The older sister in Turgenev's novel pays a harsh tribute to life; Due to her practicality and dedication of the younger one, a free path to a normal marriage is open. The peculiarities of Anna’s imperious and cold character are explained by Turgenev by the fact that in her marriage to Odintsov, she “received a secret disgust for all men, whom she imagined as nothing other than unkempt, heavy and lethargic, impotently annoying creatures.” Let's add here the father, who left his daughters a bad moral legacy. Anna is forced with her very life to confront the masculine that she managed to encounter by the time she was almost twenty-nine years old. Her reaction is to deny her feelings in order to survive. That's why Bazarov's attempt fails: he is dealing with a woman whose primitive defenses - isolation and denial - are always guarding her peace. The horror of one's own feelings will not miraculously disappear under the influence of Bazarov's love. Moreover, with his total denial of everything that forms the basis of the culture in which Anna grew up, he is also, to some extent, a “swindler and gambler.”

She suffers from her narcissism - she wants everything and nothing in particular at the same time. Habitual insensibility gives her the strength to endure the suffering that befalls her. Not only her is frozen feelings for men - for people in general: her “rich body”, which Bazarov longs to send to the anatomical theater, intended by nature for childbirth, in complete subordination to the spirit constrained by the obligation to sacrifice. And the new man Bazarov is unlikely to be able to stir up this snow queen - he, with his fuse of the subversive, is ridiculous and petty in front of the enormity of a woman fulfilling her duty.

Anna Odintsova is responsible for her younger sister, controls her to the point of despotism, plays the role of a strict, cold mother towards her: “They brought you boots from the city, go try them on: I noticed yesterday that your old ones are completely worn out.In general, you’re not doing this very well, and you still have such lovely legs! And your hands are good... only big; so you have to take it with your feet. But you’re not my flirt.”

The sisters were orphaned when Anna was already twenty, and Katya was only twelve years old. They remain in the relationship between an adult and a child, nothing sisterly slips between them. Accordingly, Katya is quiet and intimidated: “But Katya answered him in monosyllables: she hid, retreated into herself. When this happened to her, she did not come out quickly; Her very face then took on a stubborn, almost stupid expression. She was not only timid, but distrustful and a little intimidated by the sister who raised her, which, of course, she did not suspect”; “Katya always shrank under her sister’s watchful gaze.”

At the end of the novel it is reported that after happy marriage Kati Anna Sergeevna also married “not out of love, but out of conviction, to one of the future Russian leaders, a very smart man, a lawyer, with a strong practical sense, a strong will and a wonderful gift of speech - a man still young, kind and cold as ice " Turgenev assumes that they will “live to love,” and this may very well be the case: the key word for Anna is “lawyer” (certainly not “swindler and gambler”).

Katya is a character who receives little attention in the novel. But this is a necessary link in development storyline works. Communication with the girl reveals Arkady's true feelings.


Kate - Native sister Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bears his father's surname: Lokteva. Twelve-year-old Katya was left an orphan. The older sister, who looked after the girl, suppressed her with her domineering character.


Katerina Lokteva lacks a bright appearance, completely unlike her sister. The dark, black-haired girl is afraid close attention those around you. The author does not give detailed description. Gradually adding details of the portrait, introduces the reader to the heroine. A round face, dark expressive eyes, light fluff on the skin, pink hands, an unruly strand of hair, a small leg - these are the components of the image of a young, cute creature.

Internal appearance

The quiet, calm girl is used to being alone. She likes to read books, daydream, sitting on a secluded bench in the garden. “I lived alone a lot; Involuntarily, you will begin to think...,” she admits to Arkady. Katya loves art, plays music, choosing a serious work by Mozart to perform. What does it mean to be rich? inner world, developed artistic taste. Avoiding Anna Sergeevna's company, she often becomes embarrassed and blushes. It becomes even more attractive in the eyes of the reader.

Young age (twenty years old), shyness, modesty hidden a strong character, independence of thinking. Katya overcomes her fear of Anna Sergeevna and convinces Arkady to abandon the ideas of nihilism.

The heroine is a romantic person. Loves nature and is interested in poetry. At the same time, the young lady is sensible, practical: “she’ll stand up for herself, and she’ll stand up so well that she’ll take you into her hands,” Bazarov says to his friend.

The final

Katerina Sergeevna and Arkady Kirsanov are kindred spirits. Their gradual rapprochement is natural. Only Katya, with her characteristic insight, realized this before her friend. The decision to get married is the key to a happy future for both.

Katerina Sergeevna Odintsova is one of the favorite heroines of I. S. Turgenev. She embodies the features of the “Turgenev girl”: natural behavior, natural intelligence, spiritual beauty, fortitude. Reading the lines dedicated to Katya Lokteva, you feel the author’s kind attitude towards this young creature.

Katya is the younger sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Initially she seems to be just a sweet, shy young lady. But gradually independence and spiritual strength are revealed in her. K. internally frees himself from the despotic power of his older sister and helps Arkady Kirsanov overthrow the despotic power of his “teacher” Bazarov over him. It is thanks to her that both of them become themselves and experience feelings that can make them happy. K. clearly embodies the truth and beauty of the ordinary in Turgenev’s novel.

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The novel "Fathers and Sons" is always considered as an anti-nihilistic novel or a novel about a generational dispute. At the same time, the images of Arkady Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov are drawn to the analysis. Few people consider female images. In Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" their role is quite significant. In total, in the novel we see five main characters: Fenechka, Odintsova, her sister, Bazarova’s mother Arina Vlasevna and Kukshina.

Evdoksiya Kukshina

Women's images in the novel "Fathers and Sons" perform different functions. Evdoksiya Kukshina at first glance cannot evoke anything but antipathy. Firstly, she is casually dressed, unkempt, with disheveled hair. Secondly, she behaves provocatively. She seems to know nothing about decency. But what is most indignant is her desire to seem advanced and cutting-edge. She pretends to be knowledgeable in all areas modern science and philosophy. In fact, her knowledge is superficial. Bazarov sees this immediately. Her friend Sitnikov is as pathetic as she is. These two heroes are pseudo-nihilists. Turgenev uses the image of Kukshina to reduce the level of perception of nihilism as a trend. If these are his representatives, will they go far? Even Bazarov himself begins to doubt the correctness of his beliefs. People like Kukshina and Sitnikov can undermine the authority of any teaching. How powerfully the image of the omnipresent, babbling nonsense Kukshina contrasts with the noble figure of Odintsova.

Anna Odintsova

Yevgeny Bazarov met her at a ball in the city. If we classify female images in the novel "Fathers and Sons" by importance, then the image of Odintsova should take first place. She amazes with her grace and calmness, her gaze is full of intelligence. That is why Bazarov immediately pays attention to her. However, subsequently the reader becomes convinced that Odintsova’s coldness is not only external, she is also too rational in reality. So, Bazarov, a cynic who denies all attachments between people, falls in love. He talks for a long time with Odintsova, finds in her speeches that he is truly interested in this woman. Odintsov allows us to identify internal conflict in the soul of the protagonist, from this point of view her image is very significant. Bazarov's mind comes into conflict with his feelings. Nihilism does not justify itself; ideas turn out to be erroneous.

Why didn't their relationship work out? All female characters in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" are interesting and mysterious. In general, Turgenev Special attention paid attention to the depiction of psychology and In response to Bazarov’s confession, Odintsova declares that he misunderstood her. And then he thinks to himself: “God knows where this could lead.” Her peace of mind is more valuable to her. She turned out to be too reasonable, afraid of feelings. And Bazarov, in turn, was afraid of feelings.

Arina Vlasevna

The idyll of Bazarov's parents also clearly shows the inconsistency of his idea. The mother loves her “Enyusha” excessively and tries in every possible way to surround him with love. The image of this elderly woman seems very touching. She is afraid that her son will be offended by her warmth, she does not know how to behave with him, she is careful with every word, but sometimes a mother’s heart cannot be appeased and Arina Vlasevna begins to lament near her smart and talented son, of whom she is sincerely proud. Perhaps Evgeny cannot stay at home for a long time precisely because of Arina Vlasyevna’s love. Always uncompromising and tough, he is afraid that he will melt from his mother’s caresses and will indulge in unnecessary romanticism.


Female images in the novel "Fathers and Sons" are opposite to each other. I can’t believe that Fenechka can be in the same space as Kukshina and Odintsova. She is modest, quiet and timid. She is a caring mother. Without wanting it, Fenechka becomes a grain of discord between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, the last straw of patience. The scene in the gazebo becomes the reason that Pavel Petrovich challenges Evgeniy to a duel. And the duel demonstrates the author’s assessment: the heroes are similar, and because of the similarity they hate each other. Therefore, their duel is comical and looks like a farce.

Katya Odintsova

This is Odintsova's younger sister. Compared to Anna, she seems less interesting, overly modest and inconspicuous. However, over time, spiritual strength is discovered in this sweet girl. She gives vital energy Arkady, he can finally express his opinion and act as his heart tells him. Together, Arkady and Katya create a family, the kind of relationship that both dreamed of. After all, Arkady was initially too different from Evgeny, he was simply seduced by his intelligence, knowledge, and strength of character. Katya is a female image that confirms the author’s original thought.

Female images in the novel "Fathers and Sons" (conclusions)

The author involves several heroines in order to express his assessment. For example, Kukshina shows how Turgenev treated nihilism. In his opinion, mostly useless and empty people were carried away by this direction. The female characters in Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" also complicate the conflict by adding action to it. Here, first of all, we should name Fenechka. As for Irina Vlasyevna and Anna Odintsova, they are called upon to reflect the internal conflict in Bazarov’s soul. Katya, among other Turgenev heroines, is the embodiment of beauty and simplicity. In general, all the female characters in the novel give it artistic completeness and integrity.

Ekaterina Odintsova is a charming and creatively gifted woman. At one time she was called the “Nizhny Novgorod Marilyn Monroe.” Do you want to know what Ekaterina Odintsova became famous for? Height, weight and her Family status Are you also interested? The article contains the most truthful information about this socialite.

Ekaterina Odintsova: biography

Our heroine was born on July 13, 1972 in one of the maternity hospitals in Nizhny Novgorod. Catherine's father and mother have nothing to do with the fashion world and secular society. Both of them worked as engineers. Katya also has a younger sister.

WITH early years the girls dreamed of a medical career. They even attended school to study nursing. And during the holidays, the girls did internships at the burn center located in their hometown. But in the end, Ekaterina Odintsova did not become a doctor. Her career growth was guaranteed. However, at some point the girl lost interest in medicine. My sister, on the contrary, has achieved a lot in this area, fulfilling her childhood dream.

What profession did Ekaterina Odintsova choose? Her height, weight and figure parameters paved the way for her to become a model. But our heroine was not at all attracted to this. She became seriously interested in chemistry. Having received it, the girl submitted documents to the Nizhny Novgorod State University for the Faculty of Chemistry. Katya passed the entrance tests without any problems. After 5 years, she was awarded a university diploma. From now on, she could call herself a professional research chemist.

Carier start

Many young girls try to find a wealthy groom so as not to have to work themselves. But not Ekaterina Odintsova. The girl's height and weight allowed her to make a brilliant modeling career. And, as you know, fashion models have the best chance of winning the heart of some oligarch. Katya decided for herself a long time ago that she would achieve everything in life.

Now we know that before us is the successful and purposeful Ekaterina Odintsova. Biography and photos of the star regularly appear in print media. And 10-15 years ago this was popular only in its native Nizhny Novgorod. There she took her first steps on television. After graduating from the institute, our heroine did not work in her specialty, but got a job as an assistant director on one of the music channels. Soon the girl was able to try herself as a correspondent and TV presenter. All this brought her incredible pleasure.

In just a couple of years, Catherine managed to build a brilliant career. She became the face of the TV channel, its business card. The girl, who did not have a journalistic education, was trusted with the top programs, interviews with Russian showbiz stars and live broadcasts from the streets of Nizhny Novgorod. Locals They began to recognize the blonde “from TV.” Katya never suffered, so she willingly signed autographs and took pictures with people.

Moving to the capital

Ekaterina Odintsova, whose height, weight and parameters were like those of a model, increasingly thought about life in Moscow. At 165 cm she weighed 52-53 kg. Katya understood that in her hometown she would not be able to develop in creatively. The girl achieved everything she could here.

Katya went to the capital, where she entered the School of Advanced Training. The media were trained there. The institution was headed by Vladimir Pozner. Odintsova managed to get in only on the second attempt. In eyes admissions committee she looked like a stupid blonde from the provinces. But Katya was able to prove to these people that she is a true professional.

Work on TV

After completing the courses, Odintsova got a job on the NTV channel. The blonde became a night news anchor. She found this format inconvenient. Therefore, soon Katya announced her resignation. They met her halfway, asking her to write a statement of her own free will.

Ekaterina Odintsova, whose biography is of interest to many today, realized that without a journalistic education she had nothing to do on television. The purposeful young lady went to study at Moscow State University. In 2003, she was awarded a university diploma.

Katya turned out to be right. With crusts professional journalist her television career took off. Odintsova was invited to Channel One. At first she worked as a correspondent. But soon she was promoted to news anchor. Subsequently, Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna became the chief editor. Since 2005, she has been creating original programs. With her light hand Such programs as “Health Day”, “Life Line”, “Mom’s Kitchen” and others were broadcast. All these projects were extremely popular among viewers. After all, health is the most important thing for every person.

New Horizons

Working on television made our heroine famous. But she didn’t want to stop there. In 2008, Ekaterina was offered the position of editor-in-chief of the Shopping Guide magazine. The girl agreed. Despite the financial crisis that swept the whole world that year, the publication entered the top ten best-selling publications. Odintsova’s success was noted by her colleagues and closest competitors.

In 2012, Katya received an even more tempting offer - to head the fashion TV channel “World Fashion”. This was the limit of her dreams. The blonde gave a positive answer. At the same time, she was promoting her event agency “PR TREND”.

Ekaterina Odintsova: biography, family

Our heroine was distinguished by her beautiful appearance from an early age. Guys ran after her in droves. But unapproachable. She was waiting for great and bright love. And soon fate gave her good man. Her chosen one was the young scientist Gregory. Despite the 9-year age difference, they understood each other perfectly. Soon their wedding took place. At that time, Katya was only 17 years old. A few years later, the couple officially divorced.

Meeting Boris Nemtsov

Katya separated from her first husband and had no intention of starting serious relationship. In 1994, she met politician Boris Nemtsov, who came to Nizhny Novgorod on business. They began a passionate affair. The girl was overcome with feelings, but understood that the politician was married. When Nemtsov left for Moscow, Odintsova followed him. They say that he rented an apartment for her. Their secret meetings took place in these apartments.

In 1995, Ekaterina gave birth to a son. The boy was named Anton. Boris Nemtsov was very happy about the appearance of an heir, but could not leave the family. After all, for any politician, reputation comes first.

Our heroine relied only on herself. She was busy raising her son and developing her television career. Her secret meetings with Boris Efimovich continued. Their second was born in 2002 common child- Dina's daughter. Nemtsov always provided financial assistance to his children and Catherine. But they were never one family. Soon the politician had another mistress. He forgot about our heroine, saw his son and daughter less and less. Because of all this, Ekaterina Odintsova was very worried. The girl's weight increased slightly due to nervousness. After all, she “ate” her problems.

Double holiday

On July 14, 2014, Catherine organized a grand celebration. In the circle of friends and colleagues, she celebrated her birthday and the next anniversary of the opening of the PR TREND agency. At the La Provincia restaurant, the tables were laden with delicacies, salads and gourmet drinks. Congratulate your ex-lover Boris Nemtsov also came with a double celebration. He handed Katya a bouquet of flowers and said a bunch of compliments.


On the night of February 27–28, 2015, Boris Nemtsov was killed in the center of Moscow. This news came as a blow to Katya and her children. Despite the fact that their meetings stopped long ago, the TV presenter still considered him a family member. Dina, Anton and Ekaterina attended Nemtsov’s funeral. Many of those present looked at them askance. But Odintsova didn’t care. She came to say goodbye to the once beloved man who had become a part of her life.


We told you about who Ekaterina Odintsova is. Height, weight and TV presenter are now also known to you. Our heroine has come a long and difficult path to success. And this undoubtedly deserves respect and admiration.