How old is Sokolov from Ural dumplings? Personal life of the participants of the show “Ural Dumplings” (9 photos)

Today everyone probably knows Dmitry Sokolov, showman and founder of the famous Russian KVN team under the sparkling name “ Ural dumplings" Unfortunately, the artist’s life took a beating. In this article we will talk about how the biography of Dmitry Sokolov differs from the biographies of other participants in the scene.


Dmitry was born on April 11, 1965 in the city of Yekaterinburg. The boy grew up in a happy family, where his parents instilled a love of reading and culture in general. Sokolov successfully entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute, or rather, the Faculty of Chemical Technology. His studies were good; he received no complaints from the teachers. However, one day he, along with a student construction team, which were popular in those days, went to Kazakhstan. There the boy, through his carelessness, fell ill with a terrible disease - typhoid fever. Of course, it became impossible to continue studying, so the decision was made to take it. It was at that moment that the biography of Dmitry Sokolov changed dramatically. After his illness, he simply could not close all his “tails” and continue his studies. He was expelled from the institute, and the military registration and enlistment office sent the young man to the army, to a construction battalion.

Dmitry Sokolov. Biography: participation in KVN

According to Dmitry himself, you can’t just get into the world of jokes. For this purpose
You need to be born cheerful and funny, literally from the cradle to amuse your parents, and then your friends at school and college.

The biography of Dmitry Sokolov in KVN has always attracted a lot of attention. So, his debut on stage took place as part of a team called “Neighbors”. However, the game captured him so much that after some time he began his own project called “Ural Dumplings”. The team members were students from his native Ural Polytechnic Institute. Behind a short time they managed to gain popularity among the public with their sparkling jokes. We can say that overall the team was a great success. This is confirmed by numerous awards, which include the following: KVN Super Champions Cup, prizes from the Voting KiViN festival. In addition, thanks to their jokes, the most ordinary Ural guys managed to get into the KVN Major League. Thus, artist Dmitry Sokolov gradually became known throughout the country.

Biography: family and children of the actor

First of all, it should be noted that Dmitry chose his chosen one from among the comedians. When he was sitting on the jury at one of the events, he liked a charming girl from Kazakhstan named Ksenia. Then they met by chance at a party in Sochi. The girl refused to reciprocate the artist’s feelings, but this did not push him away, and the next New Year they met together. Dmitry still could not get enough of his chosen one, because she was very witty, cheerful, and even sang beautifully. So it began whirlwind romance, but not everything was rosy. The thing is that Ksenia had problems with her legs since childhood. After some time, she moved exclusively on crutches and experienced unbearable pain - surgery was required. Sokolov had difficulty persuading her to undergo surgery. Within a few months, Ksyusha forgot about her previous problems. During this time, Sokolov himself had already managed to build a house and buy a car. One day they were going on vacation to Egypt, but the Kazakh citizen was denied a visa. He left alone, but in order to somehow brighten up the loneliness of his chosen one, one evening he proposed to her by phone. This is how one of the funniest families in our country was formed. Many people are wondering where are the children of Dmitry Sokolov. More recently, or rather, in 2012, Ksenia became a mother. Was born the most beautiful girl who was named Maria.

Current career as an artist

Today, just appearing on stage is so famous artist causes a storm

positive emotions. For example, the poem “Lonely White Mouse” is probably familiar to every KVN fan. Oddly enough, Dmitry does not suffer from the so-called - his stage colleagues simply do not allow him to do this. In addition, most of his life belongs to his family and church. According to the actor, not only laughter, but also excellent state of mind can prolong life. Now this truly talented person is actively participating in his own project called “The Ural Dumplings Show” - the premiere took place in 2009 on the STS TV channel.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the biography of Dmitry Sokolov is actually distinguished by its unusualness. This man had to go through a lot in his life. We hope that in the future he will delight his fans with humorous performances.

How did comedian Dmitry Sokolov achieve success and become famous? Who is his wife, and how many children does the man have?

Dmitry Sokolov, one of the founders of the famous KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, was always a great cheerful person - this is what allowed him to achieve great success. Many fans are interested in the life and relationships of their idol, and in this material we will talk about how the comedian achieved success and who his wife is.

The success story of a popular KVN player

The future star comes from Pervouralsk, a town in the Sverdlovsk region; Dmitry was born on April 11, 1965 and was youngest child in family. Since childhood, he was very artistic, loved to dance and show mini-skits to family members, relatives and acquaintances.

Enormous internal energy made him restless, because of this the boy could not boast of academic performance in early school. It often became a source of complaints from teachers. Parents sent Dmitry to music school, and this, to a certain extent, could make him calmer: the boy was passionate about music and dancing.

After receiving a school certificate, Dmitry moved to Yekaterinburg (then Sverdlovsk) and entered the local Polytechnic, where “Ural dumplings” were born in the future. He began his studies at the Faculty of Chemical Technology, communicated a lot with classmates, and enjoyed participating in activities outside of class, including being a member of a construction team. The guys were sent to different places, to collective farms, where they organized fun amateur concerts. It was here that Sokolov’s talent was able to manifest itself.

After finishing his second year, he and his construction team went to the Caspian Sea, where he fell ill with typhoid fever. A long course of medical and rehabilitation therapy forced young man take academic leave. Afterwards, Dmitry was unable to recover and was forced to join the army, serving in a construction battalion.

Returning to civilian life, Sokolov again took up creativity and played in a rock band. It was then, in 1993, after becoming familiar with all the features of the business, that the idea came to him to create his own project. He began looking for participants from different Polytechnic construction teams, and was able to gather successful team: all the guys turned out to be very talented, artistic and, of course, with a great sense of humor.

The first performances of “Ural Dumplings” within the framework of the “Merry and Resourceful Club” created a sensation. The team showed bright scenes that left no one indifferent. Soon the cheerful guys made it to the Major League. Over the course of five years, the team collected many awards at KiViN and even became the last champion of the century in 2000.

Dmitry Sokolov, or simply “Sokol”, is one of the most bright participants. Talented and charismatic, he had his own stage persona and could make people laugh, even when he was telling jokes with a sullen face. His original witticisms and speaking style were very much loved by the public, many of which became aphorisms.

After success in KVN, Dmitry and other team members woke up famous; they decided to build on their success and start broadcasting their projects on television. So in 2009 they launched the “Ural Dumplings Show” on STS. Dmitry is actively involved in directing, writing scripts and creating most of the jokes for his team.

In 2013, the legendary KVN team turned 20 years old. All these years, in many ways, it was Sokolov who ensured the enormous success of the team and, characteristically, did not get sick star fever.

He himself starred in various television projects and series, including “ Comedy Club", "ProjectorParisHilton", etc.

Who is Sokolov's wife?

The man was married twice. He met his first wife while still on the construction team; Natalya was also a student. The lovers began a stormy relationship that led to marriage. Natalya gave birth to two children: a son, Alexander, and a daughter, Anna, 10 years apart. But the success of “Ural Dumplings”, tours, and constant travel led to the fact that the couple divorced in the 2000s.

Then Dmitry had several years of bachelor life until he met Ksenia Li, who also plays in KVN. They met back in 2006, and in 2011 they got married. A year later, daughter Maria was born, and in the spring of 2015, son Ivan was born.

In 2017, Dmitry turned 52 years old, but he is full of energy and strength to delight his fans with sparkling humor. He has harmonious family relationships (common interests with his wife) and healthy children. We wish him further success in his career and happiness in his family and relationship with his wife.

Dmitry Sokolov graduated from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Ural Polytechnic University.

In 1993, Sokolov initiated the creation of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, which in the same year won its first victory at an intra-university competition.

In 1994, “Ural dumplings” were awarded the title of champions of Yekaterinburg.

IN student years Dmitry fell ill with typhoid fever during a trip to Kazakhstan, as a result of which the artist had to take academic leave. Then a summons came from the military registration and enlistment office, and Sokolov was sent to serve in a construction battalion, where he continued to organize concerts, holidays, directing and authoring.

In 1995, the team made its debut in the KVN Major League. “Ural dumplings” under the leadership of Sokolov several times became prize-winners of the “Voting KiViN” festival in Jurmala, and in 2009 they celebrated their 16th anniversary. All performances of the KVN UPI team (“Ural Dumplings”).

In addition to performing as part of the team, he actively acted in films. His film debut took place in 2002 in the comedy series “If the Bride is a Witch” directed by Oleg Fesenko. This was followed by the action movie “Uncontrollable Skid” and the comedy by Alexander Sorokin “Thieves and Prostitutes. The prize is a flight into space."

Sokolov primarily established himself as an actor in sitcoms. He starred in these comedy series, like “Thank God, you came!”, “Unreal story” and “Southern Butovo”. In addition, he appeared in the shows “Comedy Club” and “Ural Dumplings”. In addition, the actor played a cameo in the comedy “Casual Relationships.”

In 2011, he took part in the Russian television drama “The General’s Wife,” where he played the role of Alexei.

The creative path of Dmitry Sokolov

According to Dmitry Sokolov, it is impossible to simply get into KVN if you want to. Must be born funny person– to amuse your own family, then friends, colleagues.

– What is KVN? I like everything that people do from the heart, honestly, sincerely and clearly. I like the segment of KVN, as a segment of a person, because when a person does something sincerely, purely, kindly, it turns out funny.

Dmitry Sokolov’s debut performance on stage took place in the “Neighbors” team, but soon he initiated the creation of his own project called “Ural Dumplings” - its residents were guys from various student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. The team's performances as part of the KVN show were a resounding success. “Ural Dumplings” entered the Major League and won a total of six different awards, including the KVN Super Champions Cup and prizes music festival"Voting KiViN" in Jurmala.

One appearance Dmitry Sokolov on stage makes the audience in the hall laugh to tears, and his speeches are quoted verbatim in wide circles. For example, a poem "Lonely White Mouse" in his performance:

– A lonely white mouse lost its virginity in a barn. There, the next day, another woman lost her virginity. I don’t know what to do now with this wonderful natural phenomenon, but this is how it has always been and will always be. Happy new year friends! Happy New Year!

He doesn’t suffer from star fever – his stage colleagues don’t let him become arrogant. Besides creative work, there are many things without which he cannot imagine life - sleep, Fresh air and church.

– What definitely prolongs life is a good state of mind, when a person is calm. What about laughter? Probably prolongs it. For example, a person had a problem, but he laughed and relaxed. It became easier, and there was joy in my soul. I had moments when the audience did not understand what I wanted to say. And I want to wish every person that he has more than one such case, because failures teach a person to remain himself.

As part of his favorite team, he continues to organize holidays, concerts, direct and author's work. In September 2009, the premiere of their project “The Ural Dumplings Show” took place on the STS channel. Dmitry can also be seen with solo performances in some humorous television programs: “Big Difference”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, “Southern Butovo”, “Comedy club”.

Showman, actor.

Dmitriy Sokolov: photo, video, biography, filmography - Around TV

Dmitry Vladimirovich Sokolov born in the spring of 1965 in Yekaterinburg. He studied at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Once, as part of a student construction team, he went to Kazakhstan, where he fell ill with typhoid fever. The university had to take an academic leave, and recovering from illness turned out to be extremely difficult - as a result, the military registration and enlistment office sent Dmitry serve in the army, in a construction battalion.

The creative path of Dmitry Sokolov / Dmitriy Sokolov

According to Dmitry Sokolov, it’s impossible to just get into KVN if you wanted to. You need to be born a funny person - to amuse your own family, then friends, colleagues.

– What is KVN? I like everything that people do from the heart, honestly, sincerely and clearly. I like the segment of KVN, as a segment of a person, because when a person does something sincerely, purely, kindly, it turns out funny.

Debut performance Dmitry Sokolov took place on stage in the team "Neighbours", but soon he initiated the creation of his own project called "Ural dumplings"– its residents were guys from various student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

The team's performances as part of the KVN show were a resounding success. “Ural Dumplings” entered the Major League and won a total of six different awards, including the KVN Super Champions Cup and prizes from the Voting KiViN music festival in Jurmala.

One appearance Dmitry Sokolov on stage makes the audience in the hall laugh to tears, and his speeches are quoted verbatim in wide circles. For example, a poem "Lonely White Mouse" in his performance:

– A lonely white mouse lost its virginity in a barn. There, the next day, another woman lost her virginity. I don’t know what to do now with this wonderful natural phenomenon, but this is how it has always been and will always be. Happy new year friends! Happy New Year!

Dmitry Sokolov He doesn’t suffer from star fever – his stage colleagues don’t let him become arrogant. In addition to creative work, there are many things without which he cannot imagine life - sleep, fresh air and church.

– What definitely prolongs life is a good state of mind, when a person is calm. What about laughter? Probably prolongs it. For example, a person had a problem, but he laughed and relaxed. It became easier, and there was joy in my soul. I had moments when the audience did not understand what I wanted to say. And I want to wish every person that he has more than one such case, because failures teach a person to remain himself.

As part of your favorite team Dmitry Sokolov continues to organize holidays, concerts, directing and author's work. In September 2009 on the channel STS their project premiered “Show “Ural dumplings””. Dmitry can also be seen with solo performances in some humorous television programs.

Dmitry Sokolov. His first wife is Natalya, whom he met in a student construction team. From his first marriage he has a son, Alexander (born 1992) and a daughter, Anna (born 2002. On September 8, 2011, he married for the second time. His wife was a citizen of Kazakhstan, Ksenia Li (born 1988), an actress of the KVN team “Irina Mikhailovna.” From the second marriage - daughter Maria (born October 2012).

first wife

with his second wife

Dmitry Brekotkin. Married. I met my wife Ekaterina in a student construction team. He has two daughters, Nastya (1997) and Lisa (2004).

Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Married. Wife - Nadezhda (born April 16, 1982). He has two twin sons: Konstantin and Maxim. Currently the family lives in Yekaterinburg.

Sergei Ershov. Sergei Ershov was married twice. His second wife Tatyana is 11 years younger than him. The Ershov family has two sons: Nazar and Zakhar. One was born in 1998, the second in 2005. Sergei has a daughter from his first marriage, Ekaterina (born in 1988)

son Nazar (middle)

Sergey Netievsky married. has three children

Sergey Isaev married. A child was recently born.

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina. Looks like she's not married. There is no official confirmation. But he always appears with one man