Anime about gays, what is it called? Cartoons are not for everyone: yaoi anime. List of the best and plot description

Yaoi is a genre in anime and manga that depicts homosexual relationships between boys and men; the genre is aimed more at a female audience of readers. Fans of yaoi manga and anime are women and girls, heterosexual. Typically originating from satirical doujinshi, this yaoi genre that ideally depicted homosexual relationships quickly gained good rating in anime and manga, novels, simulations and computer games. In Japan, the term Boys Love is used for this word, meaning the love of boys, although if you look at all the heroes of this genre, the characters of yaoi are not boys, but men and young men. Anime that shows homosexual relationships involving young men and boys belongs to a slightly different genre, called shotakon.

Among manga readers and anime lovers, there are otakus, people who differ from us in their fanatical attitude towards manga and anime, who sought to convince people who are neotaku of the merits of manga and anime. Among anime fans and manga readers, there is a widespread belief that the word yaoi is synonymous with the term shonen-ai, although these two are completely different genres in anime. Shonen-ai does not contain perverted love in its plot and bed scenes, unlike yaoi. Shonen-ai in Japan is no longer an anime or manga term, but has instead come to refer to homosexual relationships between men and boys in real life.

Boy + Boy = Yaoi

Yaoi anime - the predecessor of yaoi was shonen-ai, this genre gained popularity back in the 1970s. The emergence of this genre is due to the fact that Japanese culture considered it unworthy for girls to be the initiator romantic relationships, so manga and anime instead female character began to film and portray young homosexual boys and men with a beautiful and smooth feminine appearance.

If in the shonen-ae genre the plot develops in a complex way, and often requires a serious cultural base, the absence of pornographic and erotic content, then in yaoi everything is much easier to understand in terms of meaning and content, although in earlier yaoi manga there was no erotic content.

The first publication of this genre was made in 1973, the manga is called Thomas Heart. In yaoi, the characters are very well differentiated by roles and action; funny sex scenes and roles are quite rare.

Who is Yaoischik? This is one of the terms that considers people fans of magi and anime of this type, denoting people who are crazy about the yaoi and shonen-ai genre, as well as authors amateur works on this topic.

Watching anime about yaoi

One of the most popular genres is considered quite interesting among anime genres, but young men themselves are scared away from watching yaoi with similar erotic content and other anime of this kind, but among the audience of young girls this type of genre is very popular. Showing simple and interesting anime, with a simple plot of gay men doing lewd things. Among this genre, there are several anime that are very popular among the female audience, these are: A Warning for the School Chairman, Sensitive Pornographer, Handsome Dad and romantic love abroad.

1.This guy does magic.

Chiharu Kashima has a serious job: he is the captain of the crisis response squad at the Magic Bureau. Chiharu takes a break from the hard work of everyday life by spending time in a bar. One day there he meets a friendly and nice guy named Toyohi Utsumi. Soon after meeting, Utsumi makes a confession: “I fell in love with you, Mr. Kashima.” At first, he was understandably taken aback, but then they began to spend more and more time together.
2.Steel Chronicles of the Kingdoms.

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A dark time has come for the world. End of the Han Dynasty. Brewing civil war and people live in constant fear. The Imperial Seal, a symbol of power that can only be worn by the best of warriors, has been stolen. It can give incredible power, taking the form of a fiery hand. In these difficult times, a warrior named Liu Xiong is tasked with finding the seal. Liu Xiong belongs to an ancient family that has preserved this power from time immemorial. But some time ago, she was kidnapped by a man named Sun Ce. Soon, Sun Ce dies at the hands of an assassin, and the seal disappears into obscurity.
3. This guy is afraid of turning into stone.

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Ayumu Tamari suffers from an unknown disease that turns him into stone when he is under stress. Being unable to fit in school life, he stays for a second year and declares that he wants to become one of the “golden youth”. To achieve this goal, Ayumu changes her hairstyle and appearance to look more fashionable. He also tries to “stay up to date with the latest events” by constantly checking popular topics. In the midst of Ayumu's work on himself, Koya Onihara is his class teacher and a big lover of geology - says that Tamari's transformation into stone looks very beautiful. Ayumu takes a liking to Kouya, who in turn begins to give him various advice.
4. Baby Taisho.

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This is a story about a young man whose name is Kyoichiro Hiragi. He set off on a journey from a provincial town to Tokyo itself with the noble goal of entering the university. He carries with him not only a warm heart and a thirst for knowledge, but also a family sword with which he could defend himself on the road. Arriving in Tokyo, Kyoichiro finds himself drawn into a conspiracy by the imperial army.
“What was that?” - I said this after watching 🤔 (aaaaaaa~~~, I don’t remember the plot well)
5. Maid boy Kuro-kun.

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A short story of Kuro, abandoned by everyone. His mother died when he was very young, and his father got into huge debts and simply ran away, leaving the child to be torn to pieces by the bailiffs. But suddenly the kid is invited to an estate, whose owner takes Kuro as a servant, thus giving him the opportunity to work off a debt of 100 million yen and essentially get a slave in the form of a maid for entertainment.
It’s erotic, though. Well, everything is as we like it 😏
6.Moon of the Burning Night.

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Moon of the Burning Night" is full of languor, tenderness, flowing ceremonial clothes, disembodied demons and flowing water. A bamboo grove sways in the night wind, a pendant earring swings in a small ear, and a young sorcerer casts mysterious spells... Two OVA episodes briefly outline the story of the acquaintance of the magician and soothsayer Arimasa (half-man, half-fox, great magician and fortune-teller) with a werewolf - the forest cat Kagetsu, as well as the story of the attack of demons on the city of Kamaguru.

Sooner or later, anime connoisseurs decide to watch something hotter and move to the next level of animation, designed for the “18+” category. Some people watch regular hentai, while others are interested in more spicy videos: yaoi anime (the list of films will be presented below).

It’s worth warning right away that it is strictly not recommended for homophobes to watch: this genre of anime is about love between men. Love in all aspects, including sexual ones. This is not a shounen-ai with its half-hints and omissions that leave room for the viewer’s imagination. Yaoi is sensual and full of undisguised passion.

"Wedge of Love"

The list of yaoi is not as long as it might seem. And there are not many truly worthwhile things. “The Wedge of Love” is considered a classic. The story was released in the 90s, but is still considered one of the best.

On the planet Amoi there is a rigid caste hierarchy that everyone strictly follows. The world is ruled by the elite: “blondies” - genetically modified people. Then come the citizens - ordinary people, and at the very bottom there is a place reserved for half-breeds who do not even have civil rights.

Jason Mink is a representative of the upper class who never considered half-breeds to be people. But he surprised even himself when he saved one of them from death. The arrogant guy offered to pay for the rescue with his body, and Jason, without knowing why, agrees. And he goes further, making Ricky his... pet. Relationships begin between young people, but society will not tolerate such blatant disregard for established rules. And the heroes have to make difficult choices.

"Pure Romance"

What else will please its fans The list of the most popular projects continues with one more famous story, in the top 5 animated films this genre.

The first season of the anime focuses on the relationship between Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami. Misaki is in her last year high school and is planning to go to university.

However, the guy is not confident in his abilities, and they hire him a tutor, Usami. The acquaintance takes place in a very peculiar way: Misaki finds his tutor hugging his older brother in the corridor...

In addition to the main storyline, all three seasons show the relationships of two more couples.

"The World's Best First Love"

If you are looking through the list of anime of the romance (yaoi) genre, pay attention to this cartoon. Reviews about it are rave.

Unforgettable, right? However, Onodore Ritsu can argue with this. No, he remembers very well how he confessed his feelings to the object of his adoration, but his face seems to be in a foggy haze. However, ten years have passed since that moment, so it’s not surprising to forget.

And Ritsu is more concerned about other issues: making a good impression on his colleagues at new job and prove that he is capable of being the best without using connections. However, fate decided to play a joke and instead of the literary department, Ritsu ends up in the manga department. And him new boss looks suspiciously like his almost forgotten first love.

“He held spring in his palms”

This cartoon is rightfully included in The plot is built on the relationship between two handsome actors. Both are popular and ambitious and do not want to acknowledge each other's successes. Tempers run high as they compete for the role.

Iwaki is chosen, but due to the great popularity of the film, the producers decide to make a series for the second main role Kato is invited. Now the young people have to convincingly portray love for each other, because the script requires this. But by the end of filming, feelings become reality, and the actors decide to live together, despite all the difficulties they have to go through for this.

"Love Scene"

Another project in the yaoi anime genre. The list this time continues with a romantic comedy.

Izumi Sena is a typical otaku. Despite his famous family in show business (his father and brother are singers, his mother is an actress), he does not want to follow in their footsteps and plans to become a mangaka, like his idol. The guy is not embarrassed even by his own inability to draw. However, relatives persuade Izumi to appear in advertising.

Moreover, the guy already has experience in this matter, and the new video will be a continuation of the previous one, only with a difference of 10 years. Izumi's doubts and reluctance are understandable: in his first film debut, he played the role of a bridesmaid. Yes, he was a sweet girl. And now we have to play the role of the bride.

His co-star Rema Ichijo will be even more shocked. The young man was still sure that the role of the cutie was played by a girl. After all, he fell in love with her almost at first sight.

"Ebisu Elite"

How lucky are those whose boss is kindness itself, and how unlucky are those who get a real evil tyrant as their boss. If it happens, then hatred too. Haruka Fujinami realized this only after meeting his new boss.

It’s hard to say what was more annoying: the self-confident appearance, the disgusting habit of prolonging responsibilities so that all the hard work went to the newcomer, or the sarcastic comments. However, after a while, Haruka catches himself thinking that he is starting to like him. What is this? And how to deal with this? And is it necessary?

"No money"

This entertaining story also belongs to the “18+” category and is a prominent representative of the yaoi anime category. List best projects the genre cannot do without this cartoon for adults. The plot is quite unusual: the main character Ayase Yukiya is sold at auction for the debts of his brother. It cost its new owner a fortune - 120 million yen.

But with his behavior, Yukiya managed to enrage Kano Somuka, and he offered him freedom after the young man gave him the entire amount. It can be in parts: one night equals 500,000 yen. As you know, students don't have money. And more like that. So Yukiya will have to work hard.

The list of yaoi anime is not as long as many people think. Despite all the quirks of the Japanese, this particular direction is not particularly diverse, and new cartoons are rarely produced.

Date: Today, 00:23

A peculiar story about an extraordinary relationship in love triangle, when friendship grows... who will understand what? There is a plot here, but it’s strange. The guys were friends and friends, and then the girlfriends suddenly became girls of “common use” for some scary men? They seem to explain how this happened, but not very convincingly. The most bizarre thing here is that the girls seem to get involved, and they even like it! But why is the hero watching all this? But in principle, an explanation can be found: the girls were so exhausted from the desires that were unsatisfied due to the hero’s stupidity that they went into all serious troubles! This is such a drama - wonderful, sometimes heartbreaking. Some people won’t like it, but in fact it’s more likely to surprise or cause a malicious grin. There is a lot of intimacy here, he is energetic and not devoid of imagination. However, here one must not be too highly moral, and be able to look “from the outside”, without being imbued with the feelings of the hero (considering that he does not behave very adequately, this is not difficult). Interesting with...

Date: Yesterday, 23:23

Ho Ro Sho. Beautiful story. Good music and the drawing is nice. More or less correct morality. Interesting scenes, a bit silly and predictable plot, but great atmosphere. They managed to create a world of killers in the real world, and respect to them for that. I didn't want to watch this title for a long time, but I finally watched it in one day. If you have nothing else to do, then this title is very good to watch. 7 out of 10 (Not bad)

Date: Yesterday, 01:36

Tough guy, why did I even watch this? But in order: I won’t say that I wasted my time, and I didn’t watch through force. I will also note that the plot is extremely unusual, it is almost impossible to guess its twists. The art is on par, and the animation is much worse than the level of 2002, in principle it’s even watchable. But this is such nonsense that it’s scary to talk about... if you have nothing to do, you can look... although it’s better not to.

Date: 27-02-2019, 17:31

Excellent and good anime, which leaves behind a lasting impression and joy. vital. Although the genre is more of a shoujo, I liked it as a guy, because sooner or later we will all become dads)) The drawing is truly original). I think this is an excellent example of the fact that children have their own world and opinion, and only good parents take them into account. I'm looking forward to the second season)

Date: 27-02-2019, 05:12

I don’t know, maybe I’m already old or maybe adult life makes me look at things a little more realistically, but this story didn’t touch me at all. Yes, the story is not bad, but not the main characters and I liked their stories more) Minori Kushieda - The first on the list who appeals to my “I”. I like her cheerfulness, her abundance of love, her reasoning about all sorts of things, her point of view, you can say everything. It was always nice to watch her antics, and I worried about her relationships more than my own (ha, I don’t have a relationship). (spoiler) Yasuko (or Ryuji’s mother) is a very wise girl, each of her answers to this or that situation always hid the truth, maybe not everyone understood, but she reasoned very competently when her son was confused, but She didn't even get into it. And her story itself, about her failed personal life, career and everything according to the standard, as is accepted in society, all this only strengthened her and she did not break and raised a healthy boy) Kitamura- best friend gg, activist, athlete and...