Famous astrologers. Rating of astrologers - the best of the best.

Astrology is one of the most ancient mystical systems of knowledge that connects the Universe and man. Observation of celestial bodies serves millions of people. However, not everyone can understand the relationship between the position of space objects and human destinies. Drawing up an authentic horoscope is a real art, subject only to experienced and talented masters.

It is quite difficult to construct a rating of astrologers, and even more so to determine the leader among such specialists. Each of them is strong in a certain area, so there is no point in comparing them. In addition, even real experts can sometimes make predictions wrong.

Let's present a list of Russian professionals who have proven through their activities that they are worthy of leading any rating of astrologers.

Mikhail Levin

Mikhail is one of the most experienced experts in our country. Back in Soviet times, he created an entire school practically from scratch, later called the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Mikhail successfully leads it to this day. Many famous astrologers Russia was studied there.

Lewin conducted a large amount of original research and published many articles. The scope of his interests is wide: global, psychological personality and business. When Mikhail became a grandfather (in 1997), he became interested in studying the influence of stars on the psychology of children early age. In addition, Mikhail is the creator of a new direction - astrology of ethnic groups.

Pavel Globa

Not a single rating of astrologers can do without this predictor. Pavel Globa is one of the most famous masters in compiling horoscopes of our time, historian, scientist. He is the successful head of the Astrological Institute, as well as the author of more than 50 popular science books. Pavel played a huge role in popularizing knowledge about the influence of the positions of the planets on people’s lives, including through his role as the host of various television programs.

Interesting fact: Pavel Globa has been collecting famous political figures, musicians, artists, and writers for several decades. His collection numbers more than 200 pieces.

Vasilisa Volodina

If we continue to compile a rating of astrologers, then this fortuneteller must certainly take a stable position in it. Even in her youth, Vasilisa followed her heart and, despite economic education, devoted herself to the study of space knowledge. She graduated from the Moscow Academy of Astrology and turned her hobby into a profession.

Vasilisa gained particular popularity by participating as one of the presenters in the television program “Let’s Get Married.” Its exact psychological portraits the show's participants amazed the audience. Vasilisa also tried herself in literary genre, publishing a book in 2012 about how to find the key to a man’s heart, depending on his date of birth.

Svetlana Dragan

The list of worthy professionals will continue with Dragan Svetlana, an astrologer whose advice is listened to by the most prominent Russian figures, including politicians, entrepreneurs, economists. Svetlana advises and ordinary people who need the help of stars to make the right decisions.

Svetlana participated in various television projects as an expert (“I’m filing for divorce,” “The truth is out there,” “The Wedding Planner”). For a long time, the astrologer made stock market forecasts, on par with the country's leading economists, on the RTR channel. Svetlana - frequent guest on various radio stations, such as “Voice of Russia”, “Business FM”, “ Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Mayak" and others. In addition, her articles are published in magazines (Arguments of the Week and Wedding).

Dragan Svetlana is an astrologer by vocation, despite the fact that in her youth she worked at a factory, tried herself as a director and was involved in bodybuilding. Her strong point is financial topics. Svetlana accurately determines how the ruble exchange rate and oil prices will change.

Whether to believe in horoscopes or not - each person decides for himself. Only the best astrologers can accurately determine the threads of fate, but it is not always worth relying on predictions without trying to change your life for the better yourself. Follow your star, overcome obstacles along the way and do everything possible to make your dreams come true!

Throughout history, many famous people astrology was involved, and even the first scientists, such as Galileo Galile th, Johannes Kepler, and horoscopes are a premium privilege.

By the time of Francis Bacon and the Scientific Revolution, a new scientific discipline gave a method of systematic empirical induction and confirmed it by observing experiment, which led to the scientific revolution.

The Pope's decision, astrology and astronomy began to diverge; Astronomy (formerly astrometry) became one of the sciences of an academic degree and assigned to the stars (full name, title), while astrology was the scientists of the church and the church, which was called a more occult activity, inspired by Satan.

Astrologers had to abandon the interaction of the planet, because it violates the unknown “plan of the Creator of earth and heaven.” The process lasted from 1457 to 1666. The division occurred by decree of the Church, and the persecution of the social level with the help of Newton’s science in the near future, in During the 18th and 19th centuries, astrology was displayed as a superstition, because due to gravitational influence it was not provable to a known degree.

Newton I did not see gravity as a force that is associated with astrological "correlations", and astrologers after that, including Newton, who astrology, attacked with this new reason. There is a before and after gravity. The history of counterfeiting today is asked by many scientific disciplines that study historical process, from historians of astronomy and astrology to theoretical or sociological researchers and astronomers who do not share the old "etiquette" relationship with the vast majority of voices.

The astrology-astronomy problem has been running for decades since the last century, while the astrological community overwhelmingly does not have the means to conduct research. Commercial use of words in the media of astrology or tarot call centers has no reason for research and has no interest in astrology discerning “inspiration” Guided “consultations” such as clairvoyance and tarot. This could be deception, entertainment or counseling, which is not an astrological but states so. Astrologers, as a rule, do not work in call consulting and research; scientifically oriented astrologers do not practice show business. The version is general.

Among the most famous astrologers in history, stand out and Claudius Ptolemy, known in Croatian as Ptolemy And Nostradamus.

Ptolemy was a Greek or Egyptian mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astronomer, astrologer who lived in Roman Egypt, was probably born in Thebaid in the city of the Ptolemais and died in Alexandria. Ptolemy wrote several scientific works, three of which would play an important role in the development of Islamic and European science. The first of these is an astronomical treatise, which is now known as the Almagest ("Great Discussion" or "Mathematical Discussion"). The second is Geography, which is a thorough exposition geographical knowledge Greco-Roman world. Thirdly, an astrological treatise is known as Tetrabiblos, in which he attempts to set the signs of astrology to the former Aristotle of natural philosophy.

Nostradamus, born as Michel de Nostredame, was a French physician and prophet. His book of prophecies, published in millions of copies, is today the most famous book prophecies ever printed. Nostradamus predicted two world wars and three Kennedys died, what happened. It is also important, according to the forecasts of the Third world war, which will occur in the seventh month of the new attack at the turn of the millennium large city. Too warm if Juliana is in the Gregorian calendar, it is September. And then Al Qaeda attacked the great city of New York!

Today, in a large part of the population, astrology is not considered a scientific discipline, due to the lack of evidence to support a single statement to go into astrology, and due to huge amount various scientific evidence that is a reasonable, proven way to describe certain phenomena. Astrologers tend to disagree and believe that although there is not enough evidence, they still occur. Astrology as an activity for the purpose of making money, used by telecommunications companies and sales representatives on tarot and similar lines, from which it follows that it is used for the purpose of fraud. Astrologers want to differentiate theoretical astrology negative phenomena for commercial purposes.

Vladimir Georgievich Kolesnikov (1941)
Modern Russian astrologer. A native of the city of Minusinsk, Krasnodar Territory. Since 1960, he began studying the occult, extrasensory perception, philosophy and psychology. He began to study astrology directly in 1978. After 10 years, he began teaching and consulting on astrological issues. Basically, Vladimir Georgievich is interested in personal and medical astrology. He believes that for him, as a teacher and consultant in the field of astrology, it is important to help people discover and realize the abilities given to them by nature. Kolesnikov is the author of numerous developments in the field of astrology.

Mikhail Borisovich Levin (1949)
Popular Russian astrologer. A native of Moscow. I started getting interested in astrology in 1973. After 5 years, he began leading astrological groups. Levin's areas of interest in astrology are very extensive; he studies financial astrology, mundan astrology, and the relationship of astrology with history. In the 1980s-90s he played last role in the formation and popularization of astrology both in the USSR and in Russia. Mikhail Borisovich is the author of a huge number of articles on astrology.

Sergei Vasilievich Shestopalov (1950)
A native of Leningrad. I started studying astrology in 1971. Since 1978, he became a student of the famous astrologer Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky. He worked for several years at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, where he studied the problems of forecasting in astrology. Since the 1980s, he began to actively engage in various research, in particular in the field of human compatibility and medical astrology. In 1989 he became the founder of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy. Sergei Vasilievich has written many articles in the field of astrology, and also developed several computer programs.

Pavel Pavlovich Globa (1953)
Famous Soviet and Russian astrologer. A native of Moscow. He began to study astrology in 1982, while being the head of the Pavel Globa Center. He developed a unique astrological system, based on knowledge of the basics of Zarvanism, Zoroastrianism, and Avesta culture. During the 1980s-90s, he played an important role in the formation and popularization of astrology in the USSR and Russia. Pavel Pavlovich author large quantity articles.

Vasilisa Volodina (1974)
Popular and modern female astrologer. A native of Moscow. Her real name is not known, and Vasilisa is just a pseudonym; she inherited her surname from her husband. At the age of 14, she began to become interested in palmistry and card fortune-telling. She studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology with Mikhail Borisovich Levin. Since 1992 she began her professional activity as an astrologer. Areas of interest in astrology are the following: business horoscopes, financial horoscopes, political, personal and others. Vasilisa Volodina's horoscopes are highly accurate and are rarely criticized.

Astrology is steadily entering our lives. However, there are still so many interesting facts, which are little known in modern society.

Fact 1: It turns out that the majority of people interested in astrology are women. This is as much as 78%. And the country most devoted to astrology is the United States. In the states, even the most influential politicians and businessmen listen to astrological predictions.

Fact 2. As you know, religion has a negative attitude towards this science, considering it occult. However, there are known facts when the Pope turned to astrologers, and they compiled an individual horoscope for him.

Fact 3. The moon affects humans in the same way as it does the ocean. After all, our body consists of 75% water, which means the influence of the Moon on the body is an indisputable fact.

Fact 4. Initially, astrology was needed for planting crops. By using lunar calendar, which people use to this day, one could find out the best time for planting.

Fact 5. Vedic astrology can help people when choosing their talisman stone. According to this branch of astrological science, not all stones can bring happiness. An incorrectly selected talisman can contribute to the development of diseases and attract bad luck.

Fact 6. Elena Pavlyuchenko, the wife of Sergei Mavrodi, constantly visited the astrologer. As it turned out later, Mavrodi secretly hired his fortuneteller to influence his wife. As a result, Elena did everything that her husband wanted from her.

Fact 7. During the Second World War, Adolf Hitler used the services of the most best astrologers Europe.

Fact 8. In almost every state there are approximately 7,000 professional astrologers.

Fact 9. As you know, the year of the Rabbit is Chinese calendar It is also called the year of the cat. The second name of the year comes from Vietnam. The point is that Chinese character, meaning Rabbit, is pronounced exactly the same as the word "cat" in Vietnamese.

Fact 10. The most famous astrologer to this day is Michel Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century. His predictions continue to come true to this day. In addition, he is the author of the famous dream book.

Fact 11. The great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin did not really believe in astrology. However, everything that the famous astrologer Kirchhoff once predicted for him came true: money, exile, fame, marriage. The last forecast was fatal. The astrologer advised, at the age of 37, to avoid a tall blond man on a white stallion. Therefore, in a duel with Count Tolstoy, who had dark color hair, Pushkin was completely calm, because the astrologer predicted his death from the blond man. A person similar to this description was Dantes, who fired a fatal shot in Pushkin’s stomach.

Interest in composing astrological forecasts arose among people many centuries ago, when our ancestors noticed that the movement of the celestial bodies and the position of the planets in the sky influence many events in the life of an individual and society as a whole. Correctly interpreted influence of the stars makes it possible to prepare for surprises and surprises, plan your near future and adjust plans taking into account the star warnings.

Astrologers' forecasts concern not only individual people or representatives of a certain zodiac sign, but also highlight possible changes in global geopolitics, economics, social and cultural life, predict the possibility of disasters or conflicts. Astrological forecasts are more relevant than ever right now, when the future day is hidden from people under the veil of uncertainty, and events change at the speed of pictures in a kaleidoscope.

Astrological forecasts help lift the curtain on the future

Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether to trust the forecasts or not. However, the very fact that astrology is not just prediction, but an entire science based on calculations, makes us take it quite seriously. In order to verify this statement, let’s see what the most famous astrologers in Russia, Ukraine and other countries, who have proven their worth more than once, predict for us for 2017.

Predictions of famous astrologers

As for the forecasts made by representatives of astrological science for 2017, they differ somewhat in detail from each other. If we bring them together, we can come to disappointing conclusions: Russia, Ukraine and the world as a whole are waiting for difficult times. However, star experts are confident that by the end of 2017 the situation will gradually begin to level out. Astrologers believe that the world is in for cataclysms that will lead to changes in world consciousness and the existing order. Let's take a closer look at these predictions.

Astro forecast from Pavel and Tamara Globa

Predictions of Vlad Ross

Astrologer Vlad Ross believes that the weakened position of Mars suggests a gradual weakening of conflict situations. In December 2017, when Mars connects with the White Moon, the opposition that is currently observed in the world will finally enter the cold phase. However, you cannot relax - from February this warlike planet will enter the constellation of aggressive Aries, which could provoke a new round of conflicts. According to Ross, power will change in Russia at the end of 2017.

The astrologer explains this by saying that the current government came to power during a cycle in which a saros eclipse occurred. And if a person comes to rule at such a time, then after completing the cycle completely, she leaves. The length of this period is 18.5 years, which will expire in 2017. He also noted that a coup d'etat could happen in Russia. However, after 2020 Russian Federation will be able to get out of the crisis.

According to Vlad Ross, Russia will emerge from the crisis after a series of shocks

According to the astrologer, Russia will be able to occupy a worthy position in the global economy, approaching the level of the United States and the Middle Kingdom. This will happen due to the fact that the country will be able to reorient itself from a resource economy to innovative industries. Ukraine will experience a rise after 2021, when it will be influenced by the Jupiter-Saturn pair conjoined in the sign of Aquarius. The country will be led by a truly wise and insightful ruler who can lead the state out of the crisis.

Forecast by Alexander Zaraev

According to the astrological calculations of Alexander Zaraev, 2017 will contribute to the warming up of revolutionary sentiments, aggravate existing conflicts and further deepen the manifestation of crisis phenomena. At the same time, the Year of the Rooster will provide an opportunity to turn things around and prepare the ground for further economic growth and prosperity. Zaraev predicts a not very rosy future for the European Union. In 2015, when Saturn took a position in Sagittarius and Jupiter moved into Virgo, space gave impetus to destructive processes within this association of states.

Social and political confrontations will lead to the EU changing both its borders and its operating rules. The astrologer predicts a change of leaders in the United States and an escalation of the confrontation between the Christian and Muslim worlds. Zaraev's astro forecast contains information that for Ukraine, 2017 could be the beginning of an economic revival - but only if there is a change of government and the end of conflicts in the east of the country.

Alexander Zaraev's forecast promises a series of trials for the Western world

Economic, social and political life Russia will be under the influence of aggressive and warlike Mars, so tension in these areas cannot be avoided. Zaraev says that 2017 will be a turning point for the Russian Federation, after which the country will begin to revive its former greatness. The fact is that since 2012, Russia has been experiencing another 12-year development cycle, which will end in 2024 and will take the state to new economic heights. The astrologer also predicts the likelihood of religious conflicts and worsening social problems.

Predictions of Ruslan Susi

Finnish astrologer Susi, whose area of ​​specialization is mundane astrology (or astrology of the world), says that in the future Russia will be led by a person who can overcome existing economic problems and resource dependence. However, there will not be a sharp change in power, since Russia is under the influence of Saturn, which does not imply radical changes. He also talks about the risk of man-made and natural disasters that will force humanity to come together. The world will have to move to a mode of dialogue and mutual compromise.

Predictions from Vasilisa Volodina

Volodina also does not belong to the category of optimistic astrologers - she insists that in 2017 the world community will live in a rather tense environment, reaping the benefits of the crisis of past years. According to her predictions, the problems existing in modern society will worsen even more, since the leaders of world geopolitics will not be able to reach compromise solutions. The risk of provoking militarized clashes and religious conflicts remains high.

This could provoke a change of heads of state and government in many countries around the world by the end of 2017. As for Russia, the stars say that the decline in living standards in the country will continue in the new year, especially since the waning phase of the Saturn-Jupiter cycle is not conducive to new ideas, successful reforms and favorable changes. The astrologer warns that Russians need to be able to curb the negative energy caused by the high activity of Neptune, so as not to provoke civil clashes.

Volodina predicts disunity in the international community

The economic decline in Ukraine will continue, but there is good news: most likely, the conflict in Donbass will enter a low-intensity phase or be frozen for several years. We cannot expect a quick resolution to this problem - representatives of the regional authorities will not give up their attempts to seize power. An improvement in the political, social and economic situation can only be expected after a change of government.

Main trends in astrological forecasts

The conclusions of most astrologers tell us the following:

  • In the coming years, the world will live under the sign of scientific and technological progress, but its achievements will so change the life and consciousness of people that culture and religion will gradually fade into the background. The fields of electronics, biotechnology and physics will strengthen, and space exploration will proceed at an active pace. By 2030, humanity will be able to live on the Moon. The technological revolution will lead to the emergence of synthetic food products that will begin to replace natural food.
  • Humanity will never be able to get rid of its tendency towards mysticism. Moreover, some astrologers believe that not only will it increase general spirituality, but some pagan cults will also be revived and find their adherents.
  • Education will not be accessible to everyone, which will eventually lead to the division of society into a kind of caste. In 30 years, the gap between the mass part of the population and the elite will increase so much that the stratification of society will become noticeable to the naked eye. Some astrologers predict riots, demonstrations and attacks on scientists. If the uneducated part of the planet’s population wins, then by the end of the 21st century people will simply slide into the “dark ages” like the Middle Ages.
  • Forecasts say that oil will remain the world's main resource for some time to come. The development of alternative energy should be expected no earlier than 2025-2027. With the fall of the economy based on hydrocarbons, the currency will also fall, leaving the system of international payments, giving way to electronic money.
  • In the next thirty years there is no need to fear the onset of a new ice age. Warming will be gradual. Most regions of the world will experience what it means to live in a continental climate: cold winters will abruptly give way to hot summers, and there will be virtually no off-season. Deserts will gradually increase in size, droughts will be longer, and storms will be catastrophic. Humanity will begin to move from coastal zones inland to continents.
  • The role of radical parties and the anti-totalitarian movement will increase, which will lead to mass unrest. The world will gradually become more dispersed. States will be fragmented into small regional communities, which may lead to the creation of microstates within large associations. Some astrologers suggest that local military conflicts will become the norm rather than a thing of the past.