Malakhov was fired from Channel One because of Anisina’s letter to Putin. Andrei Malakhov named a new reason for his dismissal from Channel One, this is a woman. Dismissal of Andrei Malakhov from Channel 1

Andrei Malakhov was one of the permanent showmen of Channel One, where he worked since 2001. “The Big Wash”, “Let Them Talk”, scandals, quarrels and squabbles - all this gathered viewers in prime time on TV from year to year. The unknown graduate of the journalism department owes his popularity to the First, on which he became the star presenter he is now.

It would seem that nothing foreshadows problems, and an evening with Andrei Malakhov is an unshakable program that Konstantin Ernst will not dare to remove from the air. But everything has an end - and the scandalous presenter’s program was no exception. On July 31, reports appeared that Malakhov was leaving “First” and moving to “Russia”.

And he doesn’t leave alone, but along with the entire team that worked on the talk show. The exact reasons are still unknown; the presenter himself is escalating the situation, stating only that “he has already made a decision.” Let’s try to consider all the versions of why we won’t see new stories on “First” about the rape of Diana Shurygina and gatherings with the stars in “Tonight” with Andrei Malakhov.

Conflict with producers

Immediately after the news about the showman’s possible departure, information began to appear about a conflict with producer Natalya Nikonova. This woman once worked on this show, then changed jobs, but eventually returned to the first button. Rumors are being spread, as the media say, by a certain anonymous editor of “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov. The source calls her a dictator and claims that she strongly recommended that the showman step away from everyday topics political sphere. The presenter did not like the proposal at all, which led to his departure.

Conflict with Ernst

Other sources say that Andrei Malakhov is leaving due to disagreements with the general director of the channel, Konstantin Ernst. Allegedly, the showman asked the manager for permission to do his programs for several years, to which he did not receive a positive response. Ernst noted that it was to him that the presenter owed his stardom, and recommended that he do what was necessary. IN lately the showman is really trying to attract public attention with activities outside of his work on First, so the version has a right to exist.

Maternity leave

The Elle magazine website, citing anonymous sources, shared its version. Reason for leaving: maternity leave. Andrei Malakhov’s wife, with whom he is now vacationing in Sardinia, is pregnant, and this is what prompted him to take such a radical action. Let us remember that she is a brand director and publisher of a magazine in Russia.

In response to the presenter’s decision to go on maternity leave, the management reacted sharply, saying that “Let Them Talk” is not a nursery, and the showman must choose between his family and the show. He considered such a formulation of the question extremely cynical and contrary to Russian labor code and decided to say goodbye to “First”.

What's next?

If you believe information from RBC, in the fall we will see the scandalous presenter on Rossiya 1, where he will host the Live Broadcast program. Many people are leaving with him, so “First” will soon have open vacancies. So far this is unconfirmed information, and some claim that the showman decided to go free and become a blogger. Let us remind you that last year the presenter registered on Instagram and collected a million subscribers there, and a few months ago he acquired his own channel on YouTube, which cannot yet boast of popularity.

In the meantime, you have a chance to watch latest broadcasts with Andrey Malakhov on “First”. It is expected that his place will be taken by Dmitry Borisov, the evening news anchor, with his own show. The showman’s departure became a high-profile event - actor Stanislav Sadalsky wrote that in honor of Andrei Malakhov a special episode “Goodbye, Andrei” was filmed, which will soon air.

How does the presenter feel?

Andrei Malakhov himself makes almost no comments on the situation today. The only comment was about vacationing on a yacht and the fact that he had already made a decision. Otherwise, the showman limits himself to hints - either he will write about the attitude of his superiors, because of which employees “burn out,” or he will share a photo of a business card with the signature “youtuber-blogger,” or his wife will write a post about the transfer of the year. One thing is clear - apparently, the evening broadcast of “First” is awaiting an update.

Conversations about the departure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from Channel One actually proved one thing: television as a determining factor public opinion, it’s too early to discount it. A simple replacement of a popular presenter, his transition from one channel to another can cause something close to panic in society and the media. What happened, why did Andrei Malakhov suddenly decide to leave Channel One? There are so many rumors and speculations about this matter that we decided to look into it.

I do not rule out that the “trigger” of Andrei Malakhov’s conflict with the leadership was some careless word, a hint, or simply a tough conversation. This happens in a creative team. Colleagues from the “Let Them Talk” team with whom I had the opportunity to talk confirm: “Yes, there is a conflict. But the details are known only “at the top.” Perhaps they want to lure Andrey with money to another channel or there is a human factor at play. There are only two options. Either everything is resolved peacefully and Malakhov remains, or he switches to another channel - most likely to “Russia”. Several people from his team, who once started the “Big Laundry” with him, have already moved there.

The new producer put an end to Malakhov’s plans

It all started with the fact that Konstantin Ernst appointed a new producer of the talk show “Let Them Talk” - Natalya Nikonova. Nikonova is a famous person on TV. Twice laureate national award“TEFI”, founder of the programs “Let them talk”, “Lolita without complexes”, “Malakhov+”, “Judge for yourself”. In general, a kind of “godmother” show for Russian housewives. Recently, she produced the show “Live” with Boris Korchevnikov on “Russia-1”. However, sources at VGTRK confidentially reported that Nikonova may have left “by pike command» after financial verification. The violations were allegedly discovered by Alexander Mitroshenkov, president of the Transcontinental Media Company, which includes New company- manufacturer " Live broadcast" Allegedly, Nikonova for a long time accrued the salary of her protégé, Dmitry Shepelev, who in fact did not go on air. If so, what serious ideas could Nikonova offer to the leadership of First in order to be taken to a leadership position after such a scandal?

It is no secret that Malakhov for a long time asked Ernst for the opportunity to produce his own programs. Indeed, at the age of 45, running around the hall with a microphone and cutting your hair “like a boy” is somehow no longer respectable. But Ernst stubbornly did not meet the “face of the channel”, and the arrival of Natalya Nikonova on “First” finally put an end to Malakhov’s plans to produce the program on his own. One of the editors of First commented on the situation: “The channel returned to the program the producer who worked there nine years ago, hoping that she would help raise the program’s severely fallen ratings. But Malakhov did not work well with her and demanded the return of his previous colleague. Since the channel did not make concessions for a long time, the presenter began to declare that otherwise he would leave.”

And indeed: back in 2013, the rating of the Malakhov talk show was 9%, it was ahead of the program “Voice”, “Time”, “Let’s Get Married”, “Vesti” and “ Ice age" However, recently “Let Them Talk” has been heavily criticized for the monotony of its themes and some morbid interest in finding out the authenticity of the paternity and maternity of other people’s children ( evil tongues“Let them talk” was even dubbed “a branch of the DNA laboratory”). Ratings decreased accordingly - for example, in April they were only 6.2%.

Politics for housewives?

I have never been to the “Let Them Talk” program, despite the annoying invitations of the editors. The fact is that I know the technology of this project too well. Once there, the unfortunate “invitees” fall into a trap. An accompanying person is required to leave the studio. The invitee, who has undergone “psychological processing” by the editors, is sent to share his misfortune under the camera lenses and can no longer leave the studio. And so that the hero would not find out that his illegitimate children, neighbors and colleagues were called to the show, they were escorted through other entrances. The effect of surprise turned out to be very strong, but not always pleasant and, you see, correct. Now the program will be filmed in a former factory workshop on Liza Chaikina Street. In the so-called “Teledom” there will be fewer “set-ups”. They say that Andrei Malakhov was categorically against moving the studio, and this became one of the reasons for the conflict.

However, there is another reason, which is talked about in whispers on the television sidelines, but is discussed with might and main in social networks people close to political structures. For example, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky writes on his Facebook: “It is absolutely obvious that I should host the “Let Them Talk” program instead of Malakhov. In turn, I am ready to give up my places to Andrei Nikolaevich in the Direct Line and Panopticon programs on OTK Dozhd. This is a subtle hint that the show for housewives "Let Them Talk" will now, if rumors are to be believed, give preference to politics. However, according to our information, Andrei Malakhov spoke out categorically against this, using harsh expressions in relation to a person about whom the host of the country’s main channel clearly should not have spoken. But, as you know, “he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.” This proverb is very popular on TV, where any careless word can cost a person his career. By the way, the fact that “Let Them Talk” is going to be politicized is indirectly confirmed by another fact: Andrei Borisov, the news editor’s “News” presenter, was tried for the role of the new leading project. However, according to reviews, it left a weak impression. As for Malakhov, then, again, according to rumors, his careless words cost him not only his work in “Let Them Talk” - it is even stated that he will supposedly not be on the screen at all.

There are other points of view on the situation. Malakhov’s colleagues, for example, express the version that, they say, the presenter “got starstruck” - 25 years of television fame “blew the roof off.” Maybe. But all these are accompanying circumstances, as well as Andrei Malakhov’s declared desire to go on maternity leave (his wife Natalya Shkuleva is on recent months pregnancy). Something else is alarming. As it became known, at the same time as darling Malakhov, the handsome Alexander Oleshko, the host of “Minute of Glory” and “Just the Same,” was fired from “First.” No matter how we treated these people, they were the “faces of the channel.” The conclusion suggests itself: “First” is weakening its position against the background of VGTRK. Is this a coincidence? In professional circles, it is not ruled out that the transition to the “second button” of strong personnel is only the beginning of Konstantin Ernst losing ground. Whether VGTRK "First" will be absorbed or not - this issue is now being discussed in the television environment with might and main. On the eve of the elections, as we know, anything is possible.

Work on Channel One proceeded as usual: smoothly and harmoniously, and there was no information that Malakhov was leaving for another place of work due to some kind of conflict. A few days later, Andrei Malakhov put forward a refutation of this rumor, talking in a short interview about why he is not going to leave anywhere and continues to work on Channel One as usual. That the channel is undergoing technical work and some changes, due to which his project temporarily stopped appearing on television screens.

At the same time, the TV presenter and Tina Kandelaki played a prank on the audience by spreading a rumor that Malakhov was going to become one of the commentators on the Match-TV channel. The result of joint efforts and a couple of comments under the clumsily edited photo was a wave of indignation from fans and the expectation of “the worst.”

  • What really happened
  • Opinion of Andrey Malakhov
  • Friends support

What really happened

In October 2017, the news that Malakhov was leaving Channel One, replacing it with Rossiya-1, was confirmed by both the TV presenter himself and his employers. Viewers received answers to their questions quite recently. An ambitious presenter with 25 years of experience was prompted to change jobs by an interesting offer to become a participant in a new project. Now he will be the face of the game show "The Wall".

The unique program will reveal the fates of brilliant and ambitious people who, without the opportunity to earn big money, are building the future of their beloved country. Their stories will reveal the background to how small people doing small things improve the quality of our lives. Exactly like this interesting program was the reason for changing jobs.

Opinion of Andrey Malakhov

IN modern world There are no longer such barbaric methods as luring famous stars TV shows and programs with the help of promises of higher fees and increased bonuses. Ambitious presenters with big names independently choose the place where they feel comfortable working. That is why it is impossible to say that Malakhov, having decided to leave, encroached on an offer that was more financially profitable than on Channel One.

He was simply tired of performing in the familiar and already boring role of a TV presenter who starred in the same type of programs and talk shows. Therefore, the offer to participate in a new project, in which he could develop as a person and explore what was really interesting to him, became the main criterion in choosing a new place of work.

Work in the “Let Them Talk” project in recent years Malakhov regarded it as an auction in which the one who pays the most wins. To conduct a scandalous, shocking interview, he had to persuade people to take part in this show, purposefully dragging them into the thick of not always pleasant events. Celebrities had to be bribed in various ways, which Malakhov absolutely did not like, because his character does not allow him to step over certain principles. But the show regularly required making deals with itself.

Now Andrei Malakhov does not need to sacrifice his precious time and go against his moral principles in order to create a unique and amazing show. It is enough for him to tell the truth, talking about people who, with their discoveries and inventions, make the world a better place, embodying their deepest dreams in it.

Friends support

Quite often it happens that a TV presenter who runs his project on one channel takes with him all the developments and command staff. Malakhov, choosing the show “The Wall,” did the same. But to convince others of the correctness decision taken it was not as simple as it seemed initially. After all, his team is used to working at a certain, measured pace and mode in the “Let Them Talk” program. Not all employees wanted to change their place of work, and, accordingly, their lives. Innovations and changes are not liked by everyone and not always.

November 14, 2017

Famous TV presenter gave a candid interview.

Andrey Malakhov/Photo: globallook

Andrei Malakhov, in an interview with Esquire magazine, spoke about the reasons for his dismissal from Channel One. Many new and interesting details have appeared in the revelations of the country's most popular presenter. Andrey Malakhov in an interview glossy magazine said: “I wanted to be the producer of this talk show. After all, I did it for sixteen years. I see my colleagues who work on the channel. They are producers. At some point, when “Let them talk” became almost national treasure, the only thing that reconciled me with reality was that I was a mediator and doing a good deed. At the same time, I am in a position with a state television channel and I understand that this program belongs to the country.”

Malakhov said that he wrote a five-page letter to his manager, Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, and then met with him: “We parted to think again about where the channel is heading, what it might look like in the future and about my role on this channel. Unfortunately, we never met the second time. When I was on my way to this meeting, the girl editor who worked for me called and asked which entrance I would be entering from to set up the camera. But I didn’t want to meet in front of the cameras, so I didn’t get there... I was just going to the meeting. A suit, a tie, a haircut - and then the editor called and asked which entrance to put the camera at... Young editors, you know, will kill everything in the world, this has been clear for a long time: the whole world depends on them, on their idiocy and on the level of their education.”

Andrei Malakhov said that with Boris Korchevnikov, whom he replaced in a talk show on the Russia 1 channel, he has “simple and comfortable communication.” Boris’s mother called Malakhov and said that she was happy that Andrei took her son’s place.

As Russian figure skater Marina Anisina said on her Instagram, the host of the show “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov was fired from Channel One after she wrote an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the wife of the outrageous artist Nikita Dzhigurda, the project team put pressure on them, so the couple contacted the police and wrote a letter to the Russian leader.

Anisina claims that she received threats from former producer“Let them talk” by Natalia Galkovich, who allegedly stated that the figure skater and her husband would regret that on February 26, 2016, they did not say in an interview with Malakhov what they wanted to hear from them.

The dismissal of Galkovich, Malakhov and their team from Channel One is directly related to our filing of complaints against them with the police and the court! My open letter to Vladimir Putin helped... But after a short lull, alas, threats and provocations resumed again! I'm afraid for Dzhigurda! — Anisina wrote, noting that the actor was allegedly threatened because of the will of the late businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash. Also, according to her, the family is constantly attacked by pranksters.

Also in her publication, Marina Anisina, who almost broke off her relationship with Dzhigurda, confessed her love to him. The post ends with a call not to believe the lies of the black media.

Let us note that the day before Channel One announced a new episode of the Let Them Talk program, promising to reveal the main intrigue of the summer. The broadcast will take place on August 14 at 19:50 Moscow time.

According to media reports, the reason for the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov was a conflict with the new producer of “Let Them Talk,” who demanded that more politics be introduced into the talk show, as well as the presenter’s desire to take maternity leave.