Tricks that children can do. Simple tricks at home

We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic experiments, or science shows, that you can do with your own hands at home.
Whether it's your child's birthday party, the weekend, or the holidays, make the most of your time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing this post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles that are inherent in this or that focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp with a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. B sunflower oil water is poured and food coloring (red or blue) is added.

3. After this, add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe an amazing effect.

4. During the reaction, the colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the “real magic” will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and they also have the property of not mixing, no matter how much we shake the bottle. When we add effervescent tablets inside the bottle, they dissolve in water and begin to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.”

Do you want to arrange a real science show? More experiments can be found in the book.

2 - Soda experience

5. Surely there are several cans of soda at home or in a nearby store for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the kids the question: “What happens if you immerse soda cans in water?”
Will they drown? Will they float? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

6. Take the jars and carefully lower them into the water.

7. It turns out that despite the same volume, they have different weight. This is why some banks sink and others don't.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “All our cans have the same volume, but the mass of each can is different, which means that the density is different. What is density? This is the mass divided by the volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, the density will be higher for the one whose mass is greater.
Whether a jar will float or sink in a container depends on the ratio of its density to the density of water. If the density of the jar is less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the jar will sink to the bottom.
But what makes a can of regular cola denser (heavier) than a can of diet drink?
It's all about the sugar! Unlike regular cola, where granulated sugar is used as a sweetener, a special sweetener is added to diet cola, which weighs much less. So how much sugar is in a regular can of soda? The difference in mass between regular soda and its diet counterpart will give us the answer!”

3 - Paper cover

Ask those present: “What happens if you turn a glass of water over?” Of course it will pour out! What if you press the paper against the glass and turn it over? Will the paper fall and water will still spill on the floor? Let's check it out.

10. Carefully cut out the paper.

11. Place on top of the glass.

12. And carefully turn the glass over. The paper stuck to the glass as if magnetized, and the water did not spill out. Miracles!

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Although this is not so obvious, in fact we are in a real ocean, only in this ocean there is not water, but air, which presses on all objects, including you and me, we are just so used to it to this pressure that we don’t notice it at all. When we cover a glass of water with a piece of paper and turn it over, water presses on the sheet on one side, and air on the other side (from the very bottom)! The air pressure turned out to be greater than the water pressure in the glass, so the leaf does not fall.”

4 - Soap Volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

14. You will need baking soda, vinegar, some dishwashing chemicals and cardboard.

16. Dilute vinegar in water, add washing liquid and tint everything with iodine.

17. We wrap everything in dark cardboard - this will be the “body” of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass and the volcano begins to erupt.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide. A liquid soap and the dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form colored soap foam - and that’s the eruption.”

5 - Spark plug pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and lift water up?

19. Place the candle on the saucer and light it.

20. Pour the colored water onto a saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After some time, the water will be drawn inside the glass, contrary to the laws of gravity.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “What does the pump do? Changes the pressure: increases (then water or air begins to “escape”) or, conversely, decreases (then gas or liquid begins to “arrive”). When we covered the burning candle with a glass, the candle went out, the air inside the glass cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl began to be sucked in.”

Games and experiments with water and fire are in the book "Professor Nicolas' Experiments".

6 - Water in a sieve

We continue to study magical properties water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to pull the bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with those around you that you can make sure that water does not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

22. Cut a piece of bandage.

23. Wrap a bandage around a glass or champagne flute.

24. Turn the glass over - the water doesn’t spill out!

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Thanks to this property of water, surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and are not so easy to separate (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure the honorary title of Water Mage and Lord of the Elements for you, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bathtub or even basin) without getting it wet.

25. Have those present write their names on a piece of paper.

26. Fold the piece of paper and put it in the glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. We immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. The paper remains dry - water cannot reach it! After you pull out the leaf, let the audience make sure that it is really dry.

How do you spend your free time? Love to play computer games, take cool tests, communicate in social networks, what about learning magic tricks? Surprise your friends!

The most important thing when performing any magic trick is persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and learn how to perform it step by step in at least half an hour, but in order to really succeed and not be exposed, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing your technique and skill. You need to learn tricks, moving from simple to complex, so next we will talk about how to learn how to do tricks that any beginner can handle.

Simple card trick

Those who want to learn how to learn how to do magic tricks often start with cards. Among card tricks, there are indeed a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and surprise the audience with, and some of the most popular of them are simple tricks with guessing cards. We will now consider one of them. The trick is called “Guess the card.”

What the viewer sees. Magician shuffles deck of cards and hands it to one of the spectators so that he chooses one of the cards. The spectator chooses his card, remembers it and, without showing it to anyone, gives it face down to the magician. The magician returns the card to the deck, shuffles it again, lays out the cards and accurately finds the spectator's card!

The secret of focus. Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Attention: the key to this trick is to quietly spy which card will be the bottom, that is, the last one in the deck.

The spectator selects a card and returns it to you. Divide the deck randomly in half - you end up with two parts of cards in your hands, one of which contains the bottom card - you memorized it at the very beginning. Place the spectator's card on one part of the deck and cover it on top with the second part. The spectator sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Lay out the cards in a fan, then look for your bottom card with your eyes - next to it on the right will be the one that the viewer wished for. Voila! At the same time, do not choose it too quickly, for example, pretend that you are trying to feel the energy emanating from the card - entertain the viewer.

A coin passes through a glass

The next simple trick is the glass and coin trick. It is more difficult than the previous one, as it requires a certain amount of manual dexterity.

From the viewer's side. The magician shows the audience a coin, takes it in the fist of one hand, and with the other brings a glass to it, then knocks the glass on the hand with the coin - and it ends up inside, going through the bottom!

In fact. Choose a large coin and a glass, plastic or glass. Show the audience the coin and then pretend to transfer it to your other hand, covering the top with your palm and appearing to grab the coin into your fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand where it was.

This is the key point: it is important to practice and learn how to hold a coin with an open palm or hold it between your palm and little finger, whichever is more convenient for you - the main thing is that it is held inconspicuously and does not fall out.

With the same hand in which you hold the coin, you take the glass and raise it over your hand with your fist, where the coin lies, according to the audience. Tap the glass on your fist several times. On the last knock, relax your hand so that the coin falls inside the glass, and at this moment open your palm with your fist, simulating the passage of the coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work this trick well so that everything works out deftly and quickly, and the audience does not have time to come to their senses and expose you.

Match trick

And finally, we'll tell you how to do tricks with matches that only require sleight of hand.

As the audience sees. The magician holds a match between the fingers of both hands. Having placed them perpendicularly, he hits the matches against each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

The secret of focus. Before picking up matches, wet the index finger of your right hand. After this, hold the matches between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The key to this trick is that the right hand the match with the sulfur head touches the moistened index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you unclench your fingers, the match will still continue to “hang”.

Turn the matches held in your fingers perpendicular to each other. Now begin to move the left match toward the right, and at the moment of their collision, unclench your fingers, passing the left match forward, and then squeeze it back. You need to learn how to do this quickly and sharply, imitating the blow of matches - then the audience will not notice the trick.

How to learn to do tricks with a scarf

Spectators also love tricks with a scarf. One of the most popular such tricks is “Passing a coin through a handkerchief.” How to learn how to do it will become clear after watching the following video:

To ensure that your performance makes the right impression on the viewer and that even the simplest tricks cause surprise, remember a few golden rules that experienced illusionists follow: do not repeat encore tricks, do not tell the technique of performing them and do not warn the audience about what trick you will do next . So the effect of surprise will be achieved, and the mystery will remain.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website.

Every child has dreamed of becoming a real magician at least once in their life. And even more, he wanted to learn how to solve mysterious tricks. We will look at some of the most popular tricks and reveal the secrets of their performance.


To perform the trick, you need to glue a stick from a sheet of paper that you need to decorate. Fill it with confetti on one side and streamers on the other. The child in front of the audience wraps the stick in a sheet of newspaper and shakes it. As a result, confetti will spill out of the paper. Then you should turn the sheet over and take out the serpentine. At the end, the newspaper crumples together with the stick.

Guess the number

The kid should ask a friend to think of a number from 1 to 5. Then he needs to inquire about the hidden number. A friend will say that, for example, he is planning a threesome. The wizard must approach the cabinet, in the doors of which there is a piece of paper with the inscription three.

The secret is simple: pre-prepared cards with written numbers should be hidden in different pieces of furniture.

Depending on what number the friends call, the magician will take out the corresponding card from the piano or bedside table. The only important thing here is to remember what will be hidden and where. This trick will perfectly develop the child’s memory and make his friends believe that the baby can read minds.

Apple and orange

The child needs to show the audience an orange and cover it with a colored handkerchief. Having said "crex-fex-pex" (“crible-crable-boom” should also work), you need to pull off the scarf. There will already be an apple in the palm of your hand.

The secret of the trick is to remove the peel from the orange and place the apple in its peel. When the trick is in full swing, the baby will need to squeeze tightly and show it to everyone around him.

The handkerchief is pulled off along with the skin, and an apple lies on the palm. It's simple. All you need is sleight of hand.

This trick will have a great impact on the development of motor skills in your young wizard.

Tennis ball

The child must show everyone tennis ball and hold it in your hand. Then, a handkerchief is also pushed into the fist. When the fingers unclench, only the ball remains and there is no scarf.

The secret of the trick is simple: a hole is made in the tennis ball in advance. When demonstrating a ball, it must be shown to the audience in such a way that no one will guess that there is a hole in it. When the ball is clamped in the handle, the hole should be on top. As you understand, when you push the scarf into your hand, the cloth is placed into the ball itself. By the way, the baby can show everyone the ball without a scarf, and then deftly remove a cloth from the clasped hand with the ball.

Vertical egg

This is a fairly simple trick in which a child can bet with his friends that he can stand an egg upright.

To solve this problem, you will need to make a hole in the egg and remove the white and yolk through it.

Then the baby just needs to spin the egg, it will start spinning and stand upright: this will be fun and surprise for your friends!

Where does the water come from?

The sorcerer must show everyone an empty vase and equally empty hands. When he inserts the handle into the vase, he will be able to splash out the water.

For the trick you will need:

  • rubber bulb;
  • vase;
  • tube.

You need to fill a rubber bulb with a tube with water and hide it "nipple system" under the jacket into the sleeve. Then the baby only needs to press his hand to the barrel and lightly press the pear, the water will pour into the container.

As you can see, there is a very simple secret in this seemingly impossible miracle. Such simple tricks are, of course, intended for older children, because very young children, perhaps, will not be able to press the pear unnoticed. In conclusion, let's say: any tricks are a little bit of magic. A child always dreams of feeling like a wizard. Now retail outlets offer a lot of various devices that a young sorcerer may need. Whether to buy or make such things yourself is up to you. A trick can really captivate a child, or it may only be of interest to him for a couple of weeks.

Demonstrating miracles to others, mastering the art of magic, being a magician - everyone dreamed of this. And not only because it will make you stand out from the crowd and add zest to your daily life or make it popular. However, because the magician conceals special power within himself, he knows how to bewitch people. How to learn to do magic tricks? You just need to train and show a little artistry!

How to learn to do simple tricks?

Anyone can usually learn simple magic tricks, even a child. To do this, you need to find out the secret of the trick, carefully rehearse it and show it to others. Professionals often use complex props that are custom-made for them in advance. However, for ordinary tricks, you can take what is at hand: pins, matches, handkerchiefs or coins.

The trick we are going to tell you about now is called “Match and Pin”. Its essence is that the audience is shown a pin, on the sharp part of which a match has been strung perpendicularly. Then the illusionist pretends that he is trying to spin the match around the pin, but, of course, it rests on the other side of the pin and cannot pass. Those around make sure that there are no cuts on the match and it is impossible to turn it. At the same moment, the illusionist makes a lightning-fast movement and still spins the match through the pin.

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The secret of this trick is very simple. When you heat the match with a pin, you need to twist it well back and forth so that the hole opens up and the match turns freely. When you perform the trick, you need to sharply twist the match. Naturally, it will not pass through the pin, but it will spin in the other direction. Nobody will notice this from the outside - the effect will be as if a match went through a pin.

Interesting fact:

Georg Nagel, famous magician, performed in Paris with his program. He performed a trick that created the illusion of piercing a finger with a nail. The secret of this trick is in the art of bewitching those around you so that no one notices the substitution. During the performance, the audience surrounded the magician in a very dense ring; Nagel could not decide to show this trick. And those around him wanted to see him. As a result, the magician had to really pierce his finger with a nail - at the same time, despite the pain, he smiled and pretended that it was just an illusion. This is what a magician is ready to do, if he is dedicated to his work!

There are many interesting and, at the same time, simple tricks with coins and playing cards. You will learn about them below.

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An unfading, timeless classic is the card guessing trick. The spectator chooses any card. Then he puts it in the middle of the deck and shuffles. The illusionist's task is to find this card. This is quite easy to do. You just need to remember the neighboring card - then the card that will follow it will be the hidden card.

Transformation of a card. There is nothing complicated in this trick, but it is necessary to carry out training that develops finger dexterity. So, you need to take the deck and show the card to the spectator. Then turn the deck over so that it is face down and throw the desired card into the table. There will be a card on the table of a different value and a different suit.

The secret of this transformation is that the penultimate card should be thrown out of the deck, and not the one at the very end. To do this, sneak your index finger under the two cards. At the same time, hold the card that the audience saw with your thumb. The middle, ring and little fingers should be released so that the card can easily fly out of the deck. Finally, with your index finger, quietly and quickly draw another card from the deck.

First, try learning the one-coin trick. Place the coin in your palm and use your other hand to act as if you were holding a coin. At this moment, the main thing is to depict the moment of shifting as realistically as possible. To do this, bend your fingers slightly so that the viewer does not notice that the coin remains in the same hand. Do the imaginary grip casually, only touching your palm with your fingers without strong grasping or pinching movements. So, it seems to everyone that the coin is now in the other hand, open it and show the viewer that it is empty, that is, the coin has disappeared. Now you can get it from any other place, for example, from behind your shoulder or from behind a friend’s ear. If you get good at it, you will be able to see how delighted others will be with this trick, because the effect is created as if a coin appears out of thin air.

Well, of course, if you master this trick, you can easily cope with several coins. The 3-coin trick, like the others, looks like real magic, although it is very simple. Show the viewer one coin, which will be held between two fingers; it should be shown from all possible angles so that everyone can be sure that there is only one coin. Then the illusionist must throw it on the table, but there will be 3 coins on the table.

As in the previous trick, in this trick you need to take all 3 coins correctly and not make a mistake during the demonstration. Clamp two of them in parallel between the large and index fingers, and one – perpendicular. The perpendicular coin will cover the rest, which should not be visible due to the index and thumb. They can only be seen from one angle, which should be avoided during the demonstration. So, the audience sees only the last coin, and all 3 are thrown onto the table.


Performing a trick perfectly is only possible after careful rehearsals and training. If you show a “raw” trick, 90% are likely to be figured out. In addition, never reveal the secret of the trick or talk about what will happen next - you should not give in to provocations. Otherwise, interest in the number will be lost.

Follow these simple rules and remember what is important for all illusionists is artistry. Come up with special special effects like magic spells or magical gestures, play with the audience, and also have a little faith in what you are doing. Then the audience will definitely believe you.

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Magic tricks always attract attention. And if their secret has not yet been revealed, they are filled with special magic. By the way, sometimes for a good focus you don’t need to look for special equipment at all.

Team website invites you to become real wizards using the most ordinary objects.

Coca-Cola in a ball

For this simple trick, all you need is a balloon and a bottle of Coca-Cola. Place the balloon on the neck of the bottle and have someone tilt the bottle and pour the cola into the balloon. Usually these attempts fail because the ball is tightly compressed. The secret is that you need to shake the bottle slightly so that the gas begins to move into the ball.

Banana with filling

A delicious trick for lovers of sweet surprises. You can try stuffing a banana without peeling it using a syringe. Or cut a banana from the tail side, make a hole with a straw and add Nutella or condensed milk. Then we take a banana, peel it and surprise the kids!

Phone - in a ball

A good trick for the holidays when balloons are flying everywhere in the room. We take one of them and keep it lying on the table, pressing it with the phone. Then we sharply deflate the ball by pressing on the phone. That's all - the gadget is “trapped”!

Light two candles without matches

This simple trick is very effective. You will need two candles, glycerin and potassium permanganate powder. Lubricate the wick of one candle with glycerin in advance, and the other with potassium permanganate. We bring the candles to each other with wicks... And, lo and behold, they light up! When performing a trick, hold the candles at arm's length, away from you.

Paperclip on the water

This focus will allow you to take your mind off work or school. Invite others to place a paperclip in a glass of water so that it does not drown. And when unsuccessful attempts completed, do the same, but using another paperclip, pre-bent for ease of the process. And you did it!

Turning an orange into an apple

A wonderful trick for children. Show the orange, cover it with a handkerchief, say “ magic words"and tear off the scarf. Wow, there's an apple there! For this “miracle” you need to peel the orange in advance and place the apple in it. When showing, squeeze the apple in the orange peel and then deftly grasp the cloth and peel.