Who thinks that Olga Buzova is stupid. Buzova was furious because of the reproaches of hopeless stupidity. “If you go on stage and cheat, it’s not nice”

Today, June 13, Dana Borisova, the first blonde on Russian television, who created the image of a frivolous sex diva on the screen and was very successful in this role, celebrates her birthday. As the host of the “Army Store” program, Borisova became a sex symbol for the whole Russian army. For her image of a textbook blonde in the press, Dana was called Pamela Anderson's younger sister. TV ratings for her programs were the best proof - in the mid-90s, all male Russians clung to the screen when the presenter appeared on it. The social rating of the charming blonde was spoiled by “yellow” interviews - detailed reports from the star to dubious publications about beauty experiments, personal life and more. For the last eight years after the birth of her daughter, Dana has almost disappeared from television, devoting herself to her family, but in media circles she continues to maintain her reputation as a sex symbol.

Congratulating the birthday girl on her 39th birthday, ELLE also recalls other stars who cultivate the image of the so-called “TV fools” on the screen.

“I think I’m smart enough, but not everyone thinks so”

The finally released Dana Borisova, who for a long time maintained the monopoly of the frivolous TV blonde, was replaced by a new heroine - the opening of “Evening Urgant” Alla Mikheeva. The host of "Acute Report" on "Pervy" is so convincing in the image of a journalist not burdened with intelligence, asking stupid questions to the stars, that viewers can't help but wonder: Is Alla really so stupid or is she just pretending? It is impossible to find out for certain: the blonde does not leave the image of an eccentric correspondent even behind the scenes of the program (remember Alla Mikheeva on “ Ice Age"). The management of the St. Petersburg Buff Theater, where she serves, claims that in life Alla is just as “lively and spontaneous.” Well, in any case, the viewers’ eccentricities of the presenter only cause tenderness.

“As a blonde, I haven’t had time to think yet”

Jessica Simpson

“Is tuna chicken?”

In Western show business the most a shining example the narrow-minded but charming girl on TV is Jessica Simpson. Just look at her famous line: “Is tuna chicken?” Before the release of the show “We Got Married” in the early 2000s, few people knew about the country singer, especially her husband Nick Lachey. Quarrels, reconciliations, parties, limousines, shopping marathons of a glamorous blonde in a pink tracksuit - the plot of the couple's wild family life appealed to the general public. Dazzling Jessica provided crazy ratings for the MTV channel and literally woke up famous. Simpson continued to embody the image of a TV idiot in films, playing in a number of pictures of the lung genre. The first film coped with the task of promoting the image of the blonde and collected an impressive box office, but all subsequent films failed miserably at the box office. The star managed to remind herself only years later in reality “ Beautiful world Jessica Simpson." The crowning achievement of the “silly” blonde’s story was her marital bliss with football player Eric Johnson.

Constantly in the public eye, she has many fans, but also has plenty of haters. Many of those who are not fans of the star’s work actively discuss her intelligence, calling her stupid..

Not stupid, but happy

In an interview with one of the publications, Buzova addressed everyone who confidently says that she is stupid. The singer is outraged by how people who have never seen or spoken to her can say such a thing.

Olga emphasized that her “brain works perfectly, every minute, creating incredible ideas” and everything is “boiling” inside her. With confidence, the host of the TV show “House-2” emphasized that she was “happy!” The star also thanked all those artists who support her and do not spit in her direction, saying: “Fie, she’s a fool.”

Urgant is to blame for everything

There is a possibility that the last straw of Olga Buzova’s patience was the words of Ivan Urgant, who, in his characteristic manner, emphasized that in just 15 minutes new song“Fly Away” by the newly minted singer was in first place on the chart.

The point is that Buzova became the first artist in Russia whose 4 songs in a row took first place in the ranking of popular compositions. Urgant jokingly noted that this only means one thing: “everything is in order with musical taste in Russia.”

"...how good (the taste - editor's note) was, it remains so. And Olga can believe in herself and go to the West. If she goes to the West, the person will leave, and there will be no brain drain," the presenter concluded.

It is noted that Buzova herself reacted with humor to the words of the host of the “Evening Urgant” show.

Journalist JoeInfo Anna Ash recalls that the specialist previously told. The main thing is that the artist did not lose her individuality and did not become a duck with a micronose.

Olga Buzova has a good university education, but due to the fact that the TV presenter’s name is associated with the odious Dom-2 project, she is often reproached for being narrow-minded and primitive. And this is usually done by famous people.


“I often hear the most unpleasant words addressed to me from my colleagues. And I sincerely don’t understand why they are so angry with me. Why? – Olga almost cries. – I never claimed the title of the golden voice of Russia, it’s not for me I just do what I like. I have charisma, crazy zeal, and a desire to work. Which of them did I interfere with?

Only the lazy did not throw a stone at the TV presenter. And she has an explanation: “Now you know how it’s accepted? If you want to be written about in the newspaper, insult Buzova - you’ll get on the front pages one hundred percent. I hear these words from respected people, about whom you can’t even say that they’re like that.” "

“You, who so confidently say that Buzova is stupid, you haven’t seen me even once!” Telenedelya quotes the girl enraged by injustice. “But my brain works great, every minute it creates some incredible ideas. I want say thank you to those few artists who decided to support me, don’t spit in my direction, don’t say: “Fee, she’s a fool!”

The only girl in Comedy Club- about the marriage prospects of the host of “Dom-2”, the secrets of family happiness and the hypocrisy of individual show business stars.

Olga Buzova is certainly very bright girl. Between the above options, I would choose the golden mean. I’m not sure that she is absolutely the same in life as she appears to us, for example, on Instagram. She is cheerful, sociable, a little crazy - probably like all people who are involved in show business, television, and creativity. I’m surprised how she finds the strength and desire to communicate with people, to be open and sincere with them, despite the fact that she spends almost her whole life on display. I think she also has moments when she wants to shut down. The cool thing is that despite all her crazy busyness, she has 18 thousand businesses, 16 million projects and huge amount filming - she maintains sensitivity. She's not a robot. She is a living person. Not all people in show business have such an ability to sincerely communicate with people.

- And in humorous programs make fun of her intelligence. Even on TNT!

But they don’t laugh at his absence! Olya is not a fool. This is absolutely accurate. Maybe this will disappoint someone... The person absolutely understands what he needs to do, including in front of the camera. And for Olya this show is really more than a project. She has a goal - to find a person with whom she will be together. I would like to see the man next to her as strong, cheerful, and wise. I’m sure he will have to go to Buzovaya’s restaurants, make stories on Instagram, love the products from Olya’s bakery, cryptocurrency and Olya’s songs. In general, the task is to find the perfect one.

- Do you really think that such a goal is worth it? Isn't the point to just make an interesting show?

Of course, Olya may eventually say that no - I won’t be with any of them, leave me alone. But with her schedule and popularity, it’s really very difficult to find someone. In a country where everyone recognizes you, where you can’t calmly go to a cafe or walk in a park, it’s difficult to find something real. And in the show she is given the opportunity to go on dates, receive gifts and flowers, attention, gain new impressions, emotions. I am sure that this project will bring lightness and a feeling of love into her life, which she began to forget about.

- In your opinion, this program does not humiliate men?

Why should she humiliate?

- Men please the lady, she lazily chooses. And then one “marries” her.

No one is stopping Olya, after she finds her personal happiness, from becoming in a good way words weak. Men should pursue women, that's normal! Maybe not all men realize that it is not they who choose, but women? And motivate them to further actions. It seems to me that everything is harmonious: one bright girl is looking for her prince. And the princes, like real warriors, come to fight for the girl. Everything is the same as in the Middle Ages, only in a cooler way, high level and not in unsanitary conditions.

- As a philologist with a diploma, are you not outraged by the title - “Married to Buzov”?

It’s not outrageous at all, there’s a pun here. You won’t base your own on the name of the show. later life. I think it's very successful. Here the emphasis is more on the fact that modern women Sometimes you have to try on a male model of behavior, and not always of your own free will. Olya - strong girl, mega-popular, who made herself. Come, fight for it. This does not mean that the man crushed in Rus'.

“Our family is built on wisdom. Not mine, but my husband's"

Recently, one actress wrote a terrible thing on Instagram: “Actually, not everyone can meet their soulmate.” But, they say, don’t despair, they live with it. Do you agree?

I think you need to believe. And never go to any fortune tellers! I have one girl friend who is now married. She has had several relationships, but she says: “I won’t meet the one. My fortune teller said that I won’t have a man.” I say: “So you’re married now!” - “Well, this probably won’t last forever.” What nonsense?! She feels good with this person, but she listens to some leftist young lady. Nobody knows how it will happen. You need to listen to your heart, look closely at people.

Meeting your love is half the battle; you still need to get along with her. Look at Petrosyan and Stepanenko, how sadly it all ended.

The marriage has collapsed, but it is quite possible that both already have a new haven in which to relax.

- Tell us, as an experienced person, what is the success of a family built on and how to survive crises?

As for our family relations, then they are largely built, of course, on wisdom. Not mine, but my husband’s (Kravets in official marriage 5 years, and before that he was a civilian for a long time; husband Arkady Vodakhov is the general producer of one of the TV channels. - Author). But in general, it seems to me that you just need to live calmly. As long as everyone is happy with everything, when you have some kind of recharge from a person - this is a signal that “we should also spend tomorrow together, because we feel good.” Well, yes, we have some conflicts. But getting out of them competently is probably a skill that is also acquired over time. It’s like that for everyone, it seems to me.

Is it important for you to separate from time to time? They say this helps touring artists keep their feelings fresh.

Yes, there are tours and departures. And it’s all the more pleasant to meet later. If we return to the topic of Olya... It seems to me that it will be very difficult for her in a relationship only in the sense that she will have to choose between a crazy schedule and her family. But if the man is worthy, if she really loves, I’m sure Olya will do right choice and will give up something in his work. Well, she will write down the eighth solo album a little later, well, he will buy another plant not today, but in a month. But there will be time for yourself, for your family. She will be happy in a purely feminine way. And from previous relationships, she may have drawn certain conclusions that she should not be too strong family life advertise, for example, on social networks.

“If you go on stage and cheat, it’s not nice”

- You have a lot of experience in surviving in a male team. It's complicated? Olya often sings about this.

I don’t know all of Olya’s songs...

- She, in particular, sings that opens up the world of other men.

I opened the doors to the world of these particular men from the Comedy Club a long time ago. Or they opened it for me. We feel great with each other. I sometimes laugh that maybe not everyone knows that I’m a girl. They think that this is their guy in the team. We are on the same page, this is very important.

- Work or family - a woman has to choose, right?

It seems to me that women are becoming wiser: they understand that if you work exclusively, do yourself and don’t take care of your family at all, then you are losing part of your life. In fact, everyone chooses for themselves. Everything is moving towards harmonization of the main spheres of life, let’s say - both family and work. And it’s stupid to choose only work, and it’s against nature.

“As there was no time to cook, there is no time”

- Did the “Big Breakfast” program on TNT help you become an even better wife?

To be honest, I didn’t have time to cook, and I still don’t. I once cooked at home, but then we realized that there was no point in it. And it’s a pity for the products that disappear! You make some dish, then it sits for two days, since you are constantly wandering around the city. And on the third, you no longer risk touching it, although, most likely, it was delicious. If we eat together, we rather do it in a cafe. My husband takes it calmly, thank God. The same goes for cooking. large volumes food for friends. We live with you in Moscow!

- Where can I order everything?

Yes, and there is no time to cook. On the other hand, if I had crazy talent, I probably would have found the time. But I understand that I still need to develop in this area. And when there is a wonderful chef Artem Losev nearby... Everyone does their own thing: Artem cooks, I help him. I hope that I still help him! Plus I comment on what is happening and communicate with guests. And somehow we end up with, it seems to me, a very harmonious, organic program. We pay a lot of attention to ensuring that all stages of preparing a dish are clear. And it’s very nice when on Instagram using the hashtag #bigbreakfast I find photos of dishes made by subscribers. And we actually feed people in the studio.

You are a singing actress. Do you know what they write under the video where you sing Zombie? “Marinka will use all her talent on Comedy.” And with Brainstorm you recorded a composition that was not at all humorous.

Well, I wouldn’t say that about Comedy... This is an excellent platform for implementation creative potential. Even if I start drinking seriously, it will still be with a touch of irony and humor. Simply multiplying songs about love, about parting, which are sung with tears in the eyes, does not make sense, because there is already so much of this. So yes, maybe we’ll create something interesting. And regarding Brainstorm, I am very glad and happy that this duet took place with the guys. I've loved them for a very long time.

Do you follow what is happening in Russian music? This summer they actively discussed Zemfira’s collision with Monetochka, for example.

She suffered even less than Grechka. I think that Grechka was very unpleasant to hear Zemfira’s review (the singer said that Grechka was ugly, and Monetochka had a disgusting voice. - Author), because she probably grew up listening to Zemfira’s songs. I would take a closer look at Monetochka - it seems to me that she is not for one day. She seems to me to be quite a smart girl. My husband and I once turned on several tracks and realized that there was something to pay attention to.

- Don’t you have the feeling that so much has been done that you can slow down and relax?

When you succeed at something, you get even more charged and think: “Okay, great! This project is done, check the box, move on. What else do you suggest? What will happen next? This is great! I wouldn't want to stop, to be honest. And if you no longer have fun, then it’s better to take a vacation - rest, recharge and return full of strength. I once hosted one broadcast concert (in my opinion, it was in the Kremlin), and several Russian stars show business behind the scenes did not hesitate to demonstrate how tired they were of all this, how tired they were of all this... They spoke in slightly different words, not the ones I use. Selected Russian speech interspersed with obscenities was heard. And then the number is announced, and then a woman comes on stage and talks to the audience as if she was waiting for this meeting. It’s not that I condemn it, but I really wouldn’t want such a period to come to me. I initially have a different attitude towards the stage. Yes, and to the mat. This is already such a micro-betrayal: if you are tired, what are you doing here? Rest, come back. If you go on stage and cheat, it’s wrong, it’s ugly.

- On what day on vacation do you start to miss work?

Probably on average by a tenth. I'm in lately I noticed that I began to miss Moscow. Even where it’s very nice, you begin to remember the apartment you live in, the cafe you go to every day. In this regard, Moscow has already replaced St. Petersburg for me - I come to it as a tourist, I have relatives and friends there. Moscow has become more comfortable for me over the years.