Personal life and wife of Jared Padalecki. Interview with Genevieve Cortese Genevieve Padalecki latest addition

Jared Padalecki, known to most as Sam Winchester from the TV series Supernatural, was born on July 19, 1982 in Texas. He became famous after playing Dean Forester, Rosie's first boyfriend, in the TV series Gilmore Girls, in which he starred from 2000 to 2005. In addition, the actor starred in acclaimed horror films, including "House wax figures"("Wax House") and "Friday the 13th".

On February 27, 2010, Jared tied the knot with his colleague on the set, Genevieve Cortez. Fans of the couple applauded: “Genevieve is a beauty, and Jared Padalecki is just a god!” The actors got married in a beautiful place called Sun Valley, and both of them were worried that one of their most devoted fans would decide to attend this holiday, and the party would be disrupted.

Genevieve Cortez lived in Sun Valley before moving to New York to attend college and pursue her dreams of big stage and cinema. She began her career with the series “Wildfire”. Jared Padalecki, although not a god, but at two meters tall, after graduating from high school in San Antonio, almost immediately became one of those charming young men who drive women crazy with one look, and therefore the series “Gilmore Girls” simply could not help but have success with the female half of your audience.

As for Cortez, according to her mother Camille Batt, who raised her four children in the Valley, the beginnings of a love for cinema and a desire to conquer screens appeared in her very early.

“One morning, when I had just put all the children in the car on the seats, Zhen, who was only seven years old at the time, said: “Mom, you know, we need to get going soon. We have to go to Hollywood because I’m an ACTRESS!” She always put on shows, her mother says.

IN graduating class Cortez decided to go to boarding school in California with her brother, although, after spending absolutely no time there, she very bitterly regretted her decision. Young Genevieve had no way back. “I paid, so you’re staying,” the mother answered firmly. After boarding school, Cortez entered New York University and was enrolled in one of the most prestigious and famous faculties - the Tisch School of Arts. Thus, the foundation was laid for her future acting career, and, consequently, for meeting her future husband.

When the future married couple I was planning a wedding, the wishes of the bride and groom coincided: a winter wedding in Sun Valley. Most of the most stylish wedding celebrations take place in the summer - this time of year provides an opportunity to get creative, let the bride and groom walk barefoot down the altar, or perform a ritual on a mountain top. However, a winter celebration taking place in a warm room while snow is silently falling outside the window and candles are burning around is certainly a classic.

A family friend was planning the wedding, and it turned out to be the right decision. Cortez, along with event planner Taylor Sturges, chose silver, light blue and sea colors for the wedding. 150 guests from all over the country were invited to the celebration. Wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses are the work of designer Monique Lhuillier. The bride's dress was decorated with lace and wonderfully combined with the winter theme of the wedding. The bridesmaids' dresses were a dark navy blue.

Padalecki turned out to be even more conservative than Cortez.

“He insisted that we should only be photographed after we were officially married. It was really important for him not to see me in my dress until the reception,” Genevieve recalls.

The family of his future wife liked Jared already when he asked his father and Genevieve’s two brothers for her hand in marriage. Jared proposed to Cortez in New York, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which they often visited together. There, standing in front of their favorite painting “Joan of Arc” by the French realist Jules Bastien-Lepage, he invited Genevieve to become his wife.

Thus, Cortez in his lace dress and Padalecki with his charming inimitable dimples met at the altar, to which the bride was led by her father Jeffrey Butt and her brother John Cortez. And outside, as expected, the snow was falling silently.

Two years later, a son, Thomas Colton Padalecki, was born into the Padalecki family.

“We went through countless names, probably all that we came across in books and a couple more that we came up with ourselves, but, in the end, we agreed that first we would get to know our baby in person, and only then we would come up with what to call it,” Jared Padalecki told Tonic magazine in October 2011.

And recently, at the end of July this year, Jared confirmed that his wife was pregnant with their second child.

“Oh god, I got on the plane and only then realized that I didn’t finish my tweet! I still can't get used to this 140 character limit. I confirm that Genevieve is pregnant!” - Jared posted on his Twitter.

“I am very happy that I have my family, my job and my friends, I would like to have them with me forever, I think my biggest fear is the fear of losing them,” Jared once said.

Photos of a happy family

At the end of 2013, the couple had a second son, who was named Austin Shepard Padalecki. The first of the two names is a tribute to the Texas city where the Padalecki family settled immediately after the wedding. The baby's parents simply call him Shep.

Genevieve and Jared dream of a large traditional family, so the news of the actress’s third pregnancy was greeted by the couple’s fans with great joy. Thomas and Shep Padalecki met their little sister in March 2017. The baby was named Odette Elliott.

Jared divides his time between his home in Austin, Texas, and Vancouver, Canada, where Supernatural is filmed.

Social activities

Fans love Jared Padalecki not only for his acting talent, but also for kind heart. In 2015, Jared launched a joint campaign with charitable organization, which helps people with mental illness, depression and addiction. As part of the collaboration, a T-shirt was released with a photograph of the actor and the call “Always keep fighting.” To date, more than 100 thousand of these T-shirts have been sold. Proceeds from sales are used to help people going through a difficult period in their lives.

In an interview dedicated to the launch of the campaign, Jared Padalecki said that he became interested in charitable activities thanks to his CW colleague Stephen Amell. The Supernatural star also shared his experiences with depression. During the filming of the third season of the show, he was diagnosed with clinical depression, in overcoming which Padalecki was helped by his best friend, as well as the actor who plays his brother, Jensen Ackles.

In the summer of 2017, a powerful hurricane hit the city of Houston, Texas. Genevieve and Jared took part in a charity campaign to raise funds for the victims.

Genevieve Padalecki - American actress, the wife of actor Jared Padalecki, known to viewers for her roles in the popular top-rated TV series Wild Fire and Supernatural.

In addition to filming films, Genevieve has proven herself well in theater world, having played in such classic plays as A Midsummer Night's Dream, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Crime of the Heart, participation in which, even at the dawn of her career, allowed Padalecki to consolidate her status as an experienced and versatile stage actress.

And yet, the girl gained worldwide fame only after playing the role of the demon Ruby in the fantasy series “Supernatural,” which received great recognition from youth audiences around the world.

Childhood and youth

The life of the future film star began on January 8, 1981 in the small town of Danville, located in the suburbs of San Francisco. She spent her childhood there, surrounded by her sister Sarah and two younger brothers, John and Ben. Her parents were seriously interested in skiing and often moved from place to place, which is why young Genevieve had to change many schools until the family settled in the resort town of Saint Valley, Idaho. The actress still considers this picturesque place to be her only home, because the family lived there longer than in other cities.

According to Genevieve, her nationality is Polish, but she also has French, Flemish and Italian roots. As a child, Genevieve Nicole Cortese was rarely called by her real name, preferring more American versions - Jennifer or Jenny. The girl didn’t mind, since she liked these names better. The future actress' hobbies also included traveling and playing ball. For some time, football became a serious passion for young Cortese, and if it weren’t for her grandmother, who instilled in the girl a love for the theater, it is unknown how things would have turned out. further career Genevieve, who had never been particularly diligent and preferred to lead an active lifestyle.

Passion for acting and first performances in the theater
Being present at theatrical productions beloved grandmother's granddaughter once and for all decided on her future vocation, entering the faculty of New York University immediately after graduation fine arts. There she managed to get two specialties at once, becoming a bachelor in English and American literature, and also performing arts. Along the way, Genevieve visited the famous acting studio of Stella Adler, where she was able to learn even more about dramatic art. A prestigious education allowed the aspiring actress to get roles in many performances that were staged at that time on the New York theater stage.

Big screen debut

The experience gained became especially useful when Genevieve was offered her first film roles. And although such projects as the action movie “Hostages of the Desert” and the TV series “The Dead Zone,” which were released from 2004 to 2005, did not receive widespread recognition, the actress still managed to attract the attention of Hollywood specialists. The result was Genevieve’s invitation to the main role in the TV series “Wild Fire”, where the actress had to embody on the screen the image of a difficult teenager who, having freed himself from penal colony, gets a chance to start life from scratch.

Since most of the scenes in the series took place on the farm, the girl needed to learn horse riding lessons, with which she received significant help from her mother, from whom Genevieve also inherited some character traits for her heroine. The series, which aired on American television from 2005 to 2008, was a success with viewers, bringing the young actress her first serious fame.

Unexpected success

The girl did not stop there, continuing to act in various films and short films, such as “American Kids” and “Brilliant Ideas”. She also took part in the filming of the series “Come what may.” In 2008, news appeared in the media about the singer’s departure from the popular TV series “Supernatural.” leading role Katie Cassidy, after which the role was offered to Genevieve Cortese.

The actress happily took advantage of the opportunity, joining the ensemble cast of the ambitious television project from the 3rd season. The image of the demon Ruby, played by Genevieve, has become iconic in the career of the young artist, because it is with him that her current popularity is associated. At the same time, not only the audience was delighted with Cortese’s performance, but also critics, who noticed that the actress did not continue the image created by her predecessor, but embodied on the screen a completely different vision of the heroine, using her own acting techniques, which is why Ruby became even more interesting and more ambiguous than before. The actress starred in Supernatural until the end of season 4, until she realized that her character was slowly becoming obsolete and the best decision would be to leave the project.

Jared and Genevieve Padalecki

On the set of the series, the actress met the leading actor, actor Jared Padalecki, with whom Genevieve developed a warm relationship. The couple decided to officially tie the knot a year later, in 2010, by having a wedding in Genevieve’s native mansion in Idaho. Being Jared's wife, the actress changed her last name, henceforth becoming Genevieve Padalecki. In the spring of 2012, the couple had their first child, who was named Thomas Colton. The next additions to the family of young spouses occurred in 2013 and 2017, respectively, when Genevieve gave birth to her husband two more children - a boy, Shepard, and a girl, Odette.

Photo: Genevieve Padalecki with her husband Jared Padalecki

After becoming a mother, the girl left her acting career, devoting herself entirely to her family. Over the past six years, only one film with Padalecki’s participation has been released - “Hated”, dating back to 2012. The actress prefers to spend time with her family and, judging by her various statements in the media, is extremely intolerant of forced business trips.

At the same time, Genevieve remains a rather versatile person, enjoying running, snowboarding, surfing and alpine skiing, a passion for which she inherited from her parents. In addition, the girl has mastered the art of yoga at a professional level and, if necessary, can demonstrate the most incredible poses and stances.

The actress is also fond of tattooing: she has tattoos on her back, as well as on her wrists, which are decorated with star-shaped images. The Padalecki family currently lives in Austin, Texas.


  • 2005 Dead Zone
  • 2005 American kids
  • 2005-2008 Wild Fire
  • 2008-2009 Supernatural
  • 2009-2010 Remember what will happen
  • 2010 Supernatural
  • 2012 Hateful

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Jared Padalecki is a 32-year-old actor, known to most for his role as Sam Winchester, whom he played in the popular TV series Supernatural. This series in many ways radically changed the actor’s life, because it was on its set that he met his future wife, actress Genevieve Cortese. On at the moment Jared Padalecki and his wife Genevieve have been married for over four years.

Start and career development

The actor's first fame came during the filming of the series "Gilmore Girls" (Russian: "Gilmore Girls"), in which he played the role of Dean Forester. Filming of this series lasted for five years (from 2000 to 2005). In addition, Jared managed to star in several horror films that caused quite a stir, including Friday the 13th and Wax House. But it was the role of Sam in Supernatural that brought real fame to the actor from Texas.

Genevieve Cortese played the role of a demon named Ruby in Supernatural, during the filming of which she began a passionate romance with Padalecki. A year later (in February 2010), the young people got married, which greatly delighted the ardent fans of the series. The wedding celebration took place in Sunny Valley, although the couple was afraid that their fans might come there and the holiday would be disrupted.

For many years (until Genevieve decided to become an actress, going to study at one of the New York colleges) Sun Valley was Genevieve’s home. The first step in her acting career became a series called “Wildfire” (Russian: “Wild Fire”), in which she played the role of Chris Furillo. As for Jared, this gorgeous guy (almost two meters tall) has been high school was someone who could turn the head of any young lady. This is why the series "Gilmore Girls" was such a resounding success among women.

According to Genevieve's mother, her daughter has been early years dreamed of becoming an actress, constantly organizing home performances and showing great interest in cinema and Hollywood. At the age of seven, little Zhen already clearly understood what exactly she wanted from life.

After finishing her studies at a boarding school (the girl regretted her decision to study there many times), Jen, who in life prefers to be called that way, is enrolled in the faculty of the Tisch School of Arts, one of the most prestigious New York Colleges. Studying at this university became the first stone in the solid foundation of her future career, which brought the actress not only fame with a lot of fans, but also a loved one.

During her career, Genevieve starred in many films and TV series, including:

  • "Hostages of the Desert";
  • "Wild Fire";
  • "American Kids"
  • "Supernatural";
  • "Life is short";
  • "Hated" and others.

Padalecki family wedding and preparations for it

When choosing a location for their wedding, Jared Padalecki and his wife surprisingly agreed on the beautiful Sun Valley, where Jen grew up. Despite the general fashion to hold wedding ceremonies in the summer, the newlyweds decided to choose a more classic and romantic winter option for their celebration.

All the work associated with planning and preparing the wedding celebration was taken on by a good friend of their family, Taylor Sturges. After consulting with the bride, he decided to decorate the wedding party venue in carrot, light blue and silver colors. The couple invited about 150 guests to their wedding, who arrived for this holiday with different corners planets. The bride, like her bridesmaids (they were in elegant sea-colored dresses), wore a beautiful lace dress white, which was sewn for her by a talented designer - Monique Lhuillier.

Padalecki showed his conservative nature when he stated that he did not want them to be photographed or filmed until after their official wedding. According to Cortese, he took well-known wedding signs very seriously, such as “not seeing the bride’s dress before the wedding.”

Jared has made a great impression on Genevieve's family ever since he came to the bride's two brothers and father to ask them for her hand in marriage. The Cortese family was very touched by this gesture. Padalecki proposed to Genevieve while stopping near their favorite painting (“Joan of Arc” by Jules Bastien-Lepage) during the couple’s next trip to the New York Museum of Art.

Actually, Jared Padalecki and his wife held their wedding the way they dreamed - in the romantic setting of snow quietly falling outside the window.

Family life and happy additions to it

Two years later happy marriage The couple had their first child, whom they named Thomas Colton Padalecki. Once, in an interview with Tonic magazine, Jared stated that even before the birth of the child, he and his wife spent many evenings trying to choose for him suitable name. But these attempts were in vain. Then the family decided to name their son after his birth. Jared Padalecki and his family, photos of which can be found on the Internet, look very happy.

Some time later, namely in July of this year, Jared made another equally important statement on his Twitter, in which he confirmed the information that another addition was expected to their family.

The series “Supernatural”, which is incredibly popular in Ufa and throughout the Republic of Bashkortostan, has become a real gift of fate for the actors, bringing them not only worldwide fame and recognition, but also true mutual love.

Jared Padalecki is a global star, as evidenced by the stunning success of the acclaimed series Supernatural. But who is Jared Padalecki's wife and does she even exist? This question worries more than a dozen fans of the actor. And this is Genevieve, who plays Ruby in the same series and, according to the plot, is the lover of Jared’s hero, Sam Winchester.

Filmography of Jared

In addition to the Supernatural series of films, Padalecki’s participation included the following films:

  • "Gilmore Girls"
  • the seventh season of "ER"
  • "Friday the 13th"
  • "House of Wax"

Significant other

Handsome Jared Padalecki has been on the radar of young girls for quite some time now, and they strive to stand out from the crowd and become the star’s favorite. But Jared has been married to his film colleague Genevieve for 3 years now.

It is noteworthy that the actress did not immediately get involved in working on the series. Her character appeared on the set of the 4th season only. But the beauty attracted the leading actor so much that 2 months after they met, the latter proposed his hand and heart to his beloved. The wedding also happened very suddenly - after just a year. Even the actor’s ubiquitous fans could not resist this union, to which fate itself apparently had a hand.

New addition to the family of actors

A little more time passed, and the spring of 2012 brought a new addition to the Padalecki family. The wife gave birth to her beloved son, Thomas Colton. A few months later, the baby made his first public appearance in the arms of his beloved dad. The paparazzi have already dubbed Jared the best star father modernity. Indeed, father and son really looked harmonious, sincerely enjoying each other's company. As eloquently evidenced by the photo of Jared Padalecki with the baby.

More than once in interviews, Padalecki drew parallels with his on-screen hero. Sam Winchester is the father of two little boys and is very keen to spend as much time as possible with the little ones. Play and teach the wisdom of men's affairs. Apparently, Jared also wants such harmony in his family.

The second addition to the family of actors

Just 7 months ago, the famous film actor became a dad for the second time. Genevieve gave birth to a beautiful pink-cheeked baby, who was named Austin Shepard.

Harmony of work and free time

The question of competently combining the process of making money, self-realization and attention to loved ones worries the minds of many actors and public people. After all, money doesn’t fall from the sky, and publicity doesn’t give you the opportunity to relax and unwind with your family. Jared also shared his thoughts on compromise in this matter.

The stars also have plans for the near future to finish work on the popular series and simply become an exemplary family man, spending time with their sons and wife. Perhaps he will become a producer or something similar. The main thing is to have as much time as possible for the children. Padalecki Sr. plans to teach Thomas Colton and Austin Shepard basketball, the rules of behavior in society and everything that he himself knows and knows.

Jared Padalecki's wife also supports the star dad's laudable aspirations. Moreover, he strives to spend every minute outside of work with his family. And it doesn't matter how many miles separate them. After finishing his workday, Padalecki drops everything and flies to his beloved household.

The actor complains about his busy work schedule. For example, not so long ago, being in Vancouver, I had to work 12 hours a day, and then get home for the same amount of time. But the father tried to spend the boys’ waking hours entirely with them. I slept only when the kids went to bed. According to Jared, time spent with children is precious and no one has the right to limit it. Although the star admits that he does not have a clear line between work and personal life. But Padalecki isn't complaining. In his opinion, with an uneven filming schedule, this is quite normal.

As the actor himself said, his wife does her best to remind her sons of their father, even when he is on business trips. To do this, Genevieve plays dad on TV for her sons instead of cartoons. According to the spouses, this method will allow Thomas Colton and Austin Shepard not to forget who dad is and what he looks like. Naturally, the eldest already understands who plays in those cartoons that his mother turns on. But the younger one still perceives it all as a kaleidoscope of pictures.

The actor’s favorite moments are children’s imitation of the facial expressions and gestures of their elders.

Advice from the stars: this is a kind of wake-up call to look at yourself from the outside.

Plus, the youngest has already begun to understand that there is a mother, there is a father, and he is sincerely happy when he sees his father.

As Jared Padalecki admitted, he is a younger brother himself. And he and his relative are very close, they were best men at each other’s weddings. That is why he will make every effort to ensure that his sons have the same harmony in their relationships.

Padaholic. Not bad with my imagination and without drugs.

Priceless Ruby

Scans from the special issue provided to our club_supernatural Rubin_Red, why should she thanks a lot

Genevieve Cortese-Padaleki is in a unique position among the cast of Supernatural, as she not only played one of the show's main roles, the two-faced Ruby, but also married one of the show's leading men. Things took a new turn, however, in the season six episode "The French Mistake" Genevieve played herself! Well, partly. The Official Supernatural Magazine caught up with Genevieve to find out more about the surreal turn of events.
When we finally found out what Ruby was up to, Sam and Dean almost immediately killed her off, and her return to the show seemed unlikely. But this is Supernatural, and we had to take that fact into account. Of course, her character didn't actually return—well, aside from Sam and Dean's initial confusion when they first thought she was the demon Ruby—but Cortese did in fact reappear on the show as herself. Well, sort of. To read about her fake identity, check out issue #25. We caught up with the actress to discuss the episode in more detail. About Ruby's life... - uh... Jen - as Mrs. Padalecki. And another opinion on whether this was her last appearance in Supernatural.

IN last time When we spoke, you were newlywed and hoping that the TV show you starred in, Flash Forward, would be renewed. This, unfortunately, did not happen - were you ready for this?
- I'm all last year did not work, mainly focusing on marriage.

So do you and Jared really live in a luxurious Vancouver mansion all the time, like in The French Mistake, or do you still visit California?

I'm still looking for pilots, so I'm going back and forth. I'm just a little more picky now because I prefer not to take on jobs that require me to travel too far. I often go back and forth, but we have a rule that we never separate for long term without the opportunity to see each other.

Looks like you've decided everything possible problems Well done with long distance marriage. Sorry, but because of "The French Mistake," we can't help but think that you and Jared live in the same mansion as in the episode. Let's say you really have an alpaca living in your yard?
- No! [Laughs.] The closest place we saw alpacas was Machu Picchu - we were hiking, and they were following us. It was actually unusual: we walked through the ruins and there were alpacas everywhere! But it's fun.

Okay, we forgot about the fake palace from Mistake..., but what do you think about Jared's Warloch-style portraits?
- I thought it was great, and also: “Oh my god, we have pictures of our faces everywhere!” [Laughs.] That's what I think about it. It was cool, because we don’t have such paintings (in real life), and it was interesting and cool.

Apparently, everything in this episode was deliberately made funny, but when Misha Collins was killed, you cried and screamed so hysterically - was it difficult?
- It was partly a parody, so I took a break to emotionally prepare. It’s quite difficult to shoot such scenes: you try, you give yourself completely, and, of course, you have to prepare for this.

That is, if you don’t take such a break, you won’t be able to cry on command?
“Perhaps some people can cry on command, but I can’t do that.” Although you can do a couple of tricks - say, add a little makeup.

Besides being forced to cry, were there any other challenges filming this episode?
“I guess it was just meant to be funny and silly - just to do something funny, and I just wanted to make sure that it was fun and casual - especially after the criticism for the fourth season. And it really was fun.

Was there anything else funny on set?
- I turned 30 during the filming of this episode. It's kind of funny.

Did they throw you a big party at the venue for the occasion? Or maybe they made a cake in the shape of a monster?
- No, no, no. I didn’t want to tell anyone, I’m not that kind of person. But Jared is like, “It’s Jen’s birthday!” And, by the way, she’s thirty!” That's how everyone found out and congratulated me. But we celebrated quietly, with family and friends over dinner.

In this episode, Jen thought her husband was acting a little strange and it didn't occur to her that he was the real Sam Winchester from an alternate reality. What if she had met him earlier, when he was soulless? Would she have seen through him?
- I would like to think so!

What do you think about soulless Sam?
- Oh, I loved him. I'm so proud of Jared! I like psychology; I have one book called DFN: it's mainly about psychological disorders. We read it together, and it was interesting to see [Soulless Sam] from a different perspective. Jared said this Sam guy was a sociopath and all that kind of stuff. He put all his strength into it. And he's damn talented. I mean, I know he's my husband, and I would still say that, but that type is difficult for an actor, and he did a great job with it, which is very, very cool.

This type will come back to haunt him in the seventh season. Speaking of which, can you believe there's already a seventh season of Supernatural?
- Yes, it's just crazy. But it would be strange not to continue, especially after gaining such popularity. Jared and I often joked that he would become really famous if he was mentioned in the New York Times and Jeopardy (American quiz, this is that video - approx.), and both events happened one after the other, within a couple of days! Maybe I'm being selfish, but I'd like to bring him back to the States. Although in general, everything is fine, because the show is really wonderful.

It may have been funny, but it’s unlikely that Sam and Dean will return to the alternate reality, which means we won’t see Jen in the series anymore. Do you think maybe the writers will bring Ruby back?
- Hardly. I think she's dead, and I'm sure if Ruby comes back, it will certainly be in another body or something else. That is, it’s definitely not me who will play it.

But flashbacks exist! Or maybe the guys will go to yet another alternate reality where Ruby isn't dead and still wears that meat suit.
- Who knows? I have no idea what's going on in their heads - it's impossible to know because this is Supernatural! But they always come back.

Is there anything else you can tell fans about working on Supernatural or what it's like being the wife of a popular star?
“It’s a blessing to feel like you’re part of such a large-scale project.” There I met my best friend and my husband, and this also makes me happy. It was wonderful. And I want to thank the fans for helping this happen.

Images of Ruby

Ruby I. When we first met Ruby, her vessel was a stunning blonde (played by Katie Cassidy), whose fate was left unknown. She eventually freed this body, only for Lilith to take possession of it.

Temporary vessel for Ruby. Returning from Hell, the blonde’s body was irretrievably lost, and Ruby “borrowed” a new one from a certain secretary (“I Know What You Did Last Summer” - the ninth episode of the fourth season). When Sam objected to the capture of an innocent girl, Ruby was forced to let her go and find another “home.”

Ruby II.
To satisfy Sam's anxieties, she moved in with the brunette (played by Genevieve Cortese), an unidentified coma victim with a completely inactive brain that had become blank slate for Ruby. She possessed this body for a long time until she revealed her true intentions, and Dean killed her with her own demon-slaying dagger.

Maid Ruby. To help Dean and Sam get out of the motel, Ruby temporarily takes possession of the maid's body (also in 4.09), while the comatose body was left to "rot in the house under Anna's care." We love her sharp tongue!

Jen-Ruby. When Sam and Dean entered the world of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, stars of a show called Supernatural, they were most surprised to find Ruby alive and well in Jared's mansion. However, she turned out to be Genevieve. Well, sort of...