Description of the painting of Sychkov's girlfriend. People's Artist Fedot Sychkov. Updated paintings by F. Sychkov

The name of the original Mordovian painter who worked in the first half of the 20th century is Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov entered the history of painting into the category of “Forgotten Names”. However, at one time, the images of his Russian girls were very popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. So in the 1910s, the painter’s paintings had unprecedented success at the Paris Salon, where they were eagerly bought up by art lovers who showed a sincere interest in Russian village life.

F.V. Sychkov lived a long and fruitful life, wrote about six hundred paintings and over a thousand sketches. The main theme of the painter’s work was village life, rural holidays, folk festivals, winter fun youth. The master’s enormous legacy has spread throughout the country and abroad. His works are kept in many museums and private collections around the world. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, colorful postcards published by the Richard publishing house were very popular, which are a rarity today.

The future artist was born in March 1870 into a poor village family in a village in the Penza province. WITH early childhood He and his mother walked around the villages with a bag, which is why their fellow villagers teased them as beggars. For the boy this was so humiliating that from an early age he dreamed of learning some kind of craft in order to earn a living from his labor.

Fedot's grandmother insisted on sending her grandson to a three-year zemstvo school. There the boy immediately showed great talent for drawing, and his teacher tried in every possible way to develop this gift in him." alt=" “Christoslavs.” (Children of the old village). Author: Fedot Sychkov." title=""Waits". (Children of the old village).

Seeing extraordinary talent and desire in the young man, his fellow countrymen helped Fedot with money. And he graduated from the Drawing School in St. Petersburg, however, not in six years - like everyone else, but in three years, since he managed to short term complete the entire curriculum.

Letter from the war." But a diploma was out of the question, since the artist did not have a document on complete secondary education.

So Fedot Sychkov went further along creative path without a diploma, but with extraordinary talent and the desire to develop and create." alt=" Portrait of a wife.

And in 1908, Sychkov and his wife went on a trip to Italy, France, and Germany to see with their own eyes the creations of world art. Abroad, he painted many serial landscapes and exhibited his works at the Paris Salon." alt=""Girl in a blue scarf."

Returning to his homeland after the revolution, the artist began to design revolutionary holidays and write genre paintings about life in the new country. In 1937, the artist, disillusioned with the new order and feeling unclaimed, tried to leave Russia.

But by chance, his work was noticed and appreciated; Fedot Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Over the subsequent years of his life, the artist will paint a large number of colorful paintings, imbued with positivity, youth, and energy." alt="Russian woman in a red scarf against the background of a landscape. (1923)." title="Russian woman in a red scarf against the background of a landscape. (1923)." border="0" vspace="5">!}" alt="At the hut."" alt=""Girlfriends."" alt=""Collective Farm Bazaar"" alt=""Snowball". (1910)." alt=""Return from haymaking."" alt=""Free time". (1910).

Sychkov Fedot Vasilievich (1870-1958)

Peasant girl.

Nowadays, few people are familiar with the work of the most original artist Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov. And in the 1910s, his works were successful not only at exhibitions in Russia, but also at the Paris Salon, where they were eagerly bought up by art lovers who showed interest in the life and art of our country. Peasant girls and young ladies F.V. Sychkov’s works were close in popularity to the hawthorns of Konstantin Makovsky, although the lives and paths to art of the artists were polar different.


E.A. Nozdrin Portrait of F.V. Sychkova 1957

Fedot Sychkov was born in the village of Kochelaevo, Narovchatsky district, Penza province, now Kovylkinsky district of the Republic of Mordovia.

His childhood was spent in a family in hopeless need.
General education received at a three-year zemstvo school, where teacher P.E. Dyumayev was the first to draw attention to the artistically gifted peasant boy. But several more years passed before Sychkov picked up a brush and entered the thorny path artist. Based on the little knowledge in the field of drawing and painting that he received from P.E. Dyumaev, and then in the icon painting artel D.A. Reshetnikova, F.V. Sychkov began to work independently, painting icons and portraits of fellow villagers. Among early works- the painting “The laying of the Arapovo station” (1892), which was commissioned by the St. Petersburg general I.A. Arapov, whose estate was located not far from Kochelaev. The creation of the painting became a kind of exam, a test of abilities, which Sychkov passed with dignity. The general showed the painting to the director of the Drawing School for Free People, E.A. Sabaneev. Noting Sychkov’s talent, he advised him to bring the young man to St. Petersburg. In 1892, Sychkov crossed the threshold of the Drawing School, where he studied with K.V. Lebedev, I.V. Tvorozhnikov, Ya.F. Tsionglinsky.

In 1895, as a volunteer, he entered the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts. Studied according to class battle painting at N.D. Kuznetsova and P.O. Kovalevsky

In 1900, he was awarded the title of artist for his painting “Letter from the War.”

After finishing his studies in St. Petersburg, Sychkov returned to his homeland, which became for him a life-giving source of creative inspiration. In love with the colorful element of full-blooded national life, he knew how to depict the most ordinary aspects of peasant life poetically, without gravitating towards excessive literaryism in the plots. Folk festivals, mountain skiing, weddings, gatherings - this is not a complete range of themes and motifs that attracted the master.
Regular participant in exhibitions of the St. Petersburg AI and St. Petersburg T-va of artists since 1905.
In the 1910s, his works were a success not only at exhibitions in Russia, but also at the Paris Salon, where they were eagerly purchased by art lovers who showed interest in the life and art of our country. Peasant girls and young ladies F.V. Sychkov’s works were close in popularity to the hawthorns of Konstantin Makovsky, although the lives and paths to art of the artists were polar different.
His still lifes are interesting: “Still life. Fruits", created in 1908 during a trip to Italy, still lifes with a landscape approach -
Honored Artist of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the RSFSR, People's Artist of Mordovia, awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.
Since 1960 in the Mordovian Republican Museum fine arts named after S. D. Erzya there is a permanent exhibition of his works (the funds of this museum contain the most large collection picturesque and graphic works Sychkov - about 600 works, including studies and sketches).

F.V. died Sychkov in Saransk, being an Honored Artist of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Artist's paintings

Naughty girls

At the hut.


By the hedge.

Difficult transition.


From the mountains


Lunch break.

Nanny. The artist's sister.

Young woman.


Young woman.

Country beauty.

Girl in a blue scarf.

Girlish smile.

Still life.


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Name F.V. Sychkov, an original Russian painter, is not known to everyone today. And in the 10s of the century before last, his canvases were successfully exhibited not only throughout Russia, but also at the Art-Saloon in Paris, and were readily purchased by Europeans interested in Russian culture and life ordinary people. Sychkov's portraits of peasant girls and young ladies competed in popularity with K. Makovsky's hawthorns, although the paths of these two artists never crossed.

A little from the painter's biography

Fedot Sychkov (born in Mordovia) spent his childhood in a peasant family, in hardship and poverty. Having felt a craving for drawing from an early age, the gifted young man set himself a firm goal - to go to study at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. But this required considerable funds. Earn them to the young painter succeeded in the icon painting school, where he created wall frescoes that have survived to this day. In addition, starting from adolescence, the future master of genre portraits painted pictures based on photographs to order.

In 1895, 25-year-old Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov became a student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. During these same years, his original painting style and preferences in art were finally formed: the themes of peasant life and rural holidays became a priority in his work. The collection of 700 paintings from his creative heritage also includes many portraits, still lifes, and landscapes.

F. Sychkov’s amazingly emotional paintings still make an impression on everyone who sees them. And in those years, the subjects of his works were so close and understandable to people that very soon the artist gained nationwide popularity. His paintings have participated in national and international exhibitions many times, winning many awards. The artist lived to the age of 88, becoming an Honored Artist of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Updated paintings by F. Sychkov

A few years ago at the Museum of Art. S.D. Erzya in Mordovia, an updated exhibition of the artist’s works was organized. His fellow countrymen managed to find and restore previously unknown paintings and present them to the public. This event was timed to coincide with the anniversary date - the 140th anniversary of the birth of the famous artist.

Some works, previously stored in the museum’s storerooms, dated back to the master’s formative years. Light, filled with an air of light and color, the canvases of early Sychkov were radically different from what he painted in his mature years.

The “Italian Cycle”, written during a trip to Rome, Menton, and Venice, was presented to the general public. These are mainly landscapes, as well as works depicting architectural masterpieces: the Colosseum, the Forum, St. Mark's Square. Of particular interest to the public was the updated canvas “Bookmark of Arapovo Station” - also one of early works, which became fateful in creative biography Fedot Sychkova.

The Mordovian Museum has a huge part of the artist’s heritage - about 600 paintings and sketches. A permanent exhibition of Sychkov’s works has been running there for more than half a century – since 1960. For his centenary anniversary as a master in 1970, the painter’s house was restored in the village of Kochelaev, in which a museum of memory was then opened outstanding artist. The exhibition of the house-museum carefully contains not only paintings, but also many things that belonged to Fedot Sychkov and his family.

Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov(1870 -1958) - famous Russian artist, was born into a poor peasant family in the village of Kochelaev, Penza province. At the age of twelve, the future artist lost his father.

The mother, left with her children without a piece of bread, was forced to walk around the courtyards with a knapsack, collecting “for Christ’s sake.” Showing family concern, the grandmother sent her grandson to primary school.

School teacher Drawing P.E. Dyumayev discovered the boy's ability to draw and wrote a letter of petition to the court painter Mikhail Zichy.

The teacher and student waited a long time for an answer from St. Petersburg, but they did. The response letter contained advice - to send a capable student to St. Petersburg art school, but there was no hint of what means. Fedot realized the main thing: he had to earn his own way for travel and studies.

Since childhood, Fedot Sychkov showed a talent for painting. He worked in an icon-painting workshop, painted frescoes in churches, and made portraits from photographs.

"Self-Portrait", 1893

In 1892, he went to St. Petersburg, to the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts with the support of General Arapov, who drew attention to the talented young self-taught artist.

In 1895, Sychkov graduated from the Drawing School and became a volunteer student at the Higher art school at the Academy of Arts.

After completing his studies, the artist returned to his homeland. In 1900, he was awarded the title of artist for the painting “News from the War.” The artist’s main theme is the life of peasants and rural holidays.

"Peasant Girl"

The canvases of Fedot Sychkov attract with the cheerfulness of colors, white-toothed smiles framed by colored scarves, the radiance of the sun and snow, the aroma of field herbs...

He received six prizes at academic exhibitions in St. Petersburg.

He was awarded a silver medal at an exhibition in St. Louis (USA).

He deserved an honorable mention International exhibition in Rome.

And in 1908 he personally visited England, France and Germany.

But there was certainly a feeling of satisfaction from the foreign voyage as a result of what was achieved. Upon arrival in Russia, he returned to his native Kochelayevo.

"From the Mountains", 1910


"Girl in a Blue Shawl", 1935

Behind almost every brilliant creator is a woman who, with her support and wisdom, kept the flame of her loved one’s talent alive.

His wife, Lidiya Nikolaevna, became such a muse for Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov. She, like her husband, was keenly interested folk culture, including Mordovian.

Lydia Nikolaevna carefully collected items of national costume and jewelry. Her collection included an incredible number of shawls, shirts, hats, belts, beads... Fedot Vasilyevich used all this wealth in his portraits.

Died in Saransk, being an Honored Artist of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

"Making a Snowman", 1910

"Troika", 1906

"Mordovian Teacher", 1937

"Girlfriends", 1916


"Alma-Ata apples", 1937

"Girl in Flowers"

"Collective Farm Bazaar", 1936

"At the Hedge. Winter", 1931

"Two Girls in the Snow", 1929

"At the Hut", 1915

"Tractor Drivers", 1938

"Self-portrait", 1899

"Young Woman", 1928


"Asters", 1940

"Ride on Maslenitsa"

Author - lipatowa. This is a quote from this post


Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov (1870 -1958) - famous Russian artist, born into a poor peasant family in the village of Kochelaev, Penza province. At the age of twelve, the future artist lost his father.

The mother, left with her children without a piece of bread, was forced to walk around the courtyards with a knapsack, collecting “for Christ’s sake.” Showing family concern, the grandmother sent her grandson to elementary school.

School art teacher P. E. Dyumayev discovered the boy’s ability to draw and wrote a letter of petition to the court painter Mikhail Zichy.

The teacher and student waited a long time for an answer from St. Petersburg, but they did. The response letter contained advice - to send a capable student to the St. Petersburg art school, but there was no hint of what means. Fedot realized the main thing: he had to earn his own way for travel and studies.

Since childhood, Fedot Sychkov showed a talent for painting. He worked in an icon-painting workshop, painted frescoes in churches, and made portraits from photographs.

"Self-Portrait", 1893

In 1892, he went to St. Petersburg, to the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts with the support of General Arapov, who drew attention to the talented young self-taught artist.

In 1895, Sychkov graduated from the Drawing School and became a volunteer student at the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts.

After completing his studies, the artist returned to his homeland. In 1900, he was awarded the title of artist for the painting “News from the War.” The artist’s main theme is the life of peasants and rural holidays.

"Peasant Girl"

The canvases of Fedot Sychkov attract with the cheerfulness of colors, white-toothed smiles framed by colored scarves, the radiance of the sun and snow, the aroma of field herbs...

He received six prizes at academic exhibitions in St. Petersburg.

He was awarded a silver medal at an exhibition in St. Louis (USA).

He earned an honorable mention at the International Exhibition in Rome.

And in 1908 he personally visited England, France and Germany.

These trips hardly added anything to his realistic, purely Russian painting.

But there was certainly a feeling of satisfaction from the foreign voyage as a result of what was achieved. Upon arrival in Russia, he returned to his native Kochelayevo.

"From the Mountains", 1910
"Girl in a Blue Shawl", 1935

Behind almost every brilliant creator is a woman who, with her support and wisdom, kept the flame of her loved one’s talent alive.

His wife, Lidiya Nikolaevna, became such a muse for Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov. She, like her husband, was keenly interested in folk culture, including Mordovian.

Lidia Nikolaevna carefully collected items national costume, decorations. Her collection included an incredible number of shawls, shirts, hats, belts, beads... Fedot Vasilyevich used all this wealth in his portraits.

Died in Saransk, being an Honored Artist of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

"Making a Snowman", 1910
"Troika", 1906
"Mordovian Teacher", 1937
"Girlfriends", 1916
"Alma-Ata apples", 1937
"Girl in Flowers"
"Collective Farm Bazaar", 1936
"By the Hedge. Winter", 1931
"Two Girls in the Snow", 1929
"At the Hut", 1915
"Tractor Drivers", 1938
"Self-portrait", 1899
"Young Woman", 1928


"Asters", 1940
"Ride on Maslenitsa"
"The Reaper", 1931
"Proska", 1932
"Peasant Woman"
"Portrait of actress Alexandra Dmitrievna Pel", 1913
"Children in Flowers", 1932
"Difficult Passage", 1934
"Peasant Girl"
"Excellent student schoolgirl", 1934
"Portrait of Lydia Nikolaevna Sychkova, the artist's wife", 1903
"Return from Haymaking", 1911
"Portrait of Ekaterina Vasilievna Sychkova, the artist's younger sister", 1893
"Venice. Workers' Village", 1908
"Portrait of a Girl"
"Dancing Sonya", 1932
"Skating on Maslenitsa", (Blonde-Coquette), sketch, 1914


"In the Flowering Garden", 1913.
"Blessing of Water", 1916
"Back from School"
"Girl in a red scarf", sketch, 1955.

"Girl Picking Wild Flowers"

"Girl in the Garden", 1912
"Girl in an orange headscarf", 1931
"Portrait of a woman" ,1897

"Portrait of a Woman", 1930

"Woman with a child. Portrait of a Sister", 1903.
"Winter Evening", sketch, 1925
"Winter Road", 1940
"Strawberry", 1910.
"Ice drift", 1940
"Mordovka. Harvest Festival", sketch for a panel, 1937

"Portrait of a Girl"