Jules Gabriel Verne. All books by Jules Verna

The future writer was born in 1828 on February 8 in Nantes. His father was a lawyer, and his mother, half-Scottish, received an excellent education and took care of the house. Jules was the first child, after him another boy and three girls were born in the family.

Study and writing debut

Jules Verne studied law in Paris, but at the same time was actively involved in writing. He wrote stories and librettos for Parisian theaters. Some of them were staged and even had success, but his real literary debut was the novel “Five Weeks for hot air balloon", which was written in 1864.


The writer was married to Honorine de Vian, who by the time she met him was already a widow and had two children. They got married, and in 1861 they had a common son, Michel, a future cinematographer who filmed several of his father’s novels.

Popularity and travel

After his first novel was successful and favorably received by critics, the writer began to work hard and fruitfully (according to the recollections of his son Michel, Jules Verne spent most of his time at work: from 8 am to 8 pm).

It is interesting that since 1865, the cabin of the yacht “Saint-Michel” has become the writer’s study. This small ship was purchased by Jules Verne while working on the novel “The Children of Captain Grant.” Later, the yachts “San Michel II” and “San Michel III” were purchased, on which the writer sailed around the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. He visited the south and north of Europe (Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Norway), and the north of the African continent (for example, Algeria). I dreamed of sailing to St. Petersburg. But this was prevented by a strong storm that broke out in the Baltic. He had to give up all travel in 1886 after being wounded in the leg.

Recent years

The writer's latest novels differ from his first. They feel fear. The writer renounced the idea of ​​the omnipotence of progress. He began to understand that many achievements of science and technology would be used for criminal purposes. It should be noted that the writer’s last novels were not popular.

The writer died in 1905 from diabetes. Until his death he continued to dictate books. Many of his novels, unpublished and unfinished during his lifetime, are published today.

Other biography options

  • If you follow short biography Jules Verne, it turns out that over the 78 years of his life he wrote about 150 works, including documentaries and scientific works(only 66 novels, some of which are unfinished).
  • The writer’s great-grandson, Jean Verne, a famous opera tenor, managed to find the novel “Paris of the 20th Century” (the novel was written in 1863 and published in 1994), which was considered a family legend and in the existence of which no one believed. It was in this novel that cars, the electric chair, and the fax were described.
  • Jules Verne was a great soothsayer. He wrote in his novels about an airplane, a helicopter, video communications, television, about the Trans-Siberian Railway, about the Channel Tunnel, about space exploration (he almost exactly indicated the location of the cosmodrome at Cape Canaveral).
  • The writer's works have been filmed in different countries world, and the number of films based on his books has exceeded 200.
  • The writer has never been to Russia, but in 9 of his novels the action takes place in the then Russian Empire.

The famous French writer created a new literary genreScience fiction. The most popular works by Jules Verne are:

The writer was born in 1828 in Nantes. Little Jules spent his childhood in the city of ships and sailors. From the very early age he dreamed of unusual adventures. He graduated from the local lyceum and paid most attention to subjects such as geography and history. In 1847, Jules received his law degree from the Paris Law School.

Jules Verne did not work as a lawyer for long; he soon left Nantes and went to Paris, where he took up literature. He wrote a play, which was shown first in Paris and then in Nantes. There he published several travel stories and wrote librettos for comic operas.

In 1858 he went to sea ​​voyage around Great Britain, and four years later made a three-month voyage to the shores of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. During the trip, the future writer wrote down his thoughts and impressions. In addition, he listened to many stories from sailors, some of their stories became the basis for his books.

In 1862, he wrote his first work, which he later brought to the publisher Etzel. A novel called "Five Weeks in a Balloon" was sold in large quantities. The meeting with Etzel, a children's author and part-time publisher, was decisive for Jules. Subsequently, the writers became friends; they both wanted to create new literature, intended for young readers. Verne signed an agreement with Etzel and from 1863 began to write several works a year, and this continued for 40 years.

While working on his works, Jules Verne often came to scientific and technical exhibitions, studied reports on expeditions, and also read a lot scientific literature. Thanks to this, the author combined scientific knowledge with his imagination and wrote entertaining books. Before writing the work "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" the writer studied various projects submarines that operated on various energy sources. In the story about the legendary Captain Nemo, he took as a basis the project of engineer Robert Fulton, whose submarine was called "Nautilus" and was shaped like a cigar.

Verne introduced his readers to great inventions and scientific discoveries. Jules showed how people will use them in the future. The writer told readers about the world's oceans and its inhabitants, about continents and distant countries, about their animal and plant world.

After France's war with Prussia, Jules left Paris and went to Amiens, where he lived the rest of his life. In his last novel "Invasion of the Sea" the writer said that the Sahara Desert will turn into the inland sea of ​​Africa. Shortly before his death, Jules Verne went blind, but despite this, he continued to work. His books were written from dictation. Verne died due to diabetes in 1905. After his death, his card index was preserved, which includes approximately 20 thousand notebooks with information from all areas of human knowledge.

Many captains and shipowners remembered the year 1866 as a year of amazing events. For some time, sailors began to encounter in the open ocean a long, spindle-shaped object glowing in the dark, exceeding the size and speed of movement of the largest...

  • July 5, 2016, 20:00

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The work of the famous French writer Jules Verne (1828–1905) – “The History of Great Voyages” – dedicated to history geographical discoveries from ancient times to the early forties of the 19th century. Book three – “Travelers of the 19th Century.” This book includes descriptions of the travels of Krusenstern, Kotzebue, Litke, Dumont d'Urville, Bellingshausen, Parry, Franklin and other outstanding explorers. In addition, Jules Verne covers the history of lesser-known expeditions.

In the present electronic edition The first part of the book is given in Elena's translation...

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Around the World in Eighty Days is a work by French prose writer Jules Verne. Jules Verne; 1828-1905).*** “Around the World in Eighty Days” is an adventure novel by Jules Verne about a trip around the world. The heroes of the novel Fogg and Passport go through many obstacles in order to return to England on time, circumnavigating the entire Earth in a circle. Ingenuity, scientific knowledge and their skillful application help the main characters win an incredible bet. Jules Verne is the author of science fiction and adventure novels “Around the Moon”, “Upside Down”, “The Lighthouse at the End of the World”, “The Green Ray”, “The Floating City”, “Two Years of Vacation”, “Michael Strogoff”, “Around” light in 80 days." The author based the intricate plots on those known in his time scientific facts and theories. His works, in turn, captivated many scientists who realized some of Verne's fantasies. This is how technical inventions appeared, without which it is impossible to imagine modern life. The works of Jules Verne are popular in all countries, many of them have been filmed and animated films. The writer's books arouse interest in scientific knowledge peace, can serve teaching aids in geography, physics, biology, botany. Jules Verne's novels are part of compulsory school...

  • 3 March 2016, 19:20

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“In 1872, on Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, in the very house at number 7 where Sheridan died fifty-eight years ago, lived Phileas Fogg, Esq., a great original, conspicuous among the members of the London Reform Club, although he himself , it seemed, did not at all strive to attract attention to his person.

Following the example of one of the greatest orators of whom England is proud, this Phileas Fogg was a mysterious figure: no one knew anything about him, except that he was very gallant and perhaps the most prominent gentleman in British high society...

  • February 29, 2016, 21:40

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Readers are offered two novels from Jules Verne’s trilogy “From a Gun to the Moon.”

The action of the first novel, “From the Earth to the Moon,” takes us to the 19th century. After graduation Civil War In the USA, one of the main characters, the chairman of the “Cannon Club”, Impey Barbicane, comes up with an unprecedented idea: he proposes, using contemporary scientific achievements, to put the destructive power of weapons to the benefit of humanity. According to his daring plan, three desperate researchers, located in a small capsule-projectile, must, by firing from a specially built cannon, overcome the force of gravity of the Earth and reach the Earth's natural satellite - the Moon.

The second part of the book is a continuation of the novel “From the Earth to the Moon” - the novel “Around the Moon”. It tells the adventures of three intrepid travelers who venture into the previously unknown depths of space to reach the Moon. But soon the brave souls received very unpleasant news: for some unknown reason, the trajectory of the projectile changed, and it was now impossible to reach the surface of the Moon. Brave discoverers are in danger of becoming eternal inhabitants of the lunar...

  • 24 February 2016, 19:40

Genre: ,


Having come up with the legendary submarine"Nautilus", the great writer-inventor Jules Verne did not stop there. Together with his heroes, he strove to conquer more and more new elements.

In the novel “Robur the Conqueror” this element is air. Humanity must learn to fly! But what is better – aeronautics or aviation?! Two irreconcilable camps of scientists and enthusiasts cannot come to an agreement on this issue. To prove your superiority aircraft, the talented inventor Robur decides to desperate step: He kidnaps two of his most ardent supporters balloons and goes with them on a trip around the world across the ocean of air on his Albatross.

There are no elements that the hero of the novel “Lord of the World” cannot conquer. He created an amazing machine that combines the functions of a high-speed car, a sea vessel, a submarine and... an aircraft! The governments of the leading countries of the world are ready to pay any money to a talented inventor. However, he is elusive - after all, no one is able to catch up with him either on land or at sea, and even more so under the clouds. He suddenly appears here and there, and no one even knows who this mysterious designer is, who proclaimed himself “Lord...

  • November 12, 2015, 12:00

Genre: ,

"Around the World in Eighty Days" is one of best novels Jules Verne. The fascinating story of Phileas Fogg, his resilient servant Passepartout and their amazing imagination trip around the world, full of dangerous adventures, is familiar to us from childhood - from numerous films and cartoons. But how different are they from the work of Jules Verne himself?

Readers will have to understand this by discovering a magnificent book full of lively and subtle humor.

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Jules Verne - writer and geographer, recognized classic of adventure literature, founder of the science fiction genre. Lived and worked in the 19th century. According to UNESCO statistics, Verne's works rank second in the world in terms of the number of translations. We will consider the life and work of this amazing person.

Jules Verne: biography. Childhood

The writer was born in the small French town of Nantes on February 8, 1828. His father owned a legal firm and was very famous among the townspeople. His mother, of Scottish origin, loved art and even taught literature at a local school for some time. It is believed that it was she who instilled in her son a love of books and set him on the path of writing. Although his father saw in him only the continuer of his business.

Since childhood, Jules Verne, whose biography is presented here, was between two fires, raised by such dissimilar people. No wonder he was hesitant about which path to take. IN school years He read a lot; his mother picked out books for him. But having matured, he decided to become a lawyer, for which he went to Paris.

Already as an adult, he will write a short autobiographical essay in which he will talk about his childhood, his father’s desire to teach him the basics of law, and his mother’s attempts to raise him as an artist. Unfortunately, the manuscript has not been preserved; only those closest to him read it.


So, upon reaching adulthood, Verne goes to Paris to study. At this time, the pressure from the family was so strong that the future writer literally ran away from home. But even in the capital he does not find the long-awaited peace. The father decides to continue guiding his son, so he secretly tries to help him get into law school. Vern finds out about this, deliberately fails his exams and tries to enter another university. This continues until there is only one faculty of law left in Paris, where the young man has not yet tried to enter.

Vern passed the exams with flying colors and studied for the first six months, when he learned that one of the teachers had known his father for a long time and was his friend. This was followed by a major family quarrel, after which the young man did not communicate with his father for a long time. Nevertheless, in 1849 Jules Verne graduated from the Faculty of Law. Qualification upon completion of training - licentiate of law. However, he is in no hurry to return home and decides to stay in Paris. By this time, Verne had already begun to collaborate with the theater and met such masters as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. He directly informs his father that he will not continue his business.

Theater activities

Over the next few years, Jules Verne experiences dire need. The biography even testifies that the writer spent six months of his life on the street, since there was nothing to pay for the room. But this did not encourage him to return to the path chosen by his father and become a lawyer. In these hard times and Verne's first work was born.

One of his friends from the university, seeing his plight, decides to arrange a meeting for his friend at the main Historic Parisian Theater. A potential employer studies the manuscript and realizes that this is an incredibly talented writer. So in 1850, a production of Verne’s play “Broken Straws” appeared on stage for the first time. It brings the writer his first fame, and well-wishers appear ready to finance his work.

Cooperation with the theater continues until 1854. Verne's biographers call this period the initial period in the writer's career. At this time, the main stylistic features his texts. Over the years of theatrical work, the writer has published several comedies, stories and librettos. Many of his works continued to be performed for many years.

Literary success

Jules Verne learned a lot of useful skills from his collaboration with the theater. The books of the next period differ greatly in their themes. Now the writer was seized with a thirst for adventure; he wanted to describe what no other author had been able to do. This is how the first cycle, called “Extraordinary Journeys,” was born.

In 1863, the first work of the cycle “Five Weeks in a Balloon” was published. Readers praised it highly. The reason for its success was that Verne supplemented the romantic line with adventure and fantastic details - for that time this was an unexpected innovation. Realizing his success, Jules Verne continued to write in the same style. Books are coming out one after another.

“Extraordinary Travels” brought the writer fame and glory, first in his homeland and then in the world. His novels were so multifaceted that everyone could find something interesting for themselves. Literary criticism I saw in Jules Verne not just the founder of the science fiction genre, but also a man who believed in scientific and technological progress and the power of the mind.


Jules Verne's travels were not only on paper. Most of all the writer loved sea travels. He even had three yachts that bore the same name - Saint-Michel. In 1859, Verne visited Scotland and England, and in 1861 - Scandinavia. 6 years after that, he went on a transatlantic cruise on the then-famous Great Eastern steamship in the USA, saw Niagara Falls, and visited New York.

In 1878, the writer travels on his yacht around Mediterranean Sea. On this trip he visited Lisbon, Gibraltar, Tangier and Algiers. Later he also sailed again on his own to England and Scotland.

Jules Verne's travels are becoming increasingly large-scale. And in 1881 he set off on a long voyage to Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. There were also plans to visit St. Petersburg, but a storm prevented this plan. The writer's last expedition took place in 1884. Then he visited Malta, Algeria and Italy, as well as a number of other Mediterranean countries. These travels formed the basis of many of Verne's novels.

The reason for stopping travel was an accident. In March 1886, Verne was attacked and seriously injured by his mentally ill nephew, Gaston Verne.

Personal life

In his youth, the writer was in love several times. But all the girls, despite signs of attention from Verne, got married. This upset him so much that he founded a circle called “Eleven Bachelors’ Dinners,” which included his acquaintances, musicians, writers and artists.

Verne's wife was Honorine de Vian, who came from a very wealthy family. The writer met her in the small town of Amiens. Vern came here to celebrate his cousin's wedding. Six months later, the writer asked for his beloved’s hand in marriage.

Jules Verne's family lived happily. The couple loved each other and did not need for anything. The marriage produced a son, who was named Michel. The father of the family was not present at the birth, as he was in Scandinavia at that time. Growing up, Verne's son became seriously involved in cinematography.


The works of Jules Verne were not only bestsellers of their time, they remain in demand and loved by many today. In total, the author wrote more than 30 plays, 20 stories and stories and 66 novels, among which there are unfinished ones and published only in the 20th century. The reason that interest in Verne’s work does not subside is the writer’s ability not only to create bright storylines and describe amazing adventures, but also portray interesting and lively characters. His characters are no less attractive than the events that happen to them.

Let's list the most famous works Jules Verne:

  • "Journey to the Center of the Earth."
  • "From the Earth to the Moon."
  • "Lord of the World."
  • "Around the Moon"
  • "Around the world in 80 days."
  • "Michael Strogoff"
  • "Flag of the Motherland."
  • "15-year-old captain."
  • “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, etc.

But in his novels, Verne not only talks about the greatness of science, but also warns: knowledge can also be used for criminal purposes. This attitude towards progress is typical late works writer.

"Captain Grant's Children"

The novel was published in parts from 1865 to 1867. It became the first part of the famous trilogy, which was continued by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Mysterious island" The work has a three-part form and is divided depending on who is the main character of the story. The main goal of the travelers is to find Captain Grant. For this they have to visit South America, Australia and New Zealand.

"Captain Grant's Children" is recognized as one of Verne's best novels. This is an excellent example of not only adventure, but also youth literature, so it will be easy to read even for a schoolchild.

"Mysterious Island"

This is a Robinsonade novel that was published in 1874. It is the final part of the trilogy. The action of the work takes place on an imaginary island, where Captain Nemo decided to settle, having sailed there on the Nautilus submarine he created. By chance, five heroes who escaped from captivity in a hot air balloon end up on the same island. They begin to develop desert lands, in which scientific knowledge helps them. However, it soon becomes clear that the island is not so uninhabited.


Jules Verne (his biography does not confirm that he was seriously involved in science) predicted many discoveries and inventions in his novels. We list the most interesting of them:

  • TV.
  • Space flights, including interplanetary ones. The writer also predicted a number of aspects of space exploration, for example, the use of aluminum in the construction of a projectile car.
  • Scuba gear.
  • Electric chair.
  • An airplane, including one with an inverted thrust vector, and a helicopter.
  • Construction of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian Railways.

But the writer also had unfulfilled assumptions. For example, the underground strait located under the Suez Canal was never discovered. It also became impossible to fly in a cannon shell to the Moon. Although it was precisely because of this mistake that Tsiolkovsky decided to study space flight.

For his time, Jules Verne was amazing person who was not afraid to look into the future and dream about scientific discoveries, which even scientists could not imagine.

Jules Verne, Jules Gabriel Verne; France, Paris; 02/08/1828 – 03/24/1905

Jules Verne's books need no introduction. Many of them have been filmed more than once in many countries around the world, and his novels are even now enjoying enormous success. And this despite the fact that many of the predictions of this great science fiction writer have already come true, many readers still express a desire to read Jules Verne’s books. An excellent confirmation of this is the high place of one of the first science fiction writers in our ranking. A numerous books writer in our ratings allow us to say a lot about his significance in world literature.

Briefly about Jules Verne

Jules Verne was the first of five children in the family of lawyer Pierre Verne. Therefore, the further choice of profession was predetermined and Jules began to study law in Paris. Nose early years Jules Verne gravitated towards literature and therefore, like many writers of those years, he began by writing a play. In 1850, his play “Broken Straws” was staged at the Historical Theater named after. After that, for more than two years he worked as the secretary to the director of the Lyric Theater, was a stockbroker, but did not stop writing.

In 1857, Jules Verne married the widow Honorine, whom he met at a friend's wedding. Around the same period, he began to travel actively. So in 1859 he visited England and Scotland, in 1961 he visited Scandinavia, and in 1867 he visited the USA. Just during the trip to Scandinavia, Vern’s only son is born.

Jules Verne's first novel was published in 1863. It was called "Five Weeks in a Balloon" and was very well received by the public. Subsequently, Jules Verne wrote all his new books in the same genre, and they became a huge success not only in France, but throughout the world. The science fiction writer’s hard work is simply incredible; he works almost every day from five in the morning to eight in the evening. At the same time, he continued to travel until 1886. when he was wounded in the ankle by a mentally unstable nephew with a revolver. And even when Jules Verne became completely blind shortly before his death, he continued to dictate new works. By the way, many of them were published more than 80 years after the writer’s death, thanks to the writer’s great-grandson.

The novels of Jules Verne left a huge mark on the history of literature. Many of today's luminaries of science fiction began with the books of Jules Verne. Many others consider themselves to be one of these. During his work, the science fiction writer managed to predict the appearance of airplanes and helicopters, the active use of aluminum, space flights, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, television, video communications and much more.

Jules Verne books on the Top books website

In the ratings of our site, Jules Verne's novels are represented not only among. Many of them, even after the advent of many, so excite the minds of readers that they are in the rating. One of these is the novel “The Mysterious Island,” which over the years has not diminished in number of people willing to read it. But other Jules Verne books also find their readers.

All books by Jules Verne

This list of books by Jules Verne contains all works of art writer. Some of them were published after the author’s death. At the same time, this list of books by Jules Verne does not include the writer’s plays, which have practically not been translated into Russian.

Adventure trilogy:

Books outside of series:

  1. Thompson & Co. Agency.
  2. The archipelago is on fire.
  3. Bluff. American morals.
  4. Brothers Kip.
  5. In Magellania (At the end of the world).
  6. Chasing the meteor
  7. Chasing the meteor.
  8. In the land of furs.
  9. Bottom up.
  10. Magnificent Orinoco.
  11. The hilarious troubles of three travelers in Scandinavia.
  12. Eternal Adam.
  13. Lord of the world.
  14. Around the Moon.
  15. Second homeland.
  16. Sea invasion.
  17. Hector Servadac. Travels and adventures in the circumsolar world.
  18. Mister D-sharp and Mrs. E-flat.
  19. Comte de Chantalin.
  20. Two years of vacation.
  21. Village in the air.
  22. Ten hours on the hunt.
  23. Road to France.
  24. Drama is in the air.
  25. Drama in Livonia.
  26. Drama in Mexico.
  27. Danube pilot.
  28. Uncle Robinson.
  29. Zhangada. Eight hundred leagues along the Amazon.
  30. Zhededya Zhamet or the story of one inheritance.
  31. Marriage of M. Anselme de Thiol.
  32. The will of an eccentric.
  33. Castle in the Carpathians.
  34. Green beam.
  35. Wintering in ice.
  36. Golden Volcano (Klondike).
  37. Golden Volcano.
  38. Ideal city
  39. Stories of Jean-Marie Cabidoulin.
  40. Clovis Dardantor.
  41. Claudius Bombarnac. Notebook reporter on the opening of the great Trans-Asian Highway
  42. Shipwreck of the Jonathan.
  43. Ice sphinx.
  44. Lottery ticket No. 9672.
  45. Baby.
  46. Martin Paz.
  47. Master Zacharius.
  48. Matthias Sandor.
  49. Lighthouse at the end of the world.
  50. Lighthouse at the end of the world. Original version.
  51. Mrs. Breniken.
  52. Mikhail Strogoff. Moscow - Irkutsk.
  53. Rebels with the Bounty.
  54. Foundling from the dead "Cynthia"
  55. The extraordinary adventures of Barsak's expedition.
  56. One day of an American journalist in 2890.
  57. Study tour.
  58. Siege of Rome.
  59. Paris in the twentieth century.
  60. Steam house. Traveling through Northern India.
  61. Floating city.
  62. Floating island.
  63. Beautiful yellow Danube.
  64. Adventures of the Raton family. Philosophical tale.
  65. Adventures three Russians and three Englishmen in South Africa.
  66. Doctor Ox's quirk.
  67. Those who broke the blockade.
  68. Journey to England and Scotland (Journey Backwards).
  69. The Voyage and Adventures of Captain Hatteras.
  70. Fellows' journey.
  71. Five weeks in a hot air balloon. The journey and discoveries of three Englishmen in Africa.
  72. Five hundred million begums
  73. Robur the Conqueror.
  74. Direct route from Earth to Moon in 97 hours 20 minutes.
  75. San Carlos.
  76. The Priest in 1835 (The Priest in 1839. ed. 1992).
  77. North versus South.
  78. Family without a name.
  79. The fate of Jean Morin.
  80. The Mystery of Wilhelm Storitz (The Invisible Woman, The Invisible Bride, The Secret of Storitz).
  81. The Mystery of Wilhelm Storitz.
  82. The unrest of one Chinese in China.
  83. The amazing adventures of Uncle Antifer.
  84. Stubborn Keraban.
  85. Flag of the homeland.
  86. Fritt-Flacc.
  87. Gil Braltar.
  88. Caesar Cascabel.
  89. Chancellor. Passenger's Diary J.-R. Casallona.
  90. Black India.
  91. Robinson School.
  92. Express of the future.
  93. South Star