What is more valuable: honor or life? Honor and dishonor. What is honor

Option 1:

We often hear from everywhere that there is nothing more expensive human life. I completely agree with this. Life is a gift that every person should accept with gratitude. But, often plunging into life with all its advantages and disadvantages, we forget that it is important not just to live life, but to do it with dignity.

Unfortunately, in modern world, such concepts as honor, nobility, justice and dignity have lost their meaning. People often behave in ways that make us ashamed of our entire human race. We have learned to fly like birds, swim like fish, now we just have to learn to live like real people, for whom honor is more valuable own life.

Numerous dictionaries give different definitions of the word “honor,” but they all boil down to a description of the best moral qualities that are highly valued in a normal society. For a person who values ​​self-esteem and his reputation, it is worse to lose honor than to die.

Many writers, including Mikhail Sholokhov, addressed the issue of honor. I remember his story “The Fate of Man” and the main character Andrei Sokolov, who for me is one of the best examples of a man of honor and dignity. Having survived the war, terrible losses, captivity, he remained a real person for whom justice, honor, loyalty to the Motherland, kindness and humanity became the main principles in life.

With trembling in my heart, I remember the moment when, in captivity, he refused to drink to the German victory, but drank to his death. With such a gesture, he even earned the respect of his enemies, who released him, giving him a loaf of bread and butter, which Andrei divided equally among his comrades in the barracks. It was an honor for him more valuable than life.

I would like to believe that most people value honor more than life. After all, this attitude towards the key concepts of morality is what makes us human.

Option 2:

How often do we hear words such as “honor”, ​​“honesty”, and think about the meaning of these words? By the word “honesty,” we most often mean actions that are fair to ourselves or other people. Missed a lesson due to illness, but didn't get a bad grade? It's fair. But “honor” is different. Employees often say “I have honor,” parents insist that honor must be cultivated in oneself, and literature says “take care of honor from a young age.” What is this “honor”? And what do we need to protect so much?

In order to answer the questions posed, it is worth looking into the literature and finding a lot of examples there. For example, A. S. Pushkin and the novel “ Captain's daughter" Alexey Shvabrin, the main character of the novel, easily goes over to Pugachev’s side and becomes a traitor. In contrast to him, Pushkin brings Grinev, who, on pain of death, does not step into the role of “dishonor.” And let’s remember the life of Alexander Sergeevich himself! His wife's honor turned out to be more important to him than his own life.

In the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. A. Sholokhov there is a real Russian warrior who will never betray his homeland - this is Andrei Sokolov. To his share, as to the share of everything Soviet people, he faced many trials, but he did not give up, did not slip into betrayal, but steadfastly endured all the hardships and hardships, without sullying his honor. Sokolov's spirit is so strong that even Müller notices it, offering the Russian soldier to drink German weapons to the victory.

For me, the word “honor” is not an empty phrase. Of course, life is an amazing gift, but we need to use it in such a way that subsequent generations remember us with respect.

Option 3:

Today, people are increasingly noticing that the concept of honor is being devalued. This is especially true younger generation, because it grew up in conditions of decreasing importance of conscience, honor, and hard work. In return, people have become more vain, selfish, and those who have retained high moral principles in themselves and their children are considered by the majority as strange, “unenterprising.” The material gradually moved to the fore. Is the expression “take care of your honor from a young age” outdated?

As you know, it is impossible to create a reputation for yourself as an honest and correct person in one day. This is a long process in which the inner core is formed in small actions. honest man. And when this core is the basis of a person’s existence, then the loss of honor is worse than death.

A striking example of how people give their lives for their honor, for the honor of their family, country and people, is the dark time of the Great Patriotic War. Millions of young people gave their lives for what they believed in. They did not go over to the side of the enemy, did not give up, did not hide, no matter what. And today, after so many years, we remember and are proud that our ancestors defended their beliefs and honor.

The theme of honor is also raised in the work of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter" Petrusha’s father wants to instill in his son a sense of officer’s honor and gives him to serve not “through connections,” but on an equal basis with everyone else. The same message is preserved in his father’s parting words to Peter before leaving for service.

Later, when Grinev must, on pain of death, go over to Pugachev’s side, he will not do this. It is this act that will amaze Pugachev and show the high moral principles of the young man.

But honor can be shown not only in war. This is what is a person’s life companion every day. For example, Pugachev helps Grinev save Masha from captivity, thereby showing universal honor. He did this not for selfish reasons, but because he firmly believed that even his ally could not offend a girl, much less an orphan.

Honor has no age, gender, status, or financial status. Honor is something that is inherent only to a reasonable person, an individual. And it’s really worth taking care of it, because restoring a tarnished name is much more difficult than living honestly and decently every day.

“Honor is more valuable than life” (F. Schiller)

“Honor is conscience, but conscience is painfully sensitive. This is respect for oneself and for the dignity of one’s own life, brought to the extreme degree of purity and to the greatest passion.”

Alfred Victor de Vigny

Dictionary V.I. Dahl, defines honor and how “the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience.”Like dignity, the concept of honor reveals a person’s attitude towards himself and the attitude towards him from society. However, in contrast to the concept of dignity, the moral value of an individual in the concept of honor is associated with a person’s specific social position, the type of his activity and the moral merits recognized for him.

But is honor a fundamental and vital property of a person, or is it something inherently inherent? There is the concept of “dishonest”, which defines a person without principles, that is, not responsible for his actions and following contrary general rules. But each person has his own moral norms and rules, which means honor is inherent in all people without exception. As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "We all know what it is dishonest act, but what honor is, we don’t know.”You can talk about honor, dignity and conscience based on your own worldviews and experiences, but the concept of honor remains unchanged. “Honor is the same for women and men, girls, married women, old men and women: “don’t deceive”, “don’t steal”, “don’t get drunk”; Only from such rules, applicable to all people, is a code of “honor” formed in the true sense of the word” -Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky spoke. And if honor is inextricably linked with life, moreover, it is a component of existence, then can it be more valuable than life? Is it possible to lose internal qualities only because of some “unworthy” act that will make life itself impossible? I think so. Honor and life are two interconnected and inseparable concepts that complement each other. After all, the place of “habitat” of these properties is the individual. What do the words of Michel Montaigne confirm? : “The worth and dignity of a man lies in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies.”Honor is not more expensive than life, but not cheaper either. It outlines the boundaries of what you can allow yourself and what kind of attitude you can tolerate from others. A synonym for this quality is conscience - the internal judge of the spiritual essence, its guide and beacon. And only everything together makes up a personality; everything depends on all-round development, because “... the principle of honor, although there is something that distinguishes man from animals, but in itself it does not contain anything that could put man above animals”- Arthur Schopenhauer. Another understanding of honor relates to the current definition of reputation. This is how a person shows himself to other people in communication and business. IN in this case It is important not to “lose your dignity” in the eyes of other people, because few people will want to communicate with a rude person, do business with an unreliable person, or help a heartless miser in need. In general, the concepts of honor and conscience are very conditional, very subjective. They depend on the value system adopted in any country, in any circle. IN different countries, y different people conscience and honor have completely different interpretations and meanings. It is worth listening to the opinion of the famous British novelist George Bernard Shaw: “It’s better to try to be clean and bright: you are the window through which you look at the world.”conscience is dignity reputation

Honor and conscience are one of the most important characteristics of the human soul. Compliance with the rules of honor gives a person peace of mind and live in accordance with your conscience. But no matter what, nothing should be more expensive than life, because life is the most precious thing a person has. And to take a life just because of any prejudices or principles is terrible and irreparable. Educating yourself will help you avoid making an irreversible mistake. moral principles. We must try to live in harmony with nature, society and ourselves.

What is honor? Can it be more valuable than life? According to Dahl, honor is “the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience.” What if without a dictionary? In my opinion, honor is life principles human beings based on high moral qualities. For those who have this, for whom his good name is very important, loss of honor worse than death. I think that living by honor means living in accordance with your conscience. Despite its still small life experience, I have repeatedly addressed this topic, because its relevance is undeniable.

Many perceive honor not just as decent behavior. It seems to me that for such people it is a duty to the Motherland, loyalty native land. Let's remember the work fiction, where this topic is discussed. Among them is N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. The author shows the life of the Cossacks in the Zaporozhye Sich, their struggle for independence. Special attention attracted by the images of Taras Bulba and his sons.

The old Cossack dreams that his children will be real warriors, loyal to their fatherland. But only Ostap, Taras’s eldest son, adopts his father’s life principles. For him, as well as for Bulba, honor is above all. To die for the Motherland and faith is a duty and obligation for heroes. A young Cossack, having been captured, bravely endures torture and does not ask for mercy from his tormentors. Taras Bulba also accepts a heroic death worthy of a Cossack. Thus, for father and son, faith and devotion to the Motherland is an honor that is dearer to them than life and which they defend to the very end.

Often people were faced with a choice - to live without honor or to die with honor. The story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work, is a simple Russian soldier. He is a true patriot who, in the face of death, did not deviate from his principles. Andrei was captured by the Nazis, escaped, but was caught and sent to work in a stone quarry. One day a prisoner inadvertently spoke about hard work. He was summoned to the camp authorities. There, one of the officers decided to mock the Russian soldier and invited him to drink to the German victory. Sokolov refused with dignity, although he knew that he could be killed for disobedience. But seeing with what determination the prisoner defended his honor, the Germans, as a sign of respect for a real soldier, gave him life. This act of the hero affirms the idea that even in the face of the threat of death one must maintain honor and dignity.

To summarize and reflect on this topic, I became convinced that you need to be responsible for your actions and actions, that in any situation you need to remain a man of honor and not lose your dignity. And those life principles that a person professes will help him in difficult situation choose life or dishonor. My thoughts are consonant with Shakespeare’s statement: “Honor is my life, they have grown into one, and losing honor is for me the same as losing life.”

Nowadays, dishonor is taken much more easily. A dissolute life does not oblige you to anything. But it wouldn't have been like that before. Previously, people watched their words and deeds. They were afraid of falling in the eyes of society and family. More than once there were cases when honor was more valuable than life.

To understand whether honor can be more valuable than life, it is worth considering two examples from literature. In Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin,” the main character decides to invite Lensky’s fiancee to a dance. He wanted to prove her debauchery, so he flirted actively. Lensky himself could not bear the fact that his lady’s honor was under threat. He decided to challenge Onegin to a duel. It was a very brave act as lives were at stake.

As a result, Lensky died. He gave his life, but the honor remained with him.

Another example is described in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”. Main character I was in captivity all my life. His imprisonment was unbearable, and thoughts of his native lands haunted him. One day he decided to run away and spent several days in freedom. It was an amazing time. When he was found, Mtsyri did not return to his former life. He chose honor and death.

All this suggests that there are situations that the human soul cannot put up with. And then you have to make a choice.

Updated: 2017-05-04

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Honor is more valuable than life

In childhood and youth, did we really think about the meaning of the words “honest”, “honest”? More likely no than yes. More often we said the phrase “it’s not fair” if one of our peers acted badly towards us. This is our relationship with meaning of this word were ending. But life more and more often reminds us that there are people who “have honor”, ​​and there are those who are ready to sell their homeland to save their own skin. Where is the line that turns a person into a slave of his flesh and destroys the person in him? Why doesn’t that bell ring that the expert on all the dark corners wrote about? human soul Anton Pavlovich Chekhov? I ask myself these and other questions, among which one is still the main one: is honor really more valuable than life? To answer this question, I turn to literary works, because, according to academician D.S. Likhachev, literature is the main textbook of life, it (literature) helps us understand the characters of people, reveals eras, and on its pages we will find a great many examples of the ups and downs of human life. There I can find the answer to my main question.

I associate the fall and, what is even worse, betrayal with the Fisherman, the hero of V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. Why strong man who initially made only a positive impression, became a traitor? And Sotnikov... I had a strange impression of this hero: for some reason he irritated me, and the reason for this feeling was not his illness, but the fact that he constantly created problems while performing an important task. I openly admired the fisherman: what a resourceful, decisive and courageous person! I don't think he was trying to impress. And who is Sotnikov for him to go out of his way for him?! No. He was just a man and did human actions until his life was in danger. But as soon as he tasted fear, it was as if he had been replaced: the instinct of self-preservation killed the man in him, and he sold his soul, and with it his honor. The betrayal of his homeland, the murder of Sotnikov, and an animal existence turned out to be more valuable to him than honor.

Analyzing Rybak’s action, I cannot help but ask myself the question: does it always happen that a person acts dishonorably if his life is in danger? Can he commit a dishonorable act for the benefit of another? And again I turn to literary work, this time to E. Zamyatin’s story “The Cave” about besieged Leningrad, where in a grotesque form the author talks about the survival of people in an ice cave, gradually driven into its smallest corner, where the center of the universe is a rusty and red-haired god, a cast-iron stove that consumed first firewood, then furniture, then... books. In one such corner, one person’s heart is torn with grief: Masha, Martin Martinich’s beloved wife, who has not gotten out of bed for a long time, is dying. It will happenTomorrow , and today she really wantsTomorrow , on her birthday, it was hot, and then she might be able to get out of bed. Warmth and a piece of bread became a symbol of life for cavemen. But there is neither one nor the other. But the neighbors on the floor below, the Obertyshevs, have them. They have everything, having lost their conscience and turned into females, into wraps.

What won’t you do for your beloved wife?! Intelligent Martin Martinych goes to bow to non-humans: therezhor Andheat , but the soul does not live there. And Martin Martinych, having received (kindly, with sympathy) a refusal, decides to desperate step: he steals firewood for Masha.Tomorrow and everything will be! God will dance, Masha will stand up, letters will be read - things that were impossible to burn. And he will... drink poison, because Martin Martinych will not be able to live with this sin. Why does this happen? The strong and courageous Rybak, who killed Sotnikov and betrayed his homeland, remained to live and serve the police, and the intelligent Martin Martinych, who, living in someone else’s apartment, did not dare to touch someone else’s furniture in order to survive, but was able to step over himself in order to save the person dear to him , dies.

Everything comes from a person and is focused on a person, and the main thing in him is a soul that is pure, honest and open to compassion and help. I can’t help but turn to one more example, because this hero of the story “Bread for the Dog” by V. Tendryakov is still a child. A ten-year-old boy, Tenkov, secretly from his parents fed the “kurkuls” - his enemies. Did the child risk his life? Yes, because he fed the enemies of the people. But his conscience did not allow him to eat calmly and in abundance what his mother put on the table. So the boy’s soul suffers. A little later, the hero, with his childish heart, will understand that a person can help a person, but who, in a terrible time of hunger, when people are dying on the road, will give bread for a dog. “Nobody,” logic dictates. “I,” the child’s soul understands. From people like this hero come the Sotnikovs, Vaskovs, Iskras and other heroes for whom honor is more valuable than life.

I have given only a few examples from the world of literature, proving that conscience has always, at all times, been and will be honored. It is this quality that will not allow a person to commit an act the price of which is loss of honor. Such heroes, in whose hearts there lives honesty, nobility, in works and in real life, fortunately, a lot.