Where will the circle of light take place on September 23rd? The light show is ahead. Place and time of the event

Every year a unique audiovisual show is held in Moscow - “Circle of Light”. During the days of this international festival, the architectural monuments of the Russian capital are transformed with the help of large-scale video projections. The art of light installations in the hands of experienced craftsmen gives rise to unforgettable multimedia compositions. Before the eyes of admiring spectators, the streets are illuminated with light rays, multi-colored lasers and colorful fireworks.

The best part is that you can get vivid emotions and impressions at the “Circle of Light” festival completely free of charge, since entry to all sites and events does not require payment or presentation of a ticket. In addition to the show, the program includes educational master classes and educational performances by world-famous lighting designers. Admission to the lectures is also free, but everyone must first register on the official website of the organizers.

This grandiose light show began to be held in 2011. We must pay tribute to the masters - every year the visual effects become more advanced and impressive, the number of programs increases several times, and the venues, it seems, will soon cover the whole of Moscow. As a result, the emotions of festival guests are becoming increasingly intense, which is clearly evident from numerous videos, photographs and enthusiastic comments on the Internet.

Good progress was noticeable last year: the scale of light shows increased to incredible sizes, laser performances were supplemented with new effects, for example, pyrotechnics and special effects with fire and water, and the facades of buildings were decorated with very realistic and three-dimensional projections.

The “Circle of Light” festival is spiced up by the fact that light installation specialists not only demonstrate their talents, but also compete with each other within competitive programs. Famous professional designers who are members of the jury carefully ensure that the title of the best in three categories - Classic, Modern and VJing - really goes to the most worthy and skillful candidates.

Teams from thirty countries will take part in the current festival, which means that the show will be very diverse and eventful. After the official opening on September 21, seven locations of the Circle of Light 2018 festival will be open daily until September 25. Organizers expect that during this time the number of event guests will reach five million people.

The ceremonial part of the opening of the festival will begin on the evening of September 21 at 20:30 with the multimedia show “Carnival of Light”, which will take place on Grebny Canal. Laser and light beams will be complemented by the “dancing” of 285 fountains and 170 pillars of fire.

An exciting film about the world of the distant future can be watched at the site in Tsaritsyno. The story will also be shown there. legendary character- Phoenix birds. Thanks to the colorful interweaving of light streams, viewers will be able to see such famous historical monuments like the Taj Mahal and Big Ben. On September 24, Dmitry Malikov will perform against the backdrop of beautiful video projections. The concert will take place on the stage near the palace.

The Theater Square at the Circle of Light festival will be decorated with a panoramic three-dimensional composition, where guests of the festival will see a captivating story about the heroism and love of Spartak.

For the first time in the history of the event, the site will be organized on Poklonnaya Hill. Light stories here they will be accompanied by military songs and talk about the heroic events of past years, great Russian inventors, as well as equipment and technologies of the Russian army. After this, festival guests will be able to take a virtual flight over the picturesque regions of the Russian Federation.

A laser show for children will be held at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve. Here everyone's favorites will come to life on the facades of buildings. fairy tale characters, and the world created with the help of lighting effects will amaze viewers of all ages with its originality and magical atmosphere.

The closing of the festival is scheduled for September 25, and it will take place in the same place where “Circle of Light 2018” began - on the Rowing Canal. Time of the final event: from 21:30 to 22:15.

Get acquainted with all programs and venues, dates and times in more detail various events, view the photo gallery and get more information about the educational program on the official website of the international festival “Circle of Light” here

Moscow international festival The Circle of Light will be held this year for the seventh time, it will take place from September 23 to 27. The organizers promise to make it the most spectacular event of the fall. The city will once again turn into a center of light attraction for several days: entire video performances will unfold on its most beautiful buildings, and fabulous installations will illuminate the streets. Many surprises await Muscovites and guests of the capital at all six venues, and this year the festival will also include new addresses.

The Ostankino Ponds area, Tsaritsyno Park, Theater Square, Stroginskaya Poima, as well as the Mir theater and concert hall and the Digital October center will become the main auditoriums festival RG correspondents found out all the details.

The show will open in Ostankino, in honor of the tower’s half-century anniversary. The hero of the day will “try on” different images famous skyscrapers. Every minute the tower will turn into the Parisian Eiffel Tower, the New York 103-story Empire State Building, or the Japanese Landmark Tower... Viewers will also be able to see the skyscrapers of Canada, the UAE, China, and Australia ... The image will cover the entire diameter of the tower, so that the show will be visible from afar.

Those who happen to be nearby will be able to see an extraordinary multimedia light show right on Ostankino Pond. Viewers will be transported to the fabulous Lavender Fields, to the foot of Niagara Falls, to the heart of Yellowstone Park and Bamboo Flute Cave, to experience the heat of the Sahara Desert or the refreshing breeze of the Great Barrier Reef. Guests of the festival will witness the mesmerizing power of the Fuji volcano, the immense depth of Lake Baikal, the endless beauty of the Ural Mountains and the captivating charm of Sakhalin Island. A breathtaking spectacle here will be the choreography of fountains and fire, as well as a pyrotechnic performance.

A special platform for an ice show will be installed on the pond, which will be shown by figure skaters.

With Circle of Light's growing popularity, new venues have joined the festival this year. The debutant of the festival will be the Maly Theater, the facade of which will be united by the plot with the Bolshoi Theater. “One story will smoothly move from one building to another,” says Vladimir Demekhin, creative director of the LBL Communication Group. Two light shows will be shown here: “Celestial Mechanics” - about loneliness and love, and “Timeless” - plots based on the works of Russian playwrights. Demekhin reminds that the Maly Theater carefully preserves the traditions of Russian theatrical arts, therefore, from its facade, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky himself, as the symbol and soul of the theater, will invite viewers on a journey through time. “On two facades there will be unique decorations created according to historical sketches, scenes from cult performances will unfold, and their authors will not miss the opportunity to present their work, talk to each other and even joke,” continues Demekhin.

The finale of the festival will be a grandiose fireworks display - the first 30-minute show of Japanese pyrotechnics in Russia. Photo: RIA Novosti

In addition, the works of the finalists will traditionally be seen in theaters international competition ART VISION Classic. Participants from all over the world will demonstrate new works of light art to the audience at the Bolshoi Theater in the Classic category and at the Maly Theater in the Modern category.

This palace and park ensemble in the south of Moscow will turn into a light stage during the festival. On the Bolshoi building Catherine Palace The audiovisual performance “Palace of Feelings” will be shown, and a mesmerizing light and music fountain show will take place on Tsaritsynsky Pond. Dozens of fountains will come to life to the music of works by Russian composers, making spectators part of a large water orchestra. During all days of the festival, the park will be decorated with amazing installations from the world's leading lighting designers, and performances will also take place famous musicians. In particular, on September 24, the art group SOPRANO by Mikhail Turetsky will perform, and on the remaining days unique vocals will be performed women's team in the recording, accompanying video projections on the facade of the palace. On September 25, People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov will give a concert in the park.

Theater and Concert Hall "Mir" and Digital October Center

Will pass festival events and two indoor areas. September 24 at 20.00 in the theater concert hall"Mir" viewers will witness a competitive battle of the best light and music artists in the direction of vijing: teams from different countries will compete in the skill of creating light images to music. And those who are interested in exactly how this is done will be able to listen to free lectures by lighting designers and creators of laser installations on September 23 and 24 from 12.00 to 18.00 at the Digital October center.

One of the surprises awaits Muscovites and guests at the end of the festival. For the first time in Russia, a 30-minute Japanese fireworks display, which almost never travels around the world, will be presented. To do this, on September 27, barges with pyrotechnic installations will be installed on the water in the Stroginskaya floodplain. Japanese charges differ from ordinary ones in size - they are much larger, and each shot is made manually by specialists, due to which the pattern is individual. Light pictures will be revealed at an altitude of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be 240 meters.


The international festival "Circle of Light" has been taking place in Moscow since 2011, and every year more and more guests come to see it: if in 2011 there were 200 thousand people, then in 2016 - already 6 million. There are also more and more performances, and their level is ever higher: last year on the facade of the main building of Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov, in particular, two new shows were presented, which had no analogues in the world in terms of scale and technical complexity. The Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" has set records and is already included in the Guinness Book of Records in two categories: "Largest video projection" (50,458 sq. m) and "Largest luminous flux power when projecting an image" (4,264,346 lumens).

By the way

As always, you can come and enjoy the performances for free - admission to all festival sites is free. Details can be found on the website lightfest.ru.

The traditional international festival Circle of Light 2017 will be held this year in Moscow for the seventh time from September 23 to 27.

The Circle of Light Festival will be the most striking visual and sound spectacle this fall in Moscow.

Six sites have been selected to exhibit all the events of the Circle of Light festival, where residents of the capital and guests of Moscow will be able to see it all.

Circle of light. Ostankino 2017. September 23-24, 20.00 – 21.15

The opening of the festival will take place in Ostankino and coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Ostankino Tower. Every minute the TV tower will take on images of the most famous skyscrapers in the world. This is the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building in New York. All the world's high-rise buildings from the USA, France, Canada, UAE, China and Australia.

Ostankino pond will also become the arena for a multimedia light show. Viewers will see Lavender fields, Niagara Falls, Yellowstone Park and Bamboo Flute Caves, will visit the Sahara, the Great Barrier Reef.

The multimedia show will be complemented by a real ice show with skaters.

Circle of Light. Bolshoi and Maly theaters, September 23-27, 19.30-23.00

The debutant of the festival will be the Maly Theater, which will be combined with the facade Bolshoi Theater. Two light shows will be shown: “Celestial Mechanics” - about loneliness and love, and “Timeless”.

Circle of light. Park “Tsaritsyno”, September 23-27, 19.30-23.00

The audiovisual performance “Palace of Feelings” will be shown on the building of the Grand Catherine Palace.

Tsaritsynsky Pond will become the site of a light and sound fountain show. .

Circle of light. Theater and Concert Hall “Mir” and Digital October Center September 23 – 24

On September 24 at 20.00 in the theater and concert hall “Mir” the audience will witness a competitive battle of the best light and music artists.

On September 24 from 12.00 to 18.00 at the Digital October center they will be able to listen to free lectures by lighting designers and creators of laser installations.

Circle of Light 2017. Stroginskaya floodplain, September 27, 21.30-22.00

On September 27, a 30-minute Japanese fireworks display will be presented on the water in the Stroginskaya floodplain. For this purpose, barges with pyrotechnic installations will be installed. The light paintings will come to life at an altitude of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be 240 meters.

Tomorrow, September 24, the Circle of Light festival will continue its work. Tomorrow Muscovites and guests will enjoy another exciting event

From September 21 to 25, the VIII Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” will take place in Moscow. Impressive light and sound performances will be presented free of charge at seven venues.

Architectural video mapping - the projection of three-dimensional images onto city buildings and structures - can be seen on the Rowing Canal, Tsaritsyno Park, Theater Square, as well as at two new venues for the festival - Kolomenskoye Park and the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill. The educational program will take place in the Mir concert hall and the Digital October center.

The Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" is an annual event in which lighting designers and specialists in the field of audiovisual art from around the world will transform architectural appearance capitals. As always, you can come and enjoy the performances for free - admission to all festival sites is free.

During the festival there is educational program. It includes lectures and master classes from world-class lighting designers. All educational events are open to the public but require pre-registration.

Grebnoy Canal

On September 21, the opening of the festival will be the multimedia show “Carnival of Light”, which will combine amazing features light and laser projections, choreography of fountains and fire, grandiose pyrotechnic effects. This time, a structure of 12-meter cubes will be erected along the spit of the Rowing Canal for video projections, over 250 straight and 35 rotating fountains will be placed on the water, and more than 170 fire burners of various modifications will be installed on the pontoons. On September 22 and 23, the Moscow public will be able to see reruns of the Carnival of Light.

On September 25, the closing of the festival will be dedicated to the cross year of Japan and Russia. Spectators of the final performance will be surprised by a 40-minute show of Japanese pyrotechnics, known throughout the world for its unique beauty and scale. It will involve large-caliber charges, and the opening diameter of the largest of them will reach almost 1 kilometer in the sky.


  • September 21, 20:30—21:30 — Opening of the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” - multimedia show “Carnival of Light”.
  • September 22, 19:45—20:45 — Multimedia show “Carnival of Light.”
  • September 23, 19:45—20:45 — Multimedia show “Carnival of Light.”
  • September 25, 20:30—21:15 — Closing of the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” — a music and pyrotechnic show accompanied by colorful video mapping.

Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

This year at Tsaritsyno the public will be treated to two new works that will be shown on the façade of the Great Tsaritsyno Palace: the story of the Phoenix bird “Palace of Wanderings” and an audiovisual performance about the world of the future. Thanks to augmented reality technology, they can be easily counted using the cameras of mobile devices, on the screen of which animals will appear - possible inhabitants of the ecosystems of the future.

On September 24, a concert will take place on the stage in front of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace People's Artist Russia by Dmitry Malikov. The maestro's performance will be accompanied by video projections on the facade of the palace.

This year, the festival site in Tsaritsyno will become part of the program of the international Art Vision competition. The finalists of the competition in the “Modern” category will present their works on the façade of the palace.


  • September 21 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace, light installations using augmented reality technology.
  • September 22, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace, light installations using augmented reality technology.
  • September 23, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace, light installations using augmented reality technology.
  • September 24, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace, light installations using augmented reality technology.
  • September 24, 20:00—21:00 — Performance by Dmitry Malikov with video mapping at the Great Tsaritsyn Palace.
  • September 25, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Great Tsaritsyn Palace, light installations using augmented reality technology.

Theater Square

This year Theater Square will use the facades of three theaters for light shows: Bolshoi, Maly and RAMT. The three buildings will allow for a panoramic 270-degree video projection.

During the festival, an allegorical light novel about Spartacus, the story of his struggle for personal freedom and spiritual liberation will be shown here. You will also be able to see two light shows from last year’s festival - “Celestial Mechanics” and “Timeless”, works of finalists of the international Art Vision competition in the “Classic” category.


  • September 21, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic screenings of video mapping on the facades of the Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.
  • September 22, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facades of the Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.
  • September 23, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facades of the Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater. September 24 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facades of the Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.
  • September 25 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facades of the Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater and the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill

For the first time in the history of the Circle of Light, the festival site will be the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill. On the facade of the building, light novels will be shown dedicated to Russia’s military past, the city of Moscow, as well as fifteen-minute VJing to music and songs of the war years.

One of the video mapping works, “Designers of Victory,” is dedicated to the designers who glorified Russia. Their inventions became an achievement of world technical thought, and their participation in solving problems related to the creation of defense equipment brought closer the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The light show consists of three parts dedicated to to the navy, air force, armored and automotive vehicles.

The second light show about Moscow - the heart of Russia. It will tell you how the lands and territories around the capital grew and united over the centuries. Viewers will take a journey over our vast homeland, see the nature of the Urals, Siberia and Far East, will admire the breadth of our rivers and the landscapes of Crimea.


  • September 21, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Victory Museum.
  • September 22, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Victory Museum.
  • September 23, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Victory Museum.
  • September 24, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Victory Museum.
  • September 25, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic displays of video mapping on the facade of the Victory Museum.

Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve invites everyone to a space of impressions. The huge territory of the park will turn into a world of extravaganza, where the forest will be filled with mirages, and viewers will not immediately be able to understand what is real and what is not. Fairy-tale masks and mysterious animals will come to life right before the eyes of the guests, golden fruits will grow on the trees, the carriage with Cinderella will become a pumpkin, and Ole Lukoje will invite the audience into the world of dreams.


  • September 21, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic screenings of video mapping shows on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence and light installations in the park.
  • September 22, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic screenings of video mapping shows on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence and light installations in the park.
  • September 23, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic screenings of video mapping shows on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence and light installations in the park.
  • September 24, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic screenings of video mapping shows on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence and light installations in the park.
  • September 25, 19:30—23:00 — Cyclic screenings of video mapping shows on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence and light installations in the park.

Digital October Center

On September 22 and 23, the Digital October center will host an educational program aimed at identifying current trends and the latest achievements in the field of multimedia technologies and lighting design in Russia.

The festival program is aimed at developing and expanding the capabilities of interested audiences and integrating them into the global context, creating a communication platform for professionals from all over the world, as well as expanding the network of working contacts. The program is focused on the current achievements of representatives Russian stage, as well as on global trends in the field of multimedia technologies and lighting design.

The objective of the program is to create educational and experimental platforms for young professionals, students and workers creative industry. The program includes workshops, panel discussions and public presentations. Pre-registration is required.

Concert Hall "Mir"

On September 22, the Mir concert hall will host live performance participants of the Art Vision competition in the VJing category.

Participants will demonstrate 10-minute VJ sets, where in real time performed music will create completely new works using unexpected visual images and video clips.

DJ at the event - Artem Splash - an active, developing DJ, remixmaker.
His tracks occupy top positions on various music portals, and accepts invitations from radio stations in the country as a guest.

Registration allows entry for two people.