I dream about the death of a friend in a dream. Dream about the death of a friend who is alive. Interpretations from modern dream books

Historically, people's attitudes toward death have been different. Why do you dream about the death of a person who is alive: today we are discussing a dream with exactly this content.

With the emergence of various religious movements, relationships with death have become more complex. People began to fear death and tried to drive away thoughts of possible death. This attitude was also reflected in the interpretation of dreams in various medieval dream books.
However, if you analyze the general orientation of dreams about death, they carry not only negative forecasts, but also quite life-affirming motives.

Dream Interpretation: the meaning of a dream about the death of a person who is still alive and has not died?

Since dreams of death are a reflection of our daytime fears, the subconscious gives us the reassuring thought that such dreams are simply harbingers of changes in our lives.

In fact, rarely does anyone see themselves dead in a dream. As a rule, we dream of other people, relatives and friends, who are dead, about whom we know for sure that they are alive.

In general, a dream that a person who is now alive has died promises him a long and happy life. That is, such a dream is more likely a good harbinger, and not a sign of illness, death and misfortune.

For someone who has seen the death of an acquaintance, relative or friend, such a dream promises an improvement in relations with the living person, the restoration of broken connections, a new round of friendship or love.

Why do you dream about the death of a person who is alive, what does such a dream warn about?

If you were in a quarrel and your relationship left much to be desired (except for cases where you saw your enemy or ill-wisher dead), such a dream will restore lost trust and show you how small your grievances are and how great the value of this person is to you.

In fact, death in a dream means some kind of life changes for the dreamer. They won't necessarily be negative. Very often, a dream about the death of a friend or acquaintance promises a change of job or place of residence. Single or unmarried people can meet their fate and tie the knot - there can be a lot of interpretation options.

If you see one of your friends dead, this may mean an imminent separation from them. Maybe you or they are ready to leave for another city or even another country, and your separation will be long and your meetings will be rare. In any case, such a dream promises changes not only for you, but also for those whom you saw in the dream.

A dream about the death of one of your relatives also, as a rule, promises them health and longevity. Your concern for their condition in in this case will be redundant.

If you see a stranger in a coffin, this is a sign that real life you did something that you want to forget. By burying a stranger, you are burying unpleasant or shameful memories with him. You just need to take such a dream as a given, reassuring your conscience with the fact that everyone has the right to make mistakes and you have already drawn conclusions from yours.

If you see one of your colleagues in a coffin, then such a dream means your desire to part with your current job. Apparently it does not evoke positivity in you and does not bring you either moral or material satisfaction. You should think about changing your employer or even your type of activity. Such a dream pushes you to make a difficult decision for you, which in the future may turn out to be correct and reasonable.

Dreams about the death of loved ones vary somewhat in their interpretations.

  • You may dream about your mother's death;
  • You can see the death of a living father;
  • You may dream of a living grandmother who has died;
  • You can see in a dream that your grandfather has died;

If you dreamed about your mother's death

It is very painful to lose loved ones. What does a dream tell about the death of a mother in a dream?

Why did you dream about the death of your mother if she is still alive? Having seen such an unpleasant dream, many people rush to the phone in the morning to make sure that nothing bad has happened to the person closest to them.

In fact, for your mother, such a dream promises cheerfulness, happiness and for many years life.

But for you, if you are a woman, such a dream predicts not entirely rosy prospects - you may have difficulties and misunderstandings with your partner, and the first crack may appear in your marriage. If you do not take action, the crack will grow and the marriage will be difficult to save.

You should treat such a dream carefully and think about your own personal life. Your role in creating and maintaining a home cannot be delegated to someone else and all responsibility for the family climate falls on you.

If you are a man and have a dream about the death of your mother, for you this may mean the need to finally take responsibility for the prosperity in your family and the happiness of your loved ones.

If you didn't give of great importance your role in a partnership or family - now is the time to reconsider it and draw adequate conclusions for yourself, otherwise you risk being left alone.

In addition, if you had a dream about the death of your mother, you should take a closer look at the lives of your children.

Perhaps they need your help and support, but they just don’t know how to say it directly.

If you do not pay attention to a possible crisis in their life, a person may appear whose opinion will outweigh yours. Attachment to such a person will sooner or later take them away from your influence.

If you dreamed about your dad's death

Why did you dream about your mother’s death if he was still alive? A dream about the death of a living father means longevity for him, and for a woman it foreshadows changes in her personal life. Such a dream can promise a change of partner, divorce or wedding - and carry both positive and negative potential.

If you dreamed about the death of a dad who has not yet died. This means that your dad will live a long time

In fact, if a woman is dissatisfied with the existing order of things, if her marriage or relationship has exhausted itself - the best way out will be the end of the negative connection.

However, it may also turn out that the woman herself is not ready for such radical decisions, but her marriage is collapsing.

In such cases, a dream about her father's death may reflect her feelings of insecurity and anticipation of meeting someone who can take care of her.

If you saw such a dream, take a closer look at your existing relationships - do you need to change something in your life, do you need to reconsider your life priorities, or you can try to save the existing relationship. Is your partner so dear to you that you would try to smooth out all misunderstandings and problems?

If a man dreams of his father’s death, this is most likely a warning about an unreliable position in his life. career growth. It may turn out that his business has been jeopardized, and a time of crisis has come for him.

If you had such a dream, you should put your finances in order so as not to incur critical losses. A well-thought-out investment strategy will help you protect your main capital and create a safety net for your business.

If you dreamed about your grandmother's death

Why did you dream about the death of your grandmother if she is still alive? If you have an old grandmother who is sick, and you saw her in dead in my sleep, this portends her recovery and long life. For yourself, such a dream means a change in status and personal relationships - if you were a lonely person, it means you will meet your soul mate.

A dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather who has not yet died carries positive energy.

If you are a family person, such a dream foretells an improvement in the climate in the family, and maybe even the appearance of a child in it.

In any case, such a dream is positive for both the dreamer and the person he saw in the dream.

If you saw your grandmother in a coffin, this means that prosperity and wealth await you, which you will spend to provide for your family and relatives. Caring for people close to you will not seem like a big burden, but will bring real satisfaction and joy.

If you dreamed about the death of your grandfather

Having seen such a dream, you can safely decide to change jobs - your future place of service will be the beginning of a new, successful career for you. Job growth will be rapid, and material rewards will increase significantly and allow you to fulfill your cherished dream.

For your grandfather, a dream about his death does not pose any threat to life and health.

If you analyze such seemingly negative dreams about death, you can see that for the most part they promise significant and positive changes for all participants.

In any case, such dreams carry an element of warning - you can always correct the situation in time if you listen to your subconscious.

If, for example, the bride or groom dreams of a partner lying in a coffin, this foreshadows the emergence of difficulties and misunderstandings in their relationship. Having seen such a dream, the dreamer should think about the reasons for the discord and, if his partner is truly dear to him, take all measures to correct the situation.

Seeing ill-wishers or enemies dead is a promise that everything will go well in your life, intrigues directed against you will not harm you, and those who wanted to cause you trouble will most likely suffer.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the death of a friend in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Good afternoon
    Today, on the night from Thursday to Friday, I had an unpleasant dream.
    Namely, my friend (albeit not the best), studied together, while in a state of intoxication falls. We help him get up. After some time, he falls again and when I pick him up, I realize that he has died. Eyes closed, listen to chest, heart is not beating.
    He has a difficult situation in his life. He got involved with drugs. His mother sent him to a monastery. After half a year he left there. And the wild life, wine, drugs began again. Now he is back in the monastery.
    Could this be a warning that if he leaves there a second time, he will end up badly?
    I myself am in another city. Haven't seen him for a couple of years.
    He’s not on social networks, and he doesn’t have a phone right now either.
    Tell me, are my fears in vain?
    Thank you!

    My friend and his sister and I were walking. His sister was in wheelchair, but in real life she is not sick with anything. Dusk began, and we decided to cross the road to go home. The train was approaching and we thought we would make it in time. My friend and I managed to cross, but his sister was not lucky. The train slowed down a lot and eventually just rocked her chair. She fell out of it and fell down (the railway tracks were on a small hill, but with a sharp descent), and eventually broke her spine on a sharp stone. I'm less concerned about the fact that she died than the fact that she was in a wheelchair, but I'm also puzzled by death.

    Hello, today I had a dream that my best friend died. It all started when my class and I got together for some reason railway. He and I started to get mad, he started pushing me onto the wires, I was able to somehow escape as they started to sparkle, and at that time a train was coming, I wanted to go back, but someone told me to lie down and bent me over (it was some kind of stranger to me woman) because the trains began to fall. When it was all over, I immediately ran back, looked at all this horror and started crying, then they started digging everyone out and I saw my best friend that he was dead, I started calling his mom. This is my whole dream, what does it mean

    Hello. I dreamed that I was getting into a minibus and my friend was there, we immediately got off the minibus until it started moving, we stood around and talked, I also remember that he took money out of his pocket, he had a lot of rusty and old paper kopecks, he handed me a bill, but I I immediately gave this bill to him, then we got in and drove off. Soon someone called me, I changed the phone and then shot myself. As a result, they woke me up from crying out loud.

    Dream: First, two friends and I went to an abandoned skyscraper, climbed to the maximum 10th floor and played there, then Ilya (not his real name) took out a camera, while I jokingly pushed Maxim (not his real name). We continued a friendly fight, but then I accidentally pushed him towards the stairs, and there was such a deep hole right up to the first floor, of course I grabbed him, started holding him, and also started shouting “Ilya, get us out of here, now Maxim will fall! » But he just stood there and filmed it on camera, then Maxim began to slowly fall, and I followed him, I had to let him go! First, he stood on the edge of the stairs, stood there for about 5 seconds, and fell to the bottom, to the very first floor. Ilya and I went down to him, looked for him everywhere, but we no longer found his body! Then the dream ended.

    In general. As usual, our math lesson was over at school. Suddenly our class leader came and said that the third world war had begun (how she knew this, I have no idea), after which my friends Nadya and Vika and I ran to hide, I don’t remember where, but we definitely wanted to hide in the school basement. While searching for shelter, we were attacked by unknown people who shot Nadya and Vika. After that, I saw through the window that an arrow was flying across the sky above the school, which was an indicator of the place where they were supposed to drop nuclear missiles. Tell me, what could this mean for me and for my friends?

    I heard about my friend's death and started crying. I cried all day no matter where I went. Then I saw his mother and she was crying too. She called me over and reassured me that he would be upset because of the tears. I said that I never confessed my feelings to him, and that he should have been at my funeral. But before going to bed, I watched a movie where a friend dies. Perhaps he had an influence.

    My friend is now pregnant with her second child, but lives in another city. I dreamed that she asked for help, but my husband and I couldn’t, and she drove herself and got into an accident. At the funeral, I ordered my husband: it’s our fault that we left her alone.

    Hello. From last night to this morning I had the following dream: I don’t remember it exactly, completely, but this is the gist of it. I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend died. I didn’t see him dead, but he died. It happened. When I asked his best friend, “Did I lose him?” he answered “yes.” At that moment I felt very bad, I felt very guilty, I kept thinking about one thing: I SHOULD HAVE MAKE PEACE WITH HIM, NOW HE IS NOT, I CAN’T CAN’T BE WITHOUT HIM. I often think about him, I dream about him almost every night (I really want to make peace with him, because it was my fault we broke up), but this is the first time I have dreamed of his death. He still has some kind of injury. Either he tore a ligament or broke his leg. I don’t know for sure. Please tell me why his death in a dream? Maybe this is an impetus to make peace first?

    In a dream they played with best friend had a snowball fight, ran from each other, at some point I saw that he had fallen, but I thought that he would now get up and catch up with me, I ran further, ran behind the house... a friend was sitting there, I ran up to her and told her this and that... we We waited a long time for him to run out, but this did not happen, in the end we went to that place, and there were already people standing over him, and he was dead...

Anchor points:

Dream about the death of a friend - means you're worried about him. Perhaps in lately Is your friendship on the rocks? So you should take a closer look at this problem and try to solve it. Your friend may need support right now. loved one, that’s why he appeared to you in a dream in this form. Also dream about the death of a friend- signifies that sadness, melancholy and a feeling of loneliness may come into your life. You are afraid to be left without support nearby.

A friend in real life is sick and you dreamed that he died - healing awaits him. If you are with a friend, very important news or event awaits you soon. In a dream, your friend dies in terrible agony - to his illness. A friend drowned in his sleep or burned in a fire - he and you should be careful with water and fire.

Friend who is alive

This dream has several meanings. Firstly, see a friend dead in a dream- to his good health and long life. Secondly, it may be a sign that your relationship will soon change. To avoid breaking up with your friend, you should listen to him more now.

Died in an accident

A friend in a dream died in an accident– you should warn him to be careful on the road. If he is going on a trip, it is better to cancel it. Also, a dream can be a warning for you - being careful on the road during this period is very important.

With subsequent resurrection

Seeing the death and resurrection of a friend in a dream- to changes in your relationships. Your friendship awaits new stage, which will be preceded by quarrels and misunderstandings. But then you will become closer to each other. This dream also carries information that your friend is in trouble that he will have to deal with. Most likely, you will be the one who will help him get out of this situation.

Why dream of the death of a person who is alive? You wake up in shock, trying to forget the dream. But the images of the dream again appear before my eyes. How do dream books interpret this event, are there any reasons for worry? Let's look at it carefully.

Oddly enough, mediums and clairvoyants interpret death in a dream with positive side. They think this fact a warning not about misfortune, but about global changes in the life of the “deceased”. If we compare similar dream with the Tarot card death, you can see parallels. The Arcanum “Death” does not mean the physical death of a person. This lasso can warn about:

  • imminent changes in the life of a fortuneteller;
  • the dying of outdated principles;
  • rebirth of a person's personality.

There is no need to panic: baptism in Christianity also symbolizes death. The death of life in sin and the birth of a new person who dedicated himself to serving the Lord Christ.

Various interpretations of sleep

a) Death of acquaintances and friends

If in a dream the dreamer's friend dies, this promises temporary separation. Don’t worry about your friend’s life: he will temporarily remove himself from your social circle, nothing more.

If you see death of a friend, it’s better to stop communicating with him for a while. The subconscious mind warns of a dangerous period in communicating with this person: either he wants to drag you into a scam, or you will cause a scandal. You're just better off breaking up.

If you saw a man die someone you haven’t met for a long time - this promises a quick joyful meeting. Moreover, the meeting will not just bring joy - it will become fateful.

Save a person from death in a dream- expect to make a responsible decision in life. Probably, this person will be the center of future events.

Death of a boss at work stands for good changes in career growth, up to a promotion (if you expect one). The death of a colleague means the elimination of a competitor in business, as well as an improvement in the microclimate in the work environment.

b) Death of relatives

Each person has many relatives - these are family members, cousins/second cousins ​​and brothers, as well as distant relatives. How do interpreters explain this event in a dream?

  1. Death of a spouse in a dream promises a long prosperous life in harmony, prosperity and harmony. It can be interpreted this way: you will be together until death, you will not part. If your spouse is sick at this time, then expect a speedy recovery.
  2. Interpreters give a different meaning death of common-law husband/wife: You will inevitably break up. The death of a lover may foreshadow an imminent wedding.
  3. Death of a living father portends failure in business or at work. Be careful when signing contracts and deals.
  4. Death of brothers/sisters warns that they need support and care from you.
  5. Mother's death reveals in the subconscious actions that oppress the psyche, shame and anxiety about this.
  6. Death of a distant relative in a dream warns about bad attitude this person to the dreamer: he seemed to have died for communication. You should not expect anything good from this person.

c) Death of Strangers

The interpretation of a dream depends on the sensations that the dreamer experiences during the dream. For example, pity for the deceased in a dream warns of not entirely pleasant changes in life: breakups, conflicts.

Negative feelings towards the deceased reveal in the dreamer’s subconscious the burden of unforgiven guilt, the desire to free oneself from oppressive memories or get rid of something unpleasant in life.

If you feel horror at the sight of a stranger dying, numerous tests await you life path, various obstacles to achieving the goal.

Peace of mind during the death of a stranger(feeling of peace, security) warns of a successful decision life issues, even if not everything is going smoothly now.

Attendance at a funeral procession promises unexpected pleasant news that will bring good to the dreamer. But the funerals of unknown people, on the contrary, promise minor troubles in life.

Interpretation of death by psychologists

How do psychologists view such situations in dreams? Scientists are unanimous: the death of an acquaintance or relative is explained by the loss of an emotional connection with this person. The subconscious signals: do not move away from communication, do not get locked into the cycle of your own affairs and worries. Just give some of your time to your loved ones and to a loved one so that in future he will not die in your dream.

Also, visions of death can symbolize the attempt of the subconscious to cope with outdated painful memories of the past. A person must reconsider his attitude towards life in general, change radically. Leave fears and worries in the past, become free from the oppression of the obsolete.

Dreams of death always upset those who sleep. In fact, not in all cases such a plot of night dreams promises something negative for a man or woman. To figure out why you dream about death, you can turn to modern dream books for help.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of death?

In Miller's dream book, the death of a girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream indicates that the sleeper is currently in a dangerous position. A clear plan and thoughtful action will help a person avoid trouble. Each of your actions will need to be carefully analyzed beforehand.

Vlasov’s dream book suggests that death is seen in a dream by those people who in reality are overly immersed in thoughts about the past. Under such conditions, the sleeper can hardly continue to achieve his goals and develop. You need to restructure your thoughts and try to think more about the present and the future.

The women's dream book suggests: if a young girl sees in her dead in my sleep current boyfriend, this is a clear sign that the lovers will soon separate. A young man and a girl are not a match for each other and will not be able to build a long-term serious relationship.

Dreamed about my own death

If you dreamed own death, then this is a signal that the dreamer’s life needs updating.

To find happiness, harmony and peace, you need to change your old values ​​and views to completely new ones. If, after death, a person sees his resurrection in a dream, it means that he will quickly decide to make changes and begin to move on in the right direction.

It happens that in night dreams the sleeper is very worried about his own death. This plot indicates that a person is generally susceptible to stress. He worries and eats himself up from the inside over literally every little thing. We need to get rid of this bad habit and begin to relate more simply to everything that happens.

If during a dream about his death a man or woman physically feels severe pain, in reality you need to beware of serious danger. There is a threat to human health or even life. Most likely, it will come from new acquaintances.