How to cook pickled green tomatoes with garlic and herbs in a pan or bucket? The best recipes. How to quickly pickle green tomatoes

In every house, in every refrigerator in winter there should be a jar of salted green tomatoes. After all, these tomatoes are very tasty. Green tomatoes when salted have an unusually piquant taste; many people love them more than pickled cucumbers. Salted green tomatoes are distinguished by their versatility. They are also good as an incomparable pickle in the form of an appetizer; they make pickle soup, vinaigrette, and many other dishes very tasty. There are different ways pickling green tomatoes for the winter. I will tell you about one of them, which does not require a lot of time and special expenses, and the tomatoes turn out very, very tasty.


To prepare tomatoes for the winter you will need:

green tomatoes - 1 kg;

black currant leaf - 5 pcs.;

dill with inflorescences - 2 pcs.;

garlic - 3-5 cloves;

horseradish - leaves - 3 pcs.;

hot pepper - to taste (or without);

allspice - 3 pcs. (optional).

For the brine :

cold water - 1 liter;

salt - 2 tbsp. l.

(!) From the specified quantity of products one 2-liter jar is obtained.

(!) There must be water good quality- from a well, borehole or passed through a filter.

Cooking steps

Place some greens at the bottom of a clean jar, then green tomatoes, then more greens, chopped garlic and hot pepper, if you use it. I added a small piece of hot pepper, without seeds (the seeds add a special bitterness and spiciness). And thus fill the entire jar.

(!) Those who do not have the opportunity to store such tomatoes in a cool place can preserve these tomatoes by pouring brine twice. Boil the brine, pour it hot into the jars with tomatoes, after 15 minutes pour the brine into the pan, boil again, pour the boiling brine into the jars and immediately screw on the lids, turn the jars upside down and store them as they cool. Tomatoes prepared this way can be stored at room temperature.

Bon appetit and have a delicious winter to you!

In the old days, all pickles and marinades were made and stored in large wooden barrels. It was quite convenient, practical and reliable, because you could prepare a lot of tomatoes for big family and not be afraid that they will deteriorate over the winter. Today it is almost impossible to find such barrels, living in big city, and why salt it like that? huge amount vegetables for one family? That is why the barrel cooking recipe changed slightly and “transitioned” to the pan version.

Of course, you cannot expect the same effect from enamel cookware as from wood. The fact is that when salted in wooden barrels, vegetables acquired not only a pleasant aroma, but also a better taste. However, the saucepan version of cooking tomatoes has gained no less popularity, so today we will devote this article to it.

In order to pickle tomatoes for the winter, it is recommended to take green fruits (especially if you want to get not only a tasty, but also healthy marinade). Due to the fact that these vegetables are not yet fully ripe, they contain many times more vitamins, and the taste is suitable for pickling. In addition, it is green tomatoes that are combined with pickling spices, which greatly simplifies your work. So, let's start preparing delicious and healthy green tomatoes for the winter.

Since an enamel pan can also be used on the farm, and you do not have the opportunity to leave it in the cellar all winter, we only recommend cooking the tomatoes in it, then transferring them to ordinary jars for storage for a long time. So in addition to the pan, you should also prepare and sterilize several jars well. Of the ingredients, we will need 3 kilograms of fresh green tomatoes, 350 grams of coarse salt, currant, cherry or cherry leaves, a bunch of dill, horseradish root and, of course, black pepper to add spice.

Cooking process:

  1. First, carefully clean the tomatoes, removing the stem, but without cutting them in half. Some housewives also recommend removing the peel so that the finished product is convenient to eat, but this significantly reduces the amount of storage time for tomatoes, so you should still leave the fruits whole.
  2. Place washed cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the pan, as well as cloves of garlic, cut lengthwise.
  3. We place the tomatoes on the “green pad”, trying to place the large fruits down, otherwise they will simply crush each other.
  4. Between the layers of tomatoes we place sprigs of dill and horseradish root.
  5. Prepare the brine separately by dissolving 350 grams of coarse salt in a liter of water. We wait until it boils and you can pour in the tomatoes.
  6. Lightly compact the finished marinade and place a weight on top. In a week, the tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Bon appetit!

In early October, when the first frosts begin, there are usually a lot of green tomatoes left on the tomato bushes, from which you can make delicious snacks. Green tomatoes, there are many recipes for cooking - pickled, salted, stuffed, soaked in cabbage, in jars or barrels. All recipes are definitely tasty and appetizing, but you can choose the recipe you like according to your taste.

Prepare green tomatoes It's not difficult at all. The only requirement for green tomatoes is that the vegetables must be medium in size. Small green fruits can easily cause poisoning.

A very popular recipe stuffed green tomatoes. You need to remove the stem from the tomato, scrape out some of the pulp with a spoon and stuff it with the filling. After this, add salt in the usual way.

2 kg green tomatoes
1 carrot
garlic - 1 clove per tomato
1 hot pepper (optional)
0.5 kg celery
dill or parsley

For 1 liter of water:
2 tbsp. salt
1.5 tbsp. Sahara
70 g vinegar 9%
1 bay leaf
1 tsp dill seeds
sprigs of dried dill

1. Tomatoes wash and make a longitudinal or cross-shaped cut on each one.
2. Chop garlic, carrots, parsley, celery finely, cut hot pepper into thin strips.
3. Sterilize jars and lids in a water bath for 5 minutes.
4. In each jar, put a bay leaf and dill - seeds and twigs.
5. Stuff the tomatoes and place tightly in jars.
6. Fill it up tomatoes boiling water for 10 minutes.
7. Next, drain the water from the tomatoes into the pan, boil the water again and add sugar, salt and vinegar.
8. Pour this marinade over the tomatoes, roll them up and leave them upside down to cool.
9. ready for the winter period.

Stuffed tomatoes according to this recipe can be salted in a saucepan or barrel.
For this stuffed green tomatoes carefully place in a saucepan, placing each layer with sprigs of dill and horseradish. And fill with boiled and cooled brine: 2 tbsp for 1 liter of water. salt and 1.5 tbsp. Sahara. Place a clean cloth on top and bend. In about 3 weeks tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Soaked green tomatoes with cabbage

Pickled or soaked green tomatoes– a favorite guest on everyone’s table. These tomatoes are eaten faster than fresh ones. The taste of these green tomatoes is very similar to

4 kg white cabbage
3 kg green tomatoes
2 carrots
3 tbsp. salt
2 tbsp. Sahara

1. Shred the cabbage.
2. Peel the carrots and cut into strips.
3. Add carrots, salt, sugar to the cabbage, mix everything well and use your hands so that the juice appears.
4. Place a layer of cooked cabbage (2-3 cm) in an enamel container, followed by a layer of washed cabbage green tomatoes, then in the same sequence.
5. The final layer is a layer of cabbage.
6. Tomatoes need to be compacted tightly with cabbage.
7. Next you will need brine: for one glass of chilled boiled water 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara.
8. Place whole cabbage leaves on top, with a clean cloth on them (mold will appear on the surface, once a week the cloth will need to be removed and rinsed in clean water), put pressure on top (for example, in the form of an inverted plate and a jar of some kind of corking).
Note: the plate must always be covered with brine!
9. Three days soaked green tomatoes with cabbage keep at room temperature, then take to a cool place. After 3 weeks, tomatoes will be ready to eat.

Blanks in the form salted tomatoes Without vinegar, our ancestors also prepared it in wooden barrels, topping them with dill, garlic, leaves and twigs of cherries, currants, and horseradish leaves.
IN rural areas In the cellars, tomatoes, barrel cucumbers and pickled watermelons with cabbage are still stored for the winter.
IN modern conditions V large volumes salted in plastic barrels. In a city apartment salted tomatoes can be salted in a saucepan or in big jars, and store all autumn on the balcony. Before winter frosts, as a rule, such preparations are swept away and replaced.

According to this simple recipe you can salt red, brown or green tomatoes, the main thing is not to mix them together, since they will have different cooking times. Pickled red tomatoes pickle much faster than green ones.

Cold salted green tomatoes

That's why easy recipe salted green tomatoes They turn out very tasty and very aromatic.

tomatoes brown or green
dill umbrellas
cherry, currant and horseradish leaves
a little horseradish root

For 1 liter of cold boiled water:
2 tbsp. salt
1 tbsp. Sahara

To tomatoes turned out tasty and aromatic, the dill should be with twigs and umbrellas, and cherry leaves can be replaced with twigs of the same cherry.

1. Wash the tomatoes and pierce them in several places with a skewer.
2. Place leaves, dill, a few cloves of garlic and a few rings of horseradish root at the bottom of the pan in which you will salt the tomatoes.
3. Next, lay two rows green tomatoes, and again spices with garlic and horseradish, etc.
4. The final layer of spice, now pour cold brine over the tomatoes, cover with a lid and place in the cold.

Bon appetit!

One of the main positive qualities green tomatoes, which is a sin not to use in cooking - a pronounced tomato smell and taste. And also sourness, which is not inherent in ripe tomatoes. So if you've never cooked green tomatoes before, tomato recipes will tell you how to really cook them delicious dishes, which stimulate the appetite and contain many vitamins. Let's start with some very unusual dishes. Fried green tomatoes- a recipe that will surprise many. Fried green tomatoes - a quick, original and delicious recipe. Best fried green tomatoes in corn flour, egg. Fried Green Tomatoes is a simple recipe that will surprise your family or even your guests. If you have unused unripe tomatoes left, be sure to make preparations from green tomatoes. Recipes will help you cook original dishes and twists with a wide variety of flavors - salty, sweet, hot, spicy. There are many ways to prepare green tomatoes for the winter. The recipes here can be listed as follows: salted green tomatoes, pickled green tomatoes recipe, pickled green tomatoes recipe. The recipe for pickling green tomatoes does not always involve sterilization. By following certain rules, you can cook green tomatoes without sterilization; recipes usually indicate a general recommendation - to store such green tomatoes in a cool, dark place. Moreover, even in a cold saline solution it is possible to preserve green tomatoes. The recipe can use a variety of canning containers. There are green tomatoes in a pan, a recipe for green tomatoes in a jar, a recipe for green tomatoes in a barrel, a recipe for green tomatoes in a bucket. If you want to prepare an excellent ready-made snack, here is a recipe for stuffed green tomatoes. This recipe for delicious green tomatoes will be appreciated by lovers of strong alcoholic drinks. Like the very popular recipe for Korean green tomatoes, spicy, like all Korean salads. Have you ever tried stuffed green tomatoes with cheese? Highly recommended.

Some of the most popular are barrel green tomatoes. The recipe for green barrel tomatoes does not have to be used for pickling tomatoes in barrels; jars will also work. The recipe for pickling green tomatoes contains ingredients such as salt, water, dill, black and allspice, dill seeds, horseradish. Spicy lovers also use a recipe for green tomatoes with garlic and red pepper. There is also a recipe that will show you how to make green tomatoes recipes quickly. 5-7 days - and the pickled green tomatoes are ready. The resulting green tomatoes are finger-licking good. The recipe is simple, the result is quick and tasty. Just don’t add water, this is how you need to quickly marinate green tomatoes. Winter recipes will require longer aging and more vinegar. And don't forget about garlic if you like spicy green tomatoes. A recipe for pickled green tomatoes - for lovers of tomatoes with soda. The main thing here is to place the tomatoes tightly in a barrel or bucket, and add spices to each layer so that the green tomatoes are well saturated with them. Preservation, as the recipes suggest, will take about two weeks, after which the green tomatoes will be ready to eat. A delicious snack, completely ready to eat - marinated green tomato salad. The marinade recipe is simple, you will need vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt and spices. Green tomato caviar - stew recipe vegetable snack. From green tomatoes you can prepare not only snacks and vegetable dishes, but even green tomato jam. The recipe for this jam will diversify your traditional sweet preparations for the winter. So get ready green tomatoes. Recipes with photos will help you prepare many dishes from them for a wide variety of tastes.

If you are a lover of salty, spicy, pickled dishes, then green tomatoes instant cooking you will definitely like it. By the way, such an appetizer is an excellent use for unripe tomatoes, which no one will eat raw, but when pickled or salted they will gobble them up on both cheeks.

Instant Pot Green Tomatoes are cooked with garlic, making them flavorful. The entire cooking process will take from 20 to 30 minutes, no more. You will have to wait another day for the tomatoes to marinate properly. And then just put the jars with the preparation in the refrigerator for storage and take it out when the need comes - guests unexpectedly arrived, or the whole family gathered for a big meal. round table on a day off. Green tomatoes go very well with potato and meat dishes. This snack goes great with strong alcoholic drinks.

Instant Green Tomato Recipe (No Vinegar)


  • green tomatoes – 1 kg,
  • garlic cloves – 8-10 pieces,
  • carrots – 2 pieces,
  • parsley - 1 small bunch,
  • celery (leaves) – 1 small bunch,
  • hot pepper - to your taste,
  • drinking water – 600 ml,
  • salt – 30 g,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • dry dill - to your taste.


1. Try to select good, dense fruits. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly under cool running water, let them drain and cut into large slices using a thin, sharp knife.

2. Cut the peeled garlic into thin slices/plates.

3. Wash, peel and chop the carrots into strips.

4. Finely chop the washed, lightly dried fresh parsley and celery.

5. Take clean ones glass jars and fill them with green tomato slices. Do it this way: lay out one layer of green tomatoes, place garlic slices, carrot strips and chopped herbs on top, sprinkle with hot pepper to taste. So fill the jar in layers almost to its very neck.

6. Now prepare the brine. Boil water, add salt, dry dill and sugar, stir everything until the components are completely dissolved. Pour the boiling mixture over the green tomatoes into slices and leave the jars in room conditions for one day (this time is enough for the tomatoes to cook quickly and well).

7. After a day, you can serve an appetizer of green tomatoes to the table, having first cooled them in the refrigerator and boiled potatoes for them.

Well, what could be tastier than mashed potatoes with salted tomatoes, even green ones?


— you can use less or more garlic, based on your own taste. When salted, it also turns out very tasty and crispy;
- according to your taste, you can add bay leaf, cloves and allspice peas to the brine.